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Alexander Chan 73df9570b5 feature: S3C-1115 Add GCP COPY functional tests
Adds GCP backend COPY functional tests to accompany additions
2019-02-05 22:02:58 -08:00
1 changed files with 387 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,387 @@
const assert = require('assert');
const async = require('async');
const withV4 = require('../../support/withV4');
const BucketUtility = require('../../../lib/utility/bucket-util');
const constants = require('../../../../../../constants');
const { describeSkipIfNotMultiple, memLocation, awsLocation,
gcpClient, gcpBucket, gcpLocation, gcpLocationMismatch } =
const { createEncryptedBucketPromise } =
const bucket = 'buckettestmultiplebackendobjectcopy';
const bucketGcp = 'buckettestmultiplebackendobjectcopy-gcp';
const body = Buffer.from('I am a body', 'utf8');
const bigBody = new Buffer(5 * 1024 * 1024);
const normalMD5 = 'be747eb4b75517bf6b3cf7c5fbb62f3a';
const bigMD5 = '5f363e0e58a95f06cbe9bbc662c5dfb6';
const emptyMD5 = 'd41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e';
const locMetaHeader = constants.objectLocationConstraintHeader.substring(11);
let bucketUtil;
let s3;
function putSourceObj(key, location, objSize, bucket, cb) {
const sourceParams = { Bucket: bucket, Key: key,
Metadata: {
'test-header': 'copyme',
if (location) {
sourceParams.Metadata['scal-location-constraint'] = location;
if (objSize && objSize.big) {
sourceParams.Body = bigBody;
} else if (!objSize) {
sourceParams.Body = body;
s3.putObject(sourceParams, (err, result) => {
assert.equal(err, null, `Error putting source object: ${err}`);
if (objSize && objSize.empty) {
assert.strictEqual(result.ETag, `"${emptyMD5}"`);
} else if (objSize && objSize.big) {
assert.strictEqual(result.ETag, `"${bigMD5}"`);
} else {
assert.strictEqual(result.ETag, `"${normalMD5}"`);
function assertGetObjects(params, mdDirective, objSize, callback) {
const { sourceKey, sourceBucket, sourceLoc, destKey, destBucket, destLoc,
gcpKey } = params;
const sourceGetParams = { Bucket: sourceBucket, Key: sourceKey };
const destGetParams = { Bucket: destBucket, Key: destKey };
cb => s3.getObject(sourceGetParams, cb),
cb => s3.getObject(destGetParams, cb),
cb => gcpClient.getObject({ Bucket: gcpBucket, Key: gcpKey }, cb),
], (err, results) => {
assert.equal(err, null, `Error in assertGetObjects: ${err}`);
const [sourceRes, destRes, gcpRes] = results;
const gcpMD5 = gcpRes.ETag;
if (objSize && objSize.empty) {
assert.strictEqual(sourceRes.ETag, `"${emptyMD5}"`);
assert.strictEqual(destRes.ETag, `"${emptyMD5}"`);
assert.strictEqual(gcpMD5, `"${emptyMD5}"`);
assert.strictEqual(gcpRes.ContentLength, '0');
} else if (objSize && objSize.big) {
assert.strictEqual(sourceRes.ETag, `"${bigMD5}"`);
assert.strictEqual(destRes.ETag, `"${bigMD5}"`);
if (process.env.ENABLE_KMS_ENCRYPTION === 'true') {
assert.strictEqual(sourceRes.ServerSideEncryption, 'AES256');
assert.strictEqual(destRes.ServerSideEncryption, 'AES256');
} else {
assert.strictEqual(gcpMD5, `"${bigMD5}"`);
} else {
if (process.env.ENABLE_KMS_ENCRYPTION === 'true') {
assert.strictEqual(sourceRes.ServerSideEncryption, 'AES256');
assert.strictEqual(destRes.ServerSideEncryption, 'AES256');
} else {
assert.strictEqual(sourceRes.ETag, `"${normalMD5}"`);
