@ -11,10 +11,408 @@ const credentials = {
secretKey: 'verySecretKey1',
runIfMongoV1('listLifecycle if null version', () => {
// runIfMongoV1('listLifecycle if null version', () => {
// let bucketUtil;
// let s3;
// let versionForKey2;
// before(done => {
// bucketUtil = new BucketUtility('account1', { signatureVersion: 'v4' });
// s3 = bucketUtil.s3;
// return async.series([
// next => s3.createBucket({ Bucket: testBucket }, next),
// next => s3.putObject({ Bucket: testBucket, Key: 'key1', Body: '123' }, next),
// next => s3.putObject({ Bucket: testBucket, Key: 'key2', Body: '123' }, next),
// next => s3.putBucketVersioning({
// Bucket: testBucket,
// VersioningConfiguration: { Status: 'Enabled' },
// }, next),
// next => s3.putObject({ Bucket: testBucket, Key: 'key1', Body: '123' }, (err, data) => {
// if (err) {
// return next(err);
// }
// // delete version to create a null current version for key1.
// return s3.deleteObject({ Bucket: testBucket, Key: 'key1', VersionId: data.VersionId }, next);
// }),
// next => s3.putObject({ Bucket: testBucket, Key: 'key2', Body: '123' }, (err, data) => {
// if (err) {
// return next(err);
// }
// versionForKey2 = data.VersionId;
// return next();
// }),
// ], done);
// });
// after(done => async.series([
// next => removeAllVersions({ Bucket: testBucket }, next),
// next => s3.deleteBucket({ Bucket: testBucket }, next),
// ], done));
// it('should return the null noncurrent versions', done => {
// makeBackbeatRequest({
// method: 'GET',
// bucket: testBucket,
// queryObj: { 'list-type': 'noncurrent' },
// authCredentials: credentials,
// }, (err, response) => {
// assert.ifError(err);
// assert.strictEqual(response.statusCode, 200);
// const data = JSON.parse(response.body);
// assert.strictEqual(data.IsTruncated, false);
// assert(!data.NextKeyMarker);
// assert.strictEqual(data.MaxKeys, 1000);
// const contents = data.Contents;
// assert.strictEqual(contents.length, 1);
// assert.strictEqual(contents[0].Key, 'key2');
// assert.strictEqual(contents[0].VersionId, 'null');
// return done();
// });
// });
// it('should return the null current versions', done => {
// makeBackbeatRequest({
// method: 'GET',
// bucket: testBucket,
// queryObj: { 'list-type': 'current' },
// authCredentials: credentials,
// }, (err, response) => {
// assert.ifError(err);
// assert.strictEqual(response.statusCode, 200);
// const data = JSON.parse(response.body);
// assert.strictEqual(data.IsTruncated, false);
// assert(!data.NextKeyMarker);
// assert.strictEqual(data.MaxKeys, 1000);
// const contents = data.Contents;
// assert.strictEqual(contents.length, 2);
// const firstKey = contents[0];
// assert.strictEqual(firstKey.Key, 'key1');
// assert.strictEqual(firstKey.VersionId, 'null');
// const secondKey = contents[1];
// assert.strictEqual(secondKey.Key, 'key2');
// assert.strictEqual(secondKey.VersionId, versionForKey2);
// return done();
// });
// });
// });
// runIfMongoV1('listLifecycle with null current version after versioning suspended', () => {
// let bucketUtil;
// let s3;
// let expectedVersionId;
// const nullObjectBucket = 'bucket-for-list-lifecycle-current-null-tests';
// const keyName = 'key0';
// before(done => {
// bucketUtil = new BucketUtility('account1', { signatureVersion: 'v4' });
// s3 = bucketUtil.s3;
// return async.series([
// next => s3.createBucket({ Bucket: nullObjectBucket }, next),
// next => s3.putBucketVersioning({
// Bucket: nullObjectBucket,
// VersioningConfiguration: { Status: 'Enabled' },
// }, next),
// next => s3.putObject({ Bucket: nullObjectBucket, Key: keyName }, (err, data) => {
// if (err) {
// return next(err);
// }
// expectedVersionId = data.VersionId;
// return next();
