Compare commits


5 Commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
Rahul Padigela d3cbff8207 jest config 2019-03-26 14:15:08 -07:00
Rahul Padigela fef2e25f31 remove recursive option 2019-03-25 23:17:52 -07:00
Rahul Padigela 2fa4568c78 feature: migrate test commands 2019-03-25 23:16:24 -07:00
Rahul Padigela b6e823f006 feature: add jest as dependency 2019-03-25 23:13:00 -07:00
Rahul Padigela e563c9fb8a feature: migrate to jest 2019-03-25 23:03:58 -07:00
231 changed files with 12699 additions and 9094 deletions

jest.config.js Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,186 @@
// For a detailed explanation regarding each configuration property, visit:
module.exports = {
// All imported modules in your tests should be mocked automatically
// automock: false,
// Stop running tests after `n` failures
// bail: 0,
// Respect "browser" field in package.json when resolving modules
// browser: false,
// The directory where Jest should store its cached dependency information
// cacheDirectory: "/private/var/folders/3k/pc7s4l115n984kmtypkgfyf40000gn/T/jest_dx",
// Automatically clear mock calls and instances between every test
clearMocks: true,
// Indicates whether the coverage information should be collected while executing the test
// collectCoverage: false,
// An array of glob patterns indicating a set of files for which coverage information should be collected
// collectCoverageFrom: null,
// The directory where Jest should output its coverage files
coverageDirectory: "coverage",
// An array of regexp pattern strings used to skip coverage collection
// coveragePathIgnorePatterns: [
// "/node_modules/"
// ],
// A list of reporter names that Jest uses when writing coverage reports
// coverageReporters: [
// "json",
// "text",
// "lcov",
// "clover"
// ],
// An object that configures minimum threshold enforcement for coverage results
// coverageThreshold: null,
// A path to a custom dependency extractor
// dependencyExtractor: null,
// Make calling deprecated APIs throw helpful error messages
// errorOnDeprecated: false,
// Force coverage collection from ignored files using an array of glob patterns
// forceCoverageMatch: [],
// A path to a module which exports an async function that is triggered once before all test suites
// globalSetup: null,
// A path to a module which exports an async function that is triggered once after all test suites
// globalTeardown: null,
// A set of global variables that need to be available in all test environments
// globals: {},
// An array of directory names to be searched recursively up from the requiring module's location
// moduleDirectories: [
// "node_modules"
// ],
// An array of file extensions your modules use
// moduleFileExtensions: [
// "js",
// "json",
// "jsx",
// "ts",
// "tsx",
// "node"
// ],
// A map from regular expressions to module names that allow to stub out resources with a single module
// moduleNameMapper: {},
// An array of regexp pattern strings, matched against all module paths before considered 'visible' to the module loader
// modulePathIgnorePatterns: [],
// Activates notifications for test results
// notify: false,
// An enum that specifies notification mode. Requires { notify: true }
// notifyMode: "failure-change",
// A preset that is used as a base for Jest's configuration
// preset: null,
// Run tests from one or more projects
// projects: null,
// Use this configuration option to add custom reporters to Jest
// reporters: undefined,
// Automatically reset mock state between every test
// resetMocks: false,
// Reset the module registry before running each individual test
// resetModules: false,
// A path to a custom resolver
// resolver: null,
// Automatically restore mock state between every test
// restoreMocks: false,
// The root directory that Jest should scan for tests and modules within
// rootDir: null,
// A list of paths to directories that Jest should use to search for files in
// roots: [
// "<rootDir>"
// ],
// Allows you to use a custom runner instead of Jest's default test runner
// runner: "jest-runner",
// The paths to modules that run some code to configure or set up the testing environment before each test
// setupFiles: [],
// A list of paths to modules that run some code to configure or set up the testing framework before each test
// setupFilesAfterEnv: [],
// A list of paths to snapshot serializer modules Jest should use for snapshot testing
// snapshotSerializers: [],
// The test environment that will be used for testing
testEnvironment: "node",
// Options that will be passed to the testEnvironment
// testEnvironmentOptions: {},
// Adds a location field to test results
// testLocationInResults: false,
// The glob patterns Jest uses to detect test files
testMatch: [
// "**/__tests__/**/*.[jt]s?(x)",
// "**/?(*.)+(spec|test).[tj]s?(x)"
// An array of regexp pattern strings that are matched against all test paths, matched tests are skipped
// testPathIgnorePatterns: [
// "/node_modules/"
// ],
// The regexp pattern or array of patterns that Jest uses to detect test files
// testRegex: [],
// This option allows the use of a custom results processor
// testResultsProcessor: null,
// This option allows use of a custom test runner
// testRunner: "jasmine2",
// This option sets the URL for the jsdom environment. It is reflected in properties such as location.href
// testURL: "http://localhost",
// Setting this value to "fake" allows the use of fake timers for functions such as "setTimeout"
// timers: "real",
// A map from regular expressions to paths to transformers
// transform: null,
// An array of regexp pattern strings that are matched against all source file paths, matched files will skip transformation
// transformIgnorePatterns: [
// "/node_modules/"
// ],
// An array of regexp pattern strings that are matched against all modules before the module loader will automatically return a mock for them
// unmockedModulePathPatterns: undefined,
// Indicates whether each individual test should be reported during the run
// verbose: null,
// An array of regexp patterns that are matched against all source file paths before re-running tests in watch mode
// watchPathIgnorePatterns: [],
// Whether to use watchman for file crawling
// watchman: true,

package-lock.json generated

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -56,6 +56,7 @@
"ioredis": "2.4.0", "ioredis": "2.4.0",
"istanbul": "1.0.0-alpha.2", "istanbul": "1.0.0-alpha.2",
"istanbul-api": "1.0.0-alpha.13", "istanbul-api": "1.0.0-alpha.13",
"jest": "^24.5.0",
"lolex": "^1.4.0", "lolex": "^1.4.0",
"mocha": "^2.3.4", "mocha": "^2.3.4",
"mocha-junit-reporter": "1.11.1", "mocha-junit-reporter": "1.11.1",
@ -68,23 +69,23 @@
}, },
"scripts": { "scripts": {
"cloudserver": "S3METADATA=mongodb npm-run-all --parallel start_dataserver start_s3server", "cloudserver": "S3METADATA=mongodb npm-run-all --parallel start_dataserver start_s3server",
"ft_awssdk": "cd tests/functional/aws-node-sdk && mocha test/", "ft_awssdk": "cd tests/functional/aws-node-sdk && jest test/",
"ft_awssdk_aws": "cd tests/functional/aws-node-sdk && AWS_ON_AIR=true mocha test/", "ft_awssdk_aws": "cd tests/functional/aws-node-sdk && AWS_ON_AIR=true mocha test/",
"ft_awssdk_buckets": "cd tests/functional/aws-node-sdk && mocha test/bucket", "ft_awssdk_buckets": "cd tests/functional/aws-node-sdk && jest test/bucket",
"ft_awssdk_objects_misc": "cd tests/functional/aws-node-sdk && mocha test/legacy test/object test/service test/support", "ft_awssdk_objects_misc": "cd tests/functional/aws-node-sdk && jest test/legacy test/object test/service test/support",
"ft_awssdk_versioning": "cd tests/functional/aws-node-sdk && mocha test/versioning/", "ft_awssdk_versioning": "cd tests/functional/aws-node-sdk && jest test/versioning/",
"ft_awssdk_external_backends": "cd tests/functional/aws-node-sdk && mocha test/multipleBackend", "ft_awssdk_external_backends": "cd tests/functional/aws-node-sdk && jest test/multipleBackend",
"ft_management": "cd tests/functional/report && npm test", "ft_management": "cd tests/functional/report && npm test",
"ft_node": "cd tests/functional/raw-node && npm test", "ft_node": "cd tests/functional/raw-node && npm test",
"ft_node_routes": "cd tests/functional/raw-node && npm run test-routes", "ft_node_routes": "cd tests/functional/raw-node && npm run test-routes",
"ft_gcp": "cd tests/functional/raw-node && npm run test-gcp", "ft_gcp": "cd tests/functional/raw-node && npm run test-gcp",
"ft_healthchecks": "cd tests/functional/healthchecks && npm test", "ft_healthchecks": "cd tests/functional/healthchecks && npm test",
"ft_s3cmd": "cd tests/functional/s3cmd && mocha -t 40000 *.js", "ft_s3cmd": "cd tests/functional/s3cmd && jest -t 40000 *.js",
"ft_s3curl": "cd tests/functional/s3curl && mocha -t 40000 *.js", "ft_s3curl": "cd tests/functional/s3curl && jest -t 40000 *.js",
"ft_util": "cd tests/functional/utilities && mocha -t 40000 *.js", "ft_util": "cd tests/functional/utilities && jest -t 40000 *.js",
"ft_test": "npm-run-all -s ft_awssdk ft_s3cmd ft_s3curl ft_node ft_healthchecks ft_management ft_util", "ft_test": "npm-run-all -s ft_awssdk ft_s3cmd ft_s3curl ft_node ft_healthchecks ft_management ft_util",
"ft_search": "cd tests/functional/aws-node-sdk && mocha -t 90000 test/mdSearch", "ft_search": "cd tests/functional/aws-node-sdk && jest -t 90000 test/mdSearch",
"install_ft_deps": "npm install aws-sdk@2.28.0 bluebird@3.3.1 mocha@2.3.4 mocha-junit-reporter@1.11.1 tv4@1.2.7", "install_ft_deps": "npm install aws-sdk@2.28.0 bluebird@3.3.1 mocha@2.3.4 mocha-junit-reporter@1.11.1 tv4@1.2.7 jest",
"lint": "eslint $(git ls-files '*.js')", "lint": "eslint $(git ls-files '*.js')",
"lint_md": "mdlint $(git ls-files '*.md')", "lint_md": "mdlint $(git ls-files '*.md')",
"mem_backend": "S3BACKEND=mem node index.js", "mem_backend": "S3BACKEND=mem node index.js",
@ -99,10 +100,10 @@
"start_utapi": "node lib/utapi/utapi.js", "start_utapi": "node lib/utapi/utapi.js",
"utapi_replay": "node lib/utapi/utapiReplay.js", "utapi_replay": "node lib/utapi/utapiReplay.js",
"management_agent": "node managementAgent.js", "management_agent": "node managementAgent.js",
"test": "CI=true S3BACKEND=mem mocha --recursive tests/unit", "test": "jest",
"test_legacy_location": "CI=true S3_LOCATION_FILE=tests/locationConfig/locationConfigLegacy.json S3BACKEND=mem mocha --recursive tests/unit", "test_legacy_location": "CI=true S3_LOCATION_FILE=tests/locationConfig/locationConfigLegacy.json S3BACKEND=mem jest tests/unit",
"multiple_backend_test": "CI=true S3BACKEND=mem S3DATA=multiple mocha -t 20000 --recursive tests/multipleBackend", "multiple_backend_test": "CI=true S3BACKEND=mem S3DATA=multiple jest -t 20000 tests/multipleBackend",
"unit_coverage": "CI=true mkdir -p coverage/unit/ && S3BACKEND=mem MOCHA_FILE=$CIRCLE_TEST_REPORTS/unit/unit.xml istanbul cover --dir coverage/unit _mocha -- --reporter mocha-junit-reporter --recursive tests/unit", "unit_coverage": "CI=true mkdir -p coverage/unit/ && S3BACKEND=mem MOCHA_FILE=$CIRCLE_TEST_REPORTS/unit/unit.xml istanbul cover --dir coverage/unit _mocha -- --reporter mocha-junit-reporter tests/unit",
"unit_coverage_legacy_location": "CI=true mkdir -p coverage/unitlegacylocation/ && S3_LOCATION_FILE=tests/locationConfig/locationConfigLegacy.json S3BACKEND=mem MOCHA_FILE=$CIRCLE_TEST_REPORTS/unit/unitlegacylocation.xml istanbul cover --dir coverage/unitlegacylocation _mocha -- --reporter mocha-junit-reporter --recursive tests/unit" "unit_coverage_legacy_location": "CI=true mkdir -p coverage/unitlegacylocation/ && S3_LOCATION_FILE=tests/locationConfig/locationConfigLegacy.json S3BACKEND=mem MOCHA_FILE=$CIRCLE_TEST_REPORTS/unit/unitlegacylocation.xml istanbul cover --dir coverage/unitlegacylocation _mocha -- --reporter mocha-junit-reporter tests/unit"
} }
} }

View File

@ -61,14 +61,12 @@ function methodRequest(params, callback) {
if (code) { if (code) {
const message = Number.isNaN(parseInt(code, 10)) ? const message = Number.isNaN(parseInt(code, 10)) ?
`<Code>${code}</Code>` : ''; `<Code>${code}</Code>` : '';
assert(total.indexOf(message) > -1, `Expected ${message}`); expect(total.indexOf(message) > -1).toBeTruthy();
assert.deepEqual(res.statusCode, statusCode[code], expect(res.statusCode).toEqual(statusCode[code]);
`status code expected: ${statusCode[code]}`);
} }
if (headersResponse) { if (headersResponse) {
Object.keys(headersResponse).forEach(key => { Object.keys(headersResponse).forEach(key => {
assert.deepEqual(res.headers[key], headersResponse[key], expect(res.headers[key]).toEqual(headersResponse[key]);
`error header: ${key}`);
}); });
} else { } else {
// if no headersResponse provided, should not have these headers // if no headersResponse provided, should not have these headers
@ -77,14 +75,12 @@ function methodRequest(params, callback) {
'access-control-allow-methods', 'access-control-allow-methods',
'access-control-allow-credentials', 'access-control-allow-credentials',
'vary'].forEach(key => { 'vary'].forEach(key => {
assert.strictEqual(res.headers[key], undefined, expect(res.headers[key]).toBe(undefined);
`Error: ${key} should not have value`);
}); });
} }
if (headersOmitted) { if (headersOmitted) {
headersOmitted.forEach(key => { headersOmitted.forEach(key => {
assert.strictEqual(res.headers[key], undefined, expect(res.headers[key]).toBe(undefined);
`Error: ${key} should not have value`);
}); });
} }
return callback(); return callback();

View File

@ -28,11 +28,11 @@ function checkOneVersion(s3, bucket, versionId, callback) {
if (err) { if (err) {
callback(err); callback(err);
} }
assert.strictEqual(data.Versions.length, 1); expect(data.Versions.length).toBe(1);
if (versionId) { if (versionId) {
assert.strictEqual(data.Versions[0].VersionId, versionId); expect(data.Versions[0].VersionId).toBe(versionId);
} }
assert.strictEqual(data.DeleteMarkers.length, 0); expect(data.DeleteMarkers.length).toBe(0);
callback(); callback();
}); });
} }
@ -100,9 +100,8 @@ function createDualNullVersion(s3, bucketName, keyName, cb) {
// putting new version // putting new version
next => s3.putObject({ Bucket: bucketName, Key: keyName }, next => s3.putObject({ Bucket: bucketName, Key: keyName },
(err, data) => { (err, data) => {
assert.strictEqual(err, null, expect(err).toBe(null);
'Unexpected err putting new version'); expect(data.VersionId).toBeTruthy();
next(null, data.VersionId); next(null, data.VersionId);
}), }),
// delete version we just created, master version should be updated // delete version we just created, master version should be updated
@ -115,9 +114,8 @@ function createDualNullVersion(s3, bucketName, keyName, cb) {
// getting object should return null version now // getting object should return null version now
next => s3.getObject({ Bucket: bucketName, Key: keyName }, next => s3.getObject({ Bucket: bucketName, Key: keyName },
(err, data) => { (err, data) => {
assert.strictEqual(err, null, expect(err).toBe(null);
'Unexpected err getting latest version'); expect(data.VersionId).toBe('null');
assert.strictEqual(data.VersionId, 'null');
next(); next();
}), }),
], err => cb(err)); ], err => cb(err));

View File

@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ function _assertResponseHtml(response, elemtag, content) {
const startingTag = '<ul>'; const startingTag = '<ul>';
const startIndex = response.indexOf(startingTag); const startIndex = response.indexOf(startingTag);
const endIndex = response.indexOf('</ul>'); const endIndex = response.indexOf('</ul>');
assert(startIndex > -1 && endIndex > -1, 'Did not find ul element'); expect(startIndex > -1 && endIndex > -1).toBeTruthy();
const ulElem = response.slice(startIndex + startingTag.length, const ulElem = response.slice(startIndex + startingTag.length,
endIndex); endIndex);
content.forEach(item => { content.forEach(item => {
@ -77,36 +77,29 @@ function _assertResponseHtml(response, elemtag, content) {
}); });
} else { } else {
const elem = `<${elemtag}>${content}</${elemtag}>`; const elem = `<${elemtag}>${content}</${elemtag}>`;
assert(response.includes(elem), expect(response.includes(elem)).toBeTruthy();
`Expected but did not find '${elem}' in html`);
} }
} }
function _assertContainsHtml(responseBody) { function _assertContainsHtml(responseBody) {
assert(responseBody.startsWith('<html>') && expect(responseBody.startsWith('<html>') &&
responseBody.includes('</html>'), 'Did not find html tags'); responseBody.includes('</html>')).toBeTruthy();
} }
function _assertResponseHtml404(method, response, type) { function _assertResponseHtml404(method, response, type) {
assert.strictEqual(response.statusCode, 404); expect(response.statusCode).toBe(404);
if (method === 'HEAD') { if (method === 'HEAD') {
if (type === '404-no-such-bucket') { if (type === '404-no-such-bucket') {
assert.strictEqual(response.headers['x-amz-error-code'], expect(response.headers['x-amz-error-code']).toBe('NoSuchBucket');
// Need arsenal fixed to remove period at the end // Need arsenal fixed to remove period at the end
// so compatible with aws // so compatible with aws
assert.strictEqual(response.headers['x-amz-error-message'], expect(response.headers['x-amz-error-message']).toBe('The specified bucket does not exist.');
'The specified bucket does not exist.');
} else if (type === '404-no-such-website-configuration') { } else if (type === '404-no-such-website-configuration') {
assert.strictEqual(response.headers['x-amz-error-code'], expect(response.headers['x-amz-error-code']).toBe('NoSuchWebsiteConfiguration');
'NoSuchWebsiteConfiguration'); expect(response.headers['x-amz-error-message']).toBe('The specified bucket does not have a website configuration');
'The specified bucket does not have a website configuration');
} else if (type === '404-not-found') { } else if (type === '404-not-found') {
assert.strictEqual(response.headers['x-amz-error-code'], expect(response.headers['x-amz-error-code']).toBe('NoSuchKey');
'NoSuchKey'); expect(response.headers['x-amz-error-message']).toBe('The specified key does not exist.');
'The specified key does not exist.');
} else { } else {
throw new Error(`'${type}' is not a recognized 404 ` + throw new Error(`'${type}' is not a recognized 404 ` +
'error checked in the WebsiteConfigTester.checkHTML function'); 'error checked in the WebsiteConfigTester.checkHTML function');
@ -142,13 +135,11 @@ function _assertResponseHtml404(method, response, type) {
} }
function _assertResponseHtml403(method, response, type) { function _assertResponseHtml403(method, response, type) {
assert.strictEqual(response.statusCode, 403); expect(response.statusCode).toBe(403);
if (method === 'HEAD') { if (method === 'HEAD') {
if (type === '403-access-denied') { if (type === '403-access-denied') {
assert.strictEqual(response.headers['x-amz-error-code'], expect(response.headers['x-amz-error-code']).toBe('AccessDenied');
'AccessDenied'); expect(response.headers['x-amz-error-message']).toBe('Access Denied');
'Access Denied');
} else if (type !== '403-retrieve-error-document') { } else if (type !== '403-retrieve-error-document') {
throw new Error(`'${type}' is not a recognized 403 ` + throw new Error(`'${type}' is not a recognized 403 ` +
'error checked in the WebsiteConfigTester.checkHTML function'); 'error checked in the WebsiteConfigTester.checkHTML function');
@ -183,9 +174,9 @@ function _assertResponseHtml403(method, response, type) {
function _assertResponseHtmlErrorUser(response, type) { function _assertResponseHtmlErrorUser(response, type) {
if (type === 'error-user') { if (type === 'error-user') {
assert.strictEqual(response.statusCode, 403); expect(response.statusCode).toBe(403);
} else if (type === 'error-user-404') { } else if (type === 'error-user-404') {
assert.strictEqual(response.statusCode, 404); expect(response.statusCode).toBe(404);
} }
_assertResponseHtml(response.body, 'title', _assertResponseHtml(response.body, 'title',
'Error!!'); 'Error!!');
@ -194,7 +185,7 @@ function _assertResponseHtmlErrorUser(response, type) {
} }
function _assertResponseHtmlIndexUser(response) { function _assertResponseHtmlIndexUser(response) {
assert.strictEqual(response.statusCode, 200); expect(response.statusCode).toBe(200);
_assertResponseHtml(response.body, 'title', _assertResponseHtml(response.body, 'title',
'Best testing website ever'); 'Best testing website ever');
_assertResponseHtml(response.body, 'h1', 'Welcome to my ' + _assertResponseHtml(response.body, 'h1', 'Welcome to my ' +
@ -203,11 +194,11 @@ function _assertResponseHtmlIndexUser(response) {
function _assertResponseHtmlRedirect(response, type, redirectUrl, method) { function _assertResponseHtmlRedirect(response, type, redirectUrl, method) {
if (type === 'redirect' || type === 'redirect-user') { if (type === 'redirect' || type === 'redirect-user') {
assert.strictEqual(response.statusCode, 301); expect(response.statusCode).toBe(301);
assert.strictEqual(response.body, ''); expect(response.body).toBe('');
assert.strictEqual(response.headers.location, redirectUrl); expect(response.headers.location).toBe(redirectUrl);
} else if (type === 'redirected-user') { } else if (type === 'redirected-user') {
assert.strictEqual(response.statusCode, 200); expect(response.statusCode).toBe(200);
if (method === 'HEAD') { if (method === 'HEAD') {
return; return;
// no need to check HTML // no need to check HTML
@ -270,7 +261,7 @@ class WebsiteConfigTester {
static checkHTML(params, callback) { static checkHTML(params, callback) {
const { method, responseType, auth, url, redirectUrl } = params; const { method, responseType, auth, url, redirectUrl } = params;
_makeWebsiteRequest(auth, method, url, (err, res) => { _makeWebsiteRequest(auth, method, url, (err, res) => {
assert.strictEqual(err, null, `Unexpected request err ${err}`); expect(err).toBe(null);
if (responseType) { if (responseType) {
if (responseType.startsWith('404')) { if (responseType.startsWith('404')) {
_assertResponseHtml404(method, res, responseType); _assertResponseHtml404(method, res, responseType);
@ -315,11 +306,10 @@ class WebsiteConfigTester {
_makeWebsiteRequest(auth, 'HEAD', url, (err, res) => { _makeWebsiteRequest(auth, 'HEAD', url, (err, res) => {
// body should be empty // body should be empty
assert.deepStrictEqual(res.body, ''); assert.deepStrictEqual(res.body, '');
assert.strictEqual(res.statusCode, expectedStatusCode); expect(res.statusCode).toBe(expectedStatusCode);
const headers = Object.keys(expectedHeaders); const headers = Object.keys(expectedHeaders);
headers.forEach(header => { headers.forEach(header => {
assert.strictEqual(res.headers[header], expect(res.headers[header]).toBe(expectedHeaders[header]);
}); });
return cb(); return cb();
}); });

View File

@ -18,13 +18,10 @@ const basicRule = {
// Check for the expected error response code and status code. // Check for the expected error response code and status code.
function assertError(err, expectedErr, cb) { function assertError(err, expectedErr, cb) {
if (expectedErr === null) { if (expectedErr === null) {
assert.strictEqual(err, null, `expected no error but got '${err}'`); expect(err).toBe(null);
} else { } else {
assert.strictEqual(err.code, expectedErr, 'incorrect error response ' + expect(err.code).toBe(expectedErr);
`code: should be '${expectedErr}' but got '${err.code}'`); expect(err.statusCode).toBe(errors[expectedErr].code);
assert.strictEqual(err.statusCode, errors[expectedErr].code,
'incorrect error status code: should be 400 but got ' +
} }
cb(); cb();
} }
@ -33,14 +30,14 @@ describe('aws-sdk test delete bucket lifecycle', () => {
let s3; let s3;
let otherAccountS3; let otherAccountS3;
before(done => { beforeAll(done => {
const config = getConfig('default', { signatureVersion: 'v4' }); const config = getConfig('default', { signatureVersion: 'v4' });
s3 = new S3(config); s3 = new S3(config);
otherAccountS3 = new BucketUtility('lisa', {}).s3; otherAccountS3 = new BucketUtility('lisa', {}).s3;
return done(); return done();
}); });
it('should return NoSuchBucket error if bucket does not exist', done => { test('should return NoSuchBucket error if bucket does not exist', done => {
s3.deleteBucketLifecycle({ Bucket: bucket }, err => s3.deleteBucketLifecycle({ Bucket: bucket }, err =>
assertError(err, 'NoSuchBucket', done)); assertError(err, 'NoSuchBucket', done));
}); });
@ -50,23 +47,23 @@ describe('aws-sdk test delete bucket lifecycle', () => {
afterEach(done => s3.deleteBucket({ Bucket: bucket }, done)); afterEach(done => s3.deleteBucket({ Bucket: bucket }, done));
it('should return AccessDenied if user is not bucket owner', done => { test('should return AccessDenied if user is not bucket owner', done => {
otherAccountS3.deleteBucketLifecycle({ Bucket: bucket }, otherAccountS3.deleteBucketLifecycle({ Bucket: bucket },
err => assertError(err, 'AccessDenied', done)); err => assertError(err, 'AccessDenied', done));
}); });
it('should return no error if no lifecycle config on bucket', done => { test('should return no error if no lifecycle config on bucket', done => {
s3.deleteBucketLifecycle({ Bucket: bucket }, err => s3.deleteBucketLifecycle({ Bucket: bucket }, err =>
assertError(err, null, done)); assertError(err, null, done));
}); });
it('should delete lifecycle configuration from bucket', done => { test('should delete lifecycle configuration from bucket', done => {
const params = { Bucket: bucket, const params = { Bucket: bucket,
LifecycleConfiguration: { Rules: [basicRule] } }; LifecycleConfiguration: { Rules: [basicRule] } };
s3.putBucketLifecycleConfiguration(params, err => { s3.putBucketLifecycleConfiguration(params, err => {
assert.equal(err, null); expect(err).toEqual(null);
s3.deleteBucketLifecycle({ Bucket: bucket }, err => { s3.deleteBucketLifecycle({ Bucket: bucket }, err => {
assert.equal(err, null); expect(err).toEqual(null);
s3.getBucketLifecycleConfiguration({ Bucket: bucket }, s3.getBucketLifecycleConfiguration({ Bucket: bucket },
err => err =>
assertError(err, 'NoSuchLifecycleConfiguration', done)); assertError(err, 'NoSuchLifecycleConfiguration', done));

View File

@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ describe('aws-node-sdk test deleteBucketReplication', () => {
function deleteReplicationAndCheckResponse(bucket, cb) { function deleteReplicationAndCheckResponse(bucket, cb) {
return s3.deleteBucketReplication({ Bucket: bucket }, (err, data) => { return s3.deleteBucketReplication({ Bucket: bucket }, (err, data) => {
assert.strictEqual(err, null); expect(err).toBe(null);
assert.deepStrictEqual(data, {}); assert.deepStrictEqual(data, {});
return cb(); return cb();
}); });
@ -55,17 +55,17 @@ describe('aws-node-sdk test deleteBucketReplication', () => {
afterEach(done => s3.deleteBucket({ Bucket: bucket }, done)); afterEach(done => s3.deleteBucket({ Bucket: bucket }, done));
it('should return empty object if bucket has no replication config', done => test('should return empty object if bucket has no replication config', done =>
deleteReplicationAndCheckResponse(bucket, done)); deleteReplicationAndCheckResponse(bucket, done));
it('should delete a bucket replication config when it has one', done => test('should delete a bucket replication config when it has one', done =>
series([ series([
next => putVersioningOnBucket(bucket, next), next => putVersioningOnBucket(bucket, next),
next => putReplicationOnBucket(bucket, next), next => putReplicationOnBucket(bucket, next),
next => deleteReplicationAndCheckResponse(bucket, next), next => deleteReplicationAndCheckResponse(bucket, next),
], done)); ], done));
it('should return ReplicationConfigurationNotFoundError if getting ' + test('should return ReplicationConfigurationNotFoundError if getting ' +
'replication config after it has been deleted', done => 'replication config after it has been deleted', done =>
series([ series([
next => putVersioningOnBucket(bucket, next), next => putVersioningOnBucket(bucket, next),
@ -81,16 +81,16 @@ describe('aws-node-sdk test deleteBucketReplication', () => {
}), }),
next => deleteReplicationAndCheckResponse(bucket, next), next => deleteReplicationAndCheckResponse(bucket, next),
next => s3.getBucketReplication({ Bucket: bucket }, err => { next => s3.getBucketReplication({ Bucket: bucket }, err => {
assert(errors.ReplicationConfigurationNotFoundError[err.code]); expect(errors.ReplicationConfigurationNotFoundError[err.code]).toBeTruthy();
return next(); return next();
}), }),
], done)); ], done));
it('should return AccessDenied if user is not bucket owner', done => test('should return AccessDenied if user is not bucket owner', done =>
otherAccountS3.deleteBucketReplication({ Bucket: bucket }, err => { otherAccountS3.deleteBucketReplication({ Bucket: bucket }, err => {
assert(err); expect(err).toBeTruthy();
assert.strictEqual(err.code, 'AccessDenied'); expect(err.code).toBe('AccessDenied');
assert.strictEqual(err.statusCode, 403); expect(err.statusCode).toBe(403);
return done(); return done();
})); }));
}); });

View File

@ -26,11 +26,11 @@ describe('DELETE bucket cors', () => {
const otherAccountS3 = otherAccountBucketUtility.s3; const otherAccountS3 = otherAccountBucketUtility.s3;
describe('without existing bucket', () => { describe('without existing bucket', () => {
it('should return NoSuchBucket', done => { test('should return NoSuchBucket', done => {
s3.deleteBucketCors({ Bucket: bucketName }, err => { s3.deleteBucketCors({ Bucket: bucketName }, err => {
assert(err); expect(err).toBeTruthy();
assert.strictEqual(err.code, 'NoSuchBucket'); expect(err.code).toBe('NoSuchBucket');
assert.strictEqual(err.statusCode, 404); expect(err.statusCode).toBe(404);
return done(); return done();
}); });
}); });
@ -41,14 +41,12 @@ describe('DELETE bucket cors', () => {
afterEach(() => bucketUtil.deleteOne(bucketName)); afterEach(() => bucketUtil.deleteOne(bucketName));
describe('without existing cors configuration', () => { describe('without existing cors configuration', () => {
it('should return a 204 response', done => { test('should return a 204 response', done => {
s3.deleteBucketCors({ Bucket: bucketName }, s3.deleteBucketCors({ Bucket: bucketName },
function deleteBucketCors(err) { function deleteBucketCors(err) {
const statusCode = this.httpResponse.statusCode; const statusCode = this.httpResponse.statusCode;
assert.strictEqual(statusCode, 204, expect(statusCode).toBe(204);
`Found unexpected statusCode ${statusCode}`); expect(err).toBe(null);
assert.strictEqual(err, null,
`Found unexpected err ${err}`);
return done(); return done();
}); });
}); });
@ -60,18 +58,15 @@ describe('DELETE bucket cors', () => {
CORSConfiguration: sampleCors }, done); CORSConfiguration: sampleCors }, done);
}); });
it('should delete bucket configuration successfully', done => { test('should delete bucket configuration successfully', done => {
s3.deleteBucketCors({ Bucket: bucketName }, s3.deleteBucketCors({ Bucket: bucketName },
function deleteBucketCors(err) { function deleteBucketCors(err) {
const statusCode = this.httpResponse.statusCode; const statusCode = this.httpResponse.statusCode;
assert.strictEqual(statusCode, 204, expect(statusCode).toBe(204);
`Found unexpected statusCode ${statusCode}`); expect(err).toBe(null);
assert.strictEqual(err, null,
`Found unexpected err ${err}`);
s3.getBucketCors({ Bucket: bucketName }, err => { s3.getBucketCors({ Bucket: bucketName }, err => {
assert.strictEqual(err.code, expect(err.code).toBe('NoSuchCORSConfiguration');
'NoSuchCORSConfiguration'); expect(err.statusCode).toBe(404);
assert.strictEqual(err.statusCode, 404);
return done(); return done();
}); });
}); });
@ -87,9 +82,9 @@ describe('DELETE bucket cors', () => {
'owner', done => { 'owner', done => {
otherAccountS3.deleteBucketCors({ Bucket: bucketName }, otherAccountS3.deleteBucketCors({ Bucket: bucketName },
err => { err => {
assert(err); expect(err).toBeTruthy();
assert.strictEqual(err.code, 'AccessDenied'); expect(err.code).toBe('AccessDenied');
assert.strictEqual(err.statusCode, 403); expect(err.statusCode).toBe(403);
return done(); return done();
}); });
}); });

View File

@ -14,11 +14,11 @@ describe('DELETE bucket website', () => {
const otherAccountS3 = otherAccountBucketUtility.s3; const otherAccountS3 = otherAccountBucketUtility.s3;
describe('without existing bucket', () => { describe('without existing bucket', () => {
it('should return NoSuchBucket', done => { test('should return NoSuchBucket', done => {
s3.deleteBucketWebsite({ Bucket: bucketName }, err => { s3.deleteBucketWebsite({ Bucket: bucketName }, err => {
assert(err); expect(err).toBeTruthy();
assert.strictEqual(err.code, 'NoSuchBucket'); expect(err.code).toBe('NoSuchBucket');
assert.strictEqual(err.statusCode, 404); expect(err.statusCode).toBe(404);
return done(); return done();
}); });
}); });
@ -29,15 +29,13 @@ describe('DELETE bucket website', () => {
afterEach(() => bucketUtil.deleteOne(bucketName)); afterEach(() => bucketUtil.deleteOne(bucketName));
describe('without existing configuration', () => { describe('without existing configuration', () => {
it('should return a 204 response', done => { test('should return a 204 response', done => {
const request = const request =
s3.deleteBucketWebsite({ Bucket: bucketName }, err => { s3.deleteBucketWebsite({ Bucket: bucketName }, err => {
const statusCode = const statusCode =
request.response.httpResponse.statusCode; request.response.httpResponse.statusCode;
assert.strictEqual(statusCode, 204, expect(statusCode).toBe(204);
`Found unexpected statusCode ${statusCode}`); expect(err).toBe(null);
assert.strictEqual(err, null,
`Found unexpected err ${err}`);
return done(); return done();
}); });
}); });
@ -50,21 +48,19 @@ describe('DELETE bucket website', () => {
WebsiteConfiguration: config }, done); WebsiteConfiguration: config }, done);
}); });
it('should delete bucket configuration successfully', done => { test('should delete bucket configuration successfully', done => {
s3.deleteBucketWebsite({ Bucket: bucketName }, err => { s3.deleteBucketWebsite({ Bucket: bucketName }, err => {
assert.strictEqual(err, null, expect(err).toBe(null);
`Found unexpected err ${err}`);
return done(); return done();
}); });
}); });
it('should return AccessDenied if user is not bucket owner', test('should return AccessDenied if user is not bucket owner', done => {
done => {
otherAccountS3.deleteBucketWebsite({ Bucket: bucketName }, otherAccountS3.deleteBucketWebsite({ Bucket: bucketName },
err => { err => {
assert(err); expect(err).toBeTruthy();
assert.strictEqual(err.code, 'AccessDenied'); expect(err.code).toBe('AccessDenied');
assert.strictEqual(err.statusCode, 403); expect(err.statusCode).toBe(403);
return done(); return done();
}); });
}); });

View File

@ -26,14 +26,14 @@ const tests = [
// ETag should include quotes around value // ETag should include quotes around value
const emptyObjectHash = const emptyObjectHash =
'"d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e"'; '"d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e"';
assert.equal(data.Name, Bucket, 'Bucket name mismatch'); expect(data.Name).toEqual(Bucket);
assert.deepEqual(keys, [ expect(keys).toEqual([
'testA/', 'testA/',
'testA/test.json', 'testA/test.json',
'testA/test/test.json', 'testA/test/test.json',
'testB/', 'testB/',
'testB/test.json', 'testB/test.json',
], 'Bucket content mismatch'); ]);
assert.deepStrictEqual(data.Contents[0].ETag, assert.deepStrictEqual(data.Contents[0].ETag,
emptyObjectHash, 'Object hash mismatch'); emptyObjectHash, 'Object hash mismatch');
}, },
@ -51,11 +51,11 @@ const tests = [
listObjectParams: Bucket => ({ Bucket, Delimiter: '/' }), listObjectParams: Bucket => ({ Bucket, Delimiter: '/' }),
assertions: (data, Bucket) => { assertions: (data, Bucket) => {
const prefixes = => cp.Prefix); const prefixes = => cp.Prefix);
assert.equal(data.Name, Bucket, 'Bucket name mismatch'); expect(data.Name).toEqual(Bucket);
assert.deepEqual(prefixes, [ expect(prefixes).toEqual([
'testA/', 'testA/',
'testB/', 'testB/',
], 'Bucket content mismatch'); ]);
}, },
}, },
{ {
@ -69,11 +69,11 @@ const tests = [
listObjectParams: Bucket => ({ Bucket, Delimiter: '%' }), listObjectParams: Bucket => ({ Bucket, Delimiter: '%' }),
assertions: data => { assertions: data => {
const prefixes = => cp.Prefix); const prefixes = => cp.Prefix);
assert.deepEqual(prefixes, [ expect(prefixes).toEqual([
'testA%', 'testA%',
'testB%', 'testB%',
'testC%', 'testC%',
], 'Bucket content mismatch'); ]);
}, },
}, },
{ {
@ -90,8 +90,8 @@ const tests = [
listObjectParams: Bucket => ({ Bucket }), listObjectParams: Bucket => ({ Bucket }),
assertions: (data, Bucket) => { assertions: (data, Bucket) => {
const keys = => object.Key); const keys = => object.Key);
assert.equal(data.Name, Bucket, 'Bucket name mismatch'); expect(data.Name).toEqual(Bucket);
assert.deepEqual(keys, [ expect(keys).toEqual([
/* These object names are intentionally listed in a /* These object names are intentionally listed in a
different order than they were created to additionally different order than they were created to additionally
test that they are listed alphabetically. */ test that they are listed alphabetically. */
@ -101,7 +101,7 @@ const tests = [
'whiteSpace/', 'whiteSpace/',
'whiteSpace/one whiteSpace', 'whiteSpace/one whiteSpace',
'whiteSpace/two white spaces', 'whiteSpace/two white spaces',
], 'Bucket content mismatch'); ]);
}, },
}, },
{ {
@ -202,8 +202,8 @@ const tests = [
listObjectParams: Bucket => ({ Bucket }), listObjectParams: Bucket => ({ Bucket }),
assertions: (data, Bucket) => { assertions: (data, Bucket) => {
const keys = => object.Key); const keys = => object.Key);
assert.equal(data.Name, Bucket, 'Bucket name mismatch'); expect(data.Name).toEqual(Bucket);
assert.deepEqual(keys, [ expect(keys).toEqual([
/* These object names are intentionally listed in a /* These object names are intentionally listed in a
different order than they were created to additionally different order than they were created to additionally
test that they are listed alphabetically. */ test that they are listed alphabetically. */
@ -265,7 +265,7 @@ const tests = [
'日japaneseMountainObjTitle', '日japaneseMountainObjTitle',
'日japaneseMountainObjTitle/objTitleA', '日japaneseMountainObjTitle/objTitleA',
'日japaneseMountainObjTitle/日japaneseMountainObjTitle', '日japaneseMountainObjTitle/日japaneseMountainObjTitle',
], 'Bucket content mismatch'); ]);
}, },
}, },
{ {
@ -291,7 +291,7 @@ describe('GET Bucket - AWS.S3.listObjects', () => {
let bucketUtil; let bucketUtil;
let bucketName; let bucketName;
before(done => { beforeAll(done => {
bucketUtil = new BucketUtility(); bucketUtil = new BucketUtility();
bucketUtil.createRandom(1) bucketUtil.createRandom(1)
.then(created => { .then(created => {
@ -301,19 +301,19 @@ describe('GET Bucket - AWS.S3.listObjects', () => {
.catch(done); .catch(done);
}); });
after(done => { afterAll(done => {
bucketUtil.deleteOne(bucketName) bucketUtil.deleteOne(bucketName)
.then(() => done()) .then(() => done())
.catch(done); .catch(done);
}); });
it('should return 403 and AccessDenied on a private bucket', done => { test('should return 403 and AccessDenied on a private bucket', done => {
const params = { Bucket: bucketName }; const params = { Bucket: bucketName };
bucketUtil.s3 bucketUtil.s3
.makeUnauthenticatedRequest('listObjects', params, error => { .makeUnauthenticatedRequest('listObjects', params, error => {
assert(error); expect(error).toBeTruthy();
assert.strictEqual(error.statusCode, 403); expect(error.statusCode).toBe(403);
assert.strictEqual(error.code, 'AccessDenied'); expect(error.code).toBe('AccessDenied');
done(); done();
}); });
}); });
@ -323,7 +323,7 @@ describe('GET Bucket - AWS.S3.listObjects', () => {
let bucketUtil; let bucketUtil;
let bucketName; let bucketName;
before(done => { beforeAll(done => {
bucketUtil = new BucketUtility('default', sigCfg); bucketUtil = new BucketUtility('default', sigCfg);
bucketUtil.createRandom(1) bucketUtil.createRandom(1)
.then(created => { .then(created => {
@ -333,7 +333,7 @@ describe('GET Bucket - AWS.S3.listObjects', () => {
.catch(done); .catch(done);
}); });
after(done => { afterAll(done => {
bucketUtil.deleteOne(bucketName).then(() => done()).catch(done); bucketUtil.deleteOne(bucketName).then(() => done()).catch(done);
}); });
@ -342,7 +342,7 @@ describe('GET Bucket - AWS.S3.listObjects', () => {
}); });
tests.forEach(test => { tests.forEach(test => {
it(`should ${}`, done => { test(`should ${}`, done => {
const s3 = bucketUtil.s3; const s3 = bucketUtil.s3;
const Bucket = bucketName; const Bucket = bucketName;
@ -367,7 +367,7 @@ describe('GET Bucket - AWS.S3.listObjects', () => {
}); });
tests.forEach(test => { tests.forEach(test => {
it(`v2 should ${}`, done => { test(`v2 should ${}`, done => {
const s3 = bucketUtil.s3; const s3 = bucketUtil.s3;
const Bucket = bucketName; const Bucket = bucketName;
@ -392,7 +392,7 @@ describe('GET Bucket - AWS.S3.listObjects', () => {
}); });
['&amp', '"quot', '\'apos', '<lt', '>gt'].forEach(k => { ['&amp', '"quot', '\'apos', '<lt', '>gt'].forEach(k => {
it(`should list objects with key ${k} as Prefix`, done => { test(`should list objects with key ${k} as Prefix`, done => {
const s3 = bucketUtil.s3; const s3 = bucketUtil.s3;
const Bucket = bucketName; const Bucket = bucketName;
const objects = [{ Bucket, Key: k }]; const objects = [{ Bucket, Key: k }];
@ -416,7 +416,7 @@ describe('GET Bucket - AWS.S3.listObjects', () => {
}); });
['&amp', '"quot', '\'apos', '<lt', '>gt'].forEach(k => { ['&amp', '"quot', '\'apos', '<lt', '>gt'].forEach(k => {
it(`should list objects with key ${k} as Marker`, done => { test(`should list objects with key ${k} as Marker`, done => {
const s3 = bucketUtil.s3; const s3 = bucketUtil.s3;
const Bucket = bucketName; const Bucket = bucketName;
const objects = [{ Bucket, Key: k }]; const objects = [{ Bucket, Key: k }];
@ -440,7 +440,7 @@ describe('GET Bucket - AWS.S3.listObjects', () => {
}); });
['&amp', '"quot', '\'apos', '<lt', '>gt'].forEach(k => { ['&amp', '"quot', '\'apos', '<lt', '>gt'].forEach(k => {
it(`should list objects with key ${k} as NextMarker`, done => { test(`should list objects with key ${k} as NextMarker`, done => {
const s3 = bucketUtil.s3; const s3 = bucketUtil.s3;
const Bucket = bucketName; const Bucket = bucketName;
const objects = [{ Bucket, Key: k }, { Bucket, Key: 'zzz' }]; const objects = [{ Bucket, Key: k }, { Bucket, Key: 'zzz' }];
@ -457,7 +457,7 @@ describe('GET Bucket - AWS.S3.listObjects', () => {
} }
return data; return data;
}).then(data => { }).then(data => {
assert.strictEqual(data.NextMarker, k); expect(data.NextMarker).toBe(k);
done(); done();
}) })
.catch(done); .catch(done);
@ -465,7 +465,7 @@ describe('GET Bucket - AWS.S3.listObjects', () => {
}); });
['&amp', '"quot', '\'apos', '<lt', '>gt'].forEach(k => { ['&amp', '"quot', '\'apos', '<lt', '>gt'].forEach(k => {
it(`should list objects with key ${k} as StartAfter`, done => { test(`should list objects with key ${k} as StartAfter`, done => {
const s3 = bucketUtil.s3; const s3 = bucketUtil.s3;
const Bucket = bucketName; const Bucket = bucketName;
const objects = [{ Bucket, Key: k }]; const objects = [{ Bucket, Key: k }];
@ -490,8 +490,7 @@ describe('GET Bucket - AWS.S3.listObjects', () => {
}); });
['&amp', '"quot', '\'apos', '<lt', '>gt'].forEach(k => { ['&amp', '"quot', '\'apos', '<lt', '>gt'].forEach(k => {
it(`should list objects with key ${k} as ContinuationToken`, test(`should list objects with key ${k} as ContinuationToken`, done => {
done => {
const s3 = bucketUtil.s3; const s3 = bucketUtil.s3;
const Bucket = bucketName; const Bucket = bucketName;
const objects = [{ Bucket, Key: k }]; const objects = [{ Bucket, Key: k }];
@ -517,8 +516,7 @@ describe('GET Bucket - AWS.S3.listObjects', () => {
}); });
['&amp', '"quot', '\'apos', '<lt', '>gt'].forEach(k => { ['&amp', '"quot', '\'apos', '<lt', '>gt'].forEach(k => {
it(`should list objects with key ${k} as NextContinuationToken`, test(`should list objects with key ${k} as NextContinuationToken`, done => {
done => {
const s3 = bucketUtil.s3; const s3 = bucketUtil.s3;
const Bucket = bucketName; const Bucket = bucketName;
const objects = [{ Bucket, Key: k }, { Bucket, Key: 'zzz' }]; const objects = [{ Bucket, Key: k }, { Bucket, Key: 'zzz' }];
@ -534,8 +532,7 @@ describe('GET Bucket - AWS.S3.listObjects', () => {
} }
return data; return data;
}).then(data => { }).then(data => {
assert.strictEqual( expect(decryptToken(data.NextContinuationToken)).toBe(k);
decryptToken(data.NextContinuationToken), k);
done(); done();
}) })
.catch(done); .catch(done);

View File

@ -10,13 +10,10 @@ const bucket = 'lifecycletestbucket';
// Check for the expected error response code and status code. // Check for the expected error response code and status code.
function assertError(err, expectedErr, cb) { function assertError(err, expectedErr, cb) {
if (expectedErr === null) { if (expectedErr === null) {
assert.strictEqual(err, null, `expected no error but got '${err}'`); expect(err).toBe(null);
} else { } else {
assert.strictEqual(err.code, expectedErr, 'incorrect error response ' + expect(err.code).toBe(expectedErr);
`code: should be '${expectedErr}' but got '${err.code}'`); expect(err.statusCode).toBe(errors[expectedErr].code);
assert.strictEqual(err.statusCode, errors[expectedErr].code,
'incorrect error status code: should be 400 but got ' +
} }
cb(); cb();
} }
@ -25,14 +22,14 @@ describe('aws-sdk test get bucket lifecycle', () => {
let s3; let s3;
let otherAccountS3; let otherAccountS3;
before(done => { beforeAll(done => {
const config = getConfig('default', { signatureVersion: 'v4' }); const config = getConfig('default', { signatureVersion: 'v4' });
s3 = new S3(config); s3 = new S3(config);
otherAccountS3 = new BucketUtility('lisa', {}).s3; otherAccountS3 = new BucketUtility('lisa', {}).s3;
return done(); return done();
}); });
it('should return NoSuchBucket error if bucket does not exist', done => { test('should return NoSuchBucket error if bucket does not exist', done => {
s3.getBucketLifecycleConfiguration({ Bucket: bucket }, err => s3.getBucketLifecycleConfiguration({ Bucket: bucket }, err =>
assertError(err, 'NoSuchBucket', done)); assertError(err, 'NoSuchBucket', done));
}); });
@ -42,19 +39,19 @@ describe('aws-sdk test get bucket lifecycle', () => {
afterEach(done => s3.deleteBucket({ Bucket: bucket }, done)); afterEach(done => s3.deleteBucket({ Bucket: bucket }, done));
it('should return AccessDenied if user is not bucket owner', done => { test('should return AccessDenied if user is not bucket owner', done => {
otherAccountS3.getBucketLifecycleConfiguration({ Bucket: bucket }, otherAccountS3.getBucketLifecycleConfiguration({ Bucket: bucket },
err => assertError(err, 'AccessDenied', done)); err => assertError(err, 'AccessDenied', done));
}); });
it('should return NoSuchLifecycleConfiguration error if no lifecycle ' + test('should return NoSuchLifecycleConfiguration error if no lifecycle ' +
'put to bucket', done => { 'put to bucket', done => {
s3.getBucketLifecycleConfiguration({ Bucket: bucket }, err => { s3.getBucketLifecycleConfiguration({ Bucket: bucket }, err => {
assertError(err, 'NoSuchLifecycleConfiguration', done); assertError(err, 'NoSuchLifecycleConfiguration', done);
}); });
}); });
it('should get bucket lifecycle config with top-level prefix', done => test('should get bucket lifecycle config with top-level prefix', done =>
s3.putBucketLifecycleConfiguration({ s3.putBucketLifecycleConfiguration({
Bucket: bucket, Bucket: bucket,
LifecycleConfiguration: { LifecycleConfiguration: {
@ -66,12 +63,11 @@ describe('aws-sdk test get bucket lifecycle', () => {
}], }],
}, },
}, err => { }, err => {
assert.equal(err, null, `Err putting lifecycle config: ${err}`); expect(err).toEqual(null);
s3.getBucketLifecycleConfiguration({ Bucket: bucket }, s3.getBucketLifecycleConfiguration({ Bucket: bucket },
(err, res) => { (err, res) => {
assert.equal(err, null, 'Error getting lifecycle config: ' + expect(err).toEqual(null);
`${err}`); expect(res.Rules.length).toBe(1);
assert.strictEqual(res.Rules.length, 1);
assert.deepStrictEqual(res.Rules[0], { assert.deepStrictEqual(res.Rules[0], {
Expiration: { Days: 1 }, Expiration: { Days: 1 },
ID: 'test-id', ID: 'test-id',
@ -84,7 +80,7 @@ describe('aws-sdk test get bucket lifecycle', () => {
}); });
})); }));
it('should get bucket lifecycle config with filter prefix', done => test('should get bucket lifecycle config with filter prefix', done =>
s3.putBucketLifecycleConfiguration({ s3.putBucketLifecycleConfiguration({
Bucket: bucket, Bucket: bucket,
LifecycleConfiguration: { LifecycleConfiguration: {
@ -96,12 +92,11 @@ describe('aws-sdk test get bucket lifecycle', () => {
}], }],
}, },
}, err => { }, err => {
assert.equal(err, null, `Err putting lifecycle config: ${err}`); expect(err).toEqual(null);
s3.getBucketLifecycleConfiguration({ Bucket: bucket }, s3.getBucketLifecycleConfiguration({ Bucket: bucket },
(err, res) => { (err, res) => {
assert.equal(err, null, 'Error getting lifecycle config: ' + expect(err).toEqual(null);
`${err}`); expect(res.Rules.length).toBe(1);
assert.strictEqual(res.Rules.length, 1);
assert.deepStrictEqual(res.Rules[0], { assert.deepStrictEqual(res.Rules[0], {
Expiration: { Days: 1 }, Expiration: { Days: 1 },
ID: 'test-id', ID: 'test-id',
@ -114,8 +109,7 @@ describe('aws-sdk test get bucket lifecycle', () => {
}); });
})); }));
it('should get bucket lifecycle config with filter prefix and tags', test('should get bucket lifecycle config with filter prefix and tags', done =>
done =>
s3.putBucketLifecycleConfiguration({ s3.putBucketLifecycleConfiguration({
Bucket: bucket, Bucket: bucket,
LifecycleConfiguration: { LifecycleConfiguration: {
@ -137,12 +131,11 @@ describe('aws-sdk test get bucket lifecycle', () => {
}], }],
}, },
}, err => { }, err => {
assert.equal(err, null, `Err putting lifecycle config: ${err}`); expect(err).toEqual(null);
s3.getBucketLifecycleConfiguration({ Bucket: bucket }, s3.getBucketLifecycleConfiguration({ Bucket: bucket },
(err, res) => { (err, res) => {
assert.equal(err, null, 'Error getting lifecycle config: ' + expect(err).toEqual(null);
`${err}`); expect(res.Rules.length).toBe(1);
assert.strictEqual(res.Rules.length, 1);
assert.deepStrictEqual(res.Rules[0], { assert.deepStrictEqual(res.Rules[0], {
Expiration: { Days: 1 }, Expiration: { Days: 1 },
ID: 'test-id', ID: 'test-id',

View File

@ -42,14 +42,15 @@ describe('aws-node-sdk test getBucketReplication', () => {
afterEach(done => s3.deleteBucket({ Bucket: bucket }, done)); afterEach(done => s3.deleteBucket({ Bucket: bucket }, done));
it("should return 'ReplicationConfigurationNotFoundError' if bucket does " + test("should return 'ReplicationConfigurationNotFoundError' if bucket does " +
'not have a replication configuration', done => 'not have a replication configuration', done =>
s3.getBucketReplication({ Bucket: bucket }, err => { s3.getBucketReplication({ Bucket: bucket }, err => {
assert(errors.ReplicationConfigurationNotFoundError[err.code]); expect(errors.ReplicationConfigurationNotFoundError[err.code]).toBeTruthy();
return done(); return done();
})); }));
it('should get the replication configuration that was put on a bucket', test(
'should get the replication configuration that was put on a bucket',
done => s3.putBucketReplication({ done => s3.putBucketReplication({
Bucket: bucket, Bucket: bucket,
ReplicationConfiguration: replicationConfig, ReplicationConfiguration: replicationConfig,
@ -67,13 +68,14 @@ describe('aws-node-sdk test getBucketReplication', () => {
assert.deepStrictEqual(data, expectedObj); assert.deepStrictEqual(data, expectedObj);
return done(); return done();
}); });
})); })
it('should return AccessDenied if user is not bucket owner', done => test('should return AccessDenied if user is not bucket owner', done =>
otherAccountS3.getBucketReplication({ Bucket: bucket }, err => { otherAccountS3.getBucketReplication({ Bucket: bucket }, err => {
assert(err); expect(err).toBeTruthy();
assert.strictEqual(err.code, 'AccessDenied'); expect(err.code).toBe('AccessDenied');
assert.strictEqual(err.statusCode, 403); expect(err.statusCode).toBe(403);
return done(); return done();
})); }));
}); });

View File

@ -25,17 +25,16 @@ describe('GET bucket cors', () => {
AllowedHeaders: ['*'], AllowedHeaders: ['*'],
MaxAgeSeconds: 3000 }, MaxAgeSeconds: 3000 },
] }; ] };
before(() => beforeAll(() =>
s3.createBucketAsync({ Bucket: bucketName }) s3.createBucketAsync({ Bucket: bucketName })
.then(() => s3.putBucketCorsAsync({ .then(() => s3.putBucketCorsAsync({
Bucket: bucketName, Bucket: bucketName,
CORSConfiguration: sampleCors, CORSConfiguration: sampleCors,
}))); })));
it('should return cors configuration successfully', done => { test('should return cors configuration successfully', done => {
s3.getBucketCors({ Bucket: bucketName }, (err, data) => { s3.getBucketCors({ Bucket: bucketName }, (err, data) => {
assert.strictEqual(err, null, expect(err).toBe(null);
`Found unexpected err ${err}`);
assert.deepStrictEqual(data.CORSRules, assert.deepStrictEqual(data.CORSRules,
sampleCors.CORSRules); sampleCors.CORSRules);
return done(); return done();
@ -50,18 +49,16 @@ describe('GET bucket cors', () => {
AllowedOrigins: [''], AllowedOrigins: [''],
AllowedHeaders: [testValue] }, AllowedHeaders: [testValue] },
] }; ] };
before(() => beforeAll(() =>
s3.createBucketAsync({ Bucket: bucketName }) s3.createBucketAsync({ Bucket: bucketName })
.then(() => s3.putBucketCorsAsync({ .then(() => s3.putBucketCorsAsync({
Bucket: bucketName, Bucket: bucketName,
CORSConfiguration: sampleCors, CORSConfiguration: sampleCors,
}))); })));
it('should be preserved when putting / getting cors resource', test('should be preserved when putting / getting cors resource', done => {
done => {
s3.getBucketCors({ Bucket: bucketName }, (err, data) => { s3.getBucketCors({ Bucket: bucketName }, (err, data) => {
assert.strictEqual(err, null, expect(err).toBe(null);
`Found unexpected err ${err}`);
assert.deepStrictEqual(data.CORSRules[0].AllowedHeaders, assert.deepStrictEqual(data.CORSRules[0].AllowedHeaders,
sampleCors.CORSRules[0].AllowedHeaders); sampleCors.CORSRules[0].AllowedHeaders);
return done(); return done();
@ -74,18 +71,16 @@ describe('GET bucket cors', () => {
{ AllowedMethods: ['PUT', 'POST', 'DELETE'], { AllowedMethods: ['PUT', 'POST', 'DELETE'],
AllowedOrigins: [''] }, AllowedOrigins: [''] },
] }; ] };
before(() => beforeAll(() =>
s3.createBucketAsync({ Bucket: bucketName }) s3.createBucketAsync({ Bucket: bucketName })
.then(() => s3.putBucketCorsAsync({ .then(() => s3.putBucketCorsAsync({
Bucket: bucketName, Bucket: bucketName,
CORSConfiguration: sampleCors, CORSConfiguration: sampleCors,
}))); })));
it('should be preserved when retrieving cors resource', test('should be preserved when retrieving cors resource', done => {
done => {
s3.getBucketCors({ Bucket: bucketName }, (err, data) => { s3.getBucketCors({ Bucket: bucketName }, (err, data) => {
assert.strictEqual(err, null, expect(err).toBe(null);
`Found unexpected err ${err}`);
assert.deepStrictEqual(data.CORSRules[0].AllowedMethods, assert.deepStrictEqual(data.CORSRules[0].AllowedMethods,
sampleCors.CORSRules[0].AllowedMethods); sampleCors.CORSRules[0].AllowedMethods);
return done(); return done();
@ -94,7 +89,7 @@ describe('GET bucket cors', () => {
}); });
describe('on bucket without cors configuration', () => { describe('on bucket without cors configuration', () => {
before(done => { beforeAll(done => {
process.stdout.write('about to create bucket\n'); process.stdout.write('about to create bucket\n');
s3.createBucket({ Bucket: bucketName }, err => { s3.createBucket({ Bucket: bucketName }, err => {
if (err) { if (err) {
@ -105,11 +100,11 @@ describe('GET bucket cors', () => {
}); });
}); });
it('should return NoSuchCORSConfiguration', done => { test('should return NoSuchCORSConfiguration', done => {
s3.getBucketCors({ Bucket: bucketName }, err => { s3.getBucketCors({ Bucket: bucketName }, err => {
assert(err); expect(err).toBeTruthy();
assert.strictEqual(err.code, 'NoSuchCORSConfiguration'); expect(err.code).toBe('NoSuchCORSConfiguration');
assert.strictEqual(err.statusCode, 404); expect(err.statusCode).toBe(404);
return done(); return done();
}); });
}); });

View File

@ -23,22 +23,20 @@ describeSkipAWS('GET bucket location ', () => {
return; return;
} }
describe(`with location: ${location}`, () => { describe(`with location: ${location}`, () => {
before(done => s3.createBucketAsync( beforeAll(done => s3.createBucketAsync(
{ {
Bucket: bucketName, Bucket: bucketName,
CreateBucketConfiguration: { CreateBucketConfiguration: {
LocationConstraint: location, LocationConstraint: location,
}, },
}, done)); }, done));
after(() => bucketUtil.deleteOne(bucketName)); afterAll(() => bucketUtil.deleteOne(bucketName));
it(`should return location configuration: ${location} ` + test(`should return location configuration: ${location} ` +
'successfully', 'successfully', done => {
done => {
s3.getBucketLocation({ Bucket: bucketName }, s3.getBucketLocation({ Bucket: bucketName },
(err, data) => { (err, data) => {
assert.strictEqual(err, null, expect(err).toBe(null);
`Found unexpected err ${err}`);
assert.deepStrictEqual(data.LocationConstraint, assert.deepStrictEqual(data.LocationConstraint,
location); location);
return done(); return done();
@ -48,7 +46,7 @@ describeSkipAWS('GET bucket location ', () => {
}); });
describe('with location us-east-1', () => { describe('with location us-east-1', () => {
before(done => s3.createBucketAsync( beforeAll(done => s3.createBucketAsync(
{ {
Bucket: bucketName, Bucket: bucketName,
CreateBucketConfiguration: { CreateBucketConfiguration: {
@ -56,12 +54,10 @@ describeSkipAWS('GET bucket location ', () => {
}, },
}, done)); }, done));
afterEach(() => bucketUtil.deleteOne(bucketName)); afterEach(() => bucketUtil.deleteOne(bucketName));
it('should return empty location', test('should return empty location', done => {
done => {
s3.getBucketLocation({ Bucket: bucketName }, s3.getBucketLocation({ Bucket: bucketName },
(err, data) => { (err, data) => {
assert.strictEqual(err, null, expect(err).toBe(null);
`Found unexpected err ${err}`);
assert.deepStrictEqual(data.LocationConstraint, ''); assert.deepStrictEqual(data.LocationConstraint, '');
return done(); return done();
}); });
@ -69,7 +65,7 @@ describeSkipAWS('GET bucket location ', () => {
}); });
describe('without location configuration', () => { describe('without location configuration', () => {
after(() => { afterAll(() => {
process.stdout.write('Deleting bucket\n'); process.stdout.write('Deleting bucket\n');
return bucketUtil.deleteOne(bucketName) return bucketUtil.deleteOne(bucketName)
.catch(err => { .catch(err => {
@ -78,15 +74,14 @@ describeSkipAWS('GET bucket location ', () => {
}); });
}); });
it('should return request endpoint as location', done => { test('should return request endpoint as location', done => {
process.stdout.write('Creating bucket'); process.stdout.write('Creating bucket');
const request = s3.createBucket({ Bucket: bucketName }); const request = s3.createBucket({ Bucket: bucketName });
request.on('build', () => { request.on('build', () => {
request.httpRequest.body = ''; request.httpRequest.body = '';
}); });
request.send(err => { request.send(err => {
assert.strictEqual(err, null, 'Error creating bucket: ' + expect(err).toBe(null);
const host = request.service.endpoint.hostname; const host = request.service.endpoint.hostname;
let endpoint = config.restEndpoints[host]; let endpoint = config.restEndpoints[host];
// s3 actually returns '' for us-east-1 // s3 actually returns '' for us-east-1
@ -95,9 +90,8 @@ describeSkipAWS('GET bucket location ', () => {
} }
s3.getBucketLocation({ Bucket: bucketName }, s3.getBucketLocation({ Bucket: bucketName },
(err, data) => { (err, data) => {
assert.strictEqual(err, null, 'Expected succes, ' + expect(err).toBe(null);
`got error ${JSON.stringify(err)}`); expect(data.LocationConstraint).toBe(endpoint);
assert.strictEqual(data.LocationConstraint, endpoint);
done(); done();
}); });
}); });
@ -105,22 +99,21 @@ describeSkipAWS('GET bucket location ', () => {
}); });
describe('with location configuration', () => { describe('with location configuration', () => {
before(done => s3.createBucketAsync( beforeAll(done => s3.createBucketAsync(
{ {
Bucket: bucketName, Bucket: bucketName,
CreateBucketConfiguration: { CreateBucketConfiguration: {
LocationConstraint: 'us-east-1', LocationConstraint: 'us-east-1',
}, },
}, done)); }, done));
after(() => bucketUtil.deleteOne(bucketName)); afterAll(() => bucketUtil.deleteOne(bucketName));
it('should return AccessDenied if user is not bucket owner', test('should return AccessDenied if user is not bucket owner', done => {
done => {
otherAccountS3.getBucketLocation({ Bucket: bucketName }, otherAccountS3.getBucketLocation({ Bucket: bucketName },
err => { err => {
assert(err); expect(err).toBeTruthy();
assert.strictEqual(err.code, 'AccessDenied'); expect(err.code).toBe('AccessDenied');
assert.strictEqual(err.statusCode, 403); expect(err.statusCode).toBe(403);
return done(); return done();
}); });
}); });

View File

@ -30,17 +30,16 @@ describe('GET bucket website', () => {
afterEach(() => bucketUtil.deleteOne(bucketName)); afterEach(() => bucketUtil.deleteOne(bucketName));
describe('with existing bucket configuration', () => { describe('with existing bucket configuration', () => {
before(() => beforeAll(() =>
s3.createBucketAsync({ Bucket: bucketName }) s3.createBucketAsync({ Bucket: bucketName })
.then(() => s3.putBucketWebsiteAsync({ .then(() => s3.putBucketWebsiteAsync({
Bucket: bucketName, Bucket: bucketName,
WebsiteConfiguration: config, WebsiteConfiguration: config,
}))); })));
it('should return bucket website xml successfully', done => { test('should return bucket website xml successfully', done => {
s3.getBucketWebsite({ Bucket: bucketName }, (err, data) => { s3.getBucketWebsite({ Bucket: bucketName }, (err, data) => {
assert.strictEqual(err, null, expect(err).toBe(null);
`Found unexpected err ${err}`);
const configObject = Object.assign({}, config); const configObject = Object.assign({}, config);
assert.deepStrictEqual(data, configObject); assert.deepStrictEqual(data, configObject);
return done(); return done();
@ -49,7 +48,7 @@ describe('GET bucket website', () => {
}); });
describe('on bucket without website configuration', () => { describe('on bucket without website configuration', () => {
before(done => { beforeAll(done => {
process.stdout.write('about to create bucket\n'); process.stdout.write('about to create bucket\n');
s3.createBucket({ Bucket: bucketName }, err => { s3.createBucket({ Bucket: bucketName }, err => {
if (err) { if (err) {
@ -60,11 +59,11 @@ describe('GET bucket website', () => {
}); });
}); });
it('should return NoSuchWebsiteConfiguration', done => { test('should return NoSuchWebsiteConfiguration', done => {
s3.getBucketWebsite({ Bucket: bucketName }, err => { s3.getBucketWebsite({ Bucket: bucketName }, err => {
assert(err); expect(err).toBeTruthy();
assert.strictEqual(err.code, 'NoSuchWebsiteConfiguration'); expect(err.code).toBe('NoSuchWebsiteConfiguration');
assert.strictEqual(err.statusCode, 404); expect(err.statusCode).toBe(404);
return done(); return done();
}); });
}); });

View File

@ -9,20 +9,21 @@ describe('HEAD bucket', () => {
let bucketUtil; let bucketUtil;
let s3; let s3;
before(() => { beforeAll(() => {
bucketUtil = new BucketUtility('default', sigCfg); bucketUtil = new BucketUtility('default', sigCfg);
s3 = bucketUtil.s3; s3 = bucketUtil.s3;
}); });
it('should return an error to a head request without a bucket name', test(
'should return an error to a head request without a bucket name',
done => { done => {
s3.headBucket({ Bucket: '' }, err => { s3.headBucket({ Bucket: '' }, err => {
assert.notEqual(err, null, expect(err).not.toEqual(null);
'Expected failure but got success'); expect(err.code).toBe(405);
assert.strictEqual(err.code, 405);
done(); done();
}); });
}); }
}); });
}); });

View File

@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ const objects = [
describe('Listing corner cases tests', () => { describe('Listing corner cases tests', () => {
let s3; let s3;
before(done => { beforeAll(done => {
const config = getConfig('default', { signatureVersion: 'v4' }); const config = getConfig('default', { signatureVersion: 'v4' });
s3 = new AWS.S3(config); s3 = new AWS.S3(config);
s3.createBucket( s3.createBucket(
@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ describe('Listing corner cases tests', () => {
}, done); }, done);
}); });
}); });
after(done => { afterAll(done => {
s3.listObjects({ Bucket }, (err, data) => { s3.listObjects({ Bucket }, (err, data) => {
async.each(data.Contents, (o, next) => { async.each(data.Contents, (o, next) => {
s3.deleteObject({ Bucket, Key: o.Key }, next); s3.deleteObject({ Bucket, Key: o.Key }, next);
@ -73,9 +73,9 @@ describe('Listing corner cases tests', () => {
}); });
}); });
}); });
it('should list everything', done => { test('should list everything', done => {
s3.listObjects({ Bucket }, (err, data) => { s3.listObjects({ Bucket }, (err, data) => {
assert.strictEqual(err, null); expect(err).toBe(null);
cutAttributes(data); cutAttributes(data);
assert.deepStrictEqual(data, { assert.deepStrictEqual(data, {
IsTruncated: false, IsTruncated: false,
@ -100,14 +100,14 @@ describe('Listing corner cases tests', () => {
done(); done();
}); });
}); });
it('should list with valid marker', done => { test('should list with valid marker', done => {
s3.listObjects( s3.listObjects(
{ Bucket, { Bucket,
Delimiter: '/', Delimiter: '/',
Marker: 'notes/summer/1.txt', Marker: 'notes/summer/1.txt',
}, },
(err, data) => { (err, data) => {
assert.strictEqual(err, null); expect(err).toBe(null);
cutAttributes(data); cutAttributes(data);
assert.deepStrictEqual(data, { assert.deepStrictEqual(data, {
IsTruncated: false, IsTruncated: false,
@ -122,14 +122,14 @@ describe('Listing corner cases tests', () => {
done(); done();
}); });
}); });
it('should list with unexpected marker', done => { test('should list with unexpected marker', done => {
s3.listObjects( s3.listObjects(
{ Bucket, { Bucket,
Delimiter: '/', Delimiter: '/',
Marker: 'zzzz', Marker: 'zzzz',
}, },
(err, data) => { (err, data) => {
assert.strictEqual(err, null); expect(err).toBe(null);
assert.deepStrictEqual(data, { assert.deepStrictEqual(data, {
IsTruncated: false, IsTruncated: false,
Marker: 'zzzz', Marker: 'zzzz',
@ -143,7 +143,7 @@ describe('Listing corner cases tests', () => {
done(); done();
}); });
}); });
it('should list with unexpected marker and prefix', done => { test('should list with unexpected marker and prefix', done => {
s3.listObjects( s3.listObjects(
{ Bucket, { Bucket,
Delimiter: '/', Delimiter: '/',
@ -151,7 +151,7 @@ describe('Listing corner cases tests', () => {
Prefix: 'notes/summer/', Prefix: 'notes/summer/',
}, },
(err, data) => { (err, data) => {
assert.strictEqual(err, null); expect(err).toBe(null);
assert.deepStrictEqual(data, { assert.deepStrictEqual(data, {
IsTruncated: false, IsTruncated: false,
Marker: 'notes/summer0', Marker: 'notes/summer0',
@ -165,13 +165,13 @@ describe('Listing corner cases tests', () => {
done(); done();
}); });
}); });
it('should list with MaxKeys', done => { test('should list with MaxKeys', done => {
s3.listObjects( s3.listObjects(
{ Bucket, { Bucket,
MaxKeys: 3, MaxKeys: 3,
}, },
(err, data) => { (err, data) => {
assert.strictEqual(err, null); expect(err).toBe(null);
cutAttributes(data); cutAttributes(data);
assert.deepStrictEqual(data, { assert.deepStrictEqual(data, {
Marker: '', Marker: '',
@ -188,13 +188,13 @@ describe('Listing corner cases tests', () => {
done(); done();
}); });
}); });
it('should list with big MaxKeys', done => { test('should list with big MaxKeys', done => {
s3.listObjects( s3.listObjects(
{ Bucket, { Bucket,
MaxKeys: 15000, MaxKeys: 15000,
}, },
(err, data) => { (err, data) => {
assert.strictEqual(err, null); expect(err).toBe(null);
cutAttributes(data); cutAttributes(data);
assert.deepStrictEqual(data, { assert.deepStrictEqual(data, {
Marker: '', Marker: '',
@ -218,13 +218,13 @@ describe('Listing corner cases tests', () => {
done(); done();
}); });
}); });
it('should list with delimiter', done => { test('should list with delimiter', done => {
s3.listObjects( s3.listObjects(
{ Bucket, { Bucket,
Delimiter: '/', Delimiter: '/',
}, },
(err, data) => { (err, data) => {
assert.strictEqual(err, null); expect(err).toBe(null);
cutAttributes(data); cutAttributes(data);
assert.deepStrictEqual(data, { assert.deepStrictEqual(data, {
Marker: '', Marker: '',
@ -239,13 +239,13 @@ describe('Listing corner cases tests', () => {
done(); done();
}); });
}); });
it('should list with long delimiter', done => { test('should list with long delimiter', done => {
s3.listObjects( s3.listObjects(
{ Bucket, { Bucket,
Delimiter: 'notes/summer', Delimiter: 'notes/summer',
}, },
(err, data) => { (err, data) => {
assert.strictEqual(err, null); expect(err).toBe(null);
cutAttributes(data); cutAttributes(data);
assert.deepStrictEqual(data, { assert.deepStrictEqual(data, {
Marker: '', Marker: '',
@ -267,14 +267,14 @@ describe('Listing corner cases tests', () => {
done(); done();
}); });
}); });
it('should list with delimiter and prefix related to #147', done => { test('should list with delimiter and prefix related to #147', done => {
s3.listObjects( s3.listObjects(
{ Bucket, { Bucket,
Delimiter: '/', Delimiter: '/',
Prefix: 'notes/', Prefix: 'notes/',
}, },
(err, data) => { (err, data) => {
assert.strictEqual(err, null); expect(err).toBe(null);
cutAttributes(data); cutAttributes(data);
assert.deepStrictEqual(data, { assert.deepStrictEqual(data, {
Marker: '', Marker: '',
@ -296,7 +296,7 @@ describe('Listing corner cases tests', () => {
done(); done();
}); });
}); });
it('should list with prefix and marker related to #147', done => { test('should list with prefix and marker related to #147', done => {
s3.listObjects( s3.listObjects(
{ Bucket, { Bucket,
Delimiter: '/', Delimiter: '/',
@ -304,7 +304,7 @@ describe('Listing corner cases tests', () => {
Marker: 'notes/year.txt', Marker: 'notes/year.txt',
}, },
(err, data) => { (err, data) => {
assert.strictEqual(err, null); expect(err).toBe(null);
cutAttributes(data); cutAttributes(data);
assert.deepStrictEqual(data, { assert.deepStrictEqual(data, {
Marker: 'notes/year.txt', Marker: 'notes/year.txt',
@ -319,7 +319,7 @@ describe('Listing corner cases tests', () => {
done(); done();
}); });
}); });
it('should list with all parameters 1 of 5', done => { test('should list with all parameters 1 of 5', done => {
s3.listObjects( s3.listObjects(
{ Bucket, { Bucket,
Delimiter: '/', Delimiter: '/',
@ -328,7 +328,7 @@ describe('Listing corner cases tests', () => {
MaxKeys: 1, MaxKeys: 1,
}, },
(err, data) => { (err, data) => {
assert.strictEqual(err, null); expect(err).toBe(null);
cutAttributes(data); cutAttributes(data);
assert.deepStrictEqual(data, { assert.deepStrictEqual(data, {
Marker: 'notes/', Marker: 'notes/',
@ -344,7 +344,7 @@ describe('Listing corner cases tests', () => {
done(); done();
}); });
}); });
it('should list with all parameters 2 of 5', done => { test('should list with all parameters 2 of 5', done => {
s3.listObjects( s3.listObjects(
{ Bucket, { Bucket,
Delimiter: '/', Delimiter: '/',
@ -353,7 +353,7 @@ describe('Listing corner cases tests', () => {
MaxKeys: 1, MaxKeys: 1,
}, },
(err, data) => { (err, data) => {
assert.strictEqual(err, null); expect(err).toBe(null);
cutAttributes(data); cutAttributes(data);
assert.deepStrictEqual(data, { assert.deepStrictEqual(data, {
Marker: 'notes/spring/', Marker: 'notes/spring/',
@ -369,7 +369,7 @@ describe('Listing corner cases tests', () => {
done(); done();
}); });
}); });
it('should list with all parameters 3 of 5', done => { test('should list with all parameters 3 of 5', done => {
s3.listObjects( s3.listObjects(
{ Bucket, { Bucket,
Delimiter: '/', Delimiter: '/',
@ -378,7 +378,7 @@ describe('Listing corner cases tests', () => {
MaxKeys: 1, MaxKeys: 1,
}, },
(err, data) => { (err, data) => {
assert.strictEqual(err, null); expect(err).toBe(null);
cutAttributes(data); cutAttributes(data);
assert.deepStrictEqual(data, { assert.deepStrictEqual(data, {
Marker: 'notes/summer/', Marker: 'notes/summer/',
@ -394,7 +394,7 @@ describe('Listing corner cases tests', () => {
done(); done();
}); });
}); });
it('should list with all parameters 4 of 5', done => { test('should list with all parameters 4 of 5', done => {
s3.listObjects( s3.listObjects(
{ Bucket, { Bucket,
Delimiter: '/', Delimiter: '/',
@ -403,7 +403,7 @@ describe('Listing corner cases tests', () => {
MaxKeys: 1, MaxKeys: 1,
}, },
(err, data) => { (err, data) => {
assert.strictEqual(err, null); expect(err).toBe(null);
cutAttributes(data); cutAttributes(data);
assert.deepStrictEqual(data, { assert.deepStrictEqual(data, {
Marker: 'notes/year.txt', Marker: 'notes/year.txt',
@ -419,7 +419,7 @@ describe('Listing corner cases tests', () => {
done(); done();
}); });
}); });
it('should list with all parameters 5 of 5', done => { test('should list with all parameters 5 of 5', done => {
s3.listObjects( s3.listObjects(
{ Bucket, { Bucket,
Delimiter: '/', Delimiter: '/',
@ -428,7 +428,7 @@ describe('Listing corner cases tests', () => {
MaxKeys: 1, MaxKeys: 1,
}, },
(err, data) => { (err, data) => {
assert.strictEqual(err, null); expect(err).toBe(null);
cutAttributes(data); cutAttributes(data);
assert.deepStrictEqual(data, { assert.deepStrictEqual(data, {
Marker: 'notes/', Marker: 'notes/',
@ -443,7 +443,7 @@ describe('Listing corner cases tests', () => {
done(); done();
}); });
}); });
it('should ends listing on last common prefix', done => { test('should ends listing on last common prefix', done => {
s3.putObject({ s3.putObject({
Bucket, Bucket,
Key: 'notes/zaphod/TheFourth.txt', Key: 'notes/zaphod/TheFourth.txt',
@ -458,7 +458,7 @@ describe('Listing corner cases tests', () => {
MaxKeys: 1, MaxKeys: 1,
}, },
(err, data) => { (err, data) => {
assert.strictEqual(err, null); expect(err).toBe(null);
cutAttributes(data); cutAttributes(data);
assert.deepStrictEqual(data, { assert.deepStrictEqual(data, {
IsTruncated: false, IsTruncated: false,

View File

@ -24,14 +24,14 @@ describe('PUT Bucket - AWS.S3.createBucket', () => {
s3 = new S3(config); s3 = new S3(config);
}); });
it('should return 403 and AccessDenied', done => { test('should return 403 and AccessDenied', done => {
const params = { Bucket: 'mybucket' }; const params = { Bucket: 'mybucket' };
s3.makeUnauthenticatedRequest('createBucket', params, error => { s3.makeUnauthenticatedRequest('createBucket', params, error => {
assert(error); expect(error).toBeTruthy();
assert.strictEqual(error.statusCode, 403); expect(error.statusCode).toBe(403);
assert.strictEqual(error.code, 'AccessDenied'); expect(error.code).toBe('AccessDenied');
done(); done();
}); });
@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ describe('PUT Bucket - AWS.S3.createBucket', () => {
withV4(sigCfg => { withV4(sigCfg => {
let bucketUtil; let bucketUtil;
before(() => { beforeAll(() => {
bucketUtil = new BucketUtility('default', sigCfg); bucketUtil = new BucketUtility('default', sigCfg);
}); });
@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ describe('PUT Bucket - AWS.S3.createBucket', () => {
'provided.', done => { 'provided.', done => {
bucketUtil.s3.createBucket({ Bucket: bucketName }, done); bucketUtil.s3.createBucket({ Bucket: bucketName }, done);
}); });
it('should return a 200 if us-east behavior', done => { test('should return a 200 if us-east behavior', done => {
bucketUtil.s3.createBucket({ bucketUtil.s3.createBucket({
Bucket: bucketName, Bucket: bucketName,
CreateBucketConfiguration: { CreateBucketConfiguration: {
@ -70,17 +70,16 @@ describe('PUT Bucket - AWS.S3.createBucket', () => {
}, },
}, done); }, done);
}); });
it('should return a 409 if us-west behavior', done => { test('should return a 409 if us-west behavior', done => {
bucketUtil.s3.createBucket({ bucketUtil.s3.createBucket({
Bucket: bucketName, Bucket: bucketName,
CreateBucketConfiguration: { CreateBucketConfiguration: {
LocationConstraint: 'scality-us-west-1', LocationConstraint: 'scality-us-west-1',
}, },
}, error => { }, error => {
assert.notEqual(error, null, expect(error).not.toEqual(null);
'Expected failure but got success'); expect(error.code).toBe('BucketAlreadyOwnedByYou');
assert.strictEqual(error.code, 'BucketAlreadyOwnedByYou'); expect(error.statusCode).toBe(409);
assert.strictEqual(error.statusCode, 409);
done(); done();
}); });
}); });
@ -89,7 +88,7 @@ describe('PUT Bucket - AWS.S3.createBucket', () => {
describe('bucket naming restriction', () => { describe('bucket naming restriction', () => {
let testFn; let testFn;
before(() => { beforeAll(() => {
testFn = (bucketName, done, errStatus, errCode) => { testFn = (bucketName, done, errStatus, errCode) => {
const expectedStatus = errStatus || 400; const expectedStatus = errStatus || 400;
const expectedCode = errCode || 'InvalidBucketName'; const expectedCode = errCode || 'InvalidBucketName';
@ -102,9 +101,8 @@ describe('PUT Bucket - AWS.S3.createBucket', () => {
return done(e); return done(e);
}) })
.catch(error => { .catch(error => {
assert.strictEqual(error.code, expectedCode); expect(error.code).toBe(expectedCode);
assert.strictEqual(error.statusCode, expect(error.statusCode).toBe(expectedStatus);
done(); done();
}); });
}; };
@ -115,20 +113,19 @@ describe('PUT Bucket - AWS.S3.createBucket', () => {
// Hence it skips some of test suites. // Hence it skips some of test suites.
const itSkipIfAWS = process.env.AWS_ON_AIR ? it.skip : it; const itSkipIfAWS = process.env.AWS_ON_AIR ? it.skip : it;
it('should return 405 if empty name', done => { test('should return 405 if empty name', done => {
const shortName = ''; const shortName = '';
testFn(shortName, done, 405, 'MethodNotAllowed'); testFn(shortName, done, 405, 'MethodNotAllowed');
}); });
it('should return 400 if name is shorter than 3 chars', done => { test('should return 400 if name is shorter than 3 chars', done => {
const shortName = 'as'; const shortName = 'as';
testFn(shortName, done); testFn(shortName, done);
}); });
it('should return 403 if name is reserved (e.g., METADATA)', test('should return 403 if name is reserved (e.g., METADATA)', done => {
done => {
const reservedName = 'METADATA'; const reservedName = 'METADATA';
testFn(reservedName, done, 403, 'AccessDenied'); testFn(reservedName, done, 403, 'AccessDenied');
}); });
@ -154,7 +151,7 @@ describe('PUT Bucket - AWS.S3.createBucket', () => {
} }
); );
it('should return 400 if name ends with period', done => { test('should return 400 if name ends with period', done => {
const invalidName = 'myawsbucket.'; const invalidName = 'myawsbucket.';
testFn(invalidName, done); testFn(invalidName, done);
}); });
@ -167,7 +164,7 @@ describe('PUT Bucket - AWS.S3.createBucket', () => {
} }
); );
it('should return 400 if name has special chars', done => { test('should return 400 if name has special chars', done => {
const invalidName = 'my.#s3bucket'; const invalidName = 'my.#s3bucket';
testFn(invalidName, done); testFn(invalidName, done);
}); });
@ -177,27 +174,31 @@ describe('PUT Bucket - AWS.S3.createBucket', () => {
function _test(name, done) { function _test(name, done) {
bucketUtil.s3.createBucket({ Bucket: name }, (err, res) => { bucketUtil.s3.createBucket({ Bucket: name }, (err, res) => {
assert.ifError(err); assert.ifError(err);
assert(res.Location, 'No Location in response'); expect(res.Location).toBeTruthy();
assert.deepStrictEqual(res.Location, `/${name}`, assert.deepStrictEqual(res.Location, `/${name}`,
'Wrong Location header'); 'Wrong Location header');
bucketUtil.deleteOne(name).then(() => done()).catch(done); bucketUtil.deleteOne(name).then(() => done()).catch(done);
}); });
} }
it('should create bucket if name is valid', done => test('should create bucket if name is valid', done =>
_test('scality-very-valid-bucket-name', done)); _test('scality-very-valid-bucket-name', done));
it('should create bucket if name is some prefix and an IP address', test(
done => _test('prefix-', done)); 'should create bucket if name is some prefix and an IP address',
done => _test('prefix-', done)
it('should create bucket if name is an IP address with some suffix', test(
done => _test('', done)); 'should create bucket if name is an IP address with some suffix',
done => _test('', done)
}); });
Object.keys(locationConstraints).forEach( Object.keys(locationConstraints).forEach(
location => { location => {
describeSkipAWS(`bucket creation with location: ${location}`, describeSkipAWS(`bucket creation with location: ${location}`,
() => { () => {
after(() => bucketUtil.deleteOne(bucketName)); afterAll(() => bucketUtil.deleteOne(bucketName));
it(`should create bucket with location: ${location}`, done => { test(`should create bucket with location: ${location}`, done => {
bucketUtil.s3.createBucketAsync( bucketUtil.s3.createBucketAsync(
{ {
Bucket: bucketName, Bucket: bucketName,
@ -210,7 +211,7 @@ describe('PUT Bucket - AWS.S3.createBucket', () => {
}); });
describe('bucket creation with invalid location', () => { describe('bucket creation with invalid location', () => {
it('should return errors InvalidLocationConstraint', done => { test('should return errors InvalidLocationConstraint', done => {
bucketUtil.s3.createBucketAsync( bucketUtil.s3.createBucketAsync(
{ {
Bucket: bucketName, Bucket: bucketName,
@ -218,18 +219,17 @@ describe('PUT Bucket - AWS.S3.createBucket', () => {
LocationConstraint: 'coco', LocationConstraint: 'coco',
}, },
}, err => { }, err => {
assert.strictEqual(err.code, expect(err.code).toBe('InvalidLocationConstraint');
'InvalidLocationConstraint'); expect(err.statusCode).toBe(400);
assert.strictEqual(err.statusCode, 400);
done(); done();
}); });
}); });
}); });
describe('bucket creation with ingestion location', () => { describe('bucket creation with ingestion location', () => {
after(done => afterAll(done =>
bucketUtil.s3.deleteBucket({ Bucket: bucketName }, done)); bucketUtil.s3.deleteBucket({ Bucket: bucketName }, done));
it('should create bucket with location and ingestion', done => { test('should create bucket with location and ingestion', done => {
async.waterfall([ async.waterfall([
next => bucketUtil.s3.createBucketAsync( next => bucketUtil.s3.createBucketAsync(
{ {
@ -239,7 +239,7 @@ describe('PUT Bucket - AWS.S3.createBucket', () => {
}, },
}, (err, res) => { }, (err, res) => {
assert.ifError(err); assert.ifError(err);
assert.strictEqual(res.Location, `/${bucketName}`); expect(res.Location).toBe(`/${bucketName}`);
return next(); return next();
}), }),
next => bucketUtil.s3.getBucketLocation( next => bucketUtil.s3.getBucketLocation(
@ -247,13 +247,13 @@ describe('PUT Bucket - AWS.S3.createBucket', () => {
Bucket: bucketName, Bucket: bucketName,
}, (err, res) => { }, (err, res) => {
assert.ifError(err); assert.ifError(err);
assert.strictEqual(res.LocationConstraint, 'us-east-2'); expect(res.LocationConstraint).toBe('us-east-2');
return next(); return next();
}), }),
next => bucketUtil.s3.getBucketVersioning( next => bucketUtil.s3.getBucketVersioning(
{ Bucket: bucketName }, (err, res) => { { Bucket: bucketName }, (err, res) => {
assert.ifError(err); assert.ifError(err);
assert.strictEqual(res.Status, 'Enabled'); expect(res.Status).toBe('Enabled');
return next(); return next();
}), }),
], done); ], done);

View File

@ -25,14 +25,14 @@ describe('aws-node-sdk test bucket put acl', () => {
let s3; let s3;
// setup test // setup test
before(done => { beforeAll(done => {
const config = getConfig('default', { signatureVersion: 'v4' }); const config = getConfig('default', { signatureVersion: 'v4' });
s3 = new S3(config); s3 = new S3(config);
s3.createBucket({ Bucket: bucket }, done); s3.createBucket({ Bucket: bucket }, done);
}); });
// delete bucket after testing // delete bucket after testing
after(done => s3.deleteBucket({ Bucket: bucket }, done)); afterAll(done => s3.deleteBucket({ Bucket: bucket }, done));
const itSkipIfAWS = process.env.AWS_ON_AIR ? it.skip : it; const itSkipIfAWS = process.env.AWS_ON_AIR ? it.skip : it;
itSkipIfAWS('should not accept xml body larger than 512 KB', done => { itSkipIfAWS('should not accept xml body larger than 512 KB', done => {
@ -48,9 +48,8 @@ describe('aws-node-sdk test bucket put acl', () => {
}; };
s3.putBucketAcl(params, error => { s3.putBucketAcl(params, error => {
if (error) { if (error) {
assert.strictEqual(error.statusCode, 400); expect(error.statusCode).toBe(400);
assert.strictEqual( expect(error.code).toBe('InvalidRequest');
error.code, 'InvalidRequest');
done(); done();
} else { } else {
done('accepted xml body larger than 512 KB'); done('accepted xml body larger than 512 KB');
@ -80,18 +79,18 @@ describe('PUT Bucket ACL', () => {
}); });
}); });
it('should return InvalidArgument if invalid grantee ' + test('should return InvalidArgument if invalid grantee ' +
'user ID provided in ACL header request', done => { 'user ID provided in ACL header request', done => {
s3.putBucketAcl({ s3.putBucketAcl({
Bucket: bucketName, Bucket: bucketName,
GrantRead: 'id=invalidUserID' }, err => { GrantRead: 'id=invalidUserID' }, err => {
assert.strictEqual(err.statusCode, 400); expect(err.statusCode).toBe(400);
assert.strictEqual(err.code, 'InvalidArgument'); expect(err.code).toBe('InvalidArgument');
done(); done();
}); });
}); });
it('should return InvalidArgument if invalid grantee ' + test('should return InvalidArgument if invalid grantee ' +
'user ID provided in ACL request body', done => { 'user ID provided in ACL request body', done => {
s3.putBucketAcl({ s3.putBucketAcl({
Bucket: bucketName, Bucket: bucketName,
@ -111,8 +110,8 @@ describe('PUT Bucket ACL', () => {
}, },
}, },
}, err => { }, err => {
assert.strictEqual(err.statusCode, 400); expect(err.statusCode).toBe(400);
assert.strictEqual(err.code, 'InvalidArgument'); expect(err.code).toBe('InvalidArgument');
done(); done();
}); });
}); });

