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1 Commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
Nicolas Humbert 9ccf3fddb8 temporary utapi branch 2016-10-03 14:57:08 -07:00
715 changed files with 13911 additions and 117375 deletions

.babelrc Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
"plugins": [

View File

@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
# Keep the .git/HEAD file in order to properly report version

View File

@ -1,54 +1 @@
"extends": "scality",
"plugins": [
"rules": {
"import/extensions": "off",
"lines-around-directive": "off",
"no-underscore-dangle": "off",
"indent": "off",
"object-curly-newline": "off",
"operator-linebreak": "off",
"function-paren-newline": "off",
"import/newline-after-import": "off",
"prefer-destructuring": "off",
"implicit-arrow-linebreak": "off",
"no-bitwise": "off",
"dot-location": "off",
"comma-dangle": "off",
"no-undef-init": "off",
"global-require": "off",
"import/no-dynamic-require": "off",
"class-methods-use-this": "off",
"no-plusplus": "off",
"no-else-return": "off",
"object-property-newline": "off",
"import/order": "off",
"no-continue": "off",
"no-tabs": "off",
"lines-between-class-members": "off",
"prefer-spread": "off",
"no-lonely-if": "off",
"no-useless-escape": "off",
"no-restricted-globals": "off",
"no-buffer-constructor": "off",
"import/no-extraneous-dependencies": "off",
"space-unary-ops": "off",
"no-useless-return": "off",
"no-unexpected-multiline": "off",
"no-mixed-operators": "off",
"newline-per-chained-call": "off",
"operator-assignment": "off",
"spaced-comment": "off",
"comma-style": "off",
"no-restricted-properties": "off",
"new-parens": "off",
"no-multi-spaces": "off",
"quote-props": "off",
"mocha/no-exclusive-tests": "error",
"parserOptions": {
"ecmaVersion": 2020
{ "extends": "scality" }

View File

@ -1,87 +0,0 @@
# General support information
GitHub Issues are **reserved** for actionable bug reports (including
documentation inaccuracies), and feature requests.
**All questions** (regarding configuration, use cases, performance, community,
events, setup and usage recommendations, among other things) should be asked on
the **[Zenko Forum](**.
> Questions opened as GitHub issues will systematically be closed, and moved to
> the [Zenko Forum](
## Avoiding duplicates
When reporting a new issue/requesting a feature, make sure that we do not have
any duplicates already open:
- search the issue list for this repository (use the search bar, select
"Issues" on the left pane after searching);
- if there is a duplicate, please do not open your issue, and add a comment
to the existing issue instead.
## Bug report information
(delete this section (everything between the lines) if you're not reporting a bug
but requesting a feature)
### Description
Briefly describe the problem you are having in a few paragraphs.
### Steps to reproduce the issue
Please provide steps to reproduce, including full log output
### Actual result
Describe the results you received
### Expected result
Describe the results you expected
### Additional information
- Node.js version,
- Docker version,
- yarn version,
- distribution/OS,
- optional: anything else you deem helpful to us.
## Feature Request
(delete this section (everything between the lines) if you're not requesting
a feature but reporting a bug)
### Proposal
Describe the feature
### Current behavior
What currently happens
### Desired behavior
What you would like to happen
### Use case
Please provide use cases for changing the current behavior
### Additional information
- Is this request for your company? Y/N
- If Y: Company name:
- Are you using any Scality Enterprise Edition products (RING, Zenko EE)? Y/N
- Are you willing to contribute this feature yourself?
- Position/Title:
- How did you hear about us?

View File

@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
# Pull request template
## Description
### Motivation and context
Why is this change required? What problem does it solve?
### Related issues
Please use the following link syntaxes #600 to reference issues in the
current repository
## Checklist
### Add tests to cover the changes
New tests added or existing tests modified to cover all changes
### Code conforms with the [style guide](
### Sign your work
In order to contribute to the project, you must sign your work
Thank you again for contributing! We will try to test and integrate the change
as soon as we can.

View File

@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
name: "Setup CI environment"
description: "Setup Cloudserver CI environment"
using: composite
- name: Setup etc/hosts
shell: bash
run: sudo echo "" | sudo tee -a /etc/hosts
- name: Setup Credentials
shell: bash
run: bash .github/scripts/credentials.bash
- name: Setup job artifacts directory
shell: bash
run: |-
set -exu;
mkdir -p /tmp/artifacts/${JOB_NAME}/;
- uses: actions/setup-node@v4
node-version: '16'
cache: 'yarn'
- name: install dependencies
shell: bash
run: yarn install --ignore-engines --frozen-lockfile --network-concurrency 1
- uses: actions/cache@v3
path: ~/.cache/pip
key: ${{ runner.os }}-pip
- uses: actions/setup-python@v4
python-version: 3.9
- name: Setup python2 test environment
shell: bash
run: |
sudo apt-get install -y libdigest-hmac-perl
pip install 's3cmd==2.3.0'
- name: fix sproxyd.conf permissions
shell: bash
run: sudo chown root:root .github/docker/sproxyd/conf/sproxyd0.conf
- name: ensure fuse kernel module is loaded (for sproxyd)
shell: bash
run: sudo modprobe fuse

View File

@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
FROM ceph/daemon:v3.2.1-stable-3.2-mimic-centos-7
ENV CEPH_DEMO_DAEMONS mon,mgr,osd,rgw
RUN rm /etc/yum.repos.d/tcmu-runner.repo
ADD ./ /
RUN chmod +x / && \
yum install -y python-pip && \
yum clean all && \
pip install awscli && \
rm -rf /root/.cache/pip

View File

@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
touch /artifacts/ceph.log
mkfifo /tmp/entrypoint_output
# We run this in the background so that we can tail the RGW log after init,
# because never returns
# The next line will be needed when ceph builds 3.2.2 so I'll leave it here
# bash /opt/ceph-container/bin/ > /tmp/entrypoint_output &
bash / > /tmp/entrypoint_output &
while read -r line; do
echo $line
# When we find this line server has started
if [ -n "$(echo $line | grep 'Creating bucket')" ]; then
done < /tmp/entrypoint_output
# Make our buckets - CEPH_DEMO_BUCKET is set to force the "Creating bucket" message, but unused
s3cmd mb s3://cephbucket s3://cephbucket2
mkdir /root/.aws
cat > /root/.aws/credentials <<EOF
aws_access_key_id = accessKey1
aws_secret_access_key = verySecretKey1
# Enable versioning on them
for bucket in cephbucket cephbucket2; do
echo "Enabling versiong for $bucket"
aws --endpoint s3api put-bucket-versioning --bucket $bucket --versioning Status=Enabled
tail -f /var/log/ceph/client.rgw.*.log | tee -a /artifacts/ceph.log
wait $entrypoint_pid

View File

@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
# This script is needed because RADOS Gateway
# will open the port before beginning to serve traffic
# causing wait_for_local_port.bash to exit immediately
echo 'Waiting for ceph'
while [ -z "$(curl 2>/dev/null)" ]; do
sleep 1
echo -n "."

View File

@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
version: 2
- package-ecosystem: npm
directory: "/"
interval: daily
time: "13:00"
open-pull-requests-limit: 10
target-branch: "development/7.4"

View File

@ -1,36 +0,0 @@

View File

@ -1,92 +0,0 @@
command: sh -c "yarn start > /artifacts/s3.log"
network_mode: "host"
- /tmp/ssl:/ssl
- /tmp/ssl-kmip:/ssl-kmip
- ${HOME}/.aws/credentials:/root/.aws/credentials
- /tmp/artifacts/${JOB_NAME}:/artifacts
- CI=true
- REPORT_TOKEN=report-token-1
- creds.env
- redis
- ""
- "pykmip.local:"
image: redis:alpine
network_mode: "host"
network_mode: "host"
profiles: ['ci-proxy']
image: scality/ci-squid
command: >-
sh -c 'mkdir -p /ssl &&
openssl req -new -newkey rsa:2048 -sha256 -days 365 -nodes -x509 \
-subj "/C=US/ST=Country/L=City/O=Organization/CN=CN=scality-proxy" \
-keyout /ssl/myca.pem -out /ssl/myca.pem &&
cp /ssl/myca.pem /ssl/CA.pem &&
squid -f /etc/squid/squid.conf -N -z &&
squid -f /etc/squid/squid.conf -NYCd 1'
- /tmp/ssl:/ssl
network_mode: "host"
profiles: ['pykmip']
image: ${}
- /tmp/artifacts/${JOB_NAME}:/artifacts
network_mode: "host"
profiles: ['mongo', 'ceph']
network_mode: "host"
profiles: ['ceph']
network_mode: "host"
profiles: ['sproxyd']
image: sproxyd-standalone
build: ./sproxyd
user: 0:0
privileged: yes

View File

@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
FROM mongo:5.0.21
ENV USER=scality \
HOME_DIR=/home/scality \
CONF_DIR=/conf \
# Set up directories and permissions
RUN mkdir -p /data/db /data/configdb && chown -R mongodb:mongodb /data/db /data/configdb; \
mkdir /logs; \
adduser --uid 1000 --disabled-password --gecos --quiet --shell /bin/bash scality
# Set up environment variables and directories for scality user
RUN mkdir ${CONF_DIR} && \
chown -R ${USER} ${CONF_DIR} && \
chown -R ${USER} ${DATA_DIR}
# copy the mongo config file
COPY /conf/mongod.conf /conf/mongod.conf
COPY /conf/ /conf/
COPY /conf/initReplicaSet /conf/initReplicaSet.js
EXPOSE 27017/tcp
EXPOSE 27018
# Set up CMD
ENTRYPOINT ["bash", "/conf/"]
CMD ["bash", "/conf/"]

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@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
_id: "rs0",
members: [{ _id: 0, host: "" }]

View File

@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
set -exo pipefail
init_RS() {
sleep 5
mongo --port 27018 /conf/initReplicaSet.js
init_RS &
mongod --bind_ip_all --config=/conf/mongod.conf

View File

@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
enabled: true
engine: wiredTiger
dbPath: "/data/db"
fork: false
port: 27018
replSetName: "rs0"
enableMajorityReadConcern: true
authorization: disabled

View File

@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
ADD ./conf/supervisord.conf ./conf/nginx.conf ./conf/fastcgi_params ./conf/sproxyd0.conf /conf/
RUN chown root:root /conf/sproxyd0.conf

View File

@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
fastcgi_param QUERY_STRING $query_string;
fastcgi_param REQUEST_METHOD $request_method;
fastcgi_param CONTENT_TYPE $content_type;
fastcgi_param CONTENT_LENGTH $content_length;
#fastcgi_param SCRIPT_NAME $fastcgi_script_name;
fastcgi_param SCRIPT_NAME /var/www;
fastcgi_param PATH_INFO $document_uri;
fastcgi_param REQUEST_URI $request_uri;
fastcgi_param DOCUMENT_URI $document_uri;
fastcgi_param DOCUMENT_ROOT $document_root;
fastcgi_param SERVER_PROTOCOL $server_protocol;
fastcgi_param HTTPS $https if_not_empty;
fastcgi_param GATEWAY_INTERFACE CGI/1.1;
fastcgi_param SERVER_SOFTWARE nginx/$nginx_version;
fastcgi_param REMOTE_ADDR $remote_addr;
fastcgi_param REMOTE_PORT $remote_port;
fastcgi_param SERVER_ADDR $server_addr;
fastcgi_param SERVER_PORT $server_port;
fastcgi_param SERVER_NAME $server_name;
# PHP only, required if PHP was built with --enable-force-cgi-redirect
fastcgi_param REDIRECT_STATUS 200;

View File

@ -1,88 +0,0 @@
worker_processes 1;
error_log /logs/error.log;
user root root;
events {
worker_connections 1000;
reuse_port on;
multi_accept on;
worker_rlimit_nofile 20000;
http {
root /var/www/;
upstream sproxyds {
keepalive 40;
server {
client_max_body_size 0;
client_body_timeout 150;
client_header_timeout 150;
postpone_output 0;
client_body_postpone_size 0;
keepalive_requests 1100;
keepalive_timeout 300s;
server_tokens off;
default_type application/octet-stream;
gzip off;
tcp_nodelay on;
tcp_nopush on;
sendfile on;
listen 81;
server_name localhost;
rewrite ^/arc/(.*)$ /dc1/$1 permanent;
location ~* ^/proxy/(.*)$ {
rewrite ^/proxy/(.*)$ /$1 last;
deny all;
set $usermd '-';
set $sentusermd '-';
set $elapsed_ms '-';
set $now '-';
log_by_lua '
if not(ngx.var.http_x_scal_usermd == nil) and string.len(ngx.var.http_x_scal_usermd) > 2 then
ngx.var.usermd = string.sub(ngx.decode_base64(ngx.var.http_x_scal_usermd),1,-3)
if not(ngx.var.sent_http_x_scal_usermd == nil) and string.len(ngx.var.sent_http_x_scal_usermd) > 2 then
ngx.var.sentusermd = string.sub(ngx.decode_base64(ngx.var.sent_http_x_scal_usermd),1,-3)
local elapsed_ms = tonumber(ngx.var.request_time)
if not ( elapsed_ms == nil) then
elapsed_ms = elapsed_ms * 1000
ngx.var.elapsed_ms = tostring(elapsed_ms)
local time = tonumber(ngx.var.msec) * 1000 = time
log_format irm '{ "time":"$now","connection":"$connection","request":"$connection_requests","hrtime":"$msec",'
'"sproxydAddress":"$upstream_addr","sproxydResponseTime_s":"$upstream_response_time" }';
access_log /dev/stdout irm;
error_log /dev/stdout error;
location / {
proxy_request_buffering off;
fastcgi_request_buffering off;
fastcgi_no_cache 1;
fastcgi_cache_bypass 1;
fastcgi_buffering off;
fastcgi_ignore_client_abort on;
fastcgi_keep_conn on;
include fastcgi_params;
fastcgi_pass sproxyds;
fastcgi_next_upstream error timeout;
fastcgi_send_timeout 285s;
fastcgi_read_timeout 285s;

View File

@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
"general": {
"ring": "DATA",
"port": 20000,
"syslog_facility": "local0"
"ring_driver:0": {
"alias": "dc1",
"type": "local",
"queue_path": "/tmp/ring-objs"

View File

@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
nodaemon = true
loglevel = info
logfile = %(ENV_LOG_DIR)s/supervisord.log
pidfile = %(ENV_SUP_RUN_DIR)s/
logfile_maxbytes = 20MB
logfile_backups = 2
file = %(ENV_SUP_RUN_DIR)s/supervisor.sock
supervisor.rpcinterface_factory = supervisor.rpcinterface:make_main_rpcinterface
serverurl = unix://%(ENV_SUP_RUN_DIR)s/supervisor.sock
command=bash -c "/usr/sbin/nginx -c %(ENV_CONF_DIR)s/nginx.conf -g 'daemon off;'"
stdout_logfile = %(ENV_LOG_DIR)s/%(program_name)s-%(process_num)s.log
stderr_logfile = %(ENV_LOG_DIR)s/%(program_name)s-%(process_num)s-stderr.log
command=/usr/bin/sproxyd -dlw -V127 -c %(ENV_CONF_DIR)s/sproxyd%(process_num)s.conf -P /run%(process_num)s
stdout_logfile = %(ENV_LOG_DIR)s/%(program_name)s-%(process_num)s.log

View File

@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
FROM python:3.10-alpine
RUN apk add --no-cache \
libressl && \
apk add --no-cache --virtual .build-deps \
python3-dev \
libffi-dev \
libressl-dev \
sqlite-dev \
build-base \
RUN curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh -s -- -y
ENV PATH="/root/.cargo/bin:${PATH}"
RUN pip3 install -U pip && \
pip3 install pykmip requests && \
apk del .build-deps && \
mkdir /pykmip
ADD ./bin /usr/local/bin
ADD ./certs /ssl
ADD policy.json /etc/pykmip/policies/policy.json
ADD server.conf /etc/pykmip/server.conf
RUN chmod +x /

View File

@ -1,156 +0,0 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python
from cryptography import x509
from cryptography.hazmat import backends
from cryptography.hazmat.primitives import hashes
from cryptography.hazmat.primitives import serialization
from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric import rsa
import datetime
import argparse
import sys
def get_args():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
description='Tool to generate a x509 CA root, server and client certs')
parser.add_argument('-c', '--common-name', action='store',
help='Set the common name for the server-side cert')
return parser.parse_args()
def create_rsa_private_key(key_size=2048, public_exponent=65537):
private_key = rsa.generate_private_key(
return private_key
def create_self_signed_certificate(subject_name,
subject = x509.Name([
x509.NameAttribute(x509.NameOID.ORGANIZATION_NAME, u"Scality"),
x509.NameAttribute(x509.NameOID.COMMON_NAME, subject_name)
certificate = x509.CertificateBuilder().subject_name(
datetime.datetime.utcnow() + datetime.timedelta(days=days_valid)
x509.BasicConstraints(True, None),
).sign(private_key, hashes.SHA256(), backends.default_backend())
return certificate
def create_certificate(subject_name,
subject = x509.Name([
x509.NameAttribute(x509.NameOID.ORGANIZATION_NAME, u"Scality"),
x509.NameAttribute(x509.NameOID.COMMON_NAME, subject_name)
builder = x509.CertificateBuilder().subject_name(
datetime.datetime.utcnow() + datetime.timedelta(days=days_valid)
if client_auth:
builder = builder.add_extension(
certificate = builder.sign(
return certificate
def main(common_name):
root_key = create_rsa_private_key()
root_certificate = create_self_signed_certificate(
u"Root CA",
server_key = create_rsa_private_key()
server_certificate = create_certificate(
john_doe_client_key = create_rsa_private_key()
john_doe_client_certificate = create_certificate(
u"John Doe",
with open("certs/kmip-ca.pem", "wb") as f:
with open("certs/kmip-key.pem", "wb") as f:
with open("certs/kmip-cert.pem", "wb") as f:
with open("certs/kmip-client-key.pem", "wb") as f:
with open("certs/kmip-client-cert.pem", "wb") as f:
if __name__ == '__main__':
args = get_args()

View File

@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright (c) 2016 The Johns Hopkins University/Applied Physics Laboratory
# All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import logging # noqa: E402
from import server # noqa: E402
if __name__ == '__main__':
print('Starting PyKMIP server on')

View File

@ -1,18 +0,0 @@

View File

@ -1,18 +0,0 @@

View File

@ -1,18 +0,0 @@

View File

@ -1,28 +0,0 @@

View File

@ -1,28 +0,0 @@

View File

@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
python3 /usr/local/bin/ 2>&1 | tee -a /artifacts/pykmip.log