assert.strictEqual(destRes.ETag, `"${normalMD5}"`);
assert.strictEqual(gcpMD5, `"${normalMD5}"`);
if (mdDirective === 'COPY') {
assert.strictEqual(sourceRes.ContentLength, destRes.ContentLength);
assert.strictEqual(sourceRes.Metadata[locMetaHeader], sourceLoc);
assert.strictEqual(destRes.Metadata[locMetaHeader], destLoc);
describeSkipIfNotMultiple('MultipleBackend object copy: GCP',
function describeFn() {
withV4(sigCfg => {
beforeEach(function beFn() {
this.currentTest.key = `gcpputkey-${}`;
this.currentTest.copyKey = `gcpcopykey-${}`;
bucketUtil = new BucketUtility('default', sigCfg);
s3 = bucketUtil.s3;
process.stdout.write('Creating bucket\n');
if (process.env.ENABLE_KMS_ENCRYPTION === 'true') {
s3.createBucketAsync = createEncryptedBucketPromise;
return s3.createBucketAsync({ Bucket: bucket,
CreateBucketConfiguration: {
LocationConstraint: memLocation,
.then(() => s3.createBucketAsync({ Bucket: bucketGcp,
CreateBucketConfiguration: {
LocationConstraint: gcpLocation,
.catch(err => {
process.stdout.write(`Error creating bucket: ${err}\n`);
throw err;
afterEach(() => {
process.stdout.write('Emptying bucket\n');
return bucketUtil.empty(bucket)
.then(() => bucketUtil.empty(bucketGcp))
.then(() => {
process.stdout.write(`Deleting bucket: ${bucket}\n`);
return bucketUtil.deleteOne(bucket);
.then(() => {
process.stdout.write(`Deleting bucket: ${bucketGcp}\n`);
return bucketUtil.deleteOne(bucketGcp);
.catch(err => {
process.stdout.write(`Error in afterEach: ${err}\n`);
throw err;
const copyTests = [
msg: 'should copy an object from mem to GCP',
params: { mdDirective: 'REPLACE', objSize: null,
MD5: normalMD5, checkCopy: true },
input: { sourceBucket: bucket, sourceLoc: memLocation,
destBucket: bucket, destLoc: gcpLocation },
output: { sourceBucket: bucket, sourceLoc: memLocation,
destBucket: bucket, destLoc: gcpLocation },
msg: 'should copy an object with no location constraint from ' +
'mem to GCP',
params: { mdDirective: 'COPY', objSize: null,
MD5: normalMD5, checkCopy: true },
input: { sourceBucket: bucket, sourceLoc: undefined,
destBucket: bucketGcp, destLoc: undefined },
output: { sourceBucket: bucket, sourceLoc: undefined,
destBucket: bucketGcp, destLoc: undefined },
msg: 'should copy an object from GCP to mem',
params: { mdDirective: 'REPLACE', objSize: null,
MD5: normalMD5, checkCopy: false },
input: { sourceBucket: bucket, sourceLoc: gcpLocation,
destBucket: bucket, destLoc: memLocation },
output: { sourceBucket: bucket, sourceLoc: gcpLocation,
destBucket: bucket, destLoc: memLocation },
msg: 'should copy an object from AWS to GCP',
params: { mdDirective: 'REPLACE', objSize: null,
MD5: normalMD5, checkCopy: true },
input: { sourceBucket: bucket, sourceLoc: awsLocation,
destBucket: bucket, destLoc: gcpLocation },
output: { sourceBucket: bucket, sourceLoc: awsLocation,
destBucket: bucket, destLoc: gcpLocation },
msg: 'should copy an object from GCP to AWS',
params: { mdDirective: 'REPLACE', objSize: null,
MD5: normalMD5, checkCopy: false },
input: { sourceBucket: bucket, sourceLoc: gcpLocation,
destBucket: bucket, destLoc: awsLocation },
output: { sourceBucket: bucket, sourceLoc: gcpLocation,
destBucket: bucket, destLoc: awsLocation },
msg: 'should copy an object from GCP to AWS',