View File

@ -20,13 +20,10 @@ const expirationRule = {
// Check for the expected error response code and status code. // Check for the expected error response code and status code.
function assertError(err, expectedErr, cb) { function assertError(err, expectedErr, cb) {
if (expectedErr === null) { if (expectedErr === null) {
assert.strictEqual(err, null, `expected no error but got '${err}'`); expect(err).toBe(null);
} else { } else {
assert.strictEqual(err.code, expectedErr, 'incorrect error response ' + expect(err.code).toBe(expectedErr);
`code: should be '${expectedErr}' but got '${err.code}'`); expect(err.statusCode).toBe(errors[expectedErr].code);
assert.strictEqual(err.statusCode, errors[expectedErr].code,
'incorrect error status code: should be ' +
`${errors[expectedErr].code}, but got '${err.statusCode}'`);
} }
cb(); cb();
} }
@ -50,14 +47,14 @@ describe('aws-sdk test put bucket lifecycle', () => {
let s3; let s3;
let otherAccountS3; let otherAccountS3;
before(done => { beforeAll(done => {
const config = getConfig('default', { signatureVersion: 'v4' }); const config = getConfig('default', { signatureVersion: 'v4' });
s3 = new S3(config); s3 = new S3(config);
otherAccountS3 = new BucketUtility('lisa', {}).s3; otherAccountS3 = new BucketUtility('lisa', {}).s3;
return done(); return done();
}); });
it('should return NoSuchBucket error if bucket does not exist', done => { test('should return NoSuchBucket error if bucket does not exist', done => {
const params = getLifecycleParams(); const params = getLifecycleParams();
s3.putBucketLifecycleConfiguration(params, err => s3.putBucketLifecycleConfiguration(params, err =>
assertError(err, 'NoSuchBucket', done)); assertError(err, 'NoSuchBucket', done));
@ -68,69 +65,69 @@ describe('aws-sdk test put bucket lifecycle', () => {
afterEach(done => s3.deleteBucket({ Bucket: bucket }, done)); afterEach(done => s3.deleteBucket({ Bucket: bucket }, done));
it('should return AccessDenied if user is not bucket owner', done => { test('should return AccessDenied if user is not bucket owner', done => {
const params = getLifecycleParams(); const params = getLifecycleParams();
otherAccountS3.putBucketLifecycleConfiguration(params, otherAccountS3.putBucketLifecycleConfiguration(params,
err => assertError(err, 'AccessDenied', done)); err => assertError(err, 'AccessDenied', done));
}); });
it('should put lifecycle configuration on bucket', done => { test('should put lifecycle configuration on bucket', done => {
const params = getLifecycleParams(); const params = getLifecycleParams();
s3.putBucketLifecycleConfiguration(params, err => s3.putBucketLifecycleConfiguration(params, err =>
assertError(err, null, done)); assertError(err, null, done));
}); });
it('should not allow lifecycle config with no Status', done => { test('should not allow lifecycle config with no Status', done => {
const params = getLifecycleParams({ key: 'Status', value: '' }); const params = getLifecycleParams({ key: 'Status', value: '' });
s3.putBucketLifecycleConfiguration(params, err => s3.putBucketLifecycleConfiguration(params, err =>
assertError(err, 'MalformedXML', done)); assertError(err, 'MalformedXML', done));
}); });
it('should not allow lifecycle config with no Prefix or Filter', test('should not allow lifecycle config with no Prefix or Filter', done => {
done => {
const params = getLifecycleParams({ key: 'Prefix', value: null }); const params = getLifecycleParams({ key: 'Prefix', value: null });
s3.putBucketLifecycleConfiguration(params, err => s3.putBucketLifecycleConfiguration(params, err =>
assertError(err, 'MalformedXML', done)); assertError(err, 'MalformedXML', done));
}); });
it('should not allow lifecycle config with empty action', done => { test('should not allow lifecycle config with empty action', done => {
const params = getLifecycleParams({ key: 'Expiration', value: {} }); const params = getLifecycleParams({ key: 'Expiration', value: {} });
s3.putBucketLifecycleConfiguration(params, err => s3.putBucketLifecycleConfiguration(params, err =>
assertError(err, 'MalformedXML', done)); assertError(err, 'MalformedXML', done));
}); });
it('should not allow lifecycle config with ID longer than 255 char', test(
'should not allow lifecycle config with ID longer than 255 char',
done => { done => {
const params = const params =
getLifecycleParams({ key: 'ID', value: 'a'.repeat(256) }); getLifecycleParams({ key: 'ID', value: 'a'.repeat(256) });
s3.putBucketLifecycleConfiguration(params, err => s3.putBucketLifecycleConfiguration(params, err =>
assertError(err, 'InvalidArgument', done)); assertError(err, 'InvalidArgument', done));
}); }
it('should allow lifecycle config with Prefix length < 1024', done => { test('should allow lifecycle config with Prefix length < 1024', done => {
const params = const params =
getLifecycleParams({ key: 'Prefix', value: 'a'.repeat(1023) }); getLifecycleParams({ key: 'Prefix', value: 'a'.repeat(1023) });
s3.putBucketLifecycleConfiguration(params, err => s3.putBucketLifecycleConfiguration(params, err =>
assertError(err, null, done)); assertError(err, null, done));
}); });
it('should allow lifecycle config with Prefix length === 1024', test('should allow lifecycle config with Prefix length === 1024', done => {
done => {
const params = const params =
getLifecycleParams({ key: 'Prefix', value: 'a'.repeat(1024) }); getLifecycleParams({ key: 'Prefix', value: 'a'.repeat(1024) });
s3.putBucketLifecycleConfiguration(params, err => s3.putBucketLifecycleConfiguration(params, err =>
assertError(err, null, done)); assertError(err, null, done));
}); });
it('should not allow lifecycle config with Prefix length > 1024', test('should not allow lifecycle config with Prefix length > 1024', done => {
done => {
const params = const params =
getLifecycleParams({ key: 'Prefix', value: 'a'.repeat(1025) }); getLifecycleParams({ key: 'Prefix', value: 'a'.repeat(1025) });
s3.putBucketLifecycleConfiguration(params, err => s3.putBucketLifecycleConfiguration(params, err =>
assertError(err, 'InvalidRequest', done)); assertError(err, 'InvalidRequest', done));
}); });
it('should not allow lifecycle config with Filter.Prefix length > 1024', test(
'should not allow lifecycle config with Filter.Prefix length > 1024',
done => { done => {
const params = getLifecycleParams({ const params = getLifecycleParams({
key: 'Filter', key: 'Filter',
@ -139,9 +136,10 @@ describe('aws-sdk test put bucket lifecycle', () => {
delete params.LifecycleConfiguration.Rules[0].Prefix; delete params.LifecycleConfiguration.Rules[0].Prefix;
s3.putBucketLifecycleConfiguration(params, err => s3.putBucketLifecycleConfiguration(params, err =>
assertError(err, 'InvalidRequest', done)); assertError(err, 'InvalidRequest', done));
}); }
it('should not allow lifecycle config with Filter.And.Prefix length ' + test('should not allow lifecycle config with Filter.And.Prefix length ' +
'> 1024', done => { '> 1024', done => {
const params = getLifecycleParams({ const params = getLifecycleParams({
key: 'Filter', key: 'Filter',
@ -157,7 +155,7 @@ describe('aws-sdk test put bucket lifecycle', () => {
assertError(err, 'InvalidRequest', done)); assertError(err, 'InvalidRequest', done));
}); });
it('should allow lifecycle config with Tag.Key length < 128', done => { test('should allow lifecycle config with Tag.Key length < 128', done => {
const params = getLifecycleParams({ const params = getLifecycleParams({
key: 'Filter', key: 'Filter',
value: { Tag: { Key: 'a'.repeat(127), Value: 'bar' } }, value: { Tag: { Key: 'a'.repeat(127), Value: 'bar' } },
@ -167,8 +165,7 @@ describe('aws-sdk test put bucket lifecycle', () => {
assertError(err, null, done)); assertError(err, null, done));
}); });
it('should allow lifecycle config with Tag.Key length === 128', test('should allow lifecycle config with Tag.Key length === 128', done => {
done => {
const params = getLifecycleParams({ const params = getLifecycleParams({
key: 'Filter', key: 'Filter',
value: { Tag: { Key: 'a'.repeat(128), Value: 'bar' } }, value: { Tag: { Key: 'a'.repeat(128), Value: 'bar' } },
@ -178,8 +175,7 @@ describe('aws-sdk test put bucket lifecycle', () => {
assertError(err, null, done)); assertError(err, null, done));
}); });
it('should not allow lifecycle config with Tag.Key length > 128', test('should not allow lifecycle config with Tag.Key length > 128', done => {
done => {
const params = getLifecycleParams({ const params = getLifecycleParams({
key: 'Filter', key: 'Filter',
value: { Tag: { Key: 'a'.repeat(129), Value: 'bar' } }, value: { Tag: { Key: 'a'.repeat(129), Value: 'bar' } },
@ -189,8 +185,7 @@ describe('aws-sdk test put bucket lifecycle', () => {
assertError(err, 'InvalidRequest', done)); assertError(err, 'InvalidRequest', done));
}); });
it('should allow lifecycle config with Tag.Value length < 256', test('should allow lifecycle config with Tag.Value length < 256', done => {
done => {
const params = getLifecycleParams({ const params = getLifecycleParams({
key: 'Filter', key: 'Filter',
value: { Tag: { Key: 'a', Value: 'b'.repeat(255) } }, value: { Tag: { Key: 'a', Value: 'b'.repeat(255) } },
@ -200,8 +195,7 @@ describe('aws-sdk test put bucket lifecycle', () => {
assertError(err, null, done)); assertError(err, null, done));
}); });
it('should allow lifecycle config with Tag.Value length === 256', test('should allow lifecycle config with Tag.Value length === 256', done => {
done => {
const params = getLifecycleParams({ const params = getLifecycleParams({
key: 'Filter', key: 'Filter',
value: { Tag: { Key: 'a', Value: 'b'.repeat(256) } }, value: { Tag: { Key: 'a', Value: 'b'.repeat(256) } },
@ -211,8 +205,7 @@ describe('aws-sdk test put bucket lifecycle', () => {
assertError(err, null, done)); assertError(err, null, done));
}); });
it('should not allow lifecycle config with Tag.Value length > 256', test('should not allow lifecycle config with Tag.Value length > 256', done => {
done => {
const params = getLifecycleParams({ const params = getLifecycleParams({
key: 'Filter', key: 'Filter',
value: { Tag: { Key: 'a', Value: 'b'.repeat(257) } }, value: { Tag: { Key: 'a', Value: 'b'.repeat(257) } },
@ -222,20 +215,20 @@ describe('aws-sdk test put bucket lifecycle', () => {
assertError(err, 'InvalidRequest', done)); assertError(err, 'InvalidRequest', done));
}); });
it('should not allow lifecycle config with Prefix and Filter', done => { test('should not allow lifecycle config with Prefix and Filter', done => {
const params = getLifecycleParams( const params = getLifecycleParams(
{ key: 'Filter', value: { Prefix: 'foo' } }); { key: 'Filter', value: { Prefix: 'foo' } });
s3.putBucketLifecycleConfiguration(params, err => s3.putBucketLifecycleConfiguration(params, err =>
assertError(err, 'MalformedXML', done)); assertError(err, 'MalformedXML', done));
}); });
it('should allow lifecycle config without ID', done => { test('should allow lifecycle config without ID', done => {
const params = getLifecycleParams({ key: 'ID', value: '' }); const params = getLifecycleParams({ key: 'ID', value: '' });
s3.putBucketLifecycleConfiguration(params, err => s3.putBucketLifecycleConfiguration(params, err =>
assertError(err, null, done)); assertError(err, null, done));
}); });
it('should allow lifecycle config with multiple actions', done => { test('should allow lifecycle config with multiple actions', done => {
const params = getLifecycleParams({ const params = getLifecycleParams({
key: 'NoncurrentVersionExpiration', key: 'NoncurrentVersionExpiration',
value: { NoncurrentDays: 1 }, value: { NoncurrentDays: 1 },
@ -246,25 +239,25 @@ describe('aws-sdk test put bucket lifecycle', () => {
describe('with Rule.Filter not Rule.Prefix', () => { describe('with Rule.Filter not Rule.Prefix', () => {
before(done => { beforeAll(done => {
expirationRule.Prefix = null; expirationRule.Prefix = null;
done(); done();
}); });
it('should allow config with empty Filter', done => { test('should allow config with empty Filter', done => {
const params = getLifecycleParams({ key: 'Filter', value: {} }); const params = getLifecycleParams({ key: 'Filter', value: {} });
s3.putBucketLifecycleConfiguration(params, err => s3.putBucketLifecycleConfiguration(params, err =>
assertError(err, null, done)); assertError(err, null, done));
}); });
it('should not allow config with And & Prefix', done => { test('should not allow config with And & Prefix', done => {
const params = getLifecycleParams( const params = getLifecycleParams(
{ key: 'Filter', value: { Prefix: 'foo', And: {} } }); { key: 'Filter', value: { Prefix: 'foo', And: {} } });
s3.putBucketLifecycleConfiguration(params, err => s3.putBucketLifecycleConfiguration(params, err =>
assertError(err, 'MalformedXML', done)); assertError(err, 'MalformedXML', done));
}); });
it('should not allow config with And & Tag', done => { test('should not allow config with And & Tag', done => {
const params = getLifecycleParams({ const params = getLifecycleParams({
key: 'Filter', key: 'Filter',
value: { Tag: { Key: 'foo', Value: 'bar' }, And: {} }, value: { Tag: { Key: 'foo', Value: 'bar' }, And: {} },
@ -273,7 +266,7 @@ describe('aws-sdk test put bucket lifecycle', () => {
assertError(err, 'MalformedXML', done)); assertError(err, 'MalformedXML', done));
}); });
it('should not allow config with Prefix & Tag', done => { test('should not allow config with Prefix & Tag', done => {
const params = getLifecycleParams({ const params = getLifecycleParams({
key: 'Filter', key: 'Filter',
value: { Tag: { Key: 'foo', Value: 'bar' }, Prefix: 'foo' }, value: { Tag: { Key: 'foo', Value: 'bar' }, Prefix: 'foo' },
@ -282,14 +275,14 @@ describe('aws-sdk test put bucket lifecycle', () => {
assertError(err, 'MalformedXML', done)); assertError(err, 'MalformedXML', done));
}); });
it('should allow config with only Prefix', done => { test('should allow config with only Prefix', done => {
const params = getLifecycleParams( const params = getLifecycleParams(
{ key: 'Filter', value: { Prefix: 'foo' } }); { key: 'Filter', value: { Prefix: 'foo' } });
s3.putBucketLifecycleConfiguration(params, err => s3.putBucketLifecycleConfiguration(params, err =>
assertError(err, null, done)); assertError(err, null, done));
}); });
it('should allow config with only Tag', done => { test('should allow config with only Tag', done => {
const params = getLifecycleParams({ const params = getLifecycleParams({
key: 'Filter', key: 'Filter',
value: { Tag: { Key: 'foo', Value: 'ba' } }, value: { Tag: { Key: 'foo', Value: 'ba' } },
@ -298,15 +291,14 @@ describe('aws-sdk test put bucket lifecycle', () => {
assertError(err, null, done)); assertError(err, null, done));
}); });
it('should not allow config with And.Prefix & no And.Tags', test('should not allow config with And.Prefix & no And.Tags', done => {
done => {
const params = getLifecycleParams( const params = getLifecycleParams(
{ key: 'Filter', value: { And: { Prefix: 'foo' } } }); { key: 'Filter', value: { And: { Prefix: 'foo' } } });
s3.putBucketLifecycleConfiguration(params, err => s3.putBucketLifecycleConfiguration(params, err =>
assertError(err, 'MalformedXML', done)); assertError(err, 'MalformedXML', done));
}); });
it('should not allow config with only one And.Tags', done => { test('should not allow config with only one And.Tags', done => {
const params = getLifecycleParams({ const params = getLifecycleParams({
key: 'Filter', key: 'Filter',
value: { And: { Tags: [{ Key: 'f', Value: 'b' }] } }, value: { And: { Tags: [{ Key: 'f', Value: 'b' }] } },
@ -315,8 +307,7 @@ describe('aws-sdk test put bucket lifecycle', () => {
assertError(err, 'MalformedXML', done)); assertError(err, 'MalformedXML', done));
}); });
it('should allow config with And.Tags & no And.Prefix', test('should allow config with And.Tags & no And.Prefix', done => {
done => {
const params = getLifecycleParams({ const params = getLifecycleParams({
key: 'Filter', key: 'Filter',
value: { And: { Tags: value: { And: { Tags:
@ -328,7 +319,7 @@ describe('aws-sdk test put bucket lifecycle', () => {
assertError(err, null, done)); assertError(err, null, done));
}); });
it('should allow config with And.Prefix & And.Tags', done => { test('should allow config with And.Prefix & And.Tags', done => {
const params = getLifecycleParams({ const params = getLifecycleParams({
key: 'Filter', key: 'Filter',
value: { And: { Prefix: 'foo', value: { And: { Prefix: 'foo',
@ -358,7 +349,7 @@ describe('aws-sdk test put bucket lifecycle', () => {
}; };
} }
it('should allow NoncurrentDays and StorageClass', done => { test('should allow NoncurrentDays and StorageClass', done => {
const noncurrentVersionTransitions = [{ const noncurrentVersionTransitions = [{
NoncurrentDays: 0, NoncurrentDays: 0,
StorageClass: 'us-east-2', StorageClass: 'us-east-2',
@ -370,7 +361,7 @@ describe('aws-sdk test put bucket lifecycle', () => {
}); });
}); });
it('should not allow duplicate StorageClass', done => { test('should not allow duplicate StorageClass', done => {
const noncurrentVersionTransitions = [{ const noncurrentVersionTransitions = [{
NoncurrentDays: 1, NoncurrentDays: 1,
StorageClass: 'us-east-2', StorageClass: 'us-east-2',
@ -380,77 +371,70 @@ describe('aws-sdk test put bucket lifecycle', () => {
}]; }];
const params = getParams(noncurrentVersionTransitions); const params = getParams(noncurrentVersionTransitions);
s3.putBucketLifecycleConfiguration(params, err => { s3.putBucketLifecycleConfiguration(params, err => {
assert.strictEqual(err.code, 'InvalidRequest'); expect(err.code).toBe('InvalidRequest');
assert.strictEqual(err.message, expect(err.message).toBe("'StorageClass' must be different for " +
"'StorageClass' must be different for " +
"'NoncurrentVersionTransition' actions in same " + "'NoncurrentVersionTransition' actions in same " +
"'Rule' with prefix ''"); "'Rule' with prefix ''");
done(); done();
}); });
}); });
it('should not allow unknown StorageClass', test('should not allow unknown StorageClass', done => {
done => {
const noncurrentVersionTransitions = [{ const noncurrentVersionTransitions = [{
NoncurrentDays: 1, NoncurrentDays: 1,
StorageClass: 'unknown', StorageClass: 'unknown',
}]; }];
const params = getParams(noncurrentVersionTransitions); const params = getParams(noncurrentVersionTransitions);
s3.putBucketLifecycleConfiguration(params, err => { s3.putBucketLifecycleConfiguration(params, err => {
assert.strictEqual(err.code, 'MalformedXML'); expect(err.code).toBe('MalformedXML');
done(); done();
}); });
}); });
it(`should not allow NoncurrentDays value exceeding ${MAX_DAYS}`, test(`should not allow NoncurrentDays value exceeding ${MAX_DAYS}`, done => {
done => {
const noncurrentVersionTransitions = [{ const noncurrentVersionTransitions = [{
NoncurrentDays: MAX_DAYS + 1, NoncurrentDays: MAX_DAYS + 1,
StorageClass: 'us-east-2', StorageClass: 'us-east-2',
}]; }];
const params = getParams(noncurrentVersionTransitions); const params = getParams(noncurrentVersionTransitions);
s3.putBucketLifecycleConfiguration(params, err => { s3.putBucketLifecycleConfiguration(params, err => {
assert.strictEqual(err.code, 'MalformedXML'); expect(err.code).toBe('MalformedXML');
done(); done();
}); });
}); });
it('should not allow negative NoncurrentDays', test('should not allow negative NoncurrentDays', done => {
done => {
const noncurrentVersionTransitions = [{ const noncurrentVersionTransitions = [{
NoncurrentDays: -1, NoncurrentDays: -1,
StorageClass: 'us-east-2', StorageClass: 'us-east-2',
}]; }];
const params = getParams(noncurrentVersionTransitions); const params = getParams(noncurrentVersionTransitions);
s3.putBucketLifecycleConfiguration(params, err => { s3.putBucketLifecycleConfiguration(params, err => {
assert.strictEqual(err.code, 'InvalidArgument'); expect(err.code).toBe('InvalidArgument');
assert.strictEqual(err.message, expect(err.message).toBe("'NoncurrentDays' in NoncurrentVersionTransition " +
"'NoncurrentDays' in NoncurrentVersionTransition " +
'action must be nonnegative'); 'action must be nonnegative');
done(); done();
}); });
}); });
it('should not allow config missing NoncurrentDays', test('should not allow config missing NoncurrentDays', done => {
done => {
const noncurrentVersionTransitions = [{ const noncurrentVersionTransitions = [{
StorageClass: 'us-east-2', StorageClass: 'us-east-2',
}]; }];
const params = getParams(noncurrentVersionTransitions); const params = getParams(noncurrentVersionTransitions);
s3.putBucketLifecycleConfiguration(params, err => { s3.putBucketLifecycleConfiguration(params, err => {
assert.strictEqual(err.code, 'MalformedXML'); expect(err.code).toBe('MalformedXML');
done(); done();
}); });
}); });
it('should not allow config missing StorageClass', test('should not allow config missing StorageClass', done => {
done => {
const noncurrentVersionTransitions = [{ const noncurrentVersionTransitions = [{
NoncurrentDays: 1, NoncurrentDays: 1,
}]; }];
const params = getParams(noncurrentVersionTransitions); const params = getParams(noncurrentVersionTransitions);
s3.putBucketLifecycleConfiguration(params, err => { s3.putBucketLifecycleConfiguration(params, err => {
assert.strictEqual(err.code, 'MalformedXML'); expect(err.code).toBe('MalformedXML');
done(); done();
}); });
}); });
@ -471,7 +455,7 @@ describe('aws-sdk test put bucket lifecycle', () => {
}; };
} }
it('should allow Days', done => { test('should allow Days', done => {
const transitions = [{ const transitions = [{
Days: 0, Days: 0,
StorageClass: 'us-east-2', StorageClass: 'us-east-2',
@ -483,33 +467,32 @@ describe('aws-sdk test put bucket lifecycle', () => {
}); });
}); });
it(`should not allow Days value exceeding ${MAX_DAYS}`, done => { test(`should not allow Days value exceeding ${MAX_DAYS}`, done => {
const transitions = [{ const transitions = [{
Days: MAX_DAYS + 1, Days: MAX_DAYS + 1,
StorageClass: 'us-east-2', StorageClass: 'us-east-2',
}]; }];
const params = getParams(transitions); const params = getParams(transitions);
s3.putBucketLifecycleConfiguration(params, err => { s3.putBucketLifecycleConfiguration(params, err => {
assert.strictEqual(err.code, 'MalformedXML'); expect(err.code).toBe('MalformedXML');
done(); done();
}); });
}); });
it('should not allow negative Days value', done => { test('should not allow negative Days value', done => {
const transitions = [{ const transitions = [{
Days: -1, Days: -1,
StorageClass: 'us-east-2', StorageClass: 'us-east-2',
}]; }];
const params = getParams(transitions); const params = getParams(transitions);
s3.putBucketLifecycleConfiguration(params, err => { s3.putBucketLifecycleConfiguration(params, err => {
assert.strictEqual(err.code, 'InvalidArgument'); expect(err.code).toBe('InvalidArgument');
assert.strictEqual(err.message, expect(err.message).toBe("'Days' in Transition action must be nonnegative");
"'Days' in Transition action must be nonnegative");
done(); done();
}); });
}); });
it('should not allow duplicate StorageClass', done => { test('should not allow duplicate StorageClass', done => {
const transitions = [{ const transitions = [{
Days: 1, Days: 1,
StorageClass: 'us-east-2', StorageClass: 'us-east-2',
@ -519,16 +502,15 @@ describe('aws-sdk test put bucket lifecycle', () => {
}]; }];
const params = getParams(transitions); const params = getParams(transitions);
s3.putBucketLifecycleConfiguration(params, err => { s3.putBucketLifecycleConfiguration(params, err => {
assert.strictEqual(err.code, 'InvalidRequest'); expect(err.code).toBe('InvalidRequest');
assert.strictEqual(err.message, expect(err.message).toBe("'StorageClass' must be different for 'Transition' " +
"'StorageClass' must be different for 'Transition' " +
"actions in same 'Rule' with prefix ''"); "actions in same 'Rule' with prefix ''");
done(); done();
}); });
}); });
// TODO: Upgrade to aws-sdk >= 2.60.0 for correct Date field support // TODO: Upgrade to aws-sdk >= 2.60.0 for correct Date field support
it.skip('should allow Date', done => { test.skip('should allow Date', done => {
const transitions = [{ const transitions = [{
Date: '2016-01-01T00:00:00.000Z', Date: '2016-01-01T00:00:00.000Z',
StorageClass: 'us-east-2', StorageClass: 'us-east-2',
@ -541,8 +523,7 @@ describe('aws-sdk test put bucket lifecycle', () => {
}); });
// TODO: Upgrade to aws-sdk >= 2.60.0 for correct Date field support // TODO: Upgrade to aws-sdk >= 2.60.0 for correct Date field support
it.skip('should not allow speficying both Days and Date value', test.skip('should not allow speficying both Days and Date value', done => {
done => {
const transitions = [{ const transitions = [{
Date: '2016-01-01T00:00:00.000Z', Date: '2016-01-01T00:00:00.000Z',
Days: 1, Days: 1,
@ -550,13 +531,13 @@ describe('aws-sdk test put bucket lifecycle', () => {
}]; }];
const params = getParams(transitions); const params = getParams(transitions);
s3.putBucketLifecycleConfiguration(params, err => { s3.putBucketLifecycleConfiguration(params, err => {
assert.strictEqual(err.code, 'MalformedXML'); expect(err.code).toBe('MalformedXML');
done(); done();
}); });
}); });
// TODO: Upgrade to aws-sdk >= 2.60.0 for correct Date field support // TODO: Upgrade to aws-sdk >= 2.60.0 for correct Date field support
it.skip('should not allow speficying both Days and Date value ' + test.skip('should not allow speficying both Days and Date value ' +
'across transitions', done => { 'across transitions', done => {
const transitions = [{ const transitions = [{
Date: '2016-01-01T00:00:00.000Z', Date: '2016-01-01T00:00:00.000Z',
@ -567,16 +548,15 @@ describe('aws-sdk test put bucket lifecycle', () => {
}]; }];
const params = getParams(transitions); const params = getParams(transitions);
s3.putBucketLifecycleConfiguration(params, err => { s3.putBucketLifecycleConfiguration(params, err => {
assert.strictEqual(err.code, 'InvalidRequest'); expect(err.code).toBe('InvalidRequest');
assert.strictEqual(err.message, expect(err.message).toBe("Found mixed 'Date' and 'Days' based Transition " +
"Found mixed 'Date' and 'Days' based Transition " +
"actions in lifecycle rule for prefix ''"); "actions in lifecycle rule for prefix ''");
done(); done();
}); });
}); });
// TODO: Upgrade to aws-sdk >= 2.60.0 for correct Date field support // TODO: Upgrade to aws-sdk >= 2.60.0 for correct Date field support
it.skip('should not allow speficying both Days and Date value ' + test.skip('should not allow speficying both Days and Date value ' +
'across transitions and expiration', done => { 'across transitions and expiration', done => {
const transitions = [{ const transitions = [{
Days: 1, Days: 1,
@ -585,9 +565,8 @@ describe('aws-sdk test put bucket lifecycle', () => {
const params = getParams(transitions); const params = getParams(transitions);
params.LifecycleConfiguration.Rules[0].Expiration = { Date: 0 }; params.LifecycleConfiguration.Rules[0].Expiration = { Date: 0 };
s3.putBucketLifecycleConfiguration(params, err => { s3.putBucketLifecycleConfiguration(params, err => {
assert.strictEqual(err.code, 'InvalidRequest'); expect(err.code).toBe('InvalidRequest');
assert.strictEqual(err.message, expect(err.message).toBe("Found mixed 'Date' and 'Days' based Expiration and " +
"Found mixed 'Date' and 'Days' based Expiration and " +
"Transition actions in lifecycle rule for prefix ''"); "Transition actions in lifecycle rule for prefix ''");
done(); done();
}); });
@ -597,7 +576,7 @@ describe('aws-sdk test put bucket lifecycle', () => {
// NoncurrentVersionTransitions not implemented // NoncurrentVersionTransitions not implemented
describe.skip('with NoncurrentVersionTransitions and Transitions', describe.skip('with NoncurrentVersionTransitions and Transitions',
() => { () => {
it('should allow config', done => { test('should allow config', done => {
const params = { const params = {
Bucket: bucket, Bucket: bucket,
LifecycleConfiguration: { LifecycleConfiguration: {
@ -623,7 +602,7 @@ describe('aws-sdk test put bucket lifecycle', () => {
}); });
}); });
it('should not allow config when specifying ' + test('should not allow config when specifying ' +
'NoncurrentVersionTransitions', done => { 'NoncurrentVersionTransitions', done => {
const params = { const params = {
Bucket: bucket, Bucket: bucket,
@ -640,8 +619,8 @@ describe('aws-sdk test put bucket lifecycle', () => {
}, },
}; };
s3.putBucketLifecycleConfiguration(params, err => { s3.putBucketLifecycleConfiguration(params, err => {
assert.strictEqual(err.statusCode, 501); expect(err.statusCode).toBe(501);
assert.strictEqual(err.code, 'NotImplemented'); expect(err.code).toBe('NotImplemented');
done(); done();
}); });
}); });

View File

@ -13,13 +13,10 @@ const destinationBucket = 'destination-bucket';
// Check for the expected error response code and status code. // Check for the expected error response code and status code.
function assertError(err, expectedErr) { function assertError(err, expectedErr) {
if (expectedErr === null) { if (expectedErr === null) {
assert.strictEqual(err, null, `expected no error but got '${err}'`); expect(err).toBe(null);
} else { } else {
assert.strictEqual(err.code, expectedErr, 'incorrect error response ' + expect(err.code).toBe(expectedErr);
`code: should be '${expectedErr}' but got '${err.code}'`); expect(err.statusCode).toBe(errors[expectedErr].code);
assert.strictEqual(err.statusCode, errors[expectedErr].code,
'incorrect error status code: should be 400 but got ' +
} }
} }
@ -83,7 +80,7 @@ describe('aws-node-sdk test putBucketReplication bucket status', () => {
}); });
} }
before(done => { beforeAll(done => {
const config = getConfig('default', { signatureVersion: 'v4' }); const config = getConfig('default', { signatureVersion: 'v4' });
s3 = new S3(config); s3 = new S3(config);
otherAccountS3 = new BucketUtility('lisa', {}).s3; otherAccountS3 = new BucketUtility('lisa', {}).s3;
@ -91,7 +88,7 @@ describe('aws-node-sdk test putBucketReplication bucket status', () => {
return done(); return done();
}); });
it('should return \'NoSuchBucket\' error if bucket does not exist', done => test('should return \'NoSuchBucket\' error if bucket does not exist', done =>
s3.putBucketReplication(replicationParams, err => { s3.putBucketReplication(replicationParams, err => {
assertError(err, 'NoSuchBucket'); assertError(err, 'NoSuchBucket');
return done(); return done();
@ -102,29 +99,29 @@ describe('aws-node-sdk test putBucketReplication bucket status', () => {
afterEach(done => s3.deleteBucket({ Bucket: sourceBucket }, done)); afterEach(done => s3.deleteBucket({ Bucket: sourceBucket }, done));
it('should return AccessDenied if user is not bucket owner', done => test('should return AccessDenied if user is not bucket owner', done =>
otherAccountS3.putBucketReplication(replicationParams, otherAccountS3.putBucketReplication(replicationParams,
err => { err => {
assert(err); expect(err).toBeTruthy();
assert.strictEqual(err.code, 'AccessDenied'); expect(err.code).toBe('AccessDenied');
assert.strictEqual(err.statusCode, 403); expect(err.statusCode).toBe(403);
return done(); return done();
})); }));
it('should not put configuration on bucket without versioning', done => test('should not put configuration on bucket without versioning', done =>
s3.putBucketReplication(replicationParams, err => { s3.putBucketReplication(replicationParams, err => {
assertError(err, 'InvalidRequest'); assertError(err, 'InvalidRequest');
return done(); return done();
})); }));
it('should not put configuration on bucket with \'Suspended\'' + test('should not put configuration on bucket with \'Suspended\'' +
'versioning', done => 'versioning', done =>
checkVersioningError(s3, 'Suspended', 'InvalidRequest', done)); checkVersioningError(s3, 'Suspended', 'InvalidRequest', done));
it('should put configuration on a bucket with versioning', done => test('should put configuration on a bucket with versioning', done =>
checkVersioningError(s3, 'Enabled', null, done)); checkVersioningError(s3, 'Enabled', null, done));
it('should put configuration on a bucket with versioning if ' + test('should put configuration on a bucket with versioning if ' +
'user is a replication user', done => 'user is a replication user', done =>
checkVersioningError(replicationAccountS3, 'Enabled', null, done)); checkVersioningError(replicationAccountS3, 'Enabled', null, done));
}); });
@ -157,15 +154,14 @@ describe('aws-node-sdk test putBucketReplication configuration rules', () => {
const Role = ARN === '' || ARN === ',' ? ARN : `${ARN},${ARN}`; const Role = ARN === '' || ARN === ',' ? ARN : `${ARN},${ARN}`;
const config = Object.assign({}, replicationConfig, { Role }); const config = Object.assign({}, replicationConfig, { Role });
it('should not accept configuration when \'Role\' is not a ' + test('should not accept configuration when \'Role\' is not a ' +
'comma-separated list of two valid Amazon Resource Names: ' + 'comma-separated list of two valid Amazon Resource Names: ' +
`'${Role}'`, done => `'${Role}'`, done =>
checkError(config, 'InvalidArgument', done)); checkError(config, 'InvalidArgument', done));
}); });
it('should not accept configuration when \'Role\' is a comma-separated ' + test('should not accept configuration when \'Role\' is a comma-separated ' +
'list of more than two valid Amazon Resource Names', 'list of more than two valid Amazon Resource Names', done => {
done => {
const Role = 'arn:aws:iam::account-id:role/resource-1,' + const Role = 'arn:aws:iam::account-id:role/resource-1,' +
'arn:aws:iam::account-id:role/resource-2,' + 'arn:aws:iam::account-id:role/resource-2,' +
'arn:aws:iam::account-id:role/resource-3'; 'arn:aws:iam::account-id:role/resource-3';
@ -182,13 +178,13 @@ describe('aws-node-sdk test putBucketReplication configuration rules', () => {
}); });
config.Role = ARN; config.Role = ARN;
it('should accept configuration if \'Role\' is a single valid ' + test('should accept configuration if \'Role\' is a single valid ' +
`Amazon Resource Name: '${ARN}', and a rule storageClass defines ` + `Amazon Resource Name: '${ARN}', and a rule storageClass defines ` +
'an external location', done => 'an external location', done =>
checkError(config, null, done)); checkError(config, null, done));
}); });
it('should allow a combination of storageClasses across rules', done => { test('should allow a combination of storageClasses across rules', done => {
const config = setConfigRules([replicationConfig.Rules[0], { const config = setConfigRules([replicationConfig.Rules[0], {
Destination: { Destination: {
Bucket: `arn:aws:s3:::${destinationBucket}`, Bucket: `arn:aws:s3:::${destinationBucket}`,
@ -202,7 +198,7 @@ describe('aws-node-sdk test putBucketReplication configuration rules', () => {
checkError(config, null, done); checkError(config, null, done);
}); });
it('should not allow a comma separated list of roles when a rule ' + test('should not allow a comma separated list of roles when a rule ' +
'storageClass defines an external location', done => { 'storageClass defines an external location', done => {
const config = { const config = {
Role: 'arn:aws:iam::account-id:role/src-resource,' + Role: 'arn:aws:iam::account-id:role/src-resource,' +
@ -225,7 +221,7 @@ describe('aws-node-sdk test putBucketReplication configuration rules', () => {
const Role = `${ARN},${ARN}`; const Role = `${ARN},${ARN}`;
const config = Object.assign({}, replicationConfig, { Role }); const config = Object.assign({}, replicationConfig, { Role });
it('should accept configuration when \'Role\' is a comma-separated ' + test('should accept configuration when \'Role\' is a comma-separated ' +
`list of two valid Amazon Resource Names: '${Role}'`, done => `list of two valid Amazon Resource Names: '${Role}'`, done =>
checkError(config, null, done)); checkError(config, null, done));
}); });
@ -233,17 +229,17 @@ describe('aws-node-sdk test putBucketReplication configuration rules', () => {
replicationUtils.invalidBucketARNs.forEach(ARN => { replicationUtils.invalidBucketARNs.forEach(ARN => {
const config = setConfigRules({ Destination: { Bucket: ARN } }); const config = setConfigRules({ Destination: { Bucket: ARN } });
it('should not accept configuration when \'Bucket\' is not a ' + test('should not accept configuration when \'Bucket\' is not a ' +
`valid Amazon Resource Name format: '${ARN}'`, done => `valid Amazon Resource Name format: '${ARN}'`, done =>
checkError(config, 'InvalidArgument', done)); checkError(config, 'InvalidArgument', done));
}); });
it('should not accept configuration when \'Rules\' is empty ', done => { test('should not accept configuration when \'Rules\' is empty ', done => {
const config = Object.assign({}, replicationConfig, { Rules: [] }); const config = Object.assign({}, replicationConfig, { Rules: [] });
return checkError(config, 'MalformedXML', done); return checkError(config, 'MalformedXML', done);
}); });
it('should not accept configuration when \'Rules\' is > 1000', done => { test('should not accept configuration when \'Rules\' is > 1000', done => {
const arr = []; const arr = [];
for (let i = 0; i < 1001; i++) { for (let i = 0; i < 1001; i++) {
arr.push({ arr.push({
@ -256,13 +252,13 @@ describe('aws-node-sdk test putBucketReplication configuration rules', () => {
return checkError(config, 'InvalidRequest', done); return checkError(config, 'InvalidRequest', done);
}); });
it('should not accept configuration when \'ID\' length is > 255', done => { test('should not accept configuration when \'ID\' length is > 255', done => {
// Set ID to a string of length 256. // Set ID to a string of length 256.
const config = setConfigRules({ ID: new Array(257).join('x') }); const config = setConfigRules({ ID: new Array(257).join('x') });
return checkError(config, 'InvalidArgument', done); return checkError(config, 'InvalidArgument', done);
}); });
it('should not accept configuration when \'ID\' is not unique', done => { test('should not accept configuration when \'ID\' is not unique', done => {
const rule1 = replicationConfig.Rules[0]; const rule1 = replicationConfig.Rules[0];
// Prefix is unique, but not the ID. // Prefix is unique, but not the ID.
const rule2 = Object.assign({}, rule1, { Prefix: 'bar' }); const rule2 = Object.assign({}, rule1, { Prefix: 'bar' });
@ -270,7 +266,7 @@ describe('aws-node-sdk test putBucketReplication configuration rules', () => {
return checkError(config, 'InvalidRequest', done); return checkError(config, 'InvalidRequest', done);
}); });
it('should accept configuration when \'ID\' is not provided for multiple ' + test('should accept configuration when \'ID\' is not provided for multiple ' +
'rules', done => { 'rules', done => {
const replicationConfigWithoutID = Object.assign({}, replicationConfig); const replicationConfigWithoutID = Object.assign({}, replicationConfig);
const rule1 = replicationConfigWithoutID.Rules[0]; const rule1 = replicationConfigWithoutID.Rules[0];
@ -283,32 +279,33 @@ describe('aws-node-sdk test putBucketReplication configuration rules', () => {
replicationUtils.validStatuses.forEach(status => { replicationUtils.validStatuses.forEach(status => {
const config = setConfigRules({ Status: status }); const config = setConfigRules({ Status: status });
it(`should accept configuration when 'Role' is ${status}`, done => test(`should accept configuration when 'Role' is ${status}`, done =>
checkError(config, null, done)); checkError(config, null, done));
}); });
it('should not accept configuration when \'Status\' is invalid', done => { test('should not accept configuration when \'Status\' is invalid', done => {
// Status must either be 'Enabled' or 'Disabled'. // Status must either be 'Enabled' or 'Disabled'.
const config = setConfigRules({ Status: 'Invalid' }); const config = setConfigRules({ Status: 'Invalid' });
return checkError(config, 'MalformedXML', done); return checkError(config, 'MalformedXML', done);
}); });
it('should accept configuration when \'Prefix\' is \'\'', test('should accept configuration when \'Prefix\' is \'\'', done => {
done => {
const config = setConfigRules({ Prefix: '' }); const config = setConfigRules({ Prefix: '' });
return checkError(config, null, done); return checkError(config, null, done);
}); });
it('should not accept configuration when \'Prefix\' length is > 1024', test(
'should not accept configuration when \'Prefix\' length is > 1024',
done => { done => {
// Set Prefix to a string of length of 1025. // Set Prefix to a string of length of 1025.
const config = setConfigRules({ const config = setConfigRules({
Prefix: new Array(1026).join('x'), Prefix: new Array(1026).join('x'),
}); });
return checkError(config, 'InvalidArgument', done); return checkError(config, 'InvalidArgument', done);
}); }
it('should not accept configuration when rules contain overlapping ' + test('should not accept configuration when rules contain overlapping ' +
'\'Prefix\' values: new prefix starts with used prefix', done => { '\'Prefix\' values: new prefix starts with used prefix', done => {
const config = setConfigRules([replicationConfig.Rules[0], { const config = setConfigRules([replicationConfig.Rules[0], {
Destination: { Bucket: `arn:aws:s3:::${destinationBucket}` }, Destination: { Bucket: `arn:aws:s3:::${destinationBucket}` },
@ -318,7 +315,7 @@ describe('aws-node-sdk test putBucketReplication configuration rules', () => {
return checkError(config, 'InvalidRequest', done); return checkError(config, 'InvalidRequest', done);
}); });
it('should not accept configuration when rules contain overlapping ' + test('should not accept configuration when rules contain overlapping ' +
'\'Prefix\' values: used prefix starts with new prefix', done => { '\'Prefix\' values: used prefix starts with new prefix', done => {
const config = setConfigRules([replicationConfig.Rules[0], { const config = setConfigRules([replicationConfig.Rules[0], {
Destination: { Bucket: `arn:aws:s3:::${destinationBucket}` }, Destination: { Bucket: `arn:aws:s3:::${destinationBucket}` },
@ -328,7 +325,7 @@ describe('aws-node-sdk test putBucketReplication configuration rules', () => {
return checkError(config, 'InvalidRequest', done); return checkError(config, 'InvalidRequest', done);
}); });
it('should not accept configuration when \'Destination\' properties of ' + test('should not accept configuration when \'Destination\' properties of ' +
'two or more rules specify different buckets', done => { 'two or more rules specify different buckets', done => {
const config = setConfigRules([replicationConfig.Rules[0], { const config = setConfigRules([replicationConfig.Rules[0], {
Destination: { Bucket: `arn:aws:s3:::${destinationBucket}-1` }, Destination: { Bucket: `arn:aws:s3:::${destinationBucket}-1` },
@ -346,7 +343,7 @@ describe('aws-node-sdk test putBucketReplication configuration rules', () => {
}, },
}); });
it('should accept configuration when \'StorageClass\' is ' + test('should accept configuration when \'StorageClass\' is ' +
`${storageClass}`, done => checkError(config, null, done)); `${storageClass}`, done => checkError(config, null, done));
}); });
@ -359,11 +356,12 @@ describe('aws-node-sdk test putBucketReplication configuration rules', () => {
}, },
}); });
it('should accept configuration when \'StorageClass\' is ' + test('should accept configuration when \'StorageClass\' is ' +
`${storageClass}`, done => checkError(config, null, done)); `${storageClass}`, done => checkError(config, null, done));
}); });
it('should not accept configuration when \'StorageClass\' is invalid', test(
'should not accept configuration when \'StorageClass\' is invalid',
done => { done => {
const config = setConfigRules({ const config = setConfigRules({
Destination: { Destination: {
@ -372,5 +370,6 @@ describe('aws-node-sdk test putBucketReplication configuration rules', () => {
}, },
}); });
return checkError(config, 'MalformedXML', done); return checkError(config, 'MalformedXML', done);
}); }
}); });

View File

@ -42,9 +42,9 @@ describe('PUT bucket cors', () => {
function _testPutBucketCors(rules, statusCode, errMsg, cb) { function _testPutBucketCors(rules, statusCode, errMsg, cb) {
s3.putBucketCors({ Bucket: bucketName, s3.putBucketCors({ Bucket: bucketName,
CORSConfiguration: rules }, err => { CORSConfiguration: rules }, err => {
assert(err, 'Expected err but found none'); expect(err).toBeTruthy();
assert.strictEqual(err.code, errMsg); expect(err.code).toBe(errMsg);
assert.strictEqual(err.statusCode, statusCode); expect(err.statusCode).toBe(statusCode);
cb(); cb();
}); });
} }
@ -53,15 +53,15 @@ describe('PUT bucket cors', () => {
afterEach(() => bucketUtil.deleteOne(bucketName)); afterEach(() => bucketUtil.deleteOne(bucketName));
it('should put a bucket cors successfully', done => { test('should put a bucket cors successfully', done => {
s3.putBucketCors({ Bucket: bucketName, s3.putBucketCors({ Bucket: bucketName,
CORSConfiguration: sampleCors }, err => { CORSConfiguration: sampleCors }, err => {
assert.strictEqual(err, null, `Found unexpected err ${err}`); expect(err).toBe(null);
done(); done();
}); });
}); });
it('should return InvalidRequest if more than 100 rules', done => { test('should return InvalidRequest if more than 100 rules', done => {
const sampleRule = { const sampleRule = {
AllowedMethods: ['PUT', 'POST', 'DELETE'], AllowedMethods: ['PUT', 'POST', 'DELETE'],
AllowedOrigins: [''], AllowedOrigins: [''],
@ -76,50 +76,48 @@ describe('PUT bucket cors', () => {
_testPutBucketCors(testCors, 400, 'InvalidRequest', done); _testPutBucketCors(testCors, 400, 'InvalidRequest', done);
}); });
it('should return MalformedXML if missing AllowedOrigin', done => { test('should return MalformedXML if missing AllowedOrigin', done => {
const testCors = _corsTemplate({ AllowedOrigins: [] }); const testCors = _corsTemplate({ AllowedOrigins: [] });
_testPutBucketCors(testCors, 400, 'MalformedXML', done); _testPutBucketCors(testCors, 400, 'MalformedXML', done);
}); });
it('should return InvalidRequest if more than one asterisk in ' + test('should return InvalidRequest if more than one asterisk in ' +
'AllowedOrigin', done => { 'AllowedOrigin', done => {
const testCors = const testCors =
_corsTemplate({ AllowedOrigins: ['http://*.*.com'] }); _corsTemplate({ AllowedOrigins: ['http://*.*.com'] });
_testPutBucketCors(testCors, 400, 'InvalidRequest', done); _testPutBucketCors(testCors, 400, 'InvalidRequest', done);
}); });
it('should return MalformedXML if missing AllowedMethod', done => { test('should return MalformedXML if missing AllowedMethod', done => {
const testCors = _corsTemplate({ AllowedMethods: [] }); const testCors = _corsTemplate({ AllowedMethods: [] });
_testPutBucketCors(testCors, 400, 'MalformedXML', done); _testPutBucketCors(testCors, 400, 'MalformedXML', done);
}); });
it('should return InvalidRequest if AllowedMethod is not a valid ' + test('should return InvalidRequest if AllowedMethod is not a valid ' +
'method', done => { 'method', done => {
const testCors = _corsTemplate({ AllowedMethods: ['test'] }); const testCors = _corsTemplate({ AllowedMethods: ['test'] });
_testPutBucketCors(testCors, 400, 'InvalidRequest', done); _testPutBucketCors(testCors, 400, 'InvalidRequest', done);
}); });
it('should return InvalidRequest for lowercase value for ' + test('should return InvalidRequest for lowercase value for ' +
'AllowedMethod', done => { 'AllowedMethod', done => {
const testCors = _corsTemplate({ AllowedMethods: ['put', 'get'] }); const testCors = _corsTemplate({ AllowedMethods: ['put', 'get'] });
_testPutBucketCors(testCors, 400, 'InvalidRequest', done); _testPutBucketCors(testCors, 400, 'InvalidRequest', done);
}); });
it('should return InvalidRequest if more than one asterisk in ' + test('should return InvalidRequest if more than one asterisk in ' +
'AllowedHeader', done => { 'AllowedHeader', done => {
const testCors = _corsTemplate({ AllowedHeaders: ['*-amz-*'] }); const testCors = _corsTemplate({ AllowedHeaders: ['*-amz-*'] });
_testPutBucketCors(testCors, 400, 'InvalidRequest', done); _testPutBucketCors(testCors, 400, 'InvalidRequest', done);
}); });
it('should return InvalidRequest if ExposeHeader has character ' + test('should return InvalidRequest if ExposeHeader has character ' +
'that is not dash or alphanumeric', 'that is not dash or alphanumeric', done => {
done => {
const testCors = _corsTemplate({ ExposeHeaders: ['test header'] }); const testCors = _corsTemplate({ ExposeHeaders: ['test header'] });
_testPutBucketCors(testCors, 400, 'InvalidRequest', done); _testPutBucketCors(testCors, 400, 'InvalidRequest', done);
}); });
it('should return InvalidRequest if ExposeHeader has wildcard', test('should return InvalidRequest if ExposeHeader has wildcard', done => {
done => {
const testCors = _corsTemplate({ ExposeHeaders: ['x-amz-*'] }); const testCors = _corsTemplate({ ExposeHeaders: ['x-amz-*'] });
_testPutBucketCors(testCors, 400, 'InvalidRequest', done); _testPutBucketCors(testCors, 400, 'InvalidRequest', done);
}); });

View File

@ -14,9 +14,9 @@ describe('PUT bucket website', () => {
function _testPutBucketWebsite(config, statusCode, errMsg, cb) { function _testPutBucketWebsite(config, statusCode, errMsg, cb) {
s3.putBucketWebsite({ Bucket: bucketName, s3.putBucketWebsite({ Bucket: bucketName,
WebsiteConfiguration: config }, err => { WebsiteConfiguration: config }, err => {
assert(err, 'Expected err but found none'); expect(err).toBeTruthy();
assert.strictEqual(err.code, errMsg); expect(err.code).toBe(errMsg);
assert.strictEqual(err.statusCode, statusCode); expect(err.statusCode).toBe(statusCode);
cb(); cb();
}); });
} }
@ -44,22 +44,22 @@ describe('PUT bucket website', () => {
}); });
}); });
it('should put a bucket website successfully', done => { test('should put a bucket website successfully', done => {
const config = new WebsiteConfigTester('index.html'); const config = new WebsiteConfigTester('index.html');
s3.putBucketWebsite({ Bucket: bucketName, s3.putBucketWebsite({ Bucket: bucketName,
WebsiteConfiguration: config }, err => { WebsiteConfiguration: config }, err => {
assert.strictEqual(err, null, `Found unexpected err ${err}`); expect(err).toBe(null);
done(); done();
}); });
}); });
it('should return InvalidArgument if IndexDocument or ' + test('should return InvalidArgument if IndexDocument or ' +
'RedirectAllRequestsTo is not provided', done => { 'RedirectAllRequestsTo is not provided', done => {
const config = new WebsiteConfigTester(); const config = new WebsiteConfigTester();
_testPutBucketWebsite(config, 400, 'InvalidArgument', done); _testPutBucketWebsite(config, 400, 'InvalidArgument', done);
}); });
it('should return an InvalidRequest if both ' + test('should return an InvalidRequest if both ' +
'RedirectAllRequestsTo and IndexDocument are provided', done => { 'RedirectAllRequestsTo and IndexDocument are provided', done => {
const redirectAllTo = { const redirectAllTo = {
HostName: 'test', HostName: 'test',
@ -71,12 +71,12 @@ describe('PUT bucket website', () => {
_testPutBucketWebsite(config, 400, 'InvalidRequest', done); _testPutBucketWebsite(config, 400, 'InvalidRequest', done);
}); });
it('should return InvalidArgument if index has slash', done => { test('should return InvalidArgument if index has slash', done => {
const config = new WebsiteConfigTester('in/dex.html'); const config = new WebsiteConfigTester('in/dex.html');
_testPutBucketWebsite(config, 400, 'InvalidArgument', done); _testPutBucketWebsite(config, 400, 'InvalidArgument', done);
}); });
it('should return InvalidRequest if both ReplaceKeyWith and ' + test('should return InvalidRequest if both ReplaceKeyWith and ' +
'ReplaceKeyPrefixWith are present in same rule', done => { 'ReplaceKeyPrefixWith are present in same rule', done => {
const config = new WebsiteConfigTester('index.html'); const config = new WebsiteConfigTester('index.html');
config.addRoutingRule({ ReplaceKeyPrefixWith: 'test', config.addRoutingRule({ ReplaceKeyPrefixWith: 'test',
@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ describe('PUT bucket website', () => {
_testPutBucketWebsite(config, 400, 'InvalidRequest', done); _testPutBucketWebsite(config, 400, 'InvalidRequest', done);
}); });
it('should return InvalidRequest if both ReplaceKeyWith and ' + test('should return InvalidRequest if both ReplaceKeyWith and ' +
'ReplaceKeyPrefixWith are present in same rule', done => { 'ReplaceKeyPrefixWith are present in same rule', done => {
const config = new WebsiteConfigTester('index.html'); const config = new WebsiteConfigTester('index.html');
config.addRoutingRule({ ReplaceKeyPrefixWith: 'test', config.addRoutingRule({ ReplaceKeyPrefixWith: 'test',
@ -92,14 +92,14 @@ describe('PUT bucket website', () => {
_testPutBucketWebsite(config, 400, 'InvalidRequest', done); _testPutBucketWebsite(config, 400, 'InvalidRequest', done);
}); });
it('should return InvalidRequest if Redirect Protocol is ' + test('should return InvalidRequest if Redirect Protocol is ' +
'not http or https', done => { 'not http or https', done => {
const config = new WebsiteConfigTester('index.html'); const config = new WebsiteConfigTester('index.html');
config.addRoutingRule({ Protocol: 'notvalidprotocol' }); config.addRoutingRule({ Protocol: 'notvalidprotocol' });
_testPutBucketWebsite(config, 400, 'InvalidRequest', done); _testPutBucketWebsite(config, 400, 'InvalidRequest', done);
}); });
it('should return InvalidRequest if RedirectAllRequestsTo Protocol ' + test('should return InvalidRequest if RedirectAllRequestsTo Protocol ' +
'is not http or https', done => { 'is not http or https', done => {
const redirectAllTo = { const redirectAllTo = {
HostName: 'test', HostName: 'test',
@ -109,21 +109,21 @@ describe('PUT bucket website', () => {
_testPutBucketWebsite(config, 400, 'InvalidRequest', done); _testPutBucketWebsite(config, 400, 'InvalidRequest', done);
}); });
it('should return MalformedXML if Redirect HttpRedirectCode ' + test('should return MalformedXML if Redirect HttpRedirectCode ' +
'is a string that does not contains a number', done => { 'is a string that does not contains a number', done => {
const config = new WebsiteConfigTester('index.html'); const config = new WebsiteConfigTester('index.html');
config.addRoutingRule({ HttpRedirectCode: 'notvalidhttpcode' }); config.addRoutingRule({ HttpRedirectCode: 'notvalidhttpcode' });
_testPutBucketWebsite(config, 400, 'MalformedXML', done); _testPutBucketWebsite(config, 400, 'MalformedXML', done);
}); });
it('should return InvalidRequest if Redirect HttpRedirectCode ' + test('should return InvalidRequest if Redirect HttpRedirectCode ' +
'is not a valid http redirect code (3XX excepting 300)', done => { 'is not a valid http redirect code (3XX excepting 300)', done => {
const config = new WebsiteConfigTester('index.html'); const config = new WebsiteConfigTester('index.html');
config.addRoutingRule({ HttpRedirectCode: '400' }); config.addRoutingRule({ HttpRedirectCode: '400' });
_testPutBucketWebsite(config, 400, 'InvalidRequest', done); _testPutBucketWebsite(config, 400, 'InvalidRequest', done);
}); });
it('should return InvalidRequest if Condition ' + test('should return InvalidRequest if Condition ' +
'HttpErrorCodeReturnedEquals is a string that does ' + 'HttpErrorCodeReturnedEquals is a string that does ' +
' not contain a number', done => { ' not contain a number', done => {
const condition = { HttpErrorCodeReturnedEquals: 'notvalidcode' }; const condition = { HttpErrorCodeReturnedEquals: 'notvalidcode' };
@ -132,7 +132,7 @@ describe('PUT bucket website', () => {
_testPutBucketWebsite(config, 400, 'MalformedXML', done); _testPutBucketWebsite(config, 400, 'MalformedXML', done);
}); });
it('should return InvalidRequest if Condition ' + test('should return InvalidRequest if Condition ' +
'HttpErrorCodeReturnedEquals is not a valid http' + 'HttpErrorCodeReturnedEquals is not a valid http' +
'error code (4XX or 5XX)', done => { 'error code (4XX or 5XX)', done => {
const condition = { HttpErrorCodeReturnedEquals: '300' }; const condition = { HttpErrorCodeReturnedEquals: '300' };

View File

@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ const Bucket = `bucket-skip-scan-${}`;
describe('Skip scan cases tests', () => { describe('Skip scan cases tests', () => {
let s3; let s3;
before(done => { beforeAll(done => {
const config = getConfig('default', { signatureVersion: 'v4' }); const config = getConfig('default', { signatureVersion: 'v4' });
s3 = new AWS.S3(config); s3 = new AWS.S3(config);
s3.createBucket( s3.createBucket(
@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ describe('Skip scan cases tests', () => {
}, done); }, done);
}); });
}); });
after(done => { afterAll(done => {
s3.listObjects({ Bucket }, (err, data) => { s3.listObjects({ Bucket }, (err, data) => {
async.each(data.Contents, (o, next) => { async.each(data.Contents, (o, next) => {
s3.deleteObject({ Bucket, Key: o.Key }, next); s3.deleteObject({ Bucket, Key: o.Key }, next);
@ -69,9 +69,9 @@ describe('Skip scan cases tests', () => {
}); });
}); });
}); });
it('should find all common prefixes in one shot', done => { test('should find all common prefixes in one shot', done => {
s3.listObjects({ Bucket, Delimiter: '/' }, (err, data) => { s3.listObjects({ Bucket, Delimiter: '/' }, (err, data) => {
assert.strictEqual(err, null); expect(err).toBe(null);
cutAttributes(data); cutAttributes(data);
assert.deepStrictEqual(data, { assert.deepStrictEqual(data, {
IsTruncated: false, IsTruncated: false,

View File

@ -22,20 +22,19 @@ function deleteObjects(s3, loopId, cb) {
}, cb); }, cb);
} }
describe('aws-node-sdk stress test bucket', function testSuite() { describe('aws-node-sdk stress test bucket', () => {
this.timeout(120000); this.timeout(120000);
let s3; let s3;
before(() => { beforeAll(() => {
const config = getConfig('default', { signatureVersion: 'v4' }); const config = getConfig('default', { signatureVersion: 'v4' });
s3 = new S3(config); s3 = new S3(config);
}); });
it('createBucket-putObject-deleteObject-deleteBucket loop', done => test('createBucket-putObject-deleteObject-deleteBucket loop', done =>
timesSeries(loopCount, (loopId, next) => waterfall([ timesSeries(loopCount, (loopId, next) => waterfall([
next => s3.createBucket({ Bucket: bucket }, err => next(err)), next => s3.createBucket({ Bucket: bucket }, err => next(err)),
next => putObjects(s3, loopId, err => next(err)), next => putObjects(s3, loopId, err => next(err)),
next => deleteObjects(s3, loopId, err => next(err)), next => deleteObjects(s3, loopId, err => next(err)),
next => s3.deleteBucket({ Bucket: bucket }, err => next(err)), next => s3.deleteBucket({ Bucket: bucket }, err => next(err)),
], err => next(err)), done) ], err => next(err)), done));
}); });

View File

@ -8,29 +8,28 @@ const config = getConfig('default', { signatureVersion: 'v4' });
const configReplication = getConfig('replication', const configReplication = getConfig('replication',
{ signatureVersion: 'v4' }); { signatureVersion: 'v4' });
const s3 = new S3(config); const s3 = new S3(config);
describe('aws-node-sdk test bucket versioning', function testSuite() { describe('aws-node-sdk test bucket versioning', () => {
this.timeout(60000); this.timeout(60000);
let replicationAccountS3; let replicationAccountS3;
// setup test // setup test
before(done => { beforeAll(done => {
replicationAccountS3 = new S3(configReplication); replicationAccountS3 = new S3(configReplication);
s3.createBucket({ Bucket: bucket }, done); s3.createBucket({ Bucket: bucket }, done);
}); });
// delete bucket after testing // delete bucket after testing
after(done => s3.deleteBucket({ Bucket: bucket }, done)); afterAll(done => s3.deleteBucket({ Bucket: bucket }, done));
it('should not accept empty versioning configuration', done => { test('should not accept empty versioning configuration', done => {
const params = { const params = {
Bucket: bucket, Bucket: bucket,
VersioningConfiguration: {}, VersioningConfiguration: {},
}; };
s3.putBucketVersioning(params, error => { s3.putBucketVersioning(params, error => {
if (error) { if (error) {
assert.strictEqual(error.statusCode, 400); expect(error.statusCode).toBe(400);
assert.strictEqual( expect(error.code).toBe('IllegalVersioningConfigurationException');
error.code, 'IllegalVersioningConfigurationException');
done(); done();
} else { } else {
done('accepted empty versioning configuration'); done('accepted empty versioning configuration');
@ -38,16 +37,16 @@ describe('aws-node-sdk test bucket versioning', function testSuite() {
}); });
}); });
it('should retrieve an empty versioning configuration', done => { test('should retrieve an empty versioning configuration', done => {
const params = { Bucket: bucket }; const params = { Bucket: bucket };
s3.getBucketVersioning(params, (error, data) => { s3.getBucketVersioning(params, (error, data) => {
assert.strictEqual(error, null); expect(error).toBe(null);
assert.deepStrictEqual(data, {}); assert.deepStrictEqual(data, {});
done(); done();
}); });
}); });
it('should not accept versioning configuration w/o "Status"', done => { test('should not accept versioning configuration w/o "Status"', done => {
const params = { const params = {
Bucket: bucket, Bucket: bucket,
VersioningConfiguration: { VersioningConfiguration: {
@ -56,9 +55,8 @@ describe('aws-node-sdk test bucket versioning', function testSuite() {
}; };
s3.putBucketVersioning(params, error => { s3.putBucketVersioning(params, error => {
if (error) { if (error) {
assert.strictEqual(error.statusCode, 400); expect(error.statusCode).toBe(400);
assert.strictEqual( expect(error.code).toBe('IllegalVersioningConfigurationException');
error.code, 'IllegalVersioningConfigurationException');
done(); done();
} else { } else {
done('accepted empty versioning configuration'); done('accepted empty versioning configuration');
@ -66,16 +64,16 @@ describe('aws-node-sdk test bucket versioning', function testSuite() {
}); });
}); });
it('should retrieve an empty versioning configuration', done => { test('should retrieve an empty versioning configuration', done => {
const params = { Bucket: bucket }; const params = { Bucket: bucket };
s3.getBucketVersioning(params, (error, data) => { s3.getBucketVersioning(params, (error, data) => {
assert.strictEqual(error, null); expect(error).toBe(null);
assert.deepStrictEqual(data, {}); assert.deepStrictEqual(data, {});
done(); done();
}); });
}); });
it('should not accept versioning configuration w/ invalid value', done => { test('should not accept versioning configuration w/ invalid value', done => {
const params = { const params = {
Bucket: bucket, Bucket: bucket,
VersioningConfiguration: { VersioningConfiguration: {
@ -85,9 +83,8 @@ describe('aws-node-sdk test bucket versioning', function testSuite() {
}; };
s3.putBucketVersioning(params, error => { s3.putBucketVersioning(params, error => {
if (error) { if (error) {
assert.strictEqual(error.statusCode, 400); expect(error.statusCode).toBe(400);
assert.strictEqual( expect(error.code).toBe('IllegalVersioningConfigurationException');
error.code, 'IllegalVersioningConfigurationException');
done(); done();
} else { } else {
done('accepted empty versioning configuration'); done('accepted empty versioning configuration');
@ -95,7 +92,7 @@ describe('aws-node-sdk test bucket versioning', function testSuite() {
}); });
}); });
it('should not accept versioning with MFA Delete enabled', done => { test('should not accept versioning with MFA Delete enabled', done => {
const params = { const params = {
Bucket: bucket, Bucket: bucket,
VersioningConfiguration: { VersioningConfiguration: {
@ -104,14 +101,14 @@ describe('aws-node-sdk test bucket versioning', function testSuite() {
}, },
}; };
s3.putBucketVersioning(params, error => { s3.putBucketVersioning(params, error => {
assert.notEqual(error, null, 'Expected failure but got success'); expect(error).not.toEqual(null);
assert.strictEqual(error.statusCode, 501); expect(error.statusCode).toBe(501);
assert.strictEqual(error.code, 'NotImplemented'); expect(error.code).toBe('NotImplemented');
done(); done();
}); });
}); });
it('should accept versioning with MFA Delete disabled', done => { test('should accept versioning with MFA Delete disabled', done => {
const params = { const params = {
Bucket: bucket, Bucket: bucket,
VersioningConfiguration: { VersioningConfiguration: {
@ -120,23 +117,23 @@ describe('aws-node-sdk test bucket versioning', function testSuite() {
}, },
}; };
s3.putBucketVersioning(params, error => { s3.putBucketVersioning(params, error => {
assert.equal(error, null, 'Expected success but got failure'); expect(error).toEqual(null);
done(); done();
}); });
}); });
it('should retrieve the valid versioning configuration', done => { test('should retrieve the valid versioning configuration', done => {
const params = { Bucket: bucket }; const params = { Bucket: bucket };
// s3.getBucketVersioning(params, done); // s3.getBucketVersioning(params, done);
s3.getBucketVersioning(params, (error, data) => { s3.getBucketVersioning(params, (error, data) => {
assert.strictEqual(error, null); expect(error).toBe(null);
assert.deepStrictEqual(data, { MFADelete: 'Disabled', assert.deepStrictEqual(data, { MFADelete: 'Disabled',
Status: 'Enabled' }); Status: 'Enabled' });
done(); done();
}); });
}); });
it('should accept valid versioning configuration', done => { test('should accept valid versioning configuration', done => {
const params = { const params = {
Bucket: bucket, Bucket: bucket,
VersioningConfiguration: { VersioningConfiguration: {
@ -146,7 +143,7 @@ describe('aws-node-sdk test bucket versioning', function testSuite() {
s3.putBucketVersioning(params, done); s3.putBucketVersioning(params, done);
}); });
it('should accept valid versioning configuration if user is a ' + test('should accept valid versioning configuration if user is a ' +
'replication user', done => { 'replication user', done => {
const params = { const params = {
Bucket: bucket, Bucket: bucket,
@ -157,11 +154,11 @@ describe('aws-node-sdk test bucket versioning', function testSuite() {
replicationAccountS3.putBucketVersioning(params, done); replicationAccountS3.putBucketVersioning(params, done);
}); });
it('should retrieve the valid versioning configuration', done => { test('should retrieve the valid versioning configuration', done => {
const params = { Bucket: bucket }; const params = { Bucket: bucket };
// s3.getBucketVersioning(params, done); // s3.getBucketVersioning(params, done);
s3.getBucketVersioning(params, (error, data) => { s3.getBucketVersioning(params, (error, data) => {
assert.strictEqual(error, null); expect(error).toBe(null);
assert.deepStrictEqual(data, { Status: 'Enabled' }); assert.deepStrictEqual(data, { Status: 'Enabled' });
done(); done();
}); });
@ -171,21 +168,21 @@ describe('aws-node-sdk test bucket versioning', function testSuite() {
describe('bucket versioning for ingestion buckets', () => { describe('bucket versioning for ingestion buckets', () => {
const Bucket = `ingestion-bucket-${}`; const Bucket = `ingestion-bucket-${}`;
before(done => s3.createBucket({ beforeAll(done => s3.createBucket({
Bucket, Bucket,
CreateBucketConfiguration: { CreateBucketConfiguration: {
LocationConstraint: 'us-east-2:ingest', LocationConstraint: 'us-east-2:ingest',
}, },
}, done)); }, done));
after(done => s3.deleteBucket({ Bucket }, done)); afterAll(done => s3.deleteBucket({ Bucket }, done));
it('should not allow suspending versioning for ingestion buckets', done => { test('should not allow suspending versioning for ingestion buckets', done => {
s3.putBucketVersioning({ Bucket, VersioningConfiguration: { s3.putBucketVersioning({ Bucket, VersioningConfiguration: {
Status: 'Suspended' Status: 'Suspended'
} }, err => { } }, err => {
assert(err, 'Expected error but got success'); expect(err).toBeTruthy();
assert.strictEqual(err.code, 'InvalidBucketState'); expect(err.code).toBe('InvalidBucketState');
done(); done();
}); });
}); });

View File

@ -6,13 +6,13 @@ describe('S3 connect test', () => {
const config = getConfig(); const config = getConfig();
const s3 = new S3(config); const s3 = new S3(config);
it('should list buckets', done => { test('should list buckets', done => {
s3.listBuckets((err, data) => { s3.listBuckets((err, data) => {
if (err) { if (err) {
done(err); done(err);
} }
assert.ok(data.Buckets, 'should contain Buckets'); expect(data.Buckets).toBeTruthy();
done(); done();
}); });
}); });

View File

@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ const itSkipAWS = process.env.AWS_ON_AIR
function diff(putFile, receivedFile, done) { function diff(putFile, receivedFile, done) {
process.stdout.write(`diff ${putFile} ${receivedFile}\n`); process.stdout.write(`diff ${putFile} ${receivedFile}\n`);
cp.spawn('diff', [putFile, receivedFile]).on('exit', code => { cp.spawn('diff', [putFile, receivedFile]).on('exit', code => {
assert.strictEqual(code, 0); expect(code).toBe(0);
done(); done();
}); });
} }
@ -28,11 +28,11 @@ function deleteFile(file, callback) {
}); });
} }
describe('aws-node-sdk v2auth query tests', function testSuite() { describe('aws-node-sdk v2auth query tests', () => {
this.timeout(60000); this.timeout(60000);
let s3; let s3;
before(() => { beforeAll(() => {
const config = getConfig('default'); const config = getConfig('default');
s3 = new S3(config); s3 = new S3(config);
@ -46,45 +46,45 @@ describe('aws-node-sdk v2auth query tests', function testSuite() {
const params = { Bucket: bucket, Expires: 604810 }; const params = { Bucket: bucket, Expires: 604810 };
const url = s3.getSignedUrl('createBucket', params); const url = s3.getSignedUrl('createBucket', params);
provideRawOutput(['-verbose', '-X', 'PUT', url], httpCode => { provideRawOutput(['-verbose', '-X', 'PUT', url], httpCode => {
assert.strictEqual(httpCode, '403 FORBIDDEN'); expect(httpCode).toBe('403 FORBIDDEN');
done(); done();
}); });
}); });
it('should return an error code if request occurs after expiry', test('should return an error code if request occurs after expiry', done => {
done => {
const params = { Bucket: bucket, Expires: 1 }; const params = { Bucket: bucket, Expires: 1 };
const url = s3.getSignedUrl('createBucket', params); const url = s3.getSignedUrl('createBucket', params);
setTimeout(() => { setTimeout(() => {
provideRawOutput(['-verbose', '-X', 'PUT', url], httpCode => { provideRawOutput(['-verbose', '-X', 'PUT', url], httpCode => {
assert.strictEqual(httpCode, '403 FORBIDDEN'); expect(httpCode).toBe('403 FORBIDDEN');
done(); done();
}); });
}, 1500); }, 1500);
}); });
it('should create a bucket', done => { test('should create a bucket', done => {
const params = { Bucket: bucket, Expires: almostOutsideTime }; const params = { Bucket: bucket, Expires: almostOutsideTime };
const url = s3.getSignedUrl('createBucket', params); const url = s3.getSignedUrl('createBucket', params);
provideRawOutput(['-verbose', '-X', 'PUT', url], httpCode => { provideRawOutput(['-verbose', '-X', 'PUT', url], httpCode => {
assert.strictEqual(httpCode, '200 OK'); expect(httpCode).toBe('200 OK');
done(); done();
}); });
}); });
it('should put an object', done => { test('should put an object', done => {
const params = { Bucket: bucket, Key: 'key', Expires: const params = { Bucket: bucket, Key: 'key', Expires:
almostOutsideTime }; almostOutsideTime };
const url = s3.getSignedUrl('putObject', params); const url = s3.getSignedUrl('putObject', params);
provideRawOutput(['-verbose', '-X', 'PUT', url, provideRawOutput(['-verbose', '-X', 'PUT', url,
'--upload-file', 'uploadFile'], httpCode => { '--upload-file', 'uploadFile'], httpCode => {
assert.strictEqual(httpCode, '200 OK'); expect(httpCode).toBe('200 OK');
done(); done();
}); });
}); });
it('should put an object with an acl setting and a storage class setting', test(
'should put an object with an acl setting and a storage class setting',
done => { done => {
// This will test that upper case query parameters and lowercase // This will test that upper case query parameters and lowercase
// query parameters (i.e., 'x-amz-acl') are being sorted properly. // query parameters (i.e., 'x-amz-acl') are being sorted properly.
@ -96,46 +96,47 @@ describe('aws-node-sdk v2auth query tests', function testSuite() {
const url = s3.getSignedUrl('putObject', params); const url = s3.getSignedUrl('putObject', params);
provideRawOutput(['-verbose', '-X', 'PUT', url, provideRawOutput(['-verbose', '-X', 'PUT', url,
'--upload-file', 'uploadFile'], httpCode => { '--upload-file', 'uploadFile'], httpCode => {
assert.strictEqual(httpCode, '200 OK'); expect(httpCode).toBe('200 OK');
done(); done();
}); });
}); }
it('should get an object', done => { test('should get an object', done => {
const params = { Bucket: bucket, Key: 'key', Expires: const params = { Bucket: bucket, Key: 'key', Expires:
almostOutsideTime }; almostOutsideTime };
const url = s3.getSignedUrl('getObject', params); const url = s3.getSignedUrl('getObject', params);
provideRawOutput(['-verbose', '-o', 'download', url], httpCode => { provideRawOutput(['-verbose', '-o', 'download', url], httpCode => {
assert.strictEqual(httpCode, '200 OK'); expect(httpCode).toBe('200 OK');
done(); done();
}); });
}); });
it('downloaded file should equal file that was put', done => { test('downloaded file should equal file that was put', done => {
diff('uploadFile', 'download', () => { diff('uploadFile', 'download', () => {
deleteFile('download', done); deleteFile('download', done);
}); });
}); });
it('should delete an object', done => { test('should delete an object', done => {
const params = { Bucket: bucket, Key: 'key', Expires: const params = { Bucket: bucket, Key: 'key', Expires:
almostOutsideTime }; almostOutsideTime };
const url = s3.getSignedUrl('deleteObject', params); const url = s3.getSignedUrl('deleteObject', params);
provideRawOutput(['-verbose', '-X', 'DELETE', url], provideRawOutput(['-verbose', '-X', 'DELETE', url],
httpCode => { httpCode => {
assert.strictEqual(httpCode, '204 NO CONTENT'); expect(httpCode).toBe('204 NO CONTENT');
done(); done();
}); });
}); });
it('should delete a bucket', done => { test('should delete a bucket', done => {
const params = { Bucket: bucket, Expires: almostOutsideTime }; const params = { Bucket: bucket, Expires: almostOutsideTime };
const url = s3.getSignedUrl('deleteBucket', params); const url = s3.getSignedUrl('deleteBucket', params);
provideRawOutput(['-verbose', '-X', 'DELETE', url], provideRawOutput(['-verbose', '-X', 'DELETE', url],
httpCode => { httpCode => {
assert.strictEqual(httpCode, '204 NO CONTENT'); expect(httpCode).toBe('204 NO CONTENT');
done(); done();
}); });
}); });

View File

@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ const bucket = `mybucket-${random}`;
function diff(putFile, receivedFile, done) { function diff(putFile, receivedFile, done) {
process.stdout.write(`diff ${putFile} ${receivedFile}\n`); process.stdout.write(`diff ${putFile} ${receivedFile}\n`);
cp.spawn('diff', [putFile, receivedFile]).on('exit', code => { cp.spawn('diff', [putFile, receivedFile]).on('exit', code => {
assert.strictEqual(code, 0); expect(code).toBe(0);
done(); done();
}); });
} }
@ -26,41 +26,41 @@ function deleteFile(file, callback) {
}); });
} }
describe('aws-node-sdk v4auth query tests', function testSuite() { describe('aws-node-sdk v4auth query tests', () => {
this.timeout(60000); this.timeout(60000);
let s3; let s3;
// setup test // setup test
before(() => { beforeAll(() => {
const config = getConfig('default', { signatureVersion: 'v4' }); const config = getConfig('default', { signatureVersion: 'v4' });
s3 = new S3(config); s3 = new S3(config);
}); });
// emptyListing test // emptyListing test
it('should do an empty bucket listing', done => { test('should do an empty bucket listing', done => {
const url = s3.getSignedUrl('listBuckets'); const url = s3.getSignedUrl('listBuckets');
provideRawOutput(['-verbose', url], httpCode => { provideRawOutput(['-verbose', url], httpCode => {
assert.strictEqual(httpCode, '200 OK'); expect(httpCode).toBe('200 OK');
done(); done();
}); });
}); });
// createBucket test // createBucket test
it('should create a bucket', done => { test('should create a bucket', done => {
const params = { Bucket: bucket }; const params = { Bucket: bucket };
const url = s3.getSignedUrl('createBucket', params); const url = s3.getSignedUrl('createBucket', params);
provideRawOutput(['-verbose', '-X', 'PUT', url], httpCode => { provideRawOutput(['-verbose', '-X', 'PUT', url], httpCode => {
assert.strictEqual(httpCode, '200 OK'); expect(httpCode).toBe('200 OK');
done(); done();
}); });
}); });
// fullListing test // fullListing test
it('should do a bucket listing with result', done => { test('should do a bucket listing with result', done => {
const url = s3.getSignedUrl('listBuckets'); const url = s3.getSignedUrl('listBuckets');
provideRawOutput(['-verbose', url], (httpCode, rawOutput) => { provideRawOutput(['-verbose', url], (httpCode, rawOutput) => {
assert.strictEqual(httpCode, '200 OK'); expect(httpCode).toBe('200 OK');
parseString(rawOutput.stdout, (err, xml) => { parseString(rawOutput.stdout, (err, xml) => {
if (err) { if (err) {
assert.ifError(err); assert.ifError(err);
@ -68,24 +68,25 @@ describe('aws-node-sdk v4auth query tests', function testSuite() {
const bucketNames = xml.ListAllMyBucketsResult const bucketNames = xml.ListAllMyBucketsResult
.Buckets[0] => item.Name[0]); .Buckets[0] => item.Name[0]);
const whereIsMyBucket = bucketNames.indexOf(bucket); const whereIsMyBucket = bucketNames.indexOf(bucket);
assert(whereIsMyBucket > -1); expect(whereIsMyBucket > -1).toBeTruthy();
done(); done();
}); });
}); });
}); });
// putObject test // putObject test
it('should put an object', done => { test('should put an object', done => {
const params = { Bucket: bucket, Key: 'key' }; const params = { Bucket: bucket, Key: 'key' };
const url = s3.getSignedUrl('putObject', params); const url = s3.getSignedUrl('putObject', params);
provideRawOutput(['-verbose', '-X', 'PUT', url, provideRawOutput(['-verbose', '-X', 'PUT', url,
'--upload-file', 'uploadFile'], httpCode => { '--upload-file', 'uploadFile'], httpCode => {
assert.strictEqual(httpCode, '200 OK'); expect(httpCode).toBe('200 OK');
done(); done();
}); });
}); });
it('should put an object with an acl setting and a storage class setting', test(
'should put an object with an acl setting and a storage class setting',
done => { done => {
// This will test that upper case query parameters and lowercase // This will test that upper case query parameters and lowercase
// query parameters (i.e., 'x-amz-acl') are being sorted properly. // query parameters (i.e., 'x-amz-acl') are being sorted properly.
@ -98,105 +99,106 @@ describe('aws-node-sdk v4auth query tests', function testSuite() {
const url = s3.getSignedUrl('putObject', params); const url = s3.getSignedUrl('putObject', params);
provideRawOutput(['-verbose', '-X', 'PUT', url, provideRawOutput(['-verbose', '-X', 'PUT', url,
'--upload-file', 'uploadFile'], httpCode => { '--upload-file', 'uploadFile'], httpCode => {
assert.strictEqual(httpCode, '200 OK'); expect(httpCode).toBe('200 OK');
done(); done();
}); });
}); }
it('should put an object with native characters', done => { test('should put an object with native characters', done => {
const Key = 'key-pâtisserie-中文-español-English-हिन्दी-العربية-' + const Key = 'key-pâtisserie-中文-español-English-हिन्दी-العربية-' +
'português-বাংলা-русский-日本語-ਪੰਜਾਬੀ-한국어-தமிழ்'; 'português-বাংলা-русский-日本語-ਪੰਜਾਬੀ-한국어-தமிழ்';
const params = { Bucket: bucket, Key }; const params = { Bucket: bucket, Key };
const url = s3.getSignedUrl('putObject', params); const url = s3.getSignedUrl('putObject', params);
provideRawOutput(['-verbose', '-X', 'PUT', url, provideRawOutput(['-verbose', '-X', 'PUT', url,
'--upload-file', 'uploadFile'], httpCode => { '--upload-file', 'uploadFile'], httpCode => {
assert.strictEqual(httpCode, '200 OK'); expect(httpCode).toBe('200 OK');
done(); done();
}); });
}); });
// listObjects test // listObjects test
it('should list objects in bucket', done => { test('should list objects in bucket', done => {
const params = { Bucket: bucket }; const params = { Bucket: bucket };
const url = s3.getSignedUrl('listObjects', params); const url = s3.getSignedUrl('listObjects', params);
provideRawOutput(['-verbose', url], (httpCode, rawOutput) => { provideRawOutput(['-verbose', url], (httpCode, rawOutput) => {
assert.strictEqual(httpCode, '200 OK'); expect(httpCode).toBe('200 OK');
parseString(rawOutput.stdout, (err, result) => { parseString(rawOutput.stdout, (err, result) => {
if (err) { if (err) {
assert.ifError(err); assert.ifError(err);
} }
assert.strictEqual(result.ListBucketResult expect(result.ListBucketResult
.Contents[0].Key[0], 'key'); .Contents[0].Key[0]).toBe('key');
done(); done();
}); });
}); });
}); });
// getObject test // getObject test
it('should get an object', done => { test('should get an object', done => {
const params = { Bucket: bucket, Key: 'key' }; const params = { Bucket: bucket, Key: 'key' };
const url = s3.getSignedUrl('getObject', params); const url = s3.getSignedUrl('getObject', params);
provideRawOutput(['-verbose', '-o', 'download', url], httpCode => { provideRawOutput(['-verbose', '-o', 'download', url], httpCode => {
assert.strictEqual(httpCode, '200 OK'); expect(httpCode).toBe('200 OK');
done(); done();
}); });
}); });
it('downloaded file should equal file that was put', done => { test('downloaded file should equal file that was put', done => {
diff('uploadFile', 'download', () => { diff('uploadFile', 'download', () => {
deleteFile('download', done); deleteFile('download', done);
}); });
}); });
// deleteObject test // deleteObject test
it('should delete an object', done => { test('should delete an object', done => {
const params = { Bucket: bucket, Key: 'key' }; const params = { Bucket: bucket, Key: 'key' };
const url = s3.getSignedUrl('deleteObject', params); const url = s3.getSignedUrl('deleteObject', params);
provideRawOutput(['-verbose', '-X', 'DELETE', url], provideRawOutput(['-verbose', '-X', 'DELETE', url],
httpCode => { httpCode => {
assert.strictEqual(httpCode, '204 NO CONTENT'); expect(httpCode).toBe('204 NO CONTENT');
done(); done();
}); });
}); });
it('should return a 204 on delete of an already deleted object', done => { test('should return a 204 on delete of an already deleted object', done => {
const params = { Bucket: bucket, Key: 'key' }; const params = { Bucket: bucket, Key: 'key' };
const url = s3.getSignedUrl('deleteObject', params); const url = s3.getSignedUrl('deleteObject', params);
provideRawOutput(['-verbose', '-X', 'DELETE', url], provideRawOutput(['-verbose', '-X', 'DELETE', url],
httpCode => { httpCode => {
assert.strictEqual(httpCode, '204 NO CONTENT'); expect(httpCode).toBe('204 NO CONTENT');
done(); done();
}); });
}); });
it('should return 204 on delete of non-existing object', done => { test('should return 204 on delete of non-existing object', done => {
const params = { Bucket: bucket, Key: 'randomObject' }; const params = { Bucket: bucket, Key: 'randomObject' };
const url = s3.getSignedUrl('deleteObject', params); const url = s3.getSignedUrl('deleteObject', params);
provideRawOutput(['-verbose', '-X', 'DELETE', url], provideRawOutput(['-verbose', '-X', 'DELETE', url],
httpCode => { httpCode => {
assert.strictEqual(httpCode, '204 NO CONTENT'); expect(httpCode).toBe('204 NO CONTENT');
done(); done();
}); });
}); });
it('should delete an object with native characters', done => { test('should delete an object with native characters', done => {
const Key = 'key-pâtisserie-中文-español-English-हिन्दी-العربية-' + const Key = 'key-pâtisserie-中文-español-English-हिन्दी-العربية-' +
'português-বাংলা-русский-日本語-ਪੰਜਾਬੀ-한국어-தமிழ்'; 'português-বাংলা-русский-日本語-ਪੰਜਾਬੀ-한국어-தமிழ்';
const params = { Bucket: bucket, Key }; const params = { Bucket: bucket, Key };
const url = s3.getSignedUrl('deleteObject', params); const url = s3.getSignedUrl('deleteObject', params);
provideRawOutput(['-verbose', '-X', 'DELETE', url], httpCode => { provideRawOutput(['-verbose', '-X', 'DELETE', url], httpCode => {
assert.strictEqual(httpCode, '204 NO CONTENT'); expect(httpCode).toBe('204 NO CONTENT');
done(); done();
}); });
}); });
// deleteBucket test // deleteBucket test
it('should delete a bucket', done => { test('should delete a bucket', done => {
const params = { Bucket: bucket }; const params = { Bucket: bucket };
const url = s3.getSignedUrl('deleteBucket', params); const url = s3.getSignedUrl('deleteBucket', params);
provideRawOutput(['-verbose', '-X', 'DELETE', url], provideRawOutput(['-verbose', '-X', 'DELETE', url],
httpCode => { httpCode => {
assert.strictEqual(httpCode, '204 NO CONTENT'); expect(httpCode).toBe('204 NO CONTENT');
done(); done();
}); });
}); });

View File

@ -26,36 +26,36 @@ const objectKey = 'toAbort&<>"\'';
// same uploadId // same uploadId
const multipartUploadData = {}; const multipartUploadData = {};
describe('aws-node-sdk test suite as registered user', function testSuite() { describe('aws-node-sdk test suite as registered user', () => {
this.timeout(60000); this.timeout(60000);
let s3; let s3;
// setup test // setup test
before(() => { beforeAll(() => {
const config = getConfig('default', { signatureVersion: 'v4' }); const config = getConfig('default', { signatureVersion: 'v4' });
s3 = new S3(config); s3 = new S3(config);
}); });
// bucketListing test // bucketListing test
it('should do bucket listing', done => { test('should do bucket listing', done => {
s3.listBuckets((err, data) => { s3.listBuckets((err, data) => {
if (err) { if (err) {
return done(new Error(`error listing buckets: ${err}`)); return done(new Error(`error listing buckets: ${err}`));
} }
assert(data.Buckets, 'No buckets Info sent back'); expect(data.Buckets).toBeTruthy();
assert(data.Owner, 'No owner Info sent back'); expect(data.Owner).toBeTruthy();
assert(data.Owner.ID, 'Owner ID not sent back'); expect(data.Owner.ID).toBeTruthy();
assert(data.Owner.DisplayName, 'DisplayName not sent back'); expect(data.Owner.DisplayName).toBeTruthy();
const owner = Object.keys(data.Owner); const owner = Object.keys(data.Owner);
assert.strictEqual(owner.length, 2, 'Too much fields in owner'); expect(owner.length).toBe(2);
return done(); return done();
}); });
}); });
// createbucket test // createbucket test
it('should create a bucket', done => { test('should create a bucket', done => {
s3.createBucket({ Bucket: bucket }, err => { s3.createBucket({ Bucket: bucket }, err => {
if (err) { if (err) {
return done(new Error(`error creating bucket: ${err}`)); return done(new Error(`error creating bucket: ${err}`));
@ -65,22 +65,23 @@ describe('aws-node-sdk test suite as registered user', function testSuite() {
}); });
// createMPU test // createMPU test
it('should create a multipart upload', done => { test('should create a multipart upload', done => {
s3.createMultipartUpload({ Bucket: bucket, Key: objectKey }, s3.createMultipartUpload({ Bucket: bucket, Key: objectKey },
(err, data) => { (err, data) => {
if (err) { if (err) {
return done(new Error( return done(new Error(
`error initiating multipart upload: ${err}`)); `error initiating multipart upload: ${err}`));
} }
assert.strictEqual(data.Bucket, bucket); expect(data.Bucket).toBe(bucket);
assert.strictEqual(data.Key, objectKey); expect(data.Key).toBe(objectKey);
assert.ok(data.UploadId); expect(data.UploadId).toBeTruthy();
multipartUploadData.firstUploadId = data.UploadId; multipartUploadData.firstUploadId = data.UploadId;
return done(); return done();
}); });
}); });
it('should upload a part of a multipart upload to be aborted', test(
'should upload a part of a multipart upload to be aborted',
// uploadpart test // uploadpart test
done => { done => {
const params = { const params = {
@ -94,13 +95,14 @@ describe('aws-node-sdk test suite as registered user', function testSuite() {
if (err) { if (err) {
return done(new Error(`error uploading a part: ${err}`)); return done(new Error(`error uploading a part: ${err}`));
} }
assert.strictEqual(data.ETag, `"${calculatedFirstPartHash}"`); expect(data.ETag).toBe(`"${calculatedFirstPartHash}"`);
return done(); return done();
}); });
}); }
// abortMPU test // abortMPU test
it('should abort a multipart upload', done => { test('should abort a multipart upload', done => {
const params = { const params = {
Bucket: bucket, Bucket: bucket,
Key: objectKey, Key: objectKey,
@ -111,13 +113,13 @@ describe('aws-node-sdk test suite as registered user', function testSuite() {
return done(new Error( return done(new Error(
`error aborting multipart upload: ${err}`)); `error aborting multipart upload: ${err}`));
} }
assert.ok(data); expect(data).toBeTruthy();
return done(); return done();
}); });
}); });
// createMPU test // createMPU test
it('should upload a part of a multipart upload', done => { test('should upload a part of a multipart upload', done => {
s3.createMultipartUpload({ Bucket: bucket, Key: 'toComplete' }, s3.createMultipartUpload({ Bucket: bucket, Key: 'toComplete' },
(err, data) => { (err, data) => {
if (err) { if (err) {
@ -138,16 +140,14 @@ describe('aws-node-sdk test suite as registered user', function testSuite() {
return done( return done(
new Error(`error uploading a part: ${err}`)); new Error(`error uploading a part: ${err}`));
} }
assert.strictEqual(data.ETag, expect(data.ETag).toBe(`"${calculatedFirstPartHash}"`);
return done(); return done();
}); });
return undefined; return undefined;
}); });
}); });
it('should upload a second part of a multipart upload', test('should upload a second part of a multipart upload', // createMPU test
// createMPU test
done => { done => {
const params = { const params = {
Bucket: bucket, Bucket: bucket,
@ -160,13 +160,13 @@ describe('aws-node-sdk test suite as registered user', function testSuite() {
if (err) { if (err) {
return done(new Error(`error uploading a part: ${err}`)); return done(new Error(`error uploading a part: ${err}`));
} }
assert.strictEqual(data.ETag, `"${calculatedSecondPartHash}"`); expect(data.ETag).toBe(`"${calculatedSecondPartHash}"`);
return done(); return done();
}); });
}); });
// listparts test // listparts test
it('should list the parts of a multipart upload', done => { test('should list the parts of a multipart upload', done => {
const params = { const params = {
Bucket: bucket, Bucket: bucket,
Key: 'toComplete', Key: 'toComplete',
@ -176,19 +176,17 @@ describe('aws-node-sdk test suite as registered user', function testSuite() {
if (err) { if (err) {
return done(new Error(`error listing parts: ${err}`)); return done(new Error(`error listing parts: ${err}`));
} }
assert.strictEqual(data.Bucket, bucket); expect(data.Bucket).toBe(bucket);
assert.strictEqual(data.Key, 'toComplete'); expect(data.Key).toBe('toComplete');
assert.strictEqual(data.UploadId, multipartUploadData expect(data.UploadId).toBe(multipartUploadData
.secondUploadId); .secondUploadId);
assert.strictEqual(data.IsTruncated, false); expect(data.IsTruncated).toBe(false);
assert.strictEqual(data.Parts[0].PartNumber, 1); expect(data.Parts[0].PartNumber).toBe(1);
assert.strictEqual(data.Parts[0].ETag, expect(data.Parts[0].ETag).toBe(`"${calculatedFirstPartHash}"`);
`"${calculatedFirstPartHash}"`); expect(data.Parts[0].Size).toBe(5242880);
assert.strictEqual(data.Parts[0].Size, 5242880); expect(data.Parts[1].PartNumber).toBe(2);
assert.strictEqual(data.Parts[1].PartNumber, 2); expect(data.Parts[1].ETag).toBe(`"${calculatedSecondPartHash}"`);
assert.strictEqual(data.Parts[1].ETag, expect(data.Parts[1].Size).toBe(5242880);
assert.strictEqual(data.Parts[1].Size, 5242880);
// Must disable for now when running with Vault // Must disable for now when running with Vault
// since will need to pull actual ARN and canonicalId // since will need to pull actual ARN and canonicalId
// assert.strictEqual(data.Initiator.ID, accessKey1ARN); // assert.strictEqual(data.Initiator.ID, accessKey1ARN);
@ -197,13 +195,13 @@ describe('aws-node-sdk test suite as registered user', function testSuite() {
// call works. For real implementation with vault, // call works. For real implementation with vault,
// will need the canonicalId. // will need the canonicalId.
// assert.strictEqual(data.Owner.ID, config.accessKeyId); // assert.strictEqual(data.Owner.ID, config.accessKeyId);
assert.strictEqual(data.StorageClass, 'STANDARD'); expect(data.StorageClass).toBe('STANDARD');
return {}; return {};
}); });
return done(); return done();
}); });
it('should return an error if do not provide correct ' + test('should return an error if do not provide correct ' +
// completempu test // completempu test
'xml when completing a multipart upload', done => { 'xml when completing a multipart upload', done => {
const params = { const params = {
@ -212,13 +210,13 @@ describe('aws-node-sdk test suite as registered user', function testSuite() {
UploadId: multipartUploadData.secondUploadId, UploadId: multipartUploadData.secondUploadId,
}; };
s3.completeMultipartUpload(params, err => { s3.completeMultipartUpload(params, err => {
assert.strictEqual(err.code, 'MalformedXML'); expect(err.code).toBe('MalformedXML');
return done(); return done();
}); });
}); });
// completempu test // completempu test
it('should complete a multipart upload', done => { test('should complete a multipart upload', done => {
const params = { const params = {
Bucket: bucket, Bucket: bucket,
Key: 'toComplete', Key: 'toComplete',
@ -240,14 +238,14 @@ describe('aws-node-sdk test suite as registered user', function testSuite() {
if (err) { if (err) {
return done(new Error(`error completing mpu: ${err}`)); return done(new Error(`error completing mpu: ${err}`));
} }
assert.strictEqual(data.Bucket, bucket); expect(data.Bucket).toBe(bucket);
assert.strictEqual(data.Key, 'toComplete'); expect(data.Key).toBe('toComplete');
assert.strictEqual(data.ETag, combinedETag); expect(data.ETag).toBe(combinedETag);
return done(); return done();
}); });
}); });
it('should get an object put by multipart upload', done => { test('should get an object put by multipart upload', done => {
const params = { const params = {
Bucket: bucket, Bucket: bucket,
Key: 'toComplete', Key: 'toComplete',
@ -257,8 +255,7 @@ describe('aws-node-sdk test suite as registered user', function testSuite() {
return done(new Error( return done(new Error(
`error getting object put by mpu: ${err}`)); `error getting object put by mpu: ${err}`));
} }
assert.strictEqual(data.ETag, expect(data.ETag).toBe(combinedETag);
const uploadedObj = Buffer.concat([firstBufferBody, const uploadedObj = Buffer.concat([firstBufferBody,
secondBufferBody]); secondBufferBody]);
assert.deepStrictEqual(data.Body, uploadedObj); assert.deepStrictEqual(data.Body, uploadedObj);
@ -316,7 +313,7 @@ describe('aws-node-sdk test suite as registered user', function testSuite() {
]; ];
mpuRangeGetTests.forEach(test => { mpuRangeGetTests.forEach(test => {
it(, done => { test(, done => {
const params = { const params = {
Bucket: bucket, Bucket: bucket,
Key: 'toComplete', Key: 'toComplete',
@ -327,19 +324,17 @@ describe('aws-node-sdk test suite as registered user', function testSuite() {
return done(new Error( return done(new Error(
`error getting object range put by mpu: ${err}`)); `error getting object range put by mpu: ${err}`));
} }
assert.strictEqual(data.ContentLength, test.contentLength); expect(data.ContentLength).toBe(test.contentLength);
assert.strictEqual(data.AcceptRanges, 'bytes'); expect(data.AcceptRanges).toBe('bytes');
assert.strictEqual(data.ContentRange, test.contentRange); expect(data.ContentRange).toBe(test.contentRange);
assert.strictEqual(data.ETag, expect(data.ETag).toBe(combinedETag);
assert.deepStrictEqual(data.Body, test.expectedBuff); assert.deepStrictEqual(data.Body, test.expectedBuff);
return done(); return done();
}); });
}); });
}); });
it('should delete object created by multipart upload', test('should delete object created by multipart upload', // deleteObject test
// deleteObject test
done => { done => {
const params = { const params = {
Bucket: bucket, Bucket: bucket,
@ -349,12 +344,12 @@ describe('aws-node-sdk test suite as registered user', function testSuite() {
if (err) { if (err) {
return done(new Error(`error deleting object: ${err}`)); return done(new Error(`error deleting object: ${err}`));
} }
assert.ok(data); expect(data).toBeTruthy();
return done(); return done();
}); });
}); });
it('should put an object regularly (non-MPU)', done => { test('should put an object regularly (non-MPU)', done => {
const params = { const params = {
Bucket: bucket, Bucket: bucket,
Key: 'normalput', Key: 'normalput',
@ -365,22 +360,21 @@ describe('aws-node-sdk test suite as registered user', function testSuite() {
return done(new Error( return done(new Error(
`error putting object regularly: ${err}`)); `error putting object regularly: ${err}`));
} }
assert.ok(data); expect(data).toBeTruthy();
return done(); return done();
}); });
}); });
it('should return InvalidRange if the range of the resource does ' + test('should return InvalidRange if the range of the resource does ' +
'not cover the byte range', 'not cover the byte range', done => {
done => {
const params = { const params = {
Bucket: bucket, Bucket: bucket,
Key: 'normalput', Key: 'normalput',
Range: 'bytes=200-200', Range: 'bytes=200-200',
}; };
s3.getObject(params, err => { s3.getObject(params, err => {
assert.notEqual(err, null, 'Expected failure but got success'); expect(err).not.toEqual(null);
assert.strictEqual(err.code, 'InvalidRange'); expect(err.code).toBe('InvalidRange');
return done(); return done();
}); });
}); });
@ -420,9 +414,8 @@ describe('aws-node-sdk test suite as registered user', function testSuite() {
}); });
testsRangeOnEmptyFile.forEach(test => { testsRangeOnEmptyFile.forEach(test => {
const validText = test.valid ? 'InvalidRange error' : 'empty file'; const validText = test.valid ? 'InvalidRange error' : 'empty file';
it(`should return ${validText} if get range ${test.range} on ` + test(`should return ${validText} if get range ${test.range} on ` +
'empty object', 'empty object', done => {
done => {
const params = { const params = {
Bucket: bucketEmptyObj, Bucket: bucketEmptyObj,
Key: 'emptyobj', Key: 'emptyobj',
@ -430,13 +423,11 @@ describe('aws-node-sdk test suite as registered user', function testSuite() {
}; };
s3.getObject(params, (err, data) => { s3.getObject(params, (err, data) => {
if (test.valid) { if (test.valid) {
assert.notEqual(err, null, 'Expected failure but ' + expect(err).not.toEqual(null);
'got success'); expect(err.code).toBe('InvalidRange');
assert.strictEqual(err.code, 'InvalidRange');
} else { } else {
assert.equal(err, null, 'Expected success but ' + expect(err).toEqual(null);
`got failure: ${err}`); expect(data.Body.toString()).toBe('');
assert.strictEqual(data.Body.toString(), '');
} }
return done(); return done();
}); });
@ -477,7 +468,7 @@ describe('aws-node-sdk test suite as registered user', function testSuite() {
]; ];
regularObjectRangeGetTests.forEach(test => { regularObjectRangeGetTests.forEach(test => {
it(, done => { test(, done => {
const params = { const params = {
Bucket: bucket, Bucket: bucket,
Key: 'normalput', Key: 'normalput',
@ -488,17 +479,16 @@ describe('aws-node-sdk test suite as registered user', function testSuite() {
return done(new Error( return done(new Error(
`error getting object range: ${err}`)); `error getting object range: ${err}`));
} }
assert.strictEqual(data.AcceptRanges, 'bytes'); expect(data.AcceptRanges).toBe('bytes');
assert.strictEqual(data.ContentLength, test.contentLength); expect(data.ContentLength).toBe(test.contentLength);
assert.strictEqual(data.ContentRange, test.contentRange); expect(data.ContentRange).toBe(test.contentRange);
assert.deepStrictEqual(data.Body, test.expectedBuff); assert.deepStrictEqual(data.Body, test.expectedBuff);
return done(); return done();
}); });
}); });
}); });
it('should delete an object put without MPU', test('should delete an object put without MPU', // deleteObject test
// deleteObject test
done => { done => {
const params = { const params = {
Bucket: bucket, Bucket: bucket,
@ -508,13 +498,13 @@ describe('aws-node-sdk test suite as registered user', function testSuite() {
if (err) { if (err) {
return done(new Error(`error deleting object: ${err}`)); return done(new Error(`error deleting object: ${err}`));
} }
assert.ok(data); expect(data).toBeTruthy();
return done(); return done();
}); });
}); });
// deletebucket test // deletebucket test
it('should delete a bucket', done => { test('should delete a bucket', done => {
s3.deleteBucket({ Bucket: bucket }, err => { s3.deleteBucket({ Bucket: bucket }, err => {
if (err) { if (err) {
return done(new Error(`error deleting bucket: ${err}`)); return done(new Error(`error deleting bucket: ${err}`));

View File

@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ const updatedUserMetadata = { food: 'cake' };
runIfMongo('Basic search', () => { runIfMongo('Basic search', () => {
const bucketName = `basicsearchmebucket${}`; const bucketName = `basicsearchmebucket${}`;
before(done => { beforeAll(done => {
s3Client.createBucket({ Bucket: bucketName }, err => { s3Client.createBucket({ Bucket: bucketName }, err => {
if (err) { if (err) {
return done(err); return done(err);
@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ runIfMongo('Basic search', () => {
}); });
}); });
after(done => { afterAll(done => {
s3Client.deleteObjects({ Bucket: bucketName, Delete: { Objects: [ s3Client.deleteObjects({ Bucket: bucketName, Delete: { Objects: [
{ Key: objectKey }, { Key: objectKey },
{ Key: hiddenKey }], { Key: hiddenKey }],
@ -39,46 +39,48 @@ runIfMongo('Basic search', () => {
}); });
}); });
it('should list object with searched for system metadata', done => { test('should list object with searched for system metadata', done => {
const encodedSearch = encodeURIComponent(`key="${objectKey}"`); const encodedSearch = encodeURIComponent(`key="${objectKey}"`);
return runAndCheckSearch(s3Client, bucketName, return runAndCheckSearch(s3Client, bucketName,
encodedSearch, objectKey, done); encodedSearch, objectKey, done);
}); });
it('should list object with regex searched for system metadata', done => { test('should list object with regex searched for system metadata', done => {
const encodedSearch = encodeURIComponent('key LIKE "find.*"'); const encodedSearch = encodeURIComponent('key LIKE "find.*"');
return runAndCheckSearch(s3Client, bucketName, return runAndCheckSearch(s3Client, bucketName,
encodedSearch, objectKey, done); encodedSearch, objectKey, done);
}); });
it('should list object with regex searched for system metadata with flags', test(
'should list object with regex searched for system metadata with flags',
done => { done => {
const encodedSearch = encodeURIComponent('key LIKE "/FIND.*/i"'); const encodedSearch = encodeURIComponent('key LIKE "/FIND.*/i"');
return runAndCheckSearch(s3Client, bucketName, return runAndCheckSearch(s3Client, bucketName,
encodedSearch, objectKey, done); encodedSearch, objectKey, done);
}); }
it('should return empty when no object match regex', done => { test('should return empty when no object match regex', done => {
const encodedSearch = encodeURIComponent('key LIKE "/NOTFOUND.*/i"'); const encodedSearch = encodeURIComponent('key LIKE "/NOTFOUND.*/i"');
return runAndCheckSearch(s3Client, bucketName, return runAndCheckSearch(s3Client, bucketName,
encodedSearch, null, done); encodedSearch, null, done);
}); });
it('should list object with searched for user metadata', done => { test('should list object with searched for user metadata', done => {
const encodedSearch = const encodedSearch =
encodeURIComponent(`x-amz-meta-food="${}"`); encodeURIComponent(`x-amz-meta-food="${}"`);
return runAndCheckSearch(s3Client, bucketName, encodedSearch, return runAndCheckSearch(s3Client, bucketName, encodedSearch,
objectKey, done); objectKey, done);
}); });
it('should list object with searched for tag metadata', done => { test('should list object with searched for tag metadata', done => {
const encodedSearch = const encodedSearch =
encodeURIComponent('tags.item-type="main"'); encodeURIComponent('tags.item-type="main"');
return runAndCheckSearch(s3Client, bucketName, encodedSearch, return runAndCheckSearch(s3Client, bucketName, encodedSearch,
objectKey, done); objectKey, done);
}); });
it('should return empty listing when no object has user md', done => { test('should return empty listing when no object has user md', done => {
const encodedSearch = const encodedSearch =
encodeURIComponent('x-amz-meta-food="nosuchfood"'); encodeURIComponent('x-amz-meta-food="nosuchfood"');
return runAndCheckSearch(s3Client, bucketName, return runAndCheckSearch(s3Client, bucketName,
@ -86,13 +88,12 @@ runIfMongo('Basic search', () => {
}); });
describe('search when overwrite object', () => { describe('search when overwrite object', () => {
before(done => { beforeAll(done => {
s3Client.putObject({ Bucket: bucketName, Key: objectKey, s3Client.putObject({ Bucket: bucketName, Key: objectKey,
Metadata: updatedUserMetadata }, done); Metadata: updatedUserMetadata }, done);
}); });
it('should list object with searched for updated user metadata', test('should list object with searched for updated user metadata', done => {
done => {
const encodedSearch = const encodedSearch =
encodeURIComponent('x-amz-meta-food' + encodeURIComponent('x-amz-meta-food' +
`="${}"`); `="${}"`);
@ -104,15 +105,15 @@ runIfMongo('Basic search', () => {
runIfMongo('Search when no objects in bucket', () => { runIfMongo('Search when no objects in bucket', () => {
const bucketName = `noobjectbucket${}`; const bucketName = `noobjectbucket${}`;
before(done => { beforeAll(done => {
s3Client.createBucket({ Bucket: bucketName }, done); s3Client.createBucket({ Bucket: bucketName }, done);
}); });
after(done => { afterAll(done => {
s3Client.deleteBucket({ Bucket: bucketName }, done); s3Client.deleteBucket({ Bucket: bucketName }, done);
}); });
it('should return empty listing when no objects in bucket', done => { test('should return empty listing when no objects in bucket', done => {
const encodedSearch = encodeURIComponent(`key="${objectKey}"`); const encodedSearch = encodeURIComponent(`key="${objectKey}"`);
return runAndCheckSearch(s3Client, bucketName, return runAndCheckSearch(s3Client, bucketName,
encodedSearch, null, done); encodedSearch, null, done);
@ -121,15 +122,15 @@ runIfMongo('Search when no objects in bucket', () => {
runIfMongo('Invalid regular expression searches', () => { runIfMongo('Invalid regular expression searches', () => {
const bucketName = `badregex-${}`; const bucketName = `badregex-${}`;
before(done => { beforeAll(done => {
s3Client.createBucket({ Bucket: bucketName }, done); s3Client.createBucket({ Bucket: bucketName }, done);
}); });
after(done => { afterAll(done => {
s3Client.deleteBucket({ Bucket: bucketName }, done); s3Client.deleteBucket({ Bucket: bucketName }, done);
}); });
it('should return error if pattern is invalid', done => { test('should return error if pattern is invalid', done => {
const encodedSearch = encodeURIComponent('key LIKE "/((helloworld/"'); const encodedSearch = encodeURIComponent('key LIKE "/((helloworld/"');
const testError = { const testError = {
code: 'InvalidArgument', code: 'InvalidArgument',

View File

@ -28,18 +28,18 @@ testUtils.runAndCheckSearch = (s3Client, bucketName, encodedSearch,
}); });
searchRequest.on('success', res => { searchRequest.on('success', res => {
if (testResult) { if (testResult) {
assert([0], 'should be Contents listed'); expect([0]).toBeTruthy();
assert.strictEqual([0].Key, testResult); expect([0].Key).toBe(testResult);
assert.strictEqual(, 1); expect(;
} else { } else {
assert.strictEqual(, 0); expect(;
} }
return done(); return done();
}); });
searchRequest.on('error', err => { searchRequest.on('error', err => {
if (testResult) { if (testResult) {
assert.strictEqual(err.code, testResult.code); expect(err.code).toBe(testResult.code);
assert.strictEqual(err.message, testResult.message); expect(err.message).toBe(testResult.message);
} }
return done(); return done();
}); });

View File

@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ runIfMongo('Search in version enabled bucket', () => {
MFADelete: 'Disabled', MFADelete: 'Disabled',
Status: 'Enabled', Status: 'Enabled',
}; };
before(done => { beforeAll(done => {
s3Client.createBucket({ Bucket: bucketName }, err => { s3Client.createBucket({ Bucket: bucketName }, err => {
if (err) { if (err) {
return done(err); return done(err);
@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ runIfMongo('Search in version enabled bucket', () => {
}); });
}); });
after(done => { afterAll(done => {
removeAllVersions(s3Client, bucketName, removeAllVersions(s3Client, bucketName,
err => { err => {
if (err) { if (err) {
@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ runIfMongo('Search in version enabled bucket', () => {
}); });
}); });
it('should list just master object with searched for metadata', done => { test('should list just master object with searched for metadata', done => {
const encodedSearch = const encodedSearch =
encodeURIComponent(`x-amz-meta-food="${}"`); encodeURIComponent(`x-amz-meta-food="${}"`);
return runAndCheckSearch(s3Client, bucketName, return runAndCheckSearch(s3Client, bucketName,
@ -46,12 +46,12 @@ runIfMongo('Search in version enabled bucket', () => {
}); });
describe('New version overwrite', () => { describe('New version overwrite', () => {
before(done => { beforeAll(done => {
s3Client.putObject({ Bucket: bucketName, s3Client.putObject({ Bucket: bucketName,
Key: masterKey, Metadata: updatedMetadata }, done); Key: masterKey, Metadata: updatedMetadata }, done);
}); });
it('should list just master object with updated metadata', done => { test('should list just master object with updated metadata', done => {
const encodedSearch = const encodedSearch =
encodeURIComponent(`x-amz-meta-food="${}"`); encodeURIComponent(`x-amz-meta-food="${}"`);
return runAndCheckSearch(s3Client, bucketName, return runAndCheckSearch(s3Client, bucketName,