// }),
// next => s3.putBucketVersioning({
// Bucket: nullObjectBucket,
// VersioningConfiguration: { Status: 'Suspended' },
// }, next),
// next => s3.putObject({ Bucket: nullObjectBucket, Key: keyName }, next),
// ], done);
// });
// after(done => async.series([
// next => removeAllVersions({ Bucket: nullObjectBucket }, next),
// next => s3.deleteBucket({ Bucket: nullObjectBucket }, next),
// ], done));
// it('should return list of current versions when bucket has a null current version', done => {
// makeBackbeatRequest({
// method: 'GET',
// bucket: nullObjectBucket,
// queryObj: { 'list-type': 'current' },
// authCredentials: credentials,
// }, (err, response) => {
// assert.ifError(err);
// assert.strictEqual(response.statusCode, 200);
// const data = JSON.parse(response.body);
// assert.strictEqual(data.IsTruncated, false);
// assert(!data.NextKeyMarker);
// assert.strictEqual(data.MaxKeys, 1000);
// assert.strictEqual(data.Contents.length, 1);
// const key = data.Contents[0];
// assert.strictEqual(key.Key, keyName);
// assert.strictEqual(key.VersionId, 'null');
// return done();
// });
// });
// it('should return list of non-current versions when bucket has a null current version', done => {
// makeBackbeatRequest({
// method: 'GET',
// bucket: nullObjectBucket,
// queryObj: { 'list-type': 'noncurrent' },
// authCredentials: credentials,
// }, (err, response) => {
// assert.ifError(err);
// assert.strictEqual(response.statusCode, 200);
// const data = JSON.parse(response.body);
// assert.strictEqual(data.IsTruncated, false);
// assert(!data.NextKeyMarker);
// assert.strictEqual(data.MaxKeys, 1000);
// assert.strictEqual(data.Contents.length, 1);
// const key = data.Contents[0];
// assert.strictEqual(key.Key, keyName);
// assert.strictEqual(key.VersionId, expectedVersionId);
// return done();
// });
// });
// });
// runIfMongoV1('listLifecycle with null current versions and version id marker', () => {
// let bucketUtil;
// let s3;
// let expectedKey0VersionId;
// let expectedKey1VersionId;
// const bucketName = 'bucket-for-list-lifecycle-null-with-marker-tests';
// const keyName0 = 'key0';
// const keyName1 = 'key1';
// before(done => {
// bucketUtil = new BucketUtility('account1', { signatureVersion: 'v4' });
// s3 = bucketUtil.s3;
// return async.series([
// next => s3.createBucket({ Bucket: bucketName }, next),
// next => s3.putBucketVersioning({
// Bucket: bucketName,
// VersioningConfiguration: { Status: 'Enabled' },
// }, next),
// next => s3.putObject({ Bucket: bucketName, Key: keyName0 }, (err, data) => {
// if (err) {
// return next(err);
// }
// expectedKey0VersionId = data.VersionId;
// return next();
// }),
// next => s3.putObject({ Bucket: bucketName, Key: keyName1 }, (err, data) => {
// if (err) {
// return next(err);
// }
// expectedKey1VersionId = data.VersionId;
// return next();
// }),
// next => s3.putBucketVersioning({
// Bucket: bucketName,
// VersioningConfiguration: { Status: 'Suspended' },
// }, next),
// next => s3.putObject({ Bucket: bucketName, Key: keyName0 }, next),
// next => s3.putObject({ Bucket: bucketName, Key: keyName1 }, next),
// ], done);
// });
// after(done => async.series([
// next => removeAllVersions({ Bucket: bucketName }, next),
// next => s3.deleteBucket({ Bucket: bucketName }, next),
// ], done));
// it('should return the truncated list of noncurrent version - part 1', done => {
// makeBackbeatRequest({
// method: 'GET',
// bucket: bucketName,
// queryObj: { 'list-type': 'noncurrent', 'max-keys': '1' },
// authCredentials: credentials,
// }, (err, response) => {
// assert.ifError(err);
// assert.strictEqual(response.statusCode, 200);
// const data = JSON.parse(response.body);