View File

@ -1,168 +0,0 @@
"example": {
"preset": {
"PGP_KEY": {

View File

@ -1,15 +0,0 @@

View File

@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
#!/bin/bash -x
set -x #echo on
set -e #exit at the first error
mkdir -p $HOME/.aws
cat >>$HOME/.aws/credentials <<EOF
aws_access_key_id = $AWS_S3_BACKEND_ACCESS_KEY
aws_secret_access_key = $AWS_S3_BACKEND_SECRET_KEY
aws_access_key_id = $AWS_S3_BACKEND_ACCESS_KEY_2
aws_secret_access_key = $AWS_S3_BACKEND_SECRET_KEY_2
aws_access_key_id = $AWS_GCP_BACKEND_ACCESS_KEY
aws_secret_access_key = $AWS_GCP_BACKEND_SECRET_KEY
aws_access_key_id = $AWS_GCP_BACKEND_ACCESS_KEY_2
aws_secret_access_key = $AWS_GCP_BACKEND_SECRET_KEY_2

View File

@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
name: Test alerts
- 'development/**'
- 'q/*/**'
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- name: 1 minute interval tests
file: monitoring/alerts.test.yaml
- name: 10 seconds interval tests
file: monitoring/alerts.10s.test.yaml
- name: Checkout
uses: actions/checkout@v4
- name: Render and test ${{ }}
uses: scality/action-prom-render-test@1.0.3
alert_file_path: monitoring/alerts.yaml
test_file_path: ${{ matrix.tests.file }}
alert_inputs: |
github_token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}

View File

@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
name: codeQL
branches: [w/**, q/*]
branches: [development/*, stabilization/*, hotfix/*]
name: Static analysis with CodeQL
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- name: Checkout code
uses: actions/checkout@v4
- name: Initialize CodeQL
uses: github/codeql-action/init@v3
languages: javascript, python, ruby
- name: Build and analyze
uses: github/codeql-action/analyze@v3

View File

@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
name: dependency review
branches: [development/*, stabilization/*, hotfix/*]
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- name: 'Checkout Repository'
uses: actions/checkout@v4
- name: 'Dependency Review'
uses: actions/dependency-review-action@v4

View File

@ -1,80 +0,0 @@
name: release
run-name: release ${{ inputs.tag }}
description: 'Tag to be released'
required: true
runs-on: ubuntu-20.04
- name: Checkout
uses: actions/checkout@v4
- name: Set up Docker Buildx
uses: docker/setup-buildx-action@v3
- name: Login to GitHub Registry
uses: docker/login-action@v3
username: ${{ github.repository_owner }}
password: ${{ github.token }}
- name: Build and push image for federation
uses: docker/build-push-action@v5
push: true
context: .
file: images/svc-base/Dockerfile
tags: |${{ github.repository }}:${{ github.event.inputs.tag }}-svc-base
cache-from: type=gha,scope=federation
cache-to: type=gha,mode=max,scope=federation
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- name: Checkout
uses: actions/checkout@v4
- name: Set up Docker Buildk
uses: docker/setup-buildx-action@v3
- name: Login to Registry
uses: docker/login-action@v3
username: ${{ github.repository_owner }}
password: ${{ github.token }}
- name: Push dashboards into the production namespace
run: |
oras push${{ github.repository }}/${{ env.PROJECT_NAME }}-dashboards:${{ github.event.inputs.tag }} \
dashboard.json:application/grafana-dashboard+json \
working-directory: monitoring
- name: Build and push
uses: docker/build-push-action@v5
context: .
push: true
tags:${{ github.repository }}:${{ github.event.inputs.tag }}
cache-from: type=gha
cache-to: type=gha,mode=max
- name: Create Release
uses: softprops/action-gh-release@v2
GITHUB_TOKEN: ${{ github.token }}
name: Release ${{ github.event.inputs.tag }}
tag_name: ${{ github.event.inputs.tag }}
generate_release_notes: true
target_commitish: ${{ github.sha }}

View File

@ -1,533 +0,0 @@
name: tests
- 'development/**'
- 'q/*/**'
# Secrets
azurebackend2_AZURE_STORAGE_ACCESS_KEY: >-
azurebackend2_AZURE_STORAGE_ENDPOINT: >-
azurebackendmismatch_AZURE_STORAGE_ACCESS_KEY: >-
azurebackendmismatch_AZURE_STORAGE_ACCOUNT_NAME: >-
azurebackendmismatch_AZURE_STORAGE_ENDPOINT: >-
azurenonexistcontainer_AZURE_STORAGE_ACCESS_KEY: >-
azurenonexistcontainer_AZURE_STORAGE_ACCOUNT_NAME: >-
azurenonexistcontainer_AZURE_STORAGE_ENDPOINT: >-
b2backend_B2_ACCOUNT_ID: "${{ secrets.B2BACKEND_B2_ACCOUNT_ID }}"
b2backend_B2_STORAGE_ACCESS_KEY: >-
gcpbackend2_GCP_SERVICE_EMAIL: "${{ secrets.GCP2_SERVICE_EMAIL }}"
gcpbackend2_GCP_SERVICE_KEY: "${{ secrets.GCP2_SERVICE_KEY }}"
gcpbackend2_GCP_SERVICE_KEYFILE: /root/.gcp/servicekey
gcpbackend_GCP_SERVICE_EMAIL: "${{ secrets.GCP_SERVICE_EMAIL }}"
gcpbackend_GCP_SERVICE_KEY: "${{ secrets.GCP_SERVICE_KEY }}"
gcpbackendmismatch_GCP_SERVICE_EMAIL: >-
gcpbackendmismatch_GCP_SERVICE_KEY: >-
gcpbackend_GCP_SERVICE_KEYFILE: /root/.gcp/servicekey
gcpbackendmismatch_GCP_SERVICE_KEYFILE: /root/.gcp/servicekey
gcpbackendnoproxy_GCP_SERVICE_KEYFILE: /root/.gcp/servicekey
gcpbackendproxy_GCP_SERVICE_KEYFILE: /root/.gcp/servicekey
# Configs
REPORT_TOKEN: "report-token-1"
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- name: Checkout
uses: actions/checkout@v4
- uses: actions/setup-node@v4
node-version: '16'
cache: yarn
- name: install dependencies
run: yarn install --frozen-lockfile --network-concurrency 1
- uses: actions/setup-python@v5
python-version: '3.9'
- uses: actions/cache@v4
path: ~/.cache/pip
key: ${{ runner.os }}-pip
- name: Install python deps
run: pip install flake8
- name: Lint Javascript
run: yarn run --silent lint -- --max-warnings 0
- name: Lint Markdown
run: yarn run --silent lint_md
- name: Lint python
run: flake8 $(git ls-files "*.py")
- name: Lint Yaml
run: yamllint -c yamllint.yml $(git ls-files "*.yml")
- name: Unit Coverage
run: |
set -ex
mkdir -p $CIRCLE_TEST_REPORTS/unit
yarn test
yarn run test_legacy_location
S3_LOCATION_FILE: tests/locationConfig/locationConfigTests.json
- name: Unit Coverage logs
run: find /tmp/unit -exec cat {} \;
- name: preparing junit files for upload
run: |
mkdir -p artifacts/junit
find . -name "*junit*.xml" -exec cp {} artifacts/junit/ ";"
if: always()
- name: Upload files to artifacts
uses: scality/action-artifacts@v4
method: upload
user: ${{ secrets.ARTIFACTS_USER }}
password: ${{ secrets.ARTIFACTS_PASSWORD }}
source: artifacts
if: always()
runs-on: ubuntu-20.04
contents: read
packages: write
- name: Checkout
uses: actions/checkout@v4
- name: Set up Docker Buildx
uses: docker/setup-buildx-action@v3
- name: Login to GitHub Registry
uses: docker/login-action@v3
username: ${{ github.repository_owner }}
password: ${{ github.token }}
- name: Build and push cloudserver image
uses: docker/build-push-action@v5
push: true
context: .
provenance: false
tags: |${{ github.repository }}:${{ github.sha }}
labels: |
git.repository=${{ github.repository }}
git.commit-sha=${{ github.sha }}
cache-from: type=gha,scope=cloudserver
cache-to: type=gha,mode=max,scope=cloudserver
- name: Build and push pykmip image
uses: docker/build-push-action@v5
push: true
context: .github/pykmip
tags: |${{ github.repository }}/pykmip:${{ github.sha }}
labels: |
git.repository=${{ github.repository }}
git.commit-sha=${{ github.sha }}
cache-from: type=gha,scope=pykmip
cache-to: type=gha,mode=max,scope=pykmip
- name: Build and push MongoDB
uses: docker/build-push-action@v5
push: true
context: .github/docker/mongodb
tags:${{ github.repository }}/ci-mongodb:${{ github.sha }}
cache-from: type=gha,scope=mongodb
cache-to: type=gha,mode=max,scope=mongodb
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
needs: build
CLOUDSERVER_IMAGE:${{ github.repository }}:${{ github.sha }}
MONGODB_IMAGE:${{ github.repository }}/ci-mongodb:${{ github.sha }}
S3_LOCATION_FILE: /usr/src/app/tests/locationConfig/locationConfigTests.json
S3DATA: multiple
JOB_NAME: ${{ github.job }}
- name: Checkout
uses: actions/checkout@v4
- name: Login to Registry
uses: docker/login-action@v3
username: ${{ github.repository_owner }}
password: ${{ github.token }}
- name: Setup CI environment
uses: ./.github/actions/setup-ci
- name: Setup CI services
run: docker compose --profile sproxyd up -d
working-directory: .github/docker
- name: Run multiple backend test
run: |-
set -o pipefail;
bash wait_for_local_port.bash 8000 40
bash wait_for_local_port.bash 81 40
yarn run multiple_backend_test | tee /tmp/artifacts/${{ github.job }}/tests.log
S3_LOCATION_FILE: tests/locationConfig/locationConfigTests.json
- name: Upload logs to artifacts
uses: scality/action-artifacts@v4
method: upload
user: ${{ secrets.ARTIFACTS_USER }}
password: ${{ secrets.ARTIFACTS_PASSWORD }}
source: /tmp/artifacts
if: always()
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
needs: build
S3METADATA: mongodb
S3KMS: file
S3_LOCATION_FILE: /usr/src/app/tests/locationConfig/locationConfigTests.json
MONGODB_IMAGE:${{ github.repository }}/ci-mongodb:${{ github.sha }}
CLOUDSERVER_IMAGE:${{ github.repository }}:${{ github.sha }}
JOB_NAME: ${{ github.job }}
- name: Checkout
uses: actions/checkout@v4
- name: Setup CI environment
uses: ./.github/actions/setup-ci
- name: Setup CI services
run: docker compose --profile mongo up -d
working-directory: .github/docker
- name: Run functional tests
run: |-
set -o pipefail;
bash wait_for_local_port.bash 8000 40
yarn run ft_test | tee /tmp/artifacts/${{ github.job }}/tests.log
S3_LOCATION_FILE: tests/locationConfig/locationConfigTests.json
- name: Upload logs to artifacts
uses: scality/action-artifacts@v4
method: upload
user: ${{ secrets.ARTIFACTS_USER }}
password: ${{ secrets.ARTIFACTS_PASSWORD }}
source: /tmp/artifacts
if: always()
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
needs: build
S3METADATA: mongodb
S3KMS: file
S3_LOCATION_FILE: /usr/src/app/tests/locationConfig/locationConfigTests.json
MONGODB_IMAGE:${{ github.repository }}/ci-mongodb:${{ github.sha }}
CLOUDSERVER_IMAGE:${{ github.repository }}:${{ github.sha }}
JOB_NAME: ${{ github.job }}
- name: Checkout
uses: actions/checkout@v4
- name: Setup CI environment
uses: ./.github/actions/setup-ci
- name: Setup CI services
run: docker compose --profile mongo up -d
working-directory: .github/docker
- name: Run functional tests
run: |-
set -o pipefail;
bash wait_for_local_port.bash 8000 40
yarn run ft_test | tee /tmp/artifacts/${{ github.job }}/tests.log
yarn run ft_mixed_bucket_format_version | tee /tmp/artifacts/${{ github.job }}/mixed-tests.log
S3_LOCATION_FILE: tests/locationConfig/locationConfigTests.json
- name: Upload logs to artifacts
uses: scality/action-artifacts@v4
method: upload
user: ${{ secrets.ARTIFACTS_USER }}
password: ${{ secrets.ARTIFACTS_PASSWORD }}
source: /tmp/artifacts
if: always()
- job-name: file-ft-tests
name: ${{ matrix.job-name }}
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
needs: build
S3VAULT: mem
CLOUDSERVER_IMAGE:${{ github.repository }}:${{ github.sha }}
MONGODB_IMAGE:${{ github.repository }}/ci-mongodb:${{ github.sha }}
JOB_NAME: ${{ matrix.job-name }}
- name: Checkout
uses: actions/checkout@v4
- name: Setup CI environment
uses: ./.github/actions/setup-ci
- name: Setup matrix job artifacts directory
shell: bash
run: |
set -exu
mkdir -p /tmp/artifacts/${{ matrix.job-name }}/
- name: Setup CI services
run: docker compose up -d
working-directory: .github/docker
- name: Run file ft tests
run: |-
set -o pipefail;
bash wait_for_local_port.bash 8000 40
yarn run ft_test | tee /tmp/artifacts/${{ matrix.job-name }}/tests.log
- name: Upload logs to artifacts
uses: scality/action-artifacts@v4
method: upload
user: ${{ secrets.ARTIFACTS_USER }}
password: ${{ secrets.ARTIFACTS_PASSWORD }}
source: /tmp/artifacts
if: always()
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
needs: build
BUCKET_DENY_FILTER: utapi-event-filter-deny-bucket
CLOUDSERVER_IMAGE:${{ github.repository }}:${{ github.sha }}
MONGODB_IMAGE:${{ github.repository }}/ci-mongodb:${{ github.sha }}
JOB_NAME: ${{ github.job }}
- name: Checkout
uses: actions/checkout@v4
- name: Setup CI environment
uses: ./.github/actions/setup-ci
- name: Setup CI services
run: docker compose up -d
working-directory: .github/docker
- name: Run file utapi v2 tests
run: |-
set -ex -o pipefail;
bash wait_for_local_port.bash 8000 40
yarn run test_utapi_v2 | tee /tmp/artifacts/${{ github.job }}/tests.log
- name: Upload logs to artifacts
uses: scality/action-artifacts@v4
method: upload
user: ${{ secrets.ARTIFACTS_USER }}
password: ${{ secrets.ARTIFACTS_PASSWORD }}
source: /tmp/artifacts
if: always()
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
needs: build
- name: "With Inflights"
value: "true"
- name: "Without Inflights"
value: "false"
S3METADATA: mongodb
S3QUOTA: scuba
QUOTA_ENABLE_INFLIGHTS: ${{ matrix.inflights.value }}
SCUBA_HOST: localhost
CLOUDSERVER_IMAGE:${{ github.repository }}:${{ github.sha }}
MONGODB_IMAGE:${{ github.repository }}/ci-mongodb:${{ github.sha }}
JOB_NAME: ${{ github.job }}
- name: Checkout
uses: actions/checkout@v4
- name: Setup CI environment
uses: ./.github/actions/setup-ci
- name: Setup CI services
run: docker compose --profile mongo up -d
working-directory: .github/docker
- name: Run quota tests
run: |-
set -ex -o pipefail;
bash wait_for_local_port.bash 8000 40
yarn run test_quota | tee /tmp/artifacts/${{ github.job }}/tests.log
- name: Upload logs to artifacts
uses: scality/action-artifacts@v4
method: upload
user: ${{ secrets.ARTIFACTS_USER }}
password: ${{ secrets.ARTIFACTS_PASSWORD }}
source: /tmp/artifacts
if: always()
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
needs: build
S3VAULT: mem
CLOUDSERVER_IMAGE:${{ github.repository }}:${{ github.sha }}
PYKMIP_IMAGE:${{ github.repository }}/pykmip:${{ github.sha }}
MONGODB_IMAGE:${{ github.repository }}/ci-mongodb:${{ github.sha }}
JOB_NAME: ${{ github.job }}
- name: Checkout
uses: actions/checkout@v4
- name: Setup CI environment
uses: ./.github/actions/setup-ci
- name: Copy KMIP certs
run: cp -r ./certs /tmp/ssl-kmip
working-directory: .github/pykmip
- name: Setup CI services
run: docker compose --profile pykmip up -d
working-directory: .github/docker
- name: Run file KMIP tests
run: |-
set -ex -o pipefail;
bash wait_for_local_port.bash 8000 40
bash wait_for_local_port.bash 5696 40
yarn run ft_kmip | tee /tmp/artifacts/${{ github.job }}/tests.log
- name: Upload logs to artifacts
uses: scality/action-artifacts@v4
method: upload
user: ${{ secrets.ARTIFACTS_USER }}
password: ${{ secrets.ARTIFACTS_PASSWORD }}
source: /tmp/artifacts
if: always()
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
needs: build
S3DATA: multiple
S3KMS: file
CI_CEPH: 'true'
S3_LOCATION_FILE: /usr/src/app/tests/locationConfig/locationConfigCeph.json
MONGODB_IMAGE:${{ github.repository }}/ci-mongodb:${{ github.sha }}
CLOUDSERVER_IMAGE:${{ github.repository }}:${{ github.sha }}
JOB_NAME: ${{ github.job }}
- name: Checkout
uses: actions/checkout@v4
- name: Login to GitHub Registry
uses: docker/login-action@v3
username: ${{ github.repository_owner }}
password: ${{ github.token }}
- name: Setup CI environment
uses: ./.github/actions/setup-ci
- uses: ruby/setup-ruby@v1
ruby-version: '2.5.9'
- name: Install Ruby dependencies
run: |
gem install nokogiri:1.12.5 excon:0.109.0 fog-aws:1.3.0 json mime-types:3.1 rspec:3.5
- name: Install Java dependencies
run: |
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install -y --fix-missing default-jdk maven
- name: Setup CI services
run: docker compose --profile ceph up -d
working-directory: .github/docker
S3METADATA: mongodb
- name: Run Ceph multiple backend tests
run: |-
set -ex -o pipefail;
bash .github/ceph/
bash wait_for_local_port.bash 27018 40
bash wait_for_local_port.bash 8000 40
yarn run multiple_backend_test | tee /tmp/artifacts/${{ github.job }}/multibackend-tests.log
S3_LOCATION_FILE: tests/locationConfig/locationConfigTests.json
- name: Run Java tests
run: |-
set -ex -o pipefail;
mvn test | tee /tmp/artifacts/${{ github.job }}/java-tests.log
working-directory: tests/functional/jaws
- name: Run Ruby tests
run: |-
set -ex -o pipefail;
rspec -fd --backtrace tests.rb | tee /tmp/artifacts/${{ github.job }}/ruby-tests.log
working-directory: tests/functional/fog
- name: Run Javascript AWS SDK tests
run: |-
set -ex -o pipefail;
yarn run ft_awssdk | tee /tmp/artifacts/${{ github.job }}/js-awssdk-tests.log;
yarn run ft_s3cmd | tee /tmp/artifacts/${{ github.job }}/js-s3cmd-tests.log;
S3_LOCATION_FILE: tests/locationConfig/locationConfigCeph.json
S3VAULT: mem
S3METADATA: mongodb
- name: Upload logs to artifacts
uses: scality/action-artifacts@v4
method: upload
user: ${{ secrets.ARTIFACTS_USER }}
password: ${{ secrets.ARTIFACTS_PASSWORD }}
source: /tmp/artifacts
if: always()