View File

@ -58,8 +58,7 @@ testAcp.addGrantee('Group', constants.publicId, 'READ');
function putObjectAcl(s3, key, versionId, acp, cb) { function putObjectAcl(s3, key, versionId, acp, cb) {
s3.putObjectAcl({ Bucket: bucket, Key: key, AccessControlPolicy: acp, s3.putObjectAcl({ Bucket: bucket, Key: key, AccessControlPolicy: acp,
VersionId: versionId }, err => { VersionId: versionId }, err => {
assert.strictEqual(err, null, 'Expected success ' + expect(err).toBe(null);
`putting object acl, got error ${err}`);
cb(); cb();
}); });
} }
@ -67,8 +66,7 @@ function putObjectAcl(s3, key, versionId, acp, cb) {
function putObjectAndAcl(s3, key, body, acp, cb) { function putObjectAndAcl(s3, key, body, acp, cb) {
s3.putObject({ Bucket: bucket, Key: key, Body: body }, s3.putObject({ Bucket: bucket, Key: key, Body: body },
(err, putData) => { (err, putData) => {
assert.strictEqual(err, null, 'Expected success ' + expect(err).toBe(null);
`putting object, got error ${err}`);
putObjectAcl(s3, key, putData.VersionId, acp, () => putObjectAcl(s3, key, putData.VersionId, acp, () =>
cb(null, putData.VersionId)); cb(null, putData.VersionId));
}); });
@ -91,8 +89,7 @@ function putVersionsWithAclToAws(s3, key, data, acps, cb) {
async.timesLimit(data.length, 1, (i, next) => { async.timesLimit(data.length, 1, (i, next) => {
putObjectAndAcl(s3, key, data[i], acps[i], next); putObjectAndAcl(s3, key, data[i], acps[i], next);
}, (err, results) => { }, (err, results) => {
assert.strictEqual(err, null, 'Expected success ' + expect(err).toBe(null);
`putting versions with acl, got error ${err}`);
cb(null, results); cb(null, results);
}); });
}); });
@ -105,9 +102,8 @@ function getObjectAndAssertAcl(s3, params, cb) {
() => { () => {
s3.getObjectAcl({ Bucket: bucket, Key: key, VersionId: versionId }, s3.getObjectAcl({ Bucket: bucket, Key: key, VersionId: versionId },
(err, data) => { (err, data) => {
assert.strictEqual(err, null, 'Expected success ' + expect(err).toBe(null);
`getting object acl, got error ${err}`); expect(data).toEqual(expectedResult);
assert.deepEqual(data, expectedResult);
cb(); cb();
}); });
}); });
@ -133,8 +129,7 @@ function getObjectsAndAssertAcls(s3, key, versionIds, expectedData,
getObjectAndAssertAcl(s3, { bucket, key, versionId, body, getObjectAndAssertAcl(s3, { bucket, key, versionId, body,
expectedResult, expectedVersionId: versionId }, next); expectedResult, expectedVersionId: versionId }, next);
}, err => { }, err => {
assert.strictEqual(err, null, 'Expected success ' + expect(err).toBe(null);
`getting object acls, got error ${err}`);
cb(); cb();
}); });
} }
@ -175,19 +170,18 @@ function testSuite() {
}); });
}); });
it('versioning not configured: should put/get acl successfully when ' + test('versioning not configured: should put/get acl successfully when ' +
'versioning not configured', done => { 'versioning not configured', done => {
const key = `somekey-${genUniqID()}`; const key = `somekey-${genUniqID()}`;
putObjectAndAcl(s3, key, someBody, testAcp, (err, versionId) => { putObjectAndAcl(s3, key, someBody, testAcp, (err, versionId) => {
assert.strictEqual(versionId, undefined); expect(versionId).toBe(undefined);
getObjectAndAssertAcl(s3, { bucket, key, body: someBody, getObjectAndAssertAcl(s3, { bucket, key, body: someBody,
expectedResult: testAcp }, done); expectedResult: testAcp }, done);
}); });
}); });
it('versioning suspended then enabled: should put/get acl on null ' + test('versioning suspended then enabled: should put/get acl on null ' +
'version successfully even when latest version is not null version', 'version successfully even when latest version is not null version', done => {
done => {
const key = `somekey-${genUniqID()}`; const key = `somekey-${genUniqID()}`;
async.waterfall([ async.waterfall([
next => putNullVersionsToAws(s3, bucket, key, [undefined], next => putNullVersionsToAws(s3, bucket, key, [undefined],
@ -201,8 +195,7 @@ function testSuite() {
], done); ], done);
}); });
it('versioning enabled: should get correct acl using version IDs', test('versioning enabled: should get correct acl using version IDs', done => {
done => {
const key = `somekey-${genUniqID()}`; const key = `somekey-${genUniqID()}`;
const acps = ['READ', 'FULL_CONTROL', 'READ_ACP', 'WRITE_ACP'] const acps = ['READ', 'FULL_CONTROL', 'READ_ACP', 'WRITE_ACP']
.map(perm => { .map(perm => {
@ -226,7 +219,7 @@ function testSuite() {
], done); ], done);
}); });
it('versioning enabled: should get correct acl when getting ' + test('versioning enabled: should get correct acl when getting ' +
'without version ID', done => { 'without version ID', done => {
const key = `somekey-${genUniqID()}`; const key = `somekey-${genUniqID()}`;
const acps = ['READ', 'FULL_CONTROL', 'READ_ACP', 'WRITE_ACP'] const acps = ['READ', 'FULL_CONTROL', 'READ_ACP', 'WRITE_ACP']

View File

@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ describeSkipIfNotMultiple('Multiple backend delete', () => {
let bucketUtil; let bucketUtil;
let s3; let s3;
before(() => { beforeAll(() => {
process.stdout.write('Creating bucket\n'); process.stdout.write('Creating bucket\n');
bucketUtil = new BucketUtility('default', sigCfg); bucketUtil = new BucketUtility('default', sigCfg);
s3 = bucketUtil.s3; s3 = bucketUtil.s3;
@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ describeSkipIfNotMultiple('Multiple backend delete', () => {
throw err; throw err;
}); });
}); });
after(() => { afterAll(() => {
process.stdout.write('Deleting bucket\n'); process.stdout.write('Deleting bucket\n');
return bucketUtil.deleteOne(bucket) return bucketUtil.deleteOne(bucket)
.catch(err => { .catch(err => {
@ -87,69 +87,57 @@ describeSkipIfNotMultiple('Multiple backend delete', () => {
}); });
}); });
it('should delete object from mem', done => { test('should delete object from mem', done => {
s3.deleteObject({ Bucket: bucket, Key: memObject }, err => { s3.deleteObject({ Bucket: bucket, Key: memObject }, err => {
assert.strictEqual(err, null, expect(err).toBe(null);
`Expected success, got error ${JSON.stringify(err)}`);
s3.getObject({ Bucket: bucket, Key: memObject }, err => { s3.getObject({ Bucket: bucket, Key: memObject }, err => {
assert.strictEqual(err.code, 'NoSuchKey', 'Expected ' + expect(err.code).toBe('NoSuchKey');
'error but got success');
done(); done();
}); });
}); });
}); });
it('should delete object from file', done => { test('should delete object from file', done => {
s3.deleteObject({ Bucket: bucket, Key: fileObject }, err => { s3.deleteObject({ Bucket: bucket, Key: fileObject }, err => {
assert.strictEqual(err, null, expect(err).toBe(null);
`Expected success, got error ${JSON.stringify(err)}`);
s3.getObject({ Bucket: bucket, Key: fileObject }, err => { s3.getObject({ Bucket: bucket, Key: fileObject }, err => {
assert.strictEqual(err.code, 'NoSuchKey', 'Expected ' + expect(err.code).toBe('NoSuchKey');
'error but got success');
done(); done();
}); });
}); });
}); });
it('should delete object from AWS', done => { test('should delete object from AWS', done => {
s3.deleteObject({ Bucket: bucket, Key: awsObject }, err => { s3.deleteObject({ Bucket: bucket, Key: awsObject }, err => {
assert.strictEqual(err, null, expect(err).toBe(null);
`Expected success, got error ${JSON.stringify(err)}`);
s3.getObject({ Bucket: bucket, Key: awsObject }, err => { s3.getObject({ Bucket: bucket, Key: awsObject }, err => {
assert.strictEqual(err.code, 'NoSuchKey', 'Expected ' + expect(err.code).toBe('NoSuchKey');
'error but got success');
done(); done();
}); });
}); });
}); });
it('should delete 0-byte object from AWS', done => { test('should delete 0-byte object from AWS', done => {
s3.deleteObject({ Bucket: bucket, Key: emptyObject }, err => { s3.deleteObject({ Bucket: bucket, Key: emptyObject }, err => {
assert.strictEqual(err, null, expect(err).toBe(null);
`Expected success, got error ${JSON.stringify(err)}`);
s3.getObject({ Bucket: bucket, Key: emptyObject }, err => { s3.getObject({ Bucket: bucket, Key: emptyObject }, err => {
assert.strictEqual(err.code, 'NoSuchKey', 'Expected ' + expect(err.code).toBe('NoSuchKey');
'error but got success');
done(); done();
}); });
}); });
}); });
it('should delete large object from AWS', done => { test('should delete large object from AWS', done => {
s3.deleteObject({ Bucket: bucket, Key: bigObject }, err => { s3.deleteObject({ Bucket: bucket, Key: bigObject }, err => {
assert.strictEqual(err, null, expect(err).toBe(null);
`Expected success, got error ${JSON.stringify(err)}`);
s3.getObject({ Bucket: bucket, Key: bigObject }, err => { s3.getObject({ Bucket: bucket, Key: bigObject }, err => {
assert.strictEqual(err.code, 'NoSuchKey', 'Expected ' + expect(err.code).toBe('NoSuchKey');
'error but got success');
done(); done();
}); });
}); });
}); });
it('should delete object from AWS location with bucketMatch set to ' + test('should delete object from AWS location with bucketMatch set to ' +
'false', done => { 'false', done => {
s3.deleteObject({ Bucket: bucket, Key: mismatchObject }, err => { s3.deleteObject({ Bucket: bucket, Key: mismatchObject }, err => {
assert.equal(err, null, expect(err).toEqual(null);
`Expected success, got error ${JSON.stringify(err)}`);
s3.getObject({ Bucket: bucket, Key: mismatchObject }, err => { s3.getObject({ Bucket: bucket, Key: mismatchObject }, err => {
assert.strictEqual(err.code, 'NoSuchKey', expect(err.code).toBe('NoSuchKey');
'Expected error but got success');
done(); done();
}); });
}); });

View File

@ -47,17 +47,16 @@ function _assertDeleteResult(result, resultType, requestVersionId) {
const [expectVersionId, matchReqVersionId, expectDeleteMarker] = const [expectVersionId, matchReqVersionId, expectDeleteMarker] =
_deleteResultSchema[resultType]; _deleteResultSchema[resultType];
if (expectVersionId && matchReqVersionId) { if (expectVersionId && matchReqVersionId) {
assert.strictEqual(result.VersionId, requestVersionId); expect(result.VersionId).toBe(requestVersionId);
} else if (expectVersionId) { } else if (expectVersionId) {
assert(result.VersionId, 'expected version id in result'); expect(result.VersionId).toBeTruthy();
} else { } else {
assert.strictEqual(result.VersionId, undefined, expect(result.VersionId).toBe(undefined);
`did not expect version id in result, got "${result.VersionId}"`);
} }
if (expectDeleteMarker) { if (expectDeleteMarker) {
assert.strictEqual(result.DeleteMarker, 'true'); expect(result.DeleteMarker).toBe('true');
} else { } else {
assert.strictEqual(result.DeleteMarker, undefined); expect(result.DeleteMarker).toBe(undefined);
} }
} }
@ -66,13 +65,12 @@ function delAndAssertResult(s3, params, cb) {
return s3.deleteObject({ Bucket: bucket, Key: key, VersionId: return s3.deleteObject({ Bucket: bucket, Key: key, VersionId:
versionId }, (err, result) => { versionId }, (err, result) => {
if (resultError) { if (resultError) {
assert(err, `expected ${resultError} but found no error`); expect(err).toBeTruthy();
assert.strictEqual(err.code, resultError); expect(err.code).toBe(resultError);
assert.strictEqual(err.statusCode, errors[resultError].code); expect(err.statusCode).toBe(errors[resultError].code);
return cb(null); return cb(null);
} }
assert.strictEqual(err, null, 'Expected success ' + expect(err).toBe(null);
`deleting object, got error ${err}`);
_assertDeleteResult(result, resultType, versionId); _assertDeleteResult(result, resultType, versionId);
return cb(null, result.VersionId); return cb(null, result.VersionId);
}); });
@ -96,8 +94,8 @@ function _getAssertDeleted(s3, params, cb) {
const { key, versionId, errorCode } = params; const { key, versionId, errorCode } = params;
return s3.getObject({ Bucket: bucket, Key: key, VersionId: versionId }, return s3.getObject({ Bucket: bucket, Key: key, VersionId: versionId },
err => { err => {
assert.strictEqual(err.code, errorCode); expect(err.code).toBe(errorCode);
assert.strictEqual(err.statusCode, 404); expect(err.statusCode).toBe(404);
return cb(); return cb();
}); });
} }
@ -105,8 +103,8 @@ function _getAssertDeleted(s3, params, cb) {
function _awsGetAssertDeleted(params, cb) { function _awsGetAssertDeleted(params, cb) {
const { key, versionId, errorCode } = params; const { key, versionId, errorCode } = params;
return getAwsRetry({ key, versionId }, 0, err => { return getAwsRetry({ key, versionId }, 0, err => {
assert.strictEqual(err.code, errorCode); expect(err.code).toBe(errorCode);
assert.strictEqual(err.statusCode, 404); expect(err.statusCode).toBe(404);
return cb(); return cb();
}); });
} }
@ -142,7 +140,7 @@ describeSkipIfNotMultiple('AWS backend delete object w. versioning: ' +
}); });
}); });
it('versioning not configured: if specifying "null" version, should ' + test('versioning not configured: if specifying "null" version, should ' +
'delete specific version in AWS backend', done => { 'delete specific version in AWS backend', done => {
const key = `somekey-${genUniqID()}`; const key = `somekey-${genUniqID()}`;
async.waterfall([ async.waterfall([
@ -160,7 +158,7 @@ describeSkipIfNotMultiple('AWS backend delete object w. versioning: ' +
], done); ], done);
}); });
it('versioning not configured: specifying any version id other ' + test('versioning not configured: specifying any version id other ' +
'than null should not result in its deletion in AWS backend', done => { 'than null should not result in its deletion in AWS backend', done => {
const key = `somekey-${genUniqID()}`; const key = `somekey-${genUniqID()}`;
async.waterfall([ async.waterfall([
@ -172,13 +170,13 @@ describeSkipIfNotMultiple('AWS backend delete object w. versioning: ' +
'InvalidArgument' }, err => next(err, awsVerId)), 'InvalidArgument' }, err => next(err, awsVerId)),
(awsVerId, next) => awsGetLatestVerId(key, someBody, (awsVerId, next) => awsGetLatestVerId(key, someBody,
(err, resultVid) => { (err, resultVid) => {
assert.strictEqual(resultVid, awsVerId); expect(resultVid).toBe(awsVerId);
next(); next();
}), }),
], done); ], done);
}); });
it('versioning suspended: should delete a specific version in AWS ' + test('versioning suspended: should delete a specific version in AWS ' +
'backend successfully', done => { 'backend successfully', done => {
const key = `somekey-${genUniqID()}`; const key = `somekey-${genUniqID()}`;
async.waterfall([ async.waterfall([
@ -196,7 +194,7 @@ describeSkipIfNotMultiple('AWS backend delete object w. versioning: ' +
], done); ], done);
}); });
it('versioning enabled: should delete a specific version in AWS ' + test('versioning enabled: should delete a specific version in AWS ' +
'backend successfully', done => { 'backend successfully', done => {
const key = `somekey-${genUniqID()}`; const key = `somekey-${genUniqID()}`;
async.waterfall([ async.waterfall([
@ -215,7 +213,7 @@ describeSkipIfNotMultiple('AWS backend delete object w. versioning: ' +
], done); ], done);
}); });
it('versioning not configured: deleting existing object should ' + test('versioning not configured: deleting existing object should ' +
'not return version id or x-amz-delete-marker: true but should ' + 'not return version id or x-amz-delete-marker: true but should ' +
'create a delete marker in aws ', done => { 'create a delete marker in aws ', done => {
const key = `somekey-${genUniqID()}`; const key = `somekey-${genUniqID()}`;
@ -231,7 +229,7 @@ describeSkipIfNotMultiple('AWS backend delete object w. versioning: ' +
], done); ], done);
}); });
it('versioning suspended: should create a delete marker in s3 ' + test('versioning suspended: should create a delete marker in s3 ' +
'and aws successfully when deleting existing object', done => { 'and aws successfully when deleting existing object', done => {
const key = `somekey-${genUniqID()}`; const key = `somekey-${genUniqID()}`;
async.waterfall([ async.waterfall([
@ -249,10 +247,9 @@ describeSkipIfNotMultiple('AWS backend delete object w. versioning: ' +
// NOTE: Normal deletes when versioning is suspended create a // NOTE: Normal deletes when versioning is suspended create a
// delete marker with the version id "null", which overwrites an // delete marker with the version id "null", which overwrites an
// existing null version in s3 metadata. // existing null version in s3 metadata.
it('versioning suspended: creating a delete marker will overwrite an ' + test('versioning suspended: creating a delete marker will overwrite an ' +
'existing null version that is the latest version in s3 metadata,' + 'existing null version that is the latest version in s3 metadata,' +
' but the data of the first null version will remain in AWS', ' but the data of the first null version will remain in AWS', done => {
function itF(done) {
const key = `somekey-${genUniqID()}`; const key = `somekey-${genUniqID()}`;
async.waterfall([ async.waterfall([
next => putNullVersionsToAws(s3, bucket, key, [someBody], next => putNullVersionsToAws(s3, bucket, key, [someBody],
@ -275,7 +272,7 @@ describeSkipIfNotMultiple('AWS backend delete object w. versioning: ' +
// get directly to aws however will give us first null version // get directly to aws however will give us first null version
next => awsGetLatestVerId(key, someBody, next), next => awsGetLatestVerId(key, someBody, next),
(awsLatestVid, next) => { (awsLatestVid, next) => {
assert.strictEqual(awsLatestVid, this.test.awsNullVid); expect(awsLatestVid).toBe(this.test.awsNullVid);
next(); next();
}, },
], done); ], done);
@ -284,10 +281,9 @@ describeSkipIfNotMultiple('AWS backend delete object w. versioning: ' +
// NOTE: Normal deletes when versioning is suspended create a // NOTE: Normal deletes when versioning is suspended create a
// delete marker with the version id "null" which is supposed to // delete marker with the version id "null" which is supposed to
// overwrite any existing null version. // overwrite any existing null version.
it('versioning suspended: creating a delete marker will overwrite an ' + test('versioning suspended: creating a delete marker will overwrite an ' +
'existing null version that is not the latest version in s3 metadata,' + 'existing null version that is not the latest version in s3 metadata,' +
' but the data of the first null version will remain in AWS', ' but the data of the first null version will remain in AWS', done => {
function itF(done) {
const key = `somekey-${genUniqID()}`; const key = `somekey-${genUniqID()}`;
const data = [undefined, 'data1']; const data = [undefined, 'data1'];
async.waterfall([ async.waterfall([
@ -329,13 +325,13 @@ describeSkipIfNotMultiple('AWS backend delete object w. versioning: ' +
// when getting the latest version in AWS now // when getting the latest version in AWS now
next => awsGetLatestVerId(key, '', next), next => awsGetLatestVerId(key, '', next),
(awsLatestVid, next) => { (awsLatestVid, next) => {
assert.strictEqual(awsLatestVid, this.test.awsNullVid); expect(awsLatestVid).toBe(this.test.awsNullVid);
next(); next();
}, },
], done); ], done);
}); });
it('versioning enabled: should create a delete marker in s3 and ' + test('versioning enabled: should create a delete marker in s3 and ' +
'aws successfully when deleting existing object', done => { 'aws successfully when deleting existing object', done => {
const key = `somekey-${genUniqID()}`; const key = `somekey-${genUniqID()}`;
async.waterfall([ async.waterfall([
@ -350,7 +346,7 @@ describeSkipIfNotMultiple('AWS backend delete object w. versioning: ' +
], done); ], done);
}); });
it('versioning enabled: should delete a delete marker in s3 and ' + test('versioning enabled: should delete a delete marker in s3 and ' +
'aws successfully', done => { 'aws successfully', done => {
const key = `somekey-${genUniqID()}`; const key = `somekey-${genUniqID()}`;
async.waterfall([ async.waterfall([
@ -372,7 +368,7 @@ describeSkipIfNotMultiple('AWS backend delete object w. versioning: ' +
], done); ], done);
}); });
it('multiple delete markers: should be able to get pre-existing ' + test('multiple delete markers: should be able to get pre-existing ' +
'versions after creating and deleting several delete markers', done => { 'versions after creating and deleting several delete markers', done => {
const key = `somekey-${genUniqID()}`; const key = `somekey-${genUniqID()}`;
async.waterfall([ async.waterfall([
@ -390,7 +386,7 @@ describeSkipIfNotMultiple('AWS backend delete object w. versioning: ' +
], done); ], done);
}); });
it('multiple delete markers: should get NoSuchObject if only ' + test('multiple delete markers: should get NoSuchObject if only ' +
'one of the delete markers is deleted', done => { 'one of the delete markers is deleted', done => {
const key = `somekey-${genUniqID()}`; const key = `somekey-${genUniqID()}`;
async.waterfall([ async.waterfall([
@ -408,7 +404,7 @@ describeSkipIfNotMultiple('AWS backend delete object w. versioning: ' +
], done); ], done);
}); });
it('should get the new latest version after deleting the latest' + test('should get the new latest version after deleting the latest' +
'specific version', done => { 'specific version', done => {
const key = `somekey-${genUniqID()}`; const key = `somekey-${genUniqID()}`;
const data = [...Array(4).keys()].map(i => i.toString()); const data = [...Array(4).keys()].map(i => i.toString());
@ -441,7 +437,7 @@ describeSkipIfNotMultiple('AWS backend delete object w. versioning: ' +
], done); ], done);
}); });
it('should delete the correct version even if other versions or ' + test('should delete the correct version even if other versions or ' +
'delete markers put directly on aws', done => { 'delete markers put directly on aws', done => {
const key = `somekey-${genUniqID()}`; const key = `somekey-${genUniqID()}`;
async.waterfall([ async.waterfall([
@ -469,7 +465,7 @@ describeSkipIfNotMultiple('AWS backend delete object w. versioning: ' +
], done); ], done);
}); });
it('should not return an error deleting a version that was already ' + test('should not return an error deleting a version that was already ' +
'deleted directly from AWS backend', done => { 'deleted directly from AWS backend', done => {
const key = `somekey-${genUniqID()}`; const key = `somekey-${genUniqID()}`;
async.waterfall([ async.waterfall([
@ -528,7 +524,7 @@ describeSkipIfNotMultiple('AWS backend delete object w. versioning: ' +
}); });
}); });
it('versioning not configured: deleting non-existing object should ' + test('versioning not configured: deleting non-existing object should ' +
'not return version id or x-amz-delete-marker: true nor create a ' + 'not return version id or x-amz-delete-marker: true nor create a ' +
'delete marker in aws ', done => { 'delete marker in aws ', done => {
const key = `somekey-${genUniqID()}`; const key = `somekey-${genUniqID()}`;
@ -542,7 +538,7 @@ describeSkipIfNotMultiple('AWS backend delete object w. versioning: ' +
], done); ], done);
}); });
it('versioning suspended: should create a delete marker in s3 ' + test('versioning suspended: should create a delete marker in s3 ' +
'and aws successfully when deleting non-existing object', done => { 'and aws successfully when deleting non-existing object', done => {
const key = `somekey-${genUniqID()}`; const key = `somekey-${genUniqID()}`;
async.waterfall([ async.waterfall([
@ -556,7 +552,7 @@ describeSkipIfNotMultiple('AWS backend delete object w. versioning: ' +
], done); ], done);
}); });
it('versioning enabled: should create a delete marker in s3 and ' + test('versioning enabled: should create a delete marker in s3 and ' +
'aws successfully when deleting non-existing object', done => { 'aws successfully when deleting non-existing object', done => {
const key = `somekey-${genUniqID()}`; const key = `somekey-${genUniqID()}`;
async.waterfall([ async.waterfall([

View File

@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ function testSuite() {
let bucketUtil; let bucketUtil;
let s3; let s3;
before(() => { beforeAll(() => {
process.stdout.write('Creating bucket'); process.stdout.write('Creating bucket');
bucketUtil = new BucketUtility('default', sigCfg); bucketUtil = new BucketUtility('default', sigCfg);
s3 = bucketUtil.s3; s3 = bucketUtil.s3;
@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ function testSuite() {
}); });
}); });
after(() => { afterAll(() => {
process.stdout.write('Emptying bucket\n'); process.stdout.write('Emptying bucket\n');
return bucketUtil.empty(azureContainerName) return bucketUtil.empty(azureContainerName)
.then(() => { .then(() => {
@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ function testSuite() {
keys.forEach(key => { keys.forEach(key => {
const keyName = uniqName(keyObject); const keyName = uniqName(keyObject);
describe(`${key.describe} size`, () => { describe(`${key.describe} size`, () => {
before(done => { beforeAll(done => {
s3.putObject({ s3.putObject({
Bucket: azureContainerName, Bucket: azureContainerName,
Key: keyName, Key: keyName,
@ -70,19 +70,17 @@ function testSuite() {
}, done); }, done);
}); });
it(`should delete an ${key.describe} object from Azure`, test(`should delete an ${key.describe} object from Azure`, done => {
done => {
s3.deleteObject({ s3.deleteObject({
Bucket: azureContainerName, Bucket: azureContainerName,
Key: keyName, Key: keyName,
}, err => { }, err => {
assert.equal(err, null, 'Expected success ' + expect(err).toEqual(null);
`but got error ${err}`);
setTimeout(() => setTimeout(() =>
azureClient.getBlobProperties(azureContainerName, azureClient.getBlobProperties(azureContainerName,
keyName, err => { keyName, err => {
assert.strictEqual(err.statusCode, 404); expect(err.statusCode).toBe(404);
assert.strictEqual(err.code, 'NotFound'); expect(err.code).toBe('NotFound');
return done(); return done();
}), azureTimeout); }), azureTimeout);
}); });
@ -92,11 +90,17 @@ function testSuite() {
describe('delete from Azure location with bucketMatch set to false', describe('delete from Azure location with bucketMatch set to false',
() => { () => {
beforeEach(function beforeF(done) { let testContext;
this.currentTest.azureObject = uniqName(keyObject);
beforeEach(() => {
testContext = {};
beforeEach(done => {
testContext.currentTest.azureObject = uniqName(keyObject);
s3.putObject({ s3.putObject({
Bucket: azureContainerName, Bucket: azureContainerName,
Key: this.currentTest.azureObject, Key: testContext.currentTest.azureObject,
Body: normalBody, Body: normalBody,
Metadata: { Metadata: {
'scal-location-constraint': azureLocationMismatch, 'scal-location-constraint': azureLocationMismatch,
@ -104,19 +108,18 @@ function testSuite() {
}, done); }, done);
}); });
it('should delete object', function itF(done) { test('should delete object', done => {
s3.deleteObject({ s3.deleteObject({
Bucket: azureContainerName, Bucket: azureContainerName,
Key: this.test.azureObject, Key: testContext.test.azureObject,
}, err => { }, err => {
assert.equal(err, null, 'Expected success ' + expect(err).toEqual(null);
`but got error ${err}`);
setTimeout(() => setTimeout(() =>
azureClient.getBlobProperties(azureContainerName, azureClient.getBlobProperties(azureContainerName,
`${azureContainerName}/${this.test.azureObject}`, `${azureContainerName}/${testContext.test.azureObject}`,
err => { err => {
assert.strictEqual(err.statusCode, 404); expect(err.statusCode).toBe(404);
assert.strictEqual(err.code, 'NotFound'); expect(err.code).toBe('NotFound');
return done(); return done();
}), azureTimeout); }), azureTimeout);
}); });
@ -124,46 +127,55 @@ function testSuite() {
}); });
describe('returning no error', () => { describe('returning no error', () => {
beforeEach(function beF(done) { let testContext;
this.currentTest.azureObject = uniqName(keyObject);
beforeEach(() => {
testContext = {};
beforeEach(done => {
testContext.currentTest.azureObject = uniqName(keyObject);
s3.putObject({ s3.putObject({
Bucket: azureContainerName, Bucket: azureContainerName,
Key: this.currentTest.azureObject, Key: testContext.currentTest.azureObject,
Body: normalBody, Body: normalBody,
Metadata: { Metadata: {
'scal-location-constraint': azureLocation, 'scal-location-constraint': azureLocation,
}, },
}, err => { }, err => {
assert.equal(err, null, 'Expected success but got ' + expect(err).toEqual(null);
`error ${err}`);
azureClient.deleteBlob(azureContainerName, azureClient.deleteBlob(azureContainerName,
this.currentTest.azureObject, err => { testContext.currentTest.azureObject, err => {
assert.equal(err, null, 'Expected success but got ' + expect(err).toEqual(null);
`error ${err}`);
done(err); done(err);
}); });
}); });
}); });
it('should return no error on deleting an object deleted ' + test('should return no error on deleting an object deleted ' +
'from Azure', function itF(done) { 'from Azure', done => {
s3.deleteObject({ s3.deleteObject({
Bucket: azureContainerName, Bucket: azureContainerName,
Key: this.test.azureObject, Key: testContext.test.azureObject,
}, err => { }, err => {
assert.equal(err, null, 'Expected success but got ' + expect(err).toEqual(null);
`error ${err}`);
done(); done();
}); });
}); });
}); });
describe('Versioning:: ', () => { describe('Versioning:: ', () => {
beforeEach(function beF(done) { let testContext;
this.currentTest.azureObject = uniqName(keyObject);
beforeEach(() => {
testContext = {};
beforeEach(done => {
testContext.currentTest.azureObject = uniqName(keyObject);
s3.putObject({ s3.putObject({
Bucket: azureContainerName, Bucket: azureContainerName,
Key: this.currentTest.azureObject, Key: testContext.currentTest.azureObject,
Body: normalBody, Body: normalBody,
Metadata: { Metadata: {
'scal-location-constraint': azureLocation, 'scal-location-constraint': azureLocation,
@ -171,27 +183,25 @@ function testSuite() {
}, done); }, done);
}); });
it('should not delete object when deleting a non-existing ' + test('should not delete object when deleting a non-existing ' +
'version from Azure', function itF(done) { 'version from Azure', done => {
async.waterfall([ async.waterfall([
next => s3.deleteObject({ next => s3.deleteObject({
Bucket: azureContainerName, Bucket: azureContainerName,
Key: this.test.azureObject, Key: testContext.test.azureObject,
VersionId: nonExistingId, VersionId: nonExistingId,
}, err => next(err)), }, err => next(err)),
next => s3.getObject({ next => s3.getObject({
Bucket: azureContainerName, Bucket: azureContainerName,
Key: this.test.azureObject, Key: testContext.test.azureObject,
}, (err, res) => { }, (err, res) => {
assert.equal(err, null, 'getObject: Expected success ' + expect(err).toEqual(null);
`but got error ${err}`);
assert.deepStrictEqual(res.Body, normalBody); assert.deepStrictEqual(res.Body, normalBody);
return next(err); return next(err);
}), }),
next => azureClient.getBlobToText(azureContainerName, next => azureClient.getBlobToText(azureContainerName,
this.test.azureObject, (err, res) => { testContext.test.azureObject, (err, res) => {
assert.equal(err, null, 'getBlobToText: Expected ' + expect(err).toEqual(null);
`successbut got error ${err}`);
assert.deepStrictEqual(Buffer.from(res, 'utf8'), assert.deepStrictEqual(Buffer.from(res, 'utf8'),
normalBody); normalBody);
return next(); return next();
@ -201,48 +211,52 @@ function testSuite() {
}); });
describe('with ongoing MPU: ', () => { describe('with ongoing MPU: ', () => {
beforeEach(function beF(done) { let testContext;
this.currentTest.key = uniqName(keyObject);
beforeEach(() => {
testContext = {};
beforeEach(done => {
testContext.currentTest.key = uniqName(keyObject);
const params = { const params = {
Bucket: azureContainerName, Bucket: azureContainerName,
Key: this.currentTest.key, Key: testContext.currentTest.key,
Body: normalBody, Body: normalBody,
Metadata: { 'scal-location-constraint': azureLocation }, Metadata: { 'scal-location-constraint': azureLocation },
}; };
s3.putObject(params, err => { s3.putObject(params, err => {
assert.equal(err, null, 'Err putting object to Azure: ' + expect(err).toEqual(null);
const params = { const params = {
Bucket: azureContainerName, Bucket: azureContainerName,
Key: this.currentTest.key, Key: testContext.currentTest.key,
Metadata: { 'scal-location-constraint': azureLocation }, Metadata: { 'scal-location-constraint': azureLocation },
}; };
s3.createMultipartUpload(params, (err, res) => { s3.createMultipartUpload(params, (err, res) => {
assert.equal(err, null, 'Err initiating MPU on ' + expect(err).toEqual(null);
`Azure: ${err}`); testContext.currentTest.uploadId = res.UploadId;
this.currentTest.uploadId = res.UploadId;
setTimeout(() => done(), azureTimeout); setTimeout(() => done(), azureTimeout);
}); });
}); });
}); });
afterEach(function afF(done) { afterEach(done => {
s3.abortMultipartUpload({ s3.abortMultipartUpload({
Bucket: azureContainerName, Bucket: azureContainerName,
Key: this.currentTest.key, Key: testContext.currentTest.key,
UploadId: this.currentTest.uploadId, UploadId: testContext.currentTest.uploadId,
}, err => { }, err => {
assert.equal(err, null, `Err aborting MPU: ${err}`); expect(err).toEqual(null);
setTimeout(() => done(), azureTimeout); setTimeout(() => done(), azureTimeout);
}); });
}); });
it('should return InternalError', function itFn(done) { test('should return InternalError', done => {
s3.deleteObject({ s3.deleteObject({
Bucket: azureContainerName, Bucket: azureContainerName,
Key: this.test.key, Key: testContext.test.key,
}, err => { }, err => {
assert.strictEqual(err.code, 'MPUinProgress'); expect(err.code).toBe('MPUinProgress');
done(); done();
}); });
}); });

View File

@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ function testSuite() {
let bucketUtil; let bucketUtil;
let s3; let s3;
before(() => { beforeAll(() => {
process.stdout.write('Creating bucket\n'); process.stdout.write('Creating bucket\n');
bucketUtil = new BucketUtility('default', sigCfg); bucketUtil = new BucketUtility('default', sigCfg);
s3 = bucketUtil.s3; s3 = bucketUtil.s3;
@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ function testSuite() {
throw err; throw err;
}); });
}); });
after(() => { afterAll(() => {
process.stdout.write('Deleting bucket\n'); process.stdout.write('Deleting bucket\n');
return bucketUtil.deleteOne(bucket) return bucketUtil.deleteOne(bucket)
.catch(err => { .catch(err => {
@ -93,22 +93,21 @@ function testSuite() {
]; ];
deleteTests.forEach(test => { deleteTests.forEach(test => {
const { msg, Bucket, Key } = test; const { msg, Bucket, Key } = test;
it(msg, done => s3.deleteObject({ Bucket, Key }, err => { test(msg, done => s3.deleteObject({ Bucket, Key }, err => {
assert.strictEqual(err, null, expect(err).toBe(null);
`Expected success, got error ${JSON.stringify(err)}`);
s3.getObject({ Bucket, Key }, err => { s3.getObject({ Bucket, Key }, err => {
assert.strictEqual(err.code, 'NoSuchKey', 'Expected ' + expect(err.code).toBe('NoSuchKey');
'error but got success');
done(); done();
}); });
})); }));
}); });
it('should return success if the object does not exist', test(
'should return success if the object does not exist',
done => s3.deleteObject({ Bucket: bucket, Key: 'noop' }, err => { done => s3.deleteObject({ Bucket: bucket, Key: 'noop' }, err => {
assert.strictEqual(err, null, expect(err).toBe(null);
`Expected success, got error ${JSON.stringify(err)}`);
done(); done();
})); })
}); });
}); });

View File

@ -26,12 +26,18 @@ const correctMD5 = 'be747eb4b75517bf6b3cf7c5fbb62f3a';
const emptyMD5 = 'd41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e'; const emptyMD5 = 'd41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e';
const bigMD5 = 'f1c9645dbc14efddc7d8a322685f26eb'; const bigMD5 = 'f1c9645dbc14efddc7d8a322685f26eb';
describe('Multiple backend get object', function testSuite() { describe('Multiple backend get object', () => {
let testContext;
beforeEach(() => {
testContext = {};
this.timeout(30000); this.timeout(30000);
withV4(sigCfg => { withV4(sigCfg => {
let bucketUtil; let bucketUtil;
let s3; let s3;
before(() => { beforeAll(() => {
process.stdout.write('Creating bucket'); process.stdout.write('Creating bucket');
bucketUtil = new BucketUtility('default', sigCfg); bucketUtil = new BucketUtility('default', sigCfg);
s3 = bucketUtil.s3; s3 = bucketUtil.s3;
@ -42,7 +48,7 @@ describe('Multiple backend get object', function testSuite() {
}); });
}); });
after(() => { afterAll(() => {
process.stdout.write('Emptying bucket\n'); process.stdout.write('Emptying bucket\n');
return bucketUtil.empty(bucket) return bucketUtil.empty(bucket)
.then(() => { .then(() => {
@ -56,47 +62,46 @@ describe('Multiple backend get object', function testSuite() {
}); });
}); });
it('should return an error to get request without a valid bucket name', test(
'should return an error to get request without a valid bucket name',
done => { done => {
s3.getObject({ Bucket: '', Key: 'somekey' }, err => { s3.getObject({ Bucket: '', Key: 'somekey' }, err => {
assert.notEqual(err, null, expect(err).not.toEqual(null);
'Expected failure but got success'); expect(err.code).toBe('MethodNotAllowed');
assert.strictEqual(err.code, 'MethodNotAllowed');
done(); done();
}); });
}); }
it('should return NoSuchKey error when no such object', );
done => { test('should return NoSuchKey error when no such object', done => {
s3.getObject({ Bucket: bucket, Key: 'nope' }, err => { s3.getObject({ Bucket: bucket, Key: 'nope' }, err => {
assert.notEqual(err, null, expect(err).not.toEqual(null);
'Expected failure but got success'); expect(err.code).toBe('NoSuchKey');
assert.strictEqual(err.code, 'NoSuchKey');
done(); done();
}); });
}); });
describeSkipIfNotMultiple('Complete MPU then get object on AWS ' + describeSkipIfNotMultiple('Complete MPU then get object on AWS ' +
'location with bucketMatch: true ', () => { 'location with bucketMatch: true ', () => {
beforeEach(function beforeEachFn(done) { beforeEach(done => {
this.currentTest.key = `somekey-${genUniqID()}`; testContext.currentTest.key = `somekey-${genUniqID()}`;
bucketUtil = new BucketUtility('default', sigCfg); bucketUtil = new BucketUtility('default', sigCfg);
s3 = bucketUtil.s3; s3 = bucketUtil.s3;
async.waterfall([ async.waterfall([
next => s3.createMultipartUpload({ next => s3.createMultipartUpload({
Bucket: bucket, Key: this.currentTest.key, Bucket: bucket, Key: testContext.currentTest.key,
Metadata: { 'scal-location-constraint': awsLocation, Metadata: { 'scal-location-constraint': awsLocation,
} }, (err, res) => next(err, res.UploadId)), } }, (err, res) => next(err, res.UploadId)),
(uploadId, next) => s3.uploadPart({ (uploadId, next) => s3.uploadPart({
Bucket: bucket, Bucket: bucket,
Key: this.currentTest.key, Key: testContext.currentTest.key,
PartNumber: 1, PartNumber: 1,
UploadId: uploadId, UploadId: uploadId,
Body: 'helloworld' }, (err, res) => next(err, uploadId, Body: 'helloworld' }, (err, res) => next(err, uploadId,
res.ETag)), res.ETag)),
(uploadId, eTag, next) => s3.completeMultipartUpload({ (uploadId, eTag, next) => s3.completeMultipartUpload({
Bucket: bucket, Bucket: bucket,
Key: this.currentTest.key, Key: testContext.currentTest.key,
MultipartUpload: { MultipartUpload: {
Parts: [ Parts: [
{ {
@ -109,16 +114,15 @@ describe('Multiple backend get object', function testSuite() {
}, err => next(err)), }, err => next(err)),
], done); ], done);
}); });
it('should get object from MPU on AWS ' + test('should get object from MPU on AWS ' +
'location with bucketMatch: true ', function it(done) { 'location with bucketMatch: true ', done => {
s3.getObject({ s3.getObject({
Bucket: bucket, Bucket: bucket,
Key: this.test.key, Key: testContext.test.key,
}, (err, res) => { }, (err, res) => {
assert.equal(err, null, 'Expected success but got ' + expect(err).toEqual(null);
`error ${err}`); expect(res.ContentLength).toBe('10');
assert.strictEqual(res.ContentLength, '10'); expect(res.Body.toString()).toBe('helloworld');
assert.strictEqual(res.Body.toString(), 'helloworld');
assert.deepStrictEqual(res.Metadata, assert.deepStrictEqual(res.Metadata,
{ 'scal-location-constraint': awsLocation }); { 'scal-location-constraint': awsLocation });
return done(err); return done(err);
@ -128,27 +132,27 @@ describe('Multiple backend get object', function testSuite() {
describeSkipIfNotMultiple('Complete MPU then get object on AWS ' + describeSkipIfNotMultiple('Complete MPU then get object on AWS ' +
'location with bucketMatch: false ', () => { 'location with bucketMatch: false ', () => {
beforeEach(function beforeEachFn(done) { beforeEach(done => {
this.currentTest.key = `somekey-${genUniqID()}`; testContext.currentTest.key = `somekey-${genUniqID()}`;
bucketUtil = new BucketUtility('default', sigCfg); bucketUtil = new BucketUtility('default', sigCfg);
s3 = bucketUtil.s3; s3 = bucketUtil.s3;
async.waterfall([ async.waterfall([
next => s3.createMultipartUpload({ next => s3.createMultipartUpload({
Bucket: bucket, Key: this.currentTest.key, Bucket: bucket, Key: testContext.currentTest.key,
Metadata: { 'scal-location-constraint': Metadata: { 'scal-location-constraint':
awsLocationMismatch, awsLocationMismatch,
} }, (err, res) => next(err, res.UploadId)), } }, (err, res) => next(err, res.UploadId)),
(uploadId, next) => s3.uploadPart({ (uploadId, next) => s3.uploadPart({
Bucket: bucket, Bucket: bucket,
Key: this.currentTest.key, Key: testContext.currentTest.key,
PartNumber: 1, PartNumber: 1,
UploadId: uploadId, UploadId: uploadId,
Body: 'helloworld' }, (err, res) => next(err, uploadId, Body: 'helloworld' }, (err, res) => next(err, uploadId,
res.ETag)), res.ETag)),
(uploadId, eTag, next) => s3.completeMultipartUpload({ (uploadId, eTag, next) => s3.completeMultipartUpload({
Bucket: bucket, Bucket: bucket,
Key: this.currentTest.key, Key: testContext.currentTest.key,
MultipartUpload: { MultipartUpload: {
Parts: [ Parts: [
{ {
@ -161,16 +165,15 @@ describe('Multiple backend get object', function testSuite() {
}, err => next(err)), }, err => next(err)),
], done); ], done);
}); });
it('should get object from MPU on AWS ' + test('should get object from MPU on AWS ' +
'location with bucketMatch: false ', function it(done) { 'location with bucketMatch: false ', done => {
s3.getObject({ s3.getObject({
Bucket: bucket, Bucket: bucket,
Key: this.test.key, Key: testContext.test.key,
}, (err, res) => { }, (err, res) => {
assert.equal(err, null, 'Expected success but got ' + expect(err).toEqual(null);
`error ${err}`); expect(res.ContentLength).toBe('10');
assert.strictEqual(res.ContentLength, '10'); expect(res.Body.toString()).toBe('helloworld');
assert.strictEqual(res.Body.toString(), 'helloworld');
assert.deepStrictEqual(res.Metadata, assert.deepStrictEqual(res.Metadata,
{ 'scal-location-constraint': awsLocationMismatch }); { 'scal-location-constraint': awsLocationMismatch });
return done(err); return done(err);
@ -180,7 +183,7 @@ describe('Multiple backend get object', function testSuite() {
describeSkipIfNotMultiple('with objects in all available backends ' + describeSkipIfNotMultiple('with objects in all available backends ' +
'(mem/file/AWS)', () => { '(mem/file/AWS)', () => {
before(() => { beforeAll(() => {
process.stdout.write('Putting object to mem\n'); process.stdout.write('Putting object to mem\n');
return s3.putObjectAsync({ Bucket: bucket, Key: memObject, return s3.putObjectAsync({ Bucket: bucket, Key: memObject,
Body: body, Body: body,
@ -226,69 +229,61 @@ describe('Multiple backend get object', function testSuite() {
throw err; throw err;
}); });
}); });
it('should get an object from mem', done => { test('should get an object from mem', done => {
s3.getObject({ Bucket: bucket, Key: memObject }, (err, res) => { s3.getObject({ Bucket: bucket, Key: memObject }, (err, res) => {
assert.equal(err, null, 'Expected success but got ' + expect(err).toEqual(null);
`error ${err}`); expect(res.ETag).toBe(`"${correctMD5}"`);
assert.strictEqual(res.ETag, `"${correctMD5}"`);
done(); done();
}); });
}); });
it('should get a 0-byte object from mem', done => { test('should get a 0-byte object from mem', done => {
s3.getObject({ Bucket: bucket, Key: emptyObject }, s3.getObject({ Bucket: bucket, Key: emptyObject },
(err, res) => { (err, res) => {
assert.equal(err, null, 'Expected success but got ' + expect(err).toEqual(null);
`error ${err}`); expect(res.ETag).toBe(`"${emptyMD5}"`);
assert.strictEqual(res.ETag, `"${emptyMD5}"`);
done(); done();
}); });
}); });
it('should get a 0-byte object from AWS', done => { test('should get a 0-byte object from AWS', done => {
s3.getObject({ Bucket: bucket, Key: emptyAwsObject }, s3.getObject({ Bucket: bucket, Key: emptyAwsObject },
(err, res) => { (err, res) => {
assert.equal(err, null, 'Expected success but got error ' + expect(err).toEqual(null);
`error ${err}`); expect(res.ETag).toBe(`"${emptyMD5}"`);
assert.strictEqual(res.ETag, `"${emptyMD5}"`);
done(); done();
}); });
}); });
it('should get an object from file', done => { test('should get an object from file', done => {
s3.getObject({ Bucket: bucket, Key: fileObject }, s3.getObject({ Bucket: bucket, Key: fileObject },
(err, res) => { (err, res) => {
assert.equal(err, null, 'Expected success but got ' + expect(err).toEqual(null);
`error ${err}`); expect(res.ETag).toBe(`"${correctMD5}"`);
assert.strictEqual(res.ETag, `"${correctMD5}"`);
done(); done();
}); });
}); });
it('should get an object from AWS', done => { test('should get an object from AWS', done => {
s3.getObject({ Bucket: bucket, Key: awsObject }, s3.getObject({ Bucket: bucket, Key: awsObject },
(err, res) => { (err, res) => {
assert.equal(err, null, 'Expected success but got ' + expect(err).toEqual(null);
`error ${err}`); expect(res.ETag).toBe(`"${correctMD5}"`);
assert.strictEqual(res.ETag, `"${correctMD5}"`);
done(); done();
}); });
}); });
it('should get a large object from AWS', done => { test('should get a large object from AWS', done => {
s3.getObject({ Bucket: bucket, Key: bigObject }, s3.getObject({ Bucket: bucket, Key: bigObject },
(err, res) => { (err, res) => {
assert.equal(err, null, 'Expected success but got ' + expect(err).toEqual(null);
`error ${err}`); expect(res.ETag).toBe(`"${bigMD5}"`);
assert.strictEqual(res.ETag, `"${bigMD5}"`);
done(); done();
}); });
}); });
it('should get an object using range query from AWS', done => { test('should get an object using range query from AWS', done => {
s3.getObject({ Bucket: bucket, Key: bigObject, s3.getObject({ Bucket: bucket, Key: bigObject,
Range: 'bytes=0-9' }, Range: 'bytes=0-9' },
(err, res) => { (err, res) => {
assert.equal(err, null, 'Expected success but got ' + expect(err).toEqual(null);
`error ${err}`); expect(res.ContentLength).toBe('10');
assert.strictEqual(res.ContentLength, '10'); expect(res.ContentRange).toBe(`bytes 0-9/${bigBodyLen}`);
assert.strictEqual(res.ContentRange, expect(res.ETag).toBe(`"${bigMD5}"`);
`bytes 0-9/${bigBodyLen}`);
assert.strictEqual(res.ETag, `"${bigMD5}"`);
done(); done();
}); });
}); });
@ -299,16 +294,16 @@ describe('Multiple backend get object', function testSuite() {
s3.putObject({ Bucket: bucket, Key: mismatchObject, Body: body, s3.putObject({ Bucket: bucket, Key: mismatchObject, Body: body,
Metadata: { 'scal-location-constraint': awsLocationMismatch } }, Metadata: { 'scal-location-constraint': awsLocationMismatch } },
err => { err => {
assert.equal(err, null, `Err putting object: ${err}`); expect(err).toEqual(null);
done(); done();
}); });
}); });
it('should get an object from AWS', done => { test('should get an object from AWS', done => {
s3.getObject({ Bucket: bucket, Key: mismatchObject }, s3.getObject({ Bucket: bucket, Key: mismatchObject },
(err, res) => { (err, res) => {
assert.equal(err, null, `Error getting object: ${err}`); expect(err).toEqual(null);
assert.strictEqual(res.ETag, `"${correctMD5}"`); expect(res.ETag).toBe(`"${correctMD5}"`);
done(); done();
}); });
}); });

View File

@ -25,8 +25,7 @@ function getAndAssertVersions(s3, bucket, key, versionIds, expectedData,
s3.getObject({ Bucket: bucket, Key: key, s3.getObject({ Bucket: bucket, Key: key,
VersionId: versionId }, next); VersionId: versionId }, next);
}, (err, results) => { }, (err, results) => {
assert.strictEqual(err, null, 'Expected success ' + expect(err).toBe(null);
`getting object, got error ${err}`);
const resultIds = => result.VersionId); const resultIds = => result.VersionId);
const resultData = => const resultData = =>
result.Body.toString()); result.Body.toString());
@ -68,35 +67,33 @@ function testSuite() {
}); });
}); });
it('should not return version ids when versioning has not been ' + test('should not return version ids when versioning has not been ' +
'configured via CloudServer', done => { 'configured via CloudServer', done => {
const key = `somekey-${genUniqID()}`; const key = `somekey-${genUniqID()}`;
s3.putObject({ Bucket: bucket, Key: key, Body: someBody, s3.putObject({ Bucket: bucket, Key: key, Body: someBody,
Metadata: { 'scal-location-constraint': awsLocation } }, Metadata: { 'scal-location-constraint': awsLocation } },
(err, data) => { (err, data) => {
assert.strictEqual(err, null, 'Expected success ' + expect(err).toBe(null);
`putting object, got error ${err}`); expect(data.VersionId).toBe(undefined);
assert.strictEqual(data.VersionId, undefined);
getAndAssertResult(s3, { bucket, key, body: someBody, getAndAssertResult(s3, { bucket, key, body: someBody,
expectedVersionId: false }, done); expectedVersionId: false }, done);
}); });
}); });
it('should not return version ids when versioning has not been ' + test('should not return version ids when versioning has not been ' +
'configured via CloudServer, even when version id specified', done => { 'configured via CloudServer, even when version id specified', done => {
const key = `somekey-${genUniqID()}`; const key = `somekey-${genUniqID()}`;
s3.putObject({ Bucket: bucket, Key: key, Body: someBody, s3.putObject({ Bucket: bucket, Key: key, Body: someBody,
Metadata: { 'scal-location-constraint': awsLocation } }, Metadata: { 'scal-location-constraint': awsLocation } },
(err, data) => { (err, data) => {
assert.strictEqual(err, null, 'Expected success ' + expect(err).toBe(null);
`putting object, got error ${err}`); expect(data.VersionId).toBe(undefined);
assert.strictEqual(data.VersionId, undefined);
getAndAssertResult(s3, { bucket, key, body: someBody, getAndAssertResult(s3, { bucket, key, body: someBody,
versionId: 'null', expectedVersionId: false }, done); versionId: 'null', expectedVersionId: false }, done);
}); });
}); });
it('should return version id for null version when versioning ' + test('should return version id for null version when versioning ' +
'has been configured via CloudServer', done => { 'has been configured via CloudServer', done => {
const key = `somekey-${genUniqID()}`; const key = `somekey-${genUniqID()}`;
async.waterfall([ async.waterfall([
@ -113,7 +110,7 @@ function testSuite() {
], done); ], done);
}); });
it('should overwrite the null version if putting object twice ' + test('should overwrite the null version if putting object twice ' +
'before versioning is configured', done => { 'before versioning is configured', done => {
const key = `somekey-${genUniqID()}`; const key = `somekey-${genUniqID()}`;
const data = ['data1', 'data2']; const data = ['data1', 'data2'];
@ -128,7 +125,7 @@ function testSuite() {
], done); ], done);
}); });
it('should overwrite existing null version if putting object ' + test('should overwrite existing null version if putting object ' +
'after suspending versioning', done => { 'after suspending versioning', done => {
const key = `somekey-${genUniqID()}`; const key = `somekey-${genUniqID()}`;
const data = ['data1', 'data2']; const data = ['data1', 'data2'];
@ -149,7 +146,7 @@ function testSuite() {
], done); ], done);
}); });
it('should overwrite null version if putting object when ' + test('should overwrite null version if putting object when ' +
'versioning is suspended after versioning enabled', done => { 'versioning is suspended after versioning enabled', done => {
const key = `somekey-${genUniqID()}`; const key = `somekey-${genUniqID()}`;
const data = [...Array(3).keys()].map(i => `data${i}`); const data = [...Array(3).keys()].map(i => `data${i}`);
@ -162,9 +159,8 @@ function testSuite() {
next => s3.putObject({ Bucket: bucket, Key: key, Body: data[1], next => s3.putObject({ Bucket: bucket, Key: key, Body: data[1],
Metadata: { 'scal-location-constraint': awsLocation } }, Metadata: { 'scal-location-constraint': awsLocation } },
(err, result) => { (err, result) => {
assert.strictEqual(err, null, 'Expected success ' + expect(err).toBe(null);
`putting object, got error ${err}`); expect(result.VersionId).not.toEqual('null');
assert.notEqual(result.VersionId, 'null');
firstVersionId = result.VersionId; firstVersionId = result.VersionId;
next(); next();
}), }),
@ -185,8 +181,7 @@ function testSuite() {
], done); ], done);
}); });
it('should get correct data from aws backend using version IDs', test('should get correct data from aws backend using version IDs', done => {
done => {
const key = `somekey-${genUniqID()}`; const key = `somekey-${genUniqID()}`;
const data = [...Array(5).keys()].map(i => i.toString()); const data = [...Array(5).keys()].map(i => i.toString());
const versionIds = ['null']; const versionIds = ['null'];
@ -204,8 +199,7 @@ function testSuite() {
], done); ], done);
}); });
it('should get correct version when getting without version ID', test('should get correct version when getting without version ID', done => {
done => {
const key = `somekey-${genUniqID()}`; const key = `somekey-${genUniqID()}`;
const data = [...Array(5).keys()].map(i => i.toString()); const data = [...Array(5).keys()].map(i => i.toString());
const versionIds = ['null']; const versionIds = ['null'];
@ -223,10 +217,9 @@ function testSuite() {
], done); ], done);
}); });
it('should get correct data from aws backend using version IDs ' + test('should get correct data from aws backend using version IDs ' +
'after putting null versions, putting versions, putting more null ' + 'after putting null versions, putting versions, putting more null ' +
'versions and then putting more versions', 'versions and then putting more versions', done => {
done => {
const key = `somekey-${genUniqID()}`; const key = `somekey-${genUniqID()}`;
const data = [...Array(16).keys()].map(i => i.toString()); const data = [...Array(16).keys()].map(i => i.toString());
// put three null versions, // put three null versions,
@ -270,9 +263,8 @@ function testSuite() {
], done); ], done);
}); });
it('should return the correct data getting versioned object ' + test('should return the correct data getting versioned object ' +
'even if object was deleted from AWS (creating a delete marker)', 'even if object was deleted from AWS (creating a delete marker)', done => {
done => {
const key = `somekey-${genUniqID()}`; const key = `somekey-${genUniqID()}`;
async.waterfall([ async.waterfall([
next => enableVersioning(s3, bucket, next), next => enableVersioning(s3, bucket, next),
@ -287,9 +279,8 @@ function testSuite() {
], done); ], done);
}); });
it('should return the correct data getting versioned object ' + test('should return the correct data getting versioned object ' +
'even if object is put directly to AWS (creating new version)', 'even if object is put directly to AWS (creating new version)', done => {
done => {
const key = `somekey-${genUniqID()}`; const key = `somekey-${genUniqID()}`;
async.waterfall([ async.waterfall([
next => enableVersioning(s3, bucket, next), next => enableVersioning(s3, bucket, next),
@ -304,9 +295,8 @@ function testSuite() {
], done); ], done);
}); });
it('should return a ServiceUnavailable if trying to get an object ' + test('should return a ServiceUnavailable if trying to get an object ' +
'that was deleted in AWS but exists in s3 metadata', 'that was deleted in AWS but exists in s3 metadata', done => {
done => {
const key = `somekey-${genUniqID()}`; const key = `somekey-${genUniqID()}`;
async.waterfall([ async.waterfall([
next => enableVersioning(s3, bucket, next), next => enableVersioning(s3, bucket, next),
@ -321,16 +311,15 @@ function testSuite() {
err => next(err, s3VerId)), err => next(err, s3VerId)),
(s3VerId, next) => s3.getObject({ Bucket: bucket, Key: key }, (s3VerId, next) => s3.getObject({ Bucket: bucket, Key: key },
err => { err => {
assert.strictEqual(err.code, 'ServiceUnavailable'); expect(err.code).toBe('ServiceUnavailable');
assert.strictEqual(err.statusCode, 503); expect(err.statusCode).toBe(503);
next(); next();
}), }),
], done); ], done);
}); });
it('should return a ServiceUnavailable if trying to get a version ' + test('should return a ServiceUnavailable if trying to get a version ' +
'that was deleted in AWS but exists in s3 metadata', 'that was deleted in AWS but exists in s3 metadata', done => {
done => {
const key = `somekey-${genUniqID()}`; const key = `somekey-${genUniqID()}`;
async.waterfall([ async.waterfall([
next => enableVersioning(s3, bucket, next), next => enableVersioning(s3, bucket, next),
@ -345,8 +334,8 @@ function testSuite() {
err => next(err, s3VerId)), err => next(err, s3VerId)),
(s3VerId, next) => s3.getObject({ Bucket: bucket, Key: key, (s3VerId, next) => s3.getObject({ Bucket: bucket, Key: key,
VersionId: s3VerId }, err => { VersionId: s3VerId }, err => {
assert.strictEqual(err.code, 'ServiceUnavailable'); expect(err.code).toBe('ServiceUnavailable');
assert.strictEqual(err.statusCode, 503); expect(err.statusCode).toBe(503);
next(); next();
}), }),
], done); ], done);

View File

@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ function testSuite() {
let bucketUtil; let bucketUtil;
let s3; let s3;
before(() => { beforeAll(() => {
process.stdout.write('Creating bucket'); process.stdout.write('Creating bucket');
bucketUtil = new BucketUtility('default', sigCfg); bucketUtil = new BucketUtility('default', sigCfg);
s3 = bucketUtil.s3; s3 = bucketUtil.s3;
@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ function testSuite() {
}); });
}); });
after(() => { afterAll(() => {
process.stdout.write('Emptying bucket\n'); process.stdout.write('Emptying bucket\n');
return bucketUtil.empty(azureContainerName) return bucketUtil.empty(azureContainerName)
.then(() => { .then(() => {
@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ function testSuite() {
keys.forEach(key => { keys.forEach(key => {
describe(`${key.describe} size`, () => { describe(`${key.describe} size`, () => {
const testKey = `${}-${}`; const testKey = `${}-${}`;
before(done => { beforeAll(done => {
setTimeout(() => { setTimeout(() => {
s3.putObject({ s3.putObject({
Bucket: azureContainerName, Bucket: azureContainerName,
@ -68,13 +68,12 @@ function testSuite() {
}, azureTimeout); }, azureTimeout);
}); });
it(`should get an ${key.describe} object from Azure`, done => { test(`should get an ${key.describe} object from Azure`, done => {
s3.getObject({ Bucket: azureContainerName, Key: s3.getObject({ Bucket: azureContainerName, Key:
testKey }, testKey },
(err, res) => { (err, res) => {
assert.equal(err, null, 'Expected success ' + expect(err).toEqual(null);
`but got error ${err}`); expect(res.ETag).toBe(`"${key.MD5}"`);
assert.strictEqual(res.ETag, `"${key.MD5}"`);
done(); done();
}); });
}); });
@ -83,7 +82,7 @@ function testSuite() {
describe('with range', () => { describe('with range', () => {
const azureObject = uniqName(keyObject); const azureObject = uniqName(keyObject);
before(done => { beforeAll(done => {
s3.putObject({ s3.putObject({
Bucket: azureContainerName, Bucket: azureContainerName,
Key: azureObject, Key: azureObject,
@ -94,33 +93,29 @@ function testSuite() {
}, done); }, done);
}); });
it('should get an object with body 012345 with "bytes=0-5"', test('should get an object with body 012345 with "bytes=0-5"', done => {
done => {
s3.getObject({ s3.getObject({
Bucket: azureContainerName, Bucket: azureContainerName,
Key: azureObject, Key: azureObject,
Range: 'bytes=0-5', Range: 'bytes=0-5',
}, (err, res) => { }, (err, res) => {
assert.equal(err, null, 'Expected success but got ' + expect(err).toEqual(null);
`error ${err}`); expect(res.ContentLength).toEqual(6);
assert.equal(res.ContentLength, 6); expect(res.ContentRange).toBe('bytes 0-5/10');
assert.strictEqual(res.ContentRange, 'bytes 0-5/10'); expect(res.Body.toString()).toBe('012345');
assert.strictEqual(res.Body.toString(), '012345');
done(); done();
}); });
}); });
it('should get an object with body 456789 with "bytes=4-"', test('should get an object with body 456789 with "bytes=4-"', done => {
done => {
s3.getObject({ s3.getObject({
Bucket: azureContainerName, Bucket: azureContainerName,
Key: azureObject, Key: azureObject,
Range: 'bytes=4-', Range: 'bytes=4-',
}, (err, res) => { }, (err, res) => {
assert.equal(err, null, 'Expected success but got ' + expect(err).toEqual(null);
`error ${err}`); expect(res.ContentLength).toEqual(6);
assert.equal(res.ContentLength, 6); expect(res.ContentRange).toBe('bytes 4-9/10');
assert.strictEqual(res.ContentRange, 'bytes 4-9/10'); expect(res.Body.toString()).toBe('456789');
assert.strictEqual(res.Body.toString(), '456789');
done(); done();
}); });
}); });
@ -128,7 +123,7 @@ function testSuite() {
describe('returning error', () => { describe('returning error', () => {
const azureObject = uniqName(keyObject); const azureObject = uniqName(keyObject);
before(done => { beforeAll(done => {
s3.putObject({ s3.putObject({
Bucket: azureContainerName, Bucket: azureContainerName,
Key: azureObject, Key: azureObject,
@ -137,24 +132,22 @@ function testSuite() {
'scal-location-constraint': azureLocation, 'scal-location-constraint': azureLocation,
}, },
}, err => { }, err => {
assert.equal(err, null, 'Expected success but got ' + expect(err).toEqual(null);
`error ${err}`);
azureClient.deleteBlob(azureContainerName, azureObject, azureClient.deleteBlob(azureContainerName, azureObject,
err => { err => {
assert.equal(err, null, 'Expected success but got ' + expect(err).toEqual(null);
`error ${err}`);
done(err); done(err);
}); });
}); });
}); });
it('should return an error on get done to object deleted ' + test('should return an error on get done to object deleted ' +
'from Azure', done => { 'from Azure', done => {
s3.getObject({ s3.getObject({
Bucket: azureContainerName, Bucket: azureContainerName,
Key: azureObject, Key: azureObject,
}, err => { }, err => {
assert.strictEqual(err.code, 'ServiceUnavailable'); expect(err.code).toBe('ServiceUnavailable');
done(); done();
}); });
}); });

View File

@ -20,12 +20,12 @@ const correctMD5 = 'be747eb4b75517bf6b3cf7c5fbb62f3a';
const emptyMD5 = 'd41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e'; const emptyMD5 = 'd41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e';
const bigMD5 = 'f1c9645dbc14efddc7d8a322685f26eb'; const bigMD5 = 'f1c9645dbc14efddc7d8a322685f26eb';
describe('Multiple backend get object', function testSuite() { describe('Multiple backend get object', () => {
this.timeout(30000); this.timeout(30000);
withV4(sigCfg => { withV4(sigCfg => {
let bucketUtil; let bucketUtil;
let s3; let s3;
before(() => { beforeAll(() => {
process.stdout.write('Creating bucket'); process.stdout.write('Creating bucket');
bucketUtil = new BucketUtility('default', sigCfg); bucketUtil = new BucketUtility('default', sigCfg);
s3 = bucketUtil.s3; s3 = bucketUtil.s3;
@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ describe('Multiple backend get object', function testSuite() {
}); });
}); });
after(() => { afterAll(() => {
process.stdout.write('Emptying bucket\n'); process.stdout.write('Emptying bucket\n');
return bucketUtil.empty(bucket) return bucketUtil.empty(bucket)
.then(() => { .then(() => {
@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ describe('Multiple backend get object', function testSuite() {
}); });
describeSkipIfNotMultipleOrCeph('with objects in GCP', () => { describeSkipIfNotMultipleOrCeph('with objects in GCP', () => {
before(() => { beforeAll(() => {
process.stdout.write('Putting object to GCP\n'); process.stdout.write('Putting object to GCP\n');
return s3.putObjectAsync({ Bucket: bucket, Key: gcpObject, return s3.putObjectAsync({ Bucket: bucket, Key: gcpObject,
Body: body, Body: body,
@ -108,16 +108,15 @@ describe('Multiple backend get object', function testSuite() {
getTests.forEach(test => { getTests.forEach(test => {
const { Bucket, Key, range, size } = test.input; const { Bucket, Key, range, size } = test.input;
const { MD5, contentRange } = test.output; const { MD5, contentRange } = test.output;
it(test.msg, done => { test(test.msg, done => {
s3.getObject({ Bucket, Key, Range: range }, s3.getObject({ Bucket, Key, Range: range },
(err, res) => { (err, res) => {
assert.equal(err, null, expect(err).toEqual(null);
`Expected success but got error ${err}`);
if (range) { if (range) {
assert.strictEqual(res.ContentLength, `${size}`); expect(res.ContentLength).toBe(`${size}`);
assert.strictEqual(res.ContentRange, contentRange); expect(res.ContentRange).toBe(contentRange);
} }
assert.strictEqual(res.ETag, `"${MD5}"`); expect(res.ETag).toBe(`"${MD5}"`);
done(); done();
}); });
}); });
@ -129,16 +128,16 @@ describe('Multiple backend get object', function testSuite() {
s3.putObject({ Bucket: bucket, Key: mismatchObject, Body: body, s3.putObject({ Bucket: bucket, Key: mismatchObject, Body: body,
Metadata: { 'scal-location-constraint': gcpLocationMismatch } }, Metadata: { 'scal-location-constraint': gcpLocationMismatch } },
err => { err => {
assert.equal(err, null, `Err putting object: ${err}`); expect(err).toEqual(null);
done(); done();
}); });
}); });
it('should get an object from GCP', done => { test('should get an object from GCP', done => {
s3.getObject({ Bucket: bucket, Key: mismatchObject }, s3.getObject({ Bucket: bucket, Key: mismatchObject },
(err, res) => { (err, res) => {
assert.equal(err, null, `Error getting object: ${err}`); expect(err).toEqual(null);
assert.strictEqual(res.ETag, `"${correctMD5}"`); expect(res.ETag).toBe(`"${correctMD5}"`);
done(); done();
}); });
}); });

View File

@ -32,22 +32,29 @@ describeSkipIfNotMultipleOrCeph('Initiate MPU to AZURE', () => {
}); });
}); });
describe('Basic test: ', () => { describe('Basic test: ', () => {
let testContext;
beforeEach(() => {
testContext = {};
beforeEach(done => beforeEach(done =>
s3.createBucket({ Bucket: azureContainerName, s3.createBucket({ Bucket: azureContainerName,
CreateBucketConfiguration: { CreateBucketConfiguration: {
LocationConstraint: azureLocation, LocationConstraint: azureLocation,
}, },
}, done)); }, done));
afterEach(function afterEachF(done) { afterEach(done => {
const params = { const params = {
Bucket: azureContainerName, Bucket: azureContainerName,
Key: keyName, Key: keyName,
UploadId: this.currentTest.uploadId, UploadId: testContext.currentTest.uploadId,
}; };
s3.abortMultipartUpload(params, done); s3.abortMultipartUpload(params, done);
}); });
it('should create MPU and list in-progress multipart uploads', test(
function ifF(done) { 'should create MPU and list in-progress multipart uploads',
done => {
const params = { const params = {
Bucket: azureContainerName, Bucket: azureContainerName,
Key: keyName, Key: keyName,
@ -55,24 +62,23 @@ describeSkipIfNotMultipleOrCeph('Initiate MPU to AZURE', () => {
}; };
async.waterfall([ async.waterfall([
next => s3.createMultipartUpload(params, (err, res) => { next => s3.createMultipartUpload(params, (err, res) => {
this.test.uploadId = res.UploadId; testContext.test.uploadId = res.UploadId;
assert(this.test.uploadId); expect(testContext.test.uploadId).toBeTruthy();
assert.strictEqual(res.Bucket, azureContainerName); expect(res.Bucket).toBe(azureContainerName);
assert.strictEqual(res.Key, keyName); expect(res.Key).toBe(keyName);
next(err); next(err);
}), }),
next => s3.listMultipartUploads( next => s3.listMultipartUploads(
{ Bucket: azureContainerName }, (err, res) => { { Bucket: azureContainerName }, (err, res) => {
assert.strictEqual(res.NextKeyMarker, keyName); expect(res.NextKeyMarker).toBe(keyName);
assert.strictEqual(res.NextUploadIdMarker, expect(res.NextUploadIdMarker).toBe(testContext.test.uploadId);
this.test.uploadId); expect(res.Uploads[0].Key).toBe(keyName);
assert.strictEqual(res.Uploads[0].Key, keyName); expect(res.Uploads[0].UploadId).toBe(testContext.test.uploadId);
next(err); next(err);
}), }),
], done); ], done);
}); }
}); });
}); });
}); });

View File

@ -34,22 +34,29 @@ describeSkipIfNotMultipleOrCeph('Initiate MPU to GCP', () => {
}); });
}); });
describe('Basic test: ', () => { describe('Basic test: ', () => {
let testContext;
beforeEach(() => {
testContext = {};
beforeEach(done => beforeEach(done =>
s3.createBucket({ Bucket: bucket, s3.createBucket({ Bucket: bucket,
CreateBucketConfiguration: { CreateBucketConfiguration: {
LocationConstraint: gcpLocation, LocationConstraint: gcpLocation,
}, },
}, done)); }, done));
afterEach(function afterEachF(done) { afterEach(done => {
const params = { const params = {
Bucket: bucket, Bucket: bucket,
Key: keyName, Key: keyName,
UploadId: this.currentTest.uploadId, UploadId: testContext.currentTest.uploadId,
}; };
s3.abortMultipartUpload(params, done); s3.abortMultipartUpload(params, done);
}); });
it('should create MPU and list in-progress multipart uploads', test(
function ifF(done) { 'should create MPU and list in-progress multipart uploads',
done => {
const params = { const params = {
Bucket: bucket, Bucket: bucket,
Key: keyName, Key: keyName,
@ -57,25 +64,23 @@ describeSkipIfNotMultipleOrCeph('Initiate MPU to GCP', () => {
}; };
async.waterfall([ async.waterfall([
next => s3.createMultipartUpload(params, (err, res) => { next => s3.createMultipartUpload(params, (err, res) => {
this.test.uploadId = res.UploadId; testContext.test.uploadId = res.UploadId;
assert(this.test.uploadId); expect(testContext.test.uploadId).toBeTruthy();
assert.strictEqual(res.Bucket, bucket); expect(res.Bucket).toBe(bucket);
assert.strictEqual(res.Key, keyName); expect(res.Key).toBe(keyName);
next(err); next(err);
}), }),
next => s3.listMultipartUploads( next => s3.listMultipartUploads(
{ Bucket: bucket }, (err, res) => { { Bucket: bucket }, (err, res) => {
assert.strictEqual(res.NextKeyMarker, keyName); expect(res.NextKeyMarker).toBe(keyName);
assert.strictEqual(res.NextUploadIdMarker, expect(res.NextUploadIdMarker).toBe(testContext.test.uploadId);
this.test.uploadId); expect(res.Uploads[0].Key).toBe(keyName);
assert.strictEqual(res.Uploads[0].Key, keyName); expect(res.Uploads[0].UploadId).toBe(testContext.test.uploadId);
next(err); next(err);
}), }),
next => { next => {
const mpuKey = const mpuKey =
createMpuKey(keyName, this.test.uploadId, 'init'); createMpuKey(keyName, testContext.test.uploadId, 'init');
const params = { const params = {
Bucket: gcpBucketMPU, Bucket: gcpBucketMPU,
Key: mpuKey, Key: mpuKey,
@ -87,7 +92,8 @@ describeSkipIfNotMultipleOrCeph('Initiate MPU to GCP', () => {
}); });
}, },
], done); ], done);
}); }
}); });
}); });
}); });

View File

@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ let s3;
describeSkipIfNotMultipleOrCeph('List parts of MPU on Azure data backend', describeSkipIfNotMultipleOrCeph('List parts of MPU on Azure data backend',
() => { () => {
withV4(sigCfg => { withV4(sigCfg => {
beforeEach(function beforeEachFn() { beforeEach(() => {
this.currentTest.key = `somekey-${genUniqID()}`; this.currentTest.key = `somekey-${genUniqID()}`;
bucketUtil = new BucketUtility('default', sigCfg); bucketUtil = new BucketUtility('default', sigCfg);
s3 = bucketUtil.s3; s3 = bucketUtil.s3;
@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ describeSkipIfNotMultipleOrCeph('List parts of MPU on Azure data backend',
}); });
}); });
afterEach(function afterEachFn() { afterEach(() => {
process.stdout.write('Emptying bucket'); process.stdout.write('Emptying bucket');
return s3.abortMultipartUploadAsync({ return s3.abortMultipartUploadAsync({
Bucket: azureContainerName, Key: this.currentTest.key, Bucket: azureContainerName, Key: this.currentTest.key,
@ -61,35 +61,35 @@ describeSkipIfNotMultipleOrCeph('List parts of MPU on Azure data backend',
}); });
}); });
it('should list both parts', function itFn(done) { test('should list both parts', done => {
s3.listParts({ s3.listParts({
Bucket: azureContainerName, Bucket: azureContainerName,
Key: this.test.key, Key: this.test.key,
UploadId: this.test.uploadId }, UploadId: this.test.uploadId },
(err, data) => { (err, data) => {
assert.equal(err, null, `Err listing parts: ${err}`); expect(err).toEqual(null);
assert.strictEqual(data.Parts.length, 2); expect(data.Parts.length).toBe(2);
assert.strictEqual(data.Parts[0].PartNumber, 1); expect(data.Parts[0].PartNumber).toBe(1);
assert.strictEqual(data.Parts[0].Size, firstPartSize); expect(data.Parts[0].Size).toBe(firstPartSize);
assert.strictEqual(data.Parts[0].ETag, this.test.firstEtag); expect(data.Parts[0].ETag).toBe(this.test.firstEtag);
assert.strictEqual(data.Parts[1].PartNumber, 2); expect(data.Parts[1].PartNumber).toBe(2);
assert.strictEqual(data.Parts[1].Size, secondPartSize); expect(data.Parts[1].Size).toBe(secondPartSize);
assert.strictEqual(data.Parts[1].ETag, this.test.secondEtag); expect(data.Parts[1].ETag).toBe(this.test.secondEtag);
done(); done();
}); });
}); });
it('should only list the second part', function itFn(done) { test('should only list the second part', done => {
s3.listParts({ s3.listParts({
Bucket: azureContainerName, Bucket: azureContainerName,
Key: this.test.key, Key: this.test.key,
PartNumberMarker: 1, PartNumberMarker: 1,
UploadId: this.test.uploadId }, UploadId: this.test.uploadId },
(err, data) => { (err, data) => {
assert.equal(err, null, `Err listing parts: ${err}`); expect(err).toEqual(null);
assert.strictEqual(data.Parts[0].PartNumber, 2); expect(data.Parts[0].PartNumber).toBe(2);
assert.strictEqual(data.Parts[0].Size, secondPartSize); expect(data.Parts[0].Size).toBe(secondPartSize);
assert.strictEqual(data.Parts[0].ETag, this.test.secondEtag); expect(data.Parts[0].ETag).toBe(this.test.secondEtag);
done(); done();
}); });
}); });

View File

@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ let s3;
describeSkipIfNotMultipleOrCeph('List parts of MPU on GCP data backend', () => { describeSkipIfNotMultipleOrCeph('List parts of MPU on GCP data backend', () => {
withV4(sigCfg => { withV4(sigCfg => {
beforeEach(function beforeEachFn() { beforeEach(() => {
this.currentTest.key = `somekey-${genUniqID()}`; this.currentTest.key = `somekey-${genUniqID()}`;
bucketUtil = new BucketUtility('default', sigCfg); bucketUtil = new BucketUtility('default', sigCfg);
s3 = bucketUtil.s3; s3 = bucketUtil.s3;
@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ describeSkipIfNotMultipleOrCeph('List parts of MPU on GCP data backend', () => {
}); });
}); });
afterEach(function afterEachFn() { afterEach(() => {
process.stdout.write('Emptying bucket'); process.stdout.write('Emptying bucket');
return s3.abortMultipartUploadAsync({ return s3.abortMultipartUploadAsync({
Bucket: bucket, Key: this.currentTest.key, Bucket: bucket, Key: this.currentTest.key,
@ -60,35 +60,35 @@ describeSkipIfNotMultipleOrCeph('List parts of MPU on GCP data backend', () => {
}); });
}); });
it('should list both parts', function itFn(done) { test('should list both parts', done => {
s3.listParts({ s3.listParts({
Bucket: bucket, Bucket: bucket,
Key: this.test.key, Key: this.test.key,
UploadId: this.test.uploadId }, UploadId: this.test.uploadId },
(err, data) => { (err, data) => {
assert.equal(err, null, `Err listing parts: ${err}`); expect(err).toEqual(null);
assert.strictEqual(data.Parts.length, 2); expect(data.Parts.length).toBe(2);
assert.strictEqual(data.Parts[0].PartNumber, 1); expect(data.Parts[0].PartNumber).toBe(1);
assert.strictEqual(data.Parts[0].Size, firstPartSize); expect(data.Parts[0].Size).toBe(firstPartSize);
assert.strictEqual(data.Parts[0].ETag, this.test.firstEtag); expect(data.Parts[0].ETag).toBe(this.test.firstEtag);
assert.strictEqual(data.Parts[1].PartNumber, 2); expect(data.Parts[1].PartNumber).toBe(2);
assert.strictEqual(data.Parts[1].Size, secondPartSize); expect(data.Parts[1].Size).toBe(secondPartSize);
assert.strictEqual(data.Parts[1].ETag, this.test.secondEtag); expect(data.Parts[1].ETag).toBe(this.test.secondEtag);
done(); done();
}); });
}); });
it('should only list the second part', function itFn(done) { test('should only list the second part', done => {
s3.listParts({ s3.listParts({
Bucket: bucket, Bucket: bucket,
Key: this.test.key, Key: this.test.key,
PartNumberMarker: 1, PartNumberMarker: 1,
UploadId: this.test.uploadId }, UploadId: this.test.uploadId },
(err, data) => { (err, data) => {
assert.equal(err, null, `Err listing parts: ${err}`); expect(err).toEqual(null);
assert.strictEqual(data.Parts[0].PartNumber, 2); expect(data.Parts[0].PartNumber).toBe(2);
assert.strictEqual(data.Parts[0].Size, secondPartSize); expect(data.Parts[0].Size).toBe(secondPartSize);
assert.strictEqual(data.Parts[0].ETag, this.test.secondEtag); expect(data.Parts[0].ETag).toBe(this.test.secondEtag);
done(); done();
}); });
}); });

View File

@ -34,26 +34,32 @@ describeSkipIfNotMultipleOrCeph('Abort MPU on GCP data backend', function
descrbeFn() { descrbeFn() {
this.timeout(180000); this.timeout(180000);
withV4(sigCfg => { withV4(sigCfg => {
beforeEach(function beforeFn() { beforeEach(() => {
this.currentTest.key = uniqName(keyObject); this.currentTest.key = uniqName(keyObject);
bucketUtil = new BucketUtility('default', sigCfg); bucketUtil = new BucketUtility('default', sigCfg);
s3 = bucketUtil.s3; s3 = bucketUtil.s3;
}); });
describe('with bucket location header', () => { describe('with bucket location header', () => {
beforeEach(function beforeEachFn(done) { let testContext;
beforeEach(() => {
testContext = {};
beforeEach(done => {
async.waterfall([ async.waterfall([
next => s3.createBucket({ Bucket: bucket }, next => s3.createBucket({ Bucket: bucket },
err => next(err)), err => next(err)),
next => s3.createMultipartUpload({ next => s3.createMultipartUpload({
Bucket: bucket, Bucket: bucket,
Key: this.currentTest.key, Key: testContext.currentTest.key,
Metadata: { 'scal-location-constraint': gcpLocation }, Metadata: { 'scal-location-constraint': gcpLocation },
}, (err, res) => { }, (err, res) => {
if (err) { if (err) {
return next(err); return next(err);
} }
this.currentTest.uploadId = res.UploadId; testContext.currentTest.uploadId = res.UploadId;
return next(); return next();
}), }),
], done); ], done);
@ -62,62 +68,67 @@ descrbeFn() {
afterEach(done => s3.deleteBucket({ Bucket: bucket }, afterEach(done => s3.deleteBucket({ Bucket: bucket },
done)); done));
it('should abort a MPU with 0 parts', function itFn(done) { test('should abort a MPU with 0 parts', done => {
const params = { const params = {
Bucket: bucket, Bucket: bucket,
Key: this.test.key, Key: testContext.test.key,
UploadId: this.test.uploadId, UploadId: testContext.test.uploadId,
}; };
async.waterfall([ async.waterfall([
next => s3.abortMultipartUpload(params, () => next()), next => s3.abortMultipartUpload(params, () => next()),
next => setTimeout(() => checkMPUList( next => setTimeout(() => checkMPUList(
gcpBucketMPU, this.test.key, this.test.uploadId, next), gcpBucketMPU, testContext.test.key, testContext.test.uploadId, next),
gcpTimeout), gcpTimeout),
], done); ], done);
}); });
it('should abort a MPU with uploaded parts', function itFn(done) { test('should abort a MPU with uploaded parts', done => {
const params = { const params = {
Bucket: bucket, Bucket: bucket,
Key: this.test.key, Key: testContext.test.key,
UploadId: this.test.uploadId, UploadId: testContext.test.uploadId,
}; };
async.waterfall([ async.waterfall([
next => { next => {
async.times(2, (n, cb) => { async.times(2, (n, cb) => {
const params = { const params = {
Bucket: bucket, Bucket: bucket,
Key: this.test.key, Key: testContext.test.key,
UploadId: this.test.uploadId, UploadId: testContext.test.uploadId,
Body: body, Body: body,
PartNumber: n + 1, PartNumber: n + 1,
}; };
s3.uploadPart(params, (err, res) => { s3.uploadPart(params, (err, res) => {
assert.ifError(err, assert.ifError(err,
`Expected success, but got err ${err}`); `Expected success, but got err ${err}`);
assert.strictEqual( expect(res.ETag).toBe(`"${correctMD5}"`);
res.ETag, `"${correctMD5}"`);
cb(); cb();
}); });
}, () => next()); }, () => next());
}, },
next => s3.abortMultipartUpload(params, () => next()), next => s3.abortMultipartUpload(params, () => next()),
next => setTimeout(() => checkMPUList( next => setTimeout(() => checkMPUList(
gcpBucketMPU, this.test.key, this.test.uploadId, next), gcpBucketMPU, testContext.test.key, testContext.test.uploadId, next),
gcpTimeout), gcpTimeout),
], done); ], done);
}); });
}); });
describe('with previously existing object with same key', () => { describe('with previously existing object with same key', () => {
beforeEach(function beforeEachFn(done) { let testContext;
beforeEach(() => {
testContext = {};
beforeEach(done => {
async.waterfall([ async.waterfall([
next => s3.createBucket({ Bucket: bucket }, next => s3.createBucket({ Bucket: bucket },
err => next(err)), err => next(err)),
next => { next => {
s3.putObject({ s3.putObject({
Bucket: bucket, Bucket: bucket,
Key: this.currentTest.key, Key: testContext.currentTest.key,
Metadata: { Metadata: {
'scal-location-constraint': gcpLocation }, 'scal-location-constraint': gcpLocation },
Body: body, Body: body,
@ -129,13 +140,13 @@ descrbeFn() {
}, },
next => s3.createMultipartUpload({ next => s3.createMultipartUpload({
Bucket: bucket, Bucket: bucket,
Key: this.currentTest.key, Key: testContext.currentTest.key,
Metadata: { 'scal-location-constraint': gcpLocation }, Metadata: { 'scal-location-constraint': gcpLocation },
}, (err, res) => { }, (err, res) => {
if (err) { if (err) {
return next(err); return next(err);
} }
this.currentTest.uploadId = res.UploadId; testContext.currentTest.uploadId = res.UploadId;
return next(); return next();
}), }),
], done); ], done);
@ -155,12 +166,11 @@ descrbeFn() {
}); });
}); });
it('should abort MPU without deleting existing object', test('should abort MPU without deleting existing object', done => {
function itFn(done) {
const params = { const params = {
Bucket: bucket, Bucket: bucket,
Key: this.test.key, Key: testContext.test.key,
UploadId: this.test.uploadId, UploadId: testContext.test.uploadId,
}; };
async.waterfall([ async.waterfall([
next => { next => {
@ -177,12 +187,12 @@ descrbeFn() {
next => setTimeout(() => { next => setTimeout(() => {
const params = { const params = {
Bucket: gcpBucket, Bucket: gcpBucket,
Key: this.test.key, Key: testContext.test.key,
}; };
gcpClient.getObject(params, (err, res) => { gcpClient.getObject(params, (err, res) => {
assert.ifError(err, assert.ifError(err,
`Expected success, got error: ${err}`); `Expected success, got error: ${err}`);
assert.strictEqual(res.ETag, `"${correctMD5}"`); expect(res.ETag).toBe(`"${correctMD5}"`);
next(); next();
}); });
}, gcpTimeout), }, gcpTimeout),

View File

@ -20,11 +20,11 @@ let s3;
function azureCheck(container, key, expected, cb) { function azureCheck(container, key, expected, cb) {
azureClient.getBlobProperties(container, key, (err, res) => { azureClient.getBlobProperties(container, key, (err, res) => {
if (expected.error) { if (expected.error) {
assert.strictEqual(err.statusCode, 404); expect(err.statusCode).toBe(404);
assert.strictEqual(err.code, 'NotFound'); expect(err.code).toBe('NotFound');
} else { } else {
const convertedMD5 = convertMD5(res.contentSettings.contentMD5); const convertedMD5 = convertMD5(res.contentSettings.contentMD5);
assert.strictEqual(convertedMD5, expectedMD5); expect(convertedMD5).toBe(expectedMD5);
} }
return cb(); return cb();
}); });
@ -34,25 +34,31 @@ describeSkipIfNotMultipleOrCeph('Abort MPU on Azure data backend', function
describeF() { describeF() {
this.timeout(50000); this.timeout(50000);
withV4(sigCfg => { withV4(sigCfg => {
beforeEach(function beforeFn() { beforeEach(() => {
this.currentTest.key = uniqName(keyObject); this.currentTest.key = uniqName(keyObject);
bucketUtil = new BucketUtility('default', sigCfg); bucketUtil = new BucketUtility('default', sigCfg);
s3 = bucketUtil.s3; s3 = bucketUtil.s3;
}); });
describe('with bucket location header', () => { describe('with bucket location header', () => {
beforeEach(function beforeEachFn(done) { let testContext;
beforeEach(() => {
testContext = {};
beforeEach(done => {
async.waterfall([ async.waterfall([
next => s3.createBucket({ Bucket: azureContainerName }, next => s3.createBucket({ Bucket: azureContainerName },
err => next(err)), err => next(err)),
next => s3.createMultipartUpload({ next => s3.createMultipartUpload({
Bucket: azureContainerName, Bucket: azureContainerName,
Key: this.currentTest.key, Key: testContext.currentTest.key,
Metadata: { 'scal-location-constraint': azureLocation }, Metadata: { 'scal-location-constraint': azureLocation },
}, (err, res) => { }, (err, res) => {
if (err) { if (err) {
return next(err); return next(err);
} }
this.currentTest.uploadId = res.UploadId; testContext.currentTest.uploadId = res.UploadId;
return next(); return next();
}), }),
], done); ], done);
@ -61,36 +67,36 @@ describeF() {
afterEach(done => s3.deleteBucket({ Bucket: azureContainerName }, afterEach(done => s3.deleteBucket({ Bucket: azureContainerName },
done)); done));
it('should abort an MPU with one empty part ', function itFn(done) { test('should abort an MPU with one empty part ', done => {
const expected = { error: true }; const expected = { error: true };
const params = { const params = {
Bucket: azureContainerName, Bucket: azureContainerName,
Key: this.test.key, Key: testContext.test.key,
UploadId: this.test.uploadId, UploadId: testContext.test.uploadId,
}; };
async.waterfall([ async.waterfall([
next => { next => {
const partParams = Object.assign({ PartNumber: 1 }, const partParams = Object.assign({ PartNumber: 1 },
params); params);
s3.uploadPart(partParams, err => { s3.uploadPart(partParams, err => {
assert.strictEqual(err, null, 'Expected success, ' + expect(err).toBe(null);
`got error: ${err}`);
return next(); return next();
}); });
}, },
next => s3.abortMultipartUpload(params, err => next(err)), next => s3.abortMultipartUpload(params, err => next(err)),
next => azureCheck(azureContainerName, this.test.key, next => azureCheck(azureContainerName, testContext.test.key,
expected, next), expected, next),
], done); ], done);
}); });
it('should abort MPU with one part bigger than max subpart', test(
function itFn(done) { 'should abort MPU with one part bigger than max subpart',
done => {
const expected = { error: true }; const expected = { error: true };
const params = { const params = {
Bucket: azureContainerName, Bucket: azureContainerName,
Key: this.test.key, Key: testContext.test.key,
UploadId: this.test.uploadId, UploadId: testContext.test.uploadId,
}; };
async.waterfall([ async.waterfall([
next => { next => {
@ -98,20 +104,26 @@ describeF() {
const partParams = Object.assign( const partParams = Object.assign(
{ PartNumber: 1, Body: body }, params); { PartNumber: 1, Body: body }, params);
s3.uploadPart(partParams, err => { s3.uploadPart(partParams, err => {
assert.strictEqual(err, null, 'Expected ' + expect(err).toBe(null);
`success, got error: ${err}`);
return next(); return next();
}); });
}, },
next => s3.abortMultipartUpload(params, err => next(err)), next => s3.abortMultipartUpload(params, err => next(err)),
next => azureCheck(azureContainerName, this.test.key, next => azureCheck(azureContainerName, testContext.test.key,
expected, next), expected, next),
], done); ], done);
}); }
}); });
describe('with previously existing object with same key', () => { describe('with previously existing object with same key', () => {
beforeEach(function beforeEachFn(done) { let testContext;
beforeEach(() => {
testContext = {};
beforeEach(done => {
async.waterfall([ async.waterfall([
next => s3.createBucket({ Bucket: azureContainerName }, next => s3.createBucket({ Bucket: azureContainerName },
err => next(err)), err => next(err)),
@ -119,25 +131,24 @@ describeF() {
const body = Buffer.alloc(10); const body = Buffer.alloc(10);
s3.putObject({ s3.putObject({
Bucket: azureContainerName, Bucket: azureContainerName,
Key: this.currentTest.key, Key: testContext.currentTest.key,
Metadata: { 'scal-location-constraint': Metadata: { 'scal-location-constraint':
azureLocation }, azureLocation },
Body: body, Body: body,
}, err => { }, err => {
assert.equal(err, null, 'Err putting object to ' + expect(err).toEqual(null);
`azure: ${err}`);
return next(); return next();
}); });
}, },
next => s3.createMultipartUpload({ next => s3.createMultipartUpload({
Bucket: azureContainerName, Bucket: azureContainerName,
Key: this.currentTest.key, Key: testContext.currentTest.key,
Metadata: { 'scal-location-constraint': azureLocation }, Metadata: { 'scal-location-constraint': azureLocation },
}, (err, res) => { }, (err, res) => {
if (err) { if (err) {
return next(err); return next(err);
} }
this.currentTest.uploadId = res.UploadId; testContext.currentTest.uploadId = res.UploadId;
return next(); return next();
}), }),
], done); ], done);
@ -157,13 +168,12 @@ describeF() {
}); });
}); });
it('should abort MPU without deleting existing object', test('should abort MPU without deleting existing object', done => {
function itFn(done) {
const expected = { error: false }; const expected = { error: false };
const params = { const params = {
Bucket: azureContainerName, Bucket: azureContainerName,
Key: this.test.key, Key: testContext.test.key,
UploadId: this.test.uploadId, UploadId: testContext.test.uploadId,
}; };
async.waterfall([ async.waterfall([
next => { next => {
@ -171,13 +181,12 @@ describeF() {
const partParams = Object.assign( const partParams = Object.assign(
{ PartNumber: 1, Body: body }, params); { PartNumber: 1, Body: body }, params);
s3.uploadPart(partParams, err => { s3.uploadPart(partParams, err => {
assert.strictEqual(err, null, 'Expected ' + expect(err).toBe(null);
`success, got error: ${err}`);
return next(); return next();
}); });
}, },
next => s3.abortMultipartUpload(params, err => next(err)), next => s3.abortMultipartUpload(params, err => next(err)),
next => azureCheck(azureContainerName, this.test.key, next => azureCheck(azureContainerName, testContext.test.key,
expected, next), expected, next),
], done); ], done);
}); });

View File

@ -36,16 +36,16 @@ function getCheck(key, bucketMatch, cb) {
let azureKey = key; let azureKey = key;
s3.getObject({ Bucket: azureContainerName, Key: azureKey }, s3.getObject({ Bucket: azureContainerName, Key: azureKey },
(err, s3Res) => { (err, s3Res) => {
assert.equal(err, null, `Err getting object from S3: ${err}`); expect(err).toEqual(null);
assert.strictEqual(s3Res.ETag, `"${s3MD5}"`); expect(s3Res.ETag).toBe(`"${s3MD5}"`);
if (!bucketMatch) { if (!bucketMatch) {
azureKey = `${azureContainerName}/${key}`; azureKey = `${azureContainerName}/${key}`;
} }
azureClient.getBlobProperties(azureContainerName, azureKey, azureClient.getBlobProperties(azureContainerName, azureKey,
(err, azureRes) => { (err, azureRes) => {
assert.equal(err, null, `Err getting object from Azure: ${err}`); expect(err).toEqual(null);
assert.strictEqual(expectedContentLength, azureRes.contentLength); expect(expectedContentLength).toBe(azureRes.contentLength);
cb(); cb();
}); });
}); });
@ -62,9 +62,9 @@ function mpuSetup(key, location, cb) {
}; };
s3.createMultipartUpload(params, (err, res) => { s3.createMultipartUpload(params, (err, res) => {
const uploadId = res.UploadId; const uploadId = res.UploadId;
assert(uploadId); expect(uploadId).toBeTruthy();
assert.strictEqual(res.Bucket, azureContainerName); expect(res.Bucket).toBe(azureContainerName);
assert.strictEqual(res.Key, key); expect(res.Key).toBe(key);
next(err, uploadId); next(err, uploadId);
}); });
}, },
@ -96,7 +96,7 @@ function mpuSetup(key, location, cb) {
}, },
], (err, uploadId) => { ], (err, uploadId) => {
process.stdout.write('Created MPU and put two parts\n'); process.stdout.write('Created MPU and put two parts\n');
assert.equal(err, null, `Err setting up MPU: ${err}`); expect(err).toEqual(null);
cb(uploadId, partArray); cb(uploadId, partArray);
}); });
} }
@ -105,7 +105,7 @@ describeSkipIfNotMultipleOrCeph('Complete MPU API for Azure data backend',
function testSuite() { function testSuite() {
this.timeout(150000); this.timeout(150000);
withV4(sigCfg => { withV4(sigCfg => {
beforeEach(function beFn() { beforeEach(() => {
this.currentTest.key = `somekey-${genUniqID()}`; this.currentTest.key = `somekey-${genUniqID()}`;
bucketUtil = new BucketUtility('default', sigCfg); bucketUtil = new BucketUtility('default', sigCfg);
s3 = bucketUtil.s3; s3 = bucketUtil.s3;
@ -130,7 +130,7 @@ function testSuite() {
}); });
}); });
it('should complete an MPU on Azure', function itFn(done) { test('should complete an MPU on Azure', done => {
mpuSetup(this.test.key, azureLocation, (uploadId, partArray) => { mpuSetup(this.test.key, azureLocation, (uploadId, partArray) => {
const params = { const params = {
Bucket: azureContainerName, Bucket: azureContainerName,
@ -139,15 +139,16 @@ function testSuite() {
MultipartUpload: { Parts: partArray }, MultipartUpload: { Parts: partArray },
}; };
s3.completeMultipartUpload(params, err => { s3.completeMultipartUpload(params, err => {
assert.equal(err, null, `Err completing MPU: ${err}`); expect(err).toEqual(null);
setTimeout(() => getCheck(this.test.key, true, done), setTimeout(() => getCheck(this.test.key, true, done),
azureTimeout); azureTimeout);
}); });
}); });
}); });
it('should complete an MPU on Azure with bucketMatch=false', test(
function itFn(done) { 'should complete an MPU on Azure with bucketMatch=false',
done => {
mpuSetup(this.test.key, azureLocationMismatch, mpuSetup(this.test.key, azureLocationMismatch,
(uploadId, partArray) => { (uploadId, partArray) => {
const params = { const params = {
@ -157,15 +158,16 @@ function testSuite() {
MultipartUpload: { Parts: partArray }, MultipartUpload: { Parts: partArray },
}; };
s3.completeMultipartUpload(params, err => { s3.completeMultipartUpload(params, err => {
assert.equal(err, null, `Err completing MPU: ${err}`); expect(err).toEqual(null);
setTimeout(() => getCheck(this.test.key, false, done), setTimeout(() => getCheck(this.test.key, false, done),
azureTimeout); azureTimeout);
}); });
}); });
}); }
it('should complete an MPU on Azure with same key as object put ' + test('should complete an MPU on Azure with same key as object put ' +
'to file', function itFn(done) { 'to file', done => {
const body = Buffer.from('I am a body', 'utf8'); const body = Buffer.from('I am a body', 'utf8');
s3.putObject({ s3.putObject({
Bucket: azureContainerName, Bucket: azureContainerName,
@ -173,7 +175,7 @@ function testSuite() {
Body: body, Body: body,
Metadata: { 'scal-location-constraint': fileLocation } }, Metadata: { 'scal-location-constraint': fileLocation } },
err => { err => {
assert.equal(err, null, `Err putting object to file: ${err}`); expect(err).toEqual(null);
mpuSetup(this.test.key, azureLocation, mpuSetup(this.test.key, azureLocation,
(uploadId, partArray) => { (uploadId, partArray) => {
const params = { const params = {
@ -183,7 +185,7 @@ function testSuite() {
MultipartUpload: { Parts: partArray }, MultipartUpload: { Parts: partArray },
}; };
s3.completeMultipartUpload(params, err => { s3.completeMultipartUpload(params, err => {
assert.equal(err, null, `Err completing MPU: ${err}`); expect(err).toEqual(null);
setTimeout(() => getCheck(this.test.key, true, done), setTimeout(() => getCheck(this.test.key, true, done),
azureTimeout); azureTimeout);
}); });
@ -191,8 +193,8 @@ function testSuite() {
}); });
}); });
it('should complete an MPU on Azure with same key as object put ' + test('should complete an MPU on Azure with same key as object put ' +
'to Azure', function itFn(done) { 'to Azure', done => {
const body = Buffer.from('I am a body', 'utf8'); const body = Buffer.from('I am a body', 'utf8');
s3.putObject({ s3.putObject({
Bucket: azureContainerName, Bucket: azureContainerName,
@ -200,7 +202,7 @@ function testSuite() {
Body: body, Body: body,
Metadata: { 'scal-location-constraint': azureLocation } }, Metadata: { 'scal-location-constraint': azureLocation } },
err => { err => {
assert.equal(err, null, `Err putting object to Azure: ${err}`); expect(err).toEqual(null);
mpuSetup(this.test.key, azureLocation, mpuSetup(this.test.key, azureLocation,
(uploadId, partArray) => { (uploadId, partArray) => {
const params = { const params = {
@ -210,7 +212,7 @@ function testSuite() {
MultipartUpload: { Parts: partArray }, MultipartUpload: { Parts: partArray },
}; };
s3.completeMultipartUpload(params, err => { s3.completeMultipartUpload(params, err => {
assert.equal(err, null, `Err completing MPU: ${err}`); expect(err).toEqual(null);
setTimeout(() => getCheck(this.test.key, true, done), setTimeout(() => getCheck(this.test.key, true, done),
azureTimeout); azureTimeout);
}); });
@ -218,8 +220,8 @@ function testSuite() {
}); });
}); });
it('should complete an MPU on Azure with same key as object put ' + test('should complete an MPU on Azure with same key as object put ' +
'to AWS', function itFn(done) { 'to AWS', done => {
const body = Buffer.from('I am a body', 'utf8'); const body = Buffer.from('I am a body', 'utf8');
s3.putObject({ s3.putObject({
Bucket: azureContainerName, Bucket: azureContainerName,
@ -227,7 +229,7 @@ function testSuite() {
Body: body, Body: body,
Metadata: { 'scal-location-constraint': awsLocation } }, Metadata: { 'scal-location-constraint': awsLocation } },
err => { err => {
assert.equal(err, null, `Err putting object to AWS: ${err}`); expect(err).toEqual(null);
mpuSetup(this.test.key, azureLocation, mpuSetup(this.test.key, azureLocation,
(uploadId, partArray) => { (uploadId, partArray) => {
const params = { const params = {
@ -237,12 +239,12 @@ function testSuite() {
MultipartUpload: { Parts: partArray }, MultipartUpload: { Parts: partArray },
}; };
s3.completeMultipartUpload(params, err => { s3.completeMultipartUpload(params, err => {
assert.equal(err, null, `Err completing MPU: ${err}`); expect(err).toEqual(null);
// make sure object is gone from AWS // make sure object is gone from AWS
setTimeout(() => { setTimeout(() => {
this.test.awsClient.getObject({ Bucket: awsBucket, this.test.awsClient.getObject({ Bucket: awsBucket,
Key: this.test.key }, err => { Key: this.test.key }, err => {
assert.strictEqual(err.code, 'NoSuchKey'); expect(err.code).toBe('NoSuchKey');
getCheck(this.test.key, true, done); getCheck(this.test.key, true, done);
}); });
}, azureTimeout); }, azureTimeout);