// assert.strictEqual(data.IsTruncated, true);
// assert.strictEqual(data.NextKeyMarker, keyName0);
// assert.strictEqual(data.NextVersionIdMarker, expectedKey0VersionId);
// assert.strictEqual(data.MaxKeys, 1);
// assert.strictEqual(data.Contents.length, 1);
// const key = data.Contents[0];
// assert.strictEqual(key.Key, keyName0);
// assert.strictEqual(key.VersionId, expectedKey0VersionId);
// return done();
// });
// });
// it('should return the truncated list of noncurrent version - part 2', done => {
// makeBackbeatRequest({
// method: 'GET',
// bucket: bucketName,
// queryObj: {
// 'list-type': 'noncurrent',
// 'max-keys': '1',
// 'key-marker': keyName0,
// 'version-id-marker': expectedKey0VersionId,
// },
// authCredentials: credentials,
// }, (err, response) => {
// assert.ifError(err);
// assert.strictEqual(response.statusCode, 200);
// const data = JSON.parse(response.body);
// assert.strictEqual(data.IsTruncated, false);
// assert(!data.NextKeyMarker);
// assert(!data.NextVersionIdMarker);
// assert.strictEqual(data.MaxKeys, 1);
// assert.strictEqual(data.Contents.length, 1);
// const key = data.Contents[0];
// assert.strictEqual(key.Key, keyName1);
// assert.strictEqual(key.VersionId, expectedKey1VersionId);
// return done();
// });
// });
// });
// runIfMongoV1('listLifecycle with null noncurrent versions and version id marker', () => {
// let bucketUtil;
// let s3;
// let versionForKey0;
// let versionForKey1;
// before(done => {
// bucketUtil = new BucketUtility('account1', { signatureVersion: 'v4' });
// s3 = bucketUtil.s3;
// return async.series([
// next => s3.createBucket({ Bucket: testBucket }, next),
// next => s3.putObject({ Bucket: testBucket, Key: 'key0', Body: '123' }, next),
// next => s3.putObject({ Bucket: testBucket, Key: 'key1', Body: '123' }, next),
// next => s3.putBucketVersioning({
// Bucket: testBucket,
// VersioningConfiguration: { Status: 'Enabled' },
// }, next),
// next => s3.putObject({ Bucket: testBucket, Key: 'key0', Body: '123' }, (err, data) => {
// if (err) {
// return next(err);
// }
// versionForKey0 = data.VersionId;
// return next();
// }),
// next => s3.putObject({ Bucket: testBucket, Key: 'key1', Body: '123' }, (err, data) => {
// if (err) {
// return next(err);
// }
// versionForKey1 = data.VersionId;
// return next();
// }),
// ], done);
// });
// after(done => async.series([
// next => removeAllVersions({ Bucket: testBucket }, next),
// next => s3.deleteBucket({ Bucket: testBucket }, next),
// ], done));
// // it('list versions', done => {
// // s3.listObjectVersions({ Bucket: testBucket, MaxKeys: 2, KeyMarker: 'key0', VersionIdMarker: 'null' }, (err, data) => {
// // console.log('data!!!', data);
// // done();
// // });
// // });
// // it('should return the truncated list of null noncurrent versions', done => {
// // makeBackbeatRequest({
// // method: 'GET',
// // bucket: testBucket,
// // queryObj: {
// // 'list-type': 'noncurrent',
// // 'max-keys': '1',
// // 'key-marker': 'key0',
// // 'version-id-marker': 'ok',
// // },
// // authCredentials: credentials,
// // }, (err, response) => {
// // assert.ifError(err);
// // assert.strictEqual(response.statusCode, 200);
// // const data = JSON.parse(response.body);
// // console.log('data!!!', data);
// // done();
// // });
// // });
// it('should return the truncated list of null noncurrent versions', done => {
// makeBackbeatRequest({
// method: 'GET',
// bucket: testBucket,
// queryObj: { 'list-type': 'noncurrent', 'max-keys': '1' },
// authCredentials: credentials,
// }, (err, response) => {
// assert.ifError(err);
// assert.strictEqual(response.statusCode, 200);
// const data = JSON.parse(response.body);
// console.log('data!!!', data);