.gitignore vendored
View File

@ -22,14 +22,6 @@ coverage
# Compiled binary addons (
# Sphinx build dir
# Dependency directory
# Junit directory

View File

@ -38,26 +38,13 @@ Right now, the following operations are implemented:
- DeleteBucket
- PutBucketACL
- GetBucketACL
- PutBucketCors
- DeleteBucketCors
- GetBucketCors
- PutObject
- PutObject - Copy
- GetObject
- HeadObject
- DeleteObject
- Multi-Object Delete
- PutObjectACL
- GetObjectACL
- Multipart Upload
- Upload Part
- Upload Part - Copy
- GetService
- Put Bucket Website
- Get Bucket Website
- Delete Bucket Website
- Put Bucket Versioning
- Get Bucket Versioning
- v2 Authentication
- v4 Authentication (Transferring Payload in a Single Chunk)
- v4 Authentication (Transferring Payload in Multiple Chunks)
- v4 Authentication

View File

@ -1,60 +1,14 @@
ARG NODE_VERSION=16.20-bullseye-slim
FROM node:${NODE_VERSION} as builder
FROM node:4
MAINTAINER Giorgio Regni <>
WORKDIR /usr/src/app
RUN apt-get update \
&& apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends \
build-essential \
ca-certificates \
curl \
git \
gnupg2 \
jq \
python3 \
ssh \
wget \
libffi-dev \
zlib1g-dev \
&& apt-get clean \
&& mkdir -p /root/ssh \
&& ssh-keyscan -H > /root/ssh/known_hosts
ENV PYTHON=python3
COPY package.json yarn.lock /usr/src/app/
RUN npm install typescript -g
RUN yarn install --production --ignore-optional --frozen-lockfile --ignore-engines --network-concurrency 1
RUN apt-get update && \
apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends \
jq \
&& rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*
ENV NO_PROXY localhost,
ENV no_proxy localhost,
RUN apt-get update && \
apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends \
jq \
tini \
&& rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*
WORKDIR /usr/src/app
# Keep the .git directory in order to properly report version
COPY . /usr/src/app
COPY --from=builder /usr/src/app/node_modules ./node_modules/
RUN npm install
CMD [ "npm", "start" ]
VOLUME ["/usr/src/app/localData","/usr/src/app/localMetadata"]
ENTRYPOINT ["tini", "--", "/usr/src/app/"]
CMD [ "yarn", "start" ]

View File

@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
FROM node:6-slim
MAINTAINER Giorgio Regni <>
WORKDIR /usr/src/app
COPY . /usr/src/app
RUN apt-get update \
&& apt-get install -y jq python git build-essential --no-install-recommends \
&& yarn install --production \
&& apt-get autoremove --purge -y python git build-essential \
&& rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/* \
&& yarn cache clean \
&& rm -rf ~/.node-gyp \
&& rm -rf /tmp/yarn-*
ENTRYPOINT ["/usr/src/app/"]
CMD [ "yarn", "start" ]

View File

@ -1,78 +0,0 @@
# S3 Healthcheck
Scality S3 exposes a healthcheck route `/live` on the port used
for the metrics (defaults to port 8002) which returns a
response with HTTP code
- 200 OK
Server is up and running
- 500 Internal Server error
Server is experiencing an Internal Error
- 400 Bad Request
Bad Request due to unsupported HTTP methods
- 403 Forbidden
Request is not allowed due to IP restriction
## Stats
The healthcheck route's successful response (200 OK) is appended with
additional statistics in the request body indicating the number of requests
performed, number of 500 errors occurred over the time interval
specified in the response.
A sample response would look something like
"requests": 5000,
"500s": 2,
"sampleDuration": 30
## Redis schema
The goal is to return stats for the set interval, i.e., if interval is 30
seconds, return stats only for the last 30 seconds.
The stats use simple keys with INCR command for every new push. Each key is
appended with a normalized unix timestamp, as the idea is to store the stats in
5 second interval(default but configurable) keys. A default TTL of 30
seconds is associated with each key, this way any keys older than the TTL are
automatically removed.
When a stats query is received, the results for the prior 30 seconds will be
returned. This is accomplished by retrieving the 6 keys that represent the 6
five-second intervals. As Redis does not have a performant RANGE query, the
list of keys are built manually as follows
* Take current timestamp
* Build each key by subtracting the interval from the timestamp (5 seconds)
* Total keys for each metric (total requests, 500s etc.) is TTL / interval
30/5 = 6
Note: When Redis is queried, results from non-existent keys are set to 0.
## Configuration
To gather stats, S3 uses a local Redis instance as a temporary
datastore. By adding the following config to `config.json`, stats
will be recorded in Redis.
"localCache": {
"host": "",
"port": 6379

View File

@ -176,7 +176,7 @@
Copyright 2015-2017 Scality
Copyright 2016 Scality
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.

View File

@ -1,81 +1,99 @@
# Zenko CloudServer with Vitastor Backend
# S3 Server
![Zenko CloudServer logo](res/scality-cloudserver-logo.png)
![S3 Server logo](res/Scality-S3-Server-Logo-Large.png)
## Overview
[![Scality CI][badgepriv]](
CloudServer (formerly S3 Server) is an open-source Amazon S3-compatible
object storage server that is part of [Zenko](,
Scalitys Open Source Multi-Cloud Data Controller.
## Learn more at [](
CloudServer provides a single AWS S3 API interface to access multiple
backend data storage both on-premise or public in the cloud.
## Contributing
This repository contains a fork of CloudServer with [Vitastor](
backend support.
In order to contribute, please follow the
[Contributing Guidelines](
## Quick Start with Vitastor
## Installation
Vitastor Backend is in experimental status, however you can already try to
run it and write or read something, or even mount it with [GeeseFS](,
it works too 😊.
### Dependencies
Installation instructions:
Building and running the S3 Server requires node.js 4.2 or greater and npm 2.7
or greater. Up-to-date versions can be found at
### Install Vitastor
### Clone source code
Refer to [Vitastor Quick Start Manual](
### Install Zenko with Vitastor Backend
- Clone this repository: `git clone`
- Install dependencies: `npm install --omit dev` or just `npm install`
- Clone Vitastor repository: `git clone`
- Build Vitastor node.js binding by running `npm install` in `node-binding` subdirectory of Vitastor repository.
You need `node-gyp` and `vitastor-client-dev` (Vitastor client library) for it to succeed.
- Symlink Vitastor module to Zenko: `ln -s /path/to/vitastor/node-binding /path/to/zenko/node_modules/vitastor`
### Install and Configure MongoDB
Refer to [MongoDB Manual](
### Setup Zenko
- Create a separate pool for S3 object data in your Vitastor cluster: `vitastor-cli create-pool s3-data`
- Retrieve ID of the new pool from `vitastor-cli ls-pools --detail s3-data`
- In another pool, create an image for storing Vitastor volume metadata: `vitastor-cli create -s 10G s3-volume-meta`
- Copy `config.json.vitastor` to `config.json`, adjust it to match your domain
- Copy `authdata.json.example` to `authdata.json` - this is where you set S3 access & secret keys,
and also adjust them if you want to. Scality seems to use a separate auth service "Scality Vault" for
access keys, but it's not published, so let's use a file for now.
- Copy `locationConfig.json.vitastor` to `locationConfig.json` - this is where you set Vitastor cluster access data.
You should put correct values for `pool_id` (pool ID from the second step) and `metadata_image` (from the third step)
in this file.
Note: `locationConfig.json` in this version corresponds to storage classes (like STANDARD, COLD, etc)
instead of "locations" (zones like us-east-1) as it was in original Zenko CloudServer.
### Start Zenko
Start the S3 server with: `node index.js`
If you use default settings, Zenko CloudServer starts on port 8000.
The default access key is `accessKey1` with a secret key of `verySecretKey1`.
Now you can access your S3 with `s3cmd` or `geesefs`:
s3cmd --access_key=accessKey1 --secret_key=verySecretKey1 --host=http://localhost:8000 mb s3://testbucket
git clone
AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=accessKey1 \
geesefs --endpoint http://localhost:8000 testbucket mountdir
### Install js dependencies
Go to the ./S3 folder,
npm install
# Author & License
## Run it with a file backend
- [Zenko CloudServer]( author is Scality, licensed under [Apache License, version 2.0](
- [Vitastor]( and Zenko Vitastor backend author is Vitaliy Filippov, licensed under [VNPL-1.1](
(a "network copyleft" license based on AGPL/SSPL, but worded in a better way)
npm start
This starts an S3 server on port 8000.
The default access key is accessKey1 with
a secret key of verySecretKey1.
By default the metadata files will be saved in the
localMetadata directory and the data files will be saved
in the localData directory within the ./S3 directory on your
machine. These directories have been pre-created within the
repository. If you would like to save the data or metadata in
different locations of your choice, you must specify them. So,
when starting the server:
export S3DATAPATH="/s3/myFavoriteDataPath"
export S3METADATAPATH="/s3/myFavoriteMetadataPath"
npm start
## Run it with an in-memory backend
npm run mem_backend
This starts an S3 server on port 8000.
The default access key is accessKey1 with
a secret key of verySecretKey1.
## Testing
You can run the unit tests with the following command:
npm test
You can run the linter with:
npm run lint
You can run local functional tests with:
npm run mem_backend &
npm run ft_test
## s3cmd versions
If using s3cmd as a client to S3 be aware that v4 signature format
is buggy in s3cmd versions < 1.6.1.

View File

@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
theme: jekyll-theme-modernist

View File

@ -1,56 +0,0 @@
"accounts": [{
"name": "Bart",
"email": "",
"arn": "arn:aws:iam::123456789012:root",
"canonicalID": "79a59df900b949e55d96a1e698fbacedfd6e09d98eacf8f8d5218e7cd47ef2be",
"shortid": "123456789012",
"keys": [{
"access": "accessKey1",
"secret": "verySecretKey1"
}, {
"name": "Lisa",
"email": "",
"arn": "arn:aws:iam::123456789013:root",
"canonicalID": "79a59df900b949e55d96a1e698fbacedfd6e09d98eacf8f8d5218e7cd47ef2bf",
"shortid": "123456789013",
"keys": [{
"access": "accessKey2",
"secret": "verySecretKey2"
"name": "Clueso",
"email": "",
"arn": "arn:aws:iam::123456789014:root",
"canonicalID": "",
"shortid": "123456789014",
"keys": [{
"access": "cluesoKey1",
"secret": "cluesoSecretKey1"
"name": "Replication",
"email": "",
"arn": "arn:aws:iam::123456789015:root",
"canonicalID": "",
"shortid": "123456789015",
"keys": [{
"access": "replicationKey1",
"secret": "replicationSecretKey1"
"name": "Lifecycle",
"email": "",
"arn": "arn:aws:iam::123456789016:root",
"canonicalID": "",
"shortid": "123456789016",
"keys": [{
"access": "lifecycleKey1",
"secret": "lifecycleSecretKey1"

View File

@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
#!/usr/bin/env node
'use strict'; // eslint-disable-line strict

View File

@ -2,4 +2,5 @@
// 2>/dev/null ; exec "$(which nodejs || which node)" "$0" "$@"
'use strict'; // eslint-disable-line strict

bin/list_bucket_metrics.js Normal file → Executable file
View File

@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
#!/usr/bin/env node
'use strict'; // eslint-disable-line strict

View File

@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
#!/usr/bin/env node
'use strict'; // eslint-disable-line strict

View File

@ -1,108 +0,0 @@
// 2>/dev/null ; exec "$(which nodejs 2>/dev/null || which node)" "$0" "$@"
'use strict'; // eslint-disable-line strict
const { auth } = require('arsenal');
const commander = require('commander');
const http = require('http');
const https = require('https');
const logger = require('../lib/utilities/logger');
function _performSearch(host,
verbose, ssl) {
const escapedSearch = encodeURIComponent(query);
const options = {
method: 'GET',
path: `/${bucketName}/?search=${escapedSearch}${listVersions ? '&&versions' : ''}`,
headers: {
'Content-Length': 0,
rejectUnauthorized: false,
versions: '',
if (sessionToken) {
options.headers['x-amz-security-token'] = sessionToken;
const transport = ssl ? https : http;
const request = transport.request(options, response => {
if (verbose) {'response status code', {
statusCode: response.statusCode,
});'response headers', { headers: response.headers });
const body = [];
response.on('data', chunk => body.push(chunk));
response.on('end', () => {
if (response.statusCode >= 200 && response.statusCode < 300) {'Success');
} else {
logger.error('request failed with HTTP Status ', {
statusCode: response.statusCode,
body: body.join(''),
// generateV4Headers exepects request object with path that does not
// include query
request.path = `/${bucketName}`;
const requestData = listVersions ? { search: query, versions: '' } : { search: query };
auth.client.generateV4Headers(request, requestData, accessKey, secretKey, 's3');
request.path = `/${bucketName}?search=${escapedSearch}${listVersions ? '&&versions' : ''}`;
if (verbose) {'request headers', { headers: request._headers });
* This function is used as a binary to send a request to S3 to perform a
* search on the objects in a bucket
* @return {undefined}
function searchBucket() {
// TODO: Include other bucket listing possible query params?
.option('-a, --access-key <accessKey>', 'Access key id')
.option('-k, --secret-key <secretKey>', 'Secret access key')
.option('-t, --session-token <sessionToken>', 'Session token')
.option('-b, --bucket <bucket>', 'Name of the bucket')
.option('-q, --query <query>', 'Search query')
.option('-h, --host <host>', 'Host of the server')
.option('-p, --port <port>', 'Port of the server')
.option('-s', '--ssl', 'Enable ssl')
.option('-l, --list-versions', 'List all versions of the objects that meet the search query, ' +
'otherwise only list the latest version')
.option('-v, --verbose')
const { host, port, accessKey, secretKey, sessionToken, bucket, query, listVersions, verbose, ssl } =
if (!host || !port || !accessKey || !secretKey || !bucket || !query) {
logger.error('missing parameter');
_performSearch(host, port, bucket, query, listVersions, accessKey, secretKey, sessionToken, verbose,

circle.yml Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
- /^ultron\/.*/ # Ignore ultron/* branches
- coverage/
version: 4.2
CXX: g++-4.9
- sudo pip install flake8 yamllint
# s3cmd dependencies
- sudo apt-get install -y -q python-dateutil python-magic
- wget
- sudo dpkg -i s3cmd*.deb
- npm run --silent lint
- npm run --silent lint_md
# lint the python used for testing
- flake8 $(git ls-files '*.py')
- yamllint $(git ls-files '*.yml')
- mkdir -p $CIRCLE_TEST_REPORTS/unit
- npm run unit_coverage
- S3BACKEND=mem npm start & sleep 4 && npm run ft_test;
- S3BACKEND=mem npm start & sleep 4 &&
ENABLE_KMS_ENCRYPTION=true npm run ft_test;
- S3BACKEND=file S3VAULT=mem npm start & sleep 4 && npm run ft_test;
- rm -rf localData/* localMetadata/*
- S3BACKEND=file S3VAULT=mem npm start & sleep 4 &&
ENABLE_KMS_ENCRYPTION=true npm run ft_test;

conf/authdata.json Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
"accounts": [{
"name": "Bart",
"email": "",
"arn": "aws::iam:123456789012:root",
"canonicalID": "79a59df900b949e55d96a1e698fbacedfd6e09d98eacf8f8d5218e7cd47ef2be",
"shortid": "123456789012",
"keys": [{
"access": "accessKey1",
"secret": "verySecretKey1"
"users": [{
"name": "Bart Jr",
"email": "",
"arn": "aws::iam:123456789013:bart",
"keys": [{
"access": "accessKey1/1",
"secret": "verySecretKey1"
}, {
"name": "Lisa",
"email": "",
"arn": "aws::iam:accessKey2:user/Lisa",
"canonicalID": "79a59df900b949e55d96a1e698fbacedfd6e09d98eacf8f8d5218e7cd47ef2bf",
"shortid": "123456789012",
"keys": [{
"access": "accessKey2",
"secret": "verySecretKey2"

config.json Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
"port": 8000,
"regions": {
"ap-northeast-1": [""],
"ap-southeast-1": [""],
"ap-southeast-2": [""],
"eu-central-1": ["",
"eu-west-1": [""],
"sa-east-1": [""],
"us-east-1": ["",
"us-west-1": [""],
"us-west-2": [""],
"us-gov-west-1": ["",
"localregion": ["localhost"]
"sproxyd": {
"bootstrap": ["localhost:8181"]
"bucketd": {
"bootstrap": ["localhost"]
"vaultd": {
"host": "localhost",
"port": 8500
"clusters": 10,
"log": {
"logLevel": "info",
"dumpLevel": "error"