View File

@ -21,16 +21,16 @@ function getCheck(key, bucketMatch, cb) {
let gcpKey = key; let gcpKey = key;
s3.getObject({ Bucket: bucket, Key: gcpKey }, s3.getObject({ Bucket: bucket, Key: gcpKey },
(err, s3Res) => { (err, s3Res) => {
assert.equal(err, null, `Err getting object from S3: ${err}`); expect(err).toEqual(null);
assert.strictEqual(s3Res.ETag, `"${s3MD5}"`); expect(s3Res.ETag).toBe(`"${s3MD5}"`);
if (!bucketMatch) { if (!bucketMatch) {
gcpKey = `${bucket}/${gcpKey}`; gcpKey = `${bucket}/${gcpKey}`;
} }
const params = { Bucket: gcpBucket, Key: gcpKey }; const params = { Bucket: gcpBucket, Key: gcpKey };
gcpClient.getObject(params, (err, gcpRes) => { gcpClient.getObject(params, (err, gcpRes) => {
assert.equal(err, null, `Err getting object from GCP: ${err}`); expect(err).toEqual(null);
assert.strictEqual(expectedContentLength, gcpRes.ContentLength); expect(expectedContentLength).toBe(gcpRes.ContentLength);
cb(); cb();
}); });
}); });
@ -47,9 +47,9 @@ function mpuSetup(key, location, cb) {
}; };
s3.createMultipartUpload(params, (err, res) => { s3.createMultipartUpload(params, (err, res) => {
const uploadId = res.UploadId; const uploadId = res.UploadId;
assert(uploadId); expect(uploadId).toBeTruthy();
assert.strictEqual(res.Bucket, bucket); expect(res.Bucket).toBe(bucket);
assert.strictEqual(res.Key, key); expect(res.Key).toBe(key);
next(err, uploadId); next(err, uploadId);
}); });
}, },
@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ function mpuSetup(key, location, cb) {
}, },
], (err, uploadId) => { ], (err, uploadId) => {
process.stdout.write('Created MPU and put two parts\n'); process.stdout.write('Created MPU and put two parts\n');
assert.equal(err, null, `Err setting up MPU: ${err}`); expect(err).toEqual(null);
cb(uploadId, partArray); cb(uploadId, partArray);
}); });
} }
@ -90,7 +90,7 @@ describeSkipIfNotMultipleOrCeph('Complete MPU API for GCP data backend',
function testSuite() { function testSuite() {
this.timeout(150000); this.timeout(150000);
withV4(sigCfg => { withV4(sigCfg => {
beforeEach(function beFn() { beforeEach(() => {
this.currentTest.key = `somekey-${genUniqID()}`; this.currentTest.key = `somekey-${genUniqID()}`;
bucketUtil = new BucketUtility('default', sigCfg); bucketUtil = new BucketUtility('default', sigCfg);
s3 = bucketUtil.s3; s3 = bucketUtil.s3;
@ -115,7 +115,7 @@ function testSuite() {
}); });
}); });
it('should complete an MPU on GCP', function itFn(done) { test('should complete an MPU on GCP', done => {
mpuSetup(this.test.key, gcpLocation, (uploadId, partArray) => { mpuSetup(this.test.key, gcpLocation, (uploadId, partArray) => {
const params = { const params = {
Bucket: bucket, Bucket: bucket,
@ -125,16 +125,16 @@ function testSuite() {
}; };
setTimeout(() => { setTimeout(() => {
s3.completeMultipartUpload(params, err => { s3.completeMultipartUpload(params, err => {
assert.equal(err, null, expect(err).toEqual(null);
`Err completing MPU: ${err}`);
getCheck(this.test.key, true, done); getCheck(this.test.key, true, done);
}); });
}, gcpTimeout); }, gcpTimeout);
}); });
}); });
it('should complete an MPU on GCP with bucketMatch=false', test(
function itFn(done) { 'should complete an MPU on GCP with bucketMatch=false',
done => {
mpuSetup(this.test.key, gcpLocationMismatch, mpuSetup(this.test.key, gcpLocationMismatch,
(uploadId, partArray) => { (uploadId, partArray) => {
const params = { const params = {
@ -145,16 +145,16 @@ function testSuite() {
}; };
setTimeout(() => { setTimeout(() => {
s3.completeMultipartUpload(params, err => { s3.completeMultipartUpload(params, err => {
assert.equal(err, null, expect(err).toEqual(null);
`Err completing MPU: ${err}`);
getCheck(this.test.key, false, done); getCheck(this.test.key, false, done);
}); });
}, gcpTimeout); }, gcpTimeout);
}); });
}); }
it('should complete an MPU on GCP with same key as object put ' + test('should complete an MPU on GCP with same key as object put ' +
'to file', function itFn(done) { 'to file', done => {
const body = Buffer.from('I am a body', 'utf8'); const body = Buffer.from('I am a body', 'utf8');
s3.putObject({ s3.putObject({
Bucket: bucket, Bucket: bucket,
@ -162,7 +162,7 @@ function testSuite() {
Body: body, Body: body,
Metadata: { 'scal-location-constraint': fileLocation } }, Metadata: { 'scal-location-constraint': fileLocation } },
err => { err => {
assert.equal(err, null, `Err putting object to file: ${err}`); expect(err).toEqual(null);
mpuSetup(this.test.key, gcpLocation, mpuSetup(this.test.key, gcpLocation,
(uploadId, partArray) => { (uploadId, partArray) => {
const params = { const params = {
@ -173,8 +173,7 @@ function testSuite() {
}; };
setTimeout(() => { setTimeout(() => {
s3.completeMultipartUpload(params, err => { s3.completeMultipartUpload(params, err => {
assert.equal(err, null, expect(err).toEqual(null);
`Err completing MPU: ${err}`);
getCheck(this.test.key, true, done); getCheck(this.test.key, true, done);
}); });
}, gcpTimeout); }, gcpTimeout);
@ -182,8 +181,8 @@ function testSuite() {
}); });
}); });
it('should complete an MPU on GCP with same key as object put ' + test('should complete an MPU on GCP with same key as object put ' +
'to GCP', function itFn(done) { 'to GCP', done => {
const body = Buffer.from('I am a body', 'utf8'); const body = Buffer.from('I am a body', 'utf8');
s3.putObject({ s3.putObject({
Bucket: bucket, Bucket: bucket,
@ -191,7 +190,7 @@ function testSuite() {
Body: body, Body: body,
Metadata: { 'scal-location-constraint': gcpLocation } }, Metadata: { 'scal-location-constraint': gcpLocation } },
err => { err => {
assert.equal(err, null, `Err putting object to GCP: ${err}`); expect(err).toEqual(null);
mpuSetup(this.test.key, gcpLocation, mpuSetup(this.test.key, gcpLocation,
(uploadId, partArray) => { (uploadId, partArray) => {
const params = { const params = {
@ -202,8 +201,7 @@ function testSuite() {
}; };
setTimeout(() => { setTimeout(() => {
s3.completeMultipartUpload(params, err => { s3.completeMultipartUpload(params, err => {
assert.equal(err, null, expect(err).toEqual(null);
`Err completing MPU: ${err}`);
getCheck(this.test.key, true, done); getCheck(this.test.key, true, done);
}); });
}, gcpTimeout); }, gcpTimeout);
@ -211,8 +209,8 @@ function testSuite() {
}); });
}); });
it('should complete an MPU on GCP with same key as object put ' + test('should complete an MPU on GCP with same key as object put ' +
'to AWS', function itFn(done) { 'to AWS', done => {
const body = Buffer.from('I am a body', 'utf8'); const body = Buffer.from('I am a body', 'utf8');
s3.putObject({ s3.putObject({
Bucket: bucket, Bucket: bucket,
@ -220,7 +218,7 @@ function testSuite() {
Body: body, Body: body,
Metadata: { 'scal-location-constraint': awsLocation } }, Metadata: { 'scal-location-constraint': awsLocation } },
err => { err => {
assert.equal(err, null, `Err putting object to AWS: ${err}`); expect(err).toEqual(null);
mpuSetup(this.test.key, gcpLocation, mpuSetup(this.test.key, gcpLocation,
(uploadId, partArray) => { (uploadId, partArray) => {
const params = { const params = {
@ -230,12 +228,12 @@ function testSuite() {
MultipartUpload: { Parts: partArray }, MultipartUpload: { Parts: partArray },
}; };
s3.completeMultipartUpload(params, err => { s3.completeMultipartUpload(params, err => {
assert.equal(err, null, `Err completing MPU: ${err}`); expect(err).toEqual(null);
// make sure object is gone from AWS // make sure object is gone from AWS
setTimeout(() => { setTimeout(() => {
this.test.awsClient.getObject({ Bucket: awsBucket, this.test.awsClient.getObject({ Bucket: awsBucket,
Key: this.test.key }, err => { Key: this.test.key }, err => {
assert.strictEqual(err.code, 'NoSuchKey'); expect(err.code).toBe('NoSuchKey');
getCheck(this.test.key, true, done); getCheck(this.test.key, true, done);
}); });
}, gcpTimeout); }, gcpTimeout);

View File

@ -30,11 +30,11 @@ function mpuSetup(s3, key, location, cb) {
Metadata: { 'scal-location-constraint': location }, Metadata: { 'scal-location-constraint': location },
}; };
s3.createMultipartUpload(params, (err, res) => { s3.createMultipartUpload(params, (err, res) => {
assert.strictEqual(err, null, `err creating mpu: ${err}`); expect(err).toBe(null);
const uploadId = res.UploadId; const uploadId = res.UploadId;
assert(uploadId); expect(uploadId).toBeTruthy();
assert.strictEqual(res.Bucket, bucket); expect(res.Bucket).toBe(bucket);
assert.strictEqual(res.Key, key); expect(res.Key).toBe(key);
next(err, uploadId); next(err, uploadId);
}); });
}, },
@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ function mpuSetup(s3, key, location, cb) {
Body: data[0], Body: data[0],
}; };
s3.uploadPart(partParams, (err, res) => { s3.uploadPart(partParams, (err, res) => {
assert.strictEqual(err, null, `err uploading part 1: ${err}`); expect(err).toBe(null);
partArray.push({ ETag: res.ETag, PartNumber: 1 }); partArray.push({ ETag: res.ETag, PartNumber: 1 });
next(err, uploadId); next(err, uploadId);
}); });
@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ function mpuSetup(s3, key, location, cb) {
Body: data[1], Body: data[1],
}; };
s3.uploadPart(partParams, (err, res) => { s3.uploadPart(partParams, (err, res) => {
assert.strictEqual(err, null, `err uploading part 2: ${err}`); expect(err).toBe(null);
partArray.push({ ETag: res.ETag, PartNumber: 2 }); partArray.push({ ETag: res.ETag, PartNumber: 2 });
next(err, uploadId); next(err, uploadId);
}); });
@ -81,11 +81,11 @@ function completeAndAssertMpu(s3, params, cb) {
UploadId: uploadId, UploadId: uploadId,
MultipartUpload: { Parts: partArray }, MultipartUpload: { Parts: partArray },
}, (err, data) => { }, (err, data) => {
assert.strictEqual(err, null, `Err completing MPU: ${err}`); expect(err).toBe(null);
if (expectVersionId) { if (expectVersionId) {
assert.notEqual(data.VersionId, undefined); expect(data.VersionId).not.toEqual(undefined);
} else { } else {
assert.strictEqual(data.VersionId, undefined); expect(data.VersionId).toBe(undefined);
} }
const expectedVersionId = expectedGetVersionId || data.VersionId; const expectedVersionId = expectedGetVersionId || data.VersionId;
getAndAssertResult(s3, { bucket, key, body: concattedData, getAndAssertResult(s3, { bucket, key, body: concattedData,
@ -114,7 +114,7 @@ function testSuite() {
}); });
}); });
it('versioning not configured: should not return version id ' + test('versioning not configured: should not return version id ' +
'completing mpu', done => { 'completing mpu', done => {
const key = `somekey-${genUniqID()}`; const key = `somekey-${genUniqID()}`;
mpuSetup(s3, key, awsLocation, (err, uploadId, partArray) => { mpuSetup(s3, key, awsLocation, (err, uploadId, partArray) => {
@ -123,9 +123,9 @@ function testSuite() {
}); });
}); });
it('versioning not configured: if complete mpu on already-existing ' + test('versioning not configured: if complete mpu on already-existing ' +
'object, metadata should be overwritten but data of previous version' + 'object, metadata should be overwritten but data of previous version' +
'in AWS should not be deleted', function itF(done) { 'in AWS should not be deleted', done => {
const key = `somekey-${genUniqID()}`; const key = `somekey-${genUniqID()}`;
async.waterfall([ async.waterfall([
next => putToAwsBackend(s3, bucket, key, '', err => next(err)), next => putToAwsBackend(s3, bucket, key, '', err => next(err)),
@ -144,13 +144,14 @@ function testSuite() {
expectedError: 'NoSuchKey' }, next), expectedError: 'NoSuchKey' }, next),
next => awsGetLatestVerId(key, '', next), next => awsGetLatestVerId(key, '', next),
(awsVerId, next) => { (awsVerId, next) => {
assert.strictEqual(awsVerId, this.test.awsVerId); expect(awsVerId).toBe(this.test.awsVerId);
next(); next();
}, },
], done); ], done);
}); });
it('versioning suspended: should not return version id completing mpu', test(
'versioning suspended: should not return version id completing mpu',
done => { done => {
const key = `somekey-${genUniqID()}`; const key = `somekey-${genUniqID()}`;
async.waterfall([ async.waterfall([
@ -160,10 +161,10 @@ function testSuite() {
{ bucket, key, uploadId, partArray, expectVersionId: false, { bucket, key, uploadId, partArray, expectVersionId: false,
expectedGetVersionId: 'null' }, next), expectedGetVersionId: 'null' }, next),
], done); ], done);
}); }
it('versioning enabled: should return version id completing mpu', test('versioning enabled: should return version id completing mpu', done => {
done => {
const key = `somekey-${genUniqID()}`; const key = `somekey-${genUniqID()}`;
async.waterfall([ async.waterfall([
next => enableVersioning(s3, bucket, next), next => enableVersioning(s3, bucket, next),

View File

@ -21,15 +21,14 @@ let s3;
function checkSubPart(key, uploadId, expectedParts, cb) { function checkSubPart(key, uploadId, expectedParts, cb) {
azureClient.listBlocks(azureContainerName, key, 'all', (err, list) => { azureClient.listBlocks(azureContainerName, key, 'all', (err, list) => {
assert.equal(err, null, 'Expected success, got error ' + expect(err).toEqual(null);
`on call to Azure: ${err}`);
const uncommittedBlocks = list.UncommittedBlocks; const uncommittedBlocks = list.UncommittedBlocks;
const committedBlocks = list.CommittedBlocks; const committedBlocks = list.CommittedBlocks;
assert.strictEqual(committedBlocks, undefined); expect(committedBlocks).toBe(undefined);
uncommittedBlocks.forEach((l, index) => { uncommittedBlocks.forEach((l, index) => {
assert.strictEqual(l.Name, getBlockId(uploadId, expect(l.Name).toBe(getBlockId(uploadId,
expectedParts[index].partnbr, expectedParts[index].subpartnbr)); expectedParts[index].partnbr, expectedParts[index].subpartnbr));
assert.strictEqual(l.Size, expectedParts[index].size.toString()); expect(l.Size).toBe(expectedParts[index].size.toString());
}); });
cb(); cb();
}); });
@ -37,11 +36,11 @@ function checkSubPart(key, uploadId, expectedParts, cb) {
function azureCheck(key, cb) { function azureCheck(key, cb) {
s3.getObject({ Bucket: azureContainerName, Key: key }, (err, res) => { s3.getObject({ Bucket: azureContainerName, Key: key }, (err, res) => {
assert.equal(err, null); expect(err).toEqual(null);
assert.strictEqual(res.ETag, `"${expectedMD5}"`); expect(res.ETag).toBe(`"${expectedMD5}"`);
azureClient.getBlobProperties(azureContainerName, key, (err, res) => { azureClient.getBlobProperties(azureContainerName, key, (err, res) => {
const convertedMD5 = convertMD5(res.contentSettings.contentMD5); const convertedMD5 = convertMD5(res.contentSettings.contentMD5);
assert.strictEqual(convertedMD5, expectedMD5); expect(convertedMD5).toBe(expectedMD5);
return cb(); return cb();
}); });
}); });
@ -51,93 +50,99 @@ describeSkipIfNotMultipleOrCeph('MultipleBackend put part to AZURE', function
describeF() { describeF() {
this.timeout(80000); this.timeout(80000);
withV4(sigCfg => { withV4(sigCfg => {
beforeEach(function beforeFn() { beforeEach(() => {
this.currentTest.key = uniqName(keyObject); this.currentTest.key = uniqName(keyObject);
bucketUtil = new BucketUtility('default', sigCfg); bucketUtil = new BucketUtility('default', sigCfg);
s3 = bucketUtil.s3; s3 = bucketUtil.s3;
}); });
describe('with bucket location header', () => { describe('with bucket location header', () => {
beforeEach(function beforeEachFn(done) { let testContext;
beforeEach(() => {
testContext = {};
beforeEach(done => {
async.waterfall([ async.waterfall([
next => s3.createBucket({ Bucket: azureContainerName, next => s3.createBucket({ Bucket: azureContainerName,
}, err => next(err)), }, err => next(err)),
next => s3.createMultipartUpload({ next => s3.createMultipartUpload({
Bucket: azureContainerName, Bucket: azureContainerName,
Key: this.currentTest.key, Key: testContext.currentTest.key,
Metadata: { 'scal-location-constraint': azureLocation }, Metadata: { 'scal-location-constraint': azureLocation },
}, (err, res) => { }, (err, res) => {
if (err) { if (err) {
return next(err); return next(err);
} }
this.currentTest.uploadId = res.UploadId; testContext.currentTest.uploadId = res.UploadId;
return next(); return next();
}), }),
], done); ], done);
}); });
afterEach(function afterEachFn(done) { afterEach(done => {
async.waterfall([ async.waterfall([
next => s3.abortMultipartUpload({ next => s3.abortMultipartUpload({
Bucket: azureContainerName, Bucket: azureContainerName,
Key: this.currentTest.key, Key: testContext.currentTest.key,
UploadId: this.currentTest.uploadId, UploadId: testContext.currentTest.uploadId,
}, err => next(err)), }, err => next(err)),
next => s3.deleteBucket({ Bucket: azureContainerName }, next => s3.deleteBucket({ Bucket: azureContainerName },
err => next(err)), err => next(err)),
], err => { ], err => {
assert.equal(err, null, `Error aborting MPU: ${err}`); expect(err).toEqual(null);
done(); done();
}); });
}); });
it('should put 0-byte block to Azure', function itFn(done) { test('should put 0-byte block to Azure', done => {
const params = { const params = {
Bucket: azureContainerName, Bucket: azureContainerName,
Key: this.test.key, Key: testContext.test.key,
UploadId: this.test.uploadId, UploadId: testContext.test.uploadId,
PartNumber: 1, PartNumber: 1,
}; };
async.waterfall([ async.waterfall([
next => s3.uploadPart(params, (err, res) => { next => s3.uploadPart(params, (err, res) => {
const eTagExpected = `"${azureMpuUtils.zeroByteETag}"`; const eTagExpected = `"${azureMpuUtils.zeroByteETag}"`;
assert.strictEqual(res.ETag, eTagExpected); expect(res.ETag).toBe(eTagExpected);
return next(err); return next(err);
}), }),
next => azureClient.listBlocks(azureContainerName, next => azureClient.listBlocks(azureContainerName,
this.test.key, 'all', err => { testContext.test.key, 'all', err => {
assert.notEqual(err, null, expect(err).not.toEqual(null);
'Expected failure but got success'); expect(err.code).toBe('BlobNotFound');
assert.strictEqual(err.code, 'BlobNotFound');
next(); next();
}), }),
], done); ], done);
}); });
it('should put 2 blocks to Azure', function itFn(done) { test('should put 2 blocks to Azure', done => {
const body = Buffer.alloc(maxSubPartSize + 10); const body = Buffer.alloc(maxSubPartSize + 10);
const parts = [{ partnbr: 1, subpartnbr: 0, const parts = [{ partnbr: 1, subpartnbr: 0,
size: maxSubPartSize }, size: maxSubPartSize },
{ partnbr: 1, subpartnbr: 1, size: 10 }]; { partnbr: 1, subpartnbr: 1, size: 10 }];
const params = { const params = {
Bucket: azureContainerName, Bucket: azureContainerName,
Key: this.test.key, Key: testContext.test.key,
UploadId: this.test.uploadId, UploadId: testContext.test.uploadId,
PartNumber: 1, PartNumber: 1,
Body: body, Body: body,
}; };
async.waterfall([ async.waterfall([
next => s3.uploadPart(params, (err, res) => { next => s3.uploadPart(params, (err, res) => {
const eTagExpected = expectedETag(body); const eTagExpected = expectedETag(body);
assert.strictEqual(res.ETag, eTagExpected); expect(res.ETag).toBe(eTagExpected);
return next(err); return next(err);
}), }),
next => checkSubPart(this.test.key, this.test.uploadId, next => checkSubPart(testContext.test.key, testContext.test.uploadId,
parts, next), parts, next),
], done); ], done);
}); });
it('should put 5 parts bigger than maxSubPartSize to Azure', test(
function it(done) { 'should put 5 parts bigger than maxSubPartSize to Azure',
done => {
const body = Buffer.alloc(maxSubPartSize + 10); const body = Buffer.alloc(maxSubPartSize + 10);
let parts = []; let parts = [];
for (let i = 1; i < 6; i++) { for (let i = 1; i < 6; i++) {
@ -150,26 +155,27 @@ describeF() {
const partNumber = n + 1; const partNumber = n + 1;
const params = { const params = {
Bucket: azureContainerName, Bucket: azureContainerName,
Key: this.test.key, Key: testContext.test.key,
UploadId: this.test.uploadId, UploadId: testContext.test.uploadId,
PartNumber: partNumber, PartNumber: partNumber,
Body: body, Body: body,
}; };
s3.uploadPart(params, (err, res) => { s3.uploadPart(params, (err, res) => {
const eTagExpected = expectedETag(body); const eTagExpected = expectedETag(body);
assert.strictEqual(res.ETag, eTagExpected); expect(res.ETag).toBe(eTagExpected);
return next(err); return next(err);
}); });
}, err => { }, err => {
assert.equal(err, null, 'Expected success, ' + expect(err).toEqual(null);
`got error: ${err}`); checkSubPart(testContext.test.key, testContext.test.uploadId,
checkSubPart(this.test.key, this.test.uploadId,
parts, done); parts, done);
}); });
}); }
it('should put 5 parts smaller than maxSubPartSize to Azure', test(
function it(done) { 'should put 5 parts smaller than maxSubPartSize to Azure',
done => {
const body = Buffer.alloc(10); const body = Buffer.alloc(10);
let parts = []; let parts = [];
for (let i = 1; i < 6; i++) { for (let i = 1; i < 6; i++) {
@ -181,25 +187,25 @@ describeF() {
const partNumber = n + 1; const partNumber = n + 1;
const params = { const params = {
Bucket: azureContainerName, Bucket: azureContainerName,
Key: this.test.key, Key: testContext.test.key,
UploadId: this.test.uploadId, UploadId: testContext.test.uploadId,
PartNumber: partNumber, PartNumber: partNumber,
Body: body, Body: body,
}; };
s3.uploadPart(params, (err, res) => { s3.uploadPart(params, (err, res) => {
const eTagExpected = expectedETag(body); const eTagExpected = expectedETag(body);
assert.strictEqual(res.ETag, eTagExpected); expect(res.ETag).toBe(eTagExpected);
return next(err); return next(err);
}); });
}, err => { }, err => {
assert.equal(err, null, 'Expected success, ' + expect(err).toEqual(null);
`got error: ${err}`); checkSubPart(testContext.test.key, testContext.test.uploadId,
checkSubPart(this.test.key, this.test.uploadId,
parts, done); parts, done);
}); });
}); }
it('should put the same part twice', function itFn(done) { test('should put the same part twice', done => {
const body1 = Buffer.alloc(maxSubPartSize + 10); const body1 = Buffer.alloc(maxSubPartSize + 10);
const body2 = Buffer.alloc(20); const body2 = Buffer.alloc(20);
const parts2 = [{ partnbr: 1, subpartnbr: 0, size: 20 }, const parts2 = [{ partnbr: 1, subpartnbr: 0, size: 20 },
@ -207,30 +213,36 @@ describeF() {
async.waterfall([ async.waterfall([
next => s3.uploadPart({ next => s3.uploadPart({
Bucket: azureContainerName, Bucket: azureContainerName,
Key: this.test.key, Key: testContext.test.key,
UploadId: this.test.uploadId, UploadId: testContext.test.uploadId,
PartNumber: 1, PartNumber: 1,
Body: body1, Body: body1,
}, err => next(err)), }, err => next(err)),
next => s3.uploadPart({ next => s3.uploadPart({
Bucket: azureContainerName, Bucket: azureContainerName,
Key: this.test.key, Key: testContext.test.key,
UploadId: this.test.uploadId, UploadId: testContext.test.uploadId,
PartNumber: 1, PartNumber: 1,
Body: body2, Body: body2,
}, (err, res) => { }, (err, res) => {
const eTagExpected = expectedETag(body2); const eTagExpected = expectedETag(body2);
assert.strictEqual(res.ETag, eTagExpected); expect(res.ETag).toBe(eTagExpected);
return next(err); return next(err);
}), }),
next => checkSubPart(this.test.key, this.test.uploadId, next => checkSubPart(testContext.test.key, testContext.test.uploadId,
parts2, next), parts2, next),
], done); ], done);
}); });
}); });
describe('with same key as preexisting part', () => { describe('with same key as preexisting part', () => {
beforeEach(function beforeEachFn(done) { let testContext;
beforeEach(() => {
testContext = {};
beforeEach(done => {
async.waterfall([ async.waterfall([
next => s3.createBucket({ Bucket: azureContainerName }, next => s3.createBucket({ Bucket: azureContainerName },
err => next(err)), err => next(err)),
@ -238,45 +250,44 @@ describeF() {
const body = Buffer.alloc(10); const body = Buffer.alloc(10);
s3.putObject({ s3.putObject({
Bucket: azureContainerName, Bucket: azureContainerName,
Key: this.currentTest.key, Key: testContext.currentTest.key,
Metadata: { 'scal-location-constraint': Metadata: { 'scal-location-constraint':
azureLocation }, azureLocation },
Body: body, Body: body,
}, err => { }, err => {
assert.equal(err, null, 'Err putting object to ' + expect(err).toEqual(null);
`azure: ${err}`);
return next(); return next();
}); });
}, },
next => s3.createMultipartUpload({ next => s3.createMultipartUpload({
Bucket: azureContainerName, Bucket: azureContainerName,
Key: this.currentTest.key, Key: testContext.currentTest.key,
Metadata: { 'scal-location-constraint': azureLocation }, Metadata: { 'scal-location-constraint': azureLocation },
}, (err, res) => { }, (err, res) => {
if (err) { if (err) {
return next(err); return next(err);
} }
this.currentTest.uploadId = res.UploadId; testContext.currentTest.uploadId = res.UploadId;
return next(); return next();
}), }),
], done); ], done);
}); });
afterEach(function afterEachFn(done) { afterEach(done => {
async.waterfall([ async.waterfall([
next => { next => {
process.stdout.write('Aborting multipart upload\n'); process.stdout.write('Aborting multipart upload\n');
s3.abortMultipartUpload({ s3.abortMultipartUpload({
Bucket: azureContainerName, Bucket: azureContainerName,
Key: this.currentTest.key, Key: testContext.currentTest.key,
UploadId: this.currentTest.uploadId }, UploadId: testContext.currentTest.uploadId },
err => next(err)); err => next(err));
}, },
next => { next => {
process.stdout.write('Deleting object\n'); process.stdout.write('Deleting object\n');
s3.deleteObject({ s3.deleteObject({
Bucket: azureContainerName, Bucket: azureContainerName,
Key: this.currentTest.key }, Key: testContext.currentTest.key },
err => next(err)); err => next(err));
}, },
next => { next => {
@ -286,26 +297,27 @@ describeF() {
err => next(err)); err => next(err));
}, },
], err => { ], err => {
assert.equal(err, null, `Err in afterEach: ${err}`); expect(err).toEqual(null);
done(); done();
}); });
}); });
it('should put a part without overwriting existing object', test(
function itFn(done) { 'should put a part without overwriting existing object',
done => {
const body = Buffer.alloc(20); const body = Buffer.alloc(20);
s3.uploadPart({ s3.uploadPart({
Bucket: azureContainerName, Bucket: azureContainerName,
Key: this.test.key, Key: testContext.test.key,
UploadId: this.test.uploadId, UploadId: testContext.test.uploadId,
PartNumber: 1, PartNumber: 1,
Body: body, Body: body,
}, err => { }, err => {
assert.strictEqual(err, null, 'Err putting part to ' + expect(err).toBe(null);
`Azure: ${err}`); azureCheck(testContext.test.key, done);
azureCheck(this.test.key, done);
}); });
}); });
}); });
}); });
@ -315,53 +327,59 @@ describeSkipIfNotMultipleOrCeph('MultipleBackend put part to AZURE ' +
describeF() { describeF() {
this.timeout(80000); this.timeout(80000);
withV4(sigCfg => { withV4(sigCfg => {
beforeEach(function beforeFn() { beforeEach(() => {
this.currentTest.key = uniqName(keyObject); this.currentTest.key = uniqName(keyObject);
bucketUtil = new BucketUtility('default', sigCfg); bucketUtil = new BucketUtility('default', sigCfg);
s3 = bucketUtil.s3; s3 = bucketUtil.s3;
}); });
describe('with bucket location header', () => { describe('with bucket location header', () => {
beforeEach(function beforeEachFn(done) { let testContext;
beforeEach(() => {
testContext = {};
beforeEach(done => {
async.waterfall([ async.waterfall([
next => s3.createBucket({ Bucket: azureContainerName, next => s3.createBucket({ Bucket: azureContainerName,
}, err => next(err)), }, err => next(err)),
next => s3.createMultipartUpload({ next => s3.createMultipartUpload({
Bucket: azureContainerName, Bucket: azureContainerName,
Key: this.currentTest.key, Key: testContext.currentTest.key,
Metadata: { 'scal-location-constraint': Metadata: { 'scal-location-constraint':
azureLocationMismatch }, azureLocationMismatch },
}, (err, res) => { }, (err, res) => {
if (err) { if (err) {
return next(err); return next(err);
} }
this.currentTest.uploadId = res.UploadId; testContext.currentTest.uploadId = res.UploadId;
return next(); return next();
}), }),
], done); ], done);
}); });
afterEach(function afterEachFn(done) { afterEach(done => {
async.waterfall([ async.waterfall([
next => s3.abortMultipartUpload({ next => s3.abortMultipartUpload({
Bucket: azureContainerName, Bucket: azureContainerName,
Key: this.currentTest.key, Key: testContext.currentTest.key,
UploadId: this.currentTest.uploadId, UploadId: testContext.currentTest.uploadId,
}, err => next(err)), }, err => next(err)),
next => s3.deleteBucket({ Bucket: azureContainerName }, next => s3.deleteBucket({ Bucket: azureContainerName },
err => next(err)), err => next(err)),
], err => { ], err => {
assert.equal(err, null, `Error aborting MPU: ${err}`); expect(err).toEqual(null);
done(); done();
}); });
}); });
it('should put block to AZURE location with bucketMatch' + test('should put block to AZURE location with bucketMatch' +
' sets to false', function itFn(done) { ' sets to false', done => {
const body20 = Buffer.alloc(20); const body20 = Buffer.alloc(20);
const params = { const params = {
Bucket: azureContainerName, Bucket: azureContainerName,
Key: this.test.key, Key: testContext.test.key,
UploadId: this.test.uploadId, UploadId: testContext.test.uploadId,
PartNumber: 1, PartNumber: 1,
Body: body20, Body: body20,
}; };
@ -371,12 +389,12 @@ describeF() {
next => s3.uploadPart(params, (err, res) => { next => s3.uploadPart(params, (err, res) => {
const eTagExpected = const eTagExpected =
'"441018525208457705bf09a8ee3c1093"'; '"441018525208457705bf09a8ee3c1093"';
assert.strictEqual(res.ETag, eTagExpected); expect(res.ETag).toBe(eTagExpected);
return next(err); return next(err);
}), }),
next => checkSubPart( next => checkSubPart(
`${azureContainerName}/${this.test.key}`, `${azureContainerName}/${testContext.test.key}`,
this.test.uploadId, parts, next), testContext.test.uploadId, parts, next),
], done); ], done);
}); });
}); });

View File

@ -27,11 +27,10 @@ function checkMPUResult(bucket, key, uploadId, objCount, expected, cb) {
gcpClient.listParts(params, (err, res) => { gcpClient.listParts(params, (err, res) => {
assert.ifError(err, assert.ifError(err,
`Expected success, but got err ${err}`); `Expected success, but got err ${err}`);
assert((res && res.Contents && expect(res && res.Contents &&
res.Contents.length === objCount)); res.Contents.length === objCount).toBeTruthy();
res.Contents.forEach(part => { res.Contents.forEach(part => {
assert.strictEqual( expect(part.ETag).toBe(`"${expected}"`);
part.ETag, `"${expected}"`);
}); });
cb(); cb();
}); });
@ -41,63 +40,69 @@ describeSkipIfNotMultipleOrCeph('MultipleBacked put part to GCP', function
describeFn() { describeFn() {
this.timeout(180000); this.timeout(180000);
withV4(sigCfg => { withV4(sigCfg => {
beforeEach(function beforeFn() { beforeEach(() => {
this.currentTest.key = uniqName(keyObject); this.currentTest.key = uniqName(keyObject);
bucketUtil = new BucketUtility('default', sigCfg); bucketUtil = new BucketUtility('default', sigCfg);
s3 = bucketUtil.s3; s3 = bucketUtil.s3;
}); });
describe('with bucket location header', () => { describe('with bucket location header', () => {
beforeEach(function beforeEachFn(done) { let testContext;
beforeEach(() => {
testContext = {};
beforeEach(done => {
async.waterfall([ async.waterfall([
next => s3.createBucket({ Bucket: bucket, next => s3.createBucket({ Bucket: bucket,
}, err => next(err)), }, err => next(err)),
next => s3.createMultipartUpload({ next => s3.createMultipartUpload({
Bucket: bucket, Bucket: bucket,
Key: this.currentTest.key, Key: testContext.currentTest.key,
Metadata: { 'scal-location-constraint': gcpLocation }, Metadata: { 'scal-location-constraint': gcpLocation },
}, (err, res) => { }, (err, res) => {
if (err) { if (err) {
return next(err); return next(err);
} }
this.currentTest.uploadId = res.UploadId; testContext.currentTest.uploadId = res.UploadId;
return next(); return next();
}), }),
], done); ], done);
}); });
afterEach(function afterEachFn(done) { afterEach(done => {
async.waterfall([ async.waterfall([
next => s3.abortMultipartUpload({ next => s3.abortMultipartUpload({
Bucket: bucket, Bucket: bucket,
Key: this.currentTest.key, Key: testContext.currentTest.key,
UploadId: this.currentTest.uploadId, UploadId: testContext.currentTest.uploadId,
}, err => next(err)), }, err => next(err)),
next => s3.deleteBucket({ Bucket: bucket }, next => s3.deleteBucket({ Bucket: bucket },
err => next(err)), err => next(err)),
], err => { ], err => {
assert.equal(err, null, `Error aborting MPU: ${err}`); expect(err).toEqual(null);
done(); done();
}); });
}); });
it('should put 0-byte part to GCP', function itFn(done) { test('should put 0-byte part to GCP', done => {
const params = { const params = {
Bucket: bucket, Bucket: bucket,
Key: this.test.key, Key: testContext.test.key,
UploadId: this.test.uploadId, UploadId: testContext.test.uploadId,
PartNumber: 1, PartNumber: 1,
}; };
async.waterfall([ async.waterfall([
next => s3.uploadPart(params, (err, res) => { next => s3.uploadPart(params, (err, res) => {
assert.ifError(err, assert.ifError(err,
`Expected success, but got err ${err}`); `Expected success, but got err ${err}`);
assert.strictEqual(res.ETag, `"${emptyMD5}"`); expect(res.ETag).toBe(`"${emptyMD5}"`);
next(); next();
}), }),
next => { next => {
const mpuKey = const mpuKey =
createMpuKey(this.test.key, this.test.uploadId, 1); createMpuKey(testContext.test.key, testContext.test.uploadId, 1);
const getParams = { const getParams = {
Bucket: gcpBucketMPU, Bucket: gcpBucketMPU,
Key: mpuKey, Key: mpuKey,
@ -105,40 +110,39 @@ describeFn() {
gcpClient.getObject(getParams, (err, res) => { gcpClient.getObject(getParams, (err, res) => {
assert.ifError(err, assert.ifError(err,
`Expected success, but got err ${err}`); `Expected success, but got err ${err}`);
assert.strictEqual(res.ETag, `"${emptyMD5}"`); expect(res.ETag).toBe(`"${emptyMD5}"`);
next(); next();
}); });
}, },
], done); ], done);
}); });
it('should put 2 parts to GCP', function ifFn(done) { test('should put 2 parts to GCP', done => {
async.waterfall([ async.waterfall([
next => { next => {
async.times(2, (n, cb) => { async.times(2, (n, cb) => {
const params = { const params = {
Bucket: bucket, Bucket: bucket,
Key: this.test.key, Key: testContext.test.key,
UploadId: this.test.uploadId, UploadId: testContext.test.uploadId,
Body: body, Body: body,
PartNumber: n + 1, PartNumber: n + 1,
}; };
s3.uploadPart(params, (err, res) => { s3.uploadPart(params, (err, res) => {
assert.ifError(err, assert.ifError(err,
`Expected success, but got err ${err}`); `Expected success, but got err ${err}`);
assert.strictEqual( expect(res.ETag).toBe(`"${correctMD5}"`);
res.ETag, `"${correctMD5}"`);
cb(); cb();
}); });
}, () => next()); }, () => next());
}, },
next => checkMPUResult( next => checkMPUResult(
gcpBucketMPU, this.test.key, this.test.uploadId, gcpBucketMPU, testContext.test.key, testContext.test.uploadId,
2, correctMD5, next), 2, correctMD5, next),
], done); ], done);
}); });
it('should put the same part twice', function ifFn(done) { test('should put the same part twice', done => {
async.waterfall([ async.waterfall([
next => { next => {
const partBody = ['', body]; const partBody = ['', body];
@ -146,74 +150,78 @@ describeFn() {
async.timesSeries(2, (n, cb) => { async.timesSeries(2, (n, cb) => {
const params = { const params = {
Bucket: bucket, Bucket: bucket,
Key: this.test.key, Key: testContext.test.key,
UploadId: this.test.uploadId, UploadId: testContext.test.uploadId,
Body: partBody[n], Body: partBody[n],
PartNumber: 1, PartNumber: 1,
}; };
s3.uploadPart(params, (err, res) => { s3.uploadPart(params, (err, res) => {
assert.ifError(err, assert.ifError(err,
`Expected success, but got err ${err}`); `Expected success, but got err ${err}`);
assert.strictEqual( expect(res.ETag).toBe(`"${partMD5[n]}"`);
res.ETag, `"${partMD5[n]}"`);
cb(); cb();
}); });
}, () => next()); }, () => next());
}, },
next => checkMPUResult( next => checkMPUResult(
gcpBucketMPU, this.test.key, this.test.uploadId, gcpBucketMPU, testContext.test.key, testContext.test.uploadId,
1, correctMD5, next), 1, correctMD5, next),
], done); ], done);
}); });
}); });
describe('with same key as preexisting part', () => { describe('with same key as preexisting part', () => {
beforeEach(function beforeEachFn(done) { let testContext;
beforeEach(() => {
testContext = {};
beforeEach(done => {
async.waterfall([ async.waterfall([
next => s3.createBucket({ Bucket: bucket }, next => s3.createBucket({ Bucket: bucket },
err => next(err)), err => next(err)),
next => { next => {
s3.putObject({ s3.putObject({
Bucket: bucket, Bucket: bucket,
Key: this.currentTest.key, Key: testContext.currentTest.key,
Metadata: { Metadata: {
'scal-location-constraint': gcpLocation }, 'scal-location-constraint': gcpLocation },
Body: body, Body: body,
}, err => { }, err => {
assert.equal(err, null, 'Err putting object to ' + expect(err).toEqual(null);
`GCP: ${err}`);
return next(); return next();
}); });
}, },
next => s3.createMultipartUpload({ next => s3.createMultipartUpload({
Bucket: bucket, Bucket: bucket,
Key: this.currentTest.key, Key: testContext.currentTest.key,
Metadata: { 'scal-location-constraint': gcpLocation }, Metadata: { 'scal-location-constraint': gcpLocation },
}, (err, res) => { }, (err, res) => {
if (err) { if (err) {
return next(err); return next(err);
} }
this.currentTest.uploadId = res.UploadId; testContext.currentTest.uploadId = res.UploadId;
return next(); return next();
}), }),
], done); ], done);
}); });
afterEach(function afterEachFn(done) { afterEach(done => {
async.waterfall([ async.waterfall([
next => { next => {
process.stdout.write('Aborting multipart upload\n'); process.stdout.write('Aborting multipart upload\n');
s3.abortMultipartUpload({ s3.abortMultipartUpload({
Bucket: bucket, Bucket: bucket,
Key: this.currentTest.key, Key: testContext.currentTest.key,
UploadId: this.currentTest.uploadId }, UploadId: testContext.currentTest.uploadId },
err => next(err)); err => next(err));
}, },
next => { next => {
process.stdout.write('Deleting object\n'); process.stdout.write('Deleting object\n');
s3.deleteObject({ s3.deleteObject({
Bucket: bucket, Bucket: bucket,
Key: this.currentTest.key }, Key: testContext.currentTest.key },
err => next(err)); err => next(err));
}, },
next => { next => {
@ -223,34 +231,35 @@ describeFn() {
err => next(err)); err => next(err));
}, },
], err => { ], err => {
assert.equal(err, null, `Err in afterEach: ${err}`); expect(err).toEqual(null);
done(); done();
}); });
}); });
it('should put a part without overwriting existing object', test(
function itFn(done) { 'should put a part without overwriting existing object',
done => {
const body = Buffer.alloc(20); const body = Buffer.alloc(20);
s3.uploadPart({ s3.uploadPart({
Bucket: bucket, Bucket: bucket,
Key: this.test.key, Key: testContext.test.key,
UploadId: this.test.uploadId, UploadId: testContext.test.uploadId,
PartNumber: 1, PartNumber: 1,
Body: body, Body: body,
}, err => { }, err => {
assert.strictEqual(err, null, 'Err putting part to ' + expect(err).toBe(null);
`GCP: ${err}`);
gcpClient.getObject({ gcpClient.getObject({
Bucket: gcpBucket, Bucket: gcpBucket,
Key: this.test.key, Key: testContext.test.key,
}, (err, res) => { }, (err, res) => {
assert.ifError(err, assert.ifError(err,
`Expected success, but got err ${err}`); `Expected success, but got err ${err}`);
assert.strictEqual(res.ETag, `"${correctMD5}"`); expect(res.ETag).toBe(`"${correctMD5}"`);
done(); done();
}); });
}); });
}); }
}); });
}); });
}); });
@ -260,53 +269,59 @@ describeSkipIfNotMultipleOrCeph('MultipleBackend put part to GCP location ' +
describeF() { describeF() {
this.timeout(80000); this.timeout(80000);
withV4(sigCfg => { withV4(sigCfg => {
beforeEach(function beforeFn() { beforeEach(() => {
this.currentTest.key = uniqName(keyObject); this.currentTest.key = uniqName(keyObject);
bucketUtil = new BucketUtility('default', sigCfg); bucketUtil = new BucketUtility('default', sigCfg);
s3 = bucketUtil.s3; s3 = bucketUtil.s3;
}); });
describe('with bucket location header', () => { describe('with bucket location header', () => {
beforeEach(function beforeEachFn(done) { let testContext;
beforeEach(() => {
testContext = {};
beforeEach(done => {
async.waterfall([ async.waterfall([
next => s3.createBucket({ Bucket: bucket, next => s3.createBucket({ Bucket: bucket,
}, err => next(err)), }, err => next(err)),
next => s3.createMultipartUpload({ next => s3.createMultipartUpload({
Bucket: bucket, Bucket: bucket,
Key: this.currentTest.key, Key: testContext.currentTest.key,
Metadata: { 'scal-location-constraint': Metadata: { 'scal-location-constraint':
gcpLocationMismatch }, gcpLocationMismatch },
}, (err, res) => { }, (err, res) => {
if (err) { if (err) {
return next(err); return next(err);
} }
this.currentTest.uploadId = res.UploadId; testContext.currentTest.uploadId = res.UploadId;
return next(); return next();
}), }),
], done); ], done);
}); });
afterEach(function afterEachFn(done) { afterEach(done => {
async.waterfall([ async.waterfall([
next => s3.abortMultipartUpload({ next => s3.abortMultipartUpload({
Bucket: bucket, Bucket: bucket,
Key: this.currentTest.key, Key: testContext.currentTest.key,
UploadId: this.currentTest.uploadId, UploadId: testContext.currentTest.uploadId,
}, err => next(err)), }, err => next(err)),
next => s3.deleteBucket({ Bucket: bucket }, next => s3.deleteBucket({ Bucket: bucket },
err => next(err)), err => next(err)),
], err => { ], err => {
assert.equal(err, null, `Error aborting MPU: ${err}`); expect(err).toEqual(null);
done(); done();
}); });
}); });
it('should put part to GCP location with bucketMatch' + test('should put part to GCP location with bucketMatch' +
' sets to false', function itFn(done) { ' sets to false', done => {
const body20 = Buffer.alloc(20); const body20 = Buffer.alloc(20);
const params = { const params = {
Bucket: bucket, Bucket: bucket,
Key: this.test.key, Key: testContext.test.key,
UploadId: this.test.uploadId, UploadId: testContext.test.uploadId,
PartNumber: 1, PartNumber: 1,
Body: body20, Body: body20,
}; };
@ -314,12 +329,12 @@ describeF() {
'"441018525208457705bf09a8ee3c1093"'; '"441018525208457705bf09a8ee3c1093"';
async.waterfall([ async.waterfall([
next => s3.uploadPart(params, (err, res) => { next => s3.uploadPart(params, (err, res) => {
assert.strictEqual(res.ETag, eTagExpected); expect(res.ETag).toBe(eTagExpected);
next(err); next(err);
}), }),
next => { next => {
const key = const key =
createMpuKey(this.test.key, this.test.uploadId, 1); createMpuKey(testContext.test.key, testContext.test.uploadId, 1);
const mpuKey = `${bucket}/${key}`; const mpuKey = `${bucket}/${key}`;
const getParams = { const getParams = {
Bucket: gcpBucketMPU, Bucket: gcpBucketMPU,
@ -328,7 +343,7 @@ describeF() {
gcpClient.getObject(getParams, (err, res) => { gcpClient.getObject(getParams, (err, res) => {
assert.ifError(err, assert.ifError(err,
`Expected success, but got err ${err}`); `Expected success, but got err ${err}`);
assert.strictEqual(res.ETag, eTagExpected); expect(res.ETag).toBe(eTagExpected);
next(); next();
}); });
}, },

View File

@ -51,13 +51,13 @@ function putSourceObj(key, location, objSize, bucket, cb) {
sourceParams.Body = body; sourceParams.Body = body;
} }
s3.putObject(sourceParams, (err, result) => { s3.putObject(sourceParams, (err, result) => {
assert.equal(err, null, `Error putting source object: ${err}`); expect(err).toEqual(null);
if (objSize && objSize.empty) { if (objSize && objSize.empty) {
assert.strictEqual(result.ETag, `"${emptyMD5}"`); expect(result.ETag).toBe(`"${emptyMD5}"`);
} else if (objSize && objSize.big) { } else if (objSize && objSize.big) {
assert.strictEqual(result.ETag, `"${bigMD5}"`); expect(result.ETag).toBe(`"${bigMD5}"`);
} else { } else {
assert.strictEqual(result.ETag, `"${normalMD5}"`); expect(result.ETag).toBe(`"${normalMD5}"`);
} }
cb(); cb();
}); });
@ -72,42 +72,40 @@ destBucket, destLoc, azureKey, mdDirective, objSize, callback) {
cb => s3.getObject(destGetParams, cb), cb => s3.getObject(destGetParams, cb),
cb => azureClient.getBlobProperties(azureContainerName, azureKey, cb), cb => azureClient.getBlobProperties(azureContainerName, azureKey, cb),
], (err, results) => { ], (err, results) => {
assert.equal(err, null, `Error in assertGetObjects: ${err}`); expect(err).toEqual(null);
const [sourceRes, destRes, azureRes] = results; const [sourceRes, destRes, azureRes] = results;
const convertedMD5 = convertMD5(azureRes[0].contentSettings.contentMD5); const convertedMD5 = convertMD5(azureRes[0].contentSettings.contentMD5);
if (objSize && objSize.empty) { if (objSize && objSize.empty) {
assert.strictEqual(sourceRes.ETag, `"${emptyMD5}"`); expect(sourceRes.ETag).toBe(`"${emptyMD5}"`);
assert.strictEqual(destRes.ETag, `"${emptyMD5}"`); expect(destRes.ETag).toBe(`"${emptyMD5}"`);
assert.strictEqual(convertedMD5, `${emptyMD5}`); expect(convertedMD5).toBe(`${emptyMD5}`);
assert.strictEqual('0', azureRes[0].contentLength); expect('0').toBe(azureRes[0].contentLength);
} else if (objSize && objSize.big) { } else if (objSize && objSize.big) {
assert.strictEqual(sourceRes.ETag, `"${bigMD5}"`); expect(sourceRes.ETag).toBe(`"${bigMD5}"`);
assert.strictEqual(destRes.ETag, `"${bigMD5}"`); expect(destRes.ETag).toBe(`"${bigMD5}"`);
if (process.env.ENABLE_KMS_ENCRYPTION === 'true') { if (process.env.ENABLE_KMS_ENCRYPTION === 'true') {
assert.strictEqual(sourceRes.ServerSideEncryption, 'AES256'); expect(sourceRes.ServerSideEncryption).toBe('AES256');
assert.strictEqual(destRes.ServerSideEncryption, 'AES256'); expect(destRes.ServerSideEncryption).toBe('AES256');
} else { } else {
assert.strictEqual(convertedMD5, `${bigMD5}`); expect(convertedMD5).toBe(`${bigMD5}`);
} }
} else { } else {
if (process.env.ENABLE_KMS_ENCRYPTION === 'true') { if (process.env.ENABLE_KMS_ENCRYPTION === 'true') {
assert.strictEqual(sourceRes.ServerSideEncryption, 'AES256'); expect(sourceRes.ServerSideEncryption).toBe('AES256');
assert.strictEqual(destRes.ServerSideEncryption, 'AES256'); expect(destRes.ServerSideEncryption).toBe('AES256');
} else { } else {
assert.strictEqual(sourceRes.ETag, `"${normalMD5}"`); expect(sourceRes.ETag).toBe(`"${normalMD5}"`);
assert.strictEqual(destRes.ETag, `"${normalMD5}"`); expect(destRes.ETag).toBe(`"${normalMD5}"`);
assert.strictEqual(convertedMD5, `${normalMD5}`); expect(convertedMD5).toBe(`${normalMD5}`);
} }
} }
if (mdDirective === 'COPY') { if (mdDirective === 'COPY') {
assert.strictEqual(sourceRes.Metadata['test-header'], expect(sourceRes.Metadata['test-header']).toBe(destRes.Metadata['test-header']);
destRes.Metadata['test-header']); expect(azureRes[0].metadata.test_header).toBe(destRes.Metadata['test-header']);
} }
assert.strictEqual(sourceRes.ContentLength, destRes.ContentLength); expect(sourceRes.ContentLength).toBe(destRes.ContentLength);
assert.strictEqual(sourceRes.Metadata[locMetaHeader], sourceLoc); expect(sourceRes.Metadata[locMetaHeader]).toBe(sourceLoc);
assert.strictEqual(destRes.Metadata[locMetaHeader], destLoc); expect(destRes.Metadata[locMetaHeader]).toBe(destLoc);
callback(); callback();
}); });
} }
@ -116,7 +114,7 @@ describeSkipIfNotMultipleOrCeph('MultipleBackend object copy: Azure',
function testSuite() { function testSuite() {
this.timeout(250000); this.timeout(250000);
withV4(sigCfg => { withV4(sigCfg => {
beforeEach(function beFn() { beforeEach(() => {
this.currentTest.key = `azureputkey-${genUniqID()}`; this.currentTest.key = `azureputkey-${genUniqID()}`;
this.currentTest.copyKey = `azurecopyKey-${genUniqID()}`; this.currentTest.copyKey = `azurecopyKey-${genUniqID()}`;
bucketUtil = new BucketUtility('default', sigCfg); bucketUtil = new BucketUtility('default', sigCfg);
@ -159,7 +157,7 @@ function testSuite() {
}); });
}); });
it('should copy an object from mem to Azure', function itFn(done) { test('should copy an object from mem to Azure', done => {
putSourceObj(this.test.key, memLocation, null, bucket, () => { putSourceObj(this.test.key, memLocation, null, bucket, () => {
const copyParams = { const copyParams = {
Bucket: bucket, Bucket: bucket,
@ -169,10 +167,8 @@ function testSuite() {
Metadata: { 'scal-location-constraint': azureLocation }, Metadata: { 'scal-location-constraint': azureLocation },
}; };
s3.copyObject(copyParams, (err, result) => { s3.copyObject(copyParams, (err, result) => {
assert.equal(err, null, 'Expected success but got ' + expect(err).toEqual(null);
`error: ${err}`); expect(result.CopyObjectResult.ETag).toBe(`"${normalMD5}"`);
assertGetObjects(this.test.key, bucket, memLocation, assertGetObjects(this.test.key, bucket, memLocation,
this.test.copyKey, bucket, azureLocation, this.test.copyKey, bucket, azureLocation,
this.test.copyKey, 'REPLACE', null, done); this.test.copyKey, 'REPLACE', null, done);
@ -180,8 +176,9 @@ function testSuite() {
}); });
}); });
it('should copy an object with no location contraint from mem to Azure', test(
function itFn(done) { 'should copy an object with no location contraint from mem to Azure',
done => {
putSourceObj(this.test.key, null, null, bucket, () => { putSourceObj(this.test.key, null, null, bucket, () => {
const copyParams = { const copyParams = {
Bucket: bucketAzure, Bucket: bucketAzure,
@ -190,18 +187,17 @@ function testSuite() {
MetadataDirective: 'COPY', MetadataDirective: 'COPY',
}; };
s3.copyObject(copyParams, (err, result) => { s3.copyObject(copyParams, (err, result) => {
assert.equal(err, null, 'Expected success but got ' + expect(err).toEqual(null);
`error: ${err}`); expect(result.CopyObjectResult.ETag).toBe(`"${normalMD5}"`);
assertGetObjects(this.test.key, bucket, undefined, assertGetObjects(this.test.key, bucket, undefined,
this.test.copyKey, bucketAzure, undefined, this.test.copyKey, bucketAzure, undefined,
this.test.copyKey, 'COPY', null, done); this.test.copyKey, 'COPY', null, done);
}); });
}); });
}); }
it('should copy an object from Azure to mem', function itFn(done) { test('should copy an object from Azure to mem', done => {
putSourceObj(this.test.key, azureLocation, null, bucket, () => { putSourceObj(this.test.key, azureLocation, null, bucket, () => {
const copyParams = { const copyParams = {
Bucket: bucket, Bucket: bucket,
@ -211,10 +207,8 @@ function testSuite() {
Metadata: { 'scal-location-constraint': memLocation }, Metadata: { 'scal-location-constraint': memLocation },
}; };
s3.copyObject(copyParams, (err, result) => { s3.copyObject(copyParams, (err, result) => {
assert.equal(err, null, 'Expected success but got ' + expect(err).toEqual(null);
`error: ${err}`); expect(result.CopyObjectResult.ETag).toBe(`"${normalMD5}"`);
assertGetObjects(this.test.key, bucket, azureLocation, assertGetObjects(this.test.key, bucket, azureLocation,
this.test.copyKey, bucket, memLocation, this.test.key, this.test.copyKey, bucket, memLocation, this.test.key,
'REPLACE', null, done); 'REPLACE', null, done);
@ -222,7 +216,7 @@ function testSuite() {
}); });
}); });
it('should copy an object from AWS to Azure', function itFn(done) { test('should copy an object from AWS to Azure', done => {
putSourceObj(this.test.key, awsLocation, null, bucket, () => { putSourceObj(this.test.key, awsLocation, null, bucket, () => {
const copyParams = { const copyParams = {
Bucket: bucket, Bucket: bucket,
@ -232,10 +226,8 @@ function testSuite() {
Metadata: { 'scal-location-constraint': azureLocation }, Metadata: { 'scal-location-constraint': azureLocation },
}; };
s3.copyObject(copyParams, (err, result) => { s3.copyObject(copyParams, (err, result) => {
assert.equal(err, null, 'Expected success but got ' + expect(err).toEqual(null);
`error: ${err}`); expect(result.CopyObjectResult.ETag).toBe(`"${normalMD5}"`);
assertGetObjects(this.test.key, bucket, awsLocation, assertGetObjects(this.test.key, bucket, awsLocation,
this.test.copyKey, bucket, azureLocation, this.test.copyKey, bucket, azureLocation,
this.test.copyKey, 'REPLACE', null, done); this.test.copyKey, 'REPLACE', null, done);
@ -243,7 +235,7 @@ function testSuite() {
}); });
}); });
it('should copy an object from Azure to AWS', function itFn(done) { test('should copy an object from Azure to AWS', done => {
putSourceObj(this.test.key, azureLocation, null, bucket, () => { putSourceObj(this.test.key, azureLocation, null, bucket, () => {
const copyParams = { const copyParams = {
Bucket: bucket, Bucket: bucket,
@ -253,10 +245,8 @@ function testSuite() {
Metadata: { 'scal-location-constraint': awsLocation }, Metadata: { 'scal-location-constraint': awsLocation },
}; };
s3.copyObject(copyParams, (err, result) => { s3.copyObject(copyParams, (err, result) => {
assert.equal(err, null, 'Expected success but got ' + expect(err).toEqual(null);
`error: ${err}`); expect(result.CopyObjectResult.ETag).toBe(`"${normalMD5}"`);
assertGetObjects(this.test.key, bucket, azureLocation, assertGetObjects(this.test.key, bucket, azureLocation,
this.test.copyKey, bucket, awsLocation, this.test.key, this.test.copyKey, bucket, awsLocation, this.test.key,
'REPLACE', null, done); 'REPLACE', null, done);
@ -264,8 +254,8 @@ function testSuite() {
}); });
}); });
it('should copy an object from Azure to mem with "REPLACE" directive ' + test('should copy an object from Azure to mem with "REPLACE" directive ' +
'and no location constraint md', function itFn(done) { 'and no location constraint md', done => {
putSourceObj(this.test.key, azureLocation, null, bucket, () => { putSourceObj(this.test.key, azureLocation, null, bucket, () => {
const copyParams = { const copyParams = {
Bucket: bucket, Bucket: bucket,
@ -274,10 +264,8 @@ function testSuite() {
MetadataDirective: 'REPLACE', MetadataDirective: 'REPLACE',
}; };
s3.copyObject(copyParams, (err, result) => { s3.copyObject(copyParams, (err, result) => {
assert.equal(err, null, 'Expected success but got ' + expect(err).toEqual(null);
`error: ${err}`); expect(result.CopyObjectResult.ETag).toBe(`"${normalMD5}"`);
assertGetObjects(this.test.key, bucket, azureLocation, assertGetObjects(this.test.key, bucket, azureLocation,
this.test.copyKey, bucket, undefined, this.test.key, this.test.copyKey, bucket, undefined, this.test.key,
'REPLACE', null, done); 'REPLACE', null, done);
@ -285,8 +273,8 @@ function testSuite() {
}); });
}); });
it('should copy an object from mem to Azure with "REPLACE" directive ' + test('should copy an object from mem to Azure with "REPLACE" directive ' +
'and no location constraint md', function itFn(done) { 'and no location constraint md', done => {
putSourceObj(this.test.key, null, null, bucket, () => { putSourceObj(this.test.key, null, null, bucket, () => {
const copyParams = { const copyParams = {
Bucket: bucketAzure, Bucket: bucketAzure,
@ -295,10 +283,8 @@ function testSuite() {
MetadataDirective: 'REPLACE', MetadataDirective: 'REPLACE',
}; };
s3.copyObject(copyParams, (err, result) => { s3.copyObject(copyParams, (err, result) => {
assert.equal(err, null, 'Expected success but got ' + expect(err).toEqual(null);
`error: ${err}`); expect(result.CopyObjectResult.ETag).toBe(`"${normalMD5}"`);
assertGetObjects(this.test.key, bucket, undefined, assertGetObjects(this.test.key, bucket, undefined,
this.test.copyKey, bucketAzure, undefined, this.test.copyKey, bucketAzure, undefined,
this.test.copyKey, 'REPLACE', null, done); this.test.copyKey, 'REPLACE', null, done);
@ -306,9 +292,8 @@ function testSuite() {
}); });
}); });
it('should copy an object from Azure to Azure showing sending ' + test('should copy an object from Azure to Azure showing sending ' +
'metadata location constraint this doesn\'t matter with COPY directive', 'metadata location constraint this doesn\'t matter with COPY directive', done => {
function itFn(done) {
putSourceObj(this.test.key, azureLocation, null, bucketAzure, putSourceObj(this.test.key, azureLocation, null, bucketAzure,
() => { () => {
const copyParams = { const copyParams = {
@ -319,10 +304,8 @@ function testSuite() {
Metadata: { 'scal-location-constraint': memLocation }, Metadata: { 'scal-location-constraint': memLocation },
}; };
s3.copyObject(copyParams, (err, result) => { s3.copyObject(copyParams, (err, result) => {
assert.equal(err, null, 'Expected success but got ' + expect(err).toEqual(null);
`error: ${err}`); expect(result.CopyObjectResult.ETag).toBe(`"${normalMD5}"`);
assertGetObjects(this.test.key, bucketAzure, azureLocation, assertGetObjects(this.test.key, bucketAzure, azureLocation,
this.test.copyKey, bucketAzure, azureLocation, this.test.copyKey, bucketAzure, azureLocation,
this.test.copyKey, 'COPY', null, done); this.test.copyKey, 'COPY', null, done);
@ -330,9 +313,8 @@ function testSuite() {
}); });
}); });
it('should copy an object with no location constraint from Azure to ' + test('should copy an object with no location constraint from Azure to ' +
'Azure relying on the bucket location constraint', 'Azure relying on the bucket location constraint', done => {
function itFn(done) {
putSourceObj(this.test.key, null, null, bucketAzure, putSourceObj(this.test.key, null, null, bucketAzure,
() => { () => {
const copyParams = { const copyParams = {
@ -342,10 +324,8 @@ function testSuite() {
MetadataDirective: 'COPY', MetadataDirective: 'COPY',
}; };
s3.copyObject(copyParams, (err, result) => { s3.copyObject(copyParams, (err, result) => {
assert.equal(err, null, 'Expected success but got ' + expect(err).toEqual(null);
`error: ${err}`); expect(result.CopyObjectResult.ETag).toBe(`"${normalMD5}"`);
assertGetObjects(this.test.key, bucketAzure, undefined, assertGetObjects(this.test.key, bucketAzure, undefined,
this.test.copyKey, bucketAzure, undefined, this.test.copyKey, bucketAzure, undefined,
this.test.copyKey, 'COPY', null, done); this.test.copyKey, 'COPY', null, done);
@ -353,8 +333,8 @@ function testSuite() {
}); });
}); });
it('should copy an object from Azure to mem because bucket ' + test('should copy an object from Azure to mem because bucket ' +
'destination location is mem', function itFn(done) { 'destination location is mem', done => {
putSourceObj(this.test.key, azureLocation, null, bucket, () => { putSourceObj(this.test.key, azureLocation, null, bucket, () => {
const copyParams = { const copyParams = {
Bucket: bucket, Bucket: bucket,
@ -363,10 +343,8 @@ function testSuite() {
MetadataDirective: 'COPY', MetadataDirective: 'COPY',
}; };
s3.copyObject(copyParams, (err, result) => { s3.copyObject(copyParams, (err, result) => {
assert.equal(err, null, 'Expected success but got ' + expect(err).toEqual(null);
`error: ${err}`); expect(result.CopyObjectResult.ETag).toBe(`"${normalMD5}"`);
assertGetObjects(this.test.key, bucket, azureLocation, assertGetObjects(this.test.key, bucket, azureLocation,
this.test.copyKey, bucket, memLocation, this.test.copyKey, bucket, memLocation,
this.test.key, 'COPY', null, done); this.test.key, 'COPY', null, done);
@ -374,9 +352,8 @@ function testSuite() {
}); });
}); });
it('should copy an object on Azure to a different Azure ' + test('should copy an object on Azure to a different Azure ' +
'account without source object READ access', 'account without source object READ access', done => {
function itFn(done) {
putSourceObj(this.test.key, azureLocation2, null, bucket, () => { putSourceObj(this.test.key, azureLocation2, null, bucket, () => {
const copyParams = { const copyParams = {
Bucket: bucket, Bucket: bucket,
@ -386,10 +363,8 @@ function testSuite() {
Metadata: { 'scal-location-constraint': azureLocation }, Metadata: { 'scal-location-constraint': azureLocation },
}; };
s3.copyObject(copyParams, (err, result) => { s3.copyObject(copyParams, (err, result) => {
assert.equal(err, null, 'Expected success but got ' + expect(err).toEqual(null);
`error: ${err}`); expect(result.CopyObjectResult.ETag).toBe(`"${normalMD5}"`);
assertGetObjects(this.test.key, bucket, azureLocation2, assertGetObjects(this.test.key, bucket, azureLocation2,
this.test.copyKey, bucket, azureLocation, this.test.copyKey, bucket, azureLocation,
this.test.copyKey, 'REPLACE', null, done); this.test.copyKey, 'REPLACE', null, done);
@ -397,9 +372,8 @@ function testSuite() {
}); });
}); });
it('should copy a 5MB object on Azure to a different Azure ' + test('should copy a 5MB object on Azure to a different Azure ' +
'account without source object READ access', 'account without source object READ access', done => {
function itFn(done) {
putSourceObj(this.test.key, azureLocation2, { big: true }, bucket, putSourceObj(this.test.key, azureLocation2, { big: true }, bucket,
() => { () => {
const copyParams = { const copyParams = {
@ -410,10 +384,8 @@ function testSuite() {
Metadata: { 'scal-location-constraint': azureLocation }, Metadata: { 'scal-location-constraint': azureLocation },
}; };
s3.copyObject(copyParams, (err, result) => { s3.copyObject(copyParams, (err, result) => {
assert.equal(err, null, 'Expected success but got ' + expect(err).toEqual(null);
`error: ${err}`); expect(result.CopyObjectResult.ETag).toBe(`"${bigMD5}"`);
assertGetObjects(this.test.key, bucket, azureLocation2, assertGetObjects(this.test.key, bucket, azureLocation2,
this.test.copyKey, bucket, azureLocation, this.test.copyKey, bucket, azureLocation,
this.test.copyKey, 'REPLACE', { big: true }, done); this.test.copyKey, 'REPLACE', { big: true }, done);
@ -421,9 +393,8 @@ function testSuite() {
}); });
}); });
it('should copy an object from bucketmatch=false ' + test('should copy an object from bucketmatch=false ' +
'Azure location to MPU with a bucketmatch=false Azure location', 'Azure location to MPU with a bucketmatch=false Azure location', done => {
function itFn(done) {
putSourceObj(this.test.key, azureLocationMismatch, null, bucket, putSourceObj(this.test.key, azureLocationMismatch, null, bucket,
() => { () => {
const copyParams = { const copyParams = {
@ -435,10 +406,8 @@ function testSuite() {
azureLocationMismatch }, azureLocationMismatch },
}; };
s3.copyObject(copyParams, (err, result) => { s3.copyObject(copyParams, (err, result) => {
assert.equal(err, null, 'Expected success but got ' + expect(err).toEqual(null);
`error: ${err}`); expect(result.CopyObjectResult.ETag).toBe(`"${normalMD5}"`);
assertGetObjects(this.test.key, bucket, assertGetObjects(this.test.key, bucket,
azureLocationMismatch, azureLocationMismatch,
this.test.copyKey, bucket, azureLocationMismatch, this.test.copyKey, bucket, azureLocationMismatch,
@ -448,9 +417,8 @@ function testSuite() {
}); });
}); });
it('should copy an object from bucketmatch=false ' + test('should copy an object from bucketmatch=false ' +
'Azure location to MPU with a bucketmatch=true Azure location', 'Azure location to MPU with a bucketmatch=true Azure location', done => {
function itFn(done) {
putSourceObj(this.test.key, azureLocationMismatch, null, bucket, putSourceObj(this.test.key, azureLocationMismatch, null, bucket,
() => { () => {
const copyParams = { const copyParams = {
@ -461,10 +429,8 @@ function testSuite() {
Metadata: { 'scal-location-constraint': azureLocation }, Metadata: { 'scal-location-constraint': azureLocation },
}; };
s3.copyObject(copyParams, (err, result) => { s3.copyObject(copyParams, (err, result) => {
assert.equal(err, null, 'Expected success but got ' + expect(err).toEqual(null);
`error: ${err}`); expect(result.CopyObjectResult.ETag).toBe(`"${normalMD5}"`);
assertGetObjects(this.test.key, bucket, assertGetObjects(this.test.key, bucket,
azureLocationMismatch, azureLocationMismatch,
this.test.copyKey, bucket, azureLocation, this.test.copyKey, bucket, azureLocation,
@ -473,9 +439,8 @@ function testSuite() {
}); });
}); });
it('should copy an object from bucketmatch=true ' + test('should copy an object from bucketmatch=true ' +
'Azure location to MPU with a bucketmatch=false Azure location', 'Azure location to MPU with a bucketmatch=false Azure location', done => {
function itFn(done) {
putSourceObj(this.test.key, azureLocation, null, bucket, () => { putSourceObj(this.test.key, azureLocation, null, bucket, () => {
const copyParams = { const copyParams = {
Bucket: bucket, Bucket: bucket,
@ -486,10 +451,8 @@ function testSuite() {
azureLocationMismatch }, azureLocationMismatch },
}; };
s3.copyObject(copyParams, (err, result) => { s3.copyObject(copyParams, (err, result) => {
assert.equal(err, null, 'Expected success but got ' + expect(err).toEqual(null);
`error: ${err}`); expect(result.CopyObjectResult.ETag).toBe(`"${normalMD5}"`);
assertGetObjects(this.test.key, bucket, assertGetObjects(this.test.key, bucket,
azureLocation, azureLocation,
this.test.copyKey, bucket, azureLocationMismatch, this.test.copyKey, bucket, azureLocationMismatch,
@ -499,8 +462,7 @@ function testSuite() {
}); });
}); });
it('should copy a 0-byte object from mem to Azure', test('should copy a 0-byte object from mem to Azure', done => {
function itFn(done) {
putSourceObj(this.test.key, memLocation, { empty: true }, bucket, putSourceObj(this.test.key, memLocation, { empty: true }, bucket,
() => { () => {
const copyParams = { const copyParams = {
@ -511,10 +473,8 @@ function testSuite() {
Metadata: { 'scal-location-constraint': azureLocation }, Metadata: { 'scal-location-constraint': azureLocation },
}; };
s3.copyObject(copyParams, (err, result) => { s3.copyObject(copyParams, (err, result) => {
assert.equal(err, null, 'Expected success but got ' + expect(err).toEqual(null);
`error: ${err}`); expect(result.CopyObjectResult.ETag).toBe(`"${emptyMD5}"`);
assertGetObjects(this.test.key, bucket, memLocation, assertGetObjects(this.test.key, bucket, memLocation,
this.test.copyKey, bucket, azureLocation, this.test.copyKey, bucket, azureLocation,
this.test.copyKey, 'REPLACE', { empty: true }, done); this.test.copyKey, 'REPLACE', { empty: true }, done);
@ -522,7 +482,7 @@ function testSuite() {
}); });
}); });
it('should copy a 0-byte object on Azure', function itFn(done) { test('should copy a 0-byte object on Azure', done => {
putSourceObj(this.test.key, azureLocation, { empty: true }, bucket, putSourceObj(this.test.key, azureLocation, { empty: true }, bucket,
() => { () => {
const copyParams = { const copyParams = {
@ -533,10 +493,8 @@ function testSuite() {
Metadata: { 'scal-location-constraint': azureLocation }, Metadata: { 'scal-location-constraint': azureLocation },
}; };
s3.copyObject(copyParams, (err, result) => { s3.copyObject(copyParams, (err, result) => {
assert.equal(err, null, 'Expected success but got ' + expect(err).toEqual(null);
`error: ${err}`); expect(result.CopyObjectResult.ETag).toBe(`"${emptyMD5}"`);
assertGetObjects(this.test.key, bucket, azureLocation, assertGetObjects(this.test.key, bucket, azureLocation,
this.test.copyKey, bucket, azureLocation, this.test.copyKey, bucket, azureLocation,
this.test.copyKey, 'REPLACE', { empty: true }, done); this.test.copyKey, 'REPLACE', { empty: true }, done);
@ -544,7 +502,7 @@ function testSuite() {
}); });
}); });
it('should copy a 5MB object from mem to Azure', function itFn(done) { test('should copy a 5MB object from mem to Azure', done => {
putSourceObj(this.test.key, memLocation, { big: true }, bucket, putSourceObj(this.test.key, memLocation, { big: true }, bucket,
() => { () => {
const copyParams = { const copyParams = {
@ -555,9 +513,8 @@ function testSuite() {
Metadata: { 'scal-location-constraint': azureLocation }, Metadata: { 'scal-location-constraint': azureLocation },
}; };
s3.copyObject(copyParams, (err, result) => { s3.copyObject(copyParams, (err, result) => {
assert.equal(err, null, `Err copying object: ${err}`); expect(err).toEqual(null);
assert.strictEqual(result.CopyObjectResult.ETag, expect(result.CopyObjectResult.ETag).toBe(`"${bigMD5}"`);
setTimeout(() => { setTimeout(() => {
assertGetObjects(this.test.key, bucket, memLocation, assertGetObjects(this.test.key, bucket, memLocation,
this.test.copyKey, bucket, azureLocation, this.test.copyKey, bucket, azureLocation,
@ -567,7 +524,7 @@ function testSuite() {
}); });
}); });
it('should copy a 5MB object on Azure', function itFn(done) { test('should copy a 5MB object on Azure', done => {
putSourceObj(this.test.key, azureLocation, { big: true }, bucket, putSourceObj(this.test.key, azureLocation, { big: true }, bucket,
() => { () => {
const copyParams = { const copyParams = {
@ -578,9 +535,8 @@ function testSuite() {
Metadata: { 'scal-location-constraint': azureLocation }, Metadata: { 'scal-location-constraint': azureLocation },
}; };
s3.copyObject(copyParams, (err, result) => { s3.copyObject(copyParams, (err, result) => {
assert.equal(err, null, `Err copying object: ${err}`); expect(err).toEqual(null);
assert.strictEqual(result.CopyObjectResult.ETag, expect(result.CopyObjectResult.ETag).toBe(`"${bigMD5}"`);
setTimeout(() => { setTimeout(() => {
assertGetObjects(this.test.key, bucket, azureLocation, assertGetObjects(this.test.key, bucket, azureLocation,
this.test.copyKey, bucket, azureLocation, this.test.copyKey, bucket, azureLocation,
@ -590,14 +546,13 @@ function testSuite() {
}); });
}); });
it('should return error if Azure source object has ' + test('should return error if Azure source object has ' +
'been deleted', function itFn(done) { 'been deleted', done => {
putSourceObj(this.test.key, azureLocation, null, bucket, putSourceObj(this.test.key, azureLocation, null, bucket,
() => { () => {
azureClient.deleteBlob(azureContainerName, this.test.key, azureClient.deleteBlob(azureContainerName, this.test.key,
err => { err => {
assert.equal(err, null, 'Error deleting object from ' + expect(err).toEqual(null);
`Azure: ${err}`);
const copyParams = { const copyParams = {
Bucket: bucket, Bucket: bucket,
Key: this.test.copyKey, Key: this.test.copyKey,
@ -605,7 +560,7 @@ function testSuite() {
MetadataDirective: 'COPY', MetadataDirective: 'COPY',
}; };
s3.copyObject(copyParams, err => { s3.copyObject(copyParams, err => {
assert.strictEqual(err.code, 'ServiceUnavailable'); expect(err.code).toBe('ServiceUnavailable');
done(); done();
}); });
}); });

View File

@ -38,11 +38,11 @@ function putSourceObj(location, isEmptyObj, bucket, cb) {
} }
process.stdout.write('Putting source object\n'); process.stdout.write('Putting source object\n');
s3.putObject(sourceParams, (err, result) => { s3.putObject(sourceParams, (err, result) => {
assert.equal(err, null, `Error putting source object: ${err}`); expect(err).toEqual(null);
if (isEmptyObj) { if (isEmptyObj) {
assert.strictEqual(result.ETag, `"${emptyMD5}"`); expect(result.ETag).toBe(`"${emptyMD5}"`);
} else { } else {
assert.strictEqual(result.ETag, `"${correctMD5}"`); expect(result.ETag).toBe(`"${correctMD5}"`);
} }
cb(key); cb(key);
}); });
@ -61,47 +61,45 @@ callback) {
cb => s3.getObject(destGetParams, cb), cb => s3.getObject(destGetParams, cb),
cb => awsS3.getObject(awsParams, cb), cb => awsS3.getObject(awsParams, cb),
], (err, results) => { ], (err, results) => {
assert.equal(err, null, `Error in assertGetObjects: ${err}`); expect(err).toEqual(null);
const [sourceRes, destRes, awsRes] = results; const [sourceRes, destRes, awsRes] = results;
if (isEmptyObj) { if (isEmptyObj) {
assert.strictEqual(sourceRes.ETag, `"${emptyMD5}"`); expect(sourceRes.ETag).toBe(`"${emptyMD5}"`);
assert.strictEqual(destRes.ETag, `"${emptyMD5}"`); expect(destRes.ETag).toBe(`"${emptyMD5}"`);
assert.strictEqual(awsRes.ETag, `"${emptyMD5}"`); expect(awsRes.ETag).toBe(`"${emptyMD5}"`);
} else if (process.env.ENABLE_KMS_ENCRYPTION === 'true') { } else if (process.env.ENABLE_KMS_ENCRYPTION === 'true') {
assert.strictEqual(sourceRes.ServerSideEncryption, 'AES256'); expect(sourceRes.ServerSideEncryption).toBe('AES256');
assert.strictEqual(destRes.ServerSideEncryption, 'AES256'); expect(destRes.ServerSideEncryption).toBe('AES256');
} else { } else {
assert.strictEqual(sourceRes.ETag, `"${correctMD5}"`); expect(sourceRes.ETag).toBe(`"${correctMD5}"`);
assert.strictEqual(destRes.ETag, `"${correctMD5}"`); expect(destRes.ETag).toBe(`"${correctMD5}"`);
assert.deepStrictEqual(sourceRes.Body, destRes.Body); assert.deepStrictEqual(sourceRes.Body, destRes.Body);
assert.strictEqual(awsRes.ETag, `"${correctMD5}"`); expect(awsRes.ETag).toBe(`"${correctMD5}"`);
assert.deepStrictEqual(sourceRes.Body, awsRes.Body); assert.deepStrictEqual(sourceRes.Body, awsRes.Body);
} }
if (destLoc === awsLocationEncryption) { if (destLoc === awsLocationEncryption) {
assert.strictEqual(awsRes.ServerSideEncryption, 'AES256'); expect(awsRes.ServerSideEncryption).toBe('AES256');
} else { } else {
assert.strictEqual(awsRes.ServerSideEncryption, undefined); expect(awsRes.ServerSideEncryption).toBe(undefined);
} }
if (mdDirective === 'COPY') { if (mdDirective === 'COPY') {
assert.deepStrictEqual(sourceRes.Metadata['test-header'], assert.deepStrictEqual(sourceRes.Metadata['test-header'],
destRes.Metadata['test-header']); destRes.Metadata['test-header']);
} else if (mdDirective === 'REPLACE') { } else if (mdDirective === 'REPLACE') {
assert.strictEqual(destRes.Metadata['test-header'], expect(destRes.Metadata['test-header']).toBe(undefined);
} }
if (destLoc === awsLocation) { if (destLoc === awsLocation) {
assert.strictEqual(awsRes.Metadata[locMetaHeader], destLoc); expect(awsRes.Metadata[locMetaHeader]).toBe(destLoc);
if (mdDirective === 'COPY') { if (mdDirective === 'COPY') {
assert.deepStrictEqual(sourceRes.Metadata['test-header'], assert.deepStrictEqual(sourceRes.Metadata['test-header'],
awsRes.Metadata['test-header']); awsRes.Metadata['test-header']);
} else if (mdDirective === 'REPLACE') { } else if (mdDirective === 'REPLACE') {
assert.strictEqual(awsRes.Metadata['test-header'], expect(awsRes.Metadata['test-header']).toBe(undefined);
} }
} }
assert.strictEqual(sourceRes.ContentLength, destRes.ContentLength); expect(sourceRes.ContentLength).toBe(destRes.ContentLength);
assert.strictEqual(sourceRes.Metadata[locMetaHeader], sourceLoc); expect(sourceRes.Metadata[locMetaHeader]).toBe(sourceLoc);
assert.strictEqual(destRes.Metadata[locMetaHeader], destLoc); expect(destRes.Metadata[locMetaHeader]).toBe(destLoc);
callback(); callback();
}); });
} }
@ -163,9 +161,8 @@ function testSuite() {
}); });
}); });
it('should copy an object from mem to AWS relying on ' + test('should copy an object from mem to AWS relying on ' +
'destination bucket location', 'destination bucket location', done => {
done => {
putSourceObj(memLocation, false, bucket, key => { putSourceObj(memLocation, false, bucket, key => {
const copyKey = `copyKey-${genUniqID()}`; const copyKey = `copyKey-${genUniqID()}`;
const copyParams = { const copyParams = {
@ -176,10 +173,8 @@ function testSuite() {
}; };
process.stdout.write('Copying object\n'); process.stdout.write('Copying object\n');
s3.copyObject(copyParams, (err, result) => { s3.copyObject(copyParams, (err, result) => {
assert.equal(err, null, 'Expected success but got ' + expect(err).toEqual(null);
`error: ${err}`); expect(result.CopyObjectResult.ETag).toBe(`"${correctMD5}"`);
assertGetObjects(key, bucket, memLocation, copyKey, assertGetObjects(key, bucket, memLocation, copyKey,
bucketAws, awsLocation, copyKey, 'COPY', false, awsS3, bucketAws, awsLocation, copyKey, 'COPY', false, awsS3,
awsLocation, done); awsLocation, done);
@ -187,9 +182,8 @@ function testSuite() {
}); });
}); });
it('should copy an object from Azure to AWS relying on ' + test('should copy an object from Azure to AWS relying on ' +
'destination bucket location', 'destination bucket location', done => {
done => {
putSourceObj(azureLocation, false, bucket, key => { putSourceObj(azureLocation, false, bucket, key => {
const copyKey = `copyKey-${genUniqID()}`; const copyKey = `copyKey-${genUniqID()}`;
const copyParams = { const copyParams = {
@ -200,10 +194,8 @@ function testSuite() {
}; };
process.stdout.write('Copying object\n'); process.stdout.write('Copying object\n');
s3.copyObject(copyParams, (err, result) => { s3.copyObject(copyParams, (err, result) => {
assert.equal(err, null, 'Expected success but got ' + expect(err).toEqual(null);
`error: ${err}`); expect(result.CopyObjectResult.ETag).toBe(`"${correctMD5}"`);
assertGetObjects(key, bucket, azureLocation, copyKey, assertGetObjects(key, bucket, azureLocation, copyKey,
bucketAws, awsLocation, copyKey, 'COPY', false, awsS3, bucketAws, awsLocation, copyKey, 'COPY', false, awsS3,
awsLocation, done); awsLocation, done);
@ -211,9 +203,8 @@ function testSuite() {
}); });
}); });
it('should copy an object without location contraint from mem ' + test('should copy an object without location contraint from mem ' +
'to AWS relying on destination bucket location', 'to AWS relying on destination bucket location', done => {
done => {
putSourceObj(null, false, bucket, key => { putSourceObj(null, false, bucket, key => {
const copyKey = `copyKey-${genUniqID()}`; const copyKey = `copyKey-${genUniqID()}`;
const copyParams = { const copyParams = {
@ -224,10 +215,8 @@ function testSuite() {
}; };
process.stdout.write('Copying object\n'); process.stdout.write('Copying object\n');
s3.copyObject(copyParams, (err, result) => { s3.copyObject(copyParams, (err, result) => {
assert.equal(err, null, 'Expected success but got ' + expect(err).toEqual(null);
`error: ${err}`); expect(result.CopyObjectResult.ETag).toBe(`"${correctMD5}"`);
assertGetObjects(key, bucket, undefined, copyKey, assertGetObjects(key, bucket, undefined, copyKey,
bucketAws, undefined, copyKey, 'COPY', false, awsS3, bucketAws, undefined, copyKey, 'COPY', false, awsS3,
awsLocation, done); awsLocation, done);
@ -235,9 +224,8 @@ function testSuite() {
}); });
}); });
it('should copy an object from AWS to mem relying on destination ' + test('should copy an object from AWS to mem relying on destination ' +
'bucket location', 'bucket location', done => {
done => {
putSourceObj(awsLocation, false, bucketAws, key => { putSourceObj(awsLocation, false, bucketAws, key => {
const copyKey = `copyKey-${genUniqID()}`; const copyKey = `copyKey-${genUniqID()}`;
const copyParams = { const copyParams = {
@ -248,10 +236,8 @@ function testSuite() {
}; };
process.stdout.write('Copying object\n'); process.stdout.write('Copying object\n');
s3.copyObject(copyParams, (err, result) => { s3.copyObject(copyParams, (err, result) => {
assert.equal(err, null, 'Expected success but got ' + expect(err).toEqual(null);
`error: ${err}`); expect(result.CopyObjectResult.ETag).toBe(`"${correctMD5}"`);
assertGetObjects(key, bucketAws, awsLocation, copyKey, assertGetObjects(key, bucketAws, awsLocation, copyKey,
bucket, memLocation, key, 'COPY', false, awsS3, bucket, memLocation, key, 'COPY', false, awsS3,
awsLocation, done); awsLocation, done);
@ -259,7 +245,7 @@ function testSuite() {
}); });
}); });
it('should copy an object from mem to AWS', done => { test('should copy an object from mem to AWS', done => {
putSourceObj(memLocation, false, bucket, key => { putSourceObj(memLocation, false, bucket, key => {
const copyKey = `copyKey-${genUniqID()}`; const copyKey = `copyKey-${genUniqID()}`;
const copyParams = { const copyParams = {
@ -272,10 +258,8 @@ function testSuite() {
}; };
process.stdout.write('Copying object\n'); process.stdout.write('Copying object\n');
s3.copyObject(copyParams, (err, result) => { s3.copyObject(copyParams, (err, result) => {
assert.equal(err, null, 'Expected success but got ' + expect(err).toEqual(null);
`error: ${err}`); expect(result.CopyObjectResult.ETag).toBe(`"${correctMD5}"`);
assertGetObjects(key, bucket, memLocation, copyKey, bucket, assertGetObjects(key, bucket, memLocation, copyKey, bucket,
awsLocation, copyKey, 'REPLACE', false, awsS3, awsLocation, copyKey, 'REPLACE', false, awsS3,
awsLocation, done); awsLocation, done);
@ -297,10 +281,8 @@ function testSuite() {
}; };
process.stdout.write('Copying object\n'); process.stdout.write('Copying object\n');
s3.copyObject(copyParams, (err, result) => { s3.copyObject(copyParams, (err, result) => {
assert.equal(err, null, 'Expected success but got ' + expect(err).toEqual(null);
`error: ${err}`); expect(result.CopyObjectResult.ETag).toBe(`"${correctMD5}"`);
assertGetObjects(key, bucket, memLocation, copyKey, bucket, assertGetObjects(key, bucket, memLocation, copyKey, bucket,
awsLocationEncryption, copyKey, 'REPLACE', false, awsLocationEncryption, copyKey, 'REPLACE', false,
awsS3, awsLocation, done); awsS3, awsLocation, done);
@ -308,7 +290,7 @@ function testSuite() {
}); });
}); });
it('should copy an object from AWS to mem with encryption with ' + test('should copy an object from AWS to mem with encryption with ' +
'REPLACE directive but no location constraint', done => { 'REPLACE directive but no location constraint', done => {
putSourceObj(awsLocation, false, bucket, key => { putSourceObj(awsLocation, false, bucket, key => {
const copyKey = `copyKey-${genUniqID()}`; const copyKey = `copyKey-${genUniqID()}`;
@ -320,10 +302,8 @@ function testSuite() {
}; };
process.stdout.write('Copying object\n'); process.stdout.write('Copying object\n');
s3.copyObject(copyParams, (err, result) => { s3.copyObject(copyParams, (err, result) => {
assert.equal(err, null, 'Expected success but got ' + expect(err).toEqual(null);
`error: ${err}`); expect(result.CopyObjectResult.ETag).toBe(`"${correctMD5}"`);
assertGetObjects(key, bucket, awsLocation, copyKey, bucket, assertGetObjects(key, bucket, awsLocation, copyKey, bucket,
undefined, key, 'REPLACE', false, undefined, key, 'REPLACE', false,
awsS3, awsLocation, done); awsS3, awsLocation, done);
@ -346,10 +326,8 @@ function testSuite() {
}; };
process.stdout.write('Copying object\n'); process.stdout.write('Copying object\n');
s3.copyObject(copyParams, (err, result) => { s3.copyObject(copyParams, (err, result) => {
assert.equal(err, null, 'Expected success but got ' + expect(err).toEqual(null);
`error: ${err}`); expect(result.CopyObjectResult.ETag).toBe(`"${correctMD5}"`);
assertGetObjects(key, bucket, awsLocation, copyKey, bucket, assertGetObjects(key, bucket, awsLocation, copyKey, bucket,
awsLocationEncryption, copyKey, 'REPLACE', false, awsS3, awsLocationEncryption, copyKey, 'REPLACE', false, awsS3,
awsLocation, done); awsLocation, done);
@ -370,10 +348,8 @@ function testSuite() {
}; };
process.stdout.write('Copying object\n'); process.stdout.write('Copying object\n');
s3.copyObject(copyParams, (err, result) => { s3.copyObject(copyParams, (err, result) => {
assert.equal(err, null, 'Expected success but got ' + expect(err).toEqual(null);
`error: ${err}`); expect(result.CopyObjectResult.ETag).toBe(`"${correctMD5}"`);
assertGetObjects(key, awsServerSideEncryptionbucket, assertGetObjects(key, awsServerSideEncryptionbucket,
awsLocation, copyKey, awsServerSideEncryptionbucket, awsLocation, copyKey, awsServerSideEncryptionbucket,
awsLocationEncryption, copyKey, 'COPY', awsLocationEncryption, copyKey, 'COPY',
@ -382,7 +358,7 @@ function testSuite() {
}); });
}); });
it('should copy an object from mem to AWS with encryption with ' + test('should copy an object from mem to AWS with encryption with ' +
'REPLACE directive but no location constraint', done => { 'REPLACE directive but no location constraint', done => {
putSourceObj(null, false, bucket, key => { putSourceObj(null, false, bucket, key => {
const copyKey = `copyKey-${genUniqID()}`; const copyKey = `copyKey-${genUniqID()}`;
@ -394,10 +370,8 @@ function testSuite() {
}; };
process.stdout.write('Copying object\n'); process.stdout.write('Copying object\n');
s3.copyObject(copyParams, (err, result) => { s3.copyObject(copyParams, (err, result) => {
assert.equal(err, null, 'Expected success but got ' + expect(err).toEqual(null);
`error: ${err}`); expect(result.CopyObjectResult.ETag).toBe(`"${correctMD5}"`);
assertGetObjects(key, bucket, undefined, copyKey, assertGetObjects(key, bucket, undefined, copyKey,
bucketAws, undefined, copyKey, 'REPLACE', false, bucketAws, undefined, copyKey, 'REPLACE', false,
awsS3, awsLocation, done); awsS3, awsLocation, done);
@ -405,9 +379,8 @@ function testSuite() {
}); });
}); });
it('should copy an object from AWS to mem with "COPY" ' + test('should copy an object from AWS to mem with "COPY" ' +
'directive and aws location metadata', 'directive and aws location metadata', done => {
done => {
putSourceObj(awsLocation, false, bucket, key => { putSourceObj(awsLocation, false, bucket, key => {
const copyKey = `copyKey-${genUniqID()}`; const copyKey = `copyKey-${genUniqID()}`;
const copyParams = { const copyParams = {
@ -420,10 +393,8 @@ function testSuite() {
}; };
process.stdout.write('Copying object\n'); process.stdout.write('Copying object\n');
s3.copyObject(copyParams, (err, result) => { s3.copyObject(copyParams, (err, result) => {
assert.equal(err, null, 'Expected success but got ' + expect(err).toEqual(null);
`error: ${err}`); expect(result.CopyObjectResult.ETag).toBe(`"${correctMD5}"`);
assertGetObjects(key, bucket, awsLocation, copyKey, bucket, assertGetObjects(key, bucket, awsLocation, copyKey, bucket,
memLocation, key, 'COPY', false, awsS3, memLocation, key, 'COPY', false, awsS3,
awsLocation, done); awsLocation, done);
@ -431,7 +402,7 @@ function testSuite() {
}); });
}); });
it('should copy an object on AWS', done => { test('should copy an object on AWS', done => {
putSourceObj(awsLocation, false, bucket, key => { putSourceObj(awsLocation, false, bucket, key => {
const copyKey = `copyKey-${genUniqID()}`; const copyKey = `copyKey-${genUniqID()}`;
const copyParams = { const copyParams = {
@ -443,10 +414,8 @@ function testSuite() {
}; };
process.stdout.write('Copying object\n'); process.stdout.write('Copying object\n');
s3.copyObject(copyParams, (err, result) => { s3.copyObject(copyParams, (err, result) => {
assert.equal(err, null, 'Expected success but got ' + expect(err).toEqual(null);
`error: ${err}`); expect(result.CopyObjectResult.ETag).toBe(`"${correctMD5}"`);
assertGetObjects(key, bucket, awsLocation, copyKey, bucket, assertGetObjects(key, bucket, awsLocation, copyKey, bucket,
awsLocation, copyKey, 'REPLACE', false, awsS3, awsLocation, copyKey, 'REPLACE', false, awsS3,
awsLocation, done); awsLocation, done);
@ -454,9 +423,8 @@ function testSuite() {
}); });
}); });
it('should copy an object on AWS location with bucketMatch equals ' + test('should copy an object on AWS location with bucketMatch equals ' +
'false to a different AWS location with bucketMatch equals true', 'false to a different AWS location with bucketMatch equals true', done => {
done => {
putSourceObj(awsLocationMismatch, false, bucket, key => { putSourceObj(awsLocationMismatch, false, bucket, key => {
const copyKey = `copyKey-${genUniqID()}`; const copyKey = `copyKey-${genUniqID()}`;
const copyParams = { const copyParams = {
@ -469,10 +437,8 @@ function testSuite() {
}; };
process.stdout.write('Copying object\n'); process.stdout.write('Copying object\n');
s3.copyObject(copyParams, (err, result) => { s3.copyObject(copyParams, (err, result) => {
assert.equal(err, null, 'Expected success but got ' + expect(err).toEqual(null);
`error: ${err}`); expect(result.CopyObjectResult.ETag).toBe(`"${correctMD5}"`);
assertGetObjects(key, bucket, awsLocationMismatch, copyKey, assertGetObjects(key, bucket, awsLocationMismatch, copyKey,
bucket, awsLocation, copyKey, 'REPLACE', false, awsS3, bucket, awsLocation, copyKey, 'REPLACE', false, awsS3,
awsLocation, done); awsLocation, done);
@ -480,9 +446,8 @@ function testSuite() {
}); });
}); });
it('should copy an object on AWS to a different AWS location ' + test('should copy an object on AWS to a different AWS location ' +
'with source object READ access', 'with source object READ access', done => {
done => {
const awsConfig2 = getRealAwsConfig(awsLocation2); const awsConfig2 = getRealAwsConfig(awsLocation2);
const awsS3Two = new AWS.S3(awsConfig2); const awsS3Two = new AWS.S3(awsConfig2);
const copyKey = `copyKey-${genUniqID()}`; const copyKey = `copyKey-${genUniqID()}`;
@ -506,10 +471,8 @@ function testSuite() {
}; };
process.stdout.write('Copying object\n'); process.stdout.write('Copying object\n');
s3.copyObject(copyParams, (err, result) => { s3.copyObject(copyParams, (err, result) => {
assert.equal(err, null, 'Expected success ' + expect(err).toEqual(null);
`but got error: ${err}`); expect(result.CopyObjectResult.ETag).toBe(`"${correctMD5}"`);
next(err, key); next(err, key);
}); });
}, },
@ -535,13 +498,13 @@ function testSuite() {
}; };
process.stdout.write('Copying object\n'); process.stdout.write('Copying object\n');
s3.copyObject(copyParams, err => { s3.copyObject(copyParams, err => {
assert.strictEqual(err.code, 'AccessDenied'); expect(err.code).toBe('AccessDenied');
done(); done();
}); });
}); });
}); });
it('should copy an object on AWS with REPLACE', done => { test('should copy an object on AWS with REPLACE', done => {
putSourceObj(awsLocation, false, bucket, key => { putSourceObj(awsLocation, false, bucket, key => {
const copyKey = `copyKey-${genUniqID()}`; const copyKey = `copyKey-${genUniqID()}`;
const copyParams = { const copyParams = {
@ -554,10 +517,8 @@ function testSuite() {
}; };
process.stdout.write('Copying object\n'); process.stdout.write('Copying object\n');
s3.copyObject(copyParams, (err, result) => { s3.copyObject(copyParams, (err, result) => {
assert.equal(err, null, 'Expected success but got ' + expect(err).toEqual(null);
`error: ${err}`); expect(result.CopyObjectResult.ETag).toBe(`"${correctMD5}"`);
assertGetObjects(key, bucket, awsLocation, copyKey, bucket, assertGetObjects(key, bucket, awsLocation, copyKey, bucket,
awsLocation, copyKey, 'REPLACE', false, awsS3, awsLocation, copyKey, 'REPLACE', false, awsS3,
awsLocation, done); awsLocation, done);
@ -565,7 +526,7 @@ function testSuite() {
}); });
}); });
it('should copy a 0-byte object from mem to AWS', done => { test('should copy a 0-byte object from mem to AWS', done => {
putSourceObj(memLocation, true, bucket, key => { putSourceObj(memLocation, true, bucket, key => {
const copyKey = `copyKey-${genUniqID()}`; const copyKey = `copyKey-${genUniqID()}`;
const copyParams = { const copyParams = {
@ -578,10 +539,8 @@ function testSuite() {
}; };
process.stdout.write('Copying object\n'); process.stdout.write('Copying object\n');
s3.copyObject(copyParams, (err, result) => { s3.copyObject(copyParams, (err, result) => {
assert.equal(err, null, 'Expected success but got ' + expect(err).toEqual(null);
`error: ${err}`); expect(result.CopyObjectResult.ETag).toBe(`"${emptyMD5}"`);
assertGetObjects(key, bucket, memLocation, copyKey, bucket, assertGetObjects(key, bucket, memLocation, copyKey, bucket,
awsLocation, copyKey, 'REPLACE', true, awsS3, awsLocation, copyKey, 'REPLACE', true, awsS3,
awsLocation, done); awsLocation, done);
@ -589,7 +548,7 @@ function testSuite() {
}); });
}); });
it('should copy a 0-byte object on AWS', done => { test('should copy a 0-byte object on AWS', done => {
putSourceObj(awsLocation, true, bucket, key => { putSourceObj(awsLocation, true, bucket, key => {
const copyKey = `copyKey-${genUniqID()}`; const copyKey = `copyKey-${genUniqID()}`;
const copyParams = { const copyParams = {
@ -601,10 +560,8 @@ function testSuite() {
}; };
process.stdout.write('Copying object\n'); process.stdout.write('Copying object\n');
s3.copyObject(copyParams, (err, result) => { s3.copyObject(copyParams, (err, result) => {
assert.equal(err, null, 'Expected success but got ' + expect(err).toEqual(null);
`error: ${err}`); expect(result.CopyObjectResult.ETag).toBe(`"${emptyMD5}"`);
assertGetObjects(key, bucket, awsLocation, copyKey, bucket, assertGetObjects(key, bucket, awsLocation, copyKey, bucket,
awsLocation, copyKey, 'REPLACE', true, awsS3, awsLocation, copyKey, 'REPLACE', true, awsS3,
awsLocation, done); awsLocation, done);
@ -612,14 +569,13 @@ function testSuite() {
}); });
}); });
it('should return error if AWS source object has ' + test('should return error if AWS source object has ' +
'been deleted', done => { 'been deleted', done => {
putSourceObj(awsLocation, false, bucket, key => { putSourceObj(awsLocation, false, bucket, key => {
const awsBucket = const awsBucket =
config.locationConstraints[awsLocation].details.bucketName; config.locationConstraints[awsLocation].details.bucketName;
awsS3.deleteObject({ Bucket: awsBucket, Key: key }, err => { awsS3.deleteObject({ Bucket: awsBucket, Key: key }, err => {
assert.equal(err, null, 'Error deleting object from AWS: ' + expect(err).toEqual(null);
const copyKey = `copyKey-${genUniqID()}`; const copyKey = `copyKey-${genUniqID()}`;
const copyParams = { Bucket: bucket, Key: copyKey, const copyParams = { Bucket: bucket, Key: copyKey,
CopySource: `/${bucket}/${key}`, CopySource: `/${bucket}/${key}`,
@ -628,7 +584,7 @@ function testSuite() {
}; };
process.stdout.write('Copying object\n'); process.stdout.write('Copying object\n');
s3.copyObject(copyParams, err => { s3.copyObject(copyParams, err => {
assert.strictEqual(err.code, 'ServiceUnavailable'); expect(err.code).toBe('ServiceUnavailable');
done(); done();
}); });
}); });