// assert.strictEqual(data.IsTruncated, true);
// assert.strictEqual(data.NextKeyMarker, 'key0');
// // assert.strictEqual(data.NextVersionIdMarker, versionForKey1);
// assert.strictEqual(data.MaxKeys, 1);
// const contents = data.Contents;
// assert.strictEqual(contents.length, 1);
// assert.strictEqual(contents[0].Key, 'key0');
// assert.strictEqual(contents[0].VersionId, 'null');
// const nextVersionIdMarker = data.NextVersionIdMarker;
// makeBackbeatRequest({
// method: 'GET',
// bucket: testBucket,
// queryObj: {
// 'list-type': 'noncurrent',
// 'max-keys': '1',
// 'key-marker': 'key0',
// 'version-id-marker': nextVersionIdMarker,
// },
// authCredentials: credentials,
// }, (err, response) => {
// assert.ifError(err);
// assert.strictEqual(response.statusCode, 200);
// const data = JSON.parse(response.body);
// assert.strictEqual(data.IsTruncated, false);
// assert(!data.NextKeyMarker);
// assert(!data.NextVersionIdMarker);
// assert.strictEqual(data.MaxKeys, 1);
// const contents = data.Contents;
// assert.strictEqual(contents.length, 1);
// assert.strictEqual(contents[0].Key, 'key1');
// assert.strictEqual(contents[0].VersionId, 'null');
// return done();
// });
// });
// });
// });
describe.only('listLifecycle with null noncurrent', () => {
let bucketUtil;
let s3;
let versionForKey2;
let versionForKey01;
let versionForKey02;
before(done => {
bucketUtil = new BucketUtility('account1', { signatureVersion: 'v4' });
@ -22,24 +420,23 @@ runIfMongoV1('listLifecycle if null version', () => {
return async.series([
next => s3.createBucket({ Bucket: testBucket }, next),
next => s3.putObject({ Bucket: testBucket, Key: 'key1', Body: '123' }, next),
next => s3.putObject({ Bucket: testBucket, Key: 'key2', Body: '123' }, next),
next => s3.putObject({ Bucket: testBucket, Key: 'key0', Body: '123' }, next),
next => s3.putBucketVersioning({
Bucket: testBucket,
VersioningConfiguration: { Status: 'Enabled' },
}, next),
next => s3.putObject({ Bucket: testBucket, Key: 'key1', Body: '123' }, (err, data) => {
next => s3.putObject({ Bucket: testBucket, Key: 'key0', Body: '123' }, (err, data) => {
if (err) {
return next(err);
// delete version to create a null current version for key1.
return s3.deleteObject({ Bucket: testBucket, Key: 'key1', VersionId: data.VersionId }, next);
versionForKey01 = data.VersionId;
return next();
next => s3.putObject({ Bucket: testBucket, Key: 'key2', Body: '123' }, (err, data) => {
next => s3.putObject({ Bucket: testBucket, Key: 'key0', Body: '123' }, (err, data) => {
if (err) {
return next(err);
versionForKey2 = data.VersionId;
versionForKey02 = data.VersionId;
return next();
], done);
@ -50,136 +447,58 @@ runIfMongoV1('listLifecycle if null version', () => {
next => s3.deleteBucket({ Bucket: testBucket }, next),
], done));
it('should return the null noncurrent versions', done => {
// it('should return the truncated list of null noncurrent versions', done => {
// makeBackbeatRequest({
// method: 'GET',
// bucket: testBucket,
// queryObj: { 'list-type': 'noncurrent', 'max-keys': '1' },
// authCredentials: credentials,
// }, (err, response) => {
// assert.ifError(err);
// assert.strictEqual(response.statusCode, 200);
// const data = JSON.parse(response.body);
// console.log('data!!!', data);
// assert.strictEqual(data.IsTruncated, true);
// assert.strictEqual(data.NextKeyMarker, 'key0');
// assert.strictEqual(data.NextVersionIdMarker, versionForKey01);
// assert.strictEqual(data.MaxKeys, 1);
// const contents = data.Contents;
// assert.strictEqual(contents.length, 1);
// assert.strictEqual(contents[0].Key, 'key0');
// assert.strictEqual(contents[0].VersionId, versionForKey01);
// return done();
// });
// });