View File

@ -1,143 +0,0 @@
"port": 8000,
"listenOn": [],
"metricsPort": 8002,
"metricsListenOn": [],
"replicationGroupId": "RG001",
"workers": 4,
"restEndpoints": {
"localhost": "us-east-1",
"": "us-east-1",
"cloudserver-front": "us-east-1",
"s3.docker.test": "us-east-1",
"": "us-east-1",
"": "us-east-1",
"zenko-cloudserver-replicator": "us-east-1",
"lb": "us-east-1"
"websiteEndpoints": ["",
"replicationEndpoints": [{
"site": "zenko",
"servers": [""],
"default": true
}, {
"site": "us-east-2",
"type": "aws_s3"
"backbeat": {
"host": "localhost",
"port": 8900
"workflowEngineOperator": {
"host": "localhost",
"port": 3001
"cdmi": {
"host": "localhost",
"port": 81,
"path": "/dewpoint",
"readonly": true
"bucketd": {
"bootstrap": ["localhost:9000"]
"vaultd": {
"host": "localhost",
"port": 8500
"clusters": 1,
"log": {
"logLevel": "info",
"dumpLevel": "error"
"healthChecks": {
"allowFrom": ["", "::1"]
"metadataClient": {
"host": "localhost",
"port": 9990
"dataClient": {
"host": "localhost",
"port": 9991
"pfsClient": {
"host": "localhost",
"port": 9992
"metadataDaemon": {
"bindAddress": "localhost",
"port": 9990
"dataDaemon": {
"bindAddress": "localhost",
"port": 9991
"pfsDaemon": {
"bindAddress": "localhost",
"port": 9992
"recordLog": {
"enabled": true,
"recordLogName": "s3-recordlog"
"mongodb": {
"replicaSetHosts": "localhost:27018,localhost:27019,localhost:27020",
"writeConcern": "majority",
"replicaSet": "rs0",
"readPreference": "primary",
"database": "metadata"
"authdata": "authdata.json",
"backends": {
"auth": "file",
"data": "file",
"metadata": "mongodb",
"kms": "file",
"quota": "none"
"externalBackends": {
"aws_s3": {
"httpAgent": {
"keepAlive": false,
"keepAliveMsecs": 1000,
"maxFreeSockets": 256,
"maxSockets": null
"gcp": {
"httpAgent": {
"keepAlive": true,
"keepAliveMsecs": 1000,
"maxFreeSockets": 256,
"maxSockets": null
"requests": {
"viaProxy": false,
"trustedProxyCIDRs": [],
"extractClientIPFromHeader": ""
"bucketNotificationDestinations": [
"resource": "target1",
"type": "dummy",
"host": "localhost:6000"

View File

@ -1,71 +0,0 @@
"port": 8000,
"listenOn": [],
"metricsPort": 8002,
"metricsListenOn": [],
"replicationGroupId": "RG001",
"restEndpoints": {
"localhost": "STANDARD",
"websiteEndpoints": [
"replicationEndpoints": [ {
"site": "zenko",
"servers": [""],
"default": true
} ],
"log": {
"logLevel": "info",
"dumpLevel": "error"
"healthChecks": {
"allowFrom": ["", "::1"]
"backends": {
"metadata": "mongodb"
"mongodb": {
"replicaSetHosts": "",
"writeConcern": "majority",
"replicaSet": "rs0",
"readPreference": "primary",
"database": "s3",
"authCredentials": {
"username": "s3",
"password": ""
"externalBackends": {
"aws_s3": {
"httpAgent": {
"keepAlive": false,
"keepAliveMsecs": 1000,
"maxFreeSockets": 256,
"maxSockets": null
"gcp": {
"httpAgent": {
"keepAlive": true,
"keepAliveMsecs": 1000,
"maxFreeSockets": 256,
"maxSockets": null
"requests": {
"viaProxy": false,
"trustedProxyCIDRs": [],
"extractClientIPFromHeader": ""
"bucketNotificationDestinations": [
"resource": "target1",
"type": "dummy",
"host": "localhost:6000"

View File

@ -1,6 +1,4 @@
const crypto = require('crypto');
const constants = {
export default {
* Splitter is used to build the object name for the overview of a
* multipart upload and to build the object names for each part of a
@ -38,9 +36,6 @@ const constants = {
// by the name of the final destination bucket for the object
// once the multipart upload is complete.
mpuBucketPrefix: 'mpuShadowBucket',
blacklistedPrefixes: { bucket: [], object: [] },
// GCP Object Tagging Prefix
gcpTaggingPrefix: 'aws-tag-',
// PublicId is used as the canonicalID for a request that contains
// no authentication information. Requestor can access
// only public resources
@ -57,7 +52,7 @@ const constants = {
// Number of sub-directories for file backend
folderHash: 3511, // Prime number
// AWS only returns 1000 on a listing
// AWS sets a hard limit on the listing maxKeys
// RESTBucketGET.html#RESTBucketGET-requests
listingHardLimit: 1000,
@ -65,184 +60,4 @@ const constants = {
// AWS sets a minimum size limit for parts except for the last part.
minimumAllowedPartSize: 5242880,
// AWS sets a maximum total parts limit
maximumAllowedPartCount: 10000,
gcpMaximumAllowedPartCount: 1024,
// Max size on put part or copy part is 5GB. For functional
// testing use 110 MB as max
maximumAllowedPartSize: process.env.MPU_TESTING === 'yes' ? 110100480 :
// Max size allowed in a single put object request is 5GB
maximumAllowedUploadSize: 5368709120,
// AWS states max size for user-defined metadata (x-amz-meta- headers) is
// 2 KB:
// In testing, AWS seems to allow up to 88 more bytes, so we do the same.
maximumMetaHeadersSize: 2136,
// Maximum HTTP headers size allowed
maxHttpHeadersSize: 14122,
// hex digest of sha256 hash of empty string:
emptyStringHash: crypto.createHash('sha256')
.update('', 'binary').digest('hex'),
// Queries supported by AWS that we do not currently support.
// Non-bucket queries
unsupportedQueries: [
// Headers supported by AWS that we do not currently support.
unsupportedHeaders: [
// user metadata header to set object locationConstraint
objectLocationConstraintHeader: 'x-amz-storage-class',
lastModifiedHeader: 'x-amz-meta-x-scal-last-modified',
legacyLocations: ['sproxyd', 'legacy'],
// declare here all existing service accounts and their properties
// (if any, otherwise an empty object)
serviceAccountProperties: {
replication: {},
lifecycle: {},
gc: {},
'md-ingestion': {
canReplicate: true,
/* eslint-disable camelcase */
externalBackends: { aws_s3: true, azure: true, gcp: true, pfs: true, dmf: true, azure_archive: true },
// some of the available data backends (if called directly rather
// than through the multiple backend gateway) need a key provided
// as a string as first parameter of the get/delete methods.
clientsRequireStringKey: { sproxyd: true, cdmi: true },
// healthcheck default call from nginx is every 2 seconds
// for external backends, don't call unless at least 1 minute
// (60,000 milliseconds) since last call
externalBackendHealthCheckInterval: 60000,
versioningNotImplBackends: { azure: true, gcp: true },
mpuMDStoredExternallyBackend: { aws_s3: true, gcp: true },
skipBatchDeleteBackends: { azure: true, gcp: true },
s3HandledBackends: { azure: true, gcp: true },
hasCopyPartBackends: { aws_s3: true, gcp: true },
/* eslint-enable camelcase */
mpuMDStoredOnS3Backend: { azure: true },
azureAccountNameRegex: /^[a-z0-9]{3,24}$/,
base64Regex: new RegExp('^(?:[A-Za-z0-9+/]{4})*' +
productName: 'APN/1.0 Scality/1.0 Scality CloudServer for Zenko',
// location constraint delimiter
zenkoSeparator: ':',
// user metadata applied on zenko objects
zenkoIDHeader: 'x-amz-meta-zenko-instance-id',
bucketOwnerActions: [
// response header to be sent when there are invalid
// user metadata in the object's metadata
invalidObjectUserMetadataHeader: 'x-amz-missing-meta',
// Bucket specific queries supported by AWS that we do not currently support
// these queries may or may not be supported at object level
unsupportedBucketQueries: [
suppressedUtapiEventFields: [
allowedUtapiEventFilterFields: [
arrayOfAllowed: [
allowedUtapiEventFilterStates: ['allow', 'deny'],
allowedRestoreObjectRequestTierValues: ['Standard'],
lifecycleListing: {
CURRENT_TYPE: 'current',
NON_CURRENT_TYPE: 'noncurrent',
ORPHAN_DM_TYPE: 'orphan',
multiObjectDeleteConcurrency: 50,
maxScannedLifecycleListingEntries: 10000,
overheadField: [
unsupportedSignatureChecksums: new Set([
supportedSignatureChecksums: new Set([
ipv4Regex: /^(\d{1,3}\.){3}\d{1,3}(\/(3[0-2]|[12]?\d))?$/,
ipv6Regex: /^([\da-f]{1,4}:){7}[\da-f]{1,4}$/i,
// The AWS assumed Role resource type
assumedRoleArnResourceType: 'assumed-role',
// Session name of the backbeat lifecycle assumed role session.
backbeatLifecycleSessionName: 'backbeat-lifecycle',
actionsToConsiderAsObjectPut: [
// if requester is not bucket owner, bucket policy actions should be denied with
// MethodNotAllowed error
onlyOwnerAllowed: ['bucketDeletePolicy', 'bucketGetPolicy', 'bucketPutPolicy'],
module.exports = constants;

View File

@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
'use strict'; // eslint-disable-line strict
const arsenal = require('arsenal');
const { config } = require('./lib/Config.js');
const logger = require('./lib/utilities/logger');
process.on('uncaughtException', err => {
logger.fatal('caught error', {
error: err.message,
stack: err.stack,
workerId: this.worker ? : undefined,
workerPid: this.worker ? : undefined,
if ( === 'file' ||
( === 'multiple' &&
config.backends.metadata !== 'scality')) {
const dataServer = new{
bindAddress: config.dataDaemon.bindAddress,
port: config.dataDaemon.port,
dataStore: new{
dataPath: config.dataDaemon.dataPath,
log: config.log,
noSync: config.dataDaemon.noSync,
noCache: config.dataDaemon.noCache,
log: config.log,
dataServer.setup(err => {
if (err) {
logger.error('Error initializing REST data server',
{ error: err });

View File

@ -1,220 +0,0 @@
# set -e stops the execution of a script if a command or pipeline has an error
set -e
# modifying config.json
# ENDPOINT var can accept comma separated values
# for multiple endpoint locations
if [[ "$ENDPOINT" ]]; then
IFS="," read -ra HOST_NAMES <<< "$ENDPOINT"
for host in "${HOST_NAMES[@]}"; do
JQ_FILTERS_CONFIG="$JQ_FILTERS_CONFIG | .restEndpoints[\"$host\"]=\"us-east-1\""
echo "Host name has been modified to ${HOST_NAMES[@]}"
echo "Note: In your /etc/hosts file on Linux, OS X, or Unix with root permissions, make sure to associate with ${HOST_NAMES[@]}"
if [[ "$LOG_LEVEL" ]]; then
if [[ "$LOG_LEVEL" == "info" || "$LOG_LEVEL" == "debug" || "$LOG_LEVEL" == "trace" ]]; then
echo "Log level has been modified to $LOG_LEVEL"
echo "The log level you provided is incorrect (info/debug/trace)"
if [[ "$SSL" && "$HOST_NAMES" ]]; then
# This condition makes sure that the certificates are not generated twice. (for docker restart)
if [ ! -f ./ca.key ] || [ ! -f ./ca.crt ] || [ ! -f ./server.key ] || [ ! -f ./server.crt ] ; then
# Compute config for utapi tests
cat >>req.cfg <<EOF
distinguished_name = req_distinguished_name
prompt = no
req_extensions = s3_req
subjectAltName = @alt_names
extendedKeyUsage = serverAuth, clientAuth
DNS.1 = *.${HOST_NAMES[0]}
DNS.2 = ${HOST_NAMES[0]}
## Generate SSL key and certificates
# Generate a private key for your CSR
openssl genrsa -out ca.key 2048
# Generate a self signed certificate for your local Certificate Authority
openssl req -new -x509 -extensions v3_ca -key ca.key -out ca.crt -days 99999 -subj "/C=US/ST=Country/L=City/O=Organization/CN=S3 CA Server"
# Generate a key for S3 Server
openssl genrsa -out server.key 2048
# Generate a Certificate Signing Request for S3 Server
openssl req -new -key server.key -out server.csr -config req.cfg
# Generate a local-CA-signed certificate for S3 Server
openssl x509 -req -in server.csr -CA ca.crt -CAkey ca.key -CAcreateserial -out server.crt -days 99999 -sha256 -extfile req.cfg -extensions s3_req
## Update S3Server config.json
# This condition makes sure that certFilePaths section is not added twice. (for docker restart)
if ! grep -q "certFilePaths" ./config.json; then
JQ_FILTERS_CONFIG="$JQ_FILTERS_CONFIG | .certFilePaths= { \"key\": \".\/server.key\", \"cert\": \".\/server.crt\", \"ca\": \".\/ca.crt\" }"
if [[ "$LISTEN_ADDR" ]]; then
JQ_FILTERS_CONFIG="$JQ_FILTERS_CONFIG | .metadataDaemon.bindAddress=\"$LISTEN_ADDR\""
if [[ "$REPLICATION_GROUP_ID" ]] ; then
if [[ "$DATA_HOST" ]]; then
if [[ "$METADATA_HOST" ]]; then
if [[ "$PFSD_HOST" ]]; then
if [[ "$MONGODB_HOSTS" ]]; then
if [[ "$MONGODB_RS" ]]; then
if [[ "$MONGODB_DATABASE" ]]; then
if [ -z "$REDIS_HA_NAME" ]; then
if [[ "$REDIS_SENTINELS" ]]; then
elif [[ "$REDIS_HOST" ]]; then
JQ_FILTERS_CONFIG="$JQ_FILTERS_CONFIG | .localCache.port=6379"
if [[ "$REDIS_PORT" ]] && [[ ! "$REDIS_SENTINELS" ]]; then
if [[ "$REDIS_SENTINELS" ]]; then
elif [[ "$REDIS_HA_HOST" ]]; then
if [[ "$REDIS_HA_PORT" ]] && [[ ! "$REDIS_SENTINELS" ]]; then
if [[ "$RECORDLOG_ENABLED" ]]; then
JQ_FILTERS_CONFIG="$JQ_FILTERS_CONFIG | .recordLog.enabled=true"
if [[ "$STORAGE_LIMIT_ENABLED" ]]; then
JQ_FILTERS_CONFIG="$JQ_FILTERS_CONFIG | .utapi.metrics[.utapi.metrics | length]=\"location\""
if [[ "$CRR_METRICS_HOST" ]]; then
if [[ "$CRR_METRICS_PORT" ]]; then
if [[ "$WE_OPERATOR_HOST" ]]; then
if [[ "$WE_OPERATOR_PORT" ]]; then
# external backends http(s) agent config
if [[ "$AWS_S3_HTTPAGENT_KEEPALIVE" ]]; then
JQ_FILTERS_CONFIG="$JQ_FILTERS_CONFIG | .externalBackends.aws_s3.httpAgent.keepAlive=$AWS_S3_HTTPAGENT_KEEPALIVE"
JQ_FILTERS_CONFIG="$JQ_FILTERS_CONFIG | .externalBackends.aws_s3.httpAgent.keepAliveMsecs=$AWS_S3_HTTPAGENT_KEEPALIVE_MS"
JQ_FILTERS_CONFIG="$JQ_FILTERS_CONFIG | .externalBackends.gcp.httpAgent.keepAliveMsecs=$GCP_HTTPAGENT_KEEPALIVE_MS"
if [[ -n "$BUCKET_DENY_FILTER" ]]; then
JQ_FILTERS_CONFIG="$JQ_FILTERS_CONFIG | .utapi.filter.deny.bucket=[\"$BUCKET_DENY_FILTER\"]"
if [[ "$TESTING_MODE" ]]; then
if [[ $JQ_FILTERS_CONFIG != "." ]]; then
jq "$JQ_FILTERS_CONFIG" config.json > config.json.tmp
mv config.json.tmp config.json
if test -v INITIAL_INSTANCE_ID && test -v S3METADATAPATH && ! test -f ${S3METADATAPATH}/uuid ; then
# s3 secret credentials for Zenko
if [ -r /run/secrets/s3-credentials ] ; then
. /run/secrets/s3-credentials
exec "$@"