View File

@ -64,12 +64,11 @@ function putSourceObj(testParams, cb) {
sourceParams.Body = someBody; sourceParams.Body = someBody;
} }
s3.putObject(sourceParams, (err, result) => { s3.putObject(sourceParams, (err, result) => {
assert.strictEqual(err, null, expect(err).toBe(null);
`Error putting source object: ${err}`);
if (isEmptyObj) { if (isEmptyObj) {
assert.strictEqual(result.ETag, `"${emptyMD5}"`); expect(result.ETag).toBe(`"${emptyMD5}"`);
} else { } else {
assert.strictEqual(result.ETag, `"${correctMD5}"`); expect(result.ETag).toBe(`"${correctMD5}"`);
} }
Object.assign(testParams, { Object.assign(testParams, {
sourceKey, sourceKey,
@ -98,12 +97,11 @@ function copyObject(testParams, cb) {
`${copyParams.CopySource}?versionId=null`; `${copyParams.CopySource}?versionId=null`;
} }
s3.copyObject(copyParams, (err, data) => { s3.copyObject(copyParams, (err, data) => {
assert.strictEqual(err, null, expect(err).toBe(null);
`Error copying object to destination: ${err}`);
if (destVersioningState === 'Enabled') { if (destVersioningState === 'Enabled') {
assert.notEqual(data.VersionId, undefined); expect(data.VersionId).not.toEqual(undefined);
} else { } else {
assert.strictEqual(data.VersionId, undefined); expect(data.VersionId).toBe(undefined);
} }
const expectedBody = isEmptyObj ? '' : someBody; const expectedBody = isEmptyObj ? '' : someBody;
return awsGetLatestVerId(destKey, expectedBody, (err, awsVersionId) => { return awsGetLatestVerId(destKey, expectedBody, (err, awsVersionId) => {
@ -145,17 +143,17 @@ function assertGetObjects(testParams, cb) {
cb => s3.getObject(destGetParams, cb), cb => s3.getObject(destGetParams, cb),
cb => awsS3.getObject(awsParams, cb), cb => awsS3.getObject(awsParams, cb),
], (err, results) => { ], (err, results) => {
assert.strictEqual(err, null, `Error in assertGetObjects: ${err}`); expect(err).toBe(null);
const [sourceRes, destRes, awsRes] = results; const [sourceRes, destRes, awsRes] = results;
if (isEmptyObj) { if (isEmptyObj) {
assert.strictEqual(sourceRes.ETag, `"${emptyMD5}"`); expect(sourceRes.ETag).toBe(`"${emptyMD5}"`);
assert.strictEqual(destRes.ETag, `"${emptyMD5}"`); expect(destRes.ETag).toBe(`"${emptyMD5}"`);
assert.strictEqual(awsRes.ETag, `"${emptyMD5}"`); expect(awsRes.ETag).toBe(`"${emptyMD5}"`);
} else { } else {
assert.strictEqual(sourceRes.ETag, `"${correctMD5}"`); expect(sourceRes.ETag).toBe(`"${correctMD5}"`);
assert.strictEqual(destRes.ETag, `"${correctMD5}"`); expect(destRes.ETag).toBe(`"${correctMD5}"`);
assert.deepStrictEqual(sourceRes.Body, destRes.Body); assert.deepStrictEqual(sourceRes.Body, destRes.Body);
assert.strictEqual(awsRes.ETag, `"${correctMD5}"`); expect(awsRes.ETag).toBe(`"${correctMD5}"`);
assert.deepStrictEqual(sourceRes.Body, awsRes.Body); assert.deepStrictEqual(sourceRes.Body, awsRes.Body);
} }
if (directive === 'COPY') { if (directive === 'COPY') {
@ -166,7 +164,7 @@ function assertGetObjects(testParams, cb) {
assert.deepStrictEqual(destRes.Metadata, {}); assert.deepStrictEqual(destRes.Metadata, {});
assert.deepStrictEqual(awsRes.Metadata, {}); assert.deepStrictEqual(awsRes.Metadata, {});
} }
assert.strictEqual(sourceRes.ContentLength, destRes.ContentLength); expect(sourceRes.ContentLength).toBe(destRes.ContentLength);
cb(); cb();
}); });
} }
@ -198,8 +196,7 @@ function testSuite() {
`in afterEach: ${err}\n`); `in afterEach: ${err}\n`);
throw err; throw err;
} }
}) }));
[{ [{
directive: 'REPLACE', directive: 'REPLACE',
@ -357,7 +354,7 @@ function testSuite() {
expectedError: 'NoSuchKey' }, next), expectedError: 'NoSuchKey' }, next),
next => awsGetLatestVerId(testParams.destKey, someBody, next), next => awsGetLatestVerId(testParams.destKey, someBody, next),
(awsVerId, next) => { (awsVerId, next) => {
assert.strictEqual(awsVerId, this.test.awsVerId); expect(awsVerId).toBe(this.test.awsVerId);
next(); next();
}, },
], done); ], done);
@ -389,7 +386,7 @@ function testSuite() {
}); });
const { sourceLocation, directive, isEmptyObj } = testParams; const { sourceLocation, directive, isEmptyObj } = testParams;
it(`should copy ${isEmptyObj ? 'empty ' : ''}object from ` + test(`should copy ${isEmptyObj ? 'empty ' : ''}object from ` +
`${sourceLocation} to bucket on AWS backend with ` + `${sourceLocation} to bucket on AWS backend with ` +
`versioning with ${directive}`, done => { `versioning with ${directive}`, done => {
async.waterfall([ async.waterfall([
@ -401,7 +398,7 @@ function testSuite() {
], done); ], done);
}); });
it(`should copy ${isEmptyObj ? 'an empty ' : ''}version from ` + test(`should copy ${isEmptyObj ? 'an empty ' : ''}version from ` +
`${sourceLocation} to bucket on AWS backend with ` + `${sourceLocation} to bucket on AWS backend with ` +
`versioning with ${directive} directive`, done => { `versioning with ${directive} directive`, done => {
async.waterfall([ async.waterfall([

View File

@ -86,8 +86,7 @@ function assertCopyPart(infos, cb) {
Key: mpuKeyNameAzure, Key: mpuKeyNameAzure,
UploadId: uploadId, UploadId: uploadId,
}, (err, res) => { }, (err, res) => {
assert.equal(err, null, 'listParts: Expected success,' + expect(err).toEqual(null);
` got error: ${err}`);
resultCopy.Parts = resultCopy.Parts =
[{ PartNumber: 1, [{ PartNumber: 1,
LastModified: res.Parts[0].LastModified, LastModified: res.Parts[0].LastModified,
@ -98,13 +97,11 @@ function assertCopyPart(infos, cb) {
}), }),
next => azureClient.listBlocks(azureContainerName, next => azureClient.listBlocks(azureContainerName,
mpuKeyNameAzure, 'all', (err, res) => { mpuKeyNameAzure, 'all', (err, res) => {
assert.equal(err, null, 'listBlocks: Expected ' + expect(err).toEqual(null);
`success, got error: ${err}`);
subPartSize.forEach((size, index) => { subPartSize.forEach((size, index) => {
const partName = azureMpuUtils.getBlockId(uploadId, 1, index); const partName = azureMpuUtils.getBlockId(uploadId, 1, index);
assert.strictEqual(res.UncommittedBlocks[index].Name, expect(res.UncommittedBlocks[index].Name).toBe(partName);
partName); expect(res.UncommittedBlocks[index].Size).toEqual(size);
assert.equal(res.UncommittedBlocks[index].Size, size);
}); });
next(); next();
}), }),
@ -137,36 +134,42 @@ describeSkipIfNotMultipleOrCeph('Put Copy Part to AZURE', function describeF() {
}); });
}); });
describe('Basic test: ', () => { describe('Basic test: ', () => {
beforeEach(function beF(done) { let testContext;
this.currentTest.keyNameNormalAzure =
beforeEach(() => {
testContext = {};
beforeEach(done => {
testContext.currentTest.keyNameNormalAzure =
`normalazure${uniqName(keyObjectAzure)}`; `normalazure${uniqName(keyObjectAzure)}`;
this.currentTest.keyNameNormalAzureMismatch = testContext.currentTest.keyNameNormalAzureMismatch =
`normalazuremismatch${uniqName(keyObjectAzure)}`; `normalazuremismatch${uniqName(keyObjectAzure)}`;
this.currentTest.keyNameFiveMbAzure = testContext.currentTest.keyNameFiveMbAzure =
`fivembazure${uniqName(keyObjectAzure)}`; `fivembazure${uniqName(keyObjectAzure)}`;
this.currentTest.keyNameFiveMbMem = testContext.currentTest.keyNameFiveMbMem =
`fivembmem${uniqName(keyObjectMemory)}`; `fivembmem${uniqName(keyObjectMemory)}`;
this.currentTest.mpuKeyNameAzure = testContext.currentTest.mpuKeyNameAzure =
`mpukeyname${uniqName(keyObjectAzure)}`; `mpukeyname${uniqName(keyObjectAzure)}`;
this.currentTest.mpuKeyNameMem = testContext.currentTest.mpuKeyNameMem =
`mpukeyname${uniqName(keyObjectMemory)}`; `mpukeyname${uniqName(keyObjectMemory)}`;
this.currentTest.mpuKeyNameAWS = testContext.currentTest.mpuKeyNameAWS =
`mpukeyname${uniqName(keyObjectAWS)}`; `mpukeyname${uniqName(keyObjectAWS)}`;
const paramsAzure = { const paramsAzure = {
Bucket: azureContainerName, Bucket: azureContainerName,
Key: this.currentTest.mpuKeyNameAzure, Key: testContext.currentTest.mpuKeyNameAzure,
Metadata: { 'scal-location-constraint': azureLocation }, Metadata: { 'scal-location-constraint': azureLocation },
}; };
const paramsMem = { const paramsMem = {
Bucket: memBucketName, Bucket: memBucketName,
Key: this.currentTest.mpuKeyNameMem, Key: testContext.currentTest.mpuKeyNameMem,
Metadata: { 'scal-location-constraint': memLocation }, Metadata: { 'scal-location-constraint': memLocation },
}; };
const paramsAWS = { const paramsAWS = {
Bucket: memBucketName, Bucket: memBucketName,
Key: this.currentTest.mpuKeyNameAWS, Key: testContext.currentTest.mpuKeyNameAWS,
Metadata: { 'scal-location-constraint': awsLocation }, Metadata: { 'scal-location-constraint': awsLocation },
}; };
async.waterfall([ async.waterfall([
@ -176,67 +179,64 @@ describeSkipIfNotMultipleOrCeph('Put Copy Part to AZURE', function describeF() {
err => next(err)), err => next(err)),
next => s3.putObject({ next => s3.putObject({
Bucket: azureContainerName, Bucket: azureContainerName,
Key: this.currentTest.keyNameNormalAzure, Key: testContext.currentTest.keyNameNormalAzure,
Body: normalBody, Body: normalBody,
Metadata: { 'scal-location-constraint': azureLocation }, Metadata: { 'scal-location-constraint': azureLocation },
}, err => next(err)), }, err => next(err)),
next => s3.putObject({ next => s3.putObject({
Bucket: azureContainerName, Bucket: azureContainerName,
Key: this.currentTest.keyNameNormalAzureMismatch, Key: testContext.currentTest.keyNameNormalAzureMismatch,
Body: normalBody, Body: normalBody,
Metadata: { 'scal-location-constraint': Metadata: { 'scal-location-constraint':
azureLocationMismatch }, azureLocationMismatch },
}, err => next(err)), }, err => next(err)),
next => s3.putObject({ next => s3.putObject({
Bucket: azureContainerName, Bucket: azureContainerName,
Key: this.currentTest.keyNameFiveMbAzure, Key: testContext.currentTest.keyNameFiveMbAzure,
Body: fiveMbBody, Body: fiveMbBody,
Metadata: { 'scal-location-constraint': azureLocation }, Metadata: { 'scal-location-constraint': azureLocation },
}, err => next(err)), }, err => next(err)),
next => s3.putObject({ next => s3.putObject({
Bucket: azureContainerName, Bucket: azureContainerName,
Key: this.currentTest.keyNameFiveMbMem, Key: testContext.currentTest.keyNameFiveMbMem,
Body: fiveMbBody, Body: fiveMbBody,
Metadata: { 'scal-location-constraint': memLocation }, Metadata: { 'scal-location-constraint': memLocation },
}, err => next(err)), }, err => next(err)),
next => s3.createMultipartUpload(paramsAzure, next => s3.createMultipartUpload(paramsAzure,
(err, res) => { (err, res) => {
assert.equal(err, null, 'createMultipartUpload ' + expect(err).toEqual(null);
`on Azure: Expected success, got error: ${err}`); testContext.currentTest.uploadId = res.UploadId;
this.currentTest.uploadId = res.UploadId;
next(); next();
}), }),
next => s3.createMultipartUpload(paramsMem, next => s3.createMultipartUpload(paramsMem,
(err, res) => { (err, res) => {
assert.equal(err, null, 'createMultipartUpload ' + expect(err).toEqual(null);
`in memory: Expected success, got error: ${err}`); testContext.currentTest.uploadIdMem = res.UploadId;
this.currentTest.uploadIdMem = res.UploadId;
next(); next();
}), }),
next => s3.createMultipartUpload(paramsAWS, next => s3.createMultipartUpload(paramsAWS,
(err, res) => { (err, res) => {
assert.equal(err, null, 'createMultipartUpload ' + expect(err).toEqual(null);
`on AWS: Expected success, got error: ${err}`); testContext.currentTest.uploadIdAWS = res.UploadId;
this.currentTest.uploadIdAWS = res.UploadId;
next(); next();
}), }),
], done); ], done);
}); });
afterEach(function afterEachF(done) { afterEach(done => {
const paramsAzure = { const paramsAzure = {
Bucket: azureContainerName, Bucket: azureContainerName,
Key: this.currentTest.mpuKeyNameAzure, Key: testContext.currentTest.mpuKeyNameAzure,
UploadId: this.currentTest.uploadId, UploadId: testContext.currentTest.uploadId,
}; };
const paramsMem = { const paramsMem = {
Bucket: memBucketName, Bucket: memBucketName,
Key: this.currentTest.mpuKeyNameMem, Key: testContext.currentTest.mpuKeyNameMem,
UploadId: this.currentTest.uploadIdMem, UploadId: testContext.currentTest.uploadIdMem,
}; };
const paramsAWS = { const paramsAWS = {
Bucket: memBucketName, Bucket: memBucketName,
Key: this.currentTest.mpuKeyNameAWS, Key: testContext.currentTest.mpuKeyNameAWS,
UploadId: this.currentTest.uploadIdAWS, UploadId: testContext.currentTest.uploadIdAWS,
}; };
async.waterfall([ async.waterfall([
next => s3.abortMultipartUpload(paramsAzure, next => s3.abortMultipartUpload(paramsAzure,
@ -247,60 +247,59 @@ describeSkipIfNotMultipleOrCeph('Put Copy Part to AZURE', function describeF() {
err => next(err)), err => next(err)),
], done); ], done);
}); });
it('should copy small part from Azure to MPU with Azure location', test(
function ifF(done) { 'should copy small part from Azure to MPU with Azure location',
done => {
const params = { const params = {
Bucket: azureContainerName, Bucket: azureContainerName,
CopySource: CopySource:
`${azureContainerName}/${this.test.keyNameNormalAzure}`, `${azureContainerName}/${testContext.test.keyNameNormalAzure}`,
Key: this.test.mpuKeyNameAzure, Key: testContext.test.mpuKeyNameAzure,
PartNumber: 1, PartNumber: 1,
UploadId: this.test.uploadId, UploadId: testContext.test.uploadId,
}; };
async.waterfall([ async.waterfall([
next => s3.uploadPartCopy(params, (err, res) => { next => s3.uploadPartCopy(params, (err, res) => {
assert.equal(err, null, 'uploadPartCopy: Expected ' + expect(err).toEqual(null);
`success, got error: ${err}`); expect(res.ETag).toBe(`"${normalMD5}"`);
assert.strictEqual(res.ETag, `"${normalMD5}"`);
next(err); next(err);
}), }),
next => { next => {
const infos = { const infos = {
azureContainerName, azureContainerName,
mpuKeyNameAzure: this.test.mpuKeyNameAzure, mpuKeyNameAzure: testContext.test.mpuKeyNameAzure,
uploadId: this.test.uploadId, uploadId: testContext.test.uploadId,
md5: normalMD5, md5: normalMD5,
subPartSize: [normalBodySize], subPartSize: [normalBodySize],
}; };
assertCopyPart(infos, next); assertCopyPart(infos, next);
}, },
], done); ], done);
}); }
it('should copy small part from Azure location with ' + test('should copy small part from Azure location with ' +
'bucketMatch=false to MPU with Azure location', 'bucketMatch=false to MPU with Azure location', done => {
function ifF(done) {
const params = { const params = {
Bucket: azureContainerName, Bucket: azureContainerName,
CopySource: CopySource:
`${azureContainerName}/` + `${azureContainerName}/` +
`${this.test.keyNameNormalAzureMismatch}`, `${testContext.test.keyNameNormalAzureMismatch}`,
Key: this.test.mpuKeyNameAzure, Key: testContext.test.mpuKeyNameAzure,
PartNumber: 1, PartNumber: 1,
UploadId: this.test.uploadId, UploadId: testContext.test.uploadId,
}; };
async.waterfall([ async.waterfall([
next => s3.uploadPartCopy(params, (err, res) => { next => s3.uploadPartCopy(params, (err, res) => {
assert.equal(err, null, 'uploadPartCopy: Expected ' + expect(err).toEqual(null);
`success, got error: ${err}`); expect(res.ETag).toBe(`"${normalMD5}"`);
assert.strictEqual(res.ETag, `"${normalMD5}"`);
next(err); next(err);
}), }),
next => { next => {
const infos = { const infos = {
azureContainerName, azureContainerName,
mpuKeyNameAzure: this.test.mpuKeyNameAzure, mpuKeyNameAzure: testContext.test.mpuKeyNameAzure,
uploadId: this.test.uploadId, uploadId: testContext.test.uploadId,
md5: normalMD5, md5: normalMD5,
subPartSize: [normalBodySize], subPartSize: [normalBodySize],
}; };
@ -309,67 +308,66 @@ describeSkipIfNotMultipleOrCeph('Put Copy Part to AZURE', function describeF() {
], done); ], done);
}); });
it('should copy 5 Mb part from Azure to MPU with Azure location', test(
function ifF(done) { 'should copy 5 Mb part from Azure to MPU with Azure location',
done => {
const params = { const params = {
Bucket: azureContainerName, Bucket: azureContainerName,
CopySource: CopySource:
`${azureContainerName}/${this.test.keyNameFiveMbAzure}`, `${azureContainerName}/${testContext.test.keyNameFiveMbAzure}`,
Key: this.test.mpuKeyNameAzure, Key: testContext.test.mpuKeyNameAzure,
PartNumber: 1, PartNumber: 1,
UploadId: this.test.uploadId, UploadId: testContext.test.uploadId,
}; };
async.waterfall([ async.waterfall([
next => s3.uploadPartCopy(params, (err, res) => { next => s3.uploadPartCopy(params, (err, res) => {
assert.equal(err, null, 'uploadPartCopy: Expected ' + expect(err).toEqual(null);
`success, got error: ${err}`); expect(res.ETag).toBe(`"${fiveMbMD5}"`);
assert.strictEqual(res.ETag, `"${fiveMbMD5}"`);
next(err); next(err);
}), }),
next => { next => {
const infos = { const infos = {
azureContainerName, azureContainerName,
mpuKeyNameAzure: this.test.mpuKeyNameAzure, mpuKeyNameAzure: testContext.test.mpuKeyNameAzure,
uploadId: this.test.uploadId, uploadId: testContext.test.uploadId,
md5: fiveMbMD5, md5: fiveMbMD5,
subPartSize: [fiveMB], subPartSize: [fiveMB],
}; };
assertCopyPart(infos, next); assertCopyPart(infos, next);
}, },
], done); ], done);
}); }
it('should copy part from Azure to MPU with memory location', test(
function ifF(done) { 'should copy part from Azure to MPU with memory location',
done => {
const params = { const params = {
Bucket: memBucketName, Bucket: memBucketName,
CopySource: CopySource:
`${azureContainerName}/${this.test.keyNameNormalAzure}`, `${azureContainerName}/${testContext.test.keyNameNormalAzure}`,
Key: this.test.mpuKeyNameMem, Key: testContext.test.mpuKeyNameMem,
PartNumber: 1, PartNumber: 1,
UploadId: this.test.uploadIdMem, UploadId: testContext.test.uploadIdMem,
}; };
async.waterfall([ async.waterfall([
next => s3.uploadPartCopy(params, (err, res) => { next => s3.uploadPartCopy(params, (err, res) => {
assert.equal(err, null, 'uploadPartCopy: Expected ' + expect(err).toEqual(null);
`success, got error: ${err}`); expect(res.ETag).toBe(`"${normalMD5}"`);
assert.strictEqual(res.ETag, `"${normalMD5}"`);
next(err); next(err);
}), }),
next => { next => {
s3.listParts({ s3.listParts({
Bucket: memBucketName, Bucket: memBucketName,
Key: this.test.mpuKeyNameMem, Key: testContext.test.mpuKeyNameMem,
UploadId: this.test.uploadIdMem, UploadId: testContext.test.uploadIdMem,
}, (err, res) => { }, (err, res) => {
assert.equal(err, null, expect(err).toEqual(null);
'listParts: Expected success,' +
` got error: ${err}`);
const resultCopy = const resultCopy =
JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(result)); JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(result));
resultCopy.Bucket = memBucketName; resultCopy.Bucket = memBucketName;
resultCopy.Key = this.test.mpuKeyNameMem; resultCopy.Key = testContext.test.mpuKeyNameMem;
resultCopy.UploadId = this.test.uploadIdMem; resultCopy.UploadId = testContext.test.uploadIdMem;
resultCopy.Parts = resultCopy.Parts =
[{ PartNumber: 1, [{ PartNumber: 1,
LastModified: res.Parts[0].LastModified, LastModified: res.Parts[0].LastModified,
@ -380,23 +378,24 @@ describeSkipIfNotMultipleOrCeph('Put Copy Part to AZURE', function describeF() {
}); });
}, },
], done); ], done);
}); }
it('should copy part from Azure to MPU with AWS location', test(
function ifF(done) { 'should copy part from Azure to MPU with AWS location',
done => {
const params = { const params = {
Bucket: memBucketName, Bucket: memBucketName,
CopySource: CopySource:
`${azureContainerName}/${this.test.keyNameNormalAzure}`, `${azureContainerName}/${testContext.test.keyNameNormalAzure}`,
Key: this.test.mpuKeyNameAWS, Key: testContext.test.mpuKeyNameAWS,
PartNumber: 1, PartNumber: 1,
UploadId: this.test.uploadIdAWS, UploadId: testContext.test.uploadIdAWS,
}; };
async.waterfall([ async.waterfall([
next => s3.uploadPartCopy(params, (err, res) => { next => s3.uploadPartCopy(params, (err, res) => {
assert.equal(err, null, 'uploadPartCopy: Expected ' + expect(err).toEqual(null);
`success, got error: ${err}`); expect(res.ETag).toBe(`"${normalMD5}"`);
assert.strictEqual(res.ETag, `"${normalMD5}"`);
next(err); next(err);
}), }),
next => { next => {
@ -405,45 +404,39 @@ describeSkipIfNotMultipleOrCeph('Put Copy Part to AZURE', function describeF() {
.details.bucketName; .details.bucketName;
awsS3.listParts({ awsS3.listParts({
Bucket: awsBucket, Bucket: awsBucket,
Key: this.test.mpuKeyNameAWS, Key: testContext.test.mpuKeyNameAWS,
UploadId: this.test.uploadIdAWS, UploadId: testContext.test.uploadIdAWS,
}, (err, res) => { }, (err, res) => {
assert.equal(err, null, expect(err).toEqual(null);
'listParts: Expected success,' + expect(res.Bucket).toBe(awsBucket);
` got error: ${err}`); expect(res.Key).toBe(testContext.test.mpuKeyNameAWS);
assert.strictEqual(res.Bucket, awsBucket); expect(res.UploadId).toBe(testContext.test.uploadIdAWS);
assert.strictEqual(res.Key, expect(res.Parts.length).toBe(1);
this.test.mpuKeyNameAWS); expect(res.Parts[0].PartNumber).toBe(1);
assert.strictEqual(res.UploadId, expect(res.Parts[0].ETag).toBe(`"${normalMD5}"`);
this.test.uploadIdAWS); expect(res.Parts[0].Size).toBe(normalBodySize);
assert.strictEqual(res.Parts.length, 1);
assert.strictEqual(res.Parts[0].PartNumber, 1);
next(); next();
}); });
}, },
], done); ], done);
}); }
it('should copy part from Azure object with range to MPU ' + test('should copy part from Azure object with range to MPU ' +
'with AWS location', function ifF(done) { 'with AWS location', done => {
const params = { const params = {
Bucket: memBucketName, Bucket: memBucketName,
CopySource: CopySource:
`${azureContainerName}/${this.test.keyNameNormalAzure}`, `${azureContainerName}/${testContext.test.keyNameNormalAzure}`,
Key: this.test.mpuKeyNameAWS, Key: testContext.test.mpuKeyNameAWS,
CopySourceRange: 'bytes=0-5', CopySourceRange: 'bytes=0-5',
PartNumber: 1, PartNumber: 1,
UploadId: this.test.uploadIdAWS, UploadId: testContext.test.uploadIdAWS,
}; };
async.waterfall([ async.waterfall([
next => s3.uploadPartCopy(params, (err, res) => { next => s3.uploadPartCopy(params, (err, res) => {
assert.equal(err, null, 'uploadPartCopy: Expected ' + expect(err).toEqual(null);
`success, got error: ${err}`); expect(res.ETag).toBe(`"${sixBytesMD5}"`);
assert.strictEqual(res.ETag, `"${sixBytesMD5}"`);
next(err); next(err);
}), }),
next => { next => {
@ -452,51 +445,44 @@ describeSkipIfNotMultipleOrCeph('Put Copy Part to AZURE', function describeF() {
.details.bucketName; .details.bucketName;
awsS3.listParts({ awsS3.listParts({
Bucket: awsBucket, Bucket: awsBucket,
Key: this.test.mpuKeyNameAWS, Key: testContext.test.mpuKeyNameAWS,
UploadId: this.test.uploadIdAWS, UploadId: testContext.test.uploadIdAWS,
}, (err, res) => { }, (err, res) => {
assert.equal(err, null, expect(err).toEqual(null);
'listParts: Expected success,' + expect(res.Bucket).toBe(awsBucket);
` got error: ${err}`); expect(res.Key).toBe(testContext.test.mpuKeyNameAWS);
assert.strictEqual(res.Bucket, awsBucket); expect(res.UploadId).toBe(testContext.test.uploadIdAWS);
assert.strictEqual(res.Key, expect(res.Parts.length).toBe(1);
this.test.mpuKeyNameAWS); expect(res.Parts[0].PartNumber).toBe(1);
assert.strictEqual(res.UploadId, expect(res.Parts[0].ETag).toBe(`"${sixBytesMD5}"`);
this.test.uploadIdAWS); expect(res.Parts[0].Size).toBe(6);
assert.strictEqual(res.Parts.length, 1);
assert.strictEqual(res.Parts[0].PartNumber, 1);
assert.strictEqual(res.Parts[0].Size, 6);
next(); next();
}); });
}, },
], done); ], done);
}); });
it('should copy 5 Mb part from a memory location to MPU with ' + test('should copy 5 Mb part from a memory location to MPU with ' +
'Azure location', 'Azure location', done => {
function ifF(done) {
const params = { const params = {
Bucket: azureContainerName, Bucket: azureContainerName,
CopySource: CopySource:
`${azureContainerName}/${this.test.keyNameFiveMbMem}`, `${azureContainerName}/${testContext.test.keyNameFiveMbMem}`,
Key: this.test.mpuKeyNameAzure, Key: testContext.test.mpuKeyNameAzure,
PartNumber: 1, PartNumber: 1,
UploadId: this.test.uploadId, UploadId: testContext.test.uploadId,
}; };
async.waterfall([ async.waterfall([
next => s3.uploadPartCopy(params, (err, res) => { next => s3.uploadPartCopy(params, (err, res) => {
assert.equal(err, null, 'uploadPartCopy: Expected ' + expect(err).toEqual(null);
`success, got error: ${err}`); expect(res.ETag).toBe(`"${fiveMbMD5}"`);
assert.strictEqual(res.ETag, `"${fiveMbMD5}"`);
next(err); next(err);
}), }),
next => { next => {
const infos = { const infos = {
azureContainerName, azureContainerName,
mpuKeyNameAzure: this.test.mpuKeyNameAzure, mpuKeyNameAzure: testContext.test.mpuKeyNameAzure,
uploadId: this.test.uploadId, uploadId: testContext.test.uploadId,
md5: fiveMbMD5, md5: fiveMbMD5,
subPartSize: [fiveMB], subPartSize: [fiveMB],
}; };
@ -506,45 +492,42 @@ describeSkipIfNotMultipleOrCeph('Put Copy Part to AZURE', function describeF() {
}); });
describe('with existing part', () => { describe('with existing part', () => {
beforeEach(function beF(done) { beforeEach(done => {
const params = { const params = {
Body: oneKbBody, Body: oneKbBody,
Bucket: azureContainerName, Bucket: azureContainerName,
Key: this.currentTest.mpuKeyNameAzure, Key: testContext.currentTest.mpuKeyNameAzure,
PartNumber: 1, PartNumber: 1,
UploadId: this.currentTest.uploadId, UploadId: testContext.currentTest.uploadId,
}; };
s3.uploadPart(params, done); s3.uploadPart(params, done);
}); });
it('should copy part from Azure to Azure with existing ' + test('should copy part from Azure to Azure with existing ' +
'parts', function ifF(done) { 'parts', done => {
const resultCopy = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(result)); const resultCopy = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(result));
const params = { const params = {
Bucket: azureContainerName, Bucket: azureContainerName,
CopySource: CopySource:
`${azureContainerName}/${this.test.keyNameNormalAzure}`, `${azureContainerName}/${testContext.test.keyNameNormalAzure}`,
Key: this.test.mpuKeyNameAzure, Key: testContext.test.mpuKeyNameAzure,
PartNumber: 2, PartNumber: 2,
UploadId: this.test.uploadId, UploadId: testContext.test.uploadId,
}; };
async.waterfall([ async.waterfall([
next => s3.uploadPartCopy(params, (err, res) => { next => s3.uploadPartCopy(params, (err, res) => {
assert.equal(err, null, expect(err).toEqual(null);
'uploadPartCopy: Expected success, got ' + expect(res.ETag).toBe(`"${normalMD5}"`);
`error: ${err}`);
assert.strictEqual(res.ETag, `"${normalMD5}"`);
next(err); next(err);
}), }),
next => s3.listParts({ next => s3.listParts({
Bucket: azureContainerName, Bucket: azureContainerName,
Key: this.test.mpuKeyNameAzure, Key: testContext.test.mpuKeyNameAzure,
UploadId: this.test.uploadId, UploadId: testContext.test.uploadId,
}, (err, res) => { }, (err, res) => {
assert.equal(err, null, 'listParts: Expected ' + expect(err).toEqual(null);
`success, got error: ${err}`);
resultCopy.Bucket = azureContainerName; resultCopy.Bucket = azureContainerName;
resultCopy.Key = this.test.mpuKeyNameAzure; resultCopy.Key = testContext.test.mpuKeyNameAzure;
resultCopy.UploadId = this.test.uploadId; resultCopy.UploadId = testContext.test.uploadId;
resultCopy.Parts = resultCopy.Parts =
[{ PartNumber: 1, [{ PartNumber: 1,
LastModified: res.Parts[0].LastModified, LastModified: res.Parts[0].LastModified,
@ -559,21 +542,16 @@ describeSkipIfNotMultipleOrCeph('Put Copy Part to AZURE', function describeF() {
next(); next();
}), }),
next => azureClient.listBlocks(azureContainerName, next => azureClient.listBlocks(azureContainerName,
this.test.mpuKeyNameAzure, 'all', (err, res) => { testContext.test.mpuKeyNameAzure, 'all', (err, res) => {
assert.equal(err, null, 'listBlocks: Expected ' + expect(err).toEqual(null);
`success, got error: ${err}`);
const partName = azureMpuUtils.getBlockId( const partName = azureMpuUtils.getBlockId(
this.test.uploadId, 1, 0); testContext.test.uploadId, 1, 0);
const partName2 = azureMpuUtils.getBlockId( const partName2 = azureMpuUtils.getBlockId(
this.test.uploadId, 2, 0); testContext.test.uploadId, 2, 0);
assert.strictEqual(res.UncommittedBlocks[0].Name, expect(res.UncommittedBlocks[0].Name).toBe(partName);
partName); expect(res.UncommittedBlocks[0].Size).toEqual(oneKb);
assert.equal(res.UncommittedBlocks[0].Size, expect(res.UncommittedBlocks[1].Name).toBe(partName2);
oneKb); expect(res.UncommittedBlocks[1].Size).toEqual(11);
next(); next();
}), }),
], done); ], done);
@ -605,15 +583,21 @@ function describeF() {
}); });
}); });
describe('Basic test with large object: ', () => { describe('Basic test with large object: ', () => {
beforeEach(function beF(done) { let testContext;
this.currentTest.keyNameOneHundredAndFiveMbAzure =
beforeEach(() => {
testContext = {};
beforeEach(done => {
testContext.currentTest.keyNameOneHundredAndFiveMbAzure =
`onehundredandfivembazure${uniqName(keyObjectAzure)}`; `onehundredandfivembazure${uniqName(keyObjectAzure)}`;
this.currentTest.mpuKeyNameAzure = testContext.currentTest.mpuKeyNameAzure =
`mpukeyname${uniqName(keyObjectAzure)}`; `mpukeyname${uniqName(keyObjectAzure)}`;
const params = { const params = {
Bucket: azureContainerName, Bucket: azureContainerName,
Key: this.currentTest.mpuKeyNameAzure, Key: testContext.currentTest.mpuKeyNameAzure,
Metadata: { 'scal-location-constraint': azureLocation }, Metadata: { 'scal-location-constraint': azureLocation },
}; };
async.waterfall([ async.waterfall([
@ -621,52 +605,49 @@ function describeF() {
err => next(err)), err => next(err)),
next => s3.putObject({ next => s3.putObject({
Bucket: azureContainerName, Bucket: azureContainerName,
Key: this.currentTest.keyNameOneHundredAndFiveMbAzure, Key: testContext.currentTest.keyNameOneHundredAndFiveMbAzure,
Body: oneHundredAndFiveMbBody, Body: oneHundredAndFiveMbBody,
Metadata: { 'scal-location-constraint': azureLocation }, Metadata: { 'scal-location-constraint': azureLocation },
}, err => next(err)), }, err => next(err)),
next => s3.createMultipartUpload(params, (err, res) => { next => s3.createMultipartUpload(params, (err, res) => {
assert.equal(err, null, 'createMultipartUpload: ' + expect(err).toEqual(null);
`Expected success, got error: ${err}`); testContext.currentTest.uploadId = res.UploadId;
this.currentTest.uploadId = res.UploadId;
next(); next();
}), }),
], done); ], done);
}); });
afterEach(function afterEachF(done) { afterEach(done => {
const params = { const params = {
Bucket: azureContainerName, Bucket: azureContainerName,
Key: this.currentTest.mpuKeyNameAzure, Key: testContext.currentTest.mpuKeyNameAzure,
UploadId: this.currentTest.uploadId, UploadId: testContext.currentTest.uploadId,
}; };
s3.abortMultipartUpload(params, done); s3.abortMultipartUpload(params, done);
}); });
it('should copy 105 MB part from Azure to MPU with Azure ' + test('should copy 105 MB part from Azure to MPU with Azure ' +
'location', function ifF(done) { 'location', done => {
const params = { const params = {
Bucket: azureContainerName, Bucket: azureContainerName,
CopySource: CopySource:
`${azureContainerName}/` + `${azureContainerName}/` +
`${this.test.keyNameOneHundredAndFiveMbAzure}`, `${testContext.test.keyNameOneHundredAndFiveMbAzure}`,
Key: this.test.mpuKeyNameAzure, Key: testContext.test.mpuKeyNameAzure,
PartNumber: 1, PartNumber: 1,
UploadId: this.test.uploadId, UploadId: testContext.test.uploadId,
}; };
async.waterfall([ async.waterfall([
next => s3.uploadPartCopy(params, (err, res) => { next => s3.uploadPartCopy(params, (err, res) => {
assert.equal(err, null, 'uploadPartCopy: Expected ' + expect(err).toEqual(null);
`success, got error: ${err}`); expect(res.ETag).toBe(`"${oneHundredAndFiveMbMD5}"`);
next(err); next(err);
}), }),
next => { next => {
const infos = { const infos = {
azureContainerName, azureContainerName,
mpuKeyNameAzure: mpuKeyNameAzure:
this.test.mpuKeyNameAzure, testContext.test.mpuKeyNameAzure,
uploadId: this.test.uploadId, uploadId: testContext.test.uploadId,
md5: oneHundredAndFiveMbMD5, md5: oneHundredAndFiveMbMD5,
subPartSize: [100 * 1024 * 1024, 5 * 1024 * 1024], subPartSize: [100 * 1024 * 1024, 5 * 1024 * 1024],
}; };
@ -709,15 +690,21 @@ function describeF() {
}); });
describe('Basic test with complete MPU from AWS to Azure location: ', describe('Basic test with complete MPU from AWS to Azure location: ',
() => { () => {
beforeEach(function beF(done) { let testContext;
this.currentTest.keyNameAws =
beforeEach(() => {
testContext = {};
beforeEach(done => {
testContext.currentTest.keyNameAws =
`onehundredandfivembazure${uniqName(keyObjectAWS)}`; `onehundredandfivembazure${uniqName(keyObjectAWS)}`;
this.currentTest.mpuKeyNameAzure = testContext.currentTest.mpuKeyNameAzure =
`mpukeyname${uniqName(keyObjectAzure)}`; `mpukeyname${uniqName(keyObjectAzure)}`;
const createMpuParams = { const createMpuParams = {
Bucket: azureContainerName, Bucket: azureContainerName,
Key: this.currentTest.mpuKeyNameAzure, Key: testContext.currentTest.mpuKeyNameAzure,
Metadata: { 'scal-location-constraint': azureLocation }, Metadata: { 'scal-location-constraint': azureLocation },
}; };
async.waterfall([ async.waterfall([
@ -727,57 +714,54 @@ function describeF() {
err => next(err)), err => next(err)),
next => s3.putObject({ next => s3.putObject({
Bucket: awsBucketName, Bucket: awsBucketName,
Key: this.currentTest.keyNameAws, Key: testContext.currentTest.keyNameAws,
Body: fiveMbBody, Body: fiveMbBody,
Metadata: { 'scal-location-constraint': awsLocation }, Metadata: { 'scal-location-constraint': awsLocation },
}, err => next(err)), }, err => next(err)),
next => s3.createMultipartUpload(createMpuParams, next => s3.createMultipartUpload(createMpuParams,
(err, res) => { (err, res) => {
assert.equal(err, null, 'createMultipartUpload: ' + expect(err).toEqual(null);
`Expected success, got error: ${err}`); testContext.currentTest.uploadId = res.UploadId;
this.currentTest.uploadId = res.UploadId;
next(); next();
}), }),
], done); ], done);
}); });
it('should copy two 5 MB part from Azure to MPU with Azure ' + test('should copy two 5 MB part from Azure to MPU with Azure ' +
'location', function ifF(done) { 'location', done => {
const uploadParams = { const uploadParams = {
Bucket: azureContainerName, Bucket: azureContainerName,
CopySource: CopySource:
`${awsBucketName}/` + `${awsBucketName}/` +
`${this.test.keyNameAws}`, `${testContext.test.keyNameAws}`,
Key: this.test.mpuKeyNameAzure, Key: testContext.test.mpuKeyNameAzure,
PartNumber: 1, PartNumber: 1,
UploadId: this.test.uploadId, UploadId: testContext.test.uploadId,
}; };
const uploadParams2 = { const uploadParams2 = {
Bucket: azureContainerName, Bucket: azureContainerName,
CopySource: CopySource:
`${awsBucketName}/` + `${awsBucketName}/` +
`${this.test.keyNameAws}`, `${testContext.test.keyNameAws}`,
Key: this.test.mpuKeyNameAzure, Key: testContext.test.mpuKeyNameAzure,
PartNumber: 2, PartNumber: 2,
UploadId: this.test.uploadId, UploadId: testContext.test.uploadId,
}; };
async.waterfall([ async.waterfall([
next => s3.uploadPartCopy(uploadParams, (err, res) => { next => s3.uploadPartCopy(uploadParams, (err, res) => {
assert.equal(err, null, 'uploadPartCopy: Expected ' + expect(err).toEqual(null);
`success, got error: ${err}`); expect(res.ETag).toBe(`"${fiveMbMD5}"`);
assert.strictEqual(res.ETag, `"${fiveMbMD5}"`);
next(err); next(err);
}), }),
next => s3.uploadPartCopy(uploadParams2, (err, res) => { next => s3.uploadPartCopy(uploadParams2, (err, res) => {
assert.equal(err, null, 'uploadPartCopy: Expected ' + expect(err).toEqual(null);
`success, got error: ${err}`); expect(res.ETag).toBe(`"${fiveMbMD5}"`);
assert.strictEqual(res.ETag, `"${fiveMbMD5}"`);
next(err); next(err);
}), }),
next => { next => {
const completeMpuParams = { const completeMpuParams = {
Bucket: azureContainerName, Bucket: azureContainerName,
Key: this.test.mpuKeyNameAzure, Key: testContext.test.mpuKeyNameAzure,
MultipartUpload: { MultipartUpload: {
Parts: [ Parts: [
{ {
@ -790,15 +774,13 @@ function describeF() {
}, },
], ],
}, },
UploadId: this.test.uploadId, UploadId: testContext.test.uploadId,
}; };
s3.completeMultipartUpload(completeMpuParams, s3.completeMultipartUpload(completeMpuParams,
(err, res) => { (err, res) => {
assert.equal(err, null, 'completeMultipartUpload:' + expect(err).toEqual(null);
` Expected success, got error: ${err}`); expect(res.Bucket).toBe(azureContainerName);
assert.strictEqual(res.Bucket, azureContainerName); expect(res.Key).toBe(testContext.test.mpuKeyNameAzure);
next(); next();
}); });
}, },

View File

@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ function assertCopyPart(infos, cb) {
}, (err, res) => { }, (err, res) => {
assert.ifError(err, 'GCP listParts: Expected success,' + assert.ifError(err, 'GCP listParts: Expected success,' +
`got error: ${err}`); `got error: ${err}`);
assert.strictEqual(res.Contents[0].ETag, `"${md5}"`); expect(res.Contents[0].ETag).toBe(`"${md5}"`);
next(); next();
}), }),
], cb); ], cb);
@ -119,36 +119,42 @@ describeSkipIfNotMultipleOrCeph('Put Copy Part to GCP', function describeFn() {
}); });
describe('Basic test: ', () => { describe('Basic test: ', () => {
beforeEach(function beforeFn(done) { let testContext;
this.currentTest.keyNameNormalGcp =
beforeEach(() => {
testContext = {};
beforeEach(done => {
testContext.currentTest.keyNameNormalGcp =
`normalgcp${uniqName(keyObjectGcp)}`; `normalgcp${uniqName(keyObjectGcp)}`;
this.currentTest.keyNameNormalGcpMismatch = testContext.currentTest.keyNameNormalGcpMismatch =
`normalgcpmismatch${uniqName(keyObjectGcp)}`; `normalgcpmismatch${uniqName(keyObjectGcp)}`;
this.currentTest.keyNameFiveMbGcp = testContext.currentTest.keyNameFiveMbGcp =
`fivembgcp${uniqName(keyObjectGcp)}`; `fivembgcp${uniqName(keyObjectGcp)}`;
this.currentTest.keyNameFiveMbMem = testContext.currentTest.keyNameFiveMbMem =
`fivembmem${uniqName(keyObjectMemory)}`; `fivembmem${uniqName(keyObjectMemory)}`;
this.currentTest.mpuKeyNameGcp = testContext.currentTest.mpuKeyNameGcp =
`mpukeyname${uniqName(keyObjectGcp)}`; `mpukeyname${uniqName(keyObjectGcp)}`;
this.currentTest.mpuKeyNameMem = testContext.currentTest.mpuKeyNameMem =
`mpukeyname${uniqName(keyObjectMemory)}`; `mpukeyname${uniqName(keyObjectMemory)}`;
this.currentTest.mpuKeyNameAWS = testContext.currentTest.mpuKeyNameAWS =
`mpukeyname${uniqName(keyObjectAWS)}`; `mpukeyname${uniqName(keyObjectAWS)}`;
const paramsGcp = { const paramsGcp = {
Bucket: bucket, Bucket: bucket,
Key: this.currentTest.mpuKeyNameGcp, Key: testContext.currentTest.mpuKeyNameGcp,
Metadata: { 'scal-location-constraint': gcpLocation }, Metadata: { 'scal-location-constraint': gcpLocation },
}; };
const paramsMem = { const paramsMem = {
Bucket: memBucketName, Bucket: memBucketName,
Key: this.currentTest.mpuKeyNameMem, Key: testContext.currentTest.mpuKeyNameMem,
Metadata: { 'scal-location-constraint': memLocation }, Metadata: { 'scal-location-constraint': memLocation },
}; };
const paramsAWS = { const paramsAWS = {
Bucket: memBucketName, Bucket: memBucketName,
Key: this.currentTest.mpuKeyNameAWS, Key: testContext.currentTest.mpuKeyNameAWS,
Metadata: { 'scal-location-constraint': awsLocation }, Metadata: { 'scal-location-constraint': awsLocation },
}; };
async.waterfall([ async.waterfall([
@ -158,26 +164,26 @@ describeSkipIfNotMultipleOrCeph('Put Copy Part to GCP', function describeFn() {
err => next(err)), err => next(err)),
next => s3.putObject({ next => s3.putObject({
Bucket: bucket, Bucket: bucket,
Key: this.currentTest.keyNameNormalGcp, Key: testContext.currentTest.keyNameNormalGcp,
Body: normalBody, Body: normalBody,
Metadata: { 'scal-location-constraint': gcpLocation }, Metadata: { 'scal-location-constraint': gcpLocation },
}, err => next(err)), }, err => next(err)),
next => s3.putObject({ next => s3.putObject({
Bucket: bucket, Bucket: bucket,
Key: this.currentTest.keyNameNormalGcpMismatch, Key: testContext.currentTest.keyNameNormalGcpMismatch,
Body: normalBody, Body: normalBody,
Metadata: { 'scal-location-constraint': Metadata: { 'scal-location-constraint':
gcpLocationMismatch }, gcpLocationMismatch },
}, err => next(err)), }, err => next(err)),
next => s3.putObject({ next => s3.putObject({
Bucket: bucket, Bucket: bucket,
Key: this.currentTest.keyNameFiveMbGcp, Key: testContext.currentTest.keyNameFiveMbGcp,
Body: fiveMbBody, Body: fiveMbBody,
Metadata: { 'scal-location-constraint': gcpLocation }, Metadata: { 'scal-location-constraint': gcpLocation },
}, err => next(err)), }, err => next(err)),
next => s3.putObject({ next => s3.putObject({
Bucket: bucket, Bucket: bucket,
Key: this.currentTest.keyNameFiveMbMem, Key: testContext.currentTest.keyNameFiveMbMem,
Body: fiveMbBody, Body: fiveMbBody,
Metadata: { 'scal-location-constraint': memLocation }, Metadata: { 'scal-location-constraint': memLocation },
}, err => next(err)), }, err => next(err)),
@ -185,41 +191,41 @@ describeSkipIfNotMultipleOrCeph('Put Copy Part to GCP', function describeFn() {
(err, res) => { (err, res) => {
assert.ifError(err, 'createMultipartUpload ' + assert.ifError(err, 'createMultipartUpload ' +
`on gcp: Expected success, got error: ${err}`); `on gcp: Expected success, got error: ${err}`);
this.currentTest.uploadId = res.UploadId; testContext.currentTest.uploadId = res.UploadId;
next(); next();
}), }),
next => s3.createMultipartUpload(paramsMem, next => s3.createMultipartUpload(paramsMem,
(err, res) => { (err, res) => {
assert.ifError(err, 'createMultipartUpload ' + assert.ifError(err, 'createMultipartUpload ' +
`in memory: Expected success, got error: ${err}`); `in memory: Expected success, got error: ${err}`);
this.currentTest.uploadIdMem = res.UploadId; testContext.currentTest.uploadIdMem = res.UploadId;
next(); next();
}), }),
next => s3.createMultipartUpload(paramsAWS, next => s3.createMultipartUpload(paramsAWS,
(err, res) => { (err, res) => {
assert.ifError(err, 'createMultipartUpload ' + assert.ifError(err, 'createMultipartUpload ' +
`on AWS: Expected success, got error: ${err}`); `on AWS: Expected success, got error: ${err}`);
this.currentTest.uploadIdAWS = res.UploadId; testContext.currentTest.uploadIdAWS = res.UploadId;
next(); next();
}), }),
], done); ], done);
}); });
afterEach(function afterFn(done) { afterEach(done => {
const paramsGcp = { const paramsGcp = {
Bucket: bucket, Bucket: bucket,
Key: this.currentTest.mpuKeyNameGcp, Key: testContext.currentTest.mpuKeyNameGcp,
UploadId: this.currentTest.uploadId, UploadId: testContext.currentTest.uploadId,
}; };
const paramsMem = { const paramsMem = {
Bucket: memBucketName, Bucket: memBucketName,
Key: this.currentTest.mpuKeyNameMem, Key: testContext.currentTest.mpuKeyNameMem,
UploadId: this.currentTest.uploadIdMem, UploadId: testContext.currentTest.uploadIdMem,
}; };
const paramsAWS = { const paramsAWS = {
Bucket: memBucketName, Bucket: memBucketName,
Key: this.currentTest.mpuKeyNameAWS, Key: testContext.currentTest.mpuKeyNameAWS,
UploadId: this.currentTest.uploadIdAWS, UploadId: testContext.currentTest.uploadIdAWS,
}; };
async.waterfall([ async.waterfall([
next => s3.abortMultipartUpload(paramsGcp, next => s3.abortMultipartUpload(paramsGcp,
@ -231,28 +237,60 @@ describeSkipIfNotMultipleOrCeph('Put Copy Part to GCP', function describeFn() {
], done); ], done);
}); });
it('should copy small part from GCP to MPU with GCP location', test(
function itFn(done) { 'should copy small part from GCP to MPU with GCP location',
done => {
const params = { const params = {
Bucket: bucket, Bucket: bucket,
CopySource: CopySource:
`${bucket}/${this.test.keyNameNormalGcp}`, `${bucket}/${testContext.test.keyNameNormalGcp}`,
Key: this.test.mpuKeyNameGcp, Key: testContext.test.mpuKeyNameGcp,
PartNumber: 1, PartNumber: 1,
UploadId: this.test.uploadId, UploadId: testContext.test.uploadId,
}; };
async.waterfall([ async.waterfall([
next => s3.uploadPartCopy(params, (err, res) => { next => s3.uploadPartCopy(params, (err, res) => {
assert.ifError(err, 'uploadPartCopy: Expected ' + assert.ifError(err, 'uploadPartCopy: Expected ' +
`success, got error: ${err}`); `success, got error: ${err}`);
assert.strictEqual(res.ETag, `"${normalMD5}"`); expect(res.ETag).toBe(`"${normalMD5}"`);
next(err); next(err);
}), }),
next => { next => {
const infos = { const infos = {
bucketName: bucket, bucketName: bucket,
keyName: this.test.mpuKeyNameGcp, keyName: testContext.test.mpuKeyNameGcp,
uploadId: this.test.uploadId, uploadId: testContext.test.uploadId,
md5: normalMD5,
totalSize: normalBodySize,
assertCopyPart(infos, next);
], done);
test('should copy small part from GCP with bucketMatch=false to ' +
'MPU with GCP location', done => {
const params = {
Bucket: bucket,
Key: testContext.test.mpuKeyNameGcp,
PartNumber: 1,
UploadId: testContext.test.uploadId,
next => s3.uploadPartCopy(params, (err, res) => {
assert.ifError(err, 'uploadPartCopy: Expected ' +
`success, got error: ${err}`);
next => {
const infos = {
bucketName: bucket,
keyName: testContext.test.mpuKeyNameGcp,
uploadId: testContext.test.uploadId,
md5: normalMD5, md5: normalMD5,
totalSize: normalBodySize, totalSize: normalBodySize,
}; };
@ -261,89 +299,61 @@ describeSkipIfNotMultipleOrCeph('Put Copy Part to GCP', function describeFn() {
], done); ], done);
}); });
it('should copy small part from GCP with bucketMatch=false to ' + test(
'MPU with GCP location', 'should copy 5 Mb part from GCP to MPU with GCP location',
function itFn(done) { done => {
const params = { const params = {
Bucket: bucket, Bucket: bucket,
CopySource: CopySource:
`${bucket}/${this.test.keyNameNormalGcpMismatch}`, `${bucket}/${testContext.test.keyNameFiveMbGcp}`,
Key: this.test.mpuKeyNameGcp, Key: testContext.test.mpuKeyNameGcp,
PartNumber: 1, PartNumber: 1,
UploadId: this.test.uploadId, UploadId: testContext.test.uploadId,
}; };
async.waterfall([ async.waterfall([
next => s3.uploadPartCopy(params, (err, res) => { next => s3.uploadPartCopy(params, (err, res) => {
assert.ifError(err, 'uploadPartCopy: Expected ' + assert.ifError(err, 'uploadPartCopy: Expected ' +
`success, got error: ${err}`); `success, got error: ${err}`);
assert.strictEqual(res.ETag, `"${normalMD5}"`); expect(res.ETag).toBe(`"${fiveMbMD5}"`);
next(err); next(err);
}), }),
next => { next => {
const infos = { const infos = {
bucketName: bucket, bucketName: bucket,
keyName: this.test.mpuKeyNameGcp, keyName: testContext.test.mpuKeyNameGcp,
uploadId: this.test.uploadId, uploadId: testContext.test.uploadId,
md5: normalMD5,
totalSize: normalBodySize,
assertCopyPart(infos, next);
], done);
it('should copy 5 Mb part from GCP to MPU with GCP location',
function ifF(done) {
const params = {
Bucket: bucket,
Key: this.test.mpuKeyNameGcp,
PartNumber: 1,
UploadId: this.test.uploadId,
next => s3.uploadPartCopy(params, (err, res) => {
assert.ifError(err, 'uploadPartCopy: Expected ' +
`success, got error: ${err}`);
assert.strictEqual(res.ETag, `"${fiveMbMD5}"`);
next => {
const infos = {
bucketName: bucket,
keyName: this.test.mpuKeyNameGcp,
uploadId: this.test.uploadId,
md5: fiveMbMD5, md5: fiveMbMD5,
totalSize: fiveMB, totalSize: fiveMB,
}; };
assertCopyPart(infos, next); assertCopyPart(infos, next);
}, },
], done); ], done);
}); }
it('should copy part from GCP to MPU with memory location', test(
function ifF(done) { 'should copy part from GCP to MPU with memory location',
done => {
const params = { const params = {
Bucket: memBucketName, Bucket: memBucketName,
CopySource: CopySource:
`${bucket}/${this.test.keyNameNormalGcp}`, `${bucket}/${testContext.test.keyNameNormalGcp}`,
Key: this.test.mpuKeyNameMem, Key: testContext.test.mpuKeyNameMem,
PartNumber: 1, PartNumber: 1,
UploadId: this.test.uploadIdMem, UploadId: testContext.test.uploadIdMem,
}; };
async.waterfall([ async.waterfall([
next => s3.uploadPartCopy(params, (err, res) => { next => s3.uploadPartCopy(params, (err, res) => {
assert.ifError(err, 'uploadPartCopy: Expected ' + assert.ifError(err, 'uploadPartCopy: Expected ' +
`success, got error: ${err}`); `success, got error: ${err}`);
assert.strictEqual(res.ETag, `"${normalMD5}"`); expect(res.ETag).toBe(`"${normalMD5}"`);
next(err); next(err);
}), }),
next => { next => {
s3.listParts({ s3.listParts({
Bucket: memBucketName, Bucket: memBucketName,
Key: this.test.mpuKeyNameMem, Key: testContext.test.mpuKeyNameMem,
UploadId: this.test.uploadIdMem, UploadId: testContext.test.uploadIdMem,
}, (err, res) => { }, (err, res) => {
assert.ifError(err, assert.ifError(err,
'listParts: Expected success,' + 'listParts: Expected success,' +
@ -351,8 +361,8 @@ describeSkipIfNotMultipleOrCeph('Put Copy Part to GCP', function describeFn() {
const resultCopy = const resultCopy =
JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(result)); JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(result));
resultCopy.Bucket = memBucketName; resultCopy.Bucket = memBucketName;
resultCopy.Key = this.test.mpuKeyNameMem; resultCopy.Key = testContext.test.mpuKeyNameMem;
resultCopy.UploadId = this.test.uploadIdMem; resultCopy.UploadId = testContext.test.uploadIdMem;
resultCopy.Parts = resultCopy.Parts =
[{ PartNumber: 1, [{ PartNumber: 1,
LastModified: res.Parts[0].LastModified, LastModified: res.Parts[0].LastModified,
@ -363,23 +373,23 @@ describeSkipIfNotMultipleOrCeph('Put Copy Part to GCP', function describeFn() {
}); });
}, },
], done); ], done);
}); }
it('should copy part from GCP to MPU with AWS location', test('should copy part from GCP to MPU with AWS location', done => {
function ifF(done) {
const params = { const params = {
Bucket: memBucketName, Bucket: memBucketName,
CopySource: CopySource:
`${bucket}/${this.test.keyNameNormalGcp}`, `${bucket}/${testContext.test.keyNameNormalGcp}`,
Key: this.test.mpuKeyNameAWS, Key: testContext.test.mpuKeyNameAWS,
PartNumber: 1, PartNumber: 1,
UploadId: this.test.uploadIdAWS, UploadId: testContext.test.uploadIdAWS,
}; };
async.waterfall([ async.waterfall([
next => s3.uploadPartCopy(params, (err, res) => { next => s3.uploadPartCopy(params, (err, res) => {
assert.ifError(err, 'uploadPartCopy: Expected ' + assert.ifError(err, 'uploadPartCopy: Expected ' +
`success, got error: ${err}`); `success, got error: ${err}`);
assert.strictEqual(res.ETag, `"${normalMD5}"`); expect(res.ETag).toBe(`"${normalMD5}"`);
next(err); next(err);
}), }),
next => { next => {
@ -388,45 +398,41 @@ describeSkipIfNotMultipleOrCeph('Put Copy Part to GCP', function describeFn() {
.details.bucketName; .details.bucketName;
awsS3.listParts({ awsS3.listParts({
Bucket: awsBucket, Bucket: awsBucket,
Key: this.test.mpuKeyNameAWS, Key: testContext.test.mpuKeyNameAWS,
UploadId: this.test.uploadIdAWS, UploadId: testContext.test.uploadIdAWS,
}, (err, res) => { }, (err, res) => {
assert.ifError(err, assert.ifError(err,
'listParts: Expected success,' + 'listParts: Expected success,' +
` got error: ${err}`); ` got error: ${err}`);
assert.strictEqual(res.Bucket, awsBucket); expect(res.Bucket).toBe(awsBucket);
assert.strictEqual(res.Key, expect(res.Key).toBe(testContext.test.mpuKeyNameAWS);
this.test.mpuKeyNameAWS); expect(res.UploadId).toBe(testContext.test.uploadIdAWS);
assert.strictEqual(res.UploadId, expect(res.Parts.length).toBe(1);
this.test.uploadIdAWS); expect(res.Parts[0].PartNumber).toBe(1);
assert.strictEqual(res.Parts.length, 1); expect(res.Parts[0].ETag).toBe(`"${normalMD5}"`);
assert.strictEqual(res.Parts[0].PartNumber, 1); expect(res.Parts[0].Size).toBe(normalBodySize);
next(); next();
}); });
}, },
], done); ], done);
}); });
it('should copy part from GCP object with range to MPU ' + test('should copy part from GCP object with range to MPU ' +
'with AWS location', function ifF(done) { 'with AWS location', done => {
const params = { const params = {
Bucket: memBucketName, Bucket: memBucketName,
CopySource: CopySource:
`${bucket}/${this.test.keyNameNormalGcp}`, `${bucket}/${testContext.test.keyNameNormalGcp}`,
Key: this.test.mpuKeyNameAWS, Key: testContext.test.mpuKeyNameAWS,
CopySourceRange: 'bytes=0-5', CopySourceRange: 'bytes=0-5',
PartNumber: 1, PartNumber: 1,
UploadId: this.test.uploadIdAWS, UploadId: testContext.test.uploadIdAWS,
}; };
async.waterfall([ async.waterfall([
next => s3.uploadPartCopy(params, (err, res) => { next => s3.uploadPartCopy(params, (err, res) => {
assert.ifError(err, 'uploadPartCopy: Expected ' + assert.ifError(err, 'uploadPartCopy: Expected ' +
`success, got error: ${err}`); `success, got error: ${err}`);
assert.strictEqual(res.ETag, `"${sixBytesMD5}"`); expect(res.ETag).toBe(`"${sixBytesMD5}"`);
next(err); next(err);
}), }),
next => { next => {
@ -435,51 +441,47 @@ describeSkipIfNotMultipleOrCeph('Put Copy Part to GCP', function describeFn() {
.details.bucketName; .details.bucketName;
awsS3.listParts({ awsS3.listParts({
Bucket: awsBucket, Bucket: awsBucket,
Key: this.test.mpuKeyNameAWS, Key: testContext.test.mpuKeyNameAWS,
UploadId: this.test.uploadIdAWS, UploadId: testContext.test.uploadIdAWS,
}, (err, res) => { }, (err, res) => {
assert.ifError(err, assert.ifError(err,
'listParts: Expected success,' + 'listParts: Expected success,' +
` got error: ${err}`); ` got error: ${err}`);
assert.strictEqual(res.Bucket, awsBucket); expect(res.Bucket).toBe(awsBucket);
assert.strictEqual(res.Key, expect(res.Key).toBe(testContext.test.mpuKeyNameAWS);
this.test.mpuKeyNameAWS); expect(res.UploadId).toBe(testContext.test.uploadIdAWS);
assert.strictEqual(res.UploadId, expect(res.Parts.length).toBe(1);
this.test.uploadIdAWS); expect(res.Parts[0].PartNumber).toBe(1);
assert.strictEqual(res.Parts.length, 1); expect(res.Parts[0].ETag).toBe(`"${sixBytesMD5}"`);
assert.strictEqual(res.Parts[0].PartNumber, 1); expect(res.Parts[0].Size).toBe(6);
assert.strictEqual(res.Parts[0].Size, 6);
next(); next();
}); });
}, },
], done); ], done);
}); });
it('should copy 5 Mb part from a memory location to MPU with ' + test('should copy 5 Mb part from a memory location to MPU with ' +
'GCP location', 'GCP location', done => {
function ifF(done) {
const params = { const params = {
Bucket: bucket, Bucket: bucket,
CopySource: CopySource:
`${bucket}/${this.test.keyNameFiveMbMem}`, `${bucket}/${testContext.test.keyNameFiveMbMem}`,
Key: this.test.mpuKeyNameGcp, Key: testContext.test.mpuKeyNameGcp,
PartNumber: 1, PartNumber: 1,
UploadId: this.test.uploadId, UploadId: testContext.test.uploadId,
}; };
async.waterfall([ async.waterfall([
next => s3.uploadPartCopy(params, (err, res) => { next => s3.uploadPartCopy(params, (err, res) => {
assert.ifError(err, 'uploadPartCopy: Expected ' + assert.ifError(err, 'uploadPartCopy: Expected ' +
`success, got error: ${err}`); `success, got error: ${err}`);
assert.strictEqual(res.ETag, `"${fiveMbMD5}"`); expect(res.ETag).toBe(`"${fiveMbMD5}"`);
next(err); next(err);
}), }),
next => { next => {
const infos = { const infos = {
bucketName: bucket, bucketName: bucket,
keyName: this.test.mpuKeyNameGcp, keyName: testContext.test.mpuKeyNameGcp,
uploadId: this.test.uploadId, uploadId: testContext.test.uploadId,
md5: fiveMbMD5, md5: fiveMbMD5,
totalSize: fiveMB, totalSize: fiveMB,
}; };
@ -489,45 +491,45 @@ describeSkipIfNotMultipleOrCeph('Put Copy Part to GCP', function describeFn() {
}); });
describe('with existing part', () => { describe('with existing part', () => {
beforeEach(function beF(done) { beforeEach(done => {
const params = { const params = {
Body: oneKbBody, Body: oneKbBody,
Bucket: bucket, Bucket: bucket,
Key: this.currentTest.mpuKeyNameGcp, Key: testContext.currentTest.mpuKeyNameGcp,
PartNumber: 1, PartNumber: 1,
UploadId: this.currentTest.uploadId, UploadId: testContext.currentTest.uploadId,
}; };
s3.uploadPart(params, done); s3.uploadPart(params, done);
}); });
it('should copy part from GCP to GCP with existing ' + test('should copy part from GCP to GCP with existing ' +
'parts', function ifF(done) { 'parts', done => {
const resultCopy = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(result)); const resultCopy = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(result));
const params = { const params = {
Bucket: bucket, Bucket: bucket,
CopySource: CopySource:
`${bucket}/${this.test.keyNameNormalGcp}`, `${bucket}/${testContext.test.keyNameNormalGcp}`,
Key: this.test.mpuKeyNameGcp, Key: testContext.test.mpuKeyNameGcp,
PartNumber: 2, PartNumber: 2,
UploadId: this.test.uploadId, UploadId: testContext.test.uploadId,
}; };
async.waterfall([ async.waterfall([
next => s3.uploadPartCopy(params, (err, res) => { next => s3.uploadPartCopy(params, (err, res) => {
assert.ifError(err, assert.ifError(err,
'uploadPartCopy: Expected success, got ' + 'uploadPartCopy: Expected success, got ' +
`error: ${err}`); `error: ${err}`);
assert.strictEqual(res.ETag, `"${normalMD5}"`); expect(res.ETag).toBe(`"${normalMD5}"`);
next(err); next(err);
}), }),
next => s3.listParts({ next => s3.listParts({
Bucket: bucket, Bucket: bucket,
Key: this.test.mpuKeyNameGcp, Key: testContext.test.mpuKeyNameGcp,
UploadId: this.test.uploadId, UploadId: testContext.test.uploadId,
}, (err, res) => { }, (err, res) => {
assert.ifError(err, 'listParts: Expected ' + assert.ifError(err, 'listParts: Expected ' +
`success, got error: ${err}`); `success, got error: ${err}`);
resultCopy.Bucket = bucket; resultCopy.Bucket = bucket;
resultCopy.Key = this.test.mpuKeyNameGcp; resultCopy.Key = testContext.test.mpuKeyNameGcp;
resultCopy.UploadId = this.test.uploadId; resultCopy.UploadId = testContext.test.uploadId;
resultCopy.Parts = resultCopy.Parts =
[{ PartNumber: 1, [{ PartNumber: 1,
LastModified: res.Parts[0].LastModified, LastModified: res.Parts[0].LastModified,
@ -543,15 +545,13 @@ describeSkipIfNotMultipleOrCeph('Put Copy Part to GCP', function describeFn() {
}), }),
next => gcpClient.listParts({ next => gcpClient.listParts({
Bucket: gcpBucketMPU, Bucket: gcpBucketMPU,
Key: this.test.mpuKeyNameGcp, Key: testContext.test.mpuKeyNameGcp,
UploadId: this.test.uploadId, UploadId: testContext.test.uploadId,
}, (err, res) => { }, (err, res) => {
assert.ifError(err, 'GCP listParts: Expected ' + assert.ifError(err, 'GCP listParts: Expected ' +
`success, got error: ${err}`); `success, got error: ${err}`);
assert.strictEqual( expect(res.Contents[0].ETag).toBe(`"${oneKbMD5}"`);
res.Contents[0].ETag, `"${oneKbMD5}"`); expect(res.Contents[1].ETag).toBe(`"${normalMD5}"`);
res.Contents[1].ETag, `"${normalMD5}"`);
next(); next();
}), }),
], done); ], done);
@ -592,15 +592,21 @@ function describeF() {
}); });
describe('Basic test with complete MPU from AWS to GCP location: ', describe('Basic test with complete MPU from AWS to GCP location: ',
() => { () => {
beforeEach(function beF(done) { let testContext;
this.currentTest.keyNameAws =
beforeEach(() => {
testContext = {};
beforeEach(done => {
testContext.currentTest.keyNameAws =
`onehundredandfivembgcp${uniqName(keyObjectAWS)}`; `onehundredandfivembgcp${uniqName(keyObjectAWS)}`;
this.currentTest.mpuKeyNameGcp = testContext.currentTest.mpuKeyNameGcp =
`mpukeyname${uniqName(keyObjectGcp)}`; `mpukeyname${uniqName(keyObjectGcp)}`;
const createMpuParams = { const createMpuParams = {
Bucket: bucket, Bucket: bucket,
Key: this.currentTest.mpuKeyNameGcp, Key: testContext.currentTest.mpuKeyNameGcp,
Metadata: { 'scal-location-constraint': gcpLocation }, Metadata: { 'scal-location-constraint': gcpLocation },
}; };
async.waterfall([ async.waterfall([
@ -610,57 +616,54 @@ function describeF() {
err => next(err)), err => next(err)),
next => s3.putObject({ next => s3.putObject({
Bucket: awsBucketName, Bucket: awsBucketName,
Key: this.currentTest.keyNameAws, Key: testContext.currentTest.keyNameAws,
Body: fiveMbBody, Body: fiveMbBody,
Metadata: { 'scal-location-constraint': awsLocation }, Metadata: { 'scal-location-constraint': awsLocation },
}, err => next(err)), }, err => next(err)),
next => s3.createMultipartUpload(createMpuParams, next => s3.createMultipartUpload(createMpuParams,
(err, res) => { (err, res) => {
assert.equal(err, null, 'createMultipartUpload: ' + expect(err).toEqual(null);
`Expected success, got error: ${err}`); testContext.currentTest.uploadId = res.UploadId;
this.currentTest.uploadId = res.UploadId;
next(); next();
}), }),
], done); ], done);
}); });
it('should copy two 5 MB part from GCP to MPU with GCP' + test('should copy two 5 MB part from GCP to MPU with GCP' +
'location', function ifF(done) { 'location', done => {
const uploadParams = { const uploadParams = {
Bucket: bucket, Bucket: bucket,
CopySource: CopySource:
`${awsBucketName}/` + `${awsBucketName}/` +
`${this.test.keyNameAws}`, `${testContext.test.keyNameAws}`,
Key: this.test.mpuKeyNameGcp, Key: testContext.test.mpuKeyNameGcp,
PartNumber: 1, PartNumber: 1,
UploadId: this.test.uploadId, UploadId: testContext.test.uploadId,
}; };
const uploadParams2 = { const uploadParams2 = {
Bucket: bucket, Bucket: bucket,
CopySource: CopySource:
`${awsBucketName}/` + `${awsBucketName}/` +
`${this.test.keyNameAws}`, `${testContext.test.keyNameAws}`,
Key: this.test.mpuKeyNameGcp, Key: testContext.test.mpuKeyNameGcp,
PartNumber: 2, PartNumber: 2,
UploadId: this.test.uploadId, UploadId: testContext.test.uploadId,
}; };
async.waterfall([ async.waterfall([
next => s3.uploadPartCopy(uploadParams, (err, res) => { next => s3.uploadPartCopy(uploadParams, (err, res) => {
assert.equal(err, null, 'uploadPartCopy: Expected ' + expect(err).toEqual(null);
`success, got error: ${err}`); expect(res.ETag).toBe(`"${fiveMbMD5}"`);
assert.strictEqual(res.ETag, `"${fiveMbMD5}"`);
next(err); next(err);
}), }),
next => s3.uploadPartCopy(uploadParams2, (err, res) => { next => s3.uploadPartCopy(uploadParams2, (err, res) => {
assert.equal(err, null, 'uploadPartCopy: Expected ' + expect(err).toEqual(null);
`success, got error: ${err}`); expect(res.ETag).toBe(`"${fiveMbMD5}"`);
assert.strictEqual(res.ETag, `"${fiveMbMD5}"`);
next(err); next(err);
}), }),
next => { next => {
const completeMpuParams = { const completeMpuParams = {
Bucket: bucket, Bucket: bucket,
Key: this.test.mpuKeyNameGcp, Key: testContext.test.mpuKeyNameGcp,
MultipartUpload: { MultipartUpload: {
Parts: [ Parts: [
{ {
@ -673,15 +676,13 @@ function describeF() {
}, },
], ],
}, },
UploadId: this.test.uploadId, UploadId: testContext.test.uploadId,
}; };
s3.completeMultipartUpload(completeMpuParams, s3.completeMultipartUpload(completeMpuParams,
(err, res) => { (err, res) => {
assert.equal(err, null, 'completeMultipartUpload:' + expect(err).toEqual(null);
` Expected success, got error: ${err}`); expect(res.Bucket).toBe(bucket);
assert.strictEqual(res.Bucket, bucket); expect(res.Key).toBe(testContext.test.mpuKeyNameGcp);
next(); next();
}); });
}, },

View File

@ -44,15 +44,11 @@ const tagObj = { key1: 'value1', key2: 'value2' };
function getAndAssertObjectTags(tagParams, callback) { function getAndAssertObjectTags(tagParams, callback) {
return s3.getObjectTagging(tagParams, (err, res) => { return s3.getObjectTagging(tagParams, (err, res) => {
assert.strictEqual(res.TagSet.length, 2); expect(res.TagSet.length).toBe(2);
assert.strictEqual(res.TagSet[0].Key, expect(res.TagSet[0].Key).toBe(putTags.TagSet[0].Key);
putTags.TagSet[0].Key); expect(res.TagSet[0].Value).toBe(putTags.TagSet[0].Value);
assert.strictEqual(res.TagSet[0].Value, expect(res.TagSet[1].Key).toBe(putTags.TagSet[1].Key);
putTags.TagSet[0].Value); expect(res.TagSet[1].Value).toBe(putTags.TagSet[1].Value);
return callback(); return callback();
}); });
} }
@ -61,18 +57,18 @@ function getAndAssertObjectTags(tagParams, callback) {
function awsGet(key, tagCheck, isEmpty, isMpu, callback) { function awsGet(key, tagCheck, isEmpty, isMpu, callback) {
process.stdout.write('Getting object from AWS\n'); process.stdout.write('Getting object from AWS\n');
getAwsRetry({ key }, 0, (err, res) => { getAwsRetry({ key }, 0, (err, res) => {
assert.equal(err, null); expect(err).toEqual(null);
if (isEmpty) { if (isEmpty) {
assert.strictEqual(res.ETag, `"${emptyMD5}"`); expect(res.ETag).toBe(`"${emptyMD5}"`);
} else if (isMpu) { } else if (isMpu) {
assert.strictEqual(res.ETag, `"${mpuMD5}"`); expect(res.ETag).toBe(`"${mpuMD5}"`);
} else { } else {
assert.strictEqual(res.ETag, `"${correctMD5}"`); expect(res.ETag).toBe(`"${correctMD5}"`);
} }
if (tagCheck) { if (tagCheck) {
assert.strictEqual(res.TagCount, '2'); expect(res.TagCount).toBe('2');
} else { } else {
assert.strictEqual(res.TagCount, undefined); expect(res.TagCount).toBe(undefined);
} }
return callback(); return callback();
}); });
@ -82,18 +78,17 @@ function azureGet(key, tagCheck, isEmpty, callback) {
process.stdout.write('Getting object from Azure\n'); process.stdout.write('Getting object from Azure\n');
azureClient.getBlobProperties(azureContainerName, key, azureClient.getBlobProperties(azureContainerName, key,
(err, res) => { (err, res) => {
assert.equal(err, null); expect(err).toEqual(null);
const resMD5 = convertMD5(res.contentSettings.contentMD5); const resMD5 = convertMD5(res.contentSettings.contentMD5);
if (isEmpty) { if (isEmpty) {
assert.strictEqual(resMD5, `${emptyMD5}`); expect(resMD5).toBe(`${emptyMD5}`);
} else { } else {
assert.strictEqual(resMD5, `${correctMD5}`); expect(resMD5).toBe(`${correctMD5}`);
} }
if (tagCheck) { if (tagCheck) {
assert.strictEqual(res.metadata.tags, expect(res.metadata.tags).toBe(JSON.stringify(tagObj));
} else { } else {
assert.strictEqual(res.metadata.tags, undefined); expect(res.metadata.tags).toBe(undefined);
} }
return callback(); return callback();
}); });
@ -103,20 +98,19 @@ function getObject(key, backend, tagCheck, isEmpty, isMpu, callback) {
function get(cb) { function get(cb) {
process.stdout.write('Getting object\n'); process.stdout.write('Getting object\n');
s3.getObject({ Bucket: bucket, Key: key }, (err, res) => { s3.getObject({ Bucket: bucket, Key: key }, (err, res) => {
assert.equal(err, null); expect(err).toEqual(null);
if (isEmpty) { if (isEmpty) {
assert.strictEqual(res.ETag, `"${emptyMD5}"`); expect(res.ETag).toBe(`"${emptyMD5}"`);
} else if (isMpu) { } else if (isMpu) {
assert.strictEqual(res.ETag, `"${mpuMD5}"`); expect(res.ETag).toBe(`"${mpuMD5}"`);
} else { } else {
assert.strictEqual(res.ETag, `"${correctMD5}"`); expect(res.ETag).toBe(`"${correctMD5}"`);
} }
assert.strictEqual(res.Metadata['scal-location-constraint'], expect(res.Metadata['scal-location-constraint']).toBe(backend);
if (tagCheck) { if (tagCheck) {
assert.strictEqual(res.TagCount, '2'); expect(res.TagCount).toBe('2');
} else { } else {
assert.strictEqual(res.TagCount, undefined); expect(res.TagCount).toBe(undefined);
} }
return cb(); return cb();
}); });
@ -135,14 +129,14 @@ function getObject(key, backend, tagCheck, isEmpty, isMpu, callback) {
function mpuWaterfall(params, cb) { function mpuWaterfall(params, cb) {
async.waterfall([ async.waterfall([
next => s3.createMultipartUpload(params, (err, data) => { next => s3.createMultipartUpload(params, (err, data) => {
assert.equal(err, null); expect(err).toEqual(null);
next(null, data.UploadId); next(null, data.UploadId);
}), }),
(uploadId, next) => { (uploadId, next) => {
const partParams = { Bucket: bucket, Key: params.Key, PartNumber: 1, const partParams = { Bucket: bucket, Key: params.Key, PartNumber: 1,
UploadId: uploadId, Body: body }; UploadId: uploadId, Body: body };
s3.uploadPart(partParams, (err, result) => { s3.uploadPart(partParams, (err, result) => {
assert.equal(err, null); expect(err).toEqual(null);
next(null, uploadId, result.ETag); next(null, uploadId, result.ETag);
}); });
}, },
@ -153,12 +147,12 @@ function mpuWaterfall(params, cb) {
}, },
UploadId: uploadId }; UploadId: uploadId };
s3.completeMultipartUpload(compParams, err => { s3.completeMultipartUpload(compParams, err => {
assert.equal(err, null); expect(err).toEqual(null);
next(); next();
}); });
}, },
], err => { ], err => {
assert.equal(err, null); expect(err).toEqual(null);
cb(); cb();
}); });
} }
@ -197,21 +191,19 @@ function testSuite() {
testBackends.forEach(backend => { testBackends.forEach(backend => {
const itSkipIfAzureOrCeph = backend === 'azurebackend' || const itSkipIfAzureOrCeph = backend === 'azurebackend' ||
isCEPH ? it.skip : it; isCEPH ? it.skip : it;
it(`should put an object with tags to ${backend} backend`, test(`should put an object with tags to ${backend} backend`, done => {
done => {
const key = `somekey-${genUniqID()}`; const key = `somekey-${genUniqID()}`;
const params = Object.assign({ Key: key, Tagging: tagString, const params = Object.assign({ Key: key, Tagging: tagString,
Metadata: { 'scal-location-constraint': backend } }, Metadata: { 'scal-location-constraint': backend } },
putParams); putParams);
process.stdout.write('Putting object\n'); process.stdout.write('Putting object\n');
s3.putObject(params, err => { s3.putObject(params, err => {
assert.equal(err, null); expect(err).toEqual(null);
getObject(key, backend, true, false, false, done); getObject(key, backend, true, false, false, done);
}); });
}); });
it(`should put a 0 byte object with tags to ${backend} backend`, test(`should put a 0 byte object with tags to ${backend} backend`, done => {
done => {
const key = `somekey-${genUniqID()}`; const key = `somekey-${genUniqID()}`;
const params = { const params = {
Bucket: bucket, Bucket: bucket,
@ -221,30 +213,30 @@ function testSuite() {
}; };
process.stdout.write('Putting object\n'); process.stdout.write('Putting object\n');
s3.putObject(params, err => { s3.putObject(params, err => {
assert.equal(err, null); expect(err).toEqual(null);
getObject(key, backend, true, true, false, done); getObject(key, backend, true, true, false, done);
}); });
}); });
it(`should put tags to preexisting object in ${backend} ` + test(`should put tags to preexisting object in ${backend} ` +
'backend', done => { 'backend', done => {
const key = `somekey-${genUniqID()}`; const key = `somekey-${genUniqID()}`;
const params = Object.assign({ Key: key, Metadata: const params = Object.assign({ Key: key, Metadata:
{ 'scal-location-constraint': backend } }, putParams); { 'scal-location-constraint': backend } }, putParams);
process.stdout.write('Putting object\n'); process.stdout.write('Putting object\n');
s3.putObject(params, err => { s3.putObject(params, err => {
assert.equal(err, null); expect(err).toEqual(null);
const putTagParams = { Bucket: bucket, Key: key, const putTagParams = { Bucket: bucket, Key: key,
Tagging: putTags }; Tagging: putTags };
process.stdout.write('Putting object tags\n'); process.stdout.write('Putting object tags\n');
s3.putObjectTagging(putTagParams, err => { s3.putObjectTagging(putTagParams, err => {
assert.equal(err, null); expect(err).toEqual(null);
getObject(key, backend, true, false, false, done); getObject(key, backend, true, false, false, done);
}); });
}); });
}); });
it('should put tags to preexisting 0 byte object in ' + test('should put tags to preexisting 0 byte object in ' +
`${backend} backend`, done => { `${backend} backend`, done => {
const key = `somekey-${genUniqID()}`; const key = `somekey-${genUniqID()}`;
const params = { const params = {
@ -254,12 +246,12 @@ function testSuite() {
}; };
process.stdout.write('Putting object\n'); process.stdout.write('Putting object\n');
s3.putObject(params, err => { s3.putObject(params, err => {
assert.equal(err, null); expect(err).toEqual(null);
const putTagParams = { Bucket: bucket, Key: key, const putTagParams = { Bucket: bucket, Key: key,
Tagging: putTags }; Tagging: putTags };
process.stdout.write('Putting object tags\n'); process.stdout.write('Putting object tags\n');
s3.putObjectTagging(putTagParams, err => { s3.putObjectTagging(putTagParams, err => {
assert.equal(err, null); expect(err).toEqual(null);
getObject(key, backend, true, true, false, done); getObject(key, backend, true, true, false, done);
}); });
}); });
@ -278,31 +270,30 @@ function testSuite() {
Tagging: putTags }; Tagging: putTags };
process.stdout.write('Putting object\n'); process.stdout.write('Putting object\n');
s3.putObjectTagging(putTagParams, err => { s3.putObjectTagging(putTagParams, err => {
assert.equal(err, null); expect(err).toEqual(null);
getObject(key, backend, true, false, true, done); getObject(key, backend, true, false, true, done);
}); });
}); });
}); });
}); });
it('should not return error putting tags to correct object ' + test('should not return error putting tags to correct object ' +
'version in AWS, even if a delete marker was created directly ' + 'version in AWS, even if a delete marker was created directly ' +
'on AWS before tags are put', 'on AWS before tags are put', done => {
done => {
const key = `somekey-${genUniqID()}`; const key = `somekey-${genUniqID()}`;
const params = Object.assign({ Key: key, Metadata: const params = Object.assign({ Key: key, Metadata:
{ 'scal-location-constraint': awsLocation } }, putParams); { 'scal-location-constraint': awsLocation } }, putParams);
process.stdout.write('Putting object\n'); process.stdout.write('Putting object\n');
s3.putObject(params, err => { s3.putObject(params, err => {
assert.equal(err, null); expect(err).toEqual(null);
process.stdout.write('Deleting object from AWS\n'); process.stdout.write('Deleting object from AWS\n');
awsS3.deleteObject({ Bucket: awsBucket, Key: key }, err => { awsS3.deleteObject({ Bucket: awsBucket, Key: key }, err => {
assert.equal(err, null); expect(err).toEqual(null);
const putTagParams = { Bucket: bucket, Key: key, const putTagParams = { Bucket: bucket, Key: key,
Tagging: putTags }; Tagging: putTags };
process.stdout.write('Putting object tags\n'); process.stdout.write('Putting object tags\n');
s3.putObjectTagging(putTagParams, err => { s3.putObjectTagging(putTagParams, err => {
assert.strictEqual(err, null); expect(err).toBe(null);
done(); done();
}); });
}); });
@ -312,22 +303,21 @@ function testSuite() {
describe('getObjectTagging', () => { describe('getObjectTagging', () => {
testBackends.forEach(backend => { testBackends.forEach(backend => {
it(`should get tags from object on ${backend} backend`, test(`should get tags from object on ${backend} backend`, done => {
done => {
const key = `somekey-${genUniqID()}`; const key = `somekey-${genUniqID()}`;
const params = Object.assign({ Key: key, Tagging: tagString, const params = Object.assign({ Key: key, Tagging: tagString,
Metadata: { 'scal-location-constraint': backend } }, Metadata: { 'scal-location-constraint': backend } },
putParams); putParams);
process.stdout.write('Putting object\n'); process.stdout.write('Putting object\n');
s3.putObject(params, err => { s3.putObject(params, err => {
assert.equal(err, null); expect(err).toEqual(null);
const tagParams = { Bucket: bucket, Key: key }; const tagParams = { Bucket: bucket, Key: key };
getAndAssertObjectTags(tagParams, done); getAndAssertObjectTags(tagParams, done);
}); });
}); });
}); });
it('should not return error on getting tags from object that has ' + test('should not return error on getting tags from object that has ' +
'had a delete marker put directly on AWS', done => { 'had a delete marker put directly on AWS', done => {
const key = `somekey-${genUniqID()}`; const key = `somekey-${genUniqID()}`;
const params = Object.assign({ Key: key, Tagging: tagString, const params = Object.assign({ Key: key, Tagging: tagString,
@ -335,10 +325,10 @@ function testSuite() {
putParams); putParams);
process.stdout.write('Putting object\n'); process.stdout.write('Putting object\n');
s3.putObject(params, err => { s3.putObject(params, err => {
assert.equal(err, null); expect(err).toEqual(null);
process.stdout.write('Deleting object from AWS\n'); process.stdout.write('Deleting object from AWS\n');
awsS3.deleteObject({ Bucket: awsBucket, Key: key }, err => { awsS3.deleteObject({ Bucket: awsBucket, Key: key }, err => {
assert.equal(err, null); expect(err).toEqual(null);
const tagParams = { Bucket: bucket, Key: key }; const tagParams = { Bucket: bucket, Key: key };
getAndAssertObjectTags(tagParams, done); getAndAssertObjectTags(tagParams, done);
}); });
@ -348,25 +338,24 @@ function testSuite() {
describe('deleteObjectTagging', () => { describe('deleteObjectTagging', () => {
testBackends.forEach(backend => { testBackends.forEach(backend => {
it(`should delete tags from object on ${backend} backend`, test(`should delete tags from object on ${backend} backend`, done => {
done => {
const key = `somekey-${genUniqID()}`; const key = `somekey-${genUniqID()}`;
const params = Object.assign({ Key: key, Tagging: tagString, const params = Object.assign({ Key: key, Tagging: tagString,
Metadata: { 'scal-location-constraint': backend } }, Metadata: { 'scal-location-constraint': backend } },
putParams); putParams);
process.stdout.write('Putting object\n'); process.stdout.write('Putting object\n');
s3.putObject(params, err => { s3.putObject(params, err => {
assert.equal(err, null); expect(err).toEqual(null);
const tagParams = { Bucket: bucket, Key: key }; const tagParams = { Bucket: bucket, Key: key };
s3.deleteObjectTagging(tagParams, err => { s3.deleteObjectTagging(tagParams, err => {
assert.equal(err, null); expect(err).toEqual(null);
getObject(key, backend, false, false, false, done); getObject(key, backend, false, false, false, done);
}); });
}); });
}); });
}); });
it('should not return error on deleting tags from object that ' + test('should not return error on deleting tags from object that ' +
'has had delete markers put directly on AWS', done => { 'has had delete markers put directly on AWS', done => {
const key = `somekey-${genUniqID()}`; const key = `somekey-${genUniqID()}`;
const params = Object.assign({ Key: key, Tagging: tagString, const params = Object.assign({ Key: key, Tagging: tagString,
@ -374,13 +363,13 @@ function testSuite() {
putParams); putParams);
process.stdout.write('Putting object\n'); process.stdout.write('Putting object\n');
s3.putObject(params, err => { s3.putObject(params, err => {
assert.equal(err, null); expect(err).toEqual(null);
process.stdout.write('Deleting object from AWS\n'); process.stdout.write('Deleting object from AWS\n');
awsS3.deleteObject({ Bucket: awsBucket, Key: key }, err => { awsS3.deleteObject({ Bucket: awsBucket, Key: key }, err => {
assert.equal(err, null); expect(err).toEqual(null);
const tagParams = { Bucket: bucket, Key: key }; const tagParams = { Bucket: bucket, Key: key };
s3.deleteObjectTagging(tagParams, err => { s3.deleteObjectTagging(tagParams, err => {
assert.strictEqual(err, null); expect(err).toBe(null);
done(); done();
}); });
}); });

View File

@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ function testSuite() {
}); });
}); });
it('versioning not configured: should delete a tag set on the ' + test('versioning not configured: should delete a tag set on the ' +
'latest version if no version is specified', done => { 'latest version if no version is specified', done => {
const key = `somekey-${genUniqID()}`; const key = `somekey-${genUniqID()}`;
async.waterfall([ async.waterfall([
@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ function testSuite() {
], done); ], done);
}); });
it('versioning not configured: should delete a tag set on the ' + test('versioning not configured: should delete a tag set on the ' +
'version if specified (null)', done => { 'version if specified (null)', done => {
const key = `somekey-${genUniqID()}`; const key = `somekey-${genUniqID()}`;
async.waterfall([ async.waterfall([
@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ function testSuite() {
], done); ], done);
}); });
it('versioning suspended: should delete a tag set on the latest ' + test('versioning suspended: should delete a tag set on the latest ' +
'version if no version is specified', done => { 'version if no version is specified', done => {
const data = [undefined, 'test1', 'test2']; const data = [undefined, 'test1', 'test2'];
const key = `somekey-${genUniqID()}`; const key = `somekey-${genUniqID()}`;
@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ function testSuite() {
], done); ], done);
}); });
it('versioning suspended: should delete a tag set on a specific ' + test('versioning suspended: should delete a tag set on a specific ' +
'version (null)', done => { 'version (null)', done => {
const key = `somekey-${genUniqID()}`; const key = `somekey-${genUniqID()}`;
async.waterfall([ async.waterfall([
@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ function testSuite() {
], done); ], done);
}); });
it('versioning enabled then suspended: should delete a tag set on ' + test('versioning enabled then suspended: should delete a tag set on ' +
'a specific (non-null) version if specified', done => { 'a specific (non-null) version if specified', done => {
const key = `somekey-${genUniqID()}`; const key = `somekey-${genUniqID()}`;
async.waterfall([ async.waterfall([
@ -119,7 +119,7 @@ function testSuite() {
], done); ], done);
}); });
it('versioning enabled: should delete a tag set on the latest ' + test('versioning enabled: should delete a tag set on the latest ' +
'version if no version is specified', done => { 'version if no version is specified', done => {
const key = `somekey-${genUniqID()}`; const key = `somekey-${genUniqID()}`;
async.waterfall([ async.waterfall([
@ -133,7 +133,8 @@ function testSuite() {
], done); ], done);
}); });
it('versioning enabled: should delete a tag set on a specific version', test(
'versioning enabled: should delete a tag set on a specific version',
done => { done => {
const key = `somekey-${genUniqID()}`; const key = `somekey-${genUniqID()}`;
async.waterfall([ async.waterfall([
@ -146,9 +147,10 @@ function testSuite() {
versionId, expectedVersionId: versionId }, next), versionId, expectedVersionId: versionId }, next),
next => awsGetAssertTags({ key, expectedTags: {} }, next), next => awsGetAssertTags({ key, expectedTags: {} }, next),
], done); ], done);
}); }
it('versioning enabled: should delete a tag set on a specific ' + test('versioning enabled: should delete a tag set on a specific ' +
'version that is not the latest version', done => { 'version that is not the latest version', done => {
const key = `somekey-${genUniqID()}`; const key = `somekey-${genUniqID()}`;
async.waterfall([ async.waterfall([
@ -171,7 +173,7 @@ function testSuite() {
], done); ], done);
}); });
it('versioning suspended then enabled: should delete a tag set on ' + test('versioning suspended then enabled: should delete a tag set on ' +
'a specific version (null) if specified', done => { 'a specific version (null) if specified', done => {
const key = `somekey-${genUniqID()}`; const key = `somekey-${genUniqID()}`;
async.waterfall([ async.waterfall([
@ -191,9 +193,8 @@ function testSuite() {
], done); ], done);
}); });
it('should return an ServiceUnavailable if trying to delete ' + test('should return an ServiceUnavailable if trying to delete ' +
'tags from object that was deleted from AWS directly', 'tags from object that was deleted from AWS directly', done => {
done => {
const key = `somekey-${genUniqID()}`; const key = `somekey-${genUniqID()}`;
async.waterfall([ async.waterfall([
next => s3.putObject({ Bucket: bucket, Key: key }, next), next => s3.putObject({ Bucket: bucket, Key: key }, next),
@ -205,9 +206,8 @@ function testSuite() {
], done); ], done);
}); });
it('should return an ServiceUnavailable if trying to delete ' + test('should return an ServiceUnavailable if trying to delete ' +
'tags from object that was deleted from AWS directly', 'tags from object that was deleted from AWS directly', done => {
done => {
const key = `somekey-${genUniqID()}`; const key = `somekey-${genUniqID()}`;
async.waterfall([ async.waterfall([
next => s3.putObject({ Bucket: bucket, Key: key }, next), next => s3.putObject({ Bucket: bucket, Key: key }, next),

View File

@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ function testSuite() {
}); });
}); });
it('versioning not configured: should put/get a tag set on the ' + test('versioning not configured: should put/get a tag set on the ' +
'latest version if no version is specified', done => { 'latest version if no version is specified', done => {
const key = `somekey-${genUniqID()}`; const key = `somekey-${genUniqID()}`;
async.waterfall([ async.waterfall([
@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ function testSuite() {
], done); ], done);
}); });
it('versioning not configured: should put/get a tag set on a ' + test('versioning not configured: should put/get a tag set on a ' +
'specific version if specified (null)', done => { 'specific version if specified (null)', done => {
const key = `somekey-${genUniqID()}`; const key = `somekey-${genUniqID()}`;
async.waterfall([ async.waterfall([
@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ function testSuite() {
], done); ], done);
}); });
it('versioning suspended: should put/get a tag set on the latest ' + test('versioning suspended: should put/get a tag set on the latest ' +
'version if no version is specified', done => { 'version if no version is specified', done => {
const data = [undefined, 'test1', 'test2']; const data = [undefined, 'test1', 'test2'];
const key = `somekey-${genUniqID()}`; const key = `somekey-${genUniqID()}`;
@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ function testSuite() {
], done); ], done);
}); });
it('versioning suspended: should put/get a tag set on a specific ' + test('versioning suspended: should put/get a tag set on a specific ' +
'version (null)', done => { 'version (null)', done => {
const key = `somekey-${genUniqID()}`; const key = `somekey-${genUniqID()}`;
async.waterfall([ async.waterfall([
@ -105,7 +105,7 @@ function testSuite() {
], done); ], done);
}); });
it('versioning enabled then suspended: should put/get a tag set on ' + test('versioning enabled then suspended: should put/get a tag set on ' +
'a specific (non-null) version if specified', done => { 'a specific (non-null) version if specified', done => {
const key = `somekey-${genUniqID()}`; const key = `somekey-${genUniqID()}`;
async.waterfall([ async.waterfall([
@ -126,7 +126,7 @@ function testSuite() {
], done); ], done);
}); });
it('versioning enabled: should put/get a tag set on the latest ' + test('versioning enabled: should put/get a tag set on the latest ' +
'version if no version is specified', done => { 'version if no version is specified', done => {
const key = `somekey-${genUniqID()}`; const key = `somekey-${genUniqID()}`;
async.waterfall([ async.waterfall([
@ -141,7 +141,8 @@ function testSuite() {
], done); ], done);
}); });
it('versioning enabled: should put/get a tag set on a specific version', test(
'versioning enabled: should put/get a tag set on a specific version',
done => { done => {
const key = `somekey-${genUniqID()}`; const key = `somekey-${genUniqID()}`;
async.waterfall([ async.waterfall([
@ -156,9 +157,11 @@ function testSuite() {
(versionId, next) => awsGetAssertTags({ key, (versionId, next) => awsGetAssertTags({ key,
expectedTags: tags }, next), expectedTags: tags }, next),
], done); ], done);
}); }
it('versioning enabled: should put/get a tag set on a specific version', test(
'versioning enabled: should put/get a tag set on a specific version',
done => { done => {
const key = `somekey-${genUniqID()}`; const key = `somekey-${genUniqID()}`;
async.waterfall([ async.waterfall([
@ -171,9 +174,10 @@ function testSuite() {
versionId, expectedVersionId: versionId }, next), versionId, expectedVersionId: versionId }, next),
next => awsGetAssertTags({ key, expectedTags: {} }, next), next => awsGetAssertTags({ key, expectedTags: {} }, next),
], done); ], done);
}); }
it('versioning enabled: should put/get a tag set on a specific ' + test('versioning enabled: should put/get a tag set on a specific ' +
'version that is not the latest version', done => { 'version that is not the latest version', done => {
const key = `somekey-${genUniqID()}`; const key = `somekey-${genUniqID()}`;
async.waterfall([ async.waterfall([
@ -197,7 +201,7 @@ function testSuite() {
}); });
it('versioning suspended then enabled: should put/get a tag set on ' + test('versioning suspended then enabled: should put/get a tag set on ' +
'a specific version (null) if specified', done => { 'a specific version (null) if specified', done => {
const key = `somekey-${genUniqID()}`; const key = `somekey-${genUniqID()}`;
async.waterfall([ async.waterfall([
@ -217,9 +221,8 @@ function testSuite() {
], done); ], done);
}); });
it('should get tags for an object even if it was deleted from ' + test('should get tags for an object even if it was deleted from ' +
'AWS directly (we rely on s3 metadata)', 'AWS directly (we rely on s3 metadata)', done => {
done => {
const key = `somekey-${genUniqID()}`; const key = `somekey-${genUniqID()}`;
async.waterfall([ async.waterfall([
next => s3.putObject({ Bucket: bucket, Key: key }, next), next => s3.putObject({ Bucket: bucket, Key: key }, next),
@ -234,9 +237,8 @@ function testSuite() {
], done); ], done);
}); });
it('should return an ServiceUnavailable if trying to put ' + test('should return an ServiceUnavailable if trying to put ' +
'tags from object that was deleted from AWS directly', 'tags from object that was deleted from AWS directly', done => {
done => {
const key = `somekey-${genUniqID()}`; const key = `somekey-${genUniqID()}`;
async.waterfall([ async.waterfall([
next => s3.putObject({ Bucket: bucket, Key: key }, next), next => s3.putObject({ Bucket: bucket, Key: key }, next),
@ -248,9 +250,8 @@ function testSuite() {
], done); ], done);
}); });
it('should get tags for an version even if it was deleted from ' + test('should get tags for an version even if it was deleted from ' +
'AWS directly (we rely on s3 metadata)', 'AWS directly (we rely on s3 metadata)', done => {
done => {
const key = `somekey-${genUniqID()}`; const key = `somekey-${genUniqID()}`;
async.waterfall([ async.waterfall([
next => enableVersioning(s3, bucket, next), next => enableVersioning(s3, bucket, next),
@ -268,9 +269,8 @@ function testSuite() {
], done); ], done);
}); });
it('should return an ServiceUnavailable if trying to put ' + test('should return an ServiceUnavailable if trying to put ' +
'tags on version that was deleted from AWS directly', 'tags on version that was deleted from AWS directly', done => {
done => {
const key = `somekey-${genUniqID()}`; const key = `somekey-${genUniqID()}`;
async.waterfall([ async.waterfall([
next => s3.putObject({ Bucket: bucket, Key: key }, next), next => s3.putObject({ Bucket: bucket, Key: key }, next),