params: { mdDirective: 'REPLACE', objSize: null,
MD5: normalMD5, checkCopy: false },
input: { sourceBucket: bucket, sourceLoc: gcpLocation,
destBucket: bucket, destLoc: awsLocation },
output: { sourceBucket: bucket, sourceLoc: gcpLocation,
destBucket: bucket, destLoc: awsLocation },
msg: 'should copy an object from GCP to mem with "REPLACE" ' +
'directive and no location constraint md',
params: { mdDirective: 'REPLACE', objSize: null,
MD5: normalMD5, checkCopy: false },
input: { sourceBucket: bucket, sourceLoc: gcpLocation,
destBucket: bucket, destLoc: undefined },
output: { sourceBucket: bucket, sourceLoc: gcpLocation,
destBucket: bucket, destLoc: undefined },
msg: 'should copy an object from mem to GCP with "REPLACE" ' +
'directive and no location constraint md',
params: { mdDirective: 'REPLACE', objSize: null,
MD5: normalMD5, checkCopy: true },
input: { sourceBucket: bucket, sourceLoc: undefined,
destBucket: bucketGcp, destLoc: undefined },
output: { sourceBucket: bucket, sourceLoc: undefined,
destBucket: bucketGcp, destLoc: undefined },
msg: 'should copy an object from GCP to GCP showing sending ' +
'metadata location constraint is ignored in COPY directive',
params: { mdDirective: 'COPY', objSize: null,
MD5: normalMD5, checkCopy: true },
input: { sourceBucket: bucketGcp, sourceLoc: gcpLocation,
destBucket: bucketGcp, destLoc: memLocation },
output: { sourceBucket: bucketGcp, sourceLoc: gcpLocation,
destBucket: bucketGcp, destLoc: gcpLocation },
msg: 'should copy an object with no location constraint from ' +
'GCP to GCP relying on the bucket location constraint',
params: { mdDirective: 'COPY', objSize: null,
MD5: normalMD5, checkCopy: true },
input: { sourceBucket: bucketGcp, sourceLoc: undefined,
destBucket: bucketGcp, destLoc: undefined },
output: { sourceBucket: bucketGcp, sourceLoc: undefined,
destBucket: bucketGcp, destLoc: undefined },
msg: 'should copy an object from GCP to meme because bucket ' +
'destination location is mem',
params: { mdDirective: 'COPY', objSize: null,
MD5: normalMD5, checkCopy: false },
input: { sourceBucket: bucket, sourceLoc: gcpLocation,
destBucket: bucket, destLoc: undefined },
output: { sourceBucket: bucket, sourceLoc: gcpLocation,
destBucket: bucket, destLoc: memLocation },
msg: 'should copy an object from bucketmatch=false ' +
'GCP location to MPU with a bucketmatch=false GCP location',
params: { mdDirective: 'REPLACE', objSize: null,
MD5: normalMD5, checkCopy: true, destMismatch: true },
input: { sourceBucket: bucket, sourceLoc: gcpLocationMismatch,
destBucket: bucket, destLoc: gcpLocationMismatch },
output: { sourceBucket: bucket, sourceLoc: gcpLocationMismatch,
destBucket: bucket, destLoc: gcpLocationMismatch },
msg: 'should copy an object from bucketmatch=false ' +
'GCP location to MPU with a bucketmatch=true GCP location',
params: { mdDirective: 'REPLACE', objSize: null,
MD5: normalMD5, checkCopy: true, destMismatch: false },
input: { sourceBucket: bucket, sourceLoc: gcpLocationMismatch,
destBucket: bucket, destLoc: gcpLocation },
output: { sourceBucket: bucket, sourceLoc: gcpLocationMismatch,
destBucket: bucket, destLoc: gcpLocation },
msg: 'should copy an object from bucketmatch=true ' +
'GCP location to MPU with a bucketmatch=false GCP location',