View File

@ -1,993 +0,0 @@
.. role:: raw-latex(raw)
:format: latex
This document describes Zenko CloudServer's support for the AWS S3 Bucket
Versioning feature.
AWS S3 Bucket Versioning
See AWS documentation for a description of the Bucket Versioning
- `Bucket
Versioning <>`__
- `Object
Versioning <>`__
This document assumes familiarity with the details of Bucket Versioning,
including null versions and delete markers, described in the above
Implementation of Bucket Versioning in Zenko CloudServer
Overview of Metadata and API Component Roles
Each version of an object is stored as a separate key in metadata. The
S3 API interacts with the metadata backend to store, retrieve, and
delete version metadata.
The implementation of versioning within the metadata backend is naive.
The metadata backend does not evaluate any information about bucket or
version state (whether versioning is enabled or suspended, and whether a
version is a null version or delete marker). The S3 front-end API
manages the logic regarding versioning information, and sends
instructions to metadata to handle the basic CRUD operations for version
The role of the S3 API can be broken down into the following:
- put and delete version data
- store extra information about a version, such as whether it is a
delete marker or null version, in the object's metadata
- send instructions to metadata backend to store, retrieve, update and
delete version metadata based on bucket versioning state and version
- encode version ID information to return in responses to requests, and
decode version IDs sent in requests
The implementation of Bucket Versioning in S3 is described in this
document in two main parts. The first section, `"Implementation of
Bucket Versioning in
Metadata" <#implementation-of-bucket-versioning-in-metadata>`__,
describes the way versions are stored in metadata, and the metadata
options for manipulating version metadata.
The second section, `"Implementation of Bucket Versioning in
API" <#implementation-of-bucket-versioning-in-api>`__, describes the way
the metadata options are used in the API within S3 actions to create new
versions, update their metadata, and delete them. The management of null
versions and creation of delete markers is also described in this
Implementation of Bucket Versioning in Metadata
As mentioned above, each version of an object is stored as a separate
key in metadata. We use version identifiers as the suffix for the keys
of the object versions, and a special version (the `"Master
Version" <#master-version>`__) to represent the latest version.
An example of what the metadata keys might look like for an object
``foo/bar`` with three versions (with `.` representing a null character):
| key |
| foo/bar |
| foo/bar.098506163554375999999PARIS 0.a430a1f85c6ec |
| foo/bar.098506163554373999999PARIS 0.41b510cd0fdf8 |
| foo/bar.098506163554373999998PARIS 0.f9b82c166f695 |
The most recent version created is represented above in the key
``foo/bar`` and is the master version. This special version is described
further in the section `"Master Version" <#master-version>`__.
Version ID and Metadata Key Format
The version ID is generated by the metadata backend, and encoded in a
hexadecimal string format by S3 before sending a response to a request.
S3 also decodes the hexadecimal string received from a request before
sending to metadata to retrieve a particular version.
The format of a ``version_id`` is: ``ts`` ``rep_group_id`` ``seq_id``
- ``ts``: is the combination of epoch and an increasing number
- ``rep_group_id``: is the name of deployment(s) considered one unit
used for replication
- ``seq_id``: is a unique value based on metadata information.
The format of a key in metadata for a version is:
``object_name separator version_id`` where:
- ``object_name``: is the key of the object in metadata
- ``separator``: we use the ``null`` character (``0x00`` or ``\0``) as
the separator between the ``object_name`` and the ``version_id`` of a
- ``version_id``: is the version identifier; this encodes the ordering
information in the format described above as metadata orders keys
An example of a key in metadata:
``foo\01234567890000777PARIS 1234.123456`` indicating that this specific
version of ``foo`` was the ``000777``\ th entry created during the epoch
``1234567890`` in the replication group ``PARIS`` with ``1234.123456``
as ``seq_id``.
Master Version
We store a copy of the latest version of an object's metadata using
``object_name`` as the key; this version is called the master version.
The master version of each object facilitates the standard GET
operation, which would otherwise need to scan among the list of versions
of an object for its latest version.
The following table shows the layout of all versions of ``foo`` in the
first example stored in the metadata (with dot ``.`` representing the
null separator):
| key | value |
| foo | B |
| foo.v2 | B |
| foo.v1 | A |
Metadata Versioning Options
Zenko CloudServer sends instructions to the metadata engine about whether to
create a new version or overwrite, retrieve, or delete a specific
version by sending values for special options in PUT, GET, or DELETE
calls to metadata. The metadata engine can also list versions in the
database, which is used by Zenko CloudServer to list object versions.
These only describe the basic CRUD operations that the metadata engine
can handle. How these options are used by the S3 API to generate and
update versions is described more comprehensively in `"Implementation of
Bucket Versioning in
API" <#implementation-of-bucket-versioning-in-api>`__.
Note: all operations (PUT and DELETE) that generate a new version of an
object will return the ``version_id`` of the new version to the API.
- no options: original PUT operation, will update the master version
- ``versioning: true`` create a new version of the object, then update
the master version with this version.
- ``versionId: <versionId>`` create or update a specific version (for updating
version's ACL or tags, or remote updates in geo-replication)
* if the version identified by ``versionId`` happens to be the latest
version, the master version will be updated as well
* if the master version is not as recent as the version identified by
``versionId``, as may happen with cross-region replication, the master
will be updated as well
* note that with ``versionId`` set to an empty string ``''``, it will
overwrite the master version only (same as no options, but the master
version will have a ``versionId`` property set in its metadata like
any other version). The ``versionId`` will never be exposed to an
external user, but setting this internal-only ``versionID`` enables
Zenko CloudServer to find this version later if it is no longer the master.
This option of ``versionId`` set to ``''`` is used for creating null
versions once versioning has been suspended, which is discussed in
`"Null Version Management" <#null-version-management>`__.
In general, only one option is used at a time. When ``versionId`` and
``versioning`` are both set, only the ``versionId`` option will have an effect.
- no options: original DELETE operation, will delete the master version
- ``versionId: <versionId>`` delete a specific version
A deletion targeting the latest version of an object has to:
- delete the specified version identified by ``versionId``
- replace the master version with a version that is a placeholder for
- this version contains a special keyword, 'isPHD', to indicate the
master version was deleted and needs to be updated
- initiate a repair operation to update the value of the master
- involves listing the versions of the object and get the latest
version to replace the placeholder delete version
- if no more versions exist, metadata deletes the master version,
removing the key from metadata
Note: all of this happens in metadata before responding to the front-end api,
and only when the metadata engine is instructed by Zenko CloudServer to delete
a specific version or the master version.
See section `"Delete Markers" <#delete-markers>`__ for a description of what
happens when a Delete Object request is sent to the S3 API.
- no options: original GET operation, will get the master version
- ``versionId: <versionId>`` retrieve a specific version
The implementation of a GET operation does not change compared to the
standard version. A standard GET without versioning information would
get the master version of a key. A version-specific GET would retrieve
the specific version identified by the key for that version.
For a standard LIST on a bucket, metadata iterates through the keys by
using the separator (``\0``, represented by ``.`` in examples) as an
extra delimiter. For a listing of all versions of a bucket, there is no
change compared to the original listing function. Instead, the API
component returns all the keys in a List Objects call and filters for
just the keys of the master versions in a List Object Versions call.
For example, a standard LIST operation against the keys in a table below
would return from metadata the list of
``[ foo/bar, bar, qux/quz, quz ]``.
| key |
| foo/bar |
| foo/bar.v2 |
| foo/bar.v1 |
| bar |
| qux/quz |
| qux/quz.v2 |
| qux/quz.v1 |
| quz |
| quz.v2 |
| quz.v1 |
Implementation of Bucket Versioning in API
Object Metadata Versioning Attributes
To access all the information needed to properly handle all cases that
may exist in versioned operations, the API stores certain
versioning-related information in the metadata attributes of each
version's object metadata.
These are the versioning-related metadata properties:
- ``isNull``: whether the version being stored is a null version.
- ``nullVersionId``: the unencoded version ID of the latest null
version that existed before storing a non-null version.
- ``isDeleteMarker``: whether the version being stored is a delete
The metadata engine also sets one additional metadata property when
creating the version.
- ``versionId``: the unencoded version ID of the version being stored.
Null versions and delete markers are described in further detail in
their own subsections.
Creation of New Versions
When versioning is enabled in a bucket, APIs which normally result in
the creation of objects, such as Put Object, Complete Multipart Upload
and Copy Object, will generate new versions of objects.
Zenko CloudServer creates a new version and updates the master version using the
``versioning: true`` option in PUT calls to the metadata engine. As an
example, when two consecutive Put Object requests are sent to the Zenko
CloudServer for a versioning-enabled bucket with the same key names, there
are two corresponding metadata PUT calls with the ``versioning`` option
set to true.
The PUT calls to metadata and resulting keys are shown below:
(1) PUT foo (first put), versioning: ``true``
| key | value |
| foo | A |
| foo.v1 | A |
(2) PUT foo (second put), versioning: ``true``
| key | value |
| foo | B |
| foo.v2 | B |
| foo.v1 | A |
Null Version Management
In a bucket without versioning, or when versioning is suspended, putting
an object with the same name twice should result in the previous object
being overwritten. This is managed with null versions.
Only one null version should exist at any given time, and it is
identified in Zenko CloudServer requests and responses with the version
id "null".
Case 1: Putting Null Versions
With respect to metadata, since the null version is overwritten by
subsequent null versions, the null version is initially stored in the
master key alone, as opposed to being stored in the master key and a new
version. Zenko CloudServer checks if versioning is suspended or has never been
configured, and sets the ``versionId`` option to ``''`` in PUT calls to
the metadata engine when creating a new null version.
If the master version is a null version, Zenko CloudServer also sends a DELETE
call to metadata prior to the PUT, in order to clean up any pre-existing null
versions which may, in certain edge cases, have been stored as a separate
version. [1]_
The tables below summarize the calls to metadata and the resulting keys if
we put an object 'foo' twice, when versioning has not been enabled or is
(1) PUT foo (first put), versionId: ``''``
| key | value |
| foo (null) | A |
(2A) DELETE foo (clean-up delete before second put),
versionId: ``<version id of master version>``
| key | value |
| | |
(2B) PUT foo (second put), versionId: ``''``
| key | value |
| foo (null) | B |
The S3 API also sets the ``isNull`` attribute to ``true`` in the version
metadata before storing the metadata for these null versions.
.. [1] Some examples of these cases are: (1) when there is a null version
that is the second-to-latest version, and the latest version has been
deleted, causing metadata to repair the master value with the value of
the null version and (2) when putting object tag or ACL on a null
version that is the master version, as explained in `"Behavior of
Object-Targeting APIs" <#behavior-of-object-targeting-apis>`__.
Case 2: Preserving Existing Null Versions in Versioning-Enabled Bucket
Null versions are preserved when new non-null versions are created after
versioning has been enabled or re-enabled.
If the master version is the null version, the S3 API preserves the
current null version by storing it as a new key ``(3A)`` in a separate
PUT call to metadata, prior to overwriting the master version ``(3B)``.
This implies the null version may not necessarily be the latest or
master version.
To determine whether the master version is a null version, the S3 API
checks if the master version's ``isNull`` property is set to ``true``,
or if the ``versionId`` attribute of the master version is undefined
(indicating it is a null version that was put before bucket versioning
was configured).
Continuing the example from Case 1, if we enabled versioning and put
another object, the calls to metadata and resulting keys would resemble
the following:
(3A) PUT foo, versionId: ``<versionId of master version>`` if defined or
``<non-versioned object id>``
| key | value |
| foo | B |
| foo.v1 (null) | B |
(3B) PUT foo, versioning: ``true``
| key | value |
| foo | C |
| foo.v2 | C |
| foo.v1 (null) | B |
To prevent issues with concurrent requests, Zenko CloudServer ensures the null
version is stored with the same version ID by using ``versionId`` option.
Zenko CloudServer sets the ``versionId`` option to the master version's
``versionId`` metadata attribute value during the PUT. This creates a new
version with the same version ID of the existing null master version.
The null version's ``versionId`` attribute may be undefined because it
was generated before the bucket versioning was configured. In that case,
a version ID is generated using the max epoch and sequence values
possible so that the null version will be properly ordered as the last
entry in a metadata listing. This value ("non-versioned object id") is
used in the PUT call with the ``versionId`` option.
Case 3: Overwriting a Null Version That is Not Latest Version
Normally when versioning is suspended, Zenko CloudServer uses the
``versionId: ''`` option in a PUT to metadata to create a null version.
This also overwrites an existing null version if it is the master version.
However, if there is a null version that is not the latest version,
Zenko CloudServer cannot rely on the ``versionId: ''`` option will not
overwrite the existing null version. Instead, before creating a new null
version, the Zenko CloudServer API must send a separate DELETE call to metadata
specifying the version id of the current null version for delete.
To do this, when storing a null version (3A above) before storing a new
non-null version, Zenko CloudServer records the version's ID in the
``nullVersionId`` attribute of the non-null version. For steps 3A and 3B above,
these are the values stored in the ``nullVersionId`` of each version's metadata:
(3A) PUT foo, versioning: ``true``
| key | value | value.nullVersionId |
| foo | B | undefined |
| foo.v1 (null) | B | undefined |
(3B) PUT foo, versioning: ``true``
| key | value | value.nullVersionId |
| foo | C | v1 |
| foo.v2 | C | v1 |
| foo.v1 (null) | B | undefined |
If defined, the ``nullVersionId`` of the master version is used with the
``versionId`` option in a DELETE call to metadata if a Put Object
request is received when versioning is suspended in a bucket.
(4A) DELETE foo, versionId: ``<nullVersionId of master version>`` (v1)
| key | value |
| foo | C |
| foo.v2 | C |
Then the master version is overwritten with the new null version:
(4B) PUT foo, versionId: ``''``
| key | value |
| foo (null) | D |
| foo.v2 | C |
The ``nullVersionId`` attribute is also used to retrieve the correct
version when the version ID "null" is specified in certain object-level
APIs, described further in the section `"Null Version
Mapping" <#null-version-mapping>`__.
Specifying Versions in APIs for Putting Versions
Since Zenko CloudServer does not allow an overwrite of existing version data,
Put Object, Complete Multipart Upload and Copy Object return
``400 InvalidArgument`` if a specific version ID is specified in the
request query, e.g. for a ``PUT /foo?versionId=v1`` request.
PUT Example
When Zenko CloudServer receives a request to PUT an object:
- It checks first if versioning has been configured
- If it has not been configured, Zenko CloudServer proceeds to puts the new
data, puts the metadata by overwriting the master version, and proceeds to
delete any pre-existing data
If versioning has been configured, Zenko CloudServer checks the following:
Versioning Enabled
If versioning is enabled and there is existing object metadata:
- If the master version is a null version (``isNull: true``) or has no
version ID (put before versioning was configured):
- store the null version metadata as a new version
- create a new version and overwrite the master version
- set ``nullVersionId``: version ID of the null version that was
If versioning is enabled and the master version is not null; or there is
no existing object metadata:
- create a new version and store it, and overwrite the master version
Versioning Suspended
If versioning is suspended and there is existing object metadata:
- If the master version has no version ID:
- overwrite the master version with the new metadata (PUT ``versionId: ''``)
- delete previous object data
- If the master version is a null version:
- delete the null version using the `versionId` metadata attribute of the
master version (PUT ``versionId: <versionId of master object MD>``)
- put a new null version (PUT ``versionId: ''``)
- If master is not a null version and ``nullVersionId`` is defined in
the objects metadata:
- delete the current null version metadata and data
- overwrite the master version with the new metadata
If there is no existing object metadata, create the new null version as
the master version.
In each of the above cases, set ``isNull`` metadata attribute to true
when creating the new null version.
Behavior of Object-Targeting APIs
API methods which can target existing objects or versions, such as Get
Object, Head Object, Get Object ACL, Put Object ACL, Copy Object and
Copy Part, will perform the action on the latest version of an object if
no version ID is specified in the request query or relevant request
header (``x-amz-copy-source-version-id`` for Copy Object and Copy Part
Two exceptions are the Delete Object and Multi-Object Delete APIs, which
will instead attempt to create delete markers, described in the
following section, if no version ID is specified.
No versioning options are necessary to retrieve the latest version from
metadata, since the master version is stored in a key with the name of
the object. However, when updating the latest version, such as with the
Put Object ACL API, Zenko CloudServer sets the ``versionId`` option in the
PUT call to metadata to the value stored in the object metadata's ``versionId``
attribute. This is done in order to update the metadata both in the
master version and the version itself, if it is not a null version. [2]_
When a version id is specified in the request query for these APIs, e.g.
``GET /foo?versionId=v1``, Zenko CloudServer will attempt to decode the version
ID and perform the action on the appropriate version. To do so, the API sets
the value of the ``versionId`` option to the decoded version ID in the
metadata call.
Delete Markers
If versioning has not been configured for a bucket, the Delete Object
and Multi-Object Delete APIs behave as their standard APIs.
If versioning has been configured, Zenko CloudServer deletes object or version
data only if a specific version ID is provided in the request query, e.g.
``DELETE /foo?versionId=v1``.
If no version ID is provided, S3 creates a delete marker by creating a
0-byte version with the metadata attribute ``isDeleteMarker: true``. The
S3 API will return a ``404 NoSuchKey`` error in response to requests
getting or heading an object whose latest version is a delete maker.
To restore a previous version as the latest version of an object, the
delete marker must be deleted, by the same process as deleting any other
The response varies when targeting an object whose latest version is a
delete marker for other object-level APIs that can target existing
objects and versions, without specifying the version ID.
- Get Object, Head Object, Get Object ACL, Object Copy and Copy Part
return ``404 NoSuchKey``.
- Put Object ACL and Put Object Tagging return
``405 MethodNotAllowed``.
These APIs respond to requests specifying the version ID of a delete
marker with the error ``405 MethodNotAllowed``, in general. Copy Part
and Copy Object respond with ``400 Invalid Request``.
See section `"Delete Example" <#delete-example>`__ for a summary.
Null Version Mapping
When the null version is specified in a request with the version ID
"null", the S3 API must use the ``nullVersionId`` stored in the latest
version to retrieve the current null version, if the null version is not
the latest version.
Thus, getting the null version is a two step process:
1. Get the latest version of the object from metadata. If the latest
version's ``isNull`` property is ``true``, then use the latest
version's metadata. Otherwise,
2. Get the null version of the object from metadata, using the internal
version ID of the current null version stored in the latest version's
``nullVersionId`` metadata attribute.
DELETE Example
The following steps are used in the delete logic for delete marker
- If versioning has not been configured: attempt to delete the object
- If request is version-specific delete request: attempt to delete the
- otherwise, if not a version-specific delete request and versioning
has been configured:
- create a new 0-byte content-length version
- in version's metadata, set a 'isDeleteMarker' property to true
- Return the version ID of any version deleted or any delete marker
- Set response header ``x-amz-delete-marker`` to true if a delete
marker was deleted or created
The Multi-Object Delete API follows the same logic for each of the
objects or versions listed in an xml request. Note that a delete request
can result in the creation of a deletion marker even if the object
requested to delete does not exist in the first place.
Object-level APIs which can target existing objects and versions perform
the following checks regarding delete markers:
- If not a version-specific request and versioning has been configured,
check the metadata of the latest version
- If the 'isDeleteMarker' property is set to true, return
``404 NoSuchKey`` or ``405 MethodNotAllowed``
- If it is a version-specific request, check the object metadata of the
requested version
- If the ``isDeleteMarker`` property is set to true, return
``405 MethodNotAllowed`` or ``400 InvalidRequest``
.. [2] If it is a null version, this call will overwrite the null version
if it is stored in its own key (``foo\0<versionId>``). If the null
version is stored only in the master version, this call will both
overwrite the master version *and* create a new key
(``foo\0<versionId>``), resulting in the edge case referred to by the
previous footnote [1]_.
Data-metadata daemon Architecture and Operational guide
This document presents the architecture of the data-metadata daemon
(dmd) used for the community edition of Zenko CloudServer. It also provides a
guide on how to operate it.
The dmd is responsible for storing and retrieving Zenko CloudServer data and
metadata, and is accessed by Zenko CloudServer connectors through
(metadata) and REST (data) APIs.
It has been designed such that more than one Zenko CloudServer connector can
access the same buckets by communicating with the dmd. It also means that
the dmd can be hosted on a separate container or machine.
The simplest deployment is still to launch with yarn start, this will
start one instance of the Zenko CloudServer connector and will listen on the
locally bound dmd ports 9990 and 9991 (by default, see below).
The dmd can be started independently from the Zenko CloudServer by running this
command in the Zenko CloudServer directory:
yarn run start_dmd
This will open two ports:
- one is based on and is used for metadata transfers (9990 by
- the other is a REST interface used for data transfers (9991 by
Then, one or more instances of Zenko CloudServer without the dmd can be started
elsewhere with:
.. code:: sh
yarn run start_s3server
Most configuration happens in ``config.json`` for Zenko CloudServer, local
storage paths can be changed where the dmd is started using environment
variables, like before: ``S3DATAPATH`` and ``S3METADATAPATH``.
In ``config.json``, the following sections are used to configure access
to the dmd through separate configuration of the data and metadata
"metadataClient": {
"host": "localhost",
"port": 9990
"dataClient": {
"host": "localhost",
"port": 9991
To run a remote dmd, you have to do the following:
- change both ``"host"`` attributes to the IP or host name where the
dmd is run.
- Modify the ``"bindAddress"`` attributes in ``"metadataDaemon"`` and
``"dataDaemon"`` sections where the dmd is run to accept remote
connections (e.g. ``"::"``)
This section gives a bit more insight on how it works internally.
.. figure:: ./images/data_metadata_daemon_arch.png
:alt: Architecture diagram
Metadata on
This communication is based on an RPC system based on events
sent by Zenko CloudServerconnectors, received by the DMD and acknowledged back
to the Zenko CloudServer connector.
The actual payload sent through is a JSON-serialized form of
the RPC call name and parameters, along with some additional information
like the request UIDs, and the sub-level information, sent as object
attributes in the JSON request.
With introduction of versioning support, the updates are now gathered in
the dmd for some number of milliseconds max, before being batched as a
single write to the database. This is done server-side, so the API is
meant to send individual updates.
Four RPC commands are available to clients: ``put``, ``get``, ``del``
and ``createReadStream``. They more or less map the parameters accepted
by the corresponding calls in the LevelUp implementation of LevelDB.
They differ in the following:
- The ``sync`` option is ignored (under the hood, puts are gathered
into batches which have their ``sync`` property enforced when they
are committed to the storage)
- Some additional versioning-specific options are supported
- ``createReadStream`` becomes asynchronous, takes an additional
callback argument and returns the stream in the second callback
Debugging the exchanges can be achieved by running the daemon
with ``DEBUG='*'`` environment variable set.
One parameter controls the timeout value after which RPC commands sent
end with a timeout error, it can be changed either:
- via the ``DEFAULT_CALL_TIMEOUT_MS`` option in
- or in the constructor call of the ``MetadataFileClient`` object (in
``lib/metadata/bucketfile/backend.js`` as ``callTimeoutMs``.
Default value is 30000.
A specific implementation deals with streams, currently used for listing
a bucket. Streams emit ``"stream-data"`` events that pack one or more
items in the listing, and a special ``“stream-end”`` event when done.
Flow control is achieved by allowing a certain number of “in flight”
packets that have not received an ack yet (5 by default). Two options
can tune the behavior (for better throughput or getting it more robust
on weak networks), they have to be set in ``mdserver.js`` file directly,
as there is no support in ``config.json`` for now for those options:
- ``streamMaxPendingAck``: max number of pending ack events not yet
received (default is 5)
- ``streamAckTimeoutMs``: timeout for receiving an ack after an output
stream packet is sent to the client (default is 5000)
Data exchange through the REST data port
Data is read and written with REST semantic.
The web server recognizes a base path in the URL of ``/DataFile`` to be
a request to the data storage service.
A PUT on ``/DataFile`` URL and contents passed in the request body will
write a new object to the storage.
On success, a ``201 Created`` response is returned and the new URL to
the object is returned via the ``Location`` header (e.g.
``Location: /DataFile/50165db76eecea293abfd31103746dadb73a2074``). The
raw key can then be extracted simply by removing the leading
``/DataFile`` service information from the returned URL.
A GET is simply issued with REST semantic, e.g.:
GET /DataFile/50165db76eecea293abfd31103746dadb73a2074 HTTP/1.1
A GET request can ask for a specific range. Range support is complete
except for multiple byte ranges.
DELETE is similar to GET, except that a ``204 No Content`` response is
returned on success.
Listing Types
We use three different types of metadata listing for various operations.
Here are the scenarios we use each for:
- 'Delimiter' - when no versions are possible in the bucket since it is
an internally-used only bucket which is not exposed to a user.
1. to list objects in the "user's bucket" to respond to a GET SERVICE
request and
2. to do internal listings on an MPU shadow bucket to complete multipart
upload operations.
- 'DelimiterVersion' - to list all versions in a bucket
- 'DelimiterMaster' - to list just the master versions of objects in a
The algorithms for each listing type can be found in the open-source
`scality/Arsenal <>`__ repository, in
`lib/algos/list <>`__.
With CloudServer, there are two possible methods of at-rest encryption.
(1) We offer bucket level encryption where Scality CloudServer itself handles at-rest
encryption for any object that is in an 'encrypted' bucket, regardless of what
the location-constraint for the data is and
(2) If the location-constraint specified for the data is of type AWS,
you can choose to use AWS server side encryption.
Note: bucket level encryption is not available on the standard AWS
S3 protocol, so normal AWS S3 clients will not provide the option to send a
header when creating a bucket. We have created a simple tool to enable you
to easily create an encrypted bucket.
Creating encrypted bucket using our encrypted bucket tool in the bin directory
.. code:: shell
./create_encrypted_bucket.js -a accessKey1 -k verySecretKey1 -b bucketname -h localhost -p 8000
AWS backend
With real AWS S3 as a location-constraint, you have to configure the
location-constraint as follows
.. code:: json
"awsbackend": {
"type": "aws_s3",
"legacyAwsBehavior": true,
"details": {
"serverSideEncryption": true,
Then, every time an object is put to that data location, we pass the following
header to AWS: ``x-amz-server-side-encryption: AES256``
Note: due to these options, it is possible to configure encryption by both
CloudServer and AWS S3 (if you put an object to a CloudServer bucket which has
the encryption flag AND the location-constraint for the data is AWS S3 with
serverSideEncryption set to true).

