
172 lines
5.2 KiB

// Copyright (c) 2012-2014 Konstantin Isakov <ikm@zbackup.org> and ZBackup contributors, see CONTRIBUTORS
// Part of ZBackup. Licensed under GNU GPLv2 or later + OpenSSL, see LICENSE
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <vector>
#include "../../encrypted_file.hh"
#include "../../encryption_key.hh"
#include "../../random.hh"
#include "../../tmp_mgr.hh"
#include "../../check.hh"
#include "../../adler32.hh"
#include "../../bundle.hh"
#include "../../compression.hh"
#include "../../message.hh"
using namespace Compression;
char tmpbuf[100];
void testCompatibility()
// The LZO code uses a different file header than the previous code
// because it adds the compression_method field. Nevertheless, it
// must be compatible with previous code.
TmpMgr tmpMgr( "/dev/shm" );
sptr< TemporaryFile > tempFile = tmpMgr.makeTemporaryFile();
std::string fileName = tempFile->getFileName();
EncryptionKey noKey( std::string(), NULL );
// Write old header, read as new header
EncryptedFile::OutputStream os( fileName.c_str(), noKey, Encryption::ZeroIv );
FileHeader header;
header.set_version( 42 );
Message::serialize( header, os );
EncryptedFile::InputStream is( fileName.c_str(), noKey, Encryption::ZeroIv );
BundleFileHeader header;
Message::parse( header, is );
CHECK( header.version() == 42, "version is wrong when reading old header with new program" );
CHECK( header.compression_method() == "lzma", "compression_method is wrong when reading old header with new program" );
// Write new header, read as old header
//NOTE In the real code, this will only work, if the file uses LZMA. If it doesn't, the version
// field is increased and the old code will refuse to read the file.
EncryptedFile::OutputStream os( fileName.c_str(), noKey, Encryption::ZeroIv );
BundleFileHeader header;
header.set_version( 42 );
Message::serialize( header, os );
EncryptedFile::InputStream is( fileName.c_str(), noKey, Encryption::ZeroIv );
FileHeader header;
Message::parse( header, is );
CHECK( header.version() == 42, "version is wrong when reading new header with old program" );
// cannot check compression_method because the field doesn't exist
printf("compatibility test successful.\n");
void readAndWrite( EncryptionKey const & key,
const_sptr<CompressionMethod> compression1, const_sptr<CompressionMethod> compression2 )
// temporary file for the bundle
TmpMgr tmpMgr( "/dev/shm" );
sptr< TemporaryFile > tempFile = tmpMgr.makeTemporaryFile();
// some chunk data
int chunkCount = rand() % 30;
size_t chunkSize = rand() % 20 ? 64*1024 : 10;
char** chunks = new char*[chunkCount];
string* chunkIds = new string[chunkCount];
CompressionMethod::defaultCompression = compression1;
// write bundle
Bundle::Creator bundle;
for (int i=0;i<chunkCount;i++) {
chunks[i] = new char[chunkSize];
Random::genaratePseudo( chunks[i], chunkSize );
//TODO make it look like a real Id (or even let it match the data)
//TODO make sure we don't have any duplicate Ids
sprintf(tmpbuf, "0x%08x", rand());
chunkIds[i] = string(tmpbuf);
bundle.addChunk( chunkIds[i], chunks[i], chunkSize );
bundle.write( tempFile->getFileName().c_str(), key );
CompressionMethod::defaultCompression = compression2;
// read it and compare
Bundle::Reader bundle( tempFile->getFileName().c_str(), key );
for (int i=0;i<chunkCount;i++) {
string data;
size_t size;
bool ret = bundle.get( chunkIds[i], data, size );
CHECK( ret, "bundle.get returned false for chunk %d (%s)", i, chunkIds[i].c_str() );
CHECK( size == chunkSize, "wrong chunk size for chunk %d (%s)", i, chunkIds[i].c_str() );
CHECK( memcmp(data.c_str(), chunks[i], chunkSize) == 0, "wrong chunk data for chunk %d (%s)", i, chunkIds[i].c_str() );
// clean up
for (int i=0;i<chunkCount;i++)
delete[] chunks[i];
delete[] chunks;
//TODO does that call the destructors?
delete[] chunkIds;
int main()
EncryptionKeyInfo keyInfo;
EncryptionKey::generate( "blah", keyInfo );
EncryptionKey key( "blah", &keyInfo );
EncryptionKey noKey( std::string(), NULL );
std::vector< const_sptr<CompressionMethod> > compressions;
for ( CompressionMethod::iterator it = CompressionMethod::begin(); it!=CompressionMethod::end(); ++it ) {
printf( "supported compression: %s\n", (*it)->getName().c_str() );
compressions.push_back( *it );
for ( size_t iteration = 100; iteration--; ) {
// default compression while writing the file
const_sptr<CompressionMethod> compression1 = compressions[ rand() % compressions.size() ];
// default compression while reading the file
// The reader should ignore it and always use the compression that was used for the file.
const_sptr<CompressionMethod> compression2 = compressions[ rand() % compressions.size() ];
readAndWrite( ( rand() & 1 ) ? key : noKey, compression1, compression2 );
return 0;