
95 lines
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// Copyright (c) 2012-2013 Konstantin Isakov <ikm@zbackup.org>
// Part of ZBackup. Licensed under GNU GPLv2 or later
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <new>
#include "appendallocator.hh"
AppendAllocator::AppendAllocator( unsigned blockSize_, unsigned granularity ):
alignMask( granularity - 1 ),
// We may decide to enlarge the block to make sure it is a multiple of
// granularity. An improperly sized block would just waste the leftover
// bytes
blockSize( ( blockSize_ + alignMask ) & ~alignMask ), leftInBlock( -1 )
char * AppendAllocator::allocateBytes( unsigned size )
// For zero-sized allocations, we always return a non-zero pointer. To do
// that, we need to make sure we have it
if ( !size && !blocks.empty() )
return nextAvailable;
if ( leftInBlock < (int) size )
unsigned toAllocate = ( size <= blockSize ? blockSize : size );
// Need a new block
char * p = (char *) malloc( toAllocate );
if ( !p )
throw std::bad_alloc();
blocks.push_back( Record( p, nextAvailable, leftInBlock ) );
leftInBlock = (int) toAllocate;
nextAvailable = p;
// We may need to allocate more than was asked to preserve granularity
int toTake = (int) ( ( size + alignMask ) & ~alignMask );
char * result = nextAvailable;
nextAvailable += toTake;
leftInBlock -= toTake; // leftInBlock can become negative here, as toTake can
// actually be larger than the space left due to an added alignment
return result;
void AppendAllocator::returnBytes( unsigned size )
if ( !size )
// If we are pointing to the start of the block, we need to free it and go
// back to the previous one
if ( nextAvailable == blocks.back().data )
if ( blocks.size() == 1 )
throw std::bad_alloc();
free( blocks.back().data );
leftInBlock = blocks.back().prevLeftInBlock;
nextAvailable = blocks.back().prevNextAvailable;
unsigned toTake = ( size + alignMask ) & ~alignMask;
// There must be enough used bytes in the block
if ( nextAvailable - blocks.back().data < (int) toTake )
throw std::bad_alloc();
nextAvailable -= toTake;
leftInBlock += toTake;
void AppendAllocator::clear()
for ( unsigned x = blocks.size(); x--; )
free( blocks[ x ].data );
leftInBlock = -1;