View File

@ -27,28 +27,24 @@ const retryTimeout = 10000;
function getAwsSuccess(key, awsMD5, location, cb) { function getAwsSuccess(key, awsMD5, location, cb) {
return getAwsRetry({ key }, 0, (err, res) => { return getAwsRetry({ key }, 0, (err, res) => {
assert.strictEqual(err, null, 'Expected success, got error ' + expect(err).toBe(null);
`on direct AWS call: ${err}`);
if (location === awsLocationEncryption) { if (location === awsLocationEncryption) {
// doesn't check ETag because it's different // doesn't check ETag because it's different
// with every PUT with encryption // with every PUT with encryption
assert.strictEqual(res.ServerSideEncryption, 'AES256'); expect(res.ServerSideEncryption).toBe('AES256');
} }
if (process.env.ENABLE_KMS_ENCRYPTION !== 'true') { if (process.env.ENABLE_KMS_ENCRYPTION !== 'true') {
assert.strictEqual(res.ETag, `"${awsMD5}"`); expect(res.ETag).toBe(`"${awsMD5}"`);
} }
assert.strictEqual(res.Metadata['scal-location-constraint'], expect(res.Metadata['scal-location-constraint']).toBe(location);
return cb(res); return cb(res);
}); });
} }
function getAwsError(key, expectedError, cb) { function getAwsError(key, expectedError, cb) {
return getAwsRetry({ key }, 0, err => { return getAwsRetry({ key }, 0, err => {
assert.notStrictEqual(err, undefined, expect(err).not.toBe(undefined);
'Expected error but did not find one'); expect(err.code).toBe(expectedError);
assert.strictEqual(err.code, expectedError,
`Expected error code ${expectedError} but got ${err.code}`);
cb(); cb();
}); });
} }
@ -63,17 +59,15 @@ function awsGetCheck(objectKey, s3MD5, awsMD5, location, cb) {
s3.getObject({ Bucket: bucket, Key: objectKey }, s3GetCallback); s3.getObject({ Bucket: bucket, Key: objectKey }, s3GetCallback);
}, retryTimeout); }, retryTimeout);
} }
assert.strictEqual(err, null, 'Expected success, got error ' + expect(err).toBe(null);
`on call to AWS through S3: ${err}`); expect(res.ETag).toBe(`"${s3MD5}"`);
assert.strictEqual(res.ETag, `"${s3MD5}"`); expect(res.Metadata['scal-location-constraint']).toBe(location);
process.stdout.write('Getting object from AWS\n'); process.stdout.write('Getting object from AWS\n');
return getAwsSuccess(objectKey, awsMD5, location, cb); return getAwsSuccess(objectKey, awsMD5, location, cb);
}); });
} }
describe('MultipleBackend put object', function testSuite() { describe('MultipleBackend put object', () => {
this.timeout(250000); this.timeout(250000);
withV4(sigCfg => { withV4(sigCfg => {
beforeEach(() => { beforeEach(() => {
@ -103,16 +97,17 @@ describe('MultipleBackend put object', function testSuite() {
}); });
}); });
it('should return an error to put request without a valid bucket name', test(
'should return an error to put request without a valid bucket name',
done => { done => {
const key = `somekey-${genUniqID()}`; const key = `somekey-${genUniqID()}`;
s3.putObject({ Bucket: '', Key: key }, err => { s3.putObject({ Bucket: '', Key: key }, err => {
assert.notEqual(err, null, expect(err).not.toEqual(null);
'Expected failure but got success'); expect(err.code).toBe('MethodNotAllowed');
assert.strictEqual(err.code, 'MethodNotAllowed');
done(); done();
}); });
}); }
describeSkipIfNotMultiple('with set location from "x-amz-meta-scal-' + describeSkipIfNotMultiple('with set location from "x-amz-meta-scal-' +
'location-constraint" header', function describe() { 'location-constraint" header', function describe() {
@ -120,117 +115,106 @@ describe('MultipleBackend put object', function testSuite() {
this.retries(2); this.retries(2);
} }
it('should return an error to put request without a valid ' + test('should return an error to put request without a valid ' +
'location constraint', done => { 'location constraint', done => {
const key = `somekey-${genUniqID()}`; const key = `somekey-${genUniqID()}`;
const params = { Bucket: bucket, Key: key, const params = { Bucket: bucket, Key: key,
Body: body, Body: body,
Metadata: { 'scal-location-constraint': 'fail-region' } }; Metadata: { 'scal-location-constraint': 'fail-region' } };
s3.putObject(params, err => { s3.putObject(params, err => {
assert.notEqual(err, null, 'Expected failure but got ' + expect(err).not.toEqual(null);
'success'); expect(err.code).toBe('InvalidArgument');
assert.strictEqual(err.code, 'InvalidArgument');
done(); done();
}); });
}); });
it('should put an object to mem', done => { test('should put an object to mem', done => {
const key = `somekey-${genUniqID()}`; const key = `somekey-${genUniqID()}`;
const params = { Bucket: bucket, Key: key, const params = { Bucket: bucket, Key: key,
Body: body, Body: body,
Metadata: { 'scal-location-constraint': memLocation }, Metadata: { 'scal-location-constraint': memLocation },
}; };
s3.putObject(params, err => { s3.putObject(params, err => {
assert.equal(err, null, 'Expected success, ' + expect(err).toEqual(null);
`got error ${err}`);
s3.getObject({ Bucket: bucket, Key: key }, (err, res) => { s3.getObject({ Bucket: bucket, Key: key }, (err, res) => {
assert.strictEqual(err, null, 'Expected success, ' + expect(err).toBe(null);
`got error ${err}`); expect(res.ETag).toBe(`"${correctMD5}"`);
assert.strictEqual(res.ETag, `"${correctMD5}"`);
done(); done();
}); });
}); });
}); });
it('should put a 0-byte object to mem', done => { test('should put a 0-byte object to mem', done => {
const key = `somekey-${genUniqID()}`; const key = `somekey-${genUniqID()}`;
const params = { Bucket: bucket, Key: key, const params = { Bucket: bucket, Key: key,
Metadata: { 'scal-location-constraint': memLocation }, Metadata: { 'scal-location-constraint': memLocation },
}; };
s3.putObject(params, err => { s3.putObject(params, err => {
assert.equal(err, null, 'Expected success, ' + expect(err).toEqual(null);
`got error ${err}`);
s3.getObject({ Bucket: bucket, Key: key }, s3.getObject({ Bucket: bucket, Key: key },
(err, res) => { (err, res) => {
assert.strictEqual(err, null, 'Expected success, ' + expect(err).toBe(null);
`got error ${err}`); expect(res.ETag).toBe(`"${emptyMD5}"`);
assert.strictEqual(res.ETag, `"${emptyMD5}"`);
done(); done();
}); });
}); });
}); });
it('should put a 0-byte object to AWS', done => { test('should put a 0-byte object to AWS', done => {
const key = `somekey-${genUniqID()}`; const key = `somekey-${genUniqID()}`;
const params = { Bucket: bucket, Key: key, const params = { Bucket: bucket, Key: key,
Metadata: { 'scal-location-constraint': awsLocation }, Metadata: { 'scal-location-constraint': awsLocation },
}; };
return s3.putObject(params, err => { return s3.putObject(params, err => {
assert.equal(err, null, 'Expected success, ' + expect(err).toEqual(null);
`got error ${err}`);
return awsGetCheck(key, emptyMD5, emptyMD5, awsLocation, return awsGetCheck(key, emptyMD5, emptyMD5, awsLocation,
() => done()); () => done());
}); });
}); });
it('should put an object to file', done => { test('should put an object to file', done => {
const key = `somekey-${genUniqID()}`; const key = `somekey-${genUniqID()}`;
const params = { Bucket: bucket, Key: key, const params = { Bucket: bucket, Key: key,
Body: body, Body: body,
Metadata: { 'scal-location-constraint': fileLocation }, Metadata: { 'scal-location-constraint': fileLocation },
}; };
s3.putObject(params, err => { s3.putObject(params, err => {
assert.equal(err, null, 'Expected success, ' + expect(err).toEqual(null);
`got error ${err}`);
s3.getObject({ Bucket: bucket, Key: key }, (err, res) => { s3.getObject({ Bucket: bucket, Key: key }, (err, res) => {
assert.strictEqual(err, null, 'Expected success, ' + expect(err).toBe(null);
`got error ${err}`); expect(res.ETag).toBe(`"${correctMD5}"`);
assert.strictEqual(res.ETag, `"${correctMD5}"`);
done(); done();
}); });
}); });
}); });
it('should put an object to AWS', done => { test('should put an object to AWS', done => {
const key = `somekey-${genUniqID()}`; const key = `somekey-${genUniqID()}`;
const params = { Bucket: bucket, Key: key, const params = { Bucket: bucket, Key: key,
Body: body, Body: body,
Metadata: { 'scal-location-constraint': awsLocation } }; Metadata: { 'scal-location-constraint': awsLocation } };
return s3.putObject(params, err => { return s3.putObject(params, err => {
assert.equal(err, null, 'Expected success, ' + expect(err).toEqual(null);
`got error ${err}`);
return awsGetCheck(key, correctMD5, correctMD5, awsLocation, return awsGetCheck(key, correctMD5, correctMD5, awsLocation,
() => done()); () => done());
}); });
}); });
it('should encrypt body only if bucket encrypted putting ' + test('should encrypt body only if bucket encrypted putting ' +
'object to AWS', 'object to AWS', done => {
done => {
const key = `somekey-${genUniqID()}`; const key = `somekey-${genUniqID()}`;
const params = { Bucket: bucket, Key: key, const params = { Bucket: bucket, Key: key,
Body: body, Body: body,
Metadata: { 'scal-location-constraint': awsLocation } }; Metadata: { 'scal-location-constraint': awsLocation } };
return s3.putObject(params, err => { return s3.putObject(params, err => {
assert.equal(err, null, 'Expected success, ' + expect(err).toEqual(null);
`got error ${err}`);
return getAwsSuccess(key, correctMD5, awsLocation, return getAwsSuccess(key, correctMD5, awsLocation,
() => done()); () => done());
}); });
}); });
it('should put an object to AWS with encryption', done => { test('should put an object to AWS with encryption', done => {
// Test refuses to skip using itSkipCeph so just mark it passed // Test refuses to skip using itSkipCeph so just mark it passed
if (isCEPH) { if (isCEPH) {
return done(); return done();
@ -241,14 +225,13 @@ describe('MultipleBackend put object', function testSuite() {
Metadata: { 'scal-location-constraint': Metadata: { 'scal-location-constraint':
awsLocationEncryption } }; awsLocationEncryption } };
return s3.putObject(params, err => { return s3.putObject(params, err => {
assert.equal(err, null, 'Expected success, ' + expect(err).toEqual(null);
`got error ${err}`);
return awsGetCheck(key, correctMD5, correctMD5, return awsGetCheck(key, correctMD5, correctMD5,
awsLocationEncryption, () => done()); awsLocationEncryption, () => done());
}); });
}); });
it('should return a version id putting object to ' + test('should return a version id putting object to ' +
'to AWS with versioning enabled', done => { 'to AWS with versioning enabled', done => {
const key = `somekey-${genUniqID()}`; const key = `somekey-${genUniqID()}`;
const params = { Bucket: bucket, Key: key, Body: body, const params = { Bucket: bucket, Key: key, Body: body,
@ -259,9 +242,8 @@ describe('MultipleBackend put object', function testSuite() {
VersioningConfiguration: versioningEnabled, VersioningConfiguration: versioningEnabled,
}, err => next(err)), }, err => next(err)),
next => s3.putObject(params, (err, res) => { next => s3.putObject(params, (err, res) => {
assert.strictEqual(err, null, 'Expected success ' + expect(err).toBe(null);
`putting object, got error ${err}`); expect(res.VersionId).toBeTruthy();
next(null, res.ETag); next(null, res.ETag);
}), }),
(eTag, next) => getAwsSuccess(key, correctMD5, awsLocation, (eTag, next) => getAwsSuccess(key, correctMD5, awsLocation,
@ -269,67 +251,59 @@ describe('MultipleBackend put object', function testSuite() {
], done); ], done);
}); });
it('should put a large object to AWS', done => { test('should put a large object to AWS', done => {
const key = `somekey-${genUniqID()}`; const key = `somekey-${genUniqID()}`;
const params = { Bucket: bucket, Key: key, const params = { Bucket: bucket, Key: key,
Body: bigBody, Body: bigBody,
Metadata: { 'scal-location-constraint': awsLocation } }; Metadata: { 'scal-location-constraint': awsLocation } };
return s3.putObject(params, err => { return s3.putObject(params, err => {
assert.equal(err, null, 'Expected sucess, ' + expect(err).toEqual(null);
`got error ${err}`);
return awsGetCheck(key, bigS3MD5, bigAWSMD5, awsLocation, return awsGetCheck(key, bigS3MD5, bigAWSMD5, awsLocation,
() => done()); () => done());
}); });
}); });
it('should put objects with same key to AWS ' + test('should put objects with same key to AWS ' +
'then file, and object should only be present in file', done => { 'then file, and object should only be present in file', done => {
const key = `somekey-${genUniqID()}`; const key = `somekey-${genUniqID()}`;
const params = { Bucket: bucket, Key: key, const params = { Bucket: bucket, Key: key,
Body: body, Body: body,
Metadata: { 'scal-location-constraint': awsLocation } }; Metadata: { 'scal-location-constraint': awsLocation } };
return s3.putObject(params, err => { return s3.putObject(params, err => {
assert.equal(err, null, 'Expected success, ' + expect(err).toEqual(null);
`got error ${err}`);
params.Metadata = params.Metadata =
{ 'scal-location-constraint': fileLocation }; { 'scal-location-constraint': fileLocation };
return s3.putObject(params, err => { return s3.putObject(params, err => {
assert.equal(err, null, 'Expected success, ' + expect(err).toEqual(null);
`got error ${err}`);
return s3.getObject({ Bucket: bucket, Key: key }, return s3.getObject({ Bucket: bucket, Key: key },
(err, res) => { (err, res) => {
assert.equal(err, null, 'Expected success, ' + expect(err).toEqual(null);
`got error ${err}`); expect(res.Metadata['scal-location-constraint']).toBe(fileLocation);
return getAwsError(key, 'NoSuchKey', done); return getAwsError(key, 'NoSuchKey', done);
}); });
}); });
}); });
}); });
it('should put objects with same key to file ' + test('should put objects with same key to file ' +
'then AWS, and object should only be present on AWS', done => { 'then AWS, and object should only be present on AWS', done => {
const key = `somekey-${genUniqID()}`; const key = `somekey-${genUniqID()}`;
const params = { Bucket: bucket, Key: key, const params = { Bucket: bucket, Key: key,
Body: body, Body: body,
Metadata: { 'scal-location-constraint': fileLocation } }; Metadata: { 'scal-location-constraint': fileLocation } };
return s3.putObject(params, err => { return s3.putObject(params, err => {
assert.equal(err, null, 'Expected success, ' + expect(err).toEqual(null);
`got error ${err}`);
params.Metadata = { params.Metadata = {
'scal-location-constraint': awsLocation }; 'scal-location-constraint': awsLocation };
return s3.putObject(params, err => { return s3.putObject(params, err => {
assert.equal(err, null, 'Expected success, ' + expect(err).toEqual(null);
`got error ${err}`);
return awsGetCheck(key, correctMD5, correctMD5, return awsGetCheck(key, correctMD5, correctMD5,
awsLocation, () => done()); awsLocation, () => done());
}); });
}); });
}); });
it('should put two objects to AWS with same ' + test('should put two objects to AWS with same ' +
'key, and newest object should be returned', done => { 'key, and newest object should be returned', done => {
const key = `somekey-${genUniqID()}`; const key = `somekey-${genUniqID()}`;
const params = { Bucket: bucket, Key: key, const params = { Bucket: bucket, Key: key,
@ -337,17 +311,15 @@ describe('MultipleBackend put object', function testSuite() {
Metadata: { 'scal-location-constraint': awsLocation, Metadata: { 'scal-location-constraint': awsLocation,
'unique-header': 'first object' } }; 'unique-header': 'first object' } };
return s3.putObject(params, err => { return s3.putObject(params, err => {
assert.equal(err, null, 'Expected success, ' + expect(err).toEqual(null);
`got error ${err}`);
params.Metadata = { 'scal-location-constraint': awsLocation, params.Metadata = { 'scal-location-constraint': awsLocation,
'unique-header': 'second object' }; 'unique-header': 'second object' };
return s3.putObject(params, err => { return s3.putObject(params, err => {
assert.equal(err, null, 'Expected success, ' + expect(err).toEqual(null);
`got error ${err}`);
return awsGetCheck(key, correctMD5, correctMD5, return awsGetCheck(key, correctMD5, correctMD5,
awsLocation, result => { awsLocation, result => {
assert.strictEqual(result.Metadata expect(result.Metadata
['unique-header'], 'second object'); ['unique-header']).toBe('second object');
done(); done();
}); });
}); });
@ -378,69 +350,63 @@ describeSkipIfNotMultiple('MultipleBackend put object based on bucket location',
}); });
}); });
it('should put an object to mem with no location header', test('should put an object to mem with no location header', done => {
done => {
process.stdout.write('Creating bucket\n'); process.stdout.write('Creating bucket\n');
return s3.createBucket({ Bucket: bucket, return s3.createBucket({ Bucket: bucket,
CreateBucketConfiguration: { CreateBucketConfiguration: {
LocationConstraint: memLocation, LocationConstraint: memLocation,
}, },
}, err => { }, err => {
assert.equal(err, null, `Error creating bucket: ${err}`); expect(err).toEqual(null);
process.stdout.write('Putting object\n'); process.stdout.write('Putting object\n');
const key = `somekey-${genUniqID()}`; const key = `somekey-${genUniqID()}`;
const params = { Bucket: bucket, Key: key, Body: body }; const params = { Bucket: bucket, Key: key, Body: body };
return s3.putObject(params, err => { return s3.putObject(params, err => {
assert.equal(err, null, 'Expected success, ' + expect(err).toEqual(null);
`got error ${JSON.stringify(err)}`);
s3.getObject({ Bucket: bucket, Key: key }, (err, res) => { s3.getObject({ Bucket: bucket, Key: key }, (err, res) => {
assert.strictEqual(err, null, 'Expected success, ' + expect(err).toBe(null);
`got error ${JSON.stringify(err)}`); expect(res.ETag).toBe(`"${correctMD5}"`);
assert.strictEqual(res.ETag, `"${correctMD5}"`);
done(); done();
}); });
}); });
}); });
}); });
it('should put an object to file with no location header', done => { test('should put an object to file with no location header', done => {
process.stdout.write('Creating bucket\n'); process.stdout.write('Creating bucket\n');
return s3.createBucket({ Bucket: bucket, return s3.createBucket({ Bucket: bucket,
CreateBucketConfiguration: { CreateBucketConfiguration: {
LocationConstraint: fileLocation, LocationConstraint: fileLocation,
}, },
}, err => { }, err => {
assert.equal(err, null, `Error creating bucket: ${err}`); expect(err).toEqual(null);
process.stdout.write('Putting object\n'); process.stdout.write('Putting object\n');
const key = `somekey-${genUniqID()}`; const key = `somekey-${genUniqID()}`;
const params = { Bucket: bucket, Key: key, Body: body }; const params = { Bucket: bucket, Key: key, Body: body };
return s3.putObject(params, err => { return s3.putObject(params, err => {
assert.equal(err, null, 'Expected success, ' + expect(err).toEqual(null);
`got error ${JSON.stringify(err)}`);
s3.getObject({ Bucket: bucket, Key: key }, (err, res) => { s3.getObject({ Bucket: bucket, Key: key }, (err, res) => {
assert.strictEqual(err, null, 'Expected success, ' + expect(err).toBe(null);
`got error ${JSON.stringify(err)}`); expect(res.ETag).toBe(`"${correctMD5}"`);
assert.strictEqual(res.ETag, `"${correctMD5}"`);
done(); done();
}); });
}); });
}); });
}); });
it('should put an object to AWS with no location header', done => { test('should put an object to AWS with no location header', done => {
process.stdout.write('Creating bucket\n'); process.stdout.write('Creating bucket\n');
return s3.createBucket({ Bucket: bucket, return s3.createBucket({ Bucket: bucket,
CreateBucketConfiguration: { CreateBucketConfiguration: {
LocationConstraint: awsLocation, LocationConstraint: awsLocation,
}, },
}, err => { }, err => {
assert.equal(err, null, `Error creating bucket: ${err}`); expect(err).toEqual(null);
process.stdout.write('Putting object\n'); process.stdout.write('Putting object\n');
const key = `somekey-${genUniqID()}`; const key = `somekey-${genUniqID()}`;
const params = { Bucket: bucket, Key: key, Body: body }; const params = { Bucket: bucket, Key: key, Body: body };
return s3.putObject(params, err => { return s3.putObject(params, err => {
assert.equal(err, null, expect(err).toEqual(null);
`Expected success, got error ${err}`);
return awsGetCheck(key, correctMD5, correctMD5, undefined, return awsGetCheck(key, correctMD5, correctMD5, undefined,
() => done()); () => done());
}); });
@ -451,11 +417,11 @@ describeSkipIfNotMultiple('MultipleBackend put object based on bucket location',
describe('MultipleBackend put based on request endpoint', () => { describe('MultipleBackend put based on request endpoint', () => {
withV4(sigCfg => { withV4(sigCfg => {
before(() => { beforeAll(() => {
bucketUtil = new BucketUtility('default', sigCfg); bucketUtil = new BucketUtility('default', sigCfg);
s3 = bucketUtil.s3; s3 = bucketUtil.s3;
}); });
after(() => { afterAll(() => {
process.stdout.write('Emptying bucket\n'); process.stdout.write('Emptying bucket\n');
return bucketUtil.empty(bucket) return bucketUtil.empty(bucket)
.then(() => { .then(() => {
@ -468,18 +434,17 @@ describe('MultipleBackend put based on request endpoint', () => {
}); });
}); });
it('should create bucket in corresponding backend', done => { test('should create bucket in corresponding backend', done => {
process.stdout.write('Creating bucket'); process.stdout.write('Creating bucket');
const request = s3.createBucket({ Bucket: bucket }); const request = s3.createBucket({ Bucket: bucket });
request.on('build', () => { request.on('build', () => {
request.httpRequest.body = ''; request.httpRequest.body = '';
}); });
request.send(err => { request.send(err => {
assert.strictEqual(err, null, `Error creating bucket: ${err}`); expect(err).toBe(null);
const key = `somekey-${genUniqID()}`; const key = `somekey-${genUniqID()}`;
s3.putObject({ Bucket: bucket, Key: key, Body: body }, err => { s3.putObject({ Bucket: bucket, Key: key, Body: body }, err => {
assert.strictEqual(err, null, 'Expected succes, ' + expect(err).toBe(null);
`got error ${JSON.stringify(err)}`);
const host = request.service.endpoint.hostname; const host = request.service.endpoint.hostname;
let endpoint = config.restEndpoints[host]; let endpoint = config.restEndpoints[host];
// s3 returns '' for us-east-1 // s3 returns '' for us-east-1
@ -487,14 +452,12 @@ describe('MultipleBackend put based on request endpoint', () => {
endpoint = ''; endpoint = '';
} }
s3.getBucketLocation({ Bucket: bucket }, (err, data) => { s3.getBucketLocation({ Bucket: bucket }, (err, data) => {
assert.strictEqual(err, null, 'Expected succes, ' + expect(err).toBe(null);
`got error ${JSON.stringify(err)}`); expect(data.LocationConstraint).toBe(endpoint);
assert.strictEqual(data.LocationConstraint, endpoint);
s3.getObject({ Bucket: bucket, Key: key }, s3.getObject({ Bucket: bucket, Key: key },
(err, res) => { (err, res) => {
assert.strictEqual(err, null, 'Expected succes, ' + expect(err).toBe(null);
`got error ${JSON.stringify(err)}`); expect(res.ETag).toBe(`"${correctMD5}"`);
assert.strictEqual(res.ETag, `"${correctMD5}"`);
done(); done();
}); });
}); });

View File

@ -37,10 +37,9 @@ let s3;
function azureGetCheck(objectKey, azureMD5, azureMetadata, cb) { function azureGetCheck(objectKey, azureMD5, azureMetadata, cb) {
azureClient.getBlobProperties(azureContainerName, objectKey, azureClient.getBlobProperties(azureContainerName, objectKey,
(err, res) => { (err, res) => {
assert.strictEqual(err, null, 'Expected success, got error ' + expect(err).toBe(null);
`on call to Azure: ${err}`);
const resMD5 = convertMD5(res.contentSettings.contentMD5); const resMD5 = convertMD5(res.contentSettings.contentMD5);
assert.strictEqual(resMD5, azureMD5); expect(resMD5).toBe(azureMD5);
assert.deepStrictEqual(res.metadata, azureMetadata); assert.deepStrictEqual(res.metadata, azureMetadata);
return cb(); return cb();
}); });
@ -50,7 +49,7 @@ describeSkipIfNotMultipleOrCeph('MultipleBackend put object to AZURE', function
describeF() { describeF() {
this.timeout(250000); this.timeout(250000);
withV4(sigCfg => { withV4(sigCfg => {
beforeEach(function beforeEachF() { beforeEach(() => {
this.currentTest.keyName = uniqName(keyObject); this.currentTest.keyName = uniqName(keyObject);
bucketUtil = new BucketUtility('default', sigCfg); bucketUtil = new BucketUtility('default', sigCfg);
s3 = bucketUtil.s3; s3 = bucketUtil.s3;
@ -69,6 +68,12 @@ describeF() {
}); });
}); });
describe('with bucket location header', () => { describe('with bucket location header', () => {
let testContext;
beforeEach(() => {
testContext = {};
beforeEach(done => beforeEach(done =>
s3.createBucket({ Bucket: azureContainerName, s3.createBucket({ Bucket: azureContainerName,
CreateBucketConfiguration: { CreateBucketConfiguration: {
@ -76,7 +81,7 @@ describeF() {
}, },
}, done)); }, done));
it('should return a NotImplemented error if try to put ' + test('should return a NotImplemented error if try to put ' +
'versioning to bucket with Azure location', done => { 'versioning to bucket with Azure location', done => {
const params = { const params = {
Bucket: azureContainerName, Bucket: azureContainerName,
@ -85,28 +90,34 @@ describeF() {
}, },
}; };
s3.putBucketVersioning(params, err => { s3.putBucketVersioning(params, err => {
assert.strictEqual(err.code, 'NotImplemented'); expect(err.code).toBe('NotImplemented');
done(); done();
}); });
}); });
it('should put an object to Azure, with no object location ' + test('should put an object to Azure, with no object location ' +
'header, based on bucket location', function it(done) { 'header, based on bucket location', done => {
const params = { const params = {
Bucket: azureContainerName, Bucket: azureContainerName,
Key: this.test.keyName, Key: testContext.test.keyName,
Body: normalBody, Body: normalBody,
}; };
async.waterfall([ async.waterfall([
next => s3.putObject(params, err => setTimeout(() => next => s3.putObject(params, err => setTimeout(() =>
next(err), azureTimeout)), next(err), azureTimeout)),
next => azureGetCheck(this.test.keyName, normalMD5, {}, next => azureGetCheck(testContext.test.keyName, normalMD5, {},
next), next),
], done); ], done);
}); });
}); });
describe('with no bucket location header', () => { describe('with no bucket location header', () => {
let testContext;
beforeEach(() => {
testContext = {};
beforeEach(() => beforeEach(() =>
s3.createBucketAsync({ Bucket: azureContainerName }) s3.createBucketAsync({ Bucket: azureContainerName })
.catch(err => { .catch(err => {
@ -115,30 +126,29 @@ describeF() {
})); }));
keys.forEach(key => { keys.forEach(key => {
it(`should put a ${key.describe} object to Azure`, test(`should put a ${key.describe} object to Azure`, done => {
function itF(done) {
const params = { const params = {
Bucket: azureContainerName, Bucket: azureContainerName,
Key: this.test.keyName, Key: testContext.test.keyName,
Metadata: { 'scal-location-constraint': azureLocation }, Metadata: { 'scal-location-constraint': azureLocation },
Body: key.body, Body: key.body,
}; };
s3.putObject(params, err => { s3.putObject(params, err => {
assert.equal(err, null, 'Expected success, ' + expect(err).toEqual(null);
`got error ${err}`);
setTimeout(() => setTimeout(() =>
azureGetCheck(this.test.keyName, azureGetCheck(testContext.test.keyName,
key.MD5, azureMetadata, key.MD5, azureMetadata,
() => done()), azureTimeout); () => done()), azureTimeout);
}); });
}); });
}); });
it('should put a object to Azure location with bucketMatch=false', test(
function itF(done) { 'should put a object to Azure location with bucketMatch=false',
done => {
const params = { const params = {
Bucket: azureContainerName, Bucket: azureContainerName,
Key: this.test.keyName, Key: testContext.test.keyName,
Metadata: { 'scal-location-constraint': Metadata: { 'scal-location-constraint':
azureLocationMismatch }, azureLocationMismatch },
Body: normalBody, Body: normalBody,
@ -149,17 +159,17 @@ describeF() {
/* eslint-enable camelcase */ /* eslint-enable camelcase */
}; };
s3.putObject(params, err => { s3.putObject(params, err => {
assert.equal(err, null, 'Expected success, ' + expect(err).toEqual(null);
`got error ${err}`);
setTimeout(() => setTimeout(() =>
azureGetCheck( azureGetCheck(
`${azureContainerName}/${this.test.keyName}`, `${azureContainerName}/${testContext.test.keyName}`,
normalMD5, azureMetadataMismatch, normalMD5, azureMetadataMismatch,
() => done()), azureTimeout); () => done()), azureTimeout);
}); });
}); }
it('should return error ServiceUnavailable putting an invalid ' + test('should return error ServiceUnavailable putting an invalid ' +
'key name to Azure', done => { 'key name to Azure', done => {
const params = { const params = {
Bucket: azureContainerName, Bucket: azureContainerName,
@ -168,36 +178,35 @@ describeF() {
Body: normalBody, Body: normalBody,
}; };
s3.putObject(params, err => { s3.putObject(params, err => {
assert.strictEqual(err.code, 'ServiceUnavailable'); expect(err.code).toBe('ServiceUnavailable');
done(); done();
}); });
}); });
it('should return error NotImplemented putting a ' + test('should return error NotImplemented putting a ' +
'version to Azure', function itF(done) { 'version to Azure', done => {
s3.putBucketVersioning({ s3.putBucketVersioning({
Bucket: azureContainerName, Bucket: azureContainerName,
VersioningConfiguration: versioningEnabled, VersioningConfiguration: versioningEnabled,
}, err => { }, err => {
assert.equal(err, null, 'Expected success, ' + expect(err).toEqual(null);
`got error ${err}`);
const params = { Bucket: azureContainerName, const params = { Bucket: azureContainerName,
Key: this.test.keyName, Key: testContext.test.keyName,
Body: normalBody, Body: normalBody,
Metadata: { 'scal-location-constraint': Metadata: { 'scal-location-constraint':
azureLocation } }; azureLocation } };
s3.putObject(params, err => { s3.putObject(params, err => {
assert.strictEqual(err.code, 'NotImplemented'); expect(err.code).toBe('NotImplemented');
done(); done();
}); });
}); });
}); });
it('should put two objects to Azure with same ' + test('should put two objects to Azure with same ' +
'key, and newest object should be returned', function itF(done) { 'key, and newest object should be returned', done => {
const params = { const params = {
Bucket: azureContainerName, Bucket: azureContainerName,
Key: this.test.keyName, Key: testContext.test.keyName,
Metadata: { 'scal-location-constraint': azureLocation }, Metadata: { 'scal-location-constraint': azureLocation },
}; };
async.waterfall([ async.waterfall([
@ -209,19 +218,18 @@ describeF() {
}, },
next => { next => {
setTimeout(() => { setTimeout(() => {
azureGetCheck(this.test.keyName, normalMD5, azureGetCheck(testContext.test.keyName, normalMD5,
azureMetadata, next); azureMetadata, next);
}, azureTimeout); }, azureTimeout);
}, },
], done); ], done);
}); });
it('should put objects with same key to Azure ' + test('should put objects with same key to Azure ' +
'then file, and object should only be present in file', function 'then file, and object should only be present in file', done => {
itF(done) {
const params = { const params = {
Bucket: azureContainerName, Bucket: azureContainerName,
Key: this.test.keyName, Key: testContext.test.keyName,
Body: normalBody, Body: normalBody,
Metadata: { 'scal-location-constraint': azureLocation } }; Metadata: { 'scal-location-constraint': azureLocation } };
async.waterfall([ async.waterfall([
@ -234,28 +242,24 @@ describeF() {
}, },
next => s3.getObject({ next => s3.getObject({
Bucket: azureContainerName, Bucket: azureContainerName,
Key: this.test.keyName, Key: testContext.test.keyName,
}, (err, res) => { }, (err, res) => {
assert.equal(err, null, 'Expected success, ' + expect(err).toEqual(null);
`got error ${err}`); expect(res.Metadata['scal-location-constraint']).toBe(fileLocation);
next(); next();
}), }),
next => azureClient.getBlobProperties(azureContainerName, next => azureClient.getBlobProperties(azureContainerName,
this.test.keyName, err => { testContext.test.keyName, err => {
assert.strictEqual(err.code, 'NotFound'); expect(err.code).toBe('NotFound');
next(); next();
}), }),
], done); ], done);
}); });
it('should put objects with same key to file ' + test('should put objects with same key to file ' +
'then Azure, and object should only be present on Azure', 'then Azure, and object should only be present on Azure', done => {
function itF(done) {
const params = { Bucket: azureContainerName, Key: const params = { Bucket: azureContainerName, Key:
this.test.keyName, testContext.test.keyName,
Body: normalBody, Body: normalBody,
Metadata: { 'scal-location-constraint': fileLocation } }; Metadata: { 'scal-location-constraint': fileLocation } };
async.waterfall([ async.waterfall([
@ -267,42 +271,42 @@ describeF() {
s3.putObject(params, err => setTimeout(() => s3.putObject(params, err => setTimeout(() =>
next(err), azureTimeout)); next(err), azureTimeout));
}, },
next => azureGetCheck(this.test.keyName, normalMD5, next => azureGetCheck(testContext.test.keyName, normalMD5,
azureMetadata, next), azureMetadata, next),
], done); ], done);
}); });
describe('with ongoing MPU with same key name', () => { describe('with ongoing MPU with same key name', () => {
beforeEach(function beFn(done) { beforeEach(done => {
s3.createMultipartUpload({ s3.createMultipartUpload({
Bucket: azureContainerName, Bucket: azureContainerName,
Key: this.currentTest.keyName, Key: testContext.currentTest.keyName,
Metadata: { 'scal-location-constraint': azureLocation }, Metadata: { 'scal-location-constraint': azureLocation },
}, (err, res) => { }, (err, res) => {
assert.equal(err, null, `Err creating MPU: ${err}`); expect(err).toEqual(null);
this.currentTest.uploadId = res.UploadId; testContext.currentTest.uploadId = res.UploadId;
done(); done();
}); });
}); });
afterEach(function afFn(done) { afterEach(done => {
s3.abortMultipartUpload({ s3.abortMultipartUpload({
Bucket: azureContainerName, Bucket: azureContainerName,
Key: this.currentTest.keyName, Key: testContext.currentTest.keyName,
UploadId: this.currentTest.uploadId, UploadId: testContext.currentTest.uploadId,
}, err => { }, err => {
assert.equal(err, null, `Err aborting MPU: ${err}`); expect(err).toEqual(null);
done(); done();
}); });
}); });
it('should return ServiceUnavailable', function itFn(done) { test('should return ServiceUnavailable', done => {
s3.putObject({ s3.putObject({
Bucket: azureContainerName, Bucket: azureContainerName,
Key: this.test.keyName, Key: testContext.test.keyName,
Metadata: { 'scal-location-constraint': azureLocation }, Metadata: { 'scal-location-constraint': azureLocation },
}, err => { }, err => {
assert.strictEqual(err.code, 'ServiceUnavailable'); expect(err.code).toBe('ServiceUnavailable');
done(); done();
}); });
}); });

View File

@ -23,15 +23,13 @@ function checkGcp(key, gcpMD5, location, callback) {
Bucket: gcpBucket, Bucket: gcpBucket,
Key: key, Key: key,
}, (err, res) => { }, (err, res) => {
assert.equal(err, null, `Expected success, got error ${err}`); expect(err).toEqual(null);
if (res.Metadata && res.Metadata['scal-etag']) { if (res.Metadata && res.Metadata['scal-etag']) {
assert.strictEqual(res.Metadata['scal-etag'], gcpMD5); expect(res.Metadata['scal-etag']).toBe(gcpMD5);
} else { } else {
assert.strictEqual( expect(res.ETag.substring(1, res.ETag.length - 1)).toBe(gcpMD5);
res.ETag.substring(1, res.ETag.length - 1), gcpMD5);
} }
assert.strictEqual(res.Metadata['scal-location-constraint'], expect(res.Metadata['scal-location-constraint']).toBe(location);
callback(res); callback(res);
}); });
} }
@ -42,10 +40,8 @@ function checkGcpError(key, expectedError, callback) {
Bucket: gcpBucket, Bucket: gcpBucket,
Key: key, Key: key,
}, err => { }, err => {
assert.notStrictEqual(err, undefined, expect(err).not.toBe(undefined);
'Expected error but did not find one'); expect(err.code).toBe(expectedError);
assert.strictEqual(err.code, expectedError,
`Expected error code ${expectedError} but got ${err.code}`);
callback(); callback();
}); });
}, 1000); }, 1000);
@ -61,11 +57,9 @@ function gcpGetCheck(objectKey, s3MD5, gcpMD5, location, callback) {
s3.getObject({ Bucket: bucket, Key: objectKey }, s3GetCallback); s3.getObject({ Bucket: bucket, Key: objectKey }, s3GetCallback);
}, retryTimeout); }, retryTimeout);
} }
assert.strictEqual(err, null, 'Expected success, got error ' + expect(err).toBe(null);
`on call to GCP through S3: ${err}`); expect(res.ETag).toBe(`"${s3MD5}"`);
assert.strictEqual(res.ETag, `"${s3MD5}"`); expect(res.Metadata['scal-location-constraint']).toBe(location);
process.stdout.write('Getting object from GCP\n'); process.stdout.write('Getting object from GCP\n');
return checkGcp(objectKey, gcpMD5, location, callback); return checkGcp(objectKey, gcpMD5, location, callback);
}); });
@ -99,7 +93,7 @@ describeFn() {
}); });
describe('with set location from "x-amz-meta-scal-' + describe('with set location from "x-amz-meta-scal-' +
'location-constraint" header', function describe() { 'location-constraint" header', () => {
if (!process.env.S3_END_TO_END) { if (!process.env.S3_END_TO_END) {
this.retries(2); this.retries(2);
} }
@ -124,14 +118,13 @@ describeFn() {
putTests.forEach(test => { putTests.forEach(test => {
const { location, Body } = test.input; const { location, Body } = test.input;
const { s3MD5, gcpMD5 } = test.output; const { s3MD5, gcpMD5 } = test.output;
it(test.msg, done => { test(test.msg, done => {
const key = `somekey-${genUniqID()}`; const key = `somekey-${genUniqID()}`;
const params = { Bucket: bucket, Key: key, Body, const params = { Bucket: bucket, Key: key, Body,
Metadata: { 'scal-location-constraint': location }, Metadata: { 'scal-location-constraint': location },
}; };
return s3.putObject(params, err => { return s3.putObject(params, err => {
assert.equal(err, null, 'Expected success, ' + expect(err).toEqual(null);
`got error ${err}`);
return gcpGetCheck(key, s3MD5, gcpMD5, location, return gcpGetCheck(key, s3MD5, gcpMD5, location,
() => done()); () => done());
}); });
@ -139,32 +132,27 @@ describeFn() {
}); });
}); });
describe('with object rewrites', function describe() { describe('with object rewrites', () => {
if (!process.env.S3_END_TO_END) { if (!process.env.S3_END_TO_END) {
this.retries(2); this.retries(2);
} }
it('should put objects with same key to GCP ' + test('should put objects with same key to GCP ' +
'then file, and object should only be present in file', done => { 'then file, and object should only be present in file', done => {
const key = `somekey-${genUniqID()}`; const key = `somekey-${genUniqID()}`;
const params = { Bucket: bucket, Key: key, const params = { Bucket: bucket, Key: key,
Body: body, Body: body,
Metadata: { 'scal-location-constraint': gcpLocation } }; Metadata: { 'scal-location-constraint': gcpLocation } };
return s3.putObject(params, err => { return s3.putObject(params, err => {
assert.equal(err, null, 'Expected success, ' + expect(err).toEqual(null);
`got error ${err}`);
params.Metadata = params.Metadata =
{ 'scal-location-constraint': fileLocation }; { 'scal-location-constraint': fileLocation };
return s3.putObject(params, err => { return s3.putObject(params, err => {
assert.equal(err, null, 'Expected success, ' + expect(err).toEqual(null);
`got error ${err}`);
return s3.getObject({ Bucket: bucket, Key: key }, return s3.getObject({ Bucket: bucket, Key: key },
(err, res) => { (err, res) => {
assert.equal(err, null, 'Expected success, ' + expect(err).toEqual(null);
`got error ${err}`); expect(res.Metadata['scal-location-constraint']).toBe(fileLocation);
return checkGcpError(key, 'NoSuchKey', return checkGcpError(key, 'NoSuchKey',
() => done()); () => done());
}); });
@ -172,27 +160,25 @@ describeFn() {
}); });
}); });
it('should put objects with same key to file ' + test('should put objects with same key to file ' +
'then GCP, and object should only be present on GCP', done => { 'then GCP, and object should only be present on GCP', done => {
const key = `somekey-${genUniqID()}`; const key = `somekey-${genUniqID()}`;
const params = { Bucket: bucket, Key: key, const params = { Bucket: bucket, Key: key,
Body: body, Body: body,
Metadata: { 'scal-location-constraint': fileLocation } }; Metadata: { 'scal-location-constraint': fileLocation } };
return s3.putObject(params, err => { return s3.putObject(params, err => {
assert.equal(err, null, 'Expected success, ' + expect(err).toEqual(null);
`got error ${err}`);
params.Metadata = { params.Metadata = {
'scal-location-constraint': gcpLocation }; 'scal-location-constraint': gcpLocation };
return s3.putObject(params, err => { return s3.putObject(params, err => {
assert.equal(err, null, 'Expected success, ' + expect(err).toEqual(null);
`got error ${err}`);
return gcpGetCheck(key, correctMD5, correctMD5, return gcpGetCheck(key, correctMD5, correctMD5,
gcpLocation, () => done()); gcpLocation, () => done());
}); });
}); });
}); });
it('should put two objects to GCP with same ' + test('should put two objects to GCP with same ' +
'key, and newest object should be returned', done => { 'key, and newest object should be returned', done => {
const key = `somekey-${genUniqID()}`; const key = `somekey-${genUniqID()}`;
const params = { Bucket: bucket, Key: key, const params = { Bucket: bucket, Key: key,
@ -200,17 +186,15 @@ describeFn() {
Metadata: { 'scal-location-constraint': gcpLocation, Metadata: { 'scal-location-constraint': gcpLocation,
'unique-header': 'first object' } }; 'unique-header': 'first object' } };
return s3.putObject(params, err => { return s3.putObject(params, err => {
assert.equal(err, null, 'Expected success, ' + expect(err).toEqual(null);
`got error ${err}`);
params.Metadata = { 'scal-location-constraint': gcpLocation, params.Metadata = { 'scal-location-constraint': gcpLocation,
'unique-header': 'second object' }; 'unique-header': 'second object' };
return s3.putObject(params, err => { return s3.putObject(params, err => {
assert.equal(err, null, 'Expected success, ' + expect(err).toEqual(null);
`got error ${err}`);
return gcpGetCheck(key, correctMD5, correctMD5, return gcpGetCheck(key, correctMD5, correctMD5,
gcpLocation, result => { gcpLocation, result => {
assert.strictEqual(result.Metadata expect(result.Metadata
['unique-header'], 'second object'); ['unique-header']).toBe('second object');
done(); done();
}); });
}); });
@ -241,20 +225,19 @@ describeSkipIfNotMultipleOrCeph('MultipleBackend put object' +
}); });
}); });
it('should put an object to GCP with no location header', done => { test('should put an object to GCP with no location header', done => {
process.stdout.write('Creating bucket\n'); process.stdout.write('Creating bucket\n');
return s3.createBucket({ Bucket: bucket, return s3.createBucket({ Bucket: bucket,
CreateBucketConfiguration: { CreateBucketConfiguration: {
LocationConstraint: gcpLocation, LocationConstraint: gcpLocation,
}, },
}, err => { }, err => {
assert.equal(err, null, `Error creating bucket: ${err}`); expect(err).toEqual(null);
process.stdout.write('Putting object\n'); process.stdout.write('Putting object\n');
const key = `somekey-${genUniqID()}`; const key = `somekey-${genUniqID()}`;
const params = { Bucket: bucket, Key: key, Body: body }; const params = { Bucket: bucket, Key: key, Body: body };
return s3.putObject(params, err => { return s3.putObject(params, err => {
assert.equal(err, null, expect(err).toEqual(null);
`Expected success, got error ${err}`);
return gcpGetCheck(key, correctMD5, correctMD5, undefined, return gcpGetCheck(key, correctMD5, correctMD5, undefined,
() => done()); () => done());
}); });

View File

@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ let s3;
describe('Requests to ip endpoint not in config', () => { describe('Requests to ip endpoint not in config', () => {
withV4(sigCfg => { withV4(sigCfg => {
before(() => { beforeAll(() => {
bucketUtil = new BucketUtility('default', sigCfg); bucketUtil = new BucketUtility('default', sigCfg);
// change endpoint to endpoint with ip address // change endpoint to endpoint with ip address
// not in config // not in config
@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ describe('Requests to ip endpoint not in config', () => {
s3 = bucketUtil.s3; s3 = bucketUtil.s3;
}); });
after(() => { afterAll(() => {
process.stdout.write('Emptying bucket\n'); process.stdout.write('Emptying bucket\n');
return bucketUtil.empty(bucket) return bucketUtil.empty(bucket)
.then(() => { .then(() => {
@ -34,10 +34,9 @@ describe('Requests to ip endpoint not in config', () => {
}); });
}); });
it('should accept put bucket request ' + test('should accept put bucket request ' +
'to IP address endpoint that is not in config using ' + 'to IP address endpoint that is not in config using ' +
'path style', 'path style', done => {
done => {
s3.createBucket({ Bucket: bucket }, err => { s3.createBucket({ Bucket: bucket }, err => {
assert.ifError(err); assert.ifError(err);
done(); done();
@ -56,16 +55,15 @@ describe('Requests to ip endpoint not in config', () => {
(err, res) => { (err, res) => {
assert.ifError(err); assert.ifError(err);
// us-east-1 is returned as empty string // us-east-1 is returned as empty string
assert.strictEqual(res expect(res
.LocationConstraint, ''); .LocationConstraint).toBe('');
done(); done();
}); });
}); });
it('should accept put object request ' + test('should accept put object request ' +
'to IP address endpoint that is not in config using ' + 'to IP address endpoint that is not in config using ' +
'path style and use the bucket location for the object', 'path style and use the bucket location for the object', done => {
done => {
s3.putObject({ Bucket: bucket, Key: key, Body: body }, s3.putObject({ Bucket: bucket, Key: key, Body: body },
err => { err => {
assert.ifError(err); assert.ifError(err);
@ -77,14 +75,13 @@ describe('Requests to ip endpoint not in config', () => {
}); });
}); });
it('should accept get object request ' + test('should accept get object request ' +
'to IP address endpoint that is not in config using ' + 'to IP address endpoint that is not in config using ' +
'path style', 'path style', done => {
done => {
s3.getObject({ Bucket: bucket, Key: key }, s3.getObject({ Bucket: bucket, Key: key },
(err, res) => { (err, res) => {
assert.ifError(err); assert.ifError(err);
assert.strictEqual(res.ETag, expectedETag); expect(res.ETag).toBe(expectedETag);
done(); done();
}); });
}); });

View File

@ -60,12 +60,12 @@ if ( === 'multiple') {
function _assertErrorResult(err, expectedError, desc) { function _assertErrorResult(err, expectedError, desc) {
if (!expectedError) { if (!expectedError) {
assert.strictEqual(err, null, `got error for ${desc}: ${err}`); expect(err).toBe(null);
return; return;
} }
assert(err, `expected ${expectedError} but found no error`); expect(err).toBeTruthy();
assert.strictEqual(err.code, expectedError); expect(err.code).toBe(expectedError);
assert.strictEqual(err.statusCode, errors[expectedError].code); expect(err.statusCode).toBe(errors[expectedError].code);
} }
const utils = { const utils = {
@ -213,8 +213,7 @@ utils.putToAwsBackend = (s3, bucket, key, body, cb) => {
utils.enableVersioning = (s3, bucket, cb) => { utils.enableVersioning = (s3, bucket, cb) => {
s3.putBucketVersioning({ Bucket: bucket, s3.putBucketVersioning({ Bucket: bucket,
VersioningConfiguration: versioningEnabled }, err => { VersioningConfiguration: versioningEnabled }, err => {
assert.strictEqual(err, null, 'Expected success ' + expect(err).toBe(null);
`enabling versioning, got error ${err}`);
cb(); cb();
}); });
}; };
@ -222,8 +221,7 @@ utils.enableVersioning = (s3, bucket, cb) => {
utils.suspendVersioning = (s3, bucket, cb) => { utils.suspendVersioning = (s3, bucket, cb) => {
s3.putBucketVersioning({ Bucket: bucket, s3.putBucketVersioning({ Bucket: bucket,
VersioningConfiguration: versioningSuspended }, err => { VersioningConfiguration: versioningSuspended }, err => {
assert.strictEqual(err, null, 'Expected success ' + expect(err).toBe(null);
`enabling versioning, got error ${err}`);
cb(); cb();
}); });
}; };
@ -232,8 +230,7 @@ utils.mapToAwsPuts = (s3, bucket, key, dataArray, cb) => {
async.mapSeries(dataArray, (data, next) => { async.mapSeries(dataArray, (data, next) => {
utils.putToAwsBackend(s3, bucket, key, data, next); utils.putToAwsBackend(s3, bucket, key, data, next);
}, (err, results) => { }, (err, results) => {
assert.strictEqual(err, null, 'Expected success ' + expect(err).toBe(null);
`putting object, got error ${err}`);
cb(null, results); cb(null, results);
}); });
}; };
@ -259,27 +256,23 @@ utils.getAndAssertResult = (s3, params, cb) => {
if (expectedError) { if (expectedError) {
return cb(); return cb();
} }
assert.strictEqual(err, null, 'Expected success ' + expect(err).toBe(null);
`getting object, got error ${err}`);
if (body) { if (body) {
assert(data.Body, 'expected object body in response'); expect(data.Body).toBeTruthy();
assert.equal(data.Body.length, data.ContentLength, expect(data.Body.length).toEqual(data.ContentLength);
`received data of length ${data.Body.length} does not ` +
'equal expected based on ' +
`content length header of ${data.ContentLength}`);
const expectedMD5 = utils.expectedETag(body, false); const expectedMD5 = utils.expectedETag(body, false);
const resultMD5 = utils.expectedETag(data.Body, false); const resultMD5 = utils.expectedETag(data.Body, false);
assert.strictEqual(resultMD5, expectedMD5); expect(resultMD5).toBe(expectedMD5);
} }
if (!expectedVersionId) { if (!expectedVersionId) {
assert.strictEqual(data.VersionId, undefined); expect(data.VersionId).toBe(undefined);
} else { } else {
assert.strictEqual(data.VersionId, expectedVersionId); expect(data.VersionId).toBe(expectedVersionId);
} }
if (expectedTagCount && expectedTagCount === '0') { if (expectedTagCount && expectedTagCount === '0') {
assert.strictEqual(data.TagCount, undefined); expect(data.TagCount).toBe(undefined);
} else if (expectedTagCount) { } else if (expectedTagCount) {
assert.strictEqual(data.TagCount, expectedTagCount); expect(data.TagCount).toBe(expectedTagCount);
} }
return cb(); return cb();
}); });
@ -314,11 +307,10 @@ utils.getAwsRetry = (params, retryNumber, assertCb) => {
utils.awsGetLatestVerId = (key, body, cb) => utils.awsGetLatestVerId = (key, body, cb) =>
utils.getAwsRetry({ key }, 0, (err, result) => { utils.getAwsRetry({ key }, 0, (err, result) => {
assert.strictEqual(err, null, 'Expected success ' + expect(err).toBe(null);
`getting object from AWS, got error ${err}`);
const resultMD5 = utils.expectedETag(result.Body, false); const resultMD5 = utils.expectedETag(result.Body, false);
const expectedMD5 = utils.expectedETag(body, false); const expectedMD5 = utils.expectedETag(body, false);
assert.strictEqual(resultMD5, expectedMD5, 'expected different body'); expect(resultMD5).toBe(expectedMD5);
return cb(null, result.VersionId); return cb(null, result.VersionId);
}); });
@ -346,11 +338,11 @@ utils.tagging.putTaggingAndAssert = (s3, params, cb) => {
if (expectedError) { if (expectedError) {
return cb(); return cb();
} }
assert.strictEqual(err, null, `got error for putting tags: ${err}`); expect(err).toBe(null);
if (expectedVersionId) { if (expectedVersionId) {
assert.strictEqual(data.VersionId, expectedVersionId); expect(data.VersionId).toBe(expectedVersionId);
} else { } else {
assert.strictEqual(data.VersionId, undefined); expect(data.VersionId).toBe(undefined);
} }
return cb(null, data.VersionId); return cb(null, data.VersionId);
}); });
@ -367,11 +359,11 @@ utils.tagging.getTaggingAndAssert = (s3, params, cb) => {
} }
const expectedTagResult = _getTaggingConfig(expectedTags); const expectedTagResult = _getTaggingConfig(expectedTags);
const expectedTagCount = `${Object.keys(expectedTags).length}`; const expectedTagCount = `${Object.keys(expectedTags).length}`;
assert.strictEqual(err, null, `got error for putting tags: ${err}`); expect(err).toBe(null);
if (expectedVersionId) { if (expectedVersionId) {
assert.strictEqual(data.VersionId, expectedVersionId); expect(data.VersionId).toBe(expectedVersionId);
} else { } else {
assert.strictEqual(data.VersionId, undefined); expect(data.VersionId).toBe(undefined);
} }
assert.deepStrictEqual(data.TagSet, expectedTagResult.TagSet); assert.deepStrictEqual(data.TagSet, expectedTagResult.TagSet);
if (getObject === false) { if (getObject === false) {
@ -391,11 +383,11 @@ utils.tagging.delTaggingAndAssert = (s3, params, cb) => {
if (expectedError) { if (expectedError) {
return cb(); return cb();
} }
assert.strictEqual(err, null, `got error for putting tags: ${err}`); expect(err).toBe(null);
if (expectedVersionId) { if (expectedVersionId) {
assert.strictEqual(data.VersionId, expectedVersionId); expect(data.VersionId).toBe(expectedVersionId);
} else { } else {
assert.strictEqual(data.VersionId, undefined); expect(data.VersionId).toBe(undefined);
} }
return utils.tagging.getTaggingAndAssert(s3, { bucket, key, versionId, return utils.tagging.getTaggingAndAssert(s3, { bucket, key, versionId,
expectedVersionId, expectedTags: {} }, () => cb()); expectedVersionId, expectedTags: {} }, () => cb());
@ -407,8 +399,7 @@ utils.tagging.awsGetAssertTags = (params, cb) => {
const expectedTagResult = _getTaggingConfig(expectedTags); const expectedTagResult = _getTaggingConfig(expectedTags);
awsS3.getObjectTagging({ Bucket: awsBucket, Key: key, awsS3.getObjectTagging({ Bucket: awsBucket, Key: key,
VersionId: versionId }, (err, data) => { VersionId: versionId }, (err, data) => {
assert.strictEqual(err, null, 'got unexpected error getting ' + expect(err).toBe(null);
`tags directly from AWS: ${err}`);
assert.deepStrictEqual(data.TagSet, expectedTagResult.TagSet); assert.deepStrictEqual(data.TagSet, expectedTagResult.TagSet);
return cb(); return cb();
}); });

View File

@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ class ContinueRequestHandler {
const options = this.getRequestOptions(); const options = this.getRequestOptions();
const req = transport.request(options, res => { const req = transport.request(options, res => {
assert.strictEqual(res.statusCode, statusCode); expect(res.statusCode).toBe(statusCode);
return cb(); return cb();
}); });
// Send the body either on the continue event, or immediately. // Send the body either on the continue event, or immediately.
@ -64,18 +64,18 @@ class ContinueRequestHandler {
const req = transport.request(options); const req = transport.request(options);
// At this point we have only sent the header. // At this point we have only sent the header.
assert(req.output.length === 1); expect(req.output.length === 1).toBeTruthy();
const headerLen = req.output[0].length; const headerLen = req.output[0].length;
req.on('continue', () => { req.on('continue', () => {
// Has only the header been sent? // Has only the header been sent?
assert.strictEqual(req.socket.bytesWritten, headerLen); expect(req.socket.bytesWritten).toBe(headerLen);
// Send the body since the continue event has been emitted. // Send the body since the continue event has been emitted.
return req.end(body); return req.end(body);
}); });
req.on('close', () => { req.on('close', () => {
const expected = body.length + headerLen; const expected = body.length + headerLen;
// Has the entire body been sent? // Has the entire body been sent?
assert.strictEqual(req.socket.bytesWritten, expected); expect(req.socket.bytesWritten).toBe(expected);
return cb(); return cb();
}); });
req.on('error', err => cb(err)); req.on('error', err => cb(err));
@ -106,25 +106,25 @@ describe('PUT public object with 100-continue header', () => {
bucketUtil.empty(bucket) bucketUtil.empty(bucket)
.then(() => bucketUtil.deleteOne(bucket))); .then(() => bucketUtil.deleteOne(bucket)));
it('should return 200 status code', done => test('should return 200 status code', done =>
continueRequest.hasStatusCode(200, done)); continueRequest.hasStatusCode(200, done));
it('should return 200 status code with upper case value', done => test('should return 200 status code with upper case value', done =>
continueRequest.setExpectHeader('100-CONTINUE') continueRequest.setExpectHeader('100-CONTINUE')
.hasStatusCode(200, done)); .hasStatusCode(200, done));
it('should return 200 status code if incorrect value', done => test('should return 200 status code if incorrect value', done =>
continueRequest.setExpectHeader('101-continue') continueRequest.setExpectHeader('101-continue')
.hasStatusCode(200, done)); .hasStatusCode(200, done));
it('should return 403 status code if cannot authenticate', done => test('should return 403 status code if cannot authenticate', done =>
continueRequest.setRequestPath(invalidSignedURL) continueRequest.setRequestPath(invalidSignedURL)
.hasStatusCode(403, done)); .hasStatusCode(403, done));
it('should wait for continue event before sending body', done => test('should wait for continue event before sending body', done =>
continueRequest.sendsBodyOnContinue(done)); continueRequest.sendsBodyOnContinue(done));
it('should continue if a public user', done => test('should continue if a public user', done =>
continueRequest.setRequestPath(invalidSignedURL) continueRequest.setRequestPath(invalidSignedURL)
.sendsBodyOnContinue(done)); .sendsBodyOnContinue(done));
}); });

View File

@ -9,9 +9,9 @@ const key = 'key';
const bodyFirstPart = Buffer.allocUnsafe(10).fill(0); const bodyFirstPart = Buffer.allocUnsafe(10).fill(0);
function checkError(err, code, message) { function checkError(err, code, message) {
assert.notEqual(err, null, 'Expected failure but got success'); expect(err).not.toEqual(null);
assert.strictEqual(err.code, code); expect(err.code).toBe(code);
assert.strictEqual(err.message, message); expect(err.message).toBe(message);
} }
describe('Abort MPU', () => { describe('Abort MPU', () => {
@ -44,11 +44,9 @@ describe('Abort MPU', () => {
UploadId: uploadId, UploadId: uploadId,
}) })
.then(() => bucketUtil.empty(bucket)) .then(() => bucketUtil.empty(bucket))
.then(() => bucketUtil.deleteOne(bucket)) .then(() => bucketUtil.deleteOne(bucket)));
it('should return InvalidRequest error if aborting without key', test('should return InvalidRequest error if aborting without key', done => {
done => {
s3.abortMultipartUpload({ s3.abortMultipartUpload({
Bucket: bucket, Bucket: bucket,
Key: '', Key: '',

View File

@ -37,10 +37,10 @@ function uploadPart(n, uploadId, s3, next) {
// NOTE: This test has a history of failing in end-to-end Integration tests. // NOTE: This test has a history of failing in end-to-end Integration tests.
// See Integration#449 for more details. A possible cause for its flakiness // See Integration#449 for more details. A possible cause for its flakiness
// could be poor system resources. // could be poor system resources.
describe('large mpu', function tester() { describe('large mpu', () => {
this.timeout(600000); this.timeout(600000);
let s3; let s3;
before(done => { beforeAll(done => {
const config = getConfig('default', { signatureVersion: 'v4' }); const config = getConfig('default', { signatureVersion: 'v4' });
s3 = new S3(config); s3 = new S3(config);
// disable node sdk retries and timeout to prevent InvalidPart // disable node sdk retries and timeout to prevent InvalidPart
@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ describe('large mpu', function tester() {
s3.createBucket({ Bucket: bucket }, done); s3.createBucket({ Bucket: bucket }, done);
}); });
after(done => { afterAll(done => {
s3.deleteObject({ Bucket: bucket, Key: key }, err => { s3.deleteObject({ Bucket: bucket, Key: key }, err => {
if (err) { if (err) {
process.stdout.write('err deleting object in after: ', err); process.stdout.write('err deleting object in after: ', err);
@ -118,8 +118,7 @@ describe('large mpu', function tester() {
if (err) { if (err) {
return next(err); return next(err);
} }
assert.strictEqual(data.ETag, expect(data.ETag).toBe(`"${finalETag}-${partCount}"`);
return next(); return next();
}); });
}, },

View File

@ -12,8 +12,7 @@ const bucket = `completempu${date}`;
const key = 'key'; const key = 'key';
function checkNoError(err) { function checkNoError(err) {
assert.equal(err, null, expect(err).toEqual(null);
`Expected success, got error ${JSON.stringify(err)}`);
} }
@ -34,9 +33,9 @@ describe('Complete MPU', () => {
checkNoError(err); checkNoError(err);
const versionId = data.VersionId; const versionId = data.VersionId;
if (expectedVid) { if (expectedVid) {
assert.notEqual(versionId, undefined); expect(versionId).not.toEqual(undefined);
} else { } else {
assert.strictEqual(versionId, expectedVid); expect(versionId).toBe(expectedVid);
} }
return s3.getObject({ return s3.getObject({
Bucket: bucket, Bucket: bucket,
@ -45,7 +44,7 @@ describe('Complete MPU', () => {
(err, data) => { (err, data) => {
checkNoError(err); checkNoError(err);
if (versionId) { if (versionId) {
assert.strictEqual(data.VersionId, versionId); expect(data.VersionId).toBe(versionId);
} }
cb(); cb();
}); });
@ -92,10 +91,9 @@ describe('Complete MPU', () => {
.then(result => { .then(result => {
uploadId = result.uploadId; uploadId = result.uploadId;
eTag = result.eTag; eTag = result.eTag;
}) }));
it('should complete an MPU with fewer parts than were ' + test('should complete an MPU with fewer parts than were ' +
'originally put without returning a version id', done => { 'originally put without returning a version id', done => {
_completeMpuAndCheckVid(uploadId, eTag, undefined, done); _completeMpuAndCheckVid(uploadId, eTag, undefined, done);
}); });
@ -111,10 +109,9 @@ describe('Complete MPU', () => {
.then(result => { .then(result => {
uploadId = result.uploadId; uploadId = result.uploadId;
eTag = result.eTag; eTag = result.eTag;
}) }));
it('should complete an MPU with fewer parts than were ' + test('should complete an MPU with fewer parts than were ' +
'originally put and return a version id', done => { 'originally put and return a version id', done => {
_completeMpuAndCheckVid(uploadId, eTag, true, done); _completeMpuAndCheckVid(uploadId, eTag, true, done);
}); });
@ -130,10 +127,9 @@ describe('Complete MPU', () => {
.then(result => { .then(result => {
uploadId = result.uploadId; uploadId = result.uploadId;
eTag = result.eTag; eTag = result.eTag;
}) }));
it('should complete an MPU with fewer parts than were ' + test('should complete an MPU with fewer parts than were ' +
'originally put and should not return a version id', done => { 'originally put and should not return a version id', done => {
_completeMpuAndCheckVid(uploadId, eTag, undefined, done); _completeMpuAndCheckVid(uploadId, eTag, undefined, done);
}); });

View File

@ -21,14 +21,14 @@ describe('aws-node-sdk test bucket complete mpu', () => {
let s3; let s3;
// setup test // setup test
before(done => { beforeAll(done => {
const config = getConfig('default', { signatureVersion: 'v4' }); const config = getConfig('default', { signatureVersion: 'v4' });
s3 = new S3(config); s3 = new S3(config);
s3.createBucket({ Bucket: bucket }, done); s3.createBucket({ Bucket: bucket }, done);
}); });
// delete bucket after testing // delete bucket after testing
after(done => s3.deleteBucket({ Bucket: bucket }, done)); afterAll(done => s3.deleteBucket({ Bucket: bucket }, done));
const itSkipIfAWS = process.env.AWS_ON_AIR ? it.skip : it; const itSkipIfAWS = process.env.AWS_ON_AIR ? it.skip : it;
itSkipIfAWS('should not accept xml body larger than 1 MB', done => { itSkipIfAWS('should not accept xml body larger than 1 MB', done => {
@ -42,9 +42,8 @@ describe('aws-node-sdk test bucket complete mpu', () => {
}; };
s3.completeMultipartUpload(params, error => { s3.completeMultipartUpload(params, error => {
if (error) { if (error) {
assert.strictEqual(error.statusCode, 400); expect(error.statusCode).toBe(400);
assert.strictEqual( expect(error.code).toBe('InvalidRequest');
error.code, 'InvalidRequest');
done(); done();
} else { } else {
done('accepted xml body larger than 1 MB'); done('accepted xml body larger than 1 MB');

View File

@ -21,13 +21,12 @@ const otherAccountS3 = otherAccountBucketUtility.s3;
const oneHundredMBPlus11 = 110100481; const oneHundredMBPlus11 = 110100481;
function checkNoError(err) { function checkNoError(err) {
assert.equal(err, null, expect(err).toEqual(null);
`Expected success, got error ${JSON.stringify(err)}`);
} }
function checkError(err, code) { function checkError(err, code) {
assert.notEqual(err, null, 'Expected failure but got success'); expect(err).not.toEqual(null);
assert.strictEqual(err.code, code); expect(err.code).toBe(code);
} }
describe('Object Part Copy', () => { describe('Object Part Copy', () => {
@ -91,11 +90,10 @@ describe('Object Part Copy', () => {
} }
}) })
.then(() => bucketUtil.deleteMany([sourceBucketName, .then(() => bucketUtil.deleteMany([sourceBucketName,
destBucketName])) destBucketName])));
it('should copy a part from a source bucket to a different ' + test('should copy a part from a source bucket to a different ' +
'destination bucket', done => { 'destination bucket', done => {
s3.uploadPartCopy({ Bucket: destBucketName, s3.uploadPartCopy({ Bucket: destBucketName,
Key: destObjName, Key: destObjName,
@ -105,13 +103,13 @@ describe('Object Part Copy', () => {
}, },
(err, res) => { (err, res) => {
checkNoError(err); checkNoError(err);
assert.strictEqual(res.ETag, etag); expect(res.ETag).toBe(etag);
assert(res.LastModified); expect(res.LastModified).toBeTruthy();
done(); done();
}); });
}); });
it('should copy a part from a source bucket to a different ' + test('should copy a part from a source bucket to a different ' +
'destination bucket and complete the MPU', done => { 'destination bucket and complete the MPU', done => {
s3.uploadPartCopy({ Bucket: destBucketName, s3.uploadPartCopy({ Bucket: destBucketName,
Key: destObjName, Key: destObjName,
@ -121,8 +119,8 @@ describe('Object Part Copy', () => {
}, },
(err, res) => { (err, res) => {
checkNoError(err); checkNoError(err);
assert.strictEqual(res.ETag, etag); expect(res.ETag).toBe(etag);
assert(res.LastModified); expect(res.LastModified).toBeTruthy();
s3.completeMultipartUpload({ s3.completeMultipartUpload({
Bucket: destBucketName, Bucket: destBucketName,
Key: destObjName, Key: destObjName,
@ -134,17 +132,16 @@ describe('Object Part Copy', () => {
}, },
}, (err, res) => { }, (err, res) => {
checkNoError(err); checkNoError(err);
assert.strictEqual(res.Bucket, destBucketName); expect(res.Bucket).toBe(destBucketName);
assert.strictEqual(res.Key, destObjName); expect(res.Key).toBe(destObjName);
// AWS confirmed final ETag for MPU // AWS confirmed final ETag for MPU
assert.strictEqual(res.ETag, expect(res.ETag).toBe('"db77ebbae9e9f5a244a26b86193ad818-1"');
done(); done();
}); });
}); });
}); });
it('should return EntityTooLarge error if attempt to copy ' + test('should return EntityTooLarge error if attempt to copy ' +
'object larger than max and do not specify smaller ' + 'object larger than max and do not specify smaller ' +
'range in request', done => { 'range in request', done => {
s3.putObject({ s3.putObject({
@ -166,7 +163,7 @@ describe('Object Part Copy', () => {
}); });
}); });
it('should return EntityTooLarge error if attempt to copy ' + test('should return EntityTooLarge error if attempt to copy ' +
'object larger than max and specify too large ' + 'object larger than max and specify too large ' +
'range in request', done => { 'range in request', done => {
s3.putObject({ s3.putObject({
@ -189,7 +186,7 @@ describe('Object Part Copy', () => {
}); });
}); });
it('should succeed if attempt to copy ' + test('should succeed if attempt to copy ' +
'object larger than max but specify acceptable ' + 'object larger than max but specify acceptable ' +
'range in request', done => { 'range in request', done => {
s3.putObject({ s3.putObject({
@ -212,7 +209,7 @@ describe('Object Part Copy', () => {
}); });
}); });
it('should copy a 0 byte object part from a source bucket to a ' + test('should copy a 0 byte object part from a source bucket to a ' +
'different destination bucket and complete the MPU', done => { 'different destination bucket and complete the MPU', done => {
const emptyFileETag = '"d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e"'; const emptyFileETag = '"d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e"';
s3.putObject({ s3.putObject({
@ -228,8 +225,8 @@ describe('Object Part Copy', () => {
}, },
(err, res) => { (err, res) => {
checkNoError(err); checkNoError(err);
assert.strictEqual(res.ETag, emptyFileETag); expect(res.ETag).toBe(emptyFileETag);
assert(res.LastModified); expect(res.LastModified).toBeTruthy();
s3.completeMultipartUpload({ s3.completeMultipartUpload({
Bucket: destBucketName, Bucket: destBucketName,
Key: destObjName, Key: destObjName,
@ -241,18 +238,17 @@ describe('Object Part Copy', () => {
}, },
}, (err, res) => { }, (err, res) => {
checkNoError(err); checkNoError(err);
assert.strictEqual(res.Bucket, destBucketName); expect(res.Bucket).toBe(destBucketName);
assert.strictEqual(res.Key, destObjName); expect(res.Key).toBe(destObjName);
// AWS confirmed final ETag for MPU // AWS confirmed final ETag for MPU
assert.strictEqual(res.ETag, expect(res.ETag).toBe('"59adb24ef3cdbe0297f05b395827453f-1"');
done(); done();
}); });
}); });
}); });
}); });
it('should copy a part using a range header from a source bucket ' + test('should copy a part using a range header from a source bucket ' +
'to a different destination bucket and complete the MPU', done => { 'to a different destination bucket and complete the MPU', done => {
const rangeETag = '"ac1be00f1f162e20d58099eec2ea1c70"'; const rangeETag = '"ac1be00f1f162e20d58099eec2ea1c70"';
// AWS confirmed final ETag for MPU // AWS confirmed final ETag for MPU
@ -266,8 +262,8 @@ describe('Object Part Copy', () => {
}, },
(err, res) => { (err, res) => {
checkNoError(err); checkNoError(err);
assert.strictEqual(res.ETag, rangeETag); expect(res.ETag).toBe(rangeETag);
assert(res.LastModified); expect(res.LastModified).toBeTruthy();
s3.completeMultipartUpload({ s3.completeMultipartUpload({
Bucket: destBucketName, Bucket: destBucketName,
Key: destObjName, Key: destObjName,
@ -279,17 +275,17 @@ describe('Object Part Copy', () => {
}, },
}, (err, res) => { }, (err, res) => {
checkNoError(err); checkNoError(err);
assert.strictEqual(res.Bucket, destBucketName); expect(res.Bucket).toBe(destBucketName);
assert.strictEqual(res.Key, destObjName); expect(res.Key).toBe(destObjName);
assert.strictEqual(res.ETag, finalMpuETag); expect(res.ETag).toBe(finalMpuETag);
s3.getObject({ s3.getObject({
Bucket: destBucketName, Bucket: destBucketName,
Key: destObjName, Key: destObjName,
}, (err, res) => { }, (err, res) => {
checkNoError(err); checkNoError(err);
assert.strictEqual(res.ETag, finalMpuETag); expect(res.ETag).toBe(finalMpuETag);
assert.strictEqual(res.ContentLength, '4'); expect(res.ContentLength).toBe('4');
assert.strictEqual(res.Body.toString(), 'I am'); expect(res.Body.toString()).toBe('I am');
done(); done();
}); });
}); });
@ -376,7 +372,7 @@ describe('Object Part Copy', () => {
} }
})); }));
it('should copy a part from a source bucket to a different ' + test('should copy a part from a source bucket to a different ' +
'destination bucket', done => { 'destination bucket', done => {
process.stdout.write('Entered first mpu test'); process.stdout.write('Entered first mpu test');
return s3.uploadPartCopy({ Bucket: destBucketName, return s3.uploadPartCopy({ Bucket: destBucketName,
@ -387,14 +383,13 @@ describe('Object Part Copy', () => {
}, },
(err, res) => { (err, res) => {
checkNoError(err); checkNoError(err);
assert.strictEqual(res.ETag, expect(res.ETag).toBe(totalMpuObjectHash);
totalMpuObjectHash); expect(res.LastModified).toBeTruthy();
done(); done();
}); });
}); });
it('should copy two parts from a source bucket to a different ' + test('should copy two parts from a source bucket to a different ' +
'destination bucket and complete the MPU', () => { 'destination bucket and complete the MPU', () => {
process.stdout.write('Putting first part in MPU test'); process.stdout.write('Putting first part in MPU test');
return s3.uploadPartCopyAsync({ Bucket: destBucketName, return s3.uploadPartCopyAsync({ Bucket: destBucketName,
@ -403,8 +398,8 @@ describe('Object Part Copy', () => {
PartNumber: 1, PartNumber: 1,
UploadId: uploadId, UploadId: uploadId,
}).then(res => { }).then(res => {
assert.strictEqual(res.ETag, totalMpuObjectHash); expect(res.ETag).toBe(totalMpuObjectHash);
assert(res.LastModified); expect(res.LastModified).toBeTruthy();
}).then(() => { }).then(() => {
process.stdout.write('Putting second part in MPU test'); process.stdout.write('Putting second part in MPU test');
return s3.uploadPartCopyAsync({ Bucket: destBucketName, return s3.uploadPartCopyAsync({ Bucket: destBucketName,
@ -413,8 +408,8 @@ describe('Object Part Copy', () => {
PartNumber: 2, PartNumber: 2,
UploadId: uploadId, UploadId: uploadId,
}).then(res => { }).then(res => {
assert.strictEqual(res.ETag, totalMpuObjectHash); expect(res.ETag).toBe(totalMpuObjectHash);
assert(res.LastModified); expect(res.LastModified).toBeTruthy();
}).then(() => { }).then(() => {
process.stdout.write('Completing MPU'); process.stdout.write('Completing MPU');
return s3.completeMultipartUploadAsync({ return s3.completeMultipartUploadAsync({
@ -429,19 +424,18 @@ describe('Object Part Copy', () => {
}, },
}); });
}).then(res => { }).then(res => {
assert.strictEqual(res.Bucket, destBucketName); expect(res.Bucket).toBe(destBucketName);
assert.strictEqual(res.Key, destObjName); expect(res.Key).toBe(destObjName);
// combined ETag returned by AWS (combination of part ETags // combined ETag returned by AWS (combination of part ETags
// with number of parts at the end) // with number of parts at the end)
assert.strictEqual(res.ETag, expect(res.ETag).toBe('"5bba96810ff449d94aa8f5c5a859b0cb-2"');
}).catch(err => { }).catch(err => {
checkNoError(err); checkNoError(err);
}); });
}); });
}); });
it('should copy two parts with range headers from a source ' + test('should copy two parts with range headers from a source ' +
'bucket to a different destination bucket and ' + 'bucket to a different destination bucket and ' +
'complete the MPU', () => { 'complete the MPU', () => {
process.stdout.write('Putting first part in MPU range test'); process.stdout.write('Putting first part in MPU range test');
@ -458,8 +452,8 @@ describe('Object Part Copy', () => {
UploadId: uploadId, UploadId: uploadId,
CopySourceRange: 'bytes=5242890-15242880', CopySourceRange: 'bytes=5242890-15242880',
}).then(res => { }).then(res => {
assert.strictEqual(res.ETag, part1ETag); expect(res.ETag).toBe(part1ETag);
assert(res.LastModified); expect(res.LastModified).toBeTruthy();
}).then(() => { }).then(() => {
process.stdout.write('Putting second part in MPU test'); process.stdout.write('Putting second part in MPU test');
return s3.uploadPartCopyAsync({ Bucket: destBucketName, return s3.uploadPartCopyAsync({ Bucket: destBucketName,
@ -469,8 +463,8 @@ describe('Object Part Copy', () => {
UploadId: uploadId, UploadId: uploadId,
CopySourceRange: 'bytes=15242891-30242991', CopySourceRange: 'bytes=15242891-30242991',
}).then(res => { }).then(res => {
assert.strictEqual(res.ETag, part2ETag); expect(res.ETag).toBe(part2ETag);
assert(res.LastModified); expect(res.LastModified).toBeTruthy();
}).then(() => { }).then(() => {
process.stdout.write('Completing MPU'); process.stdout.write('Completing MPU');
return s3.completeMultipartUploadAsync({ return s3.completeMultipartUploadAsync({
@ -485,9 +479,9 @@ describe('Object Part Copy', () => {
}, },
}); });
}).then(res => { }).then(res => {
assert.strictEqual(res.Bucket, destBucketName); expect(res.Bucket).toBe(destBucketName);
assert.strictEqual(res.Key, destObjName); expect(res.Key).toBe(destObjName);
assert.strictEqual(res.ETag, finalCombinedETag); expect(res.ETag).toBe(finalCombinedETag);
}).then(() => { }).then(() => {
process.stdout.write('Getting new object'); process.stdout.write('Getting new object');
return s3.getObjectAsync({ return s3.getObjectAsync({
@ -495,8 +489,8 @@ describe('Object Part Copy', () => {
Key: destObjName, Key: destObjName,
}); });
}).then(res => { }).then(res => {
assert.strictEqual(res.ContentLength, '25000092'); expect(res.ContentLength).toBe('25000092');
assert.strictEqual(res.ETag, finalCombinedETag); expect(res.ETag).toBe(finalCombinedETag);
}) })
.catch(err => { .catch(err => {
checkNoError(err); checkNoError(err);
@ -504,7 +498,7 @@ describe('Object Part Copy', () => {
}); });
}); });
it('should overwrite an existing part by copying a part', () => { test('should overwrite an existing part by copying a part', () => {
// AWS response etag for this completed MPU // AWS response etag for this completed MPU
const finalObjETag = '"db77ebbae9e9f5a244a26b86193ad818-1"'; const finalObjETag = '"db77ebbae9e9f5a244a26b86193ad818-1"';
process.stdout.write('Putting first part in MPU test'); process.stdout.write('Putting first part in MPU test');
@ -514,8 +508,8 @@ describe('Object Part Copy', () => {
PartNumber: 1, PartNumber: 1,
UploadId: uploadId, UploadId: uploadId,
}).then(res => { }).then(res => {
assert.strictEqual(res.ETag, totalMpuObjectHash); expect(res.ETag).toBe(totalMpuObjectHash);
assert(res.LastModified); expect(res.LastModified).toBeTruthy();
}).then(() => { }).then(() => {
process.stdout.write('Overwriting first part in MPU test'); process.stdout.write('Overwriting first part in MPU test');
return s3.uploadPartCopyAsync({ Bucket: destBucketName, return s3.uploadPartCopyAsync({ Bucket: destBucketName,
@ -524,8 +518,8 @@ describe('Object Part Copy', () => {
PartNumber: 1, PartNumber: 1,
UploadId: uploadId }); UploadId: uploadId });
}).then(res => { }).then(res => {
assert.strictEqual(res.ETag, etag); expect(res.ETag).toBe(etag);
assert(res.LastModified); expect(res.LastModified).toBeTruthy();
}).then(() => { }).then(() => {
process.stdout.write('Completing MPU'); process.stdout.write('Completing MPU');
return s3.completeMultipartUploadAsync({ return s3.completeMultipartUploadAsync({
@ -539,9 +533,9 @@ describe('Object Part Copy', () => {
}, },
}); });
}).then(res => { }).then(res => {
assert.strictEqual(res.Bucket, destBucketName); expect(res.Bucket).toBe(destBucketName);
assert.strictEqual(res.Key, destObjName); expect(res.Key).toBe(destObjName);
assert.strictEqual(res.ETag, finalObjETag); expect(res.ETag).toBe(finalObjETag);
}).then(() => { }).then(() => {
process.stdout.write('Getting object put by MPU with ' + process.stdout.write('Getting object put by MPU with ' +
'overwrite part'); 'overwrite part');
@ -550,15 +544,14 @@ describe('Object Part Copy', () => {
Key: destObjName, Key: destObjName,
}); });
}).then(res => { }).then(res => {
assert.strictEqual(res.ETag, finalObjETag); expect(res.ETag).toBe(finalObjETag);
}).catch(err => { }).catch(err => {
checkNoError(err); checkNoError(err);
}); });
}); });
}); });
it('should return an error if no such upload initiated', test('should return an error if no such upload initiated', done => {
done => {
s3.uploadPartCopy({ Bucket: destBucketName, Key: destObjName, s3.uploadPartCopy({ Bucket: destBucketName, Key: destObjName,
CopySource: `${sourceBucketName}/${sourceObjName}`, CopySource: `${sourceBucketName}/${sourceObjName}`,
PartNumber: 1, PartNumber: 1,
@ -570,7 +563,8 @@ describe('Object Part Copy', () => {
}); });
}); });
it('should return an error if attempt to copy from nonexistent bucket', test(
'should return an error if attempt to copy from nonexistent bucket',
done => { done => {
s3.uploadPartCopy({ Bucket: destBucketName, Key: destObjName, s3.uploadPartCopy({ Bucket: destBucketName, Key: destObjName,
CopySource: `nobucket453234/${sourceObjName}`, CopySource: `nobucket453234/${sourceObjName}`,
@ -581,9 +575,11 @@ describe('Object Part Copy', () => {
checkError(err, 'NoSuchBucket'); checkError(err, 'NoSuchBucket');
done(); done();
}); });
}); }
it('should return an error if attempt to copy to nonexistent bucket', test(
'should return an error if attempt to copy to nonexistent bucket',
done => { done => {
s3.uploadPartCopy({ Bucket: 'nobucket453234', Key: destObjName, s3.uploadPartCopy({ Bucket: 'nobucket453234', Key: destObjName,
CopySource: `${sourceBucketName}/${sourceObjName}`, CopySource: `${sourceBucketName}/${sourceObjName}`,
@ -594,10 +590,10 @@ describe('Object Part Copy', () => {
checkError(err, 'NoSuchBucket'); checkError(err, 'NoSuchBucket');
done(); done();
}); });
}); }
it('should return an error if attempt to copy nonexistent object', test('should return an error if attempt to copy nonexistent object', done => {
done => {
s3.uploadPartCopy({ Bucket: destBucketName, Key: destObjName, s3.uploadPartCopy({ Bucket: destBucketName, Key: destObjName,
CopySource: `${sourceBucketName}/nokey`, CopySource: `${sourceBucketName}/nokey`,
PartNumber: 1, PartNumber: 1,
@ -609,8 +605,7 @@ describe('Object Part Copy', () => {
}); });
}); });
it('should return an error if use invalid part number', test('should return an error if use invalid part number', done => {
done => {
s3.uploadPartCopy({ Bucket: destBucketName, Key: destObjName, s3.uploadPartCopy({ Bucket: destBucketName, Key: destObjName,
CopySource: `${sourceBucketName}/nokey`, CopySource: `${sourceBucketName}/nokey`,
PartNumber: 10001, PartNumber: 10001,
@ -663,10 +658,9 @@ describe('Object Part Copy', () => {
throw err; throw err;
} }
}).then(() => otherAccountBucketUtility }).then(() => otherAccountBucketUtility
.deleteOne(otherAccountBucket)) .deleteOne(otherAccountBucket)));
it('should not allow an account without read persmission on the ' + test('should not allow an account without read persmission on the ' +
'source object to copy the object', done => { 'source object to copy the object', done => {
otherAccountS3.uploadPartCopy({ Bucket: otherAccountBucket, otherAccountS3.uploadPartCopy({ Bucket: otherAccountBucket,
Key: otherAccountKey, Key: otherAccountKey,
@ -680,7 +674,7 @@ describe('Object Part Copy', () => {
}); });
}); });
it('should not allow an account without write persmission on the ' + test('should not allow an account without write persmission on the ' +
'destination bucket to upload part copy the object', done => { 'destination bucket to upload part copy the object', done => {
otherAccountS3.putObject({ Bucket: otherAccountBucket, otherAccountS3.putObject({ Bucket: otherAccountBucket,
Key: otherAccountKey, Body: '' }, () => { Key: otherAccountKey, Body: '' }, () => {
@ -697,7 +691,7 @@ describe('Object Part Copy', () => {
}); });
}); });
it('should allow an account with read permission on the ' + test('should allow an account with read permission on the ' +
'source object and write permission on the destination ' + 'source object and write permission on the destination ' +
'bucket to upload part copy the object', done => { 'bucket to upload part copy the object', done => {
s3.putObjectAcl({ Bucket: sourceBucketName, s3.putObjectAcl({ Bucket: sourceBucketName,

View File

@ -233,8 +233,7 @@ function _checkHeaders(action, params, origin, expectedHeaders, callback) {
function _runAssertions(resHeaders, cb) { function _runAssertions(resHeaders, cb) {
if (expectedHeaders) { if (expectedHeaders) {
Object.keys(expectedHeaders).forEach(key => { Object.keys(expectedHeaders).forEach(key => {
assert.deepEqual(resHeaders[key], expectedHeaders[key], expect(resHeaders[key]).toEqual(expectedHeaders[key]);
`error header: ${key}`);
}); });
} else { } else {
// if no headersResponse provided, should not have these headers // if no headersResponse provided, should not have these headers
@ -243,8 +242,7 @@ function _checkHeaders(action, params, origin, expectedHeaders, callback) {
'access-control-allow-methods', 'access-control-allow-methods',
'access-control-allow-credentials', 'access-control-allow-credentials',
'vary'].forEach(key => { 'vary'].forEach(key => {
assert.strictEqual(resHeaders[key], undefined, expect(resHeaders[key]).toBe(undefined);
`Error: ${key} should not have value`);
}); });
} }
cb(); cb();
@ -297,7 +295,7 @@ describe('Cross Origin Resource Sharing requests', () => {
}); });
describe('on non-existing bucket', () => { describe('on non-existing bucket', () => {
it('should not respond to request with CORS headers, even ' + test('should not respond to request with CORS headers, even ' +
'if request was sent with Origin header', done => { 'if request was sent with Origin header', done => {
_checkHeaders(s3.listObjects, { Bucket: 'nonexistingbucket' }, _checkHeaders(s3.listObjects, { Bucket: 'nonexistingbucket' },
allowedOrigin, null, done); allowedOrigin, null, done);
@ -305,7 +303,7 @@ describe('Cross Origin Resource Sharing requests', () => {
}); });
describe('on bucket without CORS configuration', () => { describe('on bucket without CORS configuration', () => {
it('should not respond to request with CORS headers, even ' + test('should not respond to request with CORS headers, even ' +
'if request was sent with Origin header', done => { 'if request was sent with Origin header', done => {
_checkHeaders(s3.listObjects, { Bucket: bucket }, _checkHeaders(s3.listObjects, { Bucket: bucket },
allowedOrigin, null, done); allowedOrigin, null, done);
@ -340,24 +338,24 @@ describe('Cross Origin Resource Sharing requests', () => {
}); });
describe('when request Origin/method match CORS configuration', () => { describe('when request Origin/method match CORS configuration', () => {
it('should not respond with CORS headers to GET service (list ' + test('should not respond with CORS headers to GET service (list ' +
'buckets), even if Origin/method match CORS rule', done => { 'buckets), even if Origin/method match CORS rule', done => {
// no bucket specified in this request // no bucket specified in this request
_checkHeaders(s3.listBuckets, {}, allowedOrigin, _checkHeaders(s3.listBuckets, {}, allowedOrigin,
null, done); null, done);
}); });
it('should not respond with CORS headers after deleting bucket, ' + test('should not respond with CORS headers after deleting bucket, ' +
'even if Origin/method match CORS rule', done => { 'even if Origin/method match CORS rule', done => {
s3.deleteBucket({ Bucket: bucket }, err => { s3.deleteBucket({ Bucket: bucket }, err => {
assert.strictEqual(err, null, `Unexpected err ${err}`); expect(err).toBe(null);
_checkHeaders(s3.listObjects, { Bucket: bucket }, _checkHeaders(s3.listObjects, { Bucket: bucket },
allowedOrigin, null, done); allowedOrigin, null, done);
}); });
}); });
apiMethods.forEach(method => { apiMethods.forEach(method => {
it(`should respond to ${method.description} with CORS ` + test(`should respond to ${method.description} with CORS ` +
'headers (access-control-allow-origin, access-control-allow-' + 'headers (access-control-allow-origin, access-control-allow-' +
'methods, access-control-allow-credentials and vary)', done => { 'methods, access-control-allow-credentials and vary)', done => {
_checkHeaders(method.action, method.params, allowedOrigin, _checkHeaders(method.action, method.params, allowedOrigin,
@ -368,7 +366,7 @@ describe('Cross Origin Resource Sharing requests', () => {
describe('when request Origin does not match CORS rule', () => { describe('when request Origin does not match CORS rule', () => {
apiMethods.forEach(method => { apiMethods.forEach(method => {
it(`should not respond to ${method.description} with ` + test(`should not respond to ${method.description} with ` +
'CORS headers', done => { 'CORS headers', done => {
_checkHeaders(method.action, method.params, _checkHeaders(method.action, method.params,
notAllowedOrigin, null, done); notAllowedOrigin, null, done);
@ -392,7 +390,7 @@ describe('Cross Origin Resource Sharing requests', () => {
s3.deleteBucketCors({ Bucket: bucket }, done); s3.deleteBucketCors({ Bucket: bucket }, done);
}); });
it('when request method does not match CORS rule ' + test('when request method does not match CORS rule ' +
'should not respond with CORS headers', done => { 'should not respond with CORS headers', done => {
_checkHeaders(s3.listObjects, { Bucket: bucket }, _checkHeaders(s3.listObjects, { Bucket: bucket },
allowedOrigin, null, done); allowedOrigin, null, done);
@ -433,16 +431,13 @@ describe('Cross Origin Resource Sharing requests', () => {
ACL: 'public-read', ACL: 'public-read',
}, next), }, next),
], err => { ], err => {
assert.strictEqual(err, null, expect(err).toBe(null);
`Unexpected err ${err} in beforeEach`);
done(err); done(err);
}) }));
afterEach(done => afterEach(done =>
s3.deleteObject({ Bucket: bucket, Key: 'index.html' }, err => { s3.deleteObject({ Bucket: bucket, Key: 'index.html' }, err => {
assert.strictEqual(err, null, expect(err).toBe(null);
`Unexpected err ${err} in afterEach`);
s3.deleteBucket({ Bucket: bucket }, err => { s3.deleteBucket({ Bucket: bucket }, err => {
if (err) { if (err) {
process.stdout.write(`Error in afterEach ${err}`); process.stdout.write(`Error in afterEach ${err}`);
@ -450,34 +445,29 @@ describe('Cross Origin Resource Sharing requests', () => {
} }
return _waitForAWS(done); return _waitForAWS(done);
}); });
}) }));
it('should respond with CORS headers at website endpoint (GET)', test('should respond with CORS headers at website endpoint (GET)', done => {
done => {
const headers = { Origin: allowedOrigin }; const headers = { Origin: allowedOrigin };
methodRequest({ method: 'GET', bucket, headers, headersResponse, methodRequest({ method: 'GET', bucket, headers, headersResponse,
code: 200, isWebsite: true }, done); code: 200, isWebsite: true }, done);
}); });
it('should respond with CORS headers at website endpoint (GET) ' + test('should respond with CORS headers at website endpoint (GET) ' +
'even in case of error', 'even in case of error', done => {
done => {
const headers = { Origin: allowedOrigin }; const headers = { Origin: allowedOrigin };
methodRequest({ method: 'GET', bucket, objectKey: 'test', methodRequest({ method: 'GET', bucket, objectKey: 'test',
headers, headersResponse, code: 404, isWebsite: true }, done); headers, headersResponse, code: 404, isWebsite: true }, done);
}); });
it('should respond with CORS headers at website endpoint (GET) ' + test('should respond with CORS headers at website endpoint (GET) ' +
'even in case of redirect', 'even in case of redirect', done => {
done => {
const headers = { Origin: allowedOrigin }; const headers = { Origin: allowedOrigin };
methodRequest({ method: 'GET', bucket, objectKey: 'redirect', methodRequest({ method: 'GET', bucket, objectKey: 'redirect',
headers, headersResponse, code: 301, isWebsite: true }, done); headers, headersResponse, code: 301, isWebsite: true }, done);
}); });
it('should respond with CORS headers at website endpoint (HEAD)', test('should respond with CORS headers at website endpoint (HEAD)', done => {
done => {
const headers = { Origin: allowedOrigin }; const headers = { Origin: allowedOrigin };
methodRequest({ method: 'HEAD', bucket, headers, headersResponse, methodRequest({ method: 'HEAD', bucket, headers, headersResponse,
code: 200, isWebsite: true }, done); code: 200, isWebsite: true }, done);
@ -506,7 +496,7 @@ describe('Cross Origin Resource Sharing requests', () => {
s3.putBucketCors(corsParams, done); s3.putBucketCors(corsParams, done);
}); });
it('should not return access-control-allow-headers response ' + test('should not return access-control-allow-headers response ' +
'header even if request matches CORS rule and other access-' + 'header even if request matches CORS rule and other access-' +
'control headers are returned', done => { 'control headers are returned', done => {
const headers = { const headers = {
@ -518,10 +508,9 @@ describe('Cross Origin Resource Sharing requests', () => {
headersOmitted, code: 200 }, done); headersOmitted, code: 200 }, done);
}); });
it('Request with matching Origin/method but additional headers ' + test('Request with matching Origin/method but additional headers ' +
'that violate CORS rule:\n\t should still respond with access-' + 'that violate CORS rule:\n\t should still respond with access-' +
'control headers (headers are only checked in preflight requests)', 'control headers (headers are only checked in preflight requests)', done => {
done => {
const headers = { const headers = {
Origin: allowedOrigin, Origin: allowedOrigin,
Test: 'test', Test: 'test',
@ -553,7 +542,7 @@ describe('Cross Origin Resource Sharing requests', () => {
s3.putBucketCors(corsParams, done); s3.putBucketCors(corsParams, done);
}); });
it(`should respond with ${elem.header} header ` + test(`should respond with ${elem.header} header ` +
'if request matches CORS rule', done => { 'if request matches CORS rule', done => {
const headers = { Origin: allowedOrigin }; const headers = { Origin: allowedOrigin };
const headersResponse = { const headersResponse = {

