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LaureVergeron 6fe5be6c8e DOC: revamp configuration documentation 2018-02-26 16:22:03 -08:00
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docs/CONFIGURATION.rst Normal file
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.. figure:: ../res/scality-cloudserver-logo.png
:alt: Zenko CloudServer logo
|CircleCI| |Scality CI|
There are three configuration files for your Scality Zenko CloudServer:
1. ``conf/authdata.json``, described above for authentication
2. ``locationConfig.json``, to set up configuration options for
where data will be saved
3. ``config.json``, for general configuration options
Location Configuration
You must specify at least one locationConstraint in your
locationConfig.json (or leave as pre-configured).
You must also specify 'us-east-1' as a locationConstraint so if you only
define one locationConstraint, that would be it. If you put a bucket to
an unknown endpoint and do not specify a locationConstraint in the put
bucket call, us-east-1 will be used.
For instance, the following locationConstraint will save data sent to
``myLocationConstraint`` to the file backend:
.. code:: json
"myLocationConstraint": {
"type": "file",
"legacyAwsBehavior": false,
"details": {}
Each locationConstraint must include the ``type``, ``legacyAwsBehavior``, and
``details`` keys.
All other keys are optional.
``type`` indicates which backend will be used for that region. Currently,
``mem``, ``file``, ``scality``, ``aws_s3``, ``azure``, and ``gcp`` are the
supported values.
.. NOTE::
Backblaze B2 support is coming soon! Type will be ``b2``
``legacyAwsBehavior`` indicates whether the region will have the same behavior
as the AWS S3 'us-east-1' region.
It's a boolean, thus accepts ``true`` or ``false`` as its only values.
.. NOTE:
If the locationConstraint type is scality, ``details`` should contain
connector information for sproxyd. If the locationConstraint type is mem
or file, ``details`` should be empty.
``details`` should be an empty object for mem type locations. It can take a
number of informations, some specific to the backend type (please refer to
USING_PUBLIC_CLOUDS.rst), some generic, which we will cover here.
``details.https`` indicates whether the location will be accessed using SSL or
It's a boolean, thus accepts ``true`` or ``false`` as its only values.
``details.bucketMatch`` indicates whether local Cloudserver bucketnames will be
used as prefix in the target public cloud bucket, or not.
It's a boolean, thus accepts ``true`` or ``false`` as its only values.
``details.proxy`` should be of the form
For instance, the following sets the ``localhost`` endpoint to the
``myLocationConstraint`` data backend defined above:
Once you have your locationConstraints in your locationConfig.json, you
can specify a default locationConstraint for each of your endpoints.
.. code:: json
"restEndpoints": {
"localhost": "myLocationConstraint"
If you would like to use an endpoint other than localhost for your
Scality Zenko CloudServer, that endpoint MUST be listed in your
``restEndpoints``. Otherwise if your server is running with a:
- **file backend**: your default location constraint will be ``file``
- **memory backend**: your default location constraint will be ``mem``
Note that our Zenko CloudServer supports both:
- path-style:
- hosted-style:
However, hosted-style requests will not hit the server if you are using
an ip address for your host. So, make sure you are using path-style
requests in that case. For instance, if you are using the AWS SDK for
JavaScript, you would instantiate your client like this:
.. code:: js
const s3 = new aws.S3({
endpoint: '',
s3ForcePathStyle: true,
Setting your own access key and secret key pairs
You can set credentials for many accounts by editing
``conf/authdata.json`` but if you want to specify one set of your own
credentials, you can use ``SCALITY_ACCESS_KEY_ID`` and
``SCALITY_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY`` environment variables.
These variables specify authentication credentials for an account named
Note: Anything in the ``authdata.json`` file will be ignored.
.. code:: shell
Scality with SSL
If you wish to use https with your local Zenko CloudServer, you need to set up
SSL certificates. Here is a simple guide of how to do it.
Deploying Zenko CloudServer
First, you need to deploy **Zenko CloudServer**. This can be done very easily
via `our **DockerHub**
page <>`__ (you want to run it
with a file backend).
*Note:* *- If you don't have docker installed on your machine, here
are the `instructions to install it for your
distribution <>`__*
Updating your Zenko CloudServer container's config
You're going to add your certificates to your container. In order to do
so, you need to exec inside your Zenko CloudServer container. Run a
``$> docker ps`` and find your container's id (the corresponding image
name should be ``scality/s3server``. Copy the corresponding container id
(here we'll use ``894aee038c5e``, and run:
.. code:: sh
$> docker exec -it 894aee038c5e bash
You're now inside your container, using an interactive terminal :)
Generate SSL key and certificates
There are 5 steps to this generation. The paths where the different
files are stored are defined after the ``-out`` option in each command
.. code:: sh
# Generate a private key for your CSR
$> openssl genrsa -out ca.key 2048
# Generate a self signed certificate for your local Certificate Authority
$> openssl req -new -x509 -extensions v3_ca -key ca.key -out ca.crt -days 99999 -subj "/C=US/ST=Country/L=City/O=Organization/CN=scality.test"
# Generate a key for Zenko CloudServer
$> openssl genrsa -out test.key 2048
# Generate a Certificate Signing Request for S3 Server
$> openssl req -new -key test.key -out test.csr -subj "/C=US/ST=Country/L=City/O=Organization/CN=*.scality.test"
# Generate a local-CA-signed certificate for S3 Server
$> openssl x509 -req -in test.csr -CA ca.crt -CAkey ca.key -CAcreateserial -out test.crt -days 99999 -sha256
Update Zenko CloudServer ``config.json``
Add a ``certFilePaths`` section to ``./config.json`` with the
appropriate paths:
.. code:: json
"certFilePaths": {
"key": "./test.key",
"cert": "./test.crt",
"ca": "./ca.crt"
Run your container with the new config
First, you need to exit your container. Simply run ``$> exit``. Then,
you need to restart your container. Normally, a simple
``$> docker restart s3server`` should do the trick.
Update your host config
Associates local IP addresses with hostname
In your ``/etc/hosts`` file on Linux, OS X, or Unix (with root
permissions), edit the line of localhost so it looks like this:
:: localhost s3.scality.test
Copy the local certificate authority from your container
In the above commands, it's the file named ``ca.crt``. Choose the path
you want to save this file at (here we chose ``/root/ca.crt``), and run
something like:
.. code:: sh
$> docker cp 894aee038c5e:/usr/src/app/ca.crt /root/ca.crt
Test your config
If you do not have aws-sdk installed, run ``$> npm install aws-sdk``. In
a ``test.js`` file, paste the following script:
.. code:: js
const AWS = require('aws-sdk');
const fs = require('fs');
const https = require('https');
const httpOptions = {
agent: new https.Agent({
// path on your host of the self-signed certificate
ca: fs.readFileSync('./ca.crt', 'ascii'),
const s3 = new AWS.S3({
accessKeyId: 'accessKey1',
secretAccessKey: 'verySecretKey1',
// The endpoint must be s3.scality.test, else SSL will not work
endpoint: 'https://s3.scality.test:8000',
sslEnabled: true,
// With this setup, you must use path-style bucket access
s3ForcePathStyle: true,
const bucket = 'cocoriko';
s3.createBucket({ Bucket: bucket }, err => {
if (err) {
return console.log('err createBucket', err);
return s3.deleteBucket({ Bucket: bucket }, err => {
if (err) {
return console.log('err deleteBucket', err);
return console.log('SSL is cool!');
Now run that script with ``$> nodejs test.js``. If all goes well, it
should output ``SSL is cool!``. Enjoy that added security!
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