// Copyright (c) 2012-2014 Konstantin Isakov and ZBackup contributors, see CONTRIBUTORS // Part of ZBackup. Licensed under GNU GPLv2 or later + OpenSSL, see LICENSE #include "backup_collector.hh" using std::string; void BundleCollector::startIndex( string const & indexFn ) { indexModified = indexNecessary = false; indexTotalChunks = indexUsedChunks = 0; indexModifiedBundles = indexKeptBundles = indexRemovedBundles = 0; } void BundleCollector::finishIndex( string const & indexFn ) { verbosePrintf( "Chunks used: %d/%d, bundles: %d kept, %d modified, %d removed\n", indexUsedChunks, indexTotalChunks, indexKeptBundles, indexModifiedBundles, indexRemovedBundles ); if ( indexModified ) { filesToUnlink.push_back( indexFn ); commit(); } else { chunkStorageWriter->reset(); if ( !indexNecessary ) // this index was a complete copy so we don't need it filesToUnlink.push_back( indexFn ); } } void BundleCollector::startBundle( Bundle::Id const & bundleId ) { savedId = bundleId; totalChunks = 0; usedChunks = 0; } void BundleCollector::processChunk( ChunkId const & chunkId ) { if ( overallChunkSet.find ( chunkId ) == overallChunkSet.end() ) overallChunkSet.insert( chunkId ); else return; totalChunks++; if ( usedChunkSet.find( chunkId ) != usedChunkSet.end() ) { usedChunks++; indexNecessary = true; } } void BundleCollector::finishBundle( Bundle::Id const & bundleId, BundleInfo const & info ) { string i = Bundle::generateFileName( savedId, "", false ); indexTotalChunks += totalChunks; indexUsedChunks += usedChunks; if ( 0 == usedChunks && 0 != totalChunks ) { dPrintf( "Deleting %s bundle\n", i.c_str() ); filesToUnlink.push_back( Dir::addPath( bundlesPath, i ) ); indexModified = true; indexRemovedBundles++; } else if ( usedChunks < totalChunks ) { dPrintf( "%s: used %d/%d chunks\n", i.c_str(), usedChunks, totalChunks ); filesToUnlink.push_back( Dir::addPath( bundlesPath, i ) ); indexModified = true; copyUsedChunks( info ); indexModifiedBundles++; } else { if ( gcRepack ) { filesToUnlink.push_back( Dir::addPath( bundlesPath, i ) ); indexModified = true; copyUsedChunks( info ); indexModifiedBundles++; } else { if ( 0 == totalChunks ) { if ( overallBundleSet.find ( bundleId ) == overallBundleSet.end() ) { overallBundleSet.insert( bundleId ); dPrintf( "Deleting %s bundle\n", i.c_str() ); filesToUnlink.push_back( Dir::addPath( bundlesPath, i ) ); indexModified = true; indexRemovedBundles++; } else { // trigger index update indexModified = true; } } else { if ( overallBundleSet.find ( bundleId ) == overallBundleSet.end() ) overallBundleSet.insert( bundleId ); chunkStorageWriter->addBundle( info, savedId ); dPrintf( "Keeping %s bundle\n", i.c_str() ); indexKeptBundles++; } } } } void BundleCollector::copyUsedChunks( BundleInfo const & info ) { // Copy used chunks to the new index string chunk; size_t chunkSize; for ( int x = info.chunk_record_size(); x--; ) { BundleInfo_ChunkRecord const & record = info.chunk_record( x ); ChunkId id( record.id() ); if ( usedChunkSet.find( id ) != usedChunkSet.end() ) { chunkStorageReader->get( id, chunk, chunkSize ); chunkStorageWriter->add( id, chunk.data(), chunkSize ); } } } void BundleCollector::commit() { for ( int i = filesToUnlink.size(); i--; ) { dPrintf( "Unlinking %s\n", filesToUnlink[i].c_str() ); unlink( filesToUnlink[i].c_str() ); } filesToUnlink.clear(); chunkStorageWriter->commit(); }