View File

@ -29,19 +29,19 @@ function _waitForAWS(callback, err) {
} }
describe('Preflight CORS request on non-existing bucket', () => { describe('Preflight CORS request on non-existing bucket', () => {
it('should respond no such bucket if bucket does not exist', done => { test('should respond no such bucket if bucket does not exist', done => {
const headers = { const headers = {
Origin: allowedOrigin, Origin: allowedOrigin,
}; };
methodRequest({ method: 'GET', bucket, headers, code: 'NoSuchBucket', methodRequest({ method: 'GET', bucket, headers, code: 'NoSuchBucket',
headersResponse: null }, done); headersResponse: null }, done);
}); });
it('should return BadRequest for OPTIONS request without origin', done => { test('should return BadRequest for OPTIONS request without origin', done => {
const headers = {}; const headers = {};
methodRequest({ method: 'OPTIONS', bucket, headers, code: 'BadRequest', methodRequest({ method: 'OPTIONS', bucket, headers, code: 'BadRequest',
headersResponse: null }, done); headersResponse: null }, done);
}); });
it('should return BadRequest for OPTIONS request without ' + test('should return BadRequest for OPTIONS request without ' +
'Access-Control-Request-Method', done => { 'Access-Control-Request-Method', done => {
const headers = { const headers = {
Origin: allowedOrigin, Origin: allowedOrigin,
@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ describe('Preflight CORS request with existing bucket', () => {
}); });
}); });
it('should allow GET on bucket without cors configuration even if ' + test('should allow GET on bucket without cors configuration even if ' +
'Origin header sent', done => { 'Origin header sent', done => {
const headers = { const headers = {
Origin: allowedOrigin, Origin: allowedOrigin,
@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ describe('Preflight CORS request with existing bucket', () => {
methodRequest({ method: 'GET', bucket, headers, code: 200, methodRequest({ method: 'GET', bucket, headers, code: 200,
headersResponse: null }, done); headersResponse: null }, done);
}); });
it('should allow HEAD on bucket without cors configuration even if ' + test('should allow HEAD on bucket without cors configuration even if ' +
'Origin header sent', done => { 'Origin header sent', done => {
const headers = { const headers = {
Origin: allowedOrigin, Origin: allowedOrigin,
@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ describe('Preflight CORS request with existing bucket', () => {
methodRequest({ method: 'HEAD', bucket, headers, code: 200, methodRequest({ method: 'HEAD', bucket, headers, code: 200,
headersResponse: null }, done); headersResponse: null }, done);
}); });
it('should respond AccessForbidden for OPTIONS request on bucket without ' + test('should respond AccessForbidden for OPTIONS request on bucket without ' +
'CORSConfiguration', done => { 'CORSConfiguration', done => {
const headers = { const headers = {
'Origin': allowedOrigin, 'Origin': allowedOrigin,
@ -115,7 +115,7 @@ describe('Preflight CORS request with existing bucket', () => {
}); });
methods.forEach(method => { methods.forEach(method => {
it('should respond with 200 and access control headers to ' + test('should respond with 200 and access control headers to ' +
'OPTIONS request from allowed origin and allowed method ' + 'OPTIONS request from allowed origin and allowed method ' +
`"${method}"`, done => { `"${method}"`, done => {
const headers = { const headers = {
@ -132,7 +132,7 @@ describe('Preflight CORS request with existing bucket', () => {
headersResponse }, done); headersResponse }, done);
}); });
}); });
it('should respond AccessForbidden to OPTIONS request from ' + test('should respond AccessForbidden to OPTIONS request from ' +
'not allowed origin', done => { 'not allowed origin', done => {
const headers = { const headers = {
'Origin': allowedOrigin, 'Origin': allowedOrigin,
@ -143,7 +143,7 @@ describe('Preflight CORS request with existing bucket', () => {
methodRequest({ method: 'OPTIONS', bucket, headers, methodRequest({ method: 'OPTIONS', bucket, headers,
code: 'AccessForbidden', headersResponse: null }, done); code: 'AccessForbidden', headersResponse: null }, done);
}); });
it('should respond AccessForbidden to OPTIONS request with ' + test('should respond AccessForbidden to OPTIONS request with ' +
'not allowed Access-Control-Request-Headers', done => { 'not allowed Access-Control-Request-Headers', done => {
const headers = { const headers = {
'Origin': '', 'Origin': '',
@ -178,7 +178,7 @@ describe('Preflight CORS request with existing bucket', () => {
s3.deleteBucketCors({ Bucket: bucket }, done); s3.deleteBucketCors({ Bucket: bucket }, done);
}); });
it('should respond with 200 and access control headers to OPTIONS ' + test('should respond with 200 and access control headers to OPTIONS ' +
'request from allowed origin and method "GET"', done => { 'request from allowed origin and method "GET"', done => {
const headers = { const headers = {
'Origin': allowedOrigin, 'Origin': allowedOrigin,
@ -193,7 +193,7 @@ describe('Preflight CORS request with existing bucket', () => {
methodRequest({ method: 'OPTIONS', bucket, headers, code: 200, methodRequest({ method: 'OPTIONS', bucket, headers, code: 200,
headersResponse }, done); headersResponse }, done);
}); });
it('should respond AccessForbidden to OPTIONS request with allowed ' + test('should respond AccessForbidden to OPTIONS request with allowed ' +
'method but not from allowed origin', done => { 'method but not from allowed origin', done => {
const headers = { const headers = {
'Origin': '', 'Origin': '',
@ -202,9 +202,8 @@ describe('Preflight CORS request with existing bucket', () => {
methodRequest({ method: 'OPTIONS', bucket, headers, methodRequest({ method: 'OPTIONS', bucket, headers,
code: 'AccessForbidden', headersResponse: null }, done); code: 'AccessForbidden', headersResponse: null }, done);
}); });
it('should respond AccessForbidden to OPTIONS request from allowed ' + test('should respond AccessForbidden to OPTIONS request from allowed ' +
'origin and method but with not allowed Access-Control-Request-Headers', 'origin and method but with not allowed Access-Control-Request-Headers', done => {
done => {
const headers = { const headers = {
'Origin': allowedOrigin, 'Origin': allowedOrigin,
'Access-Control-Request-Method': 'GET', 'Access-Control-Request-Method': 'GET',
@ -215,7 +214,7 @@ describe('Preflight CORS request with existing bucket', () => {
code: 'AccessForbidden', headersResponse: null }, done); code: 'AccessForbidden', headersResponse: null }, done);
}); });
['PUT', 'POST', 'DELETE'].forEach(method => { ['PUT', 'POST', 'DELETE'].forEach(method => {
it('should respond AccessForbidden to OPTIONS request from ' + test('should respond AccessForbidden to OPTIONS request from ' +
`allowed origin but not allowed method "${method}"`, done => { `allowed origin but not allowed method "${method}"`, done => {
const headers = { const headers = {
'Origin': allowedOrigin, 'Origin': allowedOrigin,
@ -249,9 +248,8 @@ describe('Preflight CORS request with existing bucket', () => {
s3.deleteBucketCors({ Bucket: bucket }, done); s3.deleteBucketCors({ Bucket: bucket }, done);
}); });
it('should respond with 200 and access control headers to ' + test('should respond with 200 and access control headers to ' +
`OPTIONS request from allowed origin and method "${allowedMethod}"`, `OPTIONS request from allowed origin and method "${allowedMethod}"`, done => {
done => {
const headers = { const headers = {
'Origin': allowedOrigin, 'Origin': allowedOrigin,
'Access-Control-Request-Method': allowedMethod, 'Access-Control-Request-Method': allowedMethod,
@ -264,7 +262,7 @@ describe('Preflight CORS request with existing bucket', () => {
methodRequest({ method: 'OPTIONS', bucket, headers, code: 200, methodRequest({ method: 'OPTIONS', bucket, headers, code: 200,
headersResponse }, done); headersResponse }, done);
}); });
it('should respond AccessForbidden to OPTIONS request from ' + test('should respond AccessForbidden to OPTIONS request from ' +
'allowed origin and method but with not allowed Access-Control-' + 'allowed origin and method but with not allowed Access-Control-' +
'Request-Headers', done => { 'Request-Headers', done => {
const headers = { const headers = {
@ -278,7 +276,7 @@ describe('Preflight CORS request with existing bucket', () => {
}); });
methods.filter(method => method !== allowedMethod) methods.filter(method => method !== allowedMethod)
.forEach(method => { .forEach(method => {
it('should respond AccessForbidden to OPTIONS request from ' + test('should respond AccessForbidden to OPTIONS request from ' +
`allowed origin but not allowed method "${method}"`, done => { `allowed origin but not allowed method "${method}"`, done => {
const headers = { const headers = {
'Origin': allowedOrigin, 'Origin': allowedOrigin,
@ -317,9 +315,8 @@ describe('Preflight CORS request with existing bucket', () => {
[originWithoutWildcard, originReplaceWildcard] [originWithoutWildcard, originReplaceWildcard]
.forEach(acceptableOrigin => { .forEach(acceptableOrigin => {
it('should return 200 and CORS header to OPTIONS request ' + test('should return 200 and CORS header to OPTIONS request ' +
`from allowed method and origin "${acceptableOrigin}"`, `from allowed method and origin "${acceptableOrigin}"`, done => {
done => {
const headers = { const headers = {
'Origin': acceptableOrigin, 'Origin': acceptableOrigin,
'Access-Control-Request-Method': 'GET', 'Access-Control-Request-Method': 'GET',
@ -335,9 +332,8 @@ describe('Preflight CORS request with existing bucket', () => {
}); });
}); });
if (!origin.endsWith('*')) { if (!origin.endsWith('*')) {
it('should respond AccessForbidden to OPTIONS request from ' + test('should respond AccessForbidden to OPTIONS request from ' +
`allowed method and origin "${originWithoutWildcard}test"`, `allowed method and origin "${originWithoutWildcard}test"`, done => {
done => {
const headers = { const headers = {
'Origin': `${originWithoutWildcard}test`, 'Origin': `${originWithoutWildcard}test`,
'Access-Control-Request-Method': 'GET', 'Access-Control-Request-Method': 'GET',
@ -347,9 +343,8 @@ describe('Preflight CORS request with existing bucket', () => {
}); });
} }
if (!origin.startsWith('*')) { if (!origin.startsWith('*')) {
it('should respond AccessForbidden to OPTIONS request from ' + test('should respond AccessForbidden to OPTIONS request from ' +
`allowed method and origin "test${originWithoutWildcard}"`, `allowed method and origin "test${originWithoutWildcard}"`, done => {
done => {
const headers = { const headers = {
'Origin': `test${originWithoutWildcard}`, 'Origin': `test${originWithoutWildcard}`,
'Access-Control-Request-Method': 'GET', 'Access-Control-Request-Method': 'GET',
@ -397,7 +392,7 @@ describe('Preflight CORS request with existing bucket', () => {
s3.deleteBucketCors({ Bucket: bucket }, done); s3.deleteBucketCors({ Bucket: bucket }, done);
}); });
it('if OPTIONS request matches rule with multiple origins, response ' + test('if OPTIONS request matches rule with multiple origins, response ' +
'access-control-request-origin header value should be request Origin ' + 'access-control-request-origin header value should be request Origin ' +
'(not list of AllowedOrigins)', done => { '(not list of AllowedOrigins)', done => {
const headers = { const headers = {
@ -413,7 +408,7 @@ describe('Preflight CORS request with existing bucket', () => {
methodRequest({ method: 'OPTIONS', bucket, headers, code: 200, methodRequest({ method: 'OPTIONS', bucket, headers, code: 200,
headersResponse }, done); headersResponse }, done);
}); });
it('if OPTIONS request matches rule with origin containing wildcard, ' + test('if OPTIONS request matches rule with origin containing wildcard, ' +
'response access-control-request-origin header value should be ' + 'response access-control-request-origin header value should be ' +
'request Origin (not value containing wildcard)', done => { 'request Origin (not value containing wildcard)', done => {
const requestOrigin = originContainingWildcard.replace('*', 'test'); const requestOrigin = originContainingWildcard.replace('*', 'test');
@ -430,7 +425,7 @@ describe('Preflight CORS request with existing bucket', () => {
methodRequest({ method: 'OPTIONS', bucket, headers, code: 200, methodRequest({ method: 'OPTIONS', bucket, headers, code: 200,
headersResponse }, done); headersResponse }, done);
}); });
it('if OPTIONS request matches rule that allows all origins, ' + test('if OPTIONS request matches rule that allows all origins, ' +
'e.g. "*", response access-control-request-origin header should ' + 'e.g. "*", response access-control-request-origin header should ' +
'return "*"', done => { 'return "*"', done => {
const headers = { const headers = {
@ -475,7 +470,7 @@ describe('Preflight CORS request with existing bucket', () => {
s3.deleteBucketCors({ Bucket: bucket }, done); s3.deleteBucketCors({ Bucket: bucket }, done);
}); });
it('should respond with 200 and access control headers to OPTIONS ' + test('should respond with 200 and access control headers to OPTIONS ' +
'request from allowed origin and method, even without request ' + 'request from allowed origin and method, even without request ' +
'Access-Control-Request-Headers header value', done => { 'Access-Control-Request-Headers header value', done => {
const headers = { const headers = {
@ -490,7 +485,7 @@ describe('Preflight CORS request with existing bucket', () => {
methodRequest({ method: 'OPTIONS', bucket, headers, code: 200, methodRequest({ method: 'OPTIONS', bucket, headers, code: 200,
headersResponse }, done); headersResponse }, done);
}); });
it('should respond with 200 and access control headers to OPTIONS ' + test('should respond with 200 and access control headers to OPTIONS ' +
'request from allowed origin and method with Access-Control-' + 'request from allowed origin and method with Access-Control-' +
'Request-Headers \'Content-Type\'', done => { 'Request-Headers \'Content-Type\'', done => {
const headers = { const headers = {
@ -507,10 +502,9 @@ describe('Preflight CORS request with existing bucket', () => {
methodRequest({ method: 'OPTIONS', bucket, headers, code: 200, methodRequest({ method: 'OPTIONS', bucket, headers, code: 200,
headersResponse }, done); headersResponse }, done);
}); });
it('should respond AccessForbidden to OPTIONS request from allowed ' + test('should respond AccessForbidden to OPTIONS request from allowed ' +
'origin and method but not allowed Access-Control-Request-Headers ' + 'origin and method but not allowed Access-Control-Request-Headers ' +
'in addition to Content-Type', 'in addition to Content-Type', done => {
done => {
const headers = { const headers = {
'Origin': allowedOrigin, 'Origin': allowedOrigin,
'Access-Control-Request-Method': 'GET', 'Access-Control-Request-Method': 'GET',
@ -561,10 +555,9 @@ describe('Preflight CORS request with existing bucket', () => {
s3.deleteBucketCors({ Bucket: bucket }, done); s3.deleteBucketCors({ Bucket: bucket }, done);
}); });
it('should return request access-control-request-headers value, ' + test('should return request access-control-request-headers value, ' +
'not list of AllowedHeaders from rule or corresponding AllowedHeader ' + 'not list of AllowedHeaders from rule or corresponding AllowedHeader ' +
'value containing wildcard', 'value containing wildcard', done => {
done => {
const requestHeaderValue = 'amz-meta-header-test, content-type'; const requestHeaderValue = 'amz-meta-header-test, content-type';
const headers = { const headers = {
'Origin': allowedOrigin, 'Origin': allowedOrigin,
@ -580,9 +573,8 @@ describe('Preflight CORS request with existing bucket', () => {
methodRequest({ method: 'OPTIONS', bucket, headers, code: 200, methodRequest({ method: 'OPTIONS', bucket, headers, code: 200,
headersResponse }, done); headersResponse }, done);
}); });
it('should return lowercase version of request Access-Control-' + test('should return lowercase version of request Access-Control-' +
'Request-Method header value if it contains any upper-case values', 'Request-Method header value if it contains any upper-case values', done => {
done => {
const requestHeaderValue = 'Content-Type'; const requestHeaderValue = 'Content-Type';
const headers = { const headers = {
'Origin': allowedOrigin, 'Origin': allowedOrigin,
@ -599,10 +591,9 @@ describe('Preflight CORS request with existing bucket', () => {
methodRequest({ method: 'OPTIONS', bucket, headers, code: 200, methodRequest({ method: 'OPTIONS', bucket, headers, code: 200,
headersResponse }, done); headersResponse }, done);
}); });
it('should remove empty comma-separated values derived from request ' + test('should remove empty comma-separated values derived from request ' +
'Access-Control-Request-Method header and separate values with ' + 'Access-Control-Request-Method header and separate values with ' +
'spaces when responding with Access-Control-Allow-Headers header', 'spaces when responding with Access-Control-Allow-Headers header', done => {
done => {
const requestHeaderValue = 'content-type,,expires'; const requestHeaderValue = 'content-type,,expires';
const expectedValue = 'content-type, expires'; const expectedValue = 'content-type, expires';
const headers = { const headers = {
@ -619,7 +610,7 @@ describe('Preflight CORS request with existing bucket', () => {
methodRequest({ method: 'OPTIONS', bucket, headers, code: 200, methodRequest({ method: 'OPTIONS', bucket, headers, code: 200,
headersResponse }, done); headersResponse }, done);
}); });
it('should return request Access-Control-Request-Headers value ' + test('should return request Access-Control-Request-Headers value ' +
'even if rule allows all headers (e.g. "*"), unlike access-control-' + 'even if rule allows all headers (e.g. "*"), unlike access-control-' +
'allow-origin value', done => { 'allow-origin value', done => {
const requestHeaderValue = 'puppies'; const requestHeaderValue = 'puppies';
@ -676,9 +667,8 @@ describe('Preflight CORS request with existing bucket', () => {
}); });
}); });
it('should respond with 200 and access control headers to OPTIONS ' + test('should respond with 200 and access control headers to OPTIONS ' +
'request from allowed origin, allowed method and existing object key', 'request from allowed origin, allowed method and existing object key', done => {
done => {
const headers = { const headers = {
'Origin': allowedOrigin, 'Origin': allowedOrigin,
'Access-Control-Request-Method': 'GET', 'Access-Control-Request-Method': 'GET',
@ -692,7 +682,7 @@ describe('Preflight CORS request with existing bucket', () => {
methodRequest({ method: 'OPTIONS', objectKey, bucket, headers, methodRequest({ method: 'OPTIONS', objectKey, bucket, headers,
code: 200, headersResponse }, done); code: 200, headersResponse }, done);
}); });
it('should respond with 200 and access control headers to OPTIONS ' + test('should respond with 200 and access control headers to OPTIONS ' +
'request from allowed origin, allowed method, even with non-existing ' + 'request from allowed origin, allowed method, even with non-existing ' +
'object key', done => { 'object key', done => {
const headers = { const headers = {
@ -730,7 +720,7 @@ describe('Preflight CORS request with existing bucket', () => {
s3.deleteBucketCors({ Bucket: bucket }, done); s3.deleteBucketCors({ Bucket: bucket }, done);
}); });
it('with fake auth credentials: should respond with 200 and access ' + test('with fake auth credentials: should respond with 200 and access ' +
'control headers even if request has fake auth credentials', done => { 'control headers even if request has fake auth credentials', done => {
const headers = { const headers = {
'Origin': allowedOrigin, 'Origin': allowedOrigin,
@ -746,7 +736,7 @@ describe('Preflight CORS request with existing bucket', () => {
headersResponse }, done); headersResponse }, done);
}); });
it('with cookies: should send identical response as to request ' + test('with cookies: should send identical response as to request ' +
'without cookies (200 and access control headers)', done => { 'without cookies (200 and access control headers)', done => {
const headers = { const headers = {
'Origin': allowedOrigin, 'Origin': allowedOrigin,
@ -792,9 +782,8 @@ describe('Preflight CORS request with existing bucket', () => {
s3.deleteBucketCors({ Bucket: bucket }, done); s3.deleteBucketCors({ Bucket: bucket }, done);
}); });
it('if OPTIONS request matches CORS rule with ExposeHeader\'s, ' + test('if OPTIONS request matches CORS rule with ExposeHeader\'s, ' +
'response should include Access-Control-Expose-Headers header', 'response should include Access-Control-Expose-Headers header', done => {
done => {
const headers = { const headers = {
'Origin': allowedOrigin, 'Origin': allowedOrigin,
'Access-Control-Request-Method': 'GET', 'Access-Control-Request-Method': 'GET',
@ -836,7 +825,7 @@ describe('Preflight CORS request with existing bucket', () => {
s3.deleteBucketCors({ Bucket: bucket }, done); s3.deleteBucketCors({ Bucket: bucket }, done);
}); });
it('if OPTIONS request matches CORS rule with max age seconds, ' + test('if OPTIONS request matches CORS rule with max age seconds, ' +
'response should include Access-Control-Max-Age header', done => { 'response should include Access-Control-Max-Age header', done => {
const headers = { const headers = {
'Origin': allowedOrigin, 'Origin': allowedOrigin,

View File

@ -27,25 +27,21 @@ describe('DELETE multipart', () => {
UploadId: uploadId }, err => { UploadId: uploadId }, err => {
const statusCode = const statusCode =
request.response.httpResponse.statusCode; request.response.httpResponse.statusCode;
assert.strictEqual(statusCode, statusCodeExpected, expect(statusCode).toBe(statusCodeExpected);
`Found unexpected statusCode ${statusCode}`);
if (statusCode === 204) { if (statusCode === 204) {
assert.strictEqual(err, null, expect(err).toBe(null);
`Expected no err but found ${err}`);
return callback(err); return callback(err);
} }
return callback(); return callback();
}); });
} }
it('on bucket that does not exist: should return NoSuchBucket', test('on bucket that does not exist: should return NoSuchBucket', done => {
done => {
const uploadId = 'nonexistinguploadid'; const uploadId = 'nonexistinguploadid';
s3.abortMultipartUpload({ Bucket: bucket, Key: key, s3.abortMultipartUpload({ Bucket: bucket, Key: key,
UploadId: uploadId }, err => { UploadId: uploadId }, err => {
assert.notEqual(err, null, expect(err).not.toEqual(null);
'Expected NoSuchBucket but found no err'); expect(err.code).toBe('NoSuchBucket');
assert.strictEqual(err.code, 'NoSuchBucket');
done(); done();
}); });
}); });
@ -61,8 +57,7 @@ describe('DELETE multipart', () => {
.catch(err => { .catch(err => {
process.stdout.write(`Error in beforeEach: ${err}\n`); process.stdout.write(`Error in beforeEach: ${err}\n`);
throw err; throw err;
}) }));
afterEach(() => { afterEach(() => {
process.stdout.write('Emptying bucket\n'); process.stdout.write('Emptying bucket\n');
@ -101,10 +96,9 @@ describe('DELETE multipart', () => {
PartNumber: 1, PartNumber: 1,
UploadId: uploadId, UploadId: uploadId,
}); });
}) }));
it('should return 204 for abortMultipartUpload', done => { test('should return 204 for abortMultipartUpload', done => {
_assertStatusCode(uploadId, 204, _assertStatusCode(uploadId, 204,
done); done);
}); });

View File

@ -20,9 +20,9 @@ const taggingConfig = { TagSet: [
] }; ] };
function _checkError(err, code, statusCode) { function _checkError(err, code, statusCode) {
assert(err, 'Expected error but found none'); expect(err).toBeTruthy();
assert.strictEqual(err.code, code); expect(err.code).toBe(code);
assert.strictEqual(err.statusCode, statusCode); expect(err.statusCode).toBe(statusCode);
} }
describe('DELETE object taggings', () => { describe('DELETE object taggings', () => {
@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ describe('DELETE object taggings', () => {
}); });
}); });
it('should delete tag set', done => { test('should delete tag set', done => {
s3.putObjectTagging({ s3.putObjectTagging({
Bucket: bucketName, Bucket: bucketName,
Key: objectName, Key: objectName,
@ -62,22 +62,23 @@ describe('DELETE object taggings', () => {
s3.deleteObjectTagging({ Bucket: bucketName, Key: objectName }, s3.deleteObjectTagging({ Bucket: bucketName, Key: objectName },
(err, data) => { (err, data) => {
assert.ifError(err, `Found unexpected err ${err}`); assert.ifError(err, `Found unexpected err ${err}`);
assert.strictEqual(Object.keys(data).length, 0); expect(Object.keys(data).length).toBe(0);
done(); done();
}); });
}); });
}); });
it('should delete a non-existing tag set', done => { test('should delete a non-existing tag set', done => {
s3.deleteObjectTagging({ Bucket: bucketName, Key: objectName }, s3.deleteObjectTagging({ Bucket: bucketName, Key: objectName },
(err, data) => { (err, data) => {
assert.ifError(err, `Found unexpected err ${err}`); assert.ifError(err, `Found unexpected err ${err}`);
assert.strictEqual(Object.keys(data).length, 0); expect(Object.keys(data).length).toBe(0);
done(); done();
}); });
}); });
it('should return NoSuchKey deleting tag set to a non-existing object', test(
'should return NoSuchKey deleting tag set to a non-existing object',
done => { done => {
s3.deleteObjectTagging({ s3.deleteObjectTagging({
Bucket: bucketName, Bucket: bucketName,
@ -86,8 +87,9 @@ describe('DELETE object taggings', () => {
_checkError(err, 'NoSuchKey', 404); _checkError(err, 'NoSuchKey', 404);
done(); done();
}); });
}); }
it('should return 403 AccessDenied deleting tag set with another ' + );
test('should return 403 AccessDenied deleting tag set with another ' +
'account', done => { 'account', done => {
otherAccountS3.deleteObjectTagging({ Bucket: bucketName, Key: otherAccountS3.deleteObjectTagging({ Bucket: bucketName, Key:
objectName }, err => { objectName }, err => {
@ -96,9 +98,8 @@ describe('DELETE object taggings', () => {
}); });
}); });
it('should return 403 AccessDenied deleting tag set with a different ' + test('should return 403 AccessDenied deleting tag set with a different ' +
'account to an object with ACL "public-read-write"', 'account to an object with ACL "public-read-write"', done => {
done => {
s3.putObjectAcl({ Bucket: bucketName, Key: objectName, s3.putObjectAcl({ Bucket: bucketName, Key: objectName,
ACL: 'public-read-write' }, err => { ACL: 'public-read-write' }, err => {
if (err) { if (err) {
@ -112,9 +113,8 @@ describe('DELETE object taggings', () => {
}); });
}); });
it('should return 403 AccessDenied deleting tag set to an object' + test('should return 403 AccessDenied deleting tag set to an object' +
' in a bucket created with a different account', ' in a bucket created with a different account', done => {
done => {
async.waterfall([ async.waterfall([
next => s3.putBucketAcl({ Bucket: bucketName, ACL: next => s3.putBucketAcl({ Bucket: bucketName, ACL:
'public-read-write' }, err => next(err)), 'public-read-write' }, err => next(err)),
@ -128,7 +128,7 @@ describe('DELETE object taggings', () => {
}); });
}); });
it('should delete tag set to an object in a bucket created with same ' + test('should delete tag set to an object in a bucket created with same ' +
'account even though object put by other account', done => { 'account even though object put by other account', done => {
async.waterfall([ async.waterfall([
next => s3.putBucketAcl({ Bucket: bucketName, ACL: next => s3.putBucketAcl({ Bucket: bucketName, ACL:

View File

@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ describe('DELETE object', () => {
const s3 = bucketUtil.s3; const s3 = bucketUtil.s3;
const testfile = Buffer.alloc(1024 * 1024 * 54, 0); const testfile = Buffer.alloc(1024 * 1024 * 54, 0);
before(() => { beforeAll(() => {
process.stdout.write('creating bucket\n'); process.stdout.write('creating bucket\n');
return s3.createBucketAsync({ Bucket: bucketName }) return s3.createBucketAsync({ Bucket: bucketName })
.then(() => { .then(() => {
@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ describe('DELETE object', () => {
}); });
}); });
after(() => { afterAll(() => {
process.stdout.write('Emptying bucket\n'); process.stdout.write('Emptying bucket\n');
return bucketUtil.empty(bucketName) return bucketUtil.empty(bucketName)
.then(() => { .then(() => {
@ -72,10 +72,9 @@ describe('DELETE object', () => {
}); });
}); });
it('should delete a object uploaded in parts successfully', done => { test('should delete a object uploaded in parts successfully', done => {
s3.deleteObject({ Bucket: bucketName, Key: objectName }, err => { s3.deleteObject({ Bucket: bucketName, Key: objectName }, err => {
assert.strictEqual(err, null, expect(err).toBe(null);
`Expected success, got error ${JSON.stringify(err)}`);
done(); done();
}); });
}); });

View File

@ -22,17 +22,16 @@ const etag = `"${etagTrim}"`;
const partSize = 1024 * 1024 * 5; // 5MB minumum required part size. const partSize = 1024 * 1024 * 5; // 5MB minumum required part size.
function checkNoError(err) { function checkNoError(err) {
assert.equal(err, null, expect(err).toEqual(null);
`Expected success, got error ${JSON.stringify(err)}`);
} }
function checkError(err, code) { function checkError(err, code) {
assert.notEqual(err, null, 'Expected failure but got success'); expect(err).not.toEqual(null);
assert.strictEqual(err.code, code); expect(err.code).toBe(code);
} }
function checkContentLength(contentLengthHeader, expectedSize) { function checkContentLength(contentLengthHeader, expectedSize) {
assert.strictEqual(Number.parseInt(contentLengthHeader, 10), expectedSize); expect(Number.parseInt(contentLengthHeader, 10)).toBe(expectedSize);
} }
function dateFromNow(diff) { function dateFromNow(diff) {
@ -68,10 +67,7 @@ describe('GET object', () => {
checkContentLength(data.ContentLength, len); checkContentLength(data.ContentLength, len);
const md5Hash = crypto.createHash('md5'); const md5Hash = crypto.createHash('md5');
const md5HashExpected = crypto.createHash('md5'); const md5HashExpected = crypto.createHash('md5');
assert.strictEqual( expect(md5Hash.update(data.Body).digest('hex')).toBe(md5HashExpected.update(body).digest('hex'));
return cb(); return cb();
}); });
} }
@ -186,14 +182,14 @@ describe('GET object', () => {
}); });
} }
before(done => { beforeAll(done => {
bucketUtil = new BucketUtility('default', sigCfg); bucketUtil = new BucketUtility('default', sigCfg);
s3 = bucketUtil.s3; s3 = bucketUtil.s3;
// Create a bucket to put object to get later // Create a bucket to put object to get later
s3.createBucket({ Bucket: bucketName }, done); s3.createBucket({ Bucket: bucketName }, done);
}); });
after(done => { afterAll(done => {
s3.deleteObject({ Bucket: bucketName, Key: objectName }, err => { s3.deleteObject({ Bucket: bucketName, Key: objectName }, err => {
if (err) { if (err) {
return done(err); return done(err);
@ -203,22 +199,21 @@ describe('GET object', () => {
}); });
it('should return an error to get request without a valid bucket name', test(
'should return an error to get request without a valid bucket name',
done => { done => {
s3.getObject({ Bucket: '', Key: 'somekey' }, err => { s3.getObject({ Bucket: '', Key: 'somekey' }, err => {
assert.notEqual(err, null, expect(err).not.toEqual(null);
'Expected failure but got success'); expect(err.code).toBe('MethodNotAllowed');
assert.strictEqual(err.code, 'MethodNotAllowed');
return done(); return done();
}); });
}); }
it('should return NoSuchKey error when no such object', test('should return NoSuchKey error when no such object', done => {
done => {
s3.getObject({ Bucket: bucketName, Key: 'nope' }, err => { s3.getObject({ Bucket: bucketName, Key: 'nope' }, err => {
assert.notEqual(err, null, expect(err).not.toEqual(null);
'Expected failure but got success'); expect(err.code).toBe('NoSuchKey');
assert.strictEqual(err.code, 'NoSuchKey');
return done(); return done();
}); });
}); });
@ -226,7 +221,7 @@ describe('GET object', () => {
describe('Additional headers: [Cache-Control, Content-Disposition, ' + describe('Additional headers: [Cache-Control, Content-Disposition, ' +
'Content-Encoding, Expires, Accept-Ranges]', () => { 'Content-Encoding, Expires, Accept-Ranges]', () => {
describe('if specified in put object request', () => { describe('if specified in put object request', () => {
before(done => { beforeAll(done => {
const params = { const params = {
Bucket: bucketName, Bucket: bucketName,
Key: objectName, Key: objectName,
@ -238,36 +233,32 @@ describe('GET object', () => {
}; };
s3.putObject(params, err => done(err)); s3.putObject(params, err => done(err));
}); });
it('should return additional headers', done => { test('should return additional headers', done => {
s3.getObject({ Bucket: bucketName, Key: objectName }, s3.getObject({ Bucket: bucketName, Key: objectName },
(err, res) => { (err, res) => {
if (err) { if (err) {
return done(err); return done(err);
} }
assert.strictEqual(res.CacheControl, expect(res.CacheControl).toBe(cacheControl);
cacheControl); expect(res.ContentDisposition).toBe(contentDisposition);
// Should remove V4 streaming value 'aws-chunked' // Should remove V4 streaming value 'aws-chunked'
// to be compatible with AWS behavior // to be compatible with AWS behavior
assert.strictEqual(res.ContentEncoding, expect(res.ContentEncoding).toBe('gzip');
'gzip'); expect(res.ContentType).toBe(contentType);
assert.strictEqual(res.ContentType, contentType); expect(res.Expires).toBe(new Date(expires).toGMTString());
assert.strictEqual(res.Expires, expect(res.AcceptRanges).toBe('bytes');
new Date(expires).toGMTString());
assert.strictEqual(res.AcceptRanges, 'bytes');
return done(); return done();
}); });
}); });
}); });
describe('if response content headers are set in query', () => { describe('if response content headers are set in query', () => {
before(done => { beforeAll(done => {
s3.putObject({ Bucket: bucketName, Key: objectName }, s3.putObject({ Bucket: bucketName, Key: objectName },
err => done(err)); err => done(err));
}); });
it('should return additional headers even if not set in ' + test('should return additional headers even if not set in ' +
'put object request', done => { 'put object request', done => {
const params = { const params = {
Bucket: bucketName, Bucket: bucketName,
@ -283,16 +274,12 @@ describe('GET object', () => {
if (err) { if (err) {
return done(err); return done(err);
} }
assert.strictEqual(res.CacheControl, expect(res.CacheControl).toBe(cacheControl);
cacheControl); expect(res.ContentDisposition).toBe(contentDisposition);
assert.strictEqual(res.ContentDisposition, expect(res.ContentEncoding).toBe(contentEncoding);
contentDisposition); expect(res.ContentLanguage).toBe(contentLanguage);
assert.strictEqual(res.ContentEncoding, expect(res.ContentType).toBe(contentType);
contentEncoding); expect(res.Expires).toBe(expires);
assert.strictEqual(res.ContentType, contentType);
assert.strictEqual(res.Expires, expires);
return done(); return done();
}); });
}); });
@ -300,7 +287,7 @@ describe('GET object', () => {
}); });
describe('x-amz-website-redirect-location header', () => { describe('x-amz-website-redirect-location header', () => {
before(done => { beforeAll(done => {
const params = { const params = {
Bucket: bucketName, Bucket: bucketName,
Key: objectName, Key: objectName,
@ -308,14 +295,14 @@ describe('GET object', () => {
}; };
s3.putObject(params, err => done(err)); s3.putObject(params, err => done(err));
}); });
it('should return website redirect header if specified in ' + test('should return website redirect header if specified in ' +
'objectPUT request', done => { 'objectPUT request', done => {
s3.getObject({ Bucket: bucketName, Key: objectName }, s3.getObject({ Bucket: bucketName, Key: objectName },
(err, res) => { (err, res) => {
if (err) { if (err) {
return done(err); return done(err);
} }
assert.strictEqual(res.WebsiteRedirectLocation, '/'); expect(res.WebsiteRedirectLocation).toBe('/');
return done(); return done();
}); });
}); });
@ -342,14 +329,13 @@ describe('GET object', () => {
s3.putObject(params, done); s3.putObject(params, done);
}); });
it('should not return "x-amz-tagging-count" if no tag ' + test('should not return "x-amz-tagging-count" if no tag ' +
'associated with the object', 'associated with the object', done => {
done => {
s3.getObject(params, (err, data) => { s3.getObject(params, (err, data) => {
if (err) { if (err) {
return done(err); return done(err);
} }
assert.strictEqual(data.TagCount, undefined); expect(data.TagCount).toBe(undefined);
return done(); return done();
}); });
}); });
@ -358,14 +344,13 @@ describe('GET object', () => {
beforeEach(done => { beforeEach(done => {
s3.putObjectTagging(paramsTagging, done); s3.putObjectTagging(paramsTagging, done);
}); });
it('should return "x-amz-tagging-count" header that provides ' + test('should return "x-amz-tagging-count" header that provides ' +
'the count of number of tags associated with the object', 'the count of number of tags associated with the object', done => {
done => {
s3.getObject(params, (err, data) => { s3.getObject(params, (err, data) => {
if (err) { if (err) {
return done(err); return done(err);
} }
assert.equal(data.TagCount, 1); expect(data.TagCount).toEqual(1);
return done(); return done();
}); });
}); });
@ -377,18 +362,16 @@ describe('GET object', () => {
beforeEach(done => { beforeEach(done => {
s3.putObject(params, done); s3.putObject(params, done);
}); });
it('If-Match: returns no error when ETag match, with double ' + test('If-Match: returns no error when ETag match, with double ' +
'quotes around ETag', 'quotes around ETag', done => {
done => {
requestGet({ IfMatch: etag }, err => { requestGet({ IfMatch: etag }, err => {
checkNoError(err); checkNoError(err);
done(); done();
}); });
}); });
it('If-Match: returns no error when one of ETags match, with ' + test('If-Match: returns no error when one of ETags match, with ' +
'double quotes around ETag', 'double quotes around ETag', done => {
done => {
requestGet({ IfMatch: requestGet({ IfMatch:
`non-matching,${etag}` }, err => { `non-matching,${etag}` }, err => {
checkNoError(err); checkNoError(err);
@ -396,18 +379,16 @@ describe('GET object', () => {
}); });
}); });
it('If-Match: returns no error when ETag match, without double ' + test('If-Match: returns no error when ETag match, without double ' +
'quotes around ETag', 'quotes around ETag', done => {
done => {
requestGet({ IfMatch: etagTrim }, err => { requestGet({ IfMatch: etagTrim }, err => {
checkNoError(err); checkNoError(err);
done(); done();
}); });
}); });
it('If-Match: returns no error when one of ETags match, without ' + test('If-Match: returns no error when one of ETags match, without ' +
'double quotes around ETag', 'double quotes around ETag', done => {
done => {
requestGet({ IfMatch: requestGet({ IfMatch:
`non-matching,${etagTrim}` }, err => { `non-matching,${etagTrim}` }, err => {
checkNoError(err); checkNoError(err);
@ -415,15 +396,14 @@ describe('GET object', () => {
}); });
}); });
it('If-Match: returns no error when ETag match with *', done => { test('If-Match: returns no error when ETag match with *', done => {
requestGet({ IfMatch: '*' }, err => { requestGet({ IfMatch: '*' }, err => {
checkNoError(err); checkNoError(err);
done(); done();
}); });
}); });
it('If-Match: returns PreconditionFailed when ETag does not match', test('If-Match: returns PreconditionFailed when ETag does not match', done => {
done => {
requestGet({ requestGet({
IfMatch: 'non-matching ETag', IfMatch: 'non-matching ETag',
}, err => { }, err => {
@ -432,16 +412,14 @@ describe('GET object', () => {
}); });
}); });
it('If-None-Match: returns no error when ETag does not match', test('If-None-Match: returns no error when ETag does not match', done => {
done => {
requestGet({ IfNoneMatch: 'non-matching' }, err => { requestGet({ IfNoneMatch: 'non-matching' }, err => {
checkNoError(err); checkNoError(err);
done(); done();
}); });
}); });
it('If-None-Match: returns no error when all ETags do not match', test('If-None-Match: returns no error when all ETags do not match', done => {
done => {
requestGet({ requestGet({
IfNoneMatch: 'non-matching,' + IfNoneMatch: 'non-matching,' +
'non-matching-either', 'non-matching-either',
@ -451,18 +429,16 @@ describe('GET object', () => {
}); });
}); });
it('If-None-Match: returns NotModified when ETag match, with ' + test('If-None-Match: returns NotModified when ETag match, with ' +
'double quotes around ETag', 'double quotes around ETag', done => {
done => {
requestGet({ IfNoneMatch: etag }, err => { requestGet({ IfNoneMatch: etag }, err => {
checkError(err, 'NotModified'); checkError(err, 'NotModified');
done(); done();
}); });
}); });
it('If-None-Match: returns NotModified when one of ETags match, ' + test('If-None-Match: returns NotModified when one of ETags match, ' +
'with double quotes around ETag', 'with double quotes around ETag', done => {
done => {
requestGet({ requestGet({
IfNoneMatch: `non-matching,${etag}`, IfNoneMatch: `non-matching,${etag}`,
}, err => { }, err => {
@ -471,8 +447,7 @@ describe('GET object', () => {
}); });
}); });
it('If-None-Match: returns NotModified when value is "*"', test('If-None-Match: returns NotModified when value is "*"', done => {
done => {
requestGet({ requestGet({
IfNoneMatch: '*', IfNoneMatch: '*',
}, err => { }, err => {
@ -481,18 +456,16 @@ describe('GET object', () => {
}); });
}); });
it('If-None-Match: returns NotModified when ETag match, without ' + test('If-None-Match: returns NotModified when ETag match, without ' +
'double quotes around ETag', 'double quotes around ETag', done => {
done => {
requestGet({ IfNoneMatch: etagTrim }, err => { requestGet({ IfNoneMatch: etagTrim }, err => {
checkError(err, 'NotModified'); checkError(err, 'NotModified');
done(); done();
}); });
}); });
it('If-None-Match: returns NotModified when one of ETags match, ' + test('If-None-Match: returns NotModified when one of ETags match, ' +
'without double quotes around ETag', 'without double quotes around ETag', done => {
done => {
requestGet({ requestGet({
IfNoneMatch: `non-matching,${etagTrim}`, IfNoneMatch: `non-matching,${etagTrim}`,
}, err => { }, err => {
@ -501,9 +474,8 @@ describe('GET object', () => {
}); });
}); });
it('If-Modified-Since: returns no error if Last modified date is ' + test('If-Modified-Since: returns no error if Last modified date is ' +
'greater', 'greater', done => {
done => {
requestGet({ IfModifiedSince: dateFromNow(-1) }, requestGet({ IfModifiedSince: dateFromNow(-1) },
err => { err => {
checkNoError(err); checkNoError(err);
@ -513,9 +485,8 @@ describe('GET object', () => {
// Skipping this test, because real AWS does not provide error as // Skipping this test, because real AWS does not provide error as
// expected // expected
it.skip('If-Modified-Since: returns NotModified if Last modified ' + test.skip('If-Modified-Since: returns NotModified if Last modified ' +
'date is lesser', 'date is lesser', done => {
done => {
requestGet({ IfModifiedSince: dateFromNow(1) }, requestGet({ IfModifiedSince: dateFromNow(1) },
err => { err => {
checkError(err, 'NotModified'); checkError(err, 'NotModified');
@ -523,9 +494,8 @@ describe('GET object', () => {
}); });
}); });
it('If-Modified-Since: returns NotModified if Last modified ' + test('If-Modified-Since: returns NotModified if Last modified ' +
'date is equal', 'date is equal', done => {
done => {
s3.headObject({ Bucket: bucketName, Key: objectName }, s3.headObject({ Bucket: bucketName, Key: objectName },
(err, data) => { (err, data) => {
checkNoError(err); checkNoError(err);
@ -537,9 +507,8 @@ describe('GET object', () => {
}); });
}); });
it('If-Unmodified-Since: returns no error when lastModified date ' + test('If-Unmodified-Since: returns no error when lastModified date ' +
'is greater', 'is greater', done => {
done => {
requestGet({ IfUnmodifiedSince: dateFromNow(1) }, requestGet({ IfUnmodifiedSince: dateFromNow(1) },
err => { err => {
checkNoError(err); checkNoError(err);
@ -547,7 +516,7 @@ describe('GET object', () => {
}); });
}); });
it('If-Unmodified-Since: returns no error when lastModified ' + test('If-Unmodified-Since: returns no error when lastModified ' +
'date is equal', done => { 'date is equal', done => {
s3.headObject({ Bucket: bucketName, Key: objectName }, s3.headObject({ Bucket: bucketName, Key: objectName },
(err, data) => { (err, data) => {
@ -561,9 +530,8 @@ describe('GET object', () => {
}); });
}); });
it('If-Unmodified-Since: returns PreconditionFailed when ' + test('If-Unmodified-Since: returns PreconditionFailed when ' +
'lastModified date is lesser', 'lastModified date is lesser', done => {
done => {
requestGet({ IfUnmodifiedSince: dateFromNow(-1) }, requestGet({ IfUnmodifiedSince: dateFromNow(-1) },
err => { err => {
checkError(err, 'PreconditionFailed'); checkError(err, 'PreconditionFailed');
@ -571,9 +539,8 @@ describe('GET object', () => {
}); });
}); });
it('If-Match & If-Unmodified-Since: returns no error when match ' + test('If-Match & If-Unmodified-Since: returns no error when match ' +
'Etag and lastModified is greater', 'Etag and lastModified is greater', done => {
done => {
requestGet({ requestGet({
IfMatch: etagTrim, IfMatch: etagTrim,
IfUnmodifiedSince: dateFromNow(-1), IfUnmodifiedSince: dateFromNow(-1),
@ -583,7 +550,7 @@ describe('GET object', () => {
}); });
}); });
it('If-Match match & If-Unmodified-Since match', done => { test('If-Match match & If-Unmodified-Since match', done => {
requestGet({ requestGet({
IfMatch: etagTrim, IfMatch: etagTrim,
IfUnmodifiedSince: dateFromNow(1), IfUnmodifiedSince: dateFromNow(1),
@ -593,7 +560,7 @@ describe('GET object', () => {
}); });
}); });
it('If-Match not match & If-Unmodified-Since not match', done => { test('If-Match not match & If-Unmodified-Since not match', done => {
requestGet({ requestGet({
IfMatch: 'non-matching', IfMatch: 'non-matching',
IfUnmodifiedSince: dateFromNow(-1), IfUnmodifiedSince: dateFromNow(-1),
@ -603,7 +570,7 @@ describe('GET object', () => {
}); });
}); });
it('If-Match not match & If-Unmodified-Since match', done => { test('If-Match not match & If-Unmodified-Since match', done => {
requestGet({ requestGet({
IfMatch: 'non-matching', IfMatch: 'non-matching',
IfUnmodifiedSince: dateFromNow(1), IfUnmodifiedSince: dateFromNow(1),
@ -615,7 +582,7 @@ describe('GET object', () => {
// Skipping this test, because real AWS does not provide error as // Skipping this test, because real AWS does not provide error as
// expected // expected
it.skip('If-Match match & If-Modified-Since not match', done => { test.skip('If-Match match & If-Modified-Since not match', done => {
requestGet({ requestGet({
IfMatch: etagTrim, IfMatch: etagTrim,
IfModifiedSince: dateFromNow(1), IfModifiedSince: dateFromNow(1),
@ -625,7 +592,7 @@ describe('GET object', () => {
}); });
}); });
it('If-Match match & If-Modified-Since match', done => { test('If-Match match & If-Modified-Since match', done => {
requestGet({ requestGet({
IfMatch: etagTrim, IfMatch: etagTrim,
IfModifiedSince: dateFromNow(-1), IfModifiedSince: dateFromNow(-1),
@ -635,7 +602,7 @@ describe('GET object', () => {
}); });
}); });
it('If-Match not match & If-Modified-Since not match', done => { test('If-Match not match & If-Modified-Since not match', done => {
requestGet({ requestGet({
IfMatch: 'non-matching', IfMatch: 'non-matching',
IfModifiedSince: dateFromNow(1), IfModifiedSince: dateFromNow(1),
@ -645,7 +612,7 @@ describe('GET object', () => {
}); });
}); });
it('If-Match not match & If-Modified-Since match', done => { test('If-Match not match & If-Modified-Since match', done => {
requestGet({ requestGet({
IfMatch: 'non-matching', IfMatch: 'non-matching',
IfModifiedSince: dateFromNow(-1), IfModifiedSince: dateFromNow(-1),
@ -655,9 +622,8 @@ describe('GET object', () => {
}); });
}); });
it('If-None-Match & If-Modified-Since: returns NotModified when ' + test('If-None-Match & If-Modified-Since: returns NotModified when ' +
'Etag does not match and lastModified is greater', 'Etag does not match and lastModified is greater', done => {
done => {
requestGet({ requestGet({
IfNoneMatch: etagTrim, IfNoneMatch: etagTrim,
IfModifiedSince: dateFromNow(-1), IfModifiedSince: dateFromNow(-1),
@ -667,8 +633,7 @@ describe('GET object', () => {
}); });
}); });
it('If-None-Match not match & If-Modified-Since not match', test('If-None-Match not match & If-Modified-Since not match', done => {
done => {
requestGet({ requestGet({
IfNoneMatch: etagTrim, IfNoneMatch: etagTrim,
IfModifiedSince: dateFromNow(1), IfModifiedSince: dateFromNow(1),
@ -678,7 +643,7 @@ describe('GET object', () => {
}); });
}); });
it('If-None-Match match & If-Modified-Since match', done => { test('If-None-Match match & If-Modified-Since match', done => {
requestGet({ requestGet({
IfNoneMatch: 'non-matching', IfNoneMatch: 'non-matching',
IfModifiedSince: dateFromNow(-1), IfModifiedSince: dateFromNow(-1),
@ -690,8 +655,7 @@ describe('GET object', () => {
// Skipping this test, because real AWS does not provide error as // Skipping this test, because real AWS does not provide error as
// expected // expected
it.skip('If-None-Match match & If-Modified-Since not match', test.skip('If-None-Match match & If-Modified-Since not match', done => {
done => {
requestGet({ requestGet({
IfNoneMatch: 'non-matching', IfNoneMatch: 'non-matching',
IfModifiedSince: dateFromNow(1), IfModifiedSince: dateFromNow(1),
@ -701,7 +665,7 @@ describe('GET object', () => {
}); });
}); });
it('If-None-Match match & If-Unmodified-Since match', done => { test('If-None-Match match & If-Unmodified-Since match', done => {
requestGet({ requestGet({
IfNoneMatch: 'non-matching', IfNoneMatch: 'non-matching',
IfUnmodifiedSince: dateFromNow(1), IfUnmodifiedSince: dateFromNow(1),
@ -711,7 +675,7 @@ describe('GET object', () => {
}); });
}); });
it('If-None-Match match & If-Unmodified-Since not match', done => { test('If-None-Match match & If-Unmodified-Since not match', done => {
requestGet({ requestGet({
IfNoneMatch: 'non-matching', IfNoneMatch: 'non-matching',
IfUnmodifiedSince: dateFromNow(-1), IfUnmodifiedSince: dateFromNow(-1),
@ -721,7 +685,7 @@ describe('GET object', () => {
}); });
}); });
it('If-None-Match not match & If-Unmodified-Since match', done => { test('If-None-Match not match & If-Unmodified-Since match', done => {
requestGet({ requestGet({
IfNoneMatch: etagTrim, IfNoneMatch: etagTrim,
IfUnmodifiedSince: dateFromNow(1), IfUnmodifiedSince: dateFromNow(1),
@ -731,8 +695,7 @@ describe('GET object', () => {
}); });
}); });
it('If-None-Match not match & If-Unmodified-Since not match', test('If-None-Match not match & If-Unmodified-Since not match', done => {
done => {
requestGet({ requestGet({
IfNoneMatch: etagTrim, IfNoneMatch: etagTrim,
IfUnmodifiedSince: dateFromNow(-1), IfUnmodifiedSince: dateFromNow(-1),
@ -749,7 +712,8 @@ describe('GET object', () => {
const invalidPartNumbers = [-1, 0, 10001]; const invalidPartNumbers = [-1, 0, 10001];
orderedPartNumbers.forEach(num => orderedPartNumbers.forEach(num =>
it(`should get the body of part ${num} when ordered MPU`, test(
`should get the body of part ${num} when ordered MPU`,
done => completeMPU(orderedPartNumbers, err => { done => completeMPU(orderedPartNumbers, err => {
checkNoError(err); checkNoError(err);
return requestGet({ PartNumber: num }, (err, data) => { return requestGet({ PartNumber: num }, (err, data) => {
@ -758,17 +722,16 @@ describe('GET object', () => {
const md5Hash = crypto.createHash('md5'); const md5Hash = crypto.createHash('md5');
const md5HashExpected = crypto.createHash('md5'); const md5HashExpected = crypto.createHash('md5');
const expected = Buffer.alloc(partSize).fill(num); const expected = Buffer.alloc(partSize).fill(num);
assert.strictEqual( expect(md5Hash.update(data.Body).digest('hex')).toBe(md5HashExpected.update(expected).digest('hex'));
return done(); return done();
}); });
}))); })
// Use the orderedPartNumbers to retrieve parts with GetObject. // Use the orderedPartNumbers to retrieve parts with GetObject.
orderedPartNumbers.forEach(num => orderedPartNumbers.forEach(num =>
it(`should get the body of part ${num} when unordered MPU`, test(
`should get the body of part ${num} when unordered MPU`,
done => completeMPU(unOrderedPartNumbers, err => { done => completeMPU(unOrderedPartNumbers, err => {
checkNoError(err); checkNoError(err);
return requestGet({ PartNumber: num }, (err, data) => { return requestGet({ PartNumber: num }, (err, data) => {
@ -778,25 +741,25 @@ describe('GET object', () => {
const md5HashExpected = crypto.createHash('md5'); const md5HashExpected = crypto.createHash('md5');
const expected = Buffer.alloc(partSize) const expected = Buffer.alloc(partSize)
.fill(unOrderedPartNumbers[num - 1]); .fill(unOrderedPartNumbers[num - 1]);
assert.strictEqual( expect(md5Hash.update(data.Body).digest('hex')).toBe(md5HashExpected.update(expected).digest('hex'));
return done(); return done();
}); });
}))); })
invalidPartNumbers.forEach(num => invalidPartNumbers.forEach(num =>
it(`should not accept a partNumber that is not 1-10000: ${num}`, test(
`should not accept a partNumber that is not 1-10000: ${num}`,
done => completeMPU(orderedPartNumbers, err => { done => completeMPU(orderedPartNumbers, err => {
checkNoError(err); checkNoError(err);
return requestGet({ PartNumber: num }, err => { return requestGet({ PartNumber: num }, err => {
checkError(err, 'InvalidArgument'); checkError(err, 'InvalidArgument');
done(); done();
}); });
}))); })
it('should not accept a part number greater than the total parts ' + test('should not accept a part number greater than the total parts ' +
'uploaded for an MPU', done => 'uploaded for an MPU', done =>
completeMPU(orderedPartNumbers, err => { completeMPU(orderedPartNumbers, err => {
checkNoError(err); checkNoError(err);
@ -806,7 +769,8 @@ describe('GET object', () => {
}); });
})); }));
it('should accept a part number of 1 for regular put object', test(
'should accept a part number of 1 for regular put object',
done => s3.putObject({ done => s3.putObject({
Bucket: bucketName, Bucket: bucketName,
Key: objectName, Key: objectName,
@ -817,15 +781,13 @@ describe('GET object', () => {
const md5Hash = crypto.createHash('md5'); const md5Hash = crypto.createHash('md5');
const md5HashExpected = crypto.createHash('md5'); const md5HashExpected = crypto.createHash('md5');
const expected = Buffer.alloc(10); const expected = Buffer.alloc(10);
assert.strictEqual( expect(md5Hash.update(data.Body).digest('hex')).toBe(md5HashExpected.update(expected).digest('hex'));
done(); done();
}); });
})); })
it('should accept a part number that is a string', done => test('should accept a part number that is a string', done =>
s3.putObject({ s3.putObject({
Bucket: bucketName, Bucket: bucketName,
Key: objectName, Key: objectName,
@ -837,15 +799,12 @@ describe('GET object', () => {
const md5Hash = crypto.createHash('md5'); const md5Hash = crypto.createHash('md5');
const md5HashExpected = crypto.createHash('md5'); const md5HashExpected = crypto.createHash('md5');
const expected = Buffer.alloc(10); const expected = Buffer.alloc(10);
assert.strictEqual( expect(md5Hash.update(data.Body).digest('hex')).toBe(md5HashExpected.update(expected).digest('hex'));
done(); done();
}); });
})); }));
it('should not accept a part number greater than 1 for regular ' + test('should not accept a part number greater than 1 for regular ' +
'put object', done => 'put object', done =>
s3.putObject({ s3.putObject({
Bucket: bucketName, Bucket: bucketName,
@ -859,7 +818,7 @@ describe('GET object', () => {
}); });
})); }));
it('should not accept both PartNumber and Range as params', done => test('should not accept both PartNumber and Range as params', done =>
completeMPU(orderedPartNumbers, err => { completeMPU(orderedPartNumbers, err => {
checkNoError(err); checkNoError(err);
return requestGet({ return requestGet({
@ -907,13 +866,15 @@ describe('GET object', () => {
Key: copyPartKey, Key: copyPartKey,
}, done)); }, done));
it('should retrieve a part copied from an MPU', done => test('should retrieve a part copied from an MPU', done =>
checkGetObjectPart(copyPartKey, 1, partOneSize, partOneBody, checkGetObjectPart(copyPartKey, 1, partOneSize, partOneBody,
done)); done));
it('should retrieve a part put after part copied from MPU', test(
'should retrieve a part put after part copied from MPU',
done => checkGetObjectPart(copyPartKey, 2, partSize, done => checkGetObjectPart(copyPartKey, 2, partSize,
partTwoBody, done)); partTwoBody, done)
}); });
describe('uploadPartCopy overwrite', () => { describe('uploadPartCopy overwrite', () => {
@ -980,35 +941,33 @@ describe('GET object', () => {
Key: copyPartKey, Key: copyPartKey,
}, done)); }, done));
it('should retrieve a part that overwrote another part ' + test('should retrieve a part that overwrote another part ' +
'originally copied from an MPU', done => 'originally copied from an MPU', done =>
checkGetObjectPart(copyPartKey, 1, partSize, partOneBody, checkGetObjectPart(copyPartKey, 1, partSize, partOneBody,
done)); done));
it('should retrieve a part copied from an MPU after the ' + test('should retrieve a part copied from an MPU after the ' +
'original part was overwritten', 'original part was overwritten', done => checkGetObjectPart(copyPartKey, 2, partTwoSize,
done => checkGetObjectPart(copyPartKey, 2, partTwoSize,
partTwoBody, done)); partTwoBody, done));
}); });
}); });
describe('absent x-amz-website-redirect-location header', () => { describe('absent x-amz-website-redirect-location header', () => {
before(done => { beforeAll(done => {
const params = { const params = {
Bucket: bucketName, Bucket: bucketName,
Key: objectName, Key: objectName,
}; };
s3.putObject(params, err => done(err)); s3.putObject(params, err => done(err));
}); });
it('should return website redirect header if specified in ' + test('should return website redirect header if specified in ' +
'objectPUT request', done => { 'objectPUT request', done => {
s3.getObject({ Bucket: bucketName, Key: objectName }, s3.getObject({ Bucket: bucketName, Key: objectName },
(err, res) => { (err, res) => {
if (err) { if (err) {
return done(err); return done(err);
} }
assert.strictEqual(res.WebsiteRedirectLocation, expect(res.WebsiteRedirectLocation).toBe(undefined);
return done(); return done();
}); });
}); });

View File

@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ describe('GET multipart upload object [Cache-Control, Content-Disposition, ' +
// a UNIX timestamp for Expires header // a UNIX timestamp for Expires header
const expires = new Date(); const expires = new Date();
before(() => { beforeAll(() => {
const params = { const params = {
Bucket: bucketName, Bucket: bucketName,
Key: objectName, Key: objectName,
@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ describe('GET multipart upload object [Cache-Control, Content-Disposition, ' +
throw err; throw err;
}); });
}); });
after(() => { afterAll(() => {
process.stdout.write('Emptying bucket\n'); process.stdout.write('Emptying bucket\n');
return bucketUtil.empty(bucketName) return bucketUtil.empty(bucketName)
.then(() => { .then(() => {
@ -70,9 +70,8 @@ describe('GET multipart upload object [Cache-Control, Content-Disposition, ' +
throw err; throw err;
}); });
}); });
it('should return additional headers when get request is performed ' + test('should return additional headers when get request is performed ' +
'on MPU, when they are specified in creation of MPU', 'on MPU, when they are specified in creation of MPU', () => {
() => {
const params = { Bucket: bucketName, Key: 'key', PartNumber: 1, const params = { Bucket: bucketName, Key: 'key', PartNumber: 1,
UploadId: uploadId }; UploadId: uploadId };
return s3.uploadPartAsync(params) return s3.uploadPartAsync(params)
@ -108,10 +107,10 @@ describe('GET multipart upload object [Cache-Control, Content-Disposition, ' +
throw err; throw err;
}) })
.then(res => { .then(res => {
assert.strictEqual(res.CacheControl, cacheControl); expect(res.CacheControl).toBe(cacheControl);
assert.strictEqual(res.ContentDisposition, contentDisposition); expect(res.ContentDisposition).toBe(contentDisposition);
assert.strictEqual(res.ContentEncoding, 'gzip'); expect(res.ContentEncoding).toBe('gzip');
assert.strictEqual(res.Expires, expires.toGMTString()); expect(res.Expires).toBe(expires.toGMTString());
}); });
}); });
}); });

View File

@ -20,9 +20,9 @@ const taggingConfig = { TagSet: [
] }; ] };
function _checkError(err, code, statusCode) { function _checkError(err, code, statusCode) {
assert(err, 'Expected error but found none'); expect(err).toBeTruthy();
assert.strictEqual(err.code, code); expect(err.code).toBe(code);
assert.strictEqual(err.statusCode, statusCode); expect(err.statusCode).toBe(statusCode);
} }
describe('GET object taggings', () => { describe('GET object taggings', () => {
@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ describe('GET object taggings', () => {
}); });
}); });
it('should return appropriate tags after putting tags', done => { test('should return appropriate tags after putting tags', done => {
s3.putObjectTagging({ s3.putObjectTagging({
Bucket: bucketName, Bucket: bucketName,
Key: objectName, Key: objectName,
@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ describe('GET object taggings', () => {
}); });
}); });
it('should return no tag after putting and deleting tags', done => { test('should return no tag after putting and deleting tags', done => {
async.waterfall([ async.waterfall([
next => s3.putObjectTagging({ next => s3.putObjectTagging({
Bucket: bucketName, Bucket: bucketName,
@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ describe('GET object taggings', () => {
}); });
}); });
it('should return empty array after putting no tag', done => { test('should return empty array after putting no tag', done => {
s3.getObjectTagging({ Bucket: bucketName, Key: objectName }, s3.getObjectTagging({ Bucket: bucketName, Key: objectName },
(err, data) => { (err, data) => {
assert.ifError(err, `getObjectTagging error: ${err}`); assert.ifError(err, `getObjectTagging error: ${err}`);
@ -97,8 +97,7 @@ describe('GET object taggings', () => {
}); });
}); });
it('should return NoSuchKey getting tag to a non-existing object', test('should return NoSuchKey getting tag to a non-existing object', done => {
done => {
s3.getObjectTagging({ s3.getObjectTagging({
Bucket: bucketName, Bucket: bucketName,
Key: 'nonexisting', Key: 'nonexisting',
@ -108,18 +107,19 @@ describe('GET object taggings', () => {
}); });
}); });
it('should return 403 AccessDenied getting tag with another account', test(
'should return 403 AccessDenied getting tag with another account',
done => { done => {
otherAccountS3.getObjectTagging({ Bucket: bucketName, Key: otherAccountS3.getObjectTagging({ Bucket: bucketName, Key:
objectName }, err => { objectName }, err => {
_checkError(err, 'AccessDenied', 403); _checkError(err, 'AccessDenied', 403);
done(); done();
}); });
}); }
it('should return 403 AccessDenied getting tag with a different ' + test('should return 403 AccessDenied getting tag with a different ' +
'account to an object with ACL "public-read-write"', 'account to an object with ACL "public-read-write"', done => {
done => {
s3.putObjectAcl({ Bucket: bucketName, Key: objectName, s3.putObjectAcl({ Bucket: bucketName, Key: objectName,
ACL: 'public-read-write' }, err => { ACL: 'public-read-write' }, err => {
if (err) { if (err) {
@ -133,9 +133,8 @@ describe('GET object taggings', () => {
}); });
}); });
it('should return 403 AccessDenied getting tag to an object ' + test('should return 403 AccessDenied getting tag to an object ' +
'in a bucket created with a different account', 'in a bucket created with a different account', done => {
done => {
async.waterfall([ async.waterfall([
next => s3.putBucketAcl({ Bucket: bucketName, ACL: next => s3.putBucketAcl({ Bucket: bucketName, ACL:
'public-read-write' }, err => next(err)), 'public-read-write' }, err => next(err)),
@ -149,7 +148,7 @@ describe('GET object taggings', () => {
}); });
}); });
it('should get tag to an object in a bucket created with same ' + test('should get tag to an object in a bucket created with same ' +
'account', done => { 'account', done => {
async.waterfall([ async.waterfall([
next => s3.putBucketAcl({ Bucket: bucketName, ACL: next => s3.putBucketAcl({ Bucket: bucketName, ACL:

View File

@ -14,8 +14,8 @@ const endRangeTest = (inputRange, expectedRange, cb) => {
}; };
s3.getObject(params, (err, data) => { s3.getObject(params, (err, data) => {
assert.strictEqual(data.ContentLength, '90'); expect(data.ContentLength).toBe('90');
assert.strictEqual(data.ContentRange, expectedRange); expect(data.ContentRange).toBe(expectedRange);
assert.deepStrictEqual(data.Body, Buffer.allocUnsafe(90).fill(1)); assert.deepStrictEqual(data.Body, Buffer.allocUnsafe(90).fill(1));
cb(); cb();
}); });
@ -58,15 +58,11 @@ describe('aws-node-sdk range test of large end position', () => {
}); });
}); });
it('should get the final 90 bytes of a 2890 byte object for a byte ' + test('should get the final 90 bytes of a 2890 byte object for a byte ' +
'range of 2800-', 'range of 2800-', done => endRangeTest('bytes=2800-', 'bytes 2800-2889/2890', done));
done => endRangeTest('bytes=2800-', 'bytes 2800-2889/2890', done)
it('should get the final 90 bytes of a 2890 byte object for a byte ' + test('should get the final 90 bytes of a 2890 byte object for a byte ' +
'range of 2800-Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER', 'range of 2800-Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER', done => endRangeTest(`bytes=2800-${Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER}`,
done => endRangeTest(`bytes=2800-${Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER}`, 'bytes 2800-2889/2890', done));
'bytes 2800-2889/2890', done)
}); });
}); });

View File

@ -26,25 +26,26 @@ describe('Initiate MPU', () => {
afterEach(() => bucketUtil.deleteOne(bucket)); afterEach(() => bucketUtil.deleteOne(bucket));
it('should return InvalidRedirectLocation if initiate MPU ' + test('should return InvalidRedirectLocation if initiate MPU ' +
'with x-amz-website-redirect-location header that does not start ' + 'with x-amz-website-redirect-location header that does not start ' +
'with \'http://\', \'https://\' or \'/\'', done => { 'with \'http://\', \'https://\' or \'/\'', done => {
const params = { Bucket: bucket, Key: key, const params = { Bucket: bucket, Key: key,
WebsiteRedirectLocation: '' }; WebsiteRedirectLocation: '' };
s3.createMultipartUpload(params, err => { s3.createMultipartUpload(params, err => {
assert.strictEqual(err.code, 'InvalidRedirectLocation'); expect(err.code).toBe('InvalidRedirectLocation');
assert.strictEqual(err.statusCode, 400); expect(err.statusCode).toBe(400);
done(); done();
}); });
}); });
it('should return error if initiating MPU w/ > 2KB user-defined md', test(
'should return error if initiating MPU w/ > 2KB user-defined md',
done => { done => {
const metadata = genMaxSizeMetaHeaders(); const metadata = genMaxSizeMetaHeaders();
const params = { Bucket: bucket, Key: key, Metadata: metadata }; const params = { Bucket: bucket, Key: key, Metadata: metadata };
async.waterfall([ async.waterfall([
next => s3.createMultipartUpload(params, (err, data) => { next => s3.createMultipartUpload(params, (err, data) => {
assert.strictEqual(err, null, `Unexpected err: ${err}`); expect(err).toBe(null);
next(null, data.UploadId); next(null, data.UploadId);
}), }),
(uploadId, next) => s3.abortMultipartUpload({ (uploadId, next) => s3.abortMultipartUpload({
@ -52,18 +53,19 @@ describe('Initiate MPU', () => {
Key: key, Key: key,
UploadId: uploadId, UploadId: uploadId,
}, err => { }, err => {
assert.strictEqual(err, null, `Unexpected err: ${err}`); expect(err).toBe(null);
// add one more byte to push over limit for next call // add one more byte to push over limit for next call
metadata.header0 = `${metadata.header0}${'0'}`; metadata.header0 = `${metadata.header0}${'0'}`;
next(); next();
}), }),
next => s3.createMultipartUpload(params, next), next => s3.createMultipartUpload(params, next),
], err => { ], err => {
assert(err, 'Expected err but did not find one'); expect(err).toBeTruthy();
assert.strictEqual(err.code, 'MetadataTooLarge'); expect(err.code).toBe('MetadataTooLarge');
assert.strictEqual(err.statusCode, 400); expect(err.statusCode).toBe(400);
done(); done();
}); });
}); }
}); });
}); });

View File

@ -9,8 +9,7 @@ const bodyFirstPart = Buffer.allocUnsafe(10).fill(0);
const bodySecondPart = Buffer.allocUnsafe(20).fill(0); const bodySecondPart = Buffer.allocUnsafe(20).fill(0);
function checkNoError(err) { function checkNoError(err) {
assert.equal(err, null, expect(err).toEqual(null);
`Expected success, got error ${JSON.stringify(err)}`);
} }
describe('List parts', () => { describe('List parts', () => {
@ -58,7 +57,7 @@ describe('List parts', () => {
}); });
}); });
it('should only list the second part', done => { test('should only list the second part', done => {
s3.listParts({ s3.listParts({
Bucket: bucket, Bucket: bucket,
Key: key, Key: key,
@ -66,9 +65,9 @@ describe('List parts', () => {
UploadId: uploadId }, UploadId: uploadId },
(err, data) => { (err, data) => {
checkNoError(err); checkNoError(err);
assert.strictEqual(data.Parts[0].PartNumber, 2); expect(data.Parts[0].PartNumber).toBe(2);
assert.strictEqual(data.Parts[0].Size, 20); expect(data.Parts[0].Size).toBe(20);
assert.strictEqual(`${data.Parts[0].ETag}`, secondEtag); expect(`${data.Parts[0].ETag}`).toBe(secondEtag);
done(); done();
}); });
}); });
@ -111,7 +110,7 @@ function test(s3, bucket, key, uploadId, cb) {
UploadId: uploadId }, UploadId: uploadId },
(err, data) => { (err, data) => {
checkNoError(err); checkNoError(err);
assert.strictEqual(data.Key, key); expect(data.Key).toBe(key);
cb(); cb();
}); });
} }
@ -128,13 +127,14 @@ describe('List parts - object keys with special characters: `&`', () => {
.then(res => { .then(res => {
uploadId = res; uploadId = res;
return Promise.resolve(); return Promise.resolve();
}) }));
afterEach(() => deletePart(s3, bucketUtil, key, uploadId)); afterEach(() => deletePart(s3, bucketUtil, key, uploadId));
it('should list parts of an object with `&` in its key', test(
done => test(s3, bucket, key, uploadId, done)); 'should list parts of an object with `&` in its key',
done => test(s3, bucket, key, uploadId, done)
}); });
}); });
@ -150,13 +150,14 @@ describe('List parts - object keys with special characters: `"`', () => {
.then(res => { .then(res => {
uploadId = res; uploadId = res;
return Promise.resolve(); return Promise.resolve();
}) }));
afterEach(() => deletePart(s3, bucketUtil, key, uploadId)); afterEach(() => deletePart(s3, bucketUtil, key, uploadId));
it('should list parts of an object with `"` in its key', test(
done => test(s3, bucket, key, uploadId, done)); 'should list parts of an object with `"` in its key',
done => test(s3, bucket, key, uploadId, done)
}); });
}); });
@ -172,13 +173,14 @@ describe('List parts - object keys with special characters: `\'`', () => {
.then(res => { .then(res => {
uploadId = res; uploadId = res;
return Promise.resolve(); return Promise.resolve();
}) }));
afterEach(() => deletePart(s3, bucketUtil, key, uploadId)); afterEach(() => deletePart(s3, bucketUtil, key, uploadId));
it('should list parts of an object with `\'` in its key', test(
done => test(s3, bucket, key, uploadId, done)); 'should list parts of an object with `\'` in its key',
done => test(s3, bucket, key, uploadId, done)
}); });
}); });
@ -194,13 +196,14 @@ describe('List parts - object keys with special characters: `<`', () => {
.then(res => { .then(res => {
uploadId = res; uploadId = res;
return Promise.resolve(); return Promise.resolve();
}) }));
afterEach(() => deletePart(s3, bucketUtil, key, uploadId)); afterEach(() => deletePart(s3, bucketUtil, key, uploadId));
it('should list parts of an object with `<` in its key', test(
done => test(s3, bucket, key, uploadId, done)); 'should list parts of an object with `<` in its key',
done => test(s3, bucket, key, uploadId, done)
}); });
}); });
@ -216,12 +219,13 @@ describe('List parts - object keys with special characters: `>`', () => {
.then(res => { .then(res => {
uploadId = res; uploadId = res;
return Promise.resolve(); return Promise.resolve();
}) }));
afterEach(() => deletePart(s3, bucketUtil, key, uploadId)); afterEach(() => deletePart(s3, bucketUtil, key, uploadId));
it('should list parts of an object with `>` in its key', test(
done => test(s3, bucket, key, uploadId, done)); 'should list parts of an object with `>` in its key',
done => test(s3, bucket, key, uploadId, done)
}); });
}); });

View File

@ -108,15 +108,13 @@ describe('aws-node-sdk test suite of listMultipartUploads', () =>
UploadId: data.uploadId, UploadId: data.uploadId,
}) })
.then(() => bucketUtil.empty(bucket)) .then(() => bucketUtil.empty(bucket))
.then(() => bucketUtil.deleteOne(bucket)) .then(() => bucketUtil.deleteOne(bucket)));
it('should list ongoing multipart uploads', () => test('should list ongoing multipart uploads', () =>
s3.listMultipartUploadsAsync({ Bucket: bucket }) s3.listMultipartUploadsAsync({ Bucket: bucket })
.then(res => checkValues(res, data)) .then(res => checkValues(res, data)));
it('should list ongoing multipart uploads with params', () => { test('should list ongoing multipart uploads with params', () => {
data.prefixVal = 'to'; data.prefixVal = 'to';
data.delimiter = 'test-delimiter'; data.delimiter = 'test-delimiter';
data.maxUploads = 1; data.maxUploads = 1;
@ -130,7 +128,7 @@ describe('aws-node-sdk test suite of listMultipartUploads', () =>
.then(res => checkValues(res, data)); .then(res => checkValues(res, data));
}); });
it('should list 0 multipart uploads when MaxUploads is 0', () => { test('should list 0 multipart uploads when MaxUploads is 0', () => {
data.maxUploads = 0; data.maxUploads = 0;
return s3.listMultipartUploadsAsync({ return s3.listMultipartUploadsAsync({

View File

@ -8,13 +8,12 @@ const bucket = 'bucketlistparts';
const object = 'toto'; const object = 'toto';
function checkError(err, statusCode, code) { function checkError(err, statusCode, code) {
assert.strictEqual(err.statusCode, statusCode); expect(err.statusCode).toBe(statusCode);
assert.strictEqual(err.code, code); expect(err.code).toBe(code);
} }
function checkNoError(err) { function checkNoError(err) {
assert.equal(err, null, expect(err).toEqual(null);
`Expected success, got error ${JSON.stringify(err)}`);
} }
const body = Buffer.alloc(1024 * 1024 * 5, 'a'); const body = Buffer.alloc(1024 * 1024 * 5, 'a');
@ -30,11 +29,17 @@ const testsOrder = [
]; ];
describe('More MPU tests', () => { describe('More MPU tests', () => {
let testContext;
beforeEach(() => {
testContext = {};
withV4(sigCfg => { withV4(sigCfg => {
let bucketUtil; let bucketUtil;
let s3; let s3;
beforeEach(function beforeEachF(done) { beforeEach(done => {
bucketUtil = new BucketUtility('default', sigCfg); bucketUtil = new BucketUtility('default', sigCfg);
s3 = bucketUtil.s3; s3 = bucketUtil.s3;
async.waterfall([ async.waterfall([
@ -42,7 +47,7 @@ describe('More MPU tests', () => {
next => s3.createMultipartUpload({ Bucket: bucket, next => s3.createMultipartUpload({ Bucket: bucket,
Key: object }, (err, data) => { Key: object }, (err, data) => {
checkNoError(err); checkNoError(err);
this.currentTest.UploadId = data.UploadId; testContext.currentTest.UploadId = data.UploadId;
return next(); return next();
}), }),
next => s3.uploadPart({ next => s3.uploadPart({
@ -50,9 +55,9 @@ describe('More MPU tests', () => {
Key: object, Key: object,
PartNumber: 1000, PartNumber: 1000,
Body: body, Body: body,
UploadId: this.currentTest.UploadId }, (err, data) => { UploadId: testContext.currentTest.UploadId }, (err, data) => {
checkNoError(err); checkNoError(err);
this.currentTest.Etag = data.ETag; testContext.currentTest.Etag = data.ETag;
return next(); return next();
}), }),
next => s3.uploadPart({ next => s3.uploadPart({
@ -60,13 +65,13 @@ describe('More MPU tests', () => {
Key: object, Key: object,
PartNumber: 3, PartNumber: 3,
Body: body, Body: body,
UploadId: this.currentTest.UploadId }, err => next(err)), UploadId: testContext.currentTest.UploadId }, err => next(err)),
next => s3.uploadPart({ next => s3.uploadPart({
Bucket: bucket, Bucket: bucket,
Key: object, Key: object,
PartNumber: 8, PartNumber: 8,
Body: body, Body: body,
UploadId: this.currentTest.UploadId }, err => next(err)), UploadId: testContext.currentTest.UploadId }, err => next(err)),
], done); ], done);
}); });
@ -78,8 +83,8 @@ describe('More MPU tests', () => {
], done); ], done);
}); });
testsOrder.forEach(testOrder => { testsOrder.forEach(testOrder => {
it('should complete MPU by concatenating the parts in ' + test('should complete MPU by concatenating the parts in ' +
`the following order: ${testOrder.values}`, function itF(done) { `the following order: ${testOrder.values}`, done => {
async.waterfall([ async.waterfall([
next => s3.completeMultipartUpload({ next => s3.completeMultipartUpload({
Bucket: bucket, Bucket: bucket,
@ -87,27 +92,27 @@ describe('More MPU tests', () => {
MultipartUpload: { MultipartUpload: {
Parts: [ Parts: [
{ {
ETag: this.test.Etag, ETag: testContext.test.Etag,
PartNumber: testOrder.values[0], PartNumber: testOrder.values[0],
}, },
{ {
ETag: this.test.Etag, ETag: testContext.test.Etag,
PartNumber: testOrder.values[1], PartNumber: testOrder.values[1],
}, },
{ {
ETag: this.test.Etag, ETag: testContext.test.Etag,
PartNumber: testOrder.values[2], PartNumber: testOrder.values[2],
}, },
], ],
}, },
UploadId: this.test.UploadId }, next), UploadId: testContext.test.UploadId }, next),
], err => { ], err => {
if (testOrder.err) { if (testOrder.err) {
checkError(err, 400, 'InvalidPartOrder'); checkError(err, 400, 'InvalidPartOrder');
return s3.abortMultipartUpload({ return s3.abortMultipartUpload({
Bucket: bucket, Bucket: bucket,
Key: object, Key: object,
UploadId: this.test.UploadId, UploadId: testContext.test.UploadId,
}, done); }, done);
} }
checkNoError(err); checkNoError(err);

View File

@ -11,13 +11,12 @@ const bucketName = 'multi-object-delete-234-634';
const key = 'key'; const key = 'key';
function checkNoError(err) { function checkNoError(err) {
assert.equal(err, null, expect(err).toEqual(null);
`Expected success, got error ${JSON.stringify(err)}`);
} }
function checkError(err, code) { function checkError(err, code) {
assert.notEqual(err, null, 'Expected failure but got success'); expect(err).not.toEqual(null);
assert.strictEqual(err.code, code); expect(err.code).toBe(code);
} }
function sortList(list) { function sortList(list) {
@ -42,7 +41,7 @@ function createObjectsList(size) {
return objects; return objects;
} }
describe('Multi-Object Delete Success', function success() { describe('Multi-Object Delete Success', () => {
this.timeout(360000); this.timeout(360000);
let bucketUtil; let bucketUtil;
let s3; let s3;
@ -85,7 +84,7 @@ describe('Multi-Object Delete Success', function success() {
afterEach(() => s3.deleteBucketAsync({ Bucket: bucketName })); afterEach(() => s3.deleteBucketAsync({ Bucket: bucketName }));
it('should batch delete 1000 objects', () => { test('should batch delete 1000 objects', () => {
const objects = createObjectsList(1000); const objects = createObjectsList(1000);
return s3.deleteObjectsAsync({ return s3.deleteObjectsAsync({
Bucket: bucketName, Bucket: bucketName,
@ -94,16 +93,16 @@ describe('Multi-Object Delete Success', function success() {
Quiet: false, Quiet: false,
}, },
}).then(res => { }).then(res => {
assert.strictEqual(res.Deleted.length, 1000); expect(res.Deleted.length).toBe(1000);
// order of returned objects not sorted // order of returned objects not sorted
assert.deepStrictEqual(sortList(res.Deleted), sortList(objects)); assert.deepStrictEqual(sortList(res.Deleted), sortList(objects));
assert.strictEqual(res.Errors.length, 0); expect(res.Errors.length).toBe(0);
}).catch(err => { }).catch(err => {
checkNoError(err); checkNoError(err);
}); });
}); });
it('should batch delete 1000 objects quietly', () => { test('should batch delete 1000 objects quietly', () => {
const objects = createObjectsList(1000); const objects = createObjectsList(1000);
return s3.deleteObjectsAsync({ return s3.deleteObjectsAsync({
Bucket: bucketName, Bucket: bucketName,
@ -112,8 +111,8 @@ describe('Multi-Object Delete Success', function success() {
Quiet: true, Quiet: true,
}, },
}).then(res => { }).then(res => {
assert.strictEqual(res.Deleted.length, 0); expect(res.Deleted.length).toBe(0);
assert.strictEqual(res.Errors.length, 0); expect(res.Errors.length).toBe(0);
}).catch(err => { }).catch(err => {
checkNoError(err); checkNoError(err);
}); });
@ -137,7 +136,8 @@ describe('Multi-Object Delete Error Responses', () => {
afterEach(() => s3.deleteBucketAsync({ Bucket: bucketName })); afterEach(() => s3.deleteBucketAsync({ Bucket: bucketName }));
it('should return error if request deletion of more than 1000 objects', test(
'should return error if request deletion of more than 1000 objects',
() => { () => {
const objects = createObjectsList(1001); const objects = createObjectsList(1001);
return s3.deleteObjectsAsync({ return s3.deleteObjectsAsync({
@ -148,10 +148,10 @@ describe('Multi-Object Delete Error Responses', () => {
}).catch(err => { }).catch(err => {
checkError(err, 'MalformedXML'); checkError(err, 'MalformedXML');
}); });
}); }
it('should return error if request deletion of 0 objects', test('should return error if request deletion of 0 objects', () => {
() => {
const objects = createObjectsList(0); const objects = createObjectsList(0);
return s3.deleteObjectsAsync({ return s3.deleteObjectsAsync({
Bucket: bucketName, Bucket: bucketName,
@ -163,8 +163,7 @@ describe('Multi-Object Delete Error Responses', () => {
}); });
}); });
it('should return no error if try to delete non-existent objects', test('should return no error if try to delete non-existent objects', () => {
() => {
const objects = createObjectsList(1000); const objects = createObjectsList(1000);
return s3.deleteObjectsAsync({ return s3.deleteObjectsAsync({
Bucket: bucketName, Bucket: bucketName,
@ -172,14 +171,14 @@ describe('Multi-Object Delete Error Responses', () => {
Objects: objects, Objects: objects,
}, },
}).then(res => { }).then(res => {
assert.strictEqual(res.Deleted.length, 1000); expect(res.Deleted.length).toBe(1000);
assert.strictEqual(res.Errors.length, 0); expect(res.Errors.length).toBe(0);
}).catch(err => { }).catch(err => {
checkNoError(err); checkNoError(err);
}); });
}); });
it('should return error if no such bucket', () => { test('should return error if no such bucket', () => {
const objects = createObjectsList(1); const objects = createObjectsList(1);
return s3.deleteObjectsAsync({ return s3.deleteObjectsAsync({
Bucket: 'nosuchbucket2323292093', Bucket: 'nosuchbucket2323292093',
@ -193,12 +192,12 @@ describe('Multi-Object Delete Error Responses', () => {
}); });
}); });
describe('Multi-Object Delete Access', function access() { describe('Multi-Object Delete Access', () => {
this.timeout(360000); this.timeout(360000);
let bucketUtil; let bucketUtil;
let s3; let s3;
before(() => { beforeAll(() => {
const createObjects = []; const createObjects = [];
bucketUtil = new BucketUtility('default', { bucketUtil = new BucketUtility('default', {
signatureVersion: 'v4', signatureVersion: 'v4',
@ -225,9 +224,9 @@ describe('Multi-Object Delete Access', function access() {
}); });
}); });
after(() => s3.deleteBucketAsync({ Bucket: bucketName })); afterAll(() => s3.deleteBucketAsync({ Bucket: bucketName }));
it('should return access denied error for each object where no acl ' + test('should return access denied error for each object where no acl ' +
'permission', () => { 'permission', () => {
const objects = createObjectsList(500); const objects = createObjectsList(500);
const errorList = createObjectsList(500); const errorList = createObjectsList(500);
@ -243,16 +242,16 @@ describe('Multi-Object Delete Access', function access() {
Quiet: false, Quiet: false,
}, },
}).then(res => { }).then(res => {
assert.strictEqual(res.Deleted.length, 0); expect(res.Deleted.length).toBe(0);
assert.deepStrictEqual(sortList(res.Errors), sortList(errorList)); assert.deepStrictEqual(sortList(res.Errors), sortList(errorList));
assert.strictEqual(res.Errors.length, 500); expect(res.Errors.length).toBe(500);
}).catch(err => { }).catch(err => {
checkNoError(err); checkNoError(err);
}); });
}); });
it('should batch delete objects where requester has permission', () => { test('should batch delete objects where requester has permission', () => {
const objects = createObjectsList(500); const objects = createObjectsList(500);
return s3.deleteObjectsAsync({ return s3.deleteObjectsAsync({
Bucket: bucketName, Bucket: bucketName,
@ -261,8 +260,8 @@ describe('Multi-Object Delete Access', function access() {
Quiet: false, Quiet: false,
}, },
}).then(res => { }).then(res => {
assert.strictEqual(res.Deleted.length, 500); expect(res.Deleted.length).toBe(500);
assert.strictEqual(res.Errors.length, 0); expect(res.Errors.length).toBe(0);
}).catch(err => { }).catch(err => {
checkNoError(err); checkNoError(err);
}); });