params: { mdDirective: 'REPLACE', objSize: null,
MD5: normalMD5, checkCopy: true, destMismatch: true },
input: { sourceBucket: bucket, sourceLoc: gcpLocation,
destBucket: bucket, destLoc: gcpLocationMismatch },
output: { sourceBucket: bucket, sourceLoc: gcpLocation,
destBucket: bucket, destLoc: gcpLocationMismatch },
msg: 'should copy a 0-byte object from mem to GCP',
params: { mdDirective: 'REPLACE', objSize: { empty: true },
MD5: emptyMD5, checkCopy: true },
input: { sourceBucket: bucket, sourceLoc: memLocation,
destBucket: bucket, destLoc: gcpLocation },
output: { sourceBucket: bucket, sourceLoc: memLocation,
destBucket: bucket, destLoc: gcpLocation },
msg: 'should copy a 0-byte object from on GCP',
params: { mdDirective: 'REPLACE', objSize: { empty: true },
MD5: emptyMD5, checkCopy: true },
input: { sourceBucket: bucket, sourceLoc: gcpLocation,
destBucket: bucket, destLoc: gcpLocation },
output: { sourceBucket: bucket, sourceLoc: gcpLocation,
destBucket: bucket, destLoc: gcpLocation },
msg: 'should copy a 5MB object from mem to GCP',
params: { mdDirective: 'REPLACE', objSize: { big: true },
MD5: bigMD5, checkCopy: true },
input: { sourceBucket: bucket, sourceLoc: memLocation,
destBucket: bucket, destLoc: gcpLocation },
output: { sourceBucket: bucket, sourceLoc: memLocation,
destBucket: bucket, destLoc: gcpLocation },
msg: 'should copy a 5MB object from on GCP',
params: { mdDirective: 'REPLACE', objSize: { big: true },
MD5: bigMD5, checkCopy: true },
input: { sourceBucket: bucket, sourceLoc: gcpLocation,
destBucket: bucket, destLoc: gcpLocation },
output: { sourceBucket: bucket, sourceLoc: gcpLocation,
destBucket: bucket, destLoc: gcpLocation },
copyTests.forEach(test => it(test.msg, function itFn(done) {
const { mdDirective, objSize, MD5, checkCopy,
destMismatch } = test.params;
const { sourceLoc, sourceBucket, destLoc, destBucket } = test.input;
const testParams = Object.assign({}, test.output);
testParams.sourceKey = this.test.key;
testParams.destKey = this.test.copyKey;
testParams.gcpKey = checkCopy ? this.test.copyKey : this.test.key;
if (destMismatch) {
testParams.gcpKey = `${destBucket}/${testParams.gcpKey}`;
putSourceObj(this.test.key, sourceLoc, objSize, sourceBucket,
() => {
const copyParams = {
Bucket: destBucket,
Key: this.test.copyKey,
CopySource: `/${sourceBucket}/${this.test.key}`,
MetadataDirective: mdDirective,
if (destLoc) {
copyParams.Metadata = {
'scal-location-constraint': destLoc };
s3.copyObject(copyParams, (err, result) => {
assert.equal(err, null, 'Expected success but got ' +
`error: ${err}`);
assertGetObjects(testParams, mdDirective, objSize, done);
it('should return error if GCP source object has ' +
'been deleted', function itFn(done) {
putSourceObj(this.test.key, gcpLocation, null, bucket,
() => {
Bucket: gcpBucket,
Key: this.test.key,
}, (err, res) => {
assert.equal(err, null, 'Error retrieving object version ' +
`from GCP: ${err}`);
Bucket: gcpBucket,
Key: this.test.key,
VersionId: res.VersionId },
err => {
assert.equal(err, null, 'Error deleting object from ' +
`GCP: ${err}`);
const copyParams = {
Bucket: bucket,
Key: this.test.copyKey,
CopySource: `/${bucket}/${this.test.key}`,
MetadataDirective: 'COPY',
s3.copyObject(copyParams, err => {
assert.strictEqual(err.code, 'ServiceUnavailable');