// Copyright (c) 2012-2014 Konstantin Isakov and ZBackup contributors, see CONTRIBUTORS // Part of ZBackup. Licensed under GNU GPLv2 or later + OpenSSL, see LICENSE #include #include #include #include #include "check.hh" #include "encryption_key.hh" #include "random.hh" namespace { /// Derives an encryption key from a password and key info void deriveKey( string const & password, EncryptionKeyInfo const & info, void * key, unsigned keySize ) { CHECK( PKCS5_PBKDF2_HMAC_SHA1( password.data(), password.size(), (unsigned char const *) info.salt().data(), info.salt().size(), info.rounds(), keySize, (unsigned char *) key ) == 1, "encryption key derivation failed" ); } string calculateKeyHmac( void const * key, unsigned keySize, string const & input ) { char result[ EVP_MAX_MD_SIZE ]; unsigned resultSize; CHECK( HMAC( EVP_sha1(), (unsigned char const *) key, keySize, (unsigned char const *) input.data(), input.size(), (unsigned char *) result, &resultSize ), "encryption key HMAC calcuation failed" ); return string( result, result + resultSize ); } } EncryptionKey::EncryptionKey( string const & password, EncryptionKeyInfo const * info ) { if ( !info ) isSet = false; else { isSet = true; char derivedKey[ KeySize ]; deriveKey( password, *info, derivedKey, sizeof( derivedKey ) ); AES_KEY aesKey; AES_set_decrypt_key( ( unsigned char const * ) derivedKey, 128, &aesKey ); AES_decrypt( ( unsigned char const * ) info->encrypted_key().data(), ( unsigned char * ) key, &aesKey ); if ( calculateKeyHmac( key, sizeof( key ), info->key_check_input() ) != info->key_check_hmac() ) throw exInvalidPassword(); } } EncryptionKey::~EncryptionKey() { // Clear the key from memory memset( key, 0, sizeof( key ) ); } void EncryptionKey::generate( string const & password, EncryptionKeyInfo & info ) { // Use this buf for salts char buf[ 16 ]; Random::genaratePseudo( buf, sizeof( buf ) ); info.set_salt( buf, sizeof( buf ) ); info.set_rounds( 10000 ); // TODO: make this configurable char derivedKey[ KeySize ]; deriveKey( password, info, derivedKey, sizeof( derivedKey ) ); char key[ KeySize ]; Random::genarateTrue( key, sizeof( key ) ); // Fill in the HMAC verification part Random::genaratePseudo( buf, sizeof( buf ) ); info.set_key_check_input( buf, sizeof( buf ) ); info.set_key_check_hmac( calculateKeyHmac( key, sizeof( key ), info.key_check_input() ) ); // Encrypt the key AES_KEY aesKey; AES_set_encrypt_key( ( unsigned char const * ) derivedKey, 128, &aesKey ); char encryptedKey[ sizeof( key ) ]; AES_encrypt( ( unsigned char const * ) key, ( unsigned char * ) encryptedKey, &aesKey ); info.set_encrypted_key( encryptedKey, sizeof( encryptedKey ) ); // Clear the key from memory memset( key, 0, sizeof( key ) ); } EncryptionKey const & EncryptionKey::noKey() { static EncryptionKey key( string(), NULL ); return key; }