View File

@ -1,146 +0,0 @@
# Bucket Policy Documentation
## Description
Bucket policy is a method of controlling access to a user's account at the
resource level.
There are three associated APIs:
- PUT Bucket policy (see
- GET Bucket policy (see
- DELETE Bucket policy (see
More information on bucket policies in general can be found at
## Requirements
To prevent loss of access to a bucket, the root owner of a bucket will always
be able to perform any of the three bucket policy-related operations, even
if permission is explicitly denied.
All other users must have permission to perform the desired operation.
## Design
On a PUTBucketPolicy request, the user provides a policy in JSON format.
The policy is evaluated against our policy schema in Arsenal and, once
validated, is stored as part of the bucket's metadata.
On a GETBucketPolicy request, the policy is retrieved from the bucket's
On a DELETEBucketPolicy request, the policy is deleted from the bucket's
All other APIs are updated to check if a bucket policy is attached to the bucket
the request is made on. If there is a policy, user authorization to perform
the requested action is checked.
### Differences Between Bucket and IAM Policies
IAM policies are attached to an IAM identity and define what actions that
identity is allowed to or denied from doing on what resource.
Bucket policies attach only to buckets and define what actions are allowed or
denied for which principles on that bucket. Permissions specified in a bucket
policy apply to all objects in that bucket unless otherwise specified.
Besides their attachment origins, the main structural difference between
IAM policy and bucket policy is the requirement of a "Principal" element in
bucket policies. This field is redundant in IAM policies.
### Policy Validation
For general guidelines for bucket policy structure, see examples here:
Each bucket policy statement object requires at least four keys:
"Effect", "Principle", "Resource", and "Action".
"Effect" defines the effect of the policy and can have a string value of either
"Allow" or "Deny".
"Resource" defines to which bucket or list of buckets a policy is attached.
An object within the bucket is also a valid resource. The element value can be
either a single bucket or object ARN string or an array of ARNs.
"Action" lists which action(s) the policy controls. Its value can also be either
a string or array of S3 APIs. Each action is the API name prepended by "s3:".
"Principle" specifies which user(s) are granted or denied access to the bucket
resource. Its value can be a string or an object containing an array of users.
Valid users can be identified with an account ARN, account id, or user ARN.
There are also two optional bucket policy statement keys: Sid and Condition.
"Sid" stands for "statement id". If this key is not included, one will be
generated for the statement.
"Condition" lists the condition under which a statement will take affect.
The possibilities are as follows:
- ArnEquals
- ArnEqualsIfExists
- ArnLike
- ArnLikeIfExists
- ArnNotEquals
- ArnNotEqualsIfExists
- ArnNotLike
- ArnNotLikeIfExists
- BinaryEquals
- BinaryEqualsIfExists
- BinaryNotEquals
- BinaryNotEqualsIfExists
- Bool
- BoolIfExists
- DateEquals
- DateEqualsIfExists
- DateGreaterThan
- DateGreaterThanEquals
- DateGreaterThanEqualsIfExists
- DateGreaterThanIfExists
- DateLessThan
- DateLessThanEquals
- DateLessThanEqualsIfExists
- DateLessThanIfExists
- DateNotEquals
- DateNotEqualsIfExists
- IpAddress
- IpAddressIfExists
- NotIpAddress
- NotIpAddressIfExists
- Null
- NumericEquals
- NumericEqualsIfExists
- NumericGreaterThan
- NumericGreaterThanEquals
- NumericGreaterThanEqualsIfExists
- NumericGreaterThanIfExists
- NumericLessThan
- NumericLessThanEquals
- NumericLessThanEqualsIfExists
- NumericLessThanIfExists
- NumericNotEquals
- NumericNotEqualsIfExists
- StringEquals
- StringEqualsIfExists
- StringEqualsIgnoreCase
- StringEqualsIgnoreCaseIfExists
- StringLike
- StringLikeIfExists
- StringNotEquals
- StringNotEqualsIfExists
- StringNotEqualsIgnoreCase
- StringNotEqualsIgnoreCaseIfExists
- StringNotLike
- StringNotLikeIfExists
The value of the Condition key will be an object containing the desired
condition name as that key. The value of inner object can be a string, boolean,
number, or object, depending on the condition.
## Authorization with Multiple Access Control Mechanisms
In the case where multiple access control mechanisms (such as IAM policies,
bucket policies, and ACLs) refer to the same resource, the principle of
least-privilege is applied. Unless an action is explicitly allowed, access will
by default be denied. An explicit DENY in any policy will trump another
policy's ALLOW for an action. The request will only be allowed if at least one
policy specifies an ALLOW, and there is no overriding DENY.
The following diagram illustrates this logic:

View File

@ -1,345 +0,0 @@
List of applications that have been tested with Zenko CloudServer.
`Cyberduck <>`__
`Cloud Explorer <>`__
`CloudBerry Lab <>`__
Command Line Tools
`s3curl <>`__
`aws-cli <>`__
``~/.aws/credentials`` on Linux, OS X, or Unix or
``C:\Users\USERNAME\.aws\credentials`` on Windows
.. code:: shell
aws_access_key_id = accessKey1
aws_secret_access_key = verySecretKey1
``~/.aws/config`` on Linux, OS X, or Unix or
``C:\Users\USERNAME\.aws\config`` on Windows
.. code:: shell
region = us-east-1
Note: ``us-east-1`` is the default region, but you can specify any
See all buckets:
.. code:: shell
aws s3 ls --endpoint-url=http://localhost:8000
Create bucket:
.. code:: shell
aws --endpoint-url=http://localhost:8000 s3 mb s3://mybucket
`s3cmd <>`__
If using s3cmd as a client to S3 be aware that v4 signature format is
buggy in s3cmd versions < 1.6.1.
``~/.s3cfg`` on Linux, OS X, or Unix or ``C:\Users\USERNAME\.s3cfg`` on
.. code:: shell
access_key = accessKey1
secret_key = verySecretKey1
host_base = localhost:8000
host_bucket = %(bucket).localhost:8000
signature_v2 = False
use_https = False
See all buckets:
.. code:: shell
s3cmd ls
`rclone <>`__
``~/.rclone.conf`` on Linux, OS X, or Unix or
``C:\Users\USERNAME\.rclone.conf`` on Windows
.. code:: shell
type = s3
env_auth = false
access_key_id = accessKey1
secret_access_key = verySecretKey1
region = other-v2-signature
endpoint = http://localhost:8000
location_constraint =
acl = private
server_side_encryption =
storage_class =
See all buckets:
.. code:: shell
rclone lsd remote:
`AWS JavaScript SDK <>`__
.. code:: javascript
const AWS = require('aws-sdk');
const s3 = new AWS.S3({
accessKeyId: 'accessKey1',
secretAccessKey: 'verySecretKey1',
endpoint: 'localhost:8000',
sslEnabled: false,
s3ForcePathStyle: true,
.. code:: java
import com.amazonaws.auth.AWSCredentials;
import com.amazonaws.auth.BasicAWSCredentials;
public class S3 {
public static void main(String[] args) {
AWSCredentials credentials = new BasicAWSCredentials("accessKey1",
// Create a client connection based on credentials
AmazonS3 s3client = new AmazonS3Client(credentials);
// Using path-style requests
// (deprecated) s3client.setS3ClientOptions(new S3ClientOptions().withPathStyleAccess(true));
// Create bucket
String bucketName = "javabucket";
// List off all buckets
for (Bucket bucket : s3client.listBuckets()) {
System.out.println(" - " + bucket.getName());
`AWS SDK for Ruby - Version 2 <>`__
.. code:: ruby
require 'aws-sdk'
s3 =
:access_key_id => 'accessKey1',
:secret_access_key => 'verySecretKey1',
:endpoint => 'http://localhost:8000',
:force_path_style => true
resp = s3.list_buckets
`fog <>`__
.. code:: ruby
require "fog"
connection =
:provider => "AWS",
:aws_access_key_id => 'accessKey1',
:aws_secret_access_key => 'verySecretKey1',
:endpoint => 'http://localhost:8000',
:path_style => true,
:scheme => 'http',
`boto2 <>`__
.. code:: python
import boto
from boto.s3.connection import S3Connection, OrdinaryCallingFormat
connection = S3Connection(
`boto3 <>`__
Client integration
.. code:: python
import boto3
client = boto3.client(
lists = client.list_buckets()
Full integration (with object mapping)
.. code:: python
import os
from botocore.utils import fix_s3_host
import boto3
os.environ['AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID'] = "accessKey1"
os.environ['AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY'] = "verySecretKey1"
s3 = boto3.resource(service_name='s3', endpoint_url='http://localhost:8000')'before-sign.s3', fix_s3_host)
for bucket in s3.buckets.all():
Should force path-style requests even though v3 advertises it does by default.
`AWS PHP SDK v3 <>`__
.. code:: php
use Aws\S3\S3Client;
$client = S3Client::factory([
'region' => 'us-east-1',
'version' => 'latest',
'endpoint' => 'http://localhost:8000',
'use_path_style_endpoint' => true,
'credentials' => [
'key' => 'accessKey1',
'secret' => 'verySecretKey1'
'Bucket' => 'bucketphp',
`AWS Go SDK <>`__
.. code:: go
package main
import (
func main() {
os.Setenv("AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID", "accessKey1")
os.Setenv("AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY", "verySecretKey1")
endpoint := "http://localhost:8000"
timeout := time.Duration(10) * time.Second
sess := session.Must(session.NewSession())
// Create a context with a timeout that will abort the upload if it takes
// more than the passed in timeout.
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), timeout)
defer cancel()
svc := s3.New(sess, &aws.Config{
Region: aws.String(endpoints.UsEast1RegionID),
Endpoint: &endpoint,
out, err := svc.ListBucketsWithContext(ctx, &s3.ListBucketsInput{})
if err != nil {
} else {

View File

@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
Need help?
We're always glad to help out. Simply open a
`GitHub issue <>`__ and we'll give you
insight. If what you want is not available, and if you're willing to help us
out, we'll be happy to welcome you in the team, whether for a small fix or for
a larger feature development. Thanks for your interest!
Got an idea? Get started!
In order to contribute, please follow the `Contributing
Guidelines <>`__.
If anything is unclear to you, reach out to us on
`forum <>`__ or via a GitHub issue.
Don't write code? There are other ways to help!
We're always eager to learn about our users' stories. If you can't contribute
code, but would love to help us, please shoot us an email at,
and tell us what our software enables you to do! Thanks for your time!