View File

@ -44,13 +44,12 @@ const otherAccountBucketUtility = new BucketUtility('lisa', {});
const otherAccountS3 = otherAccountBucketUtility.s3; const otherAccountS3 = otherAccountBucketUtility.s3;
function checkNoError(err) { function checkNoError(err) {
assert.equal(err, null, expect(err).toEqual(null);
`Expected success, got error ${JSON.stringify(err)}`);
} }
function checkError(err, code) { function checkError(err, code) {
assert.notEqual(err, null, 'Expected failure but got success'); expect(err).not.toEqual(null);
assert.strictEqual(err.code, code); expect(err.code).toBe(code);
} }
function dateFromNow(diff) { function dateFromNow(diff) {
@ -72,7 +71,7 @@ describe('Object Copy', () => {
let etagTrim; let etagTrim;
let lastModified; let lastModified;
before(() => { beforeAll(() => {
bucketUtil = new BucketUtility('default', sigCfg); bucketUtil = new BucketUtility('default', sigCfg);
s3 = bucketUtil.s3; s3 = bucketUtil.s3;
return bucketUtil.empty(sourceBucketName) return bucketUtil.empty(sourceBucketName)
@ -119,10 +118,9 @@ describe('Object Copy', () => {
})); }));
afterEach(() => bucketUtil.empty(sourceBucketName) afterEach(() => bucketUtil.empty(sourceBucketName)
.then(() => bucketUtil.empty(destBucketName)) .then(() => bucketUtil.empty(destBucketName)));
after(() => bucketUtil.deleteMany([sourceBucketName, destBucketName])); afterAll(() => bucketUtil.deleteMany([sourceBucketName, destBucketName]));
function requestCopy(fields, cb) { function requestCopy(fields, cb) {
s3.copyObject(Object.assign({ s3.copyObject(Object.assign({
@ -135,18 +133,16 @@ describe('Object Copy', () => {
function successCopyCheck(error, response, copyVersionMetadata, function successCopyCheck(error, response, copyVersionMetadata,
destBucketName, destObjName, done) { destBucketName, destObjName, done) {
checkNoError(error); checkNoError(error);
assert.strictEqual(response.ETag, etag); expect(response.ETag).toBe(etag);
const copyLastModified = new Date(response.LastModified) const copyLastModified = new Date(response.LastModified)
.toUTCString(); .toUTCString();
s3.getObject({ Bucket: destBucketName, s3.getObject({ Bucket: destBucketName,
Key: destObjName }, (err, res) => { Key: destObjName }, (err, res) => {
checkNoError(err); checkNoError(err);
assert.strictEqual(res.Body.toString(), expect(res.Body.toString()).toBe(content);
assert.deepStrictEqual(res.Metadata, assert.deepStrictEqual(res.Metadata,
copyVersionMetadata); copyVersionMetadata);
assert.strictEqual(res.LastModified, expect(res.LastModified).toBe(copyLastModified);
done(); done();
}); });
} }
@ -155,8 +151,8 @@ describe('Object Copy', () => {
s3.getObjectTagging({ Bucket: destBucketName, Key: destObjName }, s3.getObjectTagging({ Bucket: destBucketName, Key: destObjName },
(err, data) => { (err, data) => {
checkNoError(err); checkNoError(err);
assert.strictEqual(data.TagSet[0].Key, key); expect(data.TagSet[0].Key).toBe(key);
assert.strictEqual(data.TagSet[0].Value, value); expect(data.TagSet[0].Value).toBe(value);
cb(); cb();
}); });
} }
@ -165,12 +161,12 @@ describe('Object Copy', () => {
s3.getObjectTagging({ Bucket: destBucketName, Key: destObjName }, s3.getObjectTagging({ Bucket: destBucketName, Key: destObjName },
(err, data) => { (err, data) => {
checkNoError(err); checkNoError(err);
assert.strictEqual(data.TagSet.length, 0); expect(data.TagSet.length).toBe(0);
cb(); cb();
}); });
} }
it('should copy an object from a source bucket to a different ' + test('should copy an object from a source bucket to a different ' +
'destination bucket and copy the metadata if no metadata directve' + 'destination bucket and copy the metadata if no metadata directve' +
'header provided', done => { 'header provided', done => {
s3.copyObject({ Bucket: destBucketName, Key: destObjName, s3.copyObject({ Bucket: destBucketName, Key: destObjName,
@ -181,7 +177,7 @@ describe('Object Copy', () => {
); );
}); });
it('should copy an object from a source bucket to a different ' + test('should copy an object from a source bucket to a different ' +
'destination bucket and copy the tag set if no tagging directive' + 'destination bucket and copy the tag set if no tagging directive' +
'header provided', done => { 'header provided', done => {
s3.copyObject({ Bucket: destBucketName, Key: destObjName, s3.copyObject({ Bucket: destBucketName, Key: destObjName,
@ -192,7 +188,7 @@ describe('Object Copy', () => {
}); });
}); });
it('should return 400 InvalidArgument if invalid tagging ' + test('should return 400 InvalidArgument if invalid tagging ' +
'directive', done => { 'directive', done => {
s3.copyObject({ Bucket: destBucketName, Key: destObjName, s3.copyObject({ Bucket: destBucketName, Key: destObjName,
CopySource: `${sourceBucketName}/${sourceObjName}`, CopySource: `${sourceBucketName}/${sourceObjName}`,
@ -203,7 +199,7 @@ describe('Object Copy', () => {
}); });
}); });
it('should copy an object from a source bucket to a different ' + test('should copy an object from a source bucket to a different ' +
'destination bucket and copy the tag set if COPY tagging ' + 'destination bucket and copy the tag set if COPY tagging ' +
'directive header provided', done => { 'directive header provided', done => {
s3.copyObject({ Bucket: destBucketName, Key: destObjName, s3.copyObject({ Bucket: destBucketName, Key: destObjName,
@ -215,7 +211,7 @@ describe('Object Copy', () => {
}); });
}); });
it('should copy an object and tag set if COPY ' + test('should copy an object and tag set if COPY ' +
'included as tag directive header (and ignore any new ' + 'included as tag directive header (and ignore any new ' +
'tag set sent with copy request)', done => { 'tag set sent with copy request)', done => {
s3.copyObject({ Bucket: destBucketName, Key: destObjName, s3.copyObject({ Bucket: destBucketName, Key: destObjName,
@ -233,9 +229,8 @@ describe('Object Copy', () => {
}); });
}); });
it('should copy an object from a source to the same destination ' + test('should copy an object from a source to the same destination ' +
'updating tag if REPLACE tagging directive header provided', 'updating tag if REPLACE tagging directive header provided', done => {
done => {
s3.copyObject({ Bucket: destBucketName, Key: destObjName, s3.copyObject({ Bucket: destBucketName, Key: destObjName,
CopySource: `${sourceBucketName}/${sourceObjName}`, CopySource: `${sourceBucketName}/${sourceObjName}`,
TaggingDirective: 'REPLACE', Tagging: newTagging }, TaggingDirective: 'REPLACE', Tagging: newTagging },
@ -245,7 +240,7 @@ describe('Object Copy', () => {
}); });
}); });
it('should copy an object from a source to the same destination ' + test('should copy an object from a source to the same destination ' +
'return no tag if REPLACE tagging directive header provided but ' + 'return no tag if REPLACE tagging directive header provided but ' +
'"x-amz-tagging" header is not specified', done => { '"x-amz-tagging" header is not specified', done => {
s3.copyObject({ Bucket: destBucketName, Key: destObjName, s3.copyObject({ Bucket: destBucketName, Key: destObjName,
@ -257,7 +252,7 @@ describe('Object Copy', () => {
}); });
}); });
it('should copy an object from a source to the same destination ' + test('should copy an object from a source to the same destination ' +
'return no tag if COPY tagging directive header but provided from ' + 'return no tag if COPY tagging directive header but provided from ' +
'an empty object', done => { 'an empty object', done => {
s3.putObject({ Bucket: sourceBucketName, Key: 'emptyobject' }, s3.putObject({ Bucket: sourceBucketName, Key: 'emptyobject' },
@ -273,9 +268,8 @@ describe('Object Copy', () => {
}); });
}); });
it('should copy an object from a source to the same destination ' + test('should copy an object from a source to the same destination ' +
'updating tag if REPLACE tagging directive header provided', 'updating tag if REPLACE tagging directive header provided', done => {
done => {
s3.copyObject({ Bucket: destBucketName, Key: destObjName, s3.copyObject({ Bucket: destBucketName, Key: destObjName,
CopySource: `${sourceBucketName}/${sourceObjName}`, CopySource: `${sourceBucketName}/${sourceObjName}`,
TaggingDirective: 'REPLACE', Tagging: newTagging }, TaggingDirective: 'REPLACE', Tagging: newTagging },
@ -287,7 +281,7 @@ describe('Object Copy', () => {
describe('Copy object updating tag set', () => { describe('Copy object updating tag set', () => {
taggingTests.forEach(taggingTest => { taggingTests.forEach(taggingTest => {
it(, done => { test(, done => {
const key = encodeURIComponent(taggingTest.tag.key); const key = encodeURIComponent(taggingTest.tag.key);
const value = encodeURIComponent(taggingTest.tag.value); const value = encodeURIComponent(taggingTest.tag.value);
const tagging = `${key}=${value}`; const tagging = `${key}=${value}`;
@ -299,8 +293,7 @@ describe('Object Copy', () => {
checkError(err, taggingTest.error); checkError(err, taggingTest.error);
return done(); return done();
} }
assert.equal(err, null, 'Expected success, ' + expect(err).toEqual(null);
`got error ${JSON.stringify(err)}`);
return checkSuccessTagging(taggingTest.tag.key, return checkSuccessTagging(taggingTest.tag.key,
taggingTest.tag.value, done); taggingTest.tag.value, done);
}); });
@ -308,10 +301,9 @@ describe('Object Copy', () => {
}); });
}); });
it('should also copy additional headers (CacheControl, ' + test('should also copy additional headers (CacheControl, ' +
'ContentDisposition, ContentEncoding, Expires) when copying an ' + 'ContentDisposition, ContentEncoding, Expires) when copying an ' +
'object from a source bucket to a different destination bucket', 'object from a source bucket to a different destination bucket', done => {
done => {
s3.copyObject({ Bucket: destBucketName, Key: destObjName, s3.copyObject({ Bucket: destBucketName, Key: destObjName,
CopySource: `${sourceBucketName}/${sourceObjName}` }, CopySource: `${sourceBucketName}/${sourceObjName}` },
err => { err => {
@ -321,25 +313,19 @@ describe('Object Copy', () => {
if (err) { if (err) {
done(err); done(err);
} }
assert.strictEqual(res.CacheControl, expect(res.CacheControl).toBe(originalCacheControl);
originalCacheControl); expect(res.ContentDisposition).toBe(originalContentDisposition);
// Should remove V4 streaming value 'aws-chunked' // Should remove V4 streaming value 'aws-chunked'
// to be compatible with AWS behavior // to be compatible with AWS behavior
assert.strictEqual(res.ContentEncoding, expect(res.ContentEncoding).toBe('base64,');
'base64,' expect(res.Expires).toBe(originalExpires.toGMTString());
done(); done();
}); });
}); });
}); });
it('should copy an object from a source bucket to a different ' + test('should copy an object from a source bucket to a different ' +
'key in the same bucket', 'key in the same bucket', done => {
done => {
s3.copyObject({ Bucket: sourceBucketName, Key: destObjName, s3.copyObject({ Bucket: sourceBucketName, Key: destObjName,
CopySource: `${sourceBucketName}/${sourceObjName}` }, CopySource: `${sourceBucketName}/${sourceObjName}` },
(err, res) => (err, res) =>
@ -348,9 +334,8 @@ describe('Object Copy', () => {
); );
}); });
it('should not return error if copying object w/ > ' + test('should not return error if copying object w/ > ' +
'2KB user-defined md and COPY directive', '2KB user-defined md and COPY directive', done => {
done => {
const metadata = genMaxSizeMetaHeaders(); const metadata = genMaxSizeMetaHeaders();
const params = { const params = {
Bucket: destBucketName, Bucket: destBucketName,
@ -360,19 +345,18 @@ describe('Object Copy', () => {
Metadata: metadata, Metadata: metadata,
}; };
s3.copyObject(params, err => { s3.copyObject(params, err => {
assert.strictEqual(err, null, `Unexpected err: ${err}`); expect(err).toBe(null);
// add one more byte to be over the limit // add one more byte to be over the limit
metadata.header0 = `${metadata.header0}${'0'}`; metadata.header0 = `${metadata.header0}${'0'}`;
s3.copyObject(params, err => { s3.copyObject(params, err => {
assert.strictEqual(err, null, `Unexpected err: ${err}`); expect(err).toBe(null);
done(); done();
}); });
}); });
}); });
it('should return error if copying object w/ > 2KB ' + test('should return error if copying object w/ > 2KB ' +
'user-defined md and REPLACE directive', 'user-defined md and REPLACE directive', done => {
done => {
const metadata = genMaxSizeMetaHeaders(); const metadata = genMaxSizeMetaHeaders();
const params = { const params = {
Bucket: destBucketName, Bucket: destBucketName,
@ -382,19 +366,19 @@ describe('Object Copy', () => {
Metadata: metadata, Metadata: metadata,
}; };
s3.copyObject(params, err => { s3.copyObject(params, err => {
assert.strictEqual(err, null, `Unexpected err: ${err}`); expect(err).toBe(null);
// add one more byte to be over the limit // add one more byte to be over the limit
metadata.header0 = `${metadata.header0}${'0'}`; metadata.header0 = `${metadata.header0}${'0'}`;
s3.copyObject(params, err => { s3.copyObject(params, err => {
assert(err, 'Expected err but did not find one'); expect(err).toBeTruthy();
assert.strictEqual(err.code, 'MetadataTooLarge'); expect(err.code).toBe('MetadataTooLarge');
assert.strictEqual(err.statusCode, 400); expect(err.statusCode).toBe(400);
done(); done();
}); });
}); });
}); });
it('should copy an object from a source to the same destination ' + test('should copy an object from a source to the same destination ' +
'(update metadata)', done => { '(update metadata)', done => {
s3.copyObject({ Bucket: sourceBucketName, Key: sourceObjName, s3.copyObject({ Bucket: sourceBucketName, Key: sourceObjName,
CopySource: `${sourceBucketName}/${sourceObjName}`, CopySource: `${sourceBucketName}/${sourceObjName}`,
@ -406,7 +390,7 @@ describe('Object Copy', () => {
); );
}); });
it('should copy an object and replace the metadata if replace ' + test('should copy an object and replace the metadata if replace ' +
'included as metadata directive header', done => { 'included as metadata directive header', done => {
s3.copyObject({ Bucket: destBucketName, Key: destObjName, s3.copyObject({ Bucket: destBucketName, Key: destObjName,
CopySource: `${sourceBucketName}/${sourceObjName}`, CopySource: `${sourceBucketName}/${sourceObjName}`,
@ -419,7 +403,7 @@ describe('Object Copy', () => {
); );
}); });
it('should copy an object and replace ContentType if replace ' + test('should copy an object and replace ContentType if replace ' +
'included as a metadata directive header, and new ContentType is ' + 'included as a metadata directive header, and new ContentType is ' +
'provided', done => { 'provided', done => {
s3.copyObject({ Bucket: destBucketName, Key: destObjName, s3.copyObject({ Bucket: destBucketName, Key: destObjName,
@ -432,13 +416,13 @@ describe('Object Copy', () => {
if (err) { if (err) {
return done(err); return done(err);
} }
assert.strictEqual(res.ContentType, 'image'); expect(res.ContentType).toBe('image');
return done(); return done();
}); });
}); });
}); });
it('should copy an object and keep ContentType if replace ' + test('should copy an object and keep ContentType if replace ' +
'included as a metadata directive header, but no new ContentType ' + 'included as a metadata directive header, but no new ContentType ' +
'is provided', done => { 'is provided', done => {
s3.copyObject({ Bucket: destBucketName, Key: destObjName, s3.copyObject({ Bucket: destBucketName, Key: destObjName,
@ -450,14 +434,13 @@ describe('Object Copy', () => {
if (err) { if (err) {
return done(err); return done(err);
} }
assert.strictEqual(res.ContentType, expect(res.ContentType).toBe('application/octet-stream');
return done(); return done();
}); });
}); });
}); });
it('should also replace additional headers if replace ' + test('should also replace additional headers if replace ' +
'included as metadata directive header and new headers are ' + 'included as metadata directive header and new headers are ' +
'specified', done => { 'specified', done => {
s3.copyObject({ Bucket: destBucketName, Key: destObjName, s3.copyObject({ Bucket: destBucketName, Key: destObjName,
@ -474,19 +457,18 @@ describe('Object Copy', () => {
if (err) { if (err) {
done(err); done(err);
} }
assert.strictEqual(res.CacheControl, newCacheControl); expect(res.CacheControl).toBe(newCacheControl);
assert.strictEqual(res.ContentDisposition, expect(res.ContentDisposition).toBe(newContentDisposition);
// Should remove V4 streaming value 'aws-chunked' // Should remove V4 streaming value 'aws-chunked'
// to be compatible with AWS behavior // to be compatible with AWS behavior
assert.strictEqual(res.ContentEncoding, 'gzip,'); expect(res.ContentEncoding).toBe('gzip,');
assert.strictEqual(res.Expires, newExpires.toGMTString()); expect(res.Expires).toBe(newExpires.toGMTString());
done(); done();
}); });
}); });
}); });
it('should copy an object and the metadata if copy ' + test('should copy an object and the metadata if copy ' +
'included as metadata directive header (and ignore any new ' + 'included as metadata directive header (and ignore any new ' +
'metadata sent with copy request)', done => { 'metadata sent with copy request)', done => {
s3.copyObject({ Bucket: destBucketName, Key: destObjName, s3.copyObject({ Bucket: destBucketName, Key: destObjName,
@ -504,7 +486,7 @@ describe('Object Copy', () => {
}); });
}); });
it('should copy an object and its additional headers if copy ' + test('should copy an object and its additional headers if copy ' +
'included as metadata directive header (and ignore any new ' + 'included as metadata directive header (and ignore any new ' +
'headers sent with copy request)', done => { 'headers sent with copy request)', done => {
s3.copyObject({ Bucket: destBucketName, Key: destObjName, s3.copyObject({ Bucket: destBucketName, Key: destObjName,
@ -522,20 +504,16 @@ describe('Object Copy', () => {
if (err) { if (err) {
done(err); done(err);
} }
assert.strictEqual(res.CacheControl, expect(res.CacheControl).toBe(originalCacheControl);
originalCacheControl); expect(res.ContentDisposition).toBe(originalContentDisposition);
assert.strictEqual(res.ContentDisposition, expect(res.ContentEncoding).toBe('base64,');
originalContentDisposition); expect(res.Expires).toBe(originalExpires.toGMTString());
done(); done();
}); });
}); });
}); });
it('should copy a 0 byte object to different destination', done => { test('should copy a 0 byte object to different destination', done => {
const emptyFileETag = '"d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e"'; const emptyFileETag = '"d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e"';
s3.putObject({ Bucket: sourceBucketName, Key: sourceObjName, s3.putObject({ Bucket: sourceBucketName, Key: sourceObjName,
Body: '', Metadata: originalMetadata }, () => { Body: '', Metadata: originalMetadata }, () => {
@ -544,20 +522,20 @@ describe('Object Copy', () => {
}, },
(err, res) => { (err, res) => {
checkNoError(err); checkNoError(err);
assert.strictEqual(res.ETag, emptyFileETag); expect(res.ETag).toBe(emptyFileETag);
s3.getObject({ Bucket: destBucketName, s3.getObject({ Bucket: destBucketName,
Key: destObjName }, (err, res) => { Key: destObjName }, (err, res) => {
checkNoError(err); checkNoError(err);
assert.deepStrictEqual(res.Metadata, assert.deepStrictEqual(res.Metadata,
originalMetadata); originalMetadata);
assert.strictEqual(res.ETag, emptyFileETag); expect(res.ETag).toBe(emptyFileETag);
done(); done();
}); });
}); });
}); });
}); });
it('should copy a 0 byte object to same destination', done => { test('should copy a 0 byte object to same destination', done => {
const emptyFileETag = '"d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e"'; const emptyFileETag = '"d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e"';
s3.putObject({ Bucket: sourceBucketName, Key: sourceObjName, s3.putObject({ Bucket: sourceBucketName, Key: sourceObjName,
Body: '' }, () => { Body: '' }, () => {
@ -567,21 +545,21 @@ describe('Object Copy', () => {
}, },
(err, res) => { (err, res) => {
checkNoError(err); checkNoError(err);
assert.strictEqual(res.ETag, emptyFileETag); expect(res.ETag).toBe(emptyFileETag);
s3.getObject({ Bucket: sourceBucketName, s3.getObject({ Bucket: sourceBucketName,
Key: sourceObjName }, (err, res) => { Key: sourceObjName }, (err, res) => {
assert.deepStrictEqual(res.Metadata, assert.deepStrictEqual(res.Metadata,
{}); {});
assert.deepStrictEqual(res.StorageClass, assert.deepStrictEqual(res.StorageClass,
assert.strictEqual(res.ETag, emptyFileETag); expect(res.ETag).toBe(emptyFileETag);
done(); done();
}); });
}); });
}); });
}); });
it('should copy an object to a different destination and change ' + test('should copy an object to a different destination and change ' +
'the storage class if storage class header provided', done => { 'the storage class if storage class header provided', done => {
s3.copyObject({ Bucket: destBucketName, Key: destObjName, s3.copyObject({ Bucket: destBucketName, Key: destObjName,
CopySource: `${sourceBucketName}/${sourceObjName}`, CopySource: `${sourceBucketName}/${sourceObjName}`,
@ -591,14 +569,13 @@ describe('Object Copy', () => {
checkNoError(err); checkNoError(err);
s3.getObject({ Bucket: destBucketName, s3.getObject({ Bucket: destBucketName,
Key: destObjName }, (err, res) => { Key: destObjName }, (err, res) => {
assert.strictEqual(res.StorageClass, expect(res.StorageClass).toBe('REDUCED_REDUNDANCY');
done(); done();
}); });
}); });
}); });
it('should copy an object to the same destination and change the ' + test('should copy an object to the same destination and change the ' +
'storage class if the storage class header provided', done => { 'storage class if the storage class header provided', done => {
s3.copyObject({ Bucket: sourceBucketName, Key: sourceObjName, s3.copyObject({ Bucket: sourceBucketName, Key: sourceObjName,
CopySource: `${sourceBucketName}/${sourceObjName}`, CopySource: `${sourceBucketName}/${sourceObjName}`,
@ -609,14 +586,13 @@ describe('Object Copy', () => {
s3.getObject({ Bucket: sourceBucketName, s3.getObject({ Bucket: sourceBucketName,
Key: sourceObjName }, (err, res) => { Key: sourceObjName }, (err, res) => {
checkNoError(err); checkNoError(err);
assert.strictEqual(res.StorageClass, expect(res.StorageClass).toBe('REDUCED_REDUNDANCY');
done(); done();
}); });
}); });
}); });
it('should copy an object to a new bucket and overwrite an already ' + test('should copy an object to a new bucket and overwrite an already ' +
'existing object in the destination bucket', done => { 'existing object in the destination bucket', done => {
s3.putObject({ Bucket: destBucketName, Key: destObjName, s3.putObject({ Bucket: destBucketName, Key: destObjName,
Body: 'overwrite me', Metadata: originalMetadata }, () => { Body: 'overwrite me', Metadata: originalMetadata }, () => {
@ -627,13 +603,13 @@ describe('Object Copy', () => {
}, },
(err, res) => { (err, res) => {
checkNoError(err); checkNoError(err);
assert.strictEqual(res.ETag, etag); expect(res.ETag).toBe(etag);
s3.getObject({ Bucket: destBucketName, s3.getObject({ Bucket: destBucketName,
Key: destObjName }, (err, res) => { Key: destObjName }, (err, res) => {
assert.deepStrictEqual(res.Metadata, assert.deepStrictEqual(res.Metadata,
newMetadata); newMetadata);
assert.strictEqual(res.ETag, etag); expect(res.ETag).toBe(etag);
assert.strictEqual(res.Body.toString(), content); expect(res.Body.toString()).toBe(content);
done(); done();
}); });
}); });
@ -641,7 +617,7 @@ describe('Object Copy', () => {
}); });
// skipping test as object level encryption is not implemented yet // skipping test as object level encryption is not implemented yet
it.skip('should copy an object and change the server side encryption' + test.skip('should copy an object and change the server side encryption' +
'option if server side encryption header provided', done => { 'option if server side encryption header provided', done => {
s3.copyObject({ Bucket: destBucketName, Key: destObjName, s3.copyObject({ Bucket: destBucketName, Key: destObjName,
CopySource: `${sourceBucketName}/${sourceObjName}`, CopySource: `${sourceBucketName}/${sourceObjName}`,
@ -651,36 +627,35 @@ describe('Object Copy', () => {
checkNoError(err); checkNoError(err);
s3.getObject({ Bucket: destBucketName, s3.getObject({ Bucket: destBucketName,
Key: destObjName }, (err, res) => { Key: destObjName }, (err, res) => {
assert.strictEqual(res.ServerSideEncryption, expect(res.ServerSideEncryption).toBe('AES256');
done(); done();
}); });
}); });
}); });
it('should return Not Implemented error for obj. encryption using ' + test('should return Not Implemented error for obj. encryption using ' +
'AWS-managed encryption keys', done => { 'AWS-managed encryption keys', done => {
const params = { Bucket: destBucketName, Key: 'key', const params = { Bucket: destBucketName, Key: 'key',
CopySource: `${sourceBucketName}/${sourceObjName}`, CopySource: `${sourceBucketName}/${sourceObjName}`,
ServerSideEncryption: 'AES256' }; ServerSideEncryption: 'AES256' };
s3.copyObject(params, err => { s3.copyObject(params, err => {
assert.strictEqual(err.code, 'NotImplemented'); expect(err.code).toBe('NotImplemented');
done(); done();
}); });
}); });
it('should return Not Implemented error for obj. encryption using ' + test('should return Not Implemented error for obj. encryption using ' +
'customer-provided encryption keys', done => { 'customer-provided encryption keys', done => {
const params = { Bucket: destBucketName, Key: 'key', const params = { Bucket: destBucketName, Key: 'key',
CopySource: `${sourceBucketName}/${sourceObjName}`, CopySource: `${sourceBucketName}/${sourceObjName}`,
SSECustomerAlgorithm: 'AES256' }; SSECustomerAlgorithm: 'AES256' };
s3.copyObject(params, err => { s3.copyObject(params, err => {
assert.strictEqual(err.code, 'NotImplemented'); expect(err.code).toBe('NotImplemented');
done(); done();
}); });
}); });
it('should copy an object and set the acl on the new object', done => { test('should copy an object and set the acl on the new object', done => {
s3.copyObject({ Bucket: destBucketName, Key: destObjName, s3.copyObject({ Bucket: destBucketName, Key: destObjName,
CopySource: `${sourceBucketName}/${sourceObjName}`, CopySource: `${sourceBucketName}/${sourceObjName}`,
ACL: 'authenticated-read', ACL: 'authenticated-read',
@ -693,20 +668,17 @@ describe('Object Copy', () => {
// grants: // grants:
// (1) FULL_CONTROL to the object owner // (1) FULL_CONTROL to the object owner
// (2) READ to the authenticated-read // (2) READ to the authenticated-read
assert.strictEqual(res.Grants.length, 2); expect(res.Grants.length).toBe(2);
assert.strictEqual(res.Grants[0].Permission, expect(res.Grants[0].Permission).toBe('FULL_CONTROL');
'FULL_CONTROL'); expect(res.Grants[1].Permission).toBe('READ');
assert.strictEqual(res.Grants[1].Permission, expect(res.Grants[1].Grantee.URI).toBe('' +
'' +
'global/AuthenticatedUsers'); 'global/AuthenticatedUsers');
done(); done();
}); });
}); });
}); });
it('should copy an object and default the acl on the new object ' + test('should copy an object and default the acl on the new object ' +
'to private even if the copied object had a ' + 'to private even if the copied object had a ' +
'different acl', done => { 'different acl', done => {
s3.putObjectAcl({ Bucket: sourceBucketName, Key: sourceObjName, s3.putObjectAcl({ Bucket: sourceBucketName, Key: sourceObjName,
@ -719,16 +691,15 @@ describe('Object Copy', () => {
Key: destObjName }, (err, res) => { Key: destObjName }, (err, res) => {
// With private ACL, there is only one grant // With private ACL, there is only one grant
// of FULL_CONTROL to the object owner // of FULL_CONTROL to the object owner
assert.strictEqual(res.Grants.length, 1); expect(res.Grants.length).toBe(1);
assert.strictEqual(res.Grants[0].Permission, expect(res.Grants[0].Permission).toBe('FULL_CONTROL');
done(); done();
}); });
}); });
}); });
}); });
it('should return an error if attempt to copy with same source as' + test('should return an error if attempt to copy with same source as' +
'destination and do not change any metadata', done => { 'destination and do not change any metadata', done => {
s3.copyObject({ Bucket: sourceBucketName, Key: sourceObjName, s3.copyObject({ Bucket: sourceBucketName, Key: sourceObjName,
CopySource: `${sourceBucketName}/${sourceObjName}`, CopySource: `${sourceBucketName}/${sourceObjName}`,
@ -739,7 +710,8 @@ describe('Object Copy', () => {
}); });
}); });
it('should return an error if attempt to copy from nonexistent bucket', test(
'should return an error if attempt to copy from nonexistent bucket',
done => { done => {
s3.copyObject({ Bucket: destBucketName, Key: destObjName, s3.copyObject({ Bucket: destBucketName, Key: destObjName,
CopySource: `nobucket453234/${sourceObjName}`, CopySource: `nobucket453234/${sourceObjName}`,
@ -748,10 +720,10 @@ describe('Object Copy', () => {
checkError(err, 'NoSuchBucket'); checkError(err, 'NoSuchBucket');
done(); done();
}); });
}); }
it('should return an error if use invalid redirect location', test('should return an error if use invalid redirect location', done => {
done => {
s3.copyObject({ Bucket: destBucketName, Key: destObjName, s3.copyObject({ Bucket: destBucketName, Key: destObjName,
CopySource: `${sourceBucketName}/${sourceObjName}`, CopySource: `${sourceBucketName}/${sourceObjName}`,
WebsiteRedirectLocation: '', WebsiteRedirectLocation: '',
@ -763,7 +735,8 @@ describe('Object Copy', () => {
}); });
it('should return an error if attempt to copy to nonexistent bucket', test(
'should return an error if attempt to copy to nonexistent bucket',
done => { done => {
s3.copyObject({ Bucket: 'nobucket453234', Key: destObjName, s3.copyObject({ Bucket: 'nobucket453234', Key: destObjName,
CopySource: `${sourceBucketName}/${sourceObjName}`, CopySource: `${sourceBucketName}/${sourceObjName}`,
@ -772,10 +745,10 @@ describe('Object Copy', () => {
checkError(err, 'NoSuchBucket'); checkError(err, 'NoSuchBucket');
done(); done();
}); });
}); }
it('should return an error if attempt to copy nonexistent object', test('should return an error if attempt to copy nonexistent object', done => {
done => {
s3.copyObject({ Bucket: destBucketName, Key: destObjName, s3.copyObject({ Bucket: destBucketName, Key: destObjName,
CopySource: `${sourceBucketName}/nokey`, CopySource: `${sourceBucketName}/nokey`,
}, },
@ -785,7 +758,8 @@ describe('Object Copy', () => {
}); });
}); });
it('should return an error if send invalid metadata directive header', test(
'should return an error if send invalid metadata directive header',
done => { done => {
s3.copyObject({ Bucket: destBucketName, Key: destObjName, s3.copyObject({ Bucket: destBucketName, Key: destObjName,
CopySource: `${sourceBucketName}/${sourceObjName}`, CopySource: `${sourceBucketName}/${sourceObjName}`,
@ -795,21 +769,20 @@ describe('Object Copy', () => {
checkError(err, 'InvalidArgument'); checkError(err, 'InvalidArgument');
done(); done();
}); });
}); }
describe('copying by another account', () => { describe('copying by another account', () => {
const otherAccountBucket = 'otheraccountbucket42342342342'; const otherAccountBucket = 'otheraccountbucket42342342342';
const otherAccountKey = 'key'; const otherAccountKey = 'key';
beforeEach(() => otherAccountBucketUtility beforeEach(() => otherAccountBucketUtility
.createOne(otherAccountBucket) .createOne(otherAccountBucket));
afterEach(() => otherAccountBucketUtility.empty(otherAccountBucket) afterEach(() => otherAccountBucketUtility.empty(otherAccountBucket)
.then(() => otherAccountBucketUtility .then(() => otherAccountBucketUtility
.deleteOne(otherAccountBucket)) .deleteOne(otherAccountBucket)));
it('should not allow an account without read persmission on the ' + test('should not allow an account without read persmission on the ' +
'source object to copy the object', done => { 'source object to copy the object', done => {
otherAccountS3.copyObject({ Bucket: otherAccountBucket, otherAccountS3.copyObject({ Bucket: otherAccountBucket,
Key: otherAccountKey, Key: otherAccountKey,
@ -821,7 +794,7 @@ describe('Object Copy', () => {
}); });
}); });
it('should not allow an account without write persmission on the ' + test('should not allow an account without write persmission on the ' +
'destination bucket to copy the object', done => { 'destination bucket to copy the object', done => {
otherAccountS3.putObject({ Bucket: otherAccountBucket, otherAccountS3.putObject({ Bucket: otherAccountBucket,
Key: otherAccountKey, Body: '' }, () => { Key: otherAccountKey, Body: '' }, () => {
@ -836,7 +809,7 @@ describe('Object Copy', () => {
}); });
}); });
it('should allow an account with read permission on the ' + test('should allow an account with read permission on the ' +
'source object and write permission on the destination ' + 'source object and write permission on the destination ' +
'bucket to copy the object', done => { 'bucket to copy the object', done => {
s3.putObjectAcl({ Bucket: sourceBucketName, s3.putObjectAcl({ Bucket: sourceBucketName,
@ -853,18 +826,16 @@ describe('Object Copy', () => {
}); });
}); });
it('If-Match: returns no error when ETag match, with double quotes ' + test('If-Match: returns no error when ETag match, with double quotes ' +
'around ETag', 'around ETag', done => {
done => {
requestCopy({ CopySourceIfMatch: etag }, err => { requestCopy({ CopySourceIfMatch: etag }, err => {
checkNoError(err); checkNoError(err);
done(); done();
}); });
}); });
it('If-Match: returns no error when one of ETags match, with double ' + test('If-Match: returns no error when one of ETags match, with double ' +
'quotes around ETag', 'quotes around ETag', done => {
done => {
requestCopy({ CopySourceIfMatch: requestCopy({ CopySourceIfMatch:
`non-matching,${etag}` }, err => { `non-matching,${etag}` }, err => {
checkNoError(err); checkNoError(err);
@ -872,18 +843,16 @@ describe('Object Copy', () => {
}); });
}); });
it('If-Match: returns no error when ETag match, without double ' + test('If-Match: returns no error when ETag match, without double ' +
'quotes around ETag', 'quotes around ETag', done => {
done => {
requestCopy({ CopySourceIfMatch: etagTrim }, err => { requestCopy({ CopySourceIfMatch: etagTrim }, err => {
checkNoError(err); checkNoError(err);
done(); done();
}); });
}); });
it('If-Match: returns no error when one of ETags match, without ' + test('If-Match: returns no error when one of ETags match, without ' +
'double quotes around ETag', 'double quotes around ETag', done => {
done => {
requestCopy({ CopySourceIfMatch: requestCopy({ CopySourceIfMatch:
`non-matching,${etagTrim}` }, err => { `non-matching,${etagTrim}` }, err => {
checkNoError(err); checkNoError(err);
@ -891,30 +860,28 @@ describe('Object Copy', () => {
}); });
}); });
it('If-Match: returns no error when ETag match with *', done => { test('If-Match: returns no error when ETag match with *', done => {
requestCopy({ CopySourceIfMatch: '*' }, err => { requestCopy({ CopySourceIfMatch: '*' }, err => {
checkNoError(err); checkNoError(err);
done(); done();
}); });
}); });
it('If-Match: returns PreconditionFailed when ETag does not match', test('If-Match: returns PreconditionFailed when ETag does not match', done => {
done => {
requestCopy({ CopySourceIfMatch: 'non-matching ETag' }, err => { requestCopy({ CopySourceIfMatch: 'non-matching ETag' }, err => {
checkError(err, 'PreconditionFailed'); checkError(err, 'PreconditionFailed');
done(); done();
}); });
}); });
it('If-None-Match: returns no error when ETag does not match', done => { test('If-None-Match: returns no error when ETag does not match', done => {
requestCopy({ CopySourceIfNoneMatch: 'non-matching' }, err => { requestCopy({ CopySourceIfNoneMatch: 'non-matching' }, err => {
checkNoError(err); checkNoError(err);
done(); done();
}); });
}); });
it('If-None-Match: returns no error when all ETags do not match', test('If-None-Match: returns no error when all ETags do not match', done => {
done => {
requestCopy({ requestCopy({
CopySourceIfNoneMatch: 'non-matching,non-matching-either', CopySourceIfNoneMatch: 'non-matching,non-matching-either',
}, err => { }, err => {
@ -923,18 +890,16 @@ describe('Object Copy', () => {
}); });
}); });
it('If-None-Match: returns PreconditionFailed when ETag match, with' + test('If-None-Match: returns PreconditionFailed when ETag match, with' +
'double quotes around ETag', 'double quotes around ETag', done => {
done => {
requestCopy({ CopySourceIfNoneMatch: etag }, err => { requestCopy({ CopySourceIfNoneMatch: etag }, err => {
checkError(err, 'PreconditionFailed'); checkError(err, 'PreconditionFailed');
done(); done();
}); });
}); });
it('If-None-Match: returns PreconditionFailed when one of ETags ' + test('If-None-Match: returns PreconditionFailed when one of ETags ' +
'match, with double quotes around ETag', 'match, with double quotes around ETag', done => {
done => {
requestCopy({ requestCopy({
CopySourceIfNoneMatch: `non-matching,${etag}`, CopySourceIfNoneMatch: `non-matching,${etag}`,
}, err => { }, err => {
@ -943,18 +908,16 @@ describe('Object Copy', () => {
}); });
}); });
it('If-None-Match: returns PreconditionFailed when ETag match, ' + test('If-None-Match: returns PreconditionFailed when ETag match, ' +
'without double quotes around ETag', 'without double quotes around ETag', done => {
done => {
requestCopy({ CopySourceIfNoneMatch: etagTrim }, err => { requestCopy({ CopySourceIfNoneMatch: etagTrim }, err => {
checkError(err, 'PreconditionFailed'); checkError(err, 'PreconditionFailed');
done(); done();
}); });
}); });
it('If-None-Match: returns PreconditionFailed when one of ETags ' + test('If-None-Match: returns PreconditionFailed when one of ETags ' +
'match, without double quotes around ETag', 'match, without double quotes around ETag', done => {
done => {
requestCopy({ requestCopy({
CopySourceIfNoneMatch: `non-matching,${etagTrim}`, CopySourceIfNoneMatch: `non-matching,${etagTrim}`,
}, err => { }, err => {
@ -963,9 +926,8 @@ describe('Object Copy', () => {
}); });
}); });
it('If-Modified-Since: returns no error if Last modified date is ' + test('If-Modified-Since: returns no error if Last modified date is ' +
'greater', 'greater', done => {
done => {
requestCopy({ CopySourceIfModifiedSince: dateFromNow(-1) }, requestCopy({ CopySourceIfModifiedSince: dateFromNow(-1) },
err => { err => {
checkNoError(err); checkNoError(err);
@ -975,9 +937,8 @@ describe('Object Copy', () => {
// Skipping this test, because real AWS does not provide error as // Skipping this test, because real AWS does not provide error as
// expected // expected
it.skip('If-Modified-Since: returns PreconditionFailed if Last ' + test.skip('If-Modified-Since: returns PreconditionFailed if Last ' +
'modified date is lesser', 'modified date is lesser', done => {
done => {
requestCopy({ CopySourceIfModifiedSince: dateFromNow(1) }, requestCopy({ CopySourceIfModifiedSince: dateFromNow(1) },
err => { err => {
checkError(err, 'PreconditionFailed'); checkError(err, 'PreconditionFailed');
@ -985,9 +946,8 @@ describe('Object Copy', () => {
}); });
}); });
it('If-Modified-Since: returns PreconditionFailed if Last modified ' + test('If-Modified-Since: returns PreconditionFailed if Last modified ' +
'date is equal', 'date is equal', done => {
done => {
requestCopy({ CopySourceIfModifiedSince: requestCopy({ CopySourceIfModifiedSince:
dateConvert(lastModified) }, dateConvert(lastModified) },
err => { err => {
@ -996,9 +956,8 @@ describe('Object Copy', () => {
}); });
}); });
it('If-Unmodified-Since: returns no error when lastModified date is ' + test('If-Unmodified-Since: returns no error when lastModified date is ' +
'greater', 'greater', done => {
done => {
requestCopy({ CopySourceIfUnmodifiedSince: dateFromNow(1) }, requestCopy({ CopySourceIfUnmodifiedSince: dateFromNow(1) },
err => { err => {
checkNoError(err); checkNoError(err);
@ -1006,9 +965,8 @@ describe('Object Copy', () => {
}); });
}); });
it('If-Unmodified-Since: returns no error when lastModified ' + test('If-Unmodified-Since: returns no error when lastModified ' +
'date is equal', 'date is equal', done => {
done => {
requestCopy({ CopySourceIfUnmodifiedSince: requestCopy({ CopySourceIfUnmodifiedSince:
dateConvert(lastModified) }, dateConvert(lastModified) },
err => { err => {
@ -1017,9 +975,8 @@ describe('Object Copy', () => {
}); });
}); });
it('If-Unmodified-Since: returns PreconditionFailed when ' + test('If-Unmodified-Since: returns PreconditionFailed when ' +
'lastModified date is lesser', 'lastModified date is lesser', done => {
done => {
requestCopy({ CopySourceIfUnmodifiedSince: dateFromNow(-1) }, requestCopy({ CopySourceIfUnmodifiedSince: dateFromNow(-1) },
err => { err => {
checkError(err, 'PreconditionFailed'); checkError(err, 'PreconditionFailed');
@ -1027,9 +984,8 @@ describe('Object Copy', () => {
}); });
}); });
it('If-Match & If-Unmodified-Since: returns no error when match Etag ' + test('If-Match & If-Unmodified-Since: returns no error when match Etag ' +
'and lastModified is greater', 'and lastModified is greater', done => {
done => {
requestCopy({ requestCopy({
CopySourceIfMatch: etagTrim, CopySourceIfMatch: etagTrim,
CopySourceIfUnmodifiedSince: dateFromNow(-1), CopySourceIfUnmodifiedSince: dateFromNow(-1),
@ -1039,7 +995,7 @@ describe('Object Copy', () => {
}); });
}); });
it('If-Match match & If-Unmodified-Since match', done => { test('If-Match match & If-Unmodified-Since match', done => {
requestCopy({ requestCopy({
CopySourceIfMatch: etagTrim, CopySourceIfMatch: etagTrim,
CopySourceIfUnmodifiedSince: dateFromNow(1), CopySourceIfUnmodifiedSince: dateFromNow(1),
@ -1049,7 +1005,7 @@ describe('Object Copy', () => {
}); });
}); });
it('If-Match not match & If-Unmodified-Since not match', done => { test('If-Match not match & If-Unmodified-Since not match', done => {
requestCopy({ requestCopy({
CopySourceIfMatch: 'non-matching', CopySourceIfMatch: 'non-matching',
CopySourceIfUnmodifiedSince: dateFromNow(-1), CopySourceIfUnmodifiedSince: dateFromNow(-1),
@ -1059,7 +1015,7 @@ describe('Object Copy', () => {
}); });
}); });
it('If-Match not match & If-Unmodified-Since match', done => { test('If-Match not match & If-Unmodified-Since match', done => {
requestCopy({ requestCopy({
CopySourceIfMatch: 'non-matching', CopySourceIfMatch: 'non-matching',
CopySourceIfUnmodifiedSince: dateFromNow(1), CopySourceIfUnmodifiedSince: dateFromNow(1),
@ -1071,7 +1027,7 @@ describe('Object Copy', () => {
// Skipping this test, because real AWS does not provide error as // Skipping this test, because real AWS does not provide error as
// expected // expected
it.skip('If-Match match & If-Modified-Since not match', done => { test.skip('If-Match match & If-Modified-Since not match', done => {
requestCopy({ requestCopy({
CopySourceIfMatch: etagTrim, CopySourceIfMatch: etagTrim,
CopySourceIfModifiedSince: dateFromNow(1), CopySourceIfModifiedSince: dateFromNow(1),
@ -1081,7 +1037,7 @@ describe('Object Copy', () => {
}); });
}); });
it('If-Match match & If-Modified-Since match', done => { test('If-Match match & If-Modified-Since match', done => {
requestCopy({ requestCopy({
CopySourceIfMatch: etagTrim, CopySourceIfMatch: etagTrim,
CopySourceIfModifiedSince: dateFromNow(-1), CopySourceIfModifiedSince: dateFromNow(-1),
@ -1091,7 +1047,7 @@ describe('Object Copy', () => {
}); });
}); });
it('If-Match not match & If-Modified-Since not match', done => { test('If-Match not match & If-Modified-Since not match', done => {
requestCopy({ requestCopy({
CopySourceIfMatch: 'non-matching', CopySourceIfMatch: 'non-matching',
CopySourceIfModifiedSince: dateFromNow(1), CopySourceIfModifiedSince: dateFromNow(1),
@ -1101,7 +1057,7 @@ describe('Object Copy', () => {
}); });
}); });
it('If-Match not match & If-Modified-Since match', done => { test('If-Match not match & If-Modified-Since match', done => {
requestCopy({ requestCopy({
CopySourceIfMatch: 'non-matching', CopySourceIfMatch: 'non-matching',
CopySourceIfModifiedSince: dateFromNow(-1), CopySourceIfModifiedSince: dateFromNow(-1),
@ -1111,9 +1067,8 @@ describe('Object Copy', () => {
}); });
}); });
it('If-None-Match & If-Modified-Since: returns PreconditionFailed ' + test('If-None-Match & If-Modified-Since: returns PreconditionFailed ' +
'when Etag does not match and lastModified is greater', 'when Etag does not match and lastModified is greater', done => {
done => {
requestCopy({ requestCopy({
CopySourceIfNoneMatch: etagTrim, CopySourceIfNoneMatch: etagTrim,
CopySourceIfModifiedSince: dateFromNow(-1), CopySourceIfModifiedSince: dateFromNow(-1),
@ -1123,7 +1078,7 @@ describe('Object Copy', () => {
}); });
}); });
it('If-None-Match not match & If-Modified-Since not match', done => { test('If-None-Match not match & If-Modified-Since not match', done => {
requestCopy({ requestCopy({
CopySourceIfNoneMatch: etagTrim, CopySourceIfNoneMatch: etagTrim,
CopySourceIfModifiedSince: dateFromNow(1), CopySourceIfModifiedSince: dateFromNow(1),
@ -1133,7 +1088,7 @@ describe('Object Copy', () => {
}); });
}); });
it('If-None-Match match & If-Modified-Since match', done => { test('If-None-Match match & If-Modified-Since match', done => {
requestCopy({ requestCopy({
CopySourceIfNoneMatch: 'non-matching', CopySourceIfNoneMatch: 'non-matching',
CopySourceIfModifiedSince: dateFromNow(-1), CopySourceIfModifiedSince: dateFromNow(-1),
@ -1145,7 +1100,7 @@ describe('Object Copy', () => {
// Skipping this test, because real AWS does not provide error as // Skipping this test, because real AWS does not provide error as
// expected // expected
it.skip('If-None-Match match & If-Modified-Since not match', done => { test.skip('If-None-Match match & If-Modified-Since not match', done => {
requestCopy({ requestCopy({
CopySourceIfNoneMatch: 'non-matching', CopySourceIfNoneMatch: 'non-matching',
CopySourceIfModifiedSince: dateFromNow(1), CopySourceIfModifiedSince: dateFromNow(1),
@ -1155,7 +1110,7 @@ describe('Object Copy', () => {
}); });
}); });
it('If-None-Match match & If-Unmodified-Since match', done => { test('If-None-Match match & If-Unmodified-Since match', done => {
requestCopy({ requestCopy({
CopySourceIfNoneMatch: 'non-matching', CopySourceIfNoneMatch: 'non-matching',
CopySourceIfUnmodifiedSince: dateFromNow(1), CopySourceIfUnmodifiedSince: dateFromNow(1),
@ -1165,7 +1120,7 @@ describe('Object Copy', () => {
}); });
}); });
it('If-None-Match match & If-Unmodified-Since not match', done => { test('If-None-Match match & If-Unmodified-Since not match', done => {
requestCopy({ requestCopy({
CopySourceIfNoneMatch: 'non-matching', CopySourceIfNoneMatch: 'non-matching',
CopySourceIfUnmodifiedSince: dateFromNow(-1), CopySourceIfUnmodifiedSince: dateFromNow(-1),
@ -1175,7 +1130,7 @@ describe('Object Copy', () => {
}); });
}); });
it('If-None-Match not match & If-Unmodified-Since match', done => { test('If-None-Match not match & If-Unmodified-Since match', done => {
requestCopy({ requestCopy({
CopySourceIfNoneMatch: etagTrim, CopySourceIfNoneMatch: etagTrim,
CopySourceIfUnmodifiedSince: dateFromNow(1), CopySourceIfUnmodifiedSince: dateFromNow(1),
@ -1185,7 +1140,7 @@ describe('Object Copy', () => {
}); });
}); });
it('If-None-Match not match & If-Unmodified-Since not match', done => { test('If-None-Match not match & If-Unmodified-Since not match', done => {
requestCopy({ requestCopy({
CopySourceIfNoneMatch: etagTrim, CopySourceIfNoneMatch: etagTrim,
CopySourceIfUnmodifiedSince: dateFromNow(-1), CopySourceIfUnmodifiedSince: dateFromNow(-1),

View File

@ -9,13 +9,12 @@ const bucketName = 'alexbucketnottaken';
const objectName = 'someObject'; const objectName = 'someObject';
function checkNoError(err) { function checkNoError(err) {
assert.equal(err, null, expect(err).toEqual(null);
`Expected success, got error ${JSON.stringify(err)}`);
} }
function checkError(err, code) { function checkError(err, code) {
assert.notEqual(err, null, 'Expected failure but got success'); expect(err).not.toEqual(null);
assert.strictEqual(err.code, code); expect(err.code).toBe(code);
} }
function dateFromNow(diff) { function dateFromNow(diff) {
@ -36,7 +35,7 @@ describe('HEAD object, conditions', () => {
let etagTrim; let etagTrim;
let lastModified; let lastModified;
before(() => { beforeAll(() => {
bucketUtil = new BucketUtility('default', sigCfg); bucketUtil = new BucketUtility('default', sigCfg);
s3 = bucketUtil.s3; s3 = bucketUtil.s3;
return bucketUtil.empty(bucketName).then(() => return bucketUtil.empty(bucketName).then(() =>
@ -72,68 +71,62 @@ describe('HEAD object, conditions', () => {
afterEach(() => bucketUtil.empty(bucketName)); afterEach(() => bucketUtil.empty(bucketName));
after(() => bucketUtil.deleteOne(bucketName)); afterAll(() => bucketUtil.deleteOne(bucketName));
it('If-Match: returns no error when ETag match, with double quotes ' + test('If-Match: returns no error when ETag match, with double quotes ' +
'around ETag', 'around ETag', done => {
done => {
requestHead({ IfMatch: etag }, err => { requestHead({ IfMatch: etag }, err => {
checkNoError(err); checkNoError(err);
done(); done();
}); });
}); });
it('If-Match: returns no error when one of ETags match, with double ' + test('If-Match: returns no error when one of ETags match, with double ' +
'quotes around ETag', 'quotes around ETag', done => {
done => {
requestHead({ IfMatch: `non-matching,${etag}` }, err => { requestHead({ IfMatch: `non-matching,${etag}` }, err => {
checkNoError(err); checkNoError(err);
done(); done();
}); });
}); });
it('If-Match: returns no error when ETag match, without double ' + test('If-Match: returns no error when ETag match, without double ' +
'quotes around ETag', 'quotes around ETag', done => {
done => {
requestHead({ IfMatch: etagTrim }, err => { requestHead({ IfMatch: etagTrim }, err => {
checkNoError(err); checkNoError(err);
done(); done();
}); });
}); });
it('If-Match: returns no error when one of ETags match, without ' + test('If-Match: returns no error when one of ETags match, without ' +
'double quotes around ETag', 'double quotes around ETag', done => {
done => {
requestHead({ IfMatch: `non-matching,${etagTrim}` }, err => { requestHead({ IfMatch: `non-matching,${etagTrim}` }, err => {
checkNoError(err); checkNoError(err);
done(); done();
}); });
}); });
it('If-Match: returns no error when ETag match with *', done => { test('If-Match: returns no error when ETag match with *', done => {
requestHead({ IfMatch: '*' }, err => { requestHead({ IfMatch: '*' }, err => {
checkNoError(err); checkNoError(err);
done(); done();
}); });
}); });
it('If-Match: returns PreconditionFailed when ETag does not match', test('If-Match: returns PreconditionFailed when ETag does not match', done => {
done => {
requestHead({ IfMatch: 'non-matching ETag' }, err => { requestHead({ IfMatch: 'non-matching ETag' }, err => {
checkError(err, errors.PreconditionFailed.code); checkError(err, errors.PreconditionFailed.code);
done(); done();
}); });
}); });
it('If-None-Match: returns no error when ETag does not match', done => { test('If-None-Match: returns no error when ETag does not match', done => {
requestHead({ IfNoneMatch: 'non-matching' }, err => { requestHead({ IfNoneMatch: 'non-matching' }, err => {
checkNoError(err); checkNoError(err);
done(); done();
}); });
}); });
it('If-None-Match: returns no error when all ETags do not match', test('If-None-Match: returns no error when all ETags do not match', done => {
done => {
requestHead({ requestHead({
IfNoneMatch: 'non-matching,non-matching-either', IfNoneMatch: 'non-matching,non-matching-either',
}, err => { }, err => {
@ -142,18 +135,16 @@ describe('HEAD object, conditions', () => {
}); });
}); });
it('If-None-Match: returns NotModified when ETag match, with double ' + test('If-None-Match: returns NotModified when ETag match, with double ' +
'quotes around ETag', 'quotes around ETag', done => {
done => {
requestHead({ IfNoneMatch: etag }, err => { requestHead({ IfNoneMatch: etag }, err => {
checkError(err, 'NotModified'); checkError(err, 'NotModified');
done(); done();
}); });
}); });
it('If-None-Match: returns NotModified when one of ETags match, with ' + test('If-None-Match: returns NotModified when one of ETags match, with ' +
'double quotes around ETag', 'double quotes around ETag', done => {
done => {
requestHead({ requestHead({
IfNoneMatch: `non-matching,${etag}`, IfNoneMatch: `non-matching,${etag}`,
}, err => { }, err => {
@ -162,18 +153,16 @@ describe('HEAD object, conditions', () => {
}); });
}); });
it('If-None-Match: returns NotModified when ETag match, without ' + test('If-None-Match: returns NotModified when ETag match, without ' +
'double quotes around ETag', 'double quotes around ETag', done => {
done => {
requestHead({ IfNoneMatch: etagTrim }, err => { requestHead({ IfNoneMatch: etagTrim }, err => {
checkError(err, 'NotModified'); checkError(err, 'NotModified');
done(); done();
}); });
}); });
it('If-None-Match: returns NotModified when one of ETags match, ' + test('If-None-Match: returns NotModified when one of ETags match, ' +
'without double quotes around ETag', 'without double quotes around ETag', done => {
done => {
requestHead({ requestHead({
IfNoneMatch: `non-matching,${etagTrim}`, IfNoneMatch: `non-matching,${etagTrim}`,
}, err => { }, err => {
@ -182,9 +171,8 @@ describe('HEAD object, conditions', () => {
}); });
}); });
it('If-Modified-Since: returns no error if Last modified date is ' + test('If-Modified-Since: returns no error if Last modified date is ' +
'greater', 'greater', done => {
done => {
requestHead({ IfModifiedSince: dateFromNow(-1) }, requestHead({ IfModifiedSince: dateFromNow(-1) },
err => { err => {
checkNoError(err); checkNoError(err);
@ -194,9 +182,8 @@ describe('HEAD object, conditions', () => {
// Skipping this test, because real AWS does not provide error as // Skipping this test, because real AWS does not provide error as
// expected // expected
it.skip('If-Modified-Since: returns NotModified if Last modified ' + test.skip('If-Modified-Since: returns NotModified if Last modified ' +
'date is lesser', 'date is lesser', done => {
done => {
requestHead({ IfModifiedSince: dateFromNow(1) }, requestHead({ IfModifiedSince: dateFromNow(1) },
err => { err => {
checkError(err, 'NotModified'); checkError(err, 'NotModified');
@ -204,9 +191,8 @@ describe('HEAD object, conditions', () => {
}); });
}); });
it('If-Modified-Since: returns NotModified if Last modified ' + test('If-Modified-Since: returns NotModified if Last modified ' +
'date is equal', 'date is equal', done => {
done => {
requestHead({ IfModifiedSince: dateConvert(lastModified) }, requestHead({ IfModifiedSince: dateConvert(lastModified) },
err => { err => {
checkError(err, 'NotModified'); checkError(err, 'NotModified');
@ -214,18 +200,16 @@ describe('HEAD object, conditions', () => {
}); });
}); });
it('If-Unmodified-Since: returns no error when lastModified date is ' + test('If-Unmodified-Since: returns no error when lastModified date is ' +
'greater', 'greater', done => {
done => {
requestHead({ IfUnmodifiedSince: dateFromNow(1) }, err => { requestHead({ IfUnmodifiedSince: dateFromNow(1) }, err => {
checkNoError(err); checkNoError(err);
done(); done();
}); });
}); });
it('If-Unmodified-Since: returns no error when lastModified ' + test('If-Unmodified-Since: returns no error when lastModified ' +
'date is equal', 'date is equal', done => {
done => {
requestHead({ IfUnmodifiedSince: dateConvert(lastModified) }, requestHead({ IfUnmodifiedSince: dateConvert(lastModified) },
err => { err => {
checkNoError(err); checkNoError(err);
@ -233,18 +217,16 @@ describe('HEAD object, conditions', () => {
}); });
}); });
it('If-Unmodified-Since: returns PreconditionFailed when ' + test('If-Unmodified-Since: returns PreconditionFailed when ' +
'lastModified date is lesser', 'lastModified date is lesser', done => {
done => {
requestHead({ IfUnmodifiedSince: dateFromNow(-1) }, err => { requestHead({ IfUnmodifiedSince: dateFromNow(-1) }, err => {
checkError(err, errors.PreconditionFailed.code); checkError(err, errors.PreconditionFailed.code);
done(); done();
}); });
}); });
it('If-Match & If-Unmodified-Since: returns no error when match Etag ' + test('If-Match & If-Unmodified-Since: returns no error when match Etag ' +
'and lastModified is greater', 'and lastModified is greater', done => {
done => {
requestHead({ requestHead({
IfMatch: etagTrim, IfMatch: etagTrim,
IfUnmodifiedSince: dateFromNow(-1), IfUnmodifiedSince: dateFromNow(-1),
@ -254,7 +236,7 @@ describe('HEAD object, conditions', () => {
}); });
}); });
it('If-Match match & If-Unmodified-Since match', done => { test('If-Match match & If-Unmodified-Since match', done => {
requestHead({ requestHead({
IfMatch: etagTrim, IfMatch: etagTrim,
IfUnmodifiedSince: dateFromNow(1), IfUnmodifiedSince: dateFromNow(1),
@ -264,7 +246,7 @@ describe('HEAD object, conditions', () => {
}); });
}); });
it('If-Match not match & If-Unmodified-Since not match', done => { test('If-Match not match & If-Unmodified-Since not match', done => {
requestHead({ requestHead({
IfMatch: 'non-matching', IfMatch: 'non-matching',
IfUnmodifiedSince: dateFromNow(-1), IfUnmodifiedSince: dateFromNow(-1),
@ -274,7 +256,7 @@ describe('HEAD object, conditions', () => {
}); });
}); });
it('If-Match not match & If-Unmodified-Since match', done => { test('If-Match not match & If-Unmodified-Since match', done => {
requestHead({ requestHead({
IfMatch: 'non-matching', IfMatch: 'non-matching',
IfUnmodifiedSince: dateFromNow(1), IfUnmodifiedSince: dateFromNow(1),
@ -286,7 +268,7 @@ describe('HEAD object, conditions', () => {
// Skipping this test, because real AWS does not provide error as // Skipping this test, because real AWS does not provide error as
// expected // expected
it.skip('If-Match match & If-Modified-Since not match', done => { test.skip('If-Match match & If-Modified-Since not match', done => {
requestHead({ requestHead({
IfMatch: etagTrim, IfMatch: etagTrim,
IfModifiedSince: dateFromNow(1), IfModifiedSince: dateFromNow(1),
@ -296,7 +278,7 @@ describe('HEAD object, conditions', () => {
}); });
}); });
it('If-Match match & If-Modified-Since match', done => { test('If-Match match & If-Modified-Since match', done => {
requestHead({ requestHead({
IfMatch: etagTrim, IfMatch: etagTrim,
IfModifiedSince: dateFromNow(-1), IfModifiedSince: dateFromNow(-1),
@ -306,7 +288,7 @@ describe('HEAD object, conditions', () => {
}); });
}); });
it('If-Match not match & If-Modified-Since not match', done => { test('If-Match not match & If-Modified-Since not match', done => {
requestHead({ requestHead({
IfMatch: 'non-matching', IfMatch: 'non-matching',
IfModifiedSince: dateFromNow(1), IfModifiedSince: dateFromNow(1),
@ -316,7 +298,7 @@ describe('HEAD object, conditions', () => {
}); });
}); });
it('If-Match not match & If-Modified-Since match', done => { test('If-Match not match & If-Modified-Since match', done => {
requestHead({ requestHead({
IfMatch: 'non-matching', IfMatch: 'non-matching',
IfModifiedSince: dateFromNow(-1), IfModifiedSince: dateFromNow(-1),
@ -326,9 +308,8 @@ describe('HEAD object, conditions', () => {
}); });
}); });
it('If-None-Match & If-Modified-Since: returns NotModified when Etag ' + test('If-None-Match & If-Modified-Since: returns NotModified when Etag ' +
'does not match and lastModified is greater', 'does not match and lastModified is greater', done => {
done => {
requestHead({ requestHead({
IfNoneMatch: etagTrim, IfNoneMatch: etagTrim,
IfModifiedSince: dateFromNow(-1), IfModifiedSince: dateFromNow(-1),
@ -338,7 +319,7 @@ describe('HEAD object, conditions', () => {
}); });
}); });
it('If-None-Match not match & If-Modified-Since not match', done => { test('If-None-Match not match & If-Modified-Since not match', done => {
requestHead({ requestHead({
IfNoneMatch: etagTrim, IfNoneMatch: etagTrim,
IfModifiedSince: dateFromNow(1), IfModifiedSince: dateFromNow(1),
@ -348,7 +329,7 @@ describe('HEAD object, conditions', () => {
}); });
}); });
it('If-None-Match match & If-Modified-Since match', done => { test('If-None-Match match & If-Modified-Since match', done => {
requestHead({ requestHead({
IfNoneMatch: 'non-matching', IfNoneMatch: 'non-matching',
IfModifiedSince: dateFromNow(-1), IfModifiedSince: dateFromNow(-1),
@ -360,7 +341,7 @@ describe('HEAD object, conditions', () => {
// Skipping this test, because real AWS does not provide error as // Skipping this test, because real AWS does not provide error as
// expected // expected
it.skip('If-None-Match match & If-Modified-Since not match', done => { test.skip('If-None-Match match & If-Modified-Since not match', done => {
requestHead({ requestHead({
IfNoneMatch: 'non-matching', IfNoneMatch: 'non-matching',
IfModifiedSince: dateFromNow(1), IfModifiedSince: dateFromNow(1),
@ -370,7 +351,7 @@ describe('HEAD object, conditions', () => {
}); });
}); });
it('If-None-Match match & If-Unmodified-Since match', done => { test('If-None-Match match & If-Unmodified-Since match', done => {
requestHead({ requestHead({
IfNoneMatch: 'non-matching', IfNoneMatch: 'non-matching',
IfUnmodifiedSince: dateFromNow(1), IfUnmodifiedSince: dateFromNow(1),
@ -380,7 +361,7 @@ describe('HEAD object, conditions', () => {
}); });
}); });
it('If-None-Match match & If-Unmodified-Since not match', done => { test('If-None-Match match & If-Unmodified-Since not match', done => {
requestHead({ requestHead({
IfNoneMatch: 'non-matching', IfNoneMatch: 'non-matching',
IfUnmodifiedSince: dateFromNow(-1), IfUnmodifiedSince: dateFromNow(-1),
@ -390,7 +371,7 @@ describe('HEAD object, conditions', () => {
}); });
}); });
it('If-None-Match not match & If-Unmodified-Since match', done => { test('If-None-Match not match & If-Unmodified-Since match', done => {
requestHead({ requestHead({
IfNoneMatch: etagTrim, IfNoneMatch: etagTrim,
IfUnmodifiedSince: dateFromNow(1), IfUnmodifiedSince: dateFromNow(1),
@ -400,7 +381,7 @@ describe('HEAD object, conditions', () => {
}); });
}); });
it('If-None-Match not match & If-Unmodified-Since not match', done => { test('If-None-Match not match & If-Unmodified-Since not match', done => {
requestHead({ requestHead({
IfNoneMatch: etagTrim, IfNoneMatch: etagTrim,
IfUnmodifiedSince: dateFromNow(-1), IfUnmodifiedSince: dateFromNow(-1),
@ -410,7 +391,7 @@ describe('HEAD object, conditions', () => {
}); });
}); });
it('WebsiteRedirectLocation is set & it appears in response', done => { test('WebsiteRedirectLocation is set & it appears in response', done => {
const redirBktwBody = { const redirBktwBody = {
Bucket: bucketName, Bucket: bucketName,
Key: 'redir_present', Key: 'redir_present',
@ -425,18 +406,16 @@ describe('HEAD object, conditions', () => {
checkNoError(err); checkNoError(err);
s3.headObject(redirBkt, (err, data) => { s3.headObject(redirBkt, (err, data) => {
checkNoError(err); checkNoError(err);
assert.strictEqual(data.WebsiteRedirectLocation, expect(data.WebsiteRedirectLocation).toBe('');
return done(); return done();
}); });
}); });
}); });
it('WebsiteRedirectLocation is not set & is absent', done => { test('WebsiteRedirectLocation is not set & is absent', done => {
requestHead({}, (err, data) => { requestHead({}, (err, data) => {
checkNoError(err); checkNoError(err);
assert.strictEqual('WebsiteRedirectLocation' in data, expect('WebsiteRedirectLocation' in data).toBe(false);
false, 'WebsiteRedirectLocation header is present.');
done(); done();
}); });
}); });

View File

@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ describe('HEAD object, compatibility headers [Cache-Control, ' +
// a UNIX timestamp for Expires header // a UNIX timestamp for Expires header
const expires = new Date(); const expires = new Date();
before(() => { beforeAll(() => {
bucketUtil = new BucketUtility('default', sigCfg); bucketUtil = new BucketUtility('default', sigCfg);
s3 = bucketUtil.s3; s3 = bucketUtil.s3;
return bucketUtil.empty(bucketName).then(() => return bucketUtil.empty(bucketName).then(() =>
@ -48,29 +48,25 @@ describe('HEAD object, compatibility headers [Cache-Control, ' +
}); });
}); });
after(() => { afterAll(() => {
process.stdout.write('deleting bucket'); process.stdout.write('deleting bucket');
return bucketUtil.empty(bucketName).then(() => return bucketUtil.empty(bucketName).then(() =>
bucketUtil.deleteOne(bucketName)); bucketUtil.deleteOne(bucketName));
}); });
it('should return additional headers if specified in objectPUT ' + test('should return additional headers if specified in objectPUT ' +
'request', done => { 'request', done => {
s3.headObject({ Bucket: bucketName, Key: objectName }, s3.headObject({ Bucket: bucketName, Key: objectName },
(err, res) => { (err, res) => {
if (err) { if (err) {
return done(err); return done(err);
} }
assert.strictEqual(res.CacheControl, expect(res.CacheControl).toBe(cacheControl);
cacheControl); expect(res.ContentDisposition).toBe(contentDisposition);
// Should remove V4 streaming value 'aws-chunked' // Should remove V4 streaming value 'aws-chunked'
// to be compatible with AWS behavior // to be compatible with AWS behavior
assert.strictEqual(res.ContentEncoding, expect(res.ContentEncoding).toBe('gzip,');
'gzip,'); expect(res.Expires).toBe(expires.toUTCString());
return done(); return done();
}); });
}); });

View File

@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ describe("Head object 'ReplicationStatus' value", () => {
if (err) { if (err) {
return next(err); return next(err);
} }
assert.strictEqual(res.ReplicationStatus, expectedStatus); expect(res.ReplicationStatus).toBe(expectedStatus);
return next(); return next();
}), }),
], cb); ], cb);
@ -41,8 +41,10 @@ describe("Head object 'ReplicationStatus' value", () => {
next => s3.deleteBucket({ Bucket: sourceBucket }, next), next => s3.deleteBucket({ Bucket: sourceBucket }, next),
], done)); ], done));
it('should be `undefined` when there is no bucket replication config', test(
done => checkHeadObj(`${keyPrefix}-foobar`, undefined, done)); 'should be `undefined` when there is no bucket replication config',
done => checkHeadObj(`${keyPrefix}-foobar`, undefined, done)
describe('With bucket replication config', () => { describe('With bucket replication config', () => {
beforeEach(done => s3.putBucketReplication({ beforeEach(done => s3.putBucketReplication({
@ -60,11 +62,15 @@ describe("Head object 'ReplicationStatus' value", () => {
}, },
}, done)); }, done));
it("should be 'PENDING' when object key prefix applies", test(
done => checkHeadObj(`${keyPrefix}-foobar`, 'PENDING', done)); "should be 'PENDING' when object key prefix applies",
done => checkHeadObj(`${keyPrefix}-foobar`, 'PENDING', done)
it('should be `undefined` when object key prefix does not apply', test(
done => checkHeadObj(`foobar-${keyPrefix}`, undefined, done)); 'should be `undefined` when object key prefix does not apply',
done => checkHeadObj(`foobar-${keyPrefix}`, undefined, done)
}); });
}); });
}); });

View File

@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ describe('Put object with same key as prior object', () => {
let s3; let s3;
let bucketName; let bucketName;
before(done => { beforeAll(done => {
bucketUtil = new BucketUtility('default', sigCfg); bucketUtil = new BucketUtility('default', sigCfg);
s3 = bucketUtil.s3; s3 = bucketUtil.s3;
bucketUtil.createRandom(1) bucketUtil.createRandom(1)
@ -45,9 +45,10 @@ describe('Put object with same key as prior object', () => {
afterEach(() => bucketUtil.empty(bucketName)); afterEach(() => bucketUtil.empty(bucketName));
after(() => bucketUtil.deleteOne(bucketName)); afterAll(() => bucketUtil.deleteOne(bucketName));
it('should overwrite all user metadata and data on overwrite put', test(
'should overwrite all user metadata and data on overwrite put',
() => s3.putObjectAsync({ () => s3.putObjectAsync({
Bucket: bucketName, Bucket: bucketName,
Key: objectName, Key: objectName,
@ -59,6 +60,7 @@ describe('Put object with same key as prior object', () => {
assert.deepStrictEqual(res.Metadata, secondPutMetadata); assert.deepStrictEqual(res.Metadata, secondPutMetadata);
assert.deepStrictEqual(res.Body.toString(), assert.deepStrictEqual(res.Body.toString(),
'Much different'); 'Much different');
})); })
}); });
}); });

View File

@ -11,9 +11,9 @@ const bucket = 'bucket2putstuffin4324242';
const object = 'object2putstuffin'; const object = 'object2putstuffin';
function _checkError(err, code, statusCode) { function _checkError(err, code, statusCode) {
assert(err, 'Expected error but found none'); expect(err).toBeTruthy();
assert.strictEqual(err.code, code); expect(err.code).toBe(code);
assert.strictEqual(err.statusCode, statusCode); expect(err.statusCode).toBe(statusCode);
} }
function generateMultipleTagQuery(numberOfTag) { function generateMultipleTagQuery(numberOfTag) {
@ -56,18 +56,16 @@ describe('PUT object', () => {
}); });
}); });
it('should put an object and set the acl via query param', test('should put an object and set the acl via query param', done => {
done => {
const params = { Bucket: bucket, Key: 'key', const params = { Bucket: bucket, Key: 'key',
ACL: 'public-read', StorageClass: 'STANDARD' }; ACL: 'public-read', StorageClass: 'STANDARD' };
const url = s3.getSignedUrl('putObject', params); const url = s3.getSignedUrl('putObject', params);
provideRawOutput(['-verbose', '-X', 'PUT', url, provideRawOutput(['-verbose', '-X', 'PUT', url,
'--upload-file', 'uploadFile'], httpCode => { '--upload-file', 'uploadFile'], httpCode => {
assert.strictEqual(httpCode, '200 OK'); expect(httpCode).toBe('200 OK');
s3.getObjectAcl({ Bucket: bucket, Key: 'key' }, s3.getObjectAcl({ Bucket: bucket, Key: 'key' },
(err, result) => { (err, result) => {
assert.equal(err, null, 'Expected success, ' + expect(err).toEqual(null);
`got error ${JSON.stringify(err)}`);
assert.deepStrictEqual(result.Grants[1], { Grantee: assert.deepStrictEqual(result.Grants[1], { Grantee:
{ Type: 'Group', URI: { Type: 'Group', URI:
'', '',
@ -77,67 +75,67 @@ describe('PUT object', () => {
}); });
}); });
it('should put an object with key slash', test('should put an object with key slash', done => {
done => {
const params = { Bucket: bucket, Key: '/' }; const params = { Bucket: bucket, Key: '/' };
s3.putObject(params, err => { s3.putObject(params, err => {
assert.equal(err, null, 'Expected success, ' + expect(err).toEqual(null);
`got error ${JSON.stringify(err)}`);
done(); done();
}); });
}); });
it('should return error if putting object w/ > 2KB user-defined md', test(
'should return error if putting object w/ > 2KB user-defined md',
done => { done => {
const metadata = genMaxSizeMetaHeaders(); const metadata = genMaxSizeMetaHeaders();
const params = { Bucket: bucket, Key: '/', Metadata: metadata }; const params = { Bucket: bucket, Key: '/', Metadata: metadata };
s3.putObject(params, err => { s3.putObject(params, err => {
assert.strictEqual(err, null, `Unexpected err: ${err}`); expect(err).toBe(null);
// add one more byte to be over the limit // add one more byte to be over the limit
metadata.header0 = `${metadata.header0}${'0'}`; metadata.header0 = `${metadata.header0}${'0'}`;
s3.putObject(params, err => { s3.putObject(params, err => {
assert(err, 'Expected err but did not find one'); expect(err).toBeTruthy();
assert.strictEqual(err.code, 'MetadataTooLarge'); expect(err.code).toBe('MetadataTooLarge');
assert.strictEqual(err.statusCode, 400); expect(err.statusCode).toBe(400);
done(); done();
}); });
}); });
}); }
it('should return Not Implemented error for obj. encryption using ' + test('should return Not Implemented error for obj. encryption using ' +
'AWS-managed encryption keys', done => { 'AWS-managed encryption keys', done => {
const params = { Bucket: bucket, Key: 'key', const params = { Bucket: bucket, Key: 'key',
ServerSideEncryption: 'AES256' }; ServerSideEncryption: 'AES256' };
s3.putObject(params, err => { s3.putObject(params, err => {
assert.strictEqual(err.code, 'NotImplemented'); expect(err.code).toBe('NotImplemented');
done(); done();
}); });
}); });
it('should return Not Implemented error for obj. encryption using ' + test('should return Not Implemented error for obj. encryption using ' +
'customer-provided encryption keys', done => { 'customer-provided encryption keys', done => {
const params = { Bucket: bucket, Key: 'key', const params = { Bucket: bucket, Key: 'key',
SSECustomerAlgorithm: 'AES256' }; SSECustomerAlgorithm: 'AES256' };
s3.putObject(params, err => { s3.putObject(params, err => {
assert.strictEqual(err.code, 'NotImplemented'); expect(err.code).toBe('NotImplemented');
done(); done();
}); });
}); });
it('should return InvalidRedirectLocation if putting object ' + test('should return InvalidRedirectLocation if putting object ' +
'with x-amz-website-redirect-location header that does not start ' + 'with x-amz-website-redirect-location header that does not start ' +
'with \'http://\', \'https://\' or \'/\'', done => { 'with \'http://\', \'https://\' or \'/\'', done => {
const params = { Bucket: bucket, Key: 'key', const params = { Bucket: bucket, Key: 'key',
WebsiteRedirectLocation: '' }; WebsiteRedirectLocation: '' };
s3.putObject(params, err => { s3.putObject(params, err => {
assert.strictEqual(err.code, 'InvalidRedirectLocation'); expect(err.code).toBe('InvalidRedirectLocation');
assert.strictEqual(err.statusCode, 400); expect(err.statusCode).toBe(400);
done(); done();
}); });
}); });
describe('Put object with tag set', () => { describe('Put object with tag set', () => {
taggingTests.forEach(taggingTest => { taggingTests.forEach(taggingTest => {
it(, done => { test(, done => {
const key = encodeURIComponent(taggingTest.tag.key); const key = encodeURIComponent(taggingTest.tag.key);
const value = encodeURIComponent(taggingTest.tag.value); const value = encodeURIComponent(taggingTest.tag.value);
const tagging = `${key}=${value}`; const tagging = `${key}=${value}`;
@ -148,12 +146,10 @@ describe('PUT object', () => {
_checkError(err, taggingTest.error, 400); _checkError(err, taggingTest.error, 400);
return done(); return done();
} }
assert.equal(err, null, 'Expected success, ' + expect(err).toEqual(null);
`got error ${JSON.stringify(err)}`);
return s3.getObjectTagging({ Bucket: bucket, return s3.getObjectTagging({ Bucket: bucket,
Key: object }, (err, data) => { Key: object }, (err, data) => {
assert.equal(err, null, 'Expected success, ' + expect(err).toEqual(null);
`got error ${JSON.stringify(err)}`);
assert.deepStrictEqual(data.TagSet[0], { assert.deepStrictEqual(data.TagSet[0], {
Key: taggingTest.tag.key, Key: taggingTest.tag.key,
Value: taggingTest.tag.value }); Value: taggingTest.tag.value });
@ -162,39 +158,33 @@ describe('PUT object', () => {
}); });
}); });
}); });
it('should be able to put object with 10 tags', test('should be able to put object with 10 tags', done => {
done => {
const taggingConfig = generateMultipleTagQuery(10); const taggingConfig = generateMultipleTagQuery(10);
s3.putObject({ Bucket: bucket, Key: object, s3.putObject({ Bucket: bucket, Key: object,
Tagging: taggingConfig }, err => { Tagging: taggingConfig }, err => {
assert.equal(err, null, 'Expected success, ' + expect(err).toEqual(null);
`got error ${JSON.stringify(err)}`);
done(); done();
}); });
}); });
it('should be able to put an empty Tag set', done => { test('should be able to put an empty Tag set', done => {
s3.putObject({ Bucket: bucket, Key: object, s3.putObject({ Bucket: bucket, Key: object,
Tagging: '', Tagging: '',
}, err => { }, err => {
assert.equal(err, null, 'Expected success, ' + expect(err).toEqual(null);
`got error ${JSON.stringify(err)}`);
done(); done();
}); });
}); });
it('should be able to put object with empty tags', test('should be able to put object with empty tags', done => {
done => {
s3.putObject({ Bucket: bucket, Key: object, s3.putObject({ Bucket: bucket, Key: object,
Tagging: '&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&key1=value1' }, err => { Tagging: '&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&key1=value1' }, err => {
assert.equal(err, null, 'Expected success, ' + expect(err).toEqual(null);
`got error ${JSON.stringify(err)}`);
done(); done();
}); });
}); });
it('should return BadRequest if putting more that 10 tags', test('should return BadRequest if putting more that 10 tags', done => {
done => {
const taggingConfig = generateMultipleTagQuery(11); const taggingConfig = generateMultipleTagQuery(11);
s3.putObject({ Bucket: bucket, Key: object, s3.putObject({ Bucket: bucket, Key: object,
Tagging: taggingConfig }, err => { Tagging: taggingConfig }, err => {
@ -203,8 +193,7 @@ describe('PUT object', () => {
}); });
}); });
it('should return InvalidArgument if using the same key twice', test('should return InvalidArgument if using the same key twice', done => {
done => {
s3.putObject({ Bucket: bucket, Key: object, s3.putObject({ Bucket: bucket, Key: object,
Tagging: 'key1=value1&key1=value2' }, err => { Tagging: 'key1=value1&key1=value2' }, err => {
_checkError(err, 'InvalidArgument', 400); _checkError(err, 'InvalidArgument', 400);
@ -212,7 +201,7 @@ describe('PUT object', () => {
}); });
}); });
it('should return InvalidArgument if using the same key twice ' + test('should return InvalidArgument if using the same key twice ' +
'and empty tags', done => { 'and empty tags', done => {
s3.putObject({ Bucket: bucket, Key: object, s3.putObject({ Bucket: bucket, Key: object,
Tagging: '&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&key1=value1&key1=value2' }, Tagging: '&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&key1=value1&key1=value2' },
@ -222,7 +211,7 @@ describe('PUT object', () => {
}); });
}); });
it('should return InvalidArgument if tag with no key', done => { test('should return InvalidArgument if tag with no key', done => {
s3.putObject({ Bucket: bucket, Key: object, s3.putObject({ Bucket: bucket, Key: object,
Tagging: '=value1', Tagging: '=value1',
}, err => { }, err => {
@ -231,7 +220,7 @@ describe('PUT object', () => {
}); });
}); });
it('should return InvalidArgument putting object with ' + test('should return InvalidArgument putting object with ' +
'bad encoded tags', done => { 'bad encoded tags', done => {
s3.putObject({ Bucket: bucket, Key: object, Tagging: s3.putObject({ Bucket: bucket, Key: object, Tagging:
'key1==value1' }, err => { 'key1==value1' }, err => {
@ -239,7 +228,7 @@ describe('PUT object', () => {
done(); done();
}); });
}); });
it('should return InvalidArgument putting object tag with ' + test('should return InvalidArgument putting object tag with ' +
'invalid characters: %', done => { 'invalid characters: %', done => {
const value = 'value1%'; const value = 'value1%';
s3.putObject({ Bucket: bucket, Key: object, Tagging: s3.putObject({ Bucket: bucket, Key: object, Tagging:

View File

@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ describe('PUT Object ACL', () => {
const s3 = bucketUtil.s3; const s3 = bucketUtil.s3;
const Key = 'aclTest'; const Key = 'aclTest';
before(done => { beforeAll(done => {
bucketUtil.createRandom(1) bucketUtil.createRandom(1)
.then(created => { .then(created => {
bucketName = created; bucketName = created;
@ -60,12 +60,12 @@ describe('PUT Object ACL', () => {
return bucketUtil.empty(bucketName); return bucketUtil.empty(bucketName);
}); });
after(() => { afterAll(() => {
process.stdout.write('deleting bucket'); process.stdout.write('deleting bucket');
return bucketUtil.deleteOne(bucketName); return bucketUtil.deleteOne(bucketName);
}); });
it('should put object ACLs', done => { test('should put object ACLs', done => {
const s3 = bucketUtil.s3; const s3 = bucketUtil.s3;
const Bucket = bucketName; const Bucket = bucketName;
const objects = [ const objects = [
@ -77,13 +77,13 @@ describe('PUT Object ACL', () => {
.then(() => s3.putObjectAclAsync({ Bucket, Key, .then(() => s3.putObjectAclAsync({ Bucket, Key,
ACL: 'public-read' })) ACL: 'public-read' }))
.then(data => { .then(data => {
assert(data); expect(data).toBeTruthy();
done(); done();
}) })
.catch(done); .catch(done);
}); });
it('should return NoSuchKey if try to put object ACLs ' + test('should return NoSuchKey if try to put object ACLs ' +
'for nonexistent object', done => { 'for nonexistent object', done => {
const s3 = bucketUtil.s3; const s3 = bucketUtil.s3;
const Bucket = bucketName; const Bucket = bucketName;
@ -92,16 +92,16 @@ describe('PUT Object ACL', () => {
Bucket, Bucket,
Key, Key,
ACL: 'public-read' }, err => { ACL: 'public-read' }, err => {
assert(err); expect(err).toBeTruthy();
assert.strictEqual(err.statusCode, 404); expect(err.statusCode).toBe(404);
assert.strictEqual(err.code, 'NoSuchKey'); expect(err.code).toBe('NoSuchKey');
done(); done();
}); });
}); });
describe('on an object', () => { describe('on an object', () => {
before(done => s3.putObject({ Bucket: bucketName, Key }, done)); beforeAll(done => s3.putObject({ Bucket: bucketName, Key }, done));
after(() => { afterAll(() => {
process.stdout.write('deleting bucket'); process.stdout.write('deleting bucket');
return bucketUtil.empty(bucketName); return bucketUtil.empty(bucketName);
}); });
@ -118,9 +118,9 @@ describe('PUT Object ACL', () => {
AccessControlPolicy: acp, AccessControlPolicy: acp,
}; };
s3.putObjectAcl(putAclParams, err => { s3.putObjectAcl(putAclParams, err => {
assert(err); expect(err).toBeTruthy();
assert.strictEqual(err.statusCode, 403); expect(err.statusCode).toBe(403);
assert.strictEqual(err.code, 'AccessDenied'); expect(err.code).toBe('AccessDenied');
done(); done();
}); });
}); });

View File

@ -36,9 +36,9 @@ function generateTaggingConfig(key, value) {
} }
function _checkError(err, code, statusCode) { function _checkError(err, code, statusCode) {
assert(err, 'Expected error but found none'); expect(err).toBeTruthy();
assert.strictEqual(err.code, code); expect(err.code).toBe(code);
assert.strictEqual(err.statusCode, statusCode); expect(err.statusCode).toBe(statusCode);
} }
describe('PUT object taggings', () => { describe('PUT object taggings', () => {
@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ describe('PUT object taggings', () => {
}); });
taggingTests.forEach(taggingTest => { taggingTests.forEach(taggingTest => {
it(, done => { test(, done => {
const taggingConfig = generateTaggingConfig(taggingTest.tag.key, const taggingConfig = generateTaggingConfig(taggingTest.tag.key,
taggingTest.tag.value); taggingTest.tag.value);
s3.putObjectTagging({ Bucket: bucketName, Key: objectName, s3.putObjectTagging({ Bucket: bucketName, Key: objectName,
@ -78,14 +78,14 @@ describe('PUT object taggings', () => {
_checkError(err, taggingTest.error, 400); _checkError(err, taggingTest.error, 400);
} else { } else {
assert.ifError(err, `Found unexpected err ${err}`); assert.ifError(err, `Found unexpected err ${err}`);
assert.strictEqual(Object.keys(data).length, 0); expect(Object.keys(data).length).toBe(0);
} }
done(); done();
}); });
}); });
}); });
it('should return BadRequest if putting more that 10 tags', done => { test('should return BadRequest if putting more that 10 tags', done => {
const taggingConfig = generateMultipleTagConfig(11); const taggingConfig = generateMultipleTagConfig(11);
s3.putObjectTagging({ Bucket: bucketName, Key: objectName, s3.putObjectTagging({ Bucket: bucketName, Key: objectName,
Tagging: taggingConfig }, err => { Tagging: taggingConfig }, err => {
@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ describe('PUT object taggings', () => {
}); });
}); });
it('should return InvalidTag if using the same key twice', done => { test('should return InvalidTag if using the same key twice', done => {
s3.putObjectTagging({ Bucket: bucketName, Key: objectName, s3.putObjectTagging({ Bucket: bucketName, Key: objectName,
Tagging: { TagSet: [ Tagging: { TagSet: [
{ {
@ -112,7 +112,7 @@ describe('PUT object taggings', () => {
}); });
}); });
it('should return InvalidTag if key is an empty string', done => { test('should return InvalidTag if key is an empty string', done => {
s3.putObjectTagging({ Bucket: bucketName, Key: objectName, s3.putObjectTagging({ Bucket: bucketName, Key: objectName,
Tagging: { TagSet: [ Tagging: { TagSet: [
{ {
@ -126,17 +126,17 @@ describe('PUT object taggings', () => {
}); });
}); });
it('should be able to put an empty Tag set', done => { test('should be able to put an empty Tag set', done => {
s3.putObjectTagging({ Bucket: bucketName, Key: objectName, s3.putObjectTagging({ Bucket: bucketName, Key: objectName,
Tagging: { TagSet: [] }, Tagging: { TagSet: [] },
}, (err, data) => { }, (err, data) => {
assert.ifError(err, `Found unexpected err ${err}`); assert.ifError(err, `Found unexpected err ${err}`);
assert.strictEqual(Object.keys(data).length, 0); expect(Object.keys(data).length).toBe(0);
done(); done();
}); });
}); });
it('should return NoSuchKey put tag to a non-existing object', done => { test('should return NoSuchKey put tag to a non-existing object', done => {
s3.putObjectTagging({ s3.putObjectTagging({
Bucket: bucketName, Bucket: bucketName,
Key: 'nonexisting', Key: 'nonexisting',
@ -147,7 +147,8 @@ describe('PUT object taggings', () => {
}); });
}); });
it('should return 403 AccessDenied putting tag with another account', test(
'should return 403 AccessDenied putting tag with another account',
done => { done => {
otherAccountS3.putObjectTagging({ Bucket: bucketName, Key: otherAccountS3.putObjectTagging({ Bucket: bucketName, Key:
objectName, Tagging: taggingConfig, objectName, Tagging: taggingConfig,
@ -155,11 +156,11 @@ describe('PUT object taggings', () => {
_checkError(err, 'AccessDenied', 403); _checkError(err, 'AccessDenied', 403);
done(); done();
}); });
}); }
it('should return 403 AccessDenied putting tag with a different ' + test('should return 403 AccessDenied putting tag with a different ' +
'account to an object with ACL "public-read-write"', 'account to an object with ACL "public-read-write"', done => {
done => {
s3.putObjectAcl({ Bucket: bucketName, Key: objectName, s3.putObjectAcl({ Bucket: bucketName, Key: objectName,
ACL: 'public-read-write' }, err => { ACL: 'public-read-write' }, err => {
if (err) { if (err) {
@ -174,9 +175,8 @@ describe('PUT object taggings', () => {
}); });
}); });
it('should return 403 AccessDenied putting tag to an object ' + test('should return 403 AccessDenied putting tag to an object ' +
'in a bucket created with a different account', 'in a bucket created with a different account', done => {
done => {
async.waterfall([ async.waterfall([
next => s3.putBucketAcl({ Bucket: bucketName, ACL: next => s3.putBucketAcl({ Bucket: bucketName, ACL:
'public-read-write' }, err => next(err)), 'public-read-write' }, err => next(err)),
@ -191,7 +191,7 @@ describe('PUT object taggings', () => {
}); });
}); });
it('should put tag to an object in a bucket created with same ' + test('should put tag to an object in a bucket created with same ' +
'account', done => { 'account', done => {
async.waterfall([ async.waterfall([
next => s3.putBucketAcl({ Bucket: bucketName, ACL: next => s3.putBucketAcl({ Bucket: bucketName, ACL:

View File

@ -44,21 +44,21 @@ describe('PUT object', () => {
}); });
}); });
it('should return Not Implemented error for obj. encryption using ' + test('should return Not Implemented error for obj. encryption using ' +
'customer-provided encryption keys', done => { 'customer-provided encryption keys', done => {
const params = { Bucket: bucket, Key: 'key', PartNumber: 0, const params = { Bucket: bucket, Key: 'key', PartNumber: 0,
UploadId: uploadId, SSECustomerAlgorithm: 'AES256' }; UploadId: uploadId, SSECustomerAlgorithm: 'AES256' };
s3.uploadPart(params, err => { s3.uploadPart(params, err => {
assert.strictEqual(err.code, 'NotImplemented'); expect(err.code).toBe('NotImplemented');
done(); done();
}); });
}); });
it('should return InvalidArgument if negative PartNumber', done => { test('should return InvalidArgument if negative PartNumber', done => {
const params = { Bucket: bucket, Key: 'key', PartNumber: -1, const params = { Bucket: bucket, Key: 'key', PartNumber: -1,
UploadId: uploadId }; UploadId: uploadId };
s3.uploadPart(params, err => { s3.uploadPart(params, err => {
assert.strictEqual(err.code, 'InvalidArgument'); expect(err.code).toBe('InvalidArgument');
done(); done();
}); });
}); });

View File

@ -87,9 +87,9 @@ function createHashedFile(bytes) {
} }
describeSkipIfCeph('aws-node-sdk range tests', () => { describeSkipIfCeph('aws-node-sdk range tests', () => {
before(() => execFileAsync('gcc', ['-o', 'getRangeExec', beforeAll(() => execFileAsync('gcc', ['-o', 'getRangeExec',
'lib/utility/getRange.c'])); 'lib/utility/getRange.c']));
after(() => execAsync('rm getRangeExec')); afterAll(() => execAsync('rm getRangeExec'));
describe('aws-node-sdk range test for object put by MPU', () => describe('aws-node-sdk range test for object put by MPU', () =>
withV4(sigCfg => { withV4(sigCfg => {
@ -125,8 +125,7 @@ describeSkipIfCeph('aws-node-sdk range tests', () => {
}, },
], ],
}, },
})) })));
afterEach(() => bucketUtil.empty(bucket) afterEach(() => bucketUtil.empty(bucket)
.then(() => s3.abortMultipartUploadAsync({ .then(() => s3.abortMultipartUploadAsync({
@ -141,19 +140,18 @@ describeSkipIfCeph('aws-node-sdk range tests', () => {
resolve(); resolve();
})) }))
.then(() => bucketUtil.deleteOne(bucket)) .then(() => bucketUtil.deleteOne(bucket))
.then(() => execAsync(`rm hashedFile.${fileSize}*`)) .then(() => execAsync(`rm hashedFile.${fileSize}*`)));
it('should get a range from the first part of an object', () => test('should get a range from the first part of an object', () =>
checkRanges('0-9', fileSize)); checkRanges('0-9', fileSize));
it('should get a range from the second part of an object', () => test('should get a range from the second part of an object', () =>
checkRanges('5242880-5242889', fileSize)); checkRanges('5242880-5242889', fileSize));
it('should get a range that spans both parts of an object', () => test('should get a range that spans both parts of an object', () =>
checkRanges('5242875-5242884', fileSize)); checkRanges('5242875-5242884', fileSize));
it('should get a range from the second part of an object and ' + test('should get a range from the second part of an object and ' +
'include the end if the range requested goes beyond the ' + 'include the end if the range requested goes beyond the ' +
'actual object end', () => 'actual object end', () =>
checkRanges('10485750-10485790', fileSize)); checkRanges('10485750-10485790', fileSize));
@ -210,7 +208,7 @@ describeSkipIfCeph('aws-node-sdk range tests', () => {
]; ];
putRangeTests.forEach(range => { putRangeTests.forEach(range => {
it(`should get a range of ${range} bytes using a ${fileSize} ` + test(`should get a range of ${range} bytes using a ${fileSize} ` +
'byte sized object', () => 'byte sized object', () =>
checkRanges(range, fileSize)); checkRanges(range, fileSize));
}); });
@ -236,11 +234,11 @@ describeSkipIfCeph('aws-node-sdk range tests', () => {
.then(() => bucketUtil.deleteOne(bucket)) .then(() => bucketUtil.deleteOne(bucket))
.then(() => execAsync(`rm hashedFile.${fileSize}*`))); .then(() => execAsync(`rm hashedFile.${fileSize}*`)));
it('should get the final 90 bytes of a 2890 byte object for a ' + test('should get the final 90 bytes of a 2890 byte object for a ' +
'byte range of 2800-', () => 'byte range of 2800-', () =>
checkRanges('2800-', fileSize)); checkRanges('2800-', fileSize));
it('should get the final 90 bytes of a 2890 byte object for a ' + test('should get the final 90 bytes of a 2890 byte object for a ' +
'byte range of 2800-Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER', () => 'byte range of 2800-Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER', () =>
checkRanges(`2800-${Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER}`, fileSize)); checkRanges(`2800-${Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER}`, fileSize));
}); });

View File

@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ function putBucketWebsiteAndPutObjectRedirect(redirect, condition, key, done) {
} }
describe('User visits bucket website endpoint', () => { describe('User visits bucket website endpoint', () => {
it('should return 404 when no such bucket', done => { test('should return 404 when no such bucket', done => {
WebsiteConfigTester.checkHTML({ WebsiteConfigTester.checkHTML({
method: 'GET', method: 'GET',
url: endpoint, url: endpoint,
@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ describe('User visits bucket website endpoint', () => {
afterEach(done => s3.deleteBucket({ Bucket: bucket }, done)); afterEach(done => s3.deleteBucket({ Bucket: bucket }, done));
it('should return 404 when no website configuration', done => { test('should return 404 when no website configuration', done => {
WebsiteConfigTester.checkHTML({ WebsiteConfigTester.checkHTML({
method: 'GET', method: 'GET',
url: endpoint, url: endpoint,
@ -70,15 +70,14 @@ describe('User visits bucket website endpoint', () => {
const webConfig = new WebsiteConfigTester('index.html'); const webConfig = new WebsiteConfigTester('index.html');
s3.putBucketWebsite({ Bucket: bucket, s3.putBucketWebsite({ Bucket: bucket,
WebsiteConfiguration: webConfig }, err => { WebsiteConfiguration: webConfig }, err => {
assert.strictEqual(err, expect(err).toBe(null);
null, `Found unexpected err ${err}`);
s3.putObject({ Bucket: bucket, Key: 'index.html', s3.putObject({ Bucket: bucket, Key: 'index.html',
ACL: 'public-read', ACL: 'public-read',
Body: fs.readFileSync(path.join(__dirname, Body: fs.readFileSync(path.join(__dirname,
'/websiteFiles/index.html')), '/websiteFiles/index.html')),
ContentType: 'text/html' }, ContentType: 'text/html' },
err => { err => {
assert.strictEqual(err, null); expect(err).toBe(null);
done(); done();
}); });
}); });
@ -89,30 +88,29 @@ describe('User visits bucket website endpoint', () => {
err => done(err)); err => done(err));
}); });
it('should return 405 when user requests method other than get ' + test('should return 405 when user requests method other than get ' +
'or head', done => { 'or head', done => {
makeRequest({ makeRequest({
hostname, hostname,
port, port,
method: 'POST', method: 'POST',
}, (err, res) => { }, (err, res) => {
assert.strictEqual(err, null, expect(err).toBe(null);
`Err with request ${err}`); expect(res.statusCode).toBe(405);
assert.strictEqual(res.statusCode, 405); expect(res.body.indexOf('<head><title>405 ' +
assert(res.body.indexOf('<head><title>405 ' + 'Method Not Allowed</title></head>') > -1).toBeTruthy();
'Method Not Allowed</title></head>') > -1);
return done(); return done();
}); });
}); });
it('should serve indexDocument if no key requested', done => { test('should serve indexDocument if no key requested', done => {
WebsiteConfigTester.checkHTML({ WebsiteConfigTester.checkHTML({
method: 'GET', method: 'GET',
url: endpoint, url: endpoint,
responseType: 'index-user', responseType: 'index-user',
}, done); }, done);
}); });
it('should serve indexDocument if key requested', done => { test('should serve indexDocument if key requested', done => {
WebsiteConfigTester.checkHTML({ WebsiteConfigTester.checkHTML({
method: 'GET', method: 'GET',
url: `${endpoint}/index.html`, url: `${endpoint}/index.html`,
@ -125,8 +123,7 @@ describe('User visits bucket website endpoint', () => {
const webConfig = new WebsiteConfigTester('index.html'); const webConfig = new WebsiteConfigTester('index.html');
s3.putBucketWebsite({ Bucket: bucket, s3.putBucketWebsite({ Bucket: bucket,
WebsiteConfiguration: webConfig }, err => { WebsiteConfiguration: webConfig }, err => {
assert.strictEqual(err, expect(err).toBe(null);
null, `Found unexpected err ${err}`);
s3.putObject({ Bucket: bucket, s3.putObject({ Bucket: bucket,
Key: 'pathprefix/index.html', Key: 'pathprefix/index.html',
ACL: 'public-read', ACL: 'public-read',
@ -142,8 +139,7 @@ describe('User visits bucket website endpoint', () => {
done); done);
}); });
it('should serve indexDocument if path request without key', test('should serve indexDocument if path request without key', done => {
done => {
WebsiteConfigTester.checkHTML({ WebsiteConfigTester.checkHTML({
method: 'GET', method: 'GET',
url: `${endpoint}/pathprefix/`, url: `${endpoint}/pathprefix/`,
@ -151,8 +147,7 @@ describe('User visits bucket website endpoint', () => {
}, done); }, done);
}); });
it('should serve indexDocument if path request with key', test('should serve indexDocument if path request with key', done => {
done => {
WebsiteConfigTester.checkHTML({ WebsiteConfigTester.checkHTML({
method: 'GET', method: 'GET',
url: `${endpoint}/pathprefix/index.html`, url: `${endpoint}/pathprefix/index.html`,
@ -166,8 +161,7 @@ describe('User visits bucket website endpoint', () => {
const webConfig = new WebsiteConfigTester('index.html'); const webConfig = new WebsiteConfigTester('index.html');
s3.putBucketWebsite({ Bucket: bucket, s3.putBucketWebsite({ Bucket: bucket,
WebsiteConfiguration: webConfig }, err => { WebsiteConfiguration: webConfig }, err => {
assert.strictEqual(err, expect(err).toBe(null);
null, `Found unexpected err ${err}`);
s3.putObject({ Bucket: bucket, s3.putObject({ Bucket: bucket,
Key: 'index.html', Key: 'index.html',
ACL: 'private', ACL: 'private',
@ -181,7 +175,7 @@ describe('User visits bucket website endpoint', () => {
s3.deleteObject({ Bucket: bucket, Key: 'index.html' }, done); s3.deleteObject({ Bucket: bucket, Key: 'index.html' }, done);
}); });
it('should return 403 if key is private', done => { test('should return 403 if key is private', done => {
WebsiteConfigTester.checkHTML({ WebsiteConfigTester.checkHTML({
method: 'GET', method: 'GET',
url: endpoint, url: endpoint,
@ -197,7 +191,7 @@ describe('User visits bucket website endpoint', () => {
WebsiteConfiguration: webConfig }, done); WebsiteConfiguration: webConfig }, done);
}); });
it('should return 403 if nonexisting index document key', done => { test('should return 403 if nonexisting index document key', done => {
WebsiteConfigTester.checkHTML({ WebsiteConfigTester.checkHTML({
method: 'GET', method: 'GET',
url: endpoint, url: endpoint,
@ -217,7 +211,7 @@ describe('User visits bucket website endpoint', () => {
WebsiteConfiguration: webConfig }, done); WebsiteConfiguration: webConfig }, done);
}); });
it(`should redirect to ${redirectEndpoint}`, done => { test(`should redirect to ${redirectEndpoint}`, done => {
WebsiteConfigTester.checkHTML({ WebsiteConfigTester.checkHTML({
method: 'GET', method: 'GET',
url: endpoint, url: endpoint,
@ -226,7 +220,7 @@ describe('User visits bucket website endpoint', () => {
}, done); }, done);
}); });
it(`should redirect to ${redirectEndpoint}/about`, done => { test(`should redirect to ${redirectEndpoint}/about`, done => {
WebsiteConfigTester.checkHTML({ WebsiteConfigTester.checkHTML({
method: 'GET', method: 'GET',
url: `${endpoint}/about`, url: `${endpoint}/about`,
@ -252,7 +246,7 @@ describe('User visits bucket website endpoint', () => {
WebsiteConfiguration: webConfig }, done); WebsiteConfiguration: webConfig }, done);
}); });
it('should redirect to', done => { test('should redirect to', done => {
WebsiteConfigTester.checkHTML({ WebsiteConfigTester.checkHTML({
method: 'GET', method: 'GET',
url: endpoint, url: endpoint,
@ -261,7 +255,7 @@ describe('User visits bucket website endpoint', () => {
}, done); }, done);
}); });
it('should redirect to', done => { test('should redirect to', done => {
WebsiteConfigTester.checkHTML({ WebsiteConfigTester.checkHTML({
method: 'GET', method: 'GET',
url: `${endpoint}/about`, url: `${endpoint}/about`,
@ -277,8 +271,7 @@ describe('User visits bucket website endpoint', () => {
'error.html'); 'error.html');
s3.putBucketWebsite({ Bucket: bucket, s3.putBucketWebsite({ Bucket: bucket,
WebsiteConfiguration: webConfig }, err => { WebsiteConfiguration: webConfig }, err => {
assert.strictEqual(err, expect(err).toBe(null);
null, `Found unexpected err ${err}`);
s3.putObject({ Bucket: bucket, s3.putObject({ Bucket: bucket,
Key: 'error.html', Key: 'error.html',
ACL: 'public-read', ACL: 'public-read',
@ -292,8 +285,7 @@ describe('User visits bucket website endpoint', () => {
s3.deleteObject({ Bucket: bucket, Key: 'error.html' }, done); s3.deleteObject({ Bucket: bucket, Key: 'error.html' }, done);
}); });
it('should serve custom error document if an error occurred', test('should serve custom error document if an error occurred', done => {
done => {
WebsiteConfigTester.checkHTML({ WebsiteConfigTester.checkHTML({
method: 'GET', method: 'GET',
url: endpoint, url: endpoint,
@ -310,7 +302,7 @@ describe('User visits bucket website endpoint', () => {
WebsiteConfiguration: webConfig }, done); WebsiteConfiguration: webConfig }, done);
}); });
it('should serve s3 error file if unfound custom error document ' + test('should serve s3 error file if unfound custom error document ' +
'and an error occurred', done => { 'and an error occurred', done => {
WebsiteConfigTester.checkHTML({ WebsiteConfigTester.checkHTML({
method: 'GET', method: 'GET',
@ -334,7 +326,7 @@ describe('User visits bucket website endpoint', () => {
WebsiteConfiguration: webConfig }, done); WebsiteConfiguration: webConfig }, done);
}); });
it(`should redirect to ${redirectEndpoint} if error 403` + test(`should redirect to ${redirectEndpoint} if error 403` +
' occured', done => { ' occured', done => {
WebsiteConfigTester.checkHTML({ WebsiteConfigTester.checkHTML({
method: 'GET', method: 'GET',
@ -359,7 +351,7 @@ describe('User visits bucket website endpoint', () => {
WebsiteConfiguration: webConfig }, done); WebsiteConfiguration: webConfig }, done);
}); });
it(`should redirect to ${redirectEndpoint}/about/ if ` + test(`should redirect to ${redirectEndpoint}/about/ if ` +
'key prefix is equal to "about"', done => { 'key prefix is equal to "about"', done => {
WebsiteConfigTester.checkHTML({ WebsiteConfigTester.checkHTML({
method: 'GET', method: 'GET',
@ -386,7 +378,7 @@ describe('User visits bucket website endpoint', () => {
WebsiteConfiguration: webConfig }, done); WebsiteConfiguration: webConfig }, done);
}); });
it(`should redirect to ${redirectEndpoint} if ` + test(`should redirect to ${redirectEndpoint} if ` +
'key prefix is equal to "about" AND error code 403', done => { 'key prefix is equal to "about" AND error code 403', done => {
WebsiteConfigTester.checkHTML({ WebsiteConfigTester.checkHTML({
method: 'GET', method: 'GET',
@ -415,7 +407,7 @@ describe('User visits bucket website endpoint', () => {
WebsiteConfiguration: webConfig }, done); WebsiteConfiguration: webConfig }, done);
}); });
it('should redirect to the first one', done => { test('should redirect to the first one', done => {
WebsiteConfigTester.checkHTML({ WebsiteConfigTester.checkHTML({
method: 'GET', method: 'GET',
url: `${endpoint}/about/`, url: `${endpoint}/about/`,
@ -441,7 +433,7 @@ describe('User visits bucket website endpoint', () => {
WebsiteConfiguration: webConfig }, done); WebsiteConfiguration: webConfig }, done);
}); });
it('should redirect to if ' + test('should redirect to if ' +
'https protocols', done => { 'https protocols', done => {
WebsiteConfigTester.checkHTML({ WebsiteConfigTester.checkHTML({
method: 'GET', method: 'GET',
@ -469,8 +461,7 @@ describe('User visits bucket website endpoint', () => {
err => done(err)); err => done(err));
}); });
it('should serve redirect file if error 403 error occured', test('should serve redirect file if error 403 error occured', done => {
done => {
WebsiteConfigTester.checkHTML({ WebsiteConfigTester.checkHTML({
method: 'GET', method: 'GET',
url: endpoint, url: endpoint,
@ -495,7 +486,7 @@ describe('User visits bucket website endpoint', () => {
WebsiteConfiguration: webConfig }, done); WebsiteConfiguration: webConfig }, done);
}); });
it(`should redirect to ${redirectEndpoint}/about/ if ` + test(`should redirect to ${redirectEndpoint}/about/ if ` +
'ReplaceKeyPrefixWith equals "about/"', done => { 'ReplaceKeyPrefixWith equals "about/"', done => {
WebsiteConfigTester.checkHTML({ WebsiteConfigTester.checkHTML({
method: 'GET', method: 'GET',
@ -524,8 +515,7 @@ describe('User visits bucket website endpoint', () => {
err => done(err)); err => done(err));
}); });
it('should serve redirect file if key prefix is equal to "about"', test('should serve redirect file if key prefix is equal to "about"', done => {
done => {
WebsiteConfigTester.checkHTML({ WebsiteConfigTester.checkHTML({
method: 'GET', method: 'GET',
url: `${endpoint}/about/`, url: `${endpoint}/about/`,
@ -554,9 +544,8 @@ describe('User visits bucket website endpoint', () => {
err => done(err)); err => done(err));
}); });
it('should serve redirect file if key prefix is equal to ' + test('should serve redirect file if key prefix is equal to ' +
'"about" and error 403', '"about" and error 403', done => {
done => {
WebsiteConfigTester.checkHTML({ WebsiteConfigTester.checkHTML({
method: 'GET', method: 'GET',
url: `${endpoint}/about/`, url: `${endpoint}/about/`,

View File

@ -142,7 +142,7 @@ describe('User visits bucket website endpoint with ACL', () => {
}); });
}); });
it(`${} with no auth credentials sent`, done => { test(`${} with no auth credentials sent`, done => {
WebsiteConfigTester.checkHTML({ WebsiteConfigTester.checkHTML({
method: 'GET', method: 'GET',
url: endpoint, url: endpoint,
@ -150,7 +150,7 @@ describe('User visits bucket website endpoint with ACL', () => {
}, done); }, done);
}); });
it(`${} even with invalid auth credentials`, done => { test(`${} even with invalid auth credentials`, done => {
WebsiteConfigTester.checkHTML({ WebsiteConfigTester.checkHTML({
auth: 'invalid credentials', auth: 'invalid credentials',
method: 'GET', method: 'GET',
@ -159,7 +159,7 @@ describe('User visits bucket website endpoint with ACL', () => {
}, done); }, done);
}); });
it(`${} even with valid auth credentials`, done => { test(`${} even with valid auth credentials`, done => {
WebsiteConfigTester.checkHTML({ WebsiteConfigTester.checkHTML({
auth: 'valid credentials', auth: 'valid credentials',
method: 'GET', method: 'GET',

View File

@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ const indexExpectedHeaders = {
describe('Head request on bucket website endpoint', () => { describe('Head request on bucket website endpoint', () => {
it('should return 404 when no such bucket', done => { test('should return 404 when no such bucket', done => {
const expectedHeaders = { const expectedHeaders = {
'x-amz-error-code': 'NoSuchBucket', 'x-amz-error-code': 'NoSuchBucket',
// Need arsenal fixed to remove period at the end // Need arsenal fixed to remove period at the end
@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ describe('Head request on bucket website endpoint', () => {
afterEach(done => s3.deleteBucket({ Bucket: bucket }, done)); afterEach(done => s3.deleteBucket({ Bucket: bucket }, done));
it('should return 404 when no website configuration', done => { test('should return 404 when no website configuration', done => {
const expectedHeaders = { const expectedHeaders = {
'x-amz-error-code': 'NoSuchWebsiteConfiguration', 'x-amz-error-code': 'NoSuchWebsiteConfiguration',
'x-amz-error-message': 'The specified bucket does not ' + 'x-amz-error-message': 'The specified bucket does not ' +
@ -108,8 +108,7 @@ describe('Head request on bucket website endpoint', () => {
const webConfig = new WebsiteConfigTester('index.html'); const webConfig = new WebsiteConfigTester('index.html');
s3.putBucketWebsite({ Bucket: bucket, s3.putBucketWebsite({ Bucket: bucket,
WebsiteConfiguration: webConfig }, err => { WebsiteConfiguration: webConfig }, err => {
assert.strictEqual(err, expect(err).toBe(null);
null, `Found unexpected err ${err}`);
s3.putObject({ Bucket: bucket, Key: 'index.html', s3.putObject({ Bucket: bucket, Key: 'index.html',
ACL: 'public-read', ACL: 'public-read',
Body: fs.readFileSync(path.join(__dirname, Body: fs.readFileSync(path.join(__dirname,
@ -120,7 +119,7 @@ describe('Head request on bucket website endpoint', () => {
}, },
}, },
err => { err => {
assert.strictEqual(err, null); expect(err).toBe(null);
done(); done();
}); });
}); });
@ -131,13 +130,13 @@ describe('Head request on bucket website endpoint', () => {
err => done(err)); err => done(err));
}); });
it('should return indexDocument headers if no key ' + test('should return indexDocument headers if no key ' +
'requested', done => { 'requested', done => {
WebsiteConfigTester.makeHeadRequest(undefined, endpoint, WebsiteConfigTester.makeHeadRequest(undefined, endpoint,
200, indexExpectedHeaders, done); 200, indexExpectedHeaders, done);
}); });
it('should return indexDocument headers if key requested', done => { test('should return indexDocument headers if key requested', done => {
WebsiteConfigTester.makeHeadRequest(undefined, WebsiteConfigTester.makeHeadRequest(undefined,
`${endpoint}/index.html`, 200, indexExpectedHeaders, done); `${endpoint}/index.html`, 200, indexExpectedHeaders, done);
}); });
@ -148,8 +147,7 @@ describe('Head request on bucket website endpoint', () => {
const webConfig = new WebsiteConfigTester('index.html'); const webConfig = new WebsiteConfigTester('index.html');
s3.putBucketWebsite({ Bucket: bucket, s3.putBucketWebsite({ Bucket: bucket,
WebsiteConfiguration: webConfig }, err => { WebsiteConfiguration: webConfig }, err => {
assert.strictEqual(err, expect(err).toBe(null);
null, `Found unexpected err ${err}`);
s3.putObject({ Bucket: bucket, s3.putObject({ Bucket: bucket,
Key: 'pathprefix/index.html', Key: 'pathprefix/index.html',
ACL: 'public-read', ACL: 'public-read',
@ -169,14 +167,12 @@ describe('Head request on bucket website endpoint', () => {
done); done);
}); });
it('should serve indexDocument if path request without key', test('should serve indexDocument if path request without key', done => {
done => {
WebsiteConfigTester.makeHeadRequest(undefined, WebsiteConfigTester.makeHeadRequest(undefined,
`${endpoint}/pathprefix/`, 200, indexExpectedHeaders, done); `${endpoint}/pathprefix/`, 200, indexExpectedHeaders, done);
}); });
it('should serve indexDocument if path request with key', test('should serve indexDocument if path request with key', done => {
done => {
WebsiteConfigTester.makeHeadRequest(undefined, WebsiteConfigTester.makeHeadRequest(undefined,
`${endpoint}/pathprefix/index.html`, 200, `${endpoint}/pathprefix/index.html`, 200,
indexExpectedHeaders, done); indexExpectedHeaders, done);
@ -188,8 +184,7 @@ describe('Head request on bucket website endpoint', () => {
const webConfig = new WebsiteConfigTester('index.html'); const webConfig = new WebsiteConfigTester('index.html');
s3.putBucketWebsite({ Bucket: bucket, s3.putBucketWebsite({ Bucket: bucket,
WebsiteConfiguration: webConfig }, err => { WebsiteConfiguration: webConfig }, err => {
assert.strictEqual(err, expect(err).toBe(null);
null, `Found unexpected err ${err}`);
s3.putObject({ Bucket: bucket, s3.putObject({ Bucket: bucket,
Key: 'index.html', Key: 'index.html',
ACL: 'private', ACL: 'private',
@ -203,7 +198,7 @@ describe('Head request on bucket website endpoint', () => {
s3.deleteObject({ Bucket: bucket, Key: 'index.html' }, done); s3.deleteObject({ Bucket: bucket, Key: 'index.html' }, done);
}); });
it('should return 403 if key is private', done => { test('should return 403 if key is private', done => {
const expectedHeaders = { const expectedHeaders = {
'x-amz-error-code': 'AccessDenied', 'x-amz-error-code': 'AccessDenied',
'x-amz-error-message': 'Access Denied', 'x-amz-error-message': 'Access Denied',
@ -220,7 +215,7 @@ describe('Head request on bucket website endpoint', () => {
WebsiteConfiguration: webConfig }, done); WebsiteConfiguration: webConfig }, done);
}); });
it('should return 403 if nonexisting index document key', done => { test('should return 403 if nonexisting index document key', done => {
const expectedHeaders = { const expectedHeaders = {
'x-amz-error-code': 'AccessDenied', 'x-amz-error-code': 'AccessDenied',
'x-amz-error-message': 'Access Denied', 'x-amz-error-message': 'Access Denied',
@ -241,7 +236,7 @@ describe('Head request on bucket website endpoint', () => {
WebsiteConfiguration: webConfig }, done); WebsiteConfiguration: webConfig }, done);
}); });
it(`should redirect to ${redirectEndpoint}`, done => { test(`should redirect to ${redirectEndpoint}`, done => {
const expectedHeaders = { const expectedHeaders = {
location: redirectEndpoint, location: redirectEndpoint,
}; };
@ -249,7 +244,7 @@ describe('Head request on bucket website endpoint', () => {
endpoint, 301, expectedHeaders, done); endpoint, 301, expectedHeaders, done);
}); });
it(`should redirect to ${redirectEndpoint}about`, done => { test(`should redirect to ${redirectEndpoint}about`, done => {
const expectedHeaders = { const expectedHeaders = {
location: `${redirectEndpoint}about/`, location: `${redirectEndpoint}about/`,
}; };
@ -274,7 +269,7 @@ describe('Head request on bucket website endpoint', () => {
WebsiteConfiguration: webConfig }, done); WebsiteConfiguration: webConfig }, done);
}); });
it('should redirect to', done => { test('should redirect to', done => {
const expectedHeaders = { const expectedHeaders = {
location: '', location: '',
}; };
@ -282,7 +277,7 @@ describe('Head request on bucket website endpoint', () => {
301, expectedHeaders, done); 301, expectedHeaders, done);
}); });
it('should redirect to', done => { test('should redirect to', done => {
const expectedHeaders = { const expectedHeaders = {
location: '', location: '',
}; };
@ -297,8 +292,7 @@ describe('Head request on bucket website endpoint', () => {
'error.html'); 'error.html');
s3.putBucketWebsite({ Bucket: bucket, s3.putBucketWebsite({ Bucket: bucket,
WebsiteConfiguration: webConfig }, err => { WebsiteConfiguration: webConfig }, err => {
assert.strictEqual(err, expect(err).toBe(null);
null, `Found unexpected err ${err}`);
s3.putObject({ Bucket: bucket, s3.putObject({ Bucket: bucket,
Key: 'error.html', Key: 'error.html',
ACL: 'public-read', ACL: 'public-read',
@ -312,7 +306,7 @@ describe('Head request on bucket website endpoint', () => {
s3.deleteObject({ Bucket: bucket, Key: 'error.html' }, done); s3.deleteObject({ Bucket: bucket, Key: 'error.html' }, done);
}); });
it('should return regular error headers regardless of whether ' + test('should return regular error headers regardless of whether ' +
'custom error document', done => { 'custom error document', done => {
const expectedHeaders = { const expectedHeaders = {
'x-amz-error-code': 'AccessDenied', 'x-amz-error-code': 'AccessDenied',
@ -337,7 +331,7 @@ describe('Head request on bucket website endpoint', () => {
WebsiteConfiguration: webConfig }, done); WebsiteConfiguration: webConfig }, done);
}); });
it(`should redirect to ${redirectEndpoint} if error 403` + test(`should redirect to ${redirectEndpoint} if error 403` +
' occured', done => { ' occured', done => {
const expectedHeaders = { const expectedHeaders = {
location: redirectEndpoint, location: redirectEndpoint,
@ -361,7 +355,7 @@ describe('Head request on bucket website endpoint', () => {
WebsiteConfiguration: webConfig }, done); WebsiteConfiguration: webConfig }, done);
}); });
it(`should redirect to ${redirectEndpoint}about if ` + test(`should redirect to ${redirectEndpoint}about if ` +
'key prefix is equal to "about"', done => { 'key prefix is equal to "about"', done => {
const expectedHeaders = { const expectedHeaders = {
location: `${redirectEndpoint}about/`, location: `${redirectEndpoint}about/`,
@ -387,7 +381,7 @@ describe('Head request on bucket website endpoint', () => {
WebsiteConfiguration: webConfig }, done); WebsiteConfiguration: webConfig }, done);
}); });
it(`should redirect to ${redirectEndpoint} if ` + test(`should redirect to ${redirectEndpoint} if ` +
'key prefix is equal to "about" AND error code 403', done => { 'key prefix is equal to "about" AND error code 403', done => {
const expectedHeaders = { const expectedHeaders = {
location: `${redirectEndpoint}about/`, location: `${redirectEndpoint}about/`,
@ -415,7 +409,7 @@ describe('Head request on bucket website endpoint', () => {
WebsiteConfiguration: webConfig }, done); WebsiteConfiguration: webConfig }, done);
}); });
it('should redirect based on first rule', done => { test('should redirect based on first rule', done => {
const expectedHeaders = { const expectedHeaders = {
location: `${redirectEndpoint}about/`, location: `${redirectEndpoint}about/`,
}; };
@ -440,7 +434,7 @@ describe('Head request on bucket website endpoint', () => {
WebsiteConfiguration: webConfig }, done); WebsiteConfiguration: webConfig }, done);
}); });
it('should redirect to if ' + test('should redirect to if ' +
'https protocol specified', done => { 'https protocol specified', done => {
const expectedHeaders = { const expectedHeaders = {
location: '', location: '',
@ -469,7 +463,7 @@ describe('Head request on bucket website endpoint', () => {
err => done(err)); err => done(err));
}); });
it('should redirect to specified file if 403 error ' + test('should redirect to specified file if 403 error ' +
'error occured', done => { 'error occured', done => {
const expectedHeaders = { const expectedHeaders = {
location: `${endpoint}/redirect.html`, location: `${endpoint}/redirect.html`,
@ -494,7 +488,7 @@ describe('Head request on bucket website endpoint', () => {
WebsiteConfiguration: webConfig }, done); WebsiteConfiguration: webConfig }, done);
}); });
it(`should redirect to ${redirectEndpoint}about if ` + test(`should redirect to ${redirectEndpoint}about if ` +
'ReplaceKeyPrefixWith equals "about"', done => { 'ReplaceKeyPrefixWith equals "about"', done => {
const expectedHeaders = { const expectedHeaders = {
location: `${redirectEndpoint}about`, location: `${redirectEndpoint}about`,
@ -524,7 +518,7 @@ describe('Head request on bucket website endpoint', () => {
err => done(err)); err => done(err));
}); });
it('should redirect to "redirect/" object if key prefix is equal ' + test('should redirect to "redirect/" object if key prefix is equal ' +
'to "about/"', done => { 'to "about/"', done => {
const expectedHeaders = { const expectedHeaders = {
location: `${endpoint}/redirect/`, location: `${endpoint}/redirect/`,
@ -555,10 +549,9 @@ describe('Head request on bucket website endpoint', () => {
err => done(err)); err => done(err));
}); });
it('should redirect to "redirect" object if key prefix is equal ' + test('should redirect to "redirect" object if key prefix is equal ' +
'to "about/" and there is a 403 error satisfying the ' + 'to "about/" and there is a 403 error satisfying the ' +
'condition in the redirect rule', 'condition in the redirect rule', done => {
done => {
const expectedHeaders = { const expectedHeaders = {
location: `${endpoint}/redirect/`, location: `${endpoint}/redirect/`,
}; };

Some files were not shown because too many files have changed in this diff Show More