it('should return the truncated list of null noncurrent versions', done => {
method: 'GET',
bucket: testBucket,
queryObj: { 'list-type': 'noncurrent' },
queryObj: { 'list-type': 'noncurrent', 'max-keys': '1', 'key-marker': 'key0',
'version-id-marker': versionForKey01, },
authCredentials: credentials,
}, (err, response) => {
assert.strictEqual(response.statusCode, 200);
const data = JSON.parse(response.body);
console.log('data!!!', data);
assert.strictEqual(data.IsTruncated, false);
assert.strictEqual(data.MaxKeys, 1000);
assert.strictEqual(data.MaxKeys, 1);
const contents = data.Contents;
assert.strictEqual(contents.length, 1);
assert.strictEqual(contents[0].Key, 'key2');
assert.strictEqual(contents[0].Key, 'key0');
assert.strictEqual(contents[0].VersionId, 'null');
return done();
it('should return the null current versions', done => {
method: 'GET',
bucket: testBucket,
queryObj: { 'list-type': 'current' },
authCredentials: credentials,
}, (err, response) => {
assert.strictEqual(response.statusCode, 200);
const data = JSON.parse(response.body);
assert.strictEqual(data.IsTruncated, false);
assert.strictEqual(data.MaxKeys, 1000);
const contents = data.Contents;
assert.strictEqual(contents.length, 2);
const firstKey = contents[0];
assert.strictEqual(firstKey.Key, 'key1');
assert.strictEqual(firstKey.VersionId, 'null');
const secondKey = contents[1];
assert.strictEqual(secondKey.Key, 'key2');
assert.strictEqual(secondKey.VersionId, versionForKey2);
return done();
runIfMongoV1('listLifecycle with null current version after versioning suspended', () => {
let bucketUtil;
let s3;
let expectedVersionId;
const nullObjectBucket = 'bucket-for-list-lifecycle-current-null-tests';
const keyName = 'key0';
before(done => {
bucketUtil = new BucketUtility('account1', { signatureVersion: 'v4' });
s3 = bucketUtil.s3;
return async.series([
next => s3.createBucket({ Bucket: nullObjectBucket }, next),
next => s3.putBucketVersioning({
Bucket: nullObjectBucket,
VersioningConfiguration: { Status: 'Enabled' },
}, next),
next => s3.putObject({ Bucket: nullObjectBucket, Key: keyName }, (err, data) => {
if (err) {
return next(err);
expectedVersionId = data.VersionId;
return next();
next => s3.putBucketVersioning({
Bucket: nullObjectBucket,
VersioningConfiguration: { Status: 'Suspended' },
}, next),
next => s3.putObject({ Bucket: nullObjectBucket, Key: keyName }, next),
], done);
after(done => async.series([
next => removeAllVersions({ Bucket: nullObjectBucket }, next),
next => s3.deleteBucket({ Bucket: nullObjectBucket }, next),
], done));
it('should return list of current versions when bucket has a null current version', done => {
method: 'GET',
bucket: nullObjectBucket,
queryObj: { 'list-type': 'current' },
authCredentials: credentials,
}, (err, response) => {
assert.strictEqual(response.statusCode, 200);
const data = JSON.parse(response.body);
assert.strictEqual(data.IsTruncated, false);
assert.strictEqual(data.MaxKeys, 1000);
assert.strictEqual(data.Contents.length, 1);
const key = data.Contents[0];
assert.strictEqual(key.Key, keyName);
assert.strictEqual(key.VersionId, 'null');
return done();
it('should return list of non-current versions when bucket has a null current version', done => {
method: 'GET',
bucket: nullObjectBucket,
queryObj: { 'list-type': 'noncurrent' },
authCredentials: credentials,
}, (err, response) => {
assert.strictEqual(response.statusCode, 200);
const data = JSON.parse(response.body);
assert.strictEqual(data.IsTruncated, false);
assert.strictEqual(data.MaxKeys, 1000);
assert.strictEqual(data.Contents.length, 1);
const key = data.Contents[0];
assert.strictEqual(key.Key, keyName);
assert.strictEqual(key.VersionId, expectedVersionId);
return done();