View File

@ -1,371 +0,0 @@
.. _environment-variables:
Environment Variables
This variable enables running CloudServer with multiple data backends, defined
as regions.
For multiple data backends, a custom locationConfig.json file is required.
This file enables you to set custom regions. You must provide associated
rest_endpoints for each custom region in config.json.
`Learn more about multiple-backend configurations <GETTING_STARTED.html#location-configuration>`__
If you are using Scality RING endpoints, refer to your customer documentation.
Running CloudServer with an AWS S3-Hosted Backend
To run CloudServer with an S3 AWS backend, add a new section to the
``locationConfig.json`` file with the ``aws_s3`` location type:
.. code:: json
"awsbackend": {
"type": "aws_s3",
"details": {
"awsEndpoint": "",
"bucketName": "yourawss3bucket",
"bucketMatch": true,
"credentialsProfile": "aws_hosted_profile"
Edit your AWS credentials file to enable your preferred command-line tool.
This file must mention credentials for all backends in use. You can use
several profiles if multiple profiles are configured.
.. code:: json
As with locationConfig.json, the AWS credentials file must be mounted at
run time: ``-v ~/.aws/credentials:/root/.aws/credentials`` on Unix-like
systems (Linux, OS X, etc.), or
``-v C:\Users\USERNAME\.aws\credential:/root/.aws/credentials`` on Windows
.. note:: One account cannot copy to another account with a source and
destination on real AWS unless the account associated with the
accessKey/secretKey pairs used for the destination bucket has source
bucket access privileges. To enable this, update ACLs directly on AWS.
For stored file data to persist, you must mount Docker volumes
for both data and metadata. See :ref:`In Production with a Docker-Hosted CloudServer <in-production-w-a-Docker-hosted-cloudserver>`
This is ideal for testing: no data remains after the container is shut down.
This variable specifies the endpoint. To direct CloudServer requests to, for example, specify the endpoint with:
.. code-block:: shell
$ docker run -d --name cloudserver -p 8000:8000 -e zenko/cloudserver
.. note:: On Unix-like systems (Linux, OS X, etc.) edit /etc/hosts
to associate with
CloudServer is a part of `Zenko <>`__. When you run CloudServer standalone it will still try to connect to Orbit by default (browser-based graphical user interface for Zenko).
Setting this variable to true(1) will default to accessKey1 and verySecretKey1 for credentials and disable the automatic Orbit management:
.. code-block:: shell
$ docker run -d --name cloudserver -p 8000:8000 -e REMOTE_MANAGEMENT_DISABLE=1 zenko/cloudserver
These variables specify authentication credentials for an account named
Set account credentials for multiple accounts by editing conf/authdata.json
(see below for further details). To specify one set for personal use, set these
environment variables:
.. code-block:: shell
$ docker run -d --name cloudserver -p 8000:8000 -e SCALITY_ACCESS_KEY_ID=newAccessKey \
-e SCALITY_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=newSecretKey zenko/cloudserver
.. note:: This takes precedence over the contents of the authdata.json
file. The authdata.json file is ignored.
.. note:: The ACCESS_KEY and SECRET_KEY environment variables are
This variable changes the log level. There are three levels: info, debug,
and trace. The default is info. Debug provides more detailed logs, and trace
provides the most detailed logs.
.. code-block:: shell
$ docker run -d --name cloudserver -p 8000:8000 -e LOG_LEVEL=trace zenko/cloudserver
Set true, this variable runs CloudServer with SSL.
If SSL is set true:
* The ENDPOINT environment variable must also be specified.
* On Unix-like systems (Linux, OS X, etc.), must be associated with
<YOUR_ENDPOINT> in /etc/hosts.
.. Warning:: Self-signed certs with a CA generated within the container are
suitable for testing purposes only. Clients cannot trust them, and they may
disappear altogether on a container upgrade. The best security practice for
production environments is to use an extra container, such as
haproxy/nginx/stunnel, for SSL/TLS termination and to pull certificates
from a mounted volume, limiting what an exploit on either component
can expose.
.. code:: shell
$ docker run -d --name cloudserver -p 8000:8000 -e SSL=TRUE -e ENDPOINT=<YOUR_ENDPOINT> \
For more information about using ClousdServer with SSL, see `Using SSL <GETTING_STARTED.html#Using SSL>`__
This variable causes CloudServer and its data and metadata components to
listen on the specified address. This allows starting the data or metadata
servers as standalone services, for example.
.. code:: shell
docker run -d --name s3server-data -p 9991:9991 -e LISTEN_ADDR=
scality/s3server yarn run start_dataserver
These variables configure the data and metadata servers to use,
usually when they are running on another host and only starting the stateless
Zenko CloudServer.
.. code:: shell
$ docker run -d --name cloudserver -e DATA_HOST=cloudserver-data \
-e METADATA_HOST=cloudserver-metadata zenko/cloudserver yarn run start_s3server
Use this variable to connect to the redis cache server on another host than
.. code:: shell
$ docker run -d --name cloudserver -p 8000:8000 \
-e zenko/cloudserver
Use this variable to connect to the Redis cache server on a port other
than the default 6379.
.. code:: shell
$ docker run -d --name cloudserver -p 8000:8000 \
-e REDIS_PORT=6379 zenko/cloudserver
.. _tunables-and-setup-tips:
Tunables and Setup Tips
Using Docker Volumes
CloudServer runs with a file backend by default, meaning that data is
stored inside the CloudServers Docker container.
For data and metadata to persist, data and metadata must be hosted in Docker
volumes outside the CloudServers Docker container. Otherwise, the data
and metadata are destroyed when the container is erased.
.. code-block:: shell
$ docker run -­v $(pwd)/data:/usr/src/app/localData -­v $(pwd)/metadata:/usr/src/app/localMetadata \
-p 8000:8000 ­-d zenko/cloudserver
This command mounts the ./data host directory to the container
at /usr/src/app/localData and the ./metadata host directory to
the container at /usr/src/app/localMetaData.
.. tip:: These host directories can be mounted to any accessible mount
point, such as /mnt/data and /mnt/metadata, for example.
Adding, Modifying, or Deleting Accounts or Credentials
1. Create a customized authdata.json file locally based on /conf/authdata.json.
2. Use `Docker volumes <>`__
to override the default ``authdata.json`` through a Docker file mapping.
For example:
.. code-block:: shell
$ docker run -v $(pwd)/authdata.json:/usr/src/app/conf/authdata.json -p 8000:8000 -d \
Specifying a Host Name
To specify a host name (for example,, provide your own
`config.json <>`__
file using `Docker volumes <>`__.
First, add a new key-value pair to the restEndpoints section of your
config.json. Make the key the host name you want, and the value the default
location\_constraint for this endpoint.
For example, ```` is mapped to ``us-east-1`` which is one
of the ``location_constraints`` listed in your locationConfig.json file
`here <>`__.
For more information about location configuration, see:
`GETTING STARTED <GETTING_STARTED.html#location-configuration>`__
.. code:: json
"restEndpoints": {
"localhost": "file",
"": "file",
"": "us-east-1"
Next, run CloudServer using a `Docker volume
.. code-block:: shell
$ docker run -v $(pwd)/config.json:/usr/src/app/config.json -p 8000:8000 -d zenko/cloudserver
The local ``config.json`` file overrides the default one through a Docker
file mapping.
Running as an Unprivileged User
CloudServer runs as root by default.
To change this, modify the dockerfile and specify a user before the
entry point.
The user must exist within the container, and must own the
/usr/src/app directory for CloudServer to run.
For example, the following dockerfile lines can be modified:
.. code-block:: shell
&& groupadd -r -g 1001 scality \
&& useradd -u 1001 -g 1001 -d /usr/src/app -r scality \
&& chown -R scality:scality /usr/src/app
USER scality
ENTRYPOINT ["/usr/src/app/"]
.. _continuous-integration-with-docker-hosted-cloudserver:
Continuous Integration with a Docker-Hosted CloudServer
When you start the Docker CloudServer image, you can adjust the
configuration of the CloudServer instance by passing one or more
environment variables on the ``docker run`` command line.
To run CloudServer for CI with custom locations (one in-memory,
one hosted on AWS), and custom credentials mounted:
.. code-block:: shell
$ docker run --name CloudServer -p 8000:8000 \
-v $(pwd)/locationConfig.json:/usr/src/app/locationConfig.json \
-v $(pwd)/authdata.json:/usr/src/app/conf/authdata.json \
-v ~/.aws/credentials:/root/.aws/credentials \
-e S3DATA=multiple -e S3BACKEND=mem zenko/cloudserver
To run CloudServer for CI with custom locations, (one in-memory, one
hosted on AWS, and one file), and custom credentials `set as environment
variables <GETTING_STARTED.html#scality-access-key-id-and-scality-secret-access-key>`__):
.. code-block:: shell
$ docker run --name CloudServer -p 8000:8000 \
-v $(pwd)/locationConfig.json:/usr/src/app/locationConfig.json \
-v ~/.aws/credentials:/root/.aws/credentials \
-v $(pwd)/data:/usr/src/app/localData -v $(pwd)/metadata:/usr/src/app/localMetadata \
-e S3DATA=multiple -e S3BACKEND=mem zenko/cloudserver
.. _in-production-w-a-Docker-hosted-cloudserver:
In Production with a Docker-Hosted CloudServer
Because data must persist in production settings, CloudServer offers
multiple-backend capabilities. This requires a custom endpoint
and custom credentials for local storage.
Customize these with:
.. code-block:: shell
$ docker run -d --name CloudServer \
-v $(pwd)/data:/usr/src/app/localData -v $(pwd)/metadata:/usr/src/app/localMetadata \
-v $(pwd)/locationConfig.json:/usr/src/app/locationConfig.json \
-v $(pwd)/authdata.json:/usr/src/app/conf/authdata.json \
-v ~/.aws/credentials:/root/.aws/credentials -e S3DATA=multiple \
-e \
-p 8000:8000 ­-d zenko/cloudserver \

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@ -1,436 +0,0 @@
Getting Started
.. figure:: ../res/scality-cloudserver-logo.png
:alt: Zenko CloudServer logo
Building and running the Scality Zenko CloudServer requires node.js 10.x and
yarn v1.17.x. Up-to-date versions can be found at
`Nodesource <>`__.
1. Clone the source code
.. code-block:: shell
$ git clone
2. Go to the cloudserver directory and use yarn to install the js dependencies.
.. code-block:: shell
$ cd cloudserver
$ yarn install
Running CloudServer with a File Backend
.. code-block:: shell
$ yarn start
This starts a Zenko CloudServer on port 8000. Two additional ports, 9990
and 9991, are also open locally for internal transfer of metadata and
data, respectively.
The default access key is accessKey1. The secret key is verySecretKey1.
By default, metadata files are saved in the localMetadata directory and
data files are saved in the localData directory in the local ./cloudserver
directory. These directories are pre-created within the repository. To
save data or metadata in different locations, you must specify them using
absolute paths. Thus, when starting the server:
.. code-block:: shell
$ mkdir -m 700 $(pwd)/myFavoriteDataPath
$ mkdir -m 700 $(pwd)/myFavoriteMetadataPath
$ export S3DATAPATH="$(pwd)/myFavoriteDataPath"
$ export S3METADATAPATH="$(pwd)/myFavoriteMetadataPath"
$ yarn start
Running CloudServer with Multiple Data Backends
.. code-block:: shell
$ export S3DATA='multiple'
$ yarn start
This starts a Zenko CloudServer on port 8000.
The default access key is accessKey1. The secret key is verySecretKey1.
With multiple backends, you can choose where each object is saved by setting
the following header with a location constraint in a PUT request:
.. code-block:: shell
If no header is sent with a PUT object request, the buckets location
constraint determines where the data is saved. If the bucket has no
location constraint, the endpoint of the PUT request determines location.
See the Configuration_ section to set location constraints.
Run CloudServer with an In-Memory Backend
.. code-block:: shell
$ yarn run mem_backend
This starts a Zenko CloudServer on port 8000.
The default access key is accessKey1. The secret key is verySecretKey1.
Run CloudServer with Vault User Management
.. code:: shell
export S3VAULT=vault
yarn start
Note: Vault is proprietary and must be accessed separately.
This starts a Zenko CloudServer using Vault for user management.
Run CloudServer for Continuous Integration Testing or in Production with Docker
Run Cloudserver with `DOCKER <DOCKER.html>`__
Run unit tests with the command:
.. code-block:: shell
$ yarn test
Run multiple-backend unit tests with:
.. code-block:: shell
$ CI=true S3DATA=multiple yarn start
$ yarn run multiple_backend_test
Run the linter with:
.. code-block:: shell
$ yarn run lint
Running Functional Tests Locally
To pass AWS and Azure backend tests locally, modify
tests/locationConfig/locationConfigTests.json so that ``awsbackend``
specifies the bucketname of a bucket you have access to based on your
credentials, and modify ``azurebackend`` with details for your Azure account.
The test suite requires additional tools, **s3cmd** and **Redis**
installed in the environment the tests are running in.
1. Install `s3cmd <>`__
2. Install `redis <>`__ and start Redis.
3. Add localCache section to ``config.json``:
.. code:: json
"localCache": {
"host": REDIS_HOST,
"port": REDIS_PORT
where ``REDIS_HOST`` is the Redis instance IP address (``""``
if Redis is running locally) and ``REDIS_PORT`` is the Redis instance
port (``6379`` by default)
4. Add the following to the local etc/hosts file:
.. code-block:: shell
5. Start Zenko CloudServer in memory and run the functional tests:
.. code-block:: shell
$ CI=true yarn run mem_backend
$ CI=true yarn run ft_test
.. _Configuration:
There are three configuration files for Zenko CloudServer:
* ``conf/authdata.json``, for authentication.
* ``locationConfig.json``, to configure where data is saved.
* ``config.json``, for general configuration options.
.. _location-configuration:
Location Configuration
You must specify at least one locationConstraint in locationConfig.json
(or leave it as pre-configured).
You must also specify 'us-east-1' as a locationConstraint. If you put a
bucket to an unknown endpoint and do not specify a locationConstraint in
the PUT bucket call, us-east-1 is used.
For instance, the following locationConstraint saves data sent to
``myLocationConstraint`` to the file backend:
.. code:: json
"myLocationConstraint": {
"type": "file",
"legacyAwsBehavior": false,
"details": {}
Each locationConstraint must include the ``type``, ``legacyAwsBehavior``,
and ``details`` keys. ``type`` indicates which backend is used for that
region. Supported backends are mem, file, and scality.``legacyAwsBehavior``
indicates whether the region behaves the same as the AWS S3 'us-east-1'
region. If the locationConstraint type is ``scality``, ``details`` must
contain connector information for sproxyd. If the locationConstraint type
is ``mem`` or ``file``, ``details`` must be empty.
Once locationConstraints is set in locationConfig.json, specify a default
locationConstraint for each endpoint.
For instance, the following sets the ``localhost`` endpoint to the
``myLocationConstraint`` data backend defined above:
.. code:: json
"restEndpoints": {
"localhost": "myLocationConstraint"
To use an endpoint other than localhost for Zenko CloudServer, the endpoint
must be listed in ``restEndpoints``. Otherwise, if the server is running
with a:
* **file backend**: The default location constraint is ``file``
* **memory backend**: The default location constraint is ``mem``
The Zenko CloudServer supports endpoints that are rendered in either:
* path style: or
* hosted style:
However, if an IP address is specified for the host, hosted-style requests
cannot reach the server. Use path-style requests in that case. For example,
if you are using the AWS SDK for JavaScript, instantiate your client like this:
.. code:: js
const s3 = new aws.S3({
endpoint: '',
s3ForcePathStyle: true,
Setting Your Own Access and Secret Key Pairs
Credentials can be set for many accounts by editing ``conf/authdata.json``,
environment variables to specify your own credentials.
These variables specify authentication credentials for an account named
.. note:: Anything in the ``authdata.json`` file is ignored.
.. code-block:: shell
.. _Using_SSL:
Using SSL
To use https with your local CloudServer, you must set up
SSL certificates.
1. Deploy CloudServer using `our DockerHub page
<>`__ (run it with a file
.. Note:: If Docker is not installed locally, follow the
`instructions to install it for your distribution
2. Update the CloudServer containers config
Add your certificates to your container. To do this,
#. exec inside the CloudServer container.
#. Run ``$> docker ps`` to find the containers ID (the corresponding
image name is ``scality/cloudserver``.
#. Copy the corresponding container ID (``894aee038c5e`` in the present
example), and run:
.. code-block:: shell
$> docker exec -it 894aee038c5e bash
This puts you inside your container, using an interactive terminal.
3. Generate the SSL key and certificates. The paths where the different
files are stored are defined after the ``-out`` option in each of the
following commands.
#. Generate a private key for your certificate signing request (CSR):
.. code-block:: shell
$> openssl genrsa -out ca.key 2048
#. Generate a self-signed certificate for your local certificate
authority (CA):
.. code:: shell
$> openssl req -new -x509 -extensions v3_ca -key ca.key -out ca.crt -days 99999 -subj "/C=US/ST=Country/L=City/O=Organization/CN=scality.test"
#. Generate a key for the CloudServer:
.. code:: shell
$> openssl genrsa -out test.key 2048
#. Generate a CSR for CloudServer:
.. code:: shell
$> openssl req -new -key test.key -out test.csr -subj "/C=US/ST=Country/L=City/O=Organization/CN=*.scality.test"
#. Generate a certificate for CloudServer signed by the local CA:
.. code:: shell
$> openssl x509 -req -in test.csr -CA ca.crt -CAkey ca.key -CAcreateserial -out test.crt -days 99999 -sha256
4. Update Zenko CloudServer ``config.json``. Add a ``certFilePaths``
section to ``./config.json`` with appropriate paths:
.. code:: json
"certFilePaths": {
"key": "./test.key",
"cert": "./test.crt",
"ca": "./ca.crt"
5. Run your container with the new config.
#. Exit the container by running ``$> exit``.
#. Restart the container with ``$> docker restart cloudserver``.
6. Update the host configuration by adding s3.scality.test
to /etc/hosts:
.. code:: bash localhost s3.scality.test
7. Copy the local certificate authority (ca.crt in step 4) from your
container. Choose the path to save this file to (in the present
example, ``/root/ca.crt``), and run:
.. code:: shell
$> docker cp 894aee038c5e:/usr/src/app/ca.crt /root/ca.crt
.. note:: Your container ID will be different, and your path to
ca.crt may be different.
Test the Config
If aws-sdk is not installed, run ``$> yarn install aws-sdk``.
Paste the following script into a file named "test.js":
.. code:: js
const AWS = require('aws-sdk');
const fs = require('fs');
const https = require('https');
const httpOptions = {
agent: new https.Agent({
// path on your host of the self-signed certificate
ca: fs.readFileSync('./ca.crt', 'ascii'),
const s3 = new AWS.S3({
accessKeyId: 'accessKey1',
secretAccessKey: 'verySecretKey1',
// The endpoint must be s3.scality.test, else SSL will not work
endpoint: 'https://s3.scality.test:8000',
sslEnabled: true,
// With this setup, you must use path-style bucket access
s3ForcePathStyle: true,
const bucket = 'cocoriko';
s3.createBucket({ Bucket: bucket }, err => {
if (err) {
return console.log('err createBucket', err);
return s3.deleteBucket({ Bucket: bucket }, err => {
if (err) {
return console.log('err deleteBucket', err);
return console.log('SSL is cool!');
Now run this script with:
.. code::
$> nodejs test.js
On success, the script outputs ``SSL is cool!``.
.. |CircleCI| image::
.. |Scality CI| image::

View File

@ -1,69 +0,0 @@
# Get Bucket Version 2 Documentation
## Description
This feature implements version 2 of the GET Bucket (List Objects)
operation, following AWS specifications
## Requirements
The user must have READ access to the bucket.
## Design
### Request
The `delimiter`, `encoding-type`, `max-keys`, and `prefix` request parameters
from GET Bucket v1 remain unchanged.
In order to specify v2, the parameter `list-type` must be included and
set to `2`.
The `marker` v1 parameter's functionality has been split in two and replaced by
`start-after` and `continuation-token` in v2. The `start-after` parameter is
a specific object key after which the API will return key names. It is only
valid in the first GET request. If both the `start-after` and
`continuation-token` parameters are included in a request, the API will
ignore the `start-after` parameter in favor of the `continuation-token`.
If the GET Bucket v2 response is truncated, a `NextContinuationToken` will
also be included. To list the next set of objects, the `NextContinuationToken`
can be used as the `continuation-token` in the next request. The continuation
token is an obfuscated string of 57 characters that CloudServer understands and
By default, the v2 response does not include object owner information. To
include owner information like the default v1 response, use the `fetch-owner`
request parameter set to `true`.
### Response
The GET Bucket v1 and v2 responses are largely the same, with only a few changes.
The `NextMarker` v1 parameter has been replaced by the
`NextContinuationToken`. The `NextContinuationToken` is included with any
truncated response, even if no delimiter is sent in the request. Its value is an
obfuscated string that can be passed at the `continuation-token` in the next
request, which will be interpreted by CloudServer.
The `KeyCounter` parameter is returned in every response. Its value is the
number of keys included in the response. It is always less than or equal to
the `MaxKeys` value.
If the `start-after` or `continuation-token` parameter is used in the
request, it is also included in the response.
By default, the v2 response does not include object owner information, unlike
the v1 response. See the `Request` section for including it.
### Continuation Token
An example continuation token:
NextContinuationToken: '1bunC4s+crlZNAAbKUGBLyajJUQKp22TOdUR6/01snxD2cZtjJD0ugA=='
In order to generate a comparable token, CloudServer uses base64 encoding to
obfuscate the key name of the next object to be listed.
Encoded continuation tokens are similarly decoded in order for listing to
continue from the correct object.
## Performing Get Bucket V2 Operation
When performing the GET Bucket V2 operation, if the request is built manually,
the parameter `list-type` must be included and set to `2`.
Using the AWS cli client, the command becomes `list-objects-v2`.

