// Copyright (c) 2012-2014 Konstantin Isakov and ZBackup contributors, see CONTRIBUTORS // Part of ZBackup. Licensed under GNU GPLv2 or later + OpenSSL, see LICENSE #ifndef OBJECTCACHE_HH_INCLUDED__ #define OBJECTCACHE_HH_INCLUDED__ #include #include #include #include #include "sptr.hh" #include "nocopy.hh" /// ObjectCache allows caching dynamically-allocated objects of any type. The /// size of the cache is upper-bound and is specified at construction-time. /// Newly added or recently found objects are placed to the top of the internal /// stack. When there's no space in the cache, object become removed from the /// bottom of it class ObjectCache: NoCopy { public: ObjectCache( unsigned maxObjects ); /// Id of the object being stored in the cache typedef std::string ObjectId; /// Returns a reference to the stored object with the given id, or creates /// one if none existed. The caller must know the expected type of the object /// and specify it explicitly template< class T > sptr< T > & entry( ObjectId const & ); /// Removes a stored object with the given id. Returns true if the object /// was removed, false if it didn't exist in the cache bool remove( ObjectId const & ); /// Deletes all the objects from cache void clear(); ~ObjectCache() { clear(); } private: /// Base class for a reference to an object being stored struct Reference: NoCopy { virtual ~Reference() {} }; /// Having this class allows to delete T via virtual destructor accessible /// from the base Reference class template< class T > struct ReferenceTo: public Reference { sptr< T > ref; }; struct Object { ObjectId id; Reference * reference; }; typedef std::list< Object > Objects; struct ObjectsIteratorComp { bool operator () ( Objects::iterator const & x, Objects::iterator const & y ) { return x->id < y->id; } }; typedef std::set< Objects::iterator, ObjectsIteratorComp > ObjectMap; unsigned maxObjects; Objects objects; unsigned totalObjects; ObjectMap objectMap; }; template< class T > sptr< T > & ObjectCache::entry( ObjectId const & id ) { Objects tmp; tmp.push_back( Object() ); tmp.back().id = id; std::pair< ObjectMap::iterator, bool > r = objectMap.insert( tmp.begin() ); if ( r.second ) { // The object was created // Init the reference ReferenceTo< T > * refTo = new ReferenceTo< T >(); tmp.back().reference = refTo; // Add the object to top of our objects objects.splice( objects.begin(), tmp ); ++totalObjects; // evict an entry at the bottom, if needed if ( totalObjects > maxObjects ) { Objects::iterator i = --objects.end(); objectMap.erase( i ); Reference * ref = i->reference; objects.pop_back(); --totalObjects; delete ref; // We expect that it may throw } return refTo->ref; } else { // The object was existent // Move it to the top objects.splice( objects.begin(), objects, *r.first ); return dynamic_cast< ReferenceTo< T > & >( *objects.front().reference ).ref; } } #endif // OBJECTCACHE_HH