View File

@ -1,565 +0,0 @@
High Availability
`Docker Swarm <>`__ is a clustering tool
developed by Docker for use with its containers. It can be used to start
services, which we define to ensure CloudServer's continuous availability to
end users. A swarm defines a manager and *n* workers among *n* + 1 servers.
This tutorial shows how to perform a basic setup with three servers, which
provides strong service resiliency, while remaining easy to use and
maintain. We will use NFS through Docker to share data and
metadata between the different servers.
Sections are labeled **On Server**, **On Clients**, or
**On All Machines**, referring respectively to NFS server, NFS clients, or
NFS server and clients. In the present example, the servers IP address is
**** and the client IP addresses are **** and
1. Install Docker (on All Machines)
Docker 17.03.0-ce is used for this tutorial. Docker 1.12.6 and later will
likely work, but is not tested.
* On Ubuntu 14.04
Install Docker CE for Ubuntu as `documented at Docker
Install the aufs dependency as recommended by Docker. The required
commands are:
.. code:: sh
$> sudo apt-get update
$> sudo apt-get install linux-image-extra-$(uname -r) linux-image-extra-virtual
$> sudo apt-get install apt-transport-https ca-certificates curl software-properties-common
$> curl -fsSL | sudo apt-key add -
$> sudo add-apt-repository "deb [arch=amd64] $(lsb_release -cs) stable"
$> sudo apt-get update
$> sudo apt-get install docker-ce
* On CentOS 7
Install Docker CE as `documented at Docker
The required commands are:
.. code:: sh
$> sudo yum install -y yum-utils
$> sudo yum-config-manager --add-repo
$> sudo yum makecache fast
$> sudo yum install docker-ce
$> sudo systemctl start docker
2. Install NFS on Client(s)
NFS clients mount Docker volumes over the NFS servers shared folders.
If the NFS commons are installed, manual mounts are no longer needed.
* On Ubuntu 14.04
Install the NFS commons with apt-get:
.. code:: sh
$> sudo apt-get install nfs-common
* On CentOS 7
Install the NFS utils; then start required services:
.. code:: sh
$> yum install nfs-utils
$> sudo systemctl enable rpcbind
$> sudo systemctl enable nfs-server
$> sudo systemctl enable nfs-lock
$> sudo systemctl enable nfs-idmap
$> sudo systemctl start rpcbind
$> sudo systemctl start nfs-server
$> sudo systemctl start nfs-lock
$> sudo systemctl start nfs-idmap
3. Install NFS (on Server)
The NFS server hosts the data and metadata. The package(s) to install on it
differs from the package installed on the clients.
* On Ubuntu 14.04
Install the NFS server-specific package and the NFS commons:
.. code:: sh
$> sudo apt-get install nfs-kernel-server nfs-common
* On CentOS 7
Install the NFS utils and start the required services:
.. code:: sh
$> yum install nfs-utils
$> sudo systemctl enable rpcbind
$> sudo systemctl enable nfs-server
$> sudo systemctl enable nfs-lock
$> sudo systemctl enable nfs-idmap
$> sudo systemctl start rpcbind
$> sudo systemctl start nfs-server
$> sudo systemctl start nfs-lock
$> sudo systemctl start nfs-idmap
For both distributions:
#. Choose where shared data and metadata from the local
`CloudServer <>`__ shall be stored (The
present example uses /var/nfs/data and /var/nfs/metadata). Set permissions
for these folders for
sharing over NFS:
.. code:: sh
$> mkdir -p /var/nfs/data /var/nfs/metadata
$> chmod -R 777 /var/nfs/
#. The /etc/exports file configures network permissions and r-w-x permissions
for NFS access. Edit /etc/exports, adding the following lines:
.. code:: sh
Ubuntu applies the no\_subtree\_check option by default, so both
folders are declared with the same permissions, even though theyre in
the same tree.
#. Export this new NFS table:
.. code:: sh
$> sudo exportfs -a
#. Edit the ``MountFlags`` option in the Docker config in
/lib/systemd/system/docker.service to enable NFS mount from Docker volumes
on other machines:
.. code:: sh
#. Restart the NFS server and Docker daemons to apply these changes.
* On Ubuntu 14.04
.. code:: sh
$> sudo service nfs-kernel-server restart
$> sudo service docker restart
* On CentOS 7
.. code:: sh
$> sudo systemctl restart nfs-server
$> sudo systemctl daemon-reload
$> sudo systemctl restart docker
4. Set Up a Docker Swarm
* On all machines and distributions:
Set up the Docker volumes to be mounted to the NFS server for CloudServers
data and metadata storage. The following commands must be replicated on all
.. code:: sh
$> docker volume create --driver local --opt type=nfs --opt o=addr=,rw --opt device=:/var/nfs/data --name data
$> docker volume create --driver local --opt type=nfs --opt o=addr=,rw --opt device=:/var/nfs/metadata --name metadata
There is no need to ``docker exec`` these volumes to mount them: the
Docker Swarm manager does this when the Docker service is started.
* On a server:
To start a Docker service on a Docker Swarm cluster, initialize the cluster
(that is, define a manager), prompt workers/nodes to join in, and then start
the service.
Initialize the swarm cluster, and review its response:
.. code:: sh
$> docker swarm init --advertise-addr
Swarm initialized: current node (db2aqfu3bzfzzs9b1kfeaglmq) is now a manager.
To add a worker to this swarm, run the following command:
docker swarm join \
--token SWMTKN-1-5yxxencrdoelr7mpltljn325uz4v6fe1gojl14lzceij3nujzu-2vfs9u6ipgcq35r90xws3stka \
To add a manager to this swarm, run 'docker swarm join-token manager' and follow the instructions.
* On clients:
Copy and paste the command provided by your Docker Swarm init. A successful
request/response will resemble:
.. code:: sh
$> docker swarm join --token SWMTKN-1-5yxxencrdoelr7mpltljn325uz4v6fe1gojl14lzceij3nujzu-2vfs9u6ipgcq35r90xws3stka
This node joined a swarm as a worker.
Set Up Docker Swarm on Clients on a Server
Start the service on the Swarm cluster.
.. code:: sh
$> docker service create --name s3 --replicas 1 --mount type=volume,source=data,target=/usr/src/app/localData --mount type=volume,source=metadata,target=/usr/src/app/localMetadata -p 8000:8000 scality/cloudserver
On a successful installation, ``docker service ls`` returns the following
.. code:: sh
$> docker service ls
ocmggza412ft s3 replicated 1/1 scality/cloudserver:latest
If the service does not start, consider disabling apparmor/SELinux.
Testing the High-Availability CloudServer
On all machines (client/server) and distributions (Ubuntu and CentOS),
determine where CloudServer is running using ``docker ps``. CloudServer can
operate on any node of the Swarm cluster, manager or worker. When you find
it, you can kill it with ``docker stop <container id>``. It will respawn
on a different node. Now, if one server falls, or if Docker stops
unexpectedly, the end user will still be able to access your the local CloudServer.
To troubleshoot the service, run:
.. code:: sh
$> docker service ps s3docker service ps s3
0ar81cw4lvv8chafm8pw48wbc s3.1 scality/cloudserver localhost.localdomain.localdomain Running Running 7 days ago
cvmf3j3bz8w6r4h0lf3pxo6eu \_ s3.1 scality/cloudserver localhost.localdomain.localdomain Shutdown Failed 7 days ago "task: non-zero exit (137)"
If the error is truncated, view the error in detail by inspecting the
Docker task ID:
.. code:: sh
$> docker inspect cvmf3j3bz8w6r4h0lf3pxo6eu
Off you go!
Let us know how you use this and if you'd like any specific developments
around it. Even better: come and contribute to our `Github repository
<>`__! We look forward to meeting you!
You can export buckets as a filesystem with s3fs on CloudServer.
`s3fs <>`__ is an open source
tool, available both on Debian and RedHat distributions, that enables
you to mount an S3 bucket on a filesystem-like backend. This tutorial uses
an Ubuntu 14.04 host to deploy and use s3fs over CloudServer.
Deploying Zenko CloudServer with SSL
First, deploy CloudServer with a file backend using `our DockerHub page
.. note::
If Docker is not installed on your machine, follow
`these instructions <>`__
to install it for your distribution.
You must also set up SSL with CloudServer to use s3fs. See `Using SSL
<./GETTING_STARTED#Using_SSL>`__ for instructions.
s3fs Setup
Installing s3fs
Follow the instructions in the s3fs `README
Check that s3fs is properly installed. A version check should return
a response resembling:
.. code:: sh
$> s3fs --version
Amazon Simple Storage Service File System V1.80(commit:d40da2c) with OpenSSL
Copyright (C) 2010 Randy Rizun <>
License GPL2: GNU GPL version 2 <>
This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it.
There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law.
Configuring s3fs
s3fs expects you to provide it with a password file. Our file is
``/etc/passwd-s3fs``. The structure for this file is
``ACCESSKEYID:SECRETKEYID``, so, for CloudServer, you can run:
.. code:: sh
$> echo 'accessKey1:verySecretKey1' > /etc/passwd-s3fs
$> chmod 600 /etc/passwd-s3fs
Using CloudServer with s3fs
1. Use /mnt/tests3fs as a mount point.
.. code:: sh
$> mkdir /mnt/tests3fs
2. Create a bucket on your local CloudServer. In the present example it is
named “tests3fs”.
.. code:: sh
$> s3cmd mb s3://tests3fs
3. Mount the bucket to your mount point with s3fs:
.. code:: sh
$> s3fs tests3fs /mnt/tests3fs -o passwd_file=/etc/passwd-s3fs -o url="https://s3.scality.test:8000/" -o use_path_request_style
The structure of this command is:
``s3fs BUCKET_NAME PATH/TO/MOUNTPOINT -o OPTIONS``. Of these mandatory
* ``passwd_file`` specifies the path to the password file.
* ``url`` specifies the host name used by your SSL provider.
* ``use_path_request_style`` forces the path style (by default,
s3fs uses DNS-style subdomains).
Once the bucket is mounted, files added to the mount point or
objects added to the bucket will appear in both locations.
Create two files, and then a directory with a file in our mount point:
.. code:: sh
$> touch /mnt/tests3fs/file1 /mnt/tests3fs/file2
$> mkdir /mnt/tests3fs/dir1
$> touch /mnt/tests3fs/dir1/file3
Now, use s3cmd to show what is in CloudServer:
.. code:: sh
$> s3cmd ls -r s3://tests3fs
2017-02-28 17:28 0 s3://tests3fs/dir1/
2017-02-28 17:29 0 s3://tests3fs/dir1/file3
2017-02-28 17:28 0 s3://tests3fs/file1
2017-02-28 17:28 0 s3://tests3fs/file2
Now you can enjoy a filesystem view on your local CloudServer.
How to back up your files with CloudServer.
Installing Duplicity and its Dependencies
To install `Duplicity <>`__,
go to `this site <>`__.
Download the latest tarball. Decompress it and follow the instructions
in the README.
.. code:: sh
$> tar zxvf duplicity-0.7.11.tar.gz
$> cd duplicity-0.7.11
$> python install
You may receive error messages indicating the need to install some or all
of the following dependencies:
.. code:: sh
$> apt-get install librsync-dev gnupg
$> apt-get install python-dev python-pip python-lockfile
$> pip install -U boto
Testing the Installation
1. Check that CloudServer is running. Run ``$> docker ps``. You should
see one container named ``scality/cloudserver``. If you do not, run
``$> docker start cloudserver`` and check again.
2. Duplicity uses a module called “Boto” to send requests to S3. Boto
requires a configuration file located in ``/etc/boto.cfg`` to store
your credentials and preferences. A minimal configuration
you can fine tune `following these instructions
<>`__ is
shown here:
aws_access_key_id = accessKey1
aws_secret_access_key = verySecretKey1
# If using SSL, set to True
is_secure = False
# If using SSL, unmute and provide absolute path to local CA certificate
# ca_certificates_file = /absolute/path/to/ca.crt
.. note:: To set up SSL with CloudServer, check out our `Using SSL
3. At this point all requirements to run CloudServer as a backend to Duplicity
have been met. A local folder/file should back up to the local S3.
Try it with the decompressed Duplicity folder:
.. code:: sh
$> duplicity duplicity-0.7.11 "s3://"
.. note:: Duplicity will prompt for a symmetric encryption passphrase.
Save it carefully, as you will need it to recover your data.
Alternatively, you can add the ``--no-encryption`` flag
and the data will be stored plain.
If this command is successful, you will receive an output resembling:
.. code:: sh
--------------[ Backup Statistics ]--------------
StartTime 1486486547.13 (Tue Feb 7 16:55:47 2017)
EndTime 1486486547.40 (Tue Feb 7 16:55:47 2017)
ElapsedTime 0.27 (0.27 seconds)
SourceFiles 388
SourceFileSize 6634529 (6.33 MB)
NewFiles 388
NewFileSize 6634529 (6.33 MB)
DeletedFiles 0
ChangedFiles 0
ChangedFileSize 0 (0 bytes)
ChangedDeltaSize 0 (0 bytes)
DeltaEntries 388
RawDeltaSize 6392865 (6.10 MB)
TotalDestinationSizeChange 2003677 (1.91 MB)
Errors 0
Congratulations! You can now back up to your local S3 through Duplicity.
Automating Backups
The easiest way to back up files periodically is to write a bash script
and add it to your crontab. A suggested script follows.
.. code:: sh
# Export your passphrase so you don't have to type anything
export PASSPHRASE="mypassphrase"
# To use a GPG key, put it here and uncomment the line below
# Define your backup bucket, with localhost specified
# Define the absolute path to the folder to back up
# Set to "full" for full backups, and "incremental" for incremental backups
# Warning: you must perform one full backup befor you can perform
# incremental ones on top of it
# How long to keep backups. If you don't want to delete old backups, keep
# this value empty; otherwise, the syntax is "1Y" for one year, "1M" for
# one month, "1D" for one day.
# is_running checks whether Duplicity is currently completing a task
is_running=$(ps -ef | grep duplicity | grep python | wc -l)
# If Duplicity is already completing a task, this will not run
if [ $is_running -eq 0 ]; then
echo "Backup for ${SOURCE} started"
# To delete backups older than a certain time, do it here
if [ "$OLDER_THAN" != "" ]; then
echo "Removing backups older than ${OLDER_THAN}"
duplicity remove-older-than ${OLDER_THAN} ${DEST}
# This is where the actual backup takes place
echo "Backing up ${SOURCE}..."
duplicity ${FULL} \
# If you're using GPG, paste this in the command above
# --encrypt-key=${GPG_KEY} --sign-key=${GPG_KEY} \
# If you want to exclude a subfolder/file, put it below and
# paste this
# in the command above
# --exclude=/${SOURCE}/path_to_exclude \
echo "Backup for ${SOURCE} complete"
echo "------------------------------------"
# Forget the passphrase...
Put this file in ``/usr/local/sbin/``. Run ``crontab -e`` and
paste your configuration into the file that opens. If you're unfamiliar
with Cron, here is a good `HowTo
<>`__. If the folder being
backed up is a folder to be modified permanently during the work day,
we can set incremental backups every 5 minutes from 8 AM to 9 PM Monday
through Friday by pasting the following line into crontab:
.. code:: sh
*/5 8-20 * * 1-5 /usr/local/sbin/
Adding or removing files from the folder being backed up will result in
incremental backups in the bucket.

View File

@ -1,263 +0,0 @@
Metadata Search Documentation
This feature enables metadata search to be performed on the metadata of objects
stored in Zenko.
* MongoDB
The Metadata Search feature expands on the existing :code:`GET Bucket` S3 API by
enabling users to conduct metadata searches by adding the custom Zenko query
string parameter, :code:`search`. The :code:`search` parameter is structured as a pseudo
SQL WHERE clause, and supports basic SQL operators. For example:
:code:`"A=1 AND B=2 OR C=3"` (complex queries can be built using nesting
operators, :code:`(` and :code:`)`).
The search process is as follows:
* Zenko receives a :code:`GET` request.
.. code::
# regular getBucket request
GET /bucketname HTTP/1.1
Date: Wed, 18 Oct 2018 17:50:00 GMT
Authorization: authorization string
# getBucket versions request
GET /bucketname?versions HTTP/1.1
Date: Wed, 18 Oct 2018 17:50:00 GMT
Authorization: authorization string
# search getBucket request
GET /bucketname?search=key%3Dsearch-item HTTP/1.1
Date: Wed, 18 Oct 2018 17:50:00 GMT
Authorization: authorization string
* If the request does *not* contain the :code:`search` query parameter, Zenko performs
a normal bucket listing and returns an XML result containing the list of
* If the request *does* contain the :code:`search` query parameter, Zenko parses and
validates the search string.
- If the search string is invalid, Zenko returns an :code:`InvalidArgument` error.
.. code::
<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>
<Message>Invalid sql where clause sent as search query</Message>
- If the search string is valid, Zenko parses it and generates an abstract
syntax tree (AST). The AST is then passed to the MongoDB backend to be
used as the query filter for retrieving objects from a bucket that
satisfies the requested search conditions. Zenko parses the filtered
results and returns them as the response.
Metadata search results have the same structure as a :code:`GET Bucket` response:
.. code:: xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<ListBucketResult xmlns="">
Performing Metadata Searches with Zenko
You can perform metadata searches by:
+ Using the :code:`search_bucket` tool in the
`Scality/S3 <>`_ GitHub repository.
+ Creating a signed HTTP request to Zenko in your preferred programming
Using the S3 Tool
After cloning the `Scality/S3 <>`_ GitHub repository
and installing the necessary dependencies, run the following command in the S3
projects root directory to access the search tool:
.. code::
node bin/search_bucket
This generates the following output:
.. code::
Usage: search_bucket [options]
-V, --version output the version number
-a, --access-key <accessKey> Access key id
-k, --secret-key <secretKey> Secret access key
-b, --bucket <bucket> Name of the bucket
-q, --query <query> Search query
-h, --host <host> Host of the server
-p, --port <port> Port of the server
-s --ssl
-v, --verbose
-h, --help output usage information
In the following examples, Zenko Server is accessible on endpoint
:code:`` and contains the bucket :code:`zenkobucket`.
.. code::
# search for objects with metadata "blue"
node bin/search_bucket -a accessKey1 -k verySecretKey1 -b zenkobucket \
-q "x-amz-meta-color=blue" -h -p 8000
# search for objects tagged with "type=color"
node bin/search_bucket -a accessKey1 -k verySecretKey1 -b zenkobucket \
-q "tags.type=color" -h -p 8000
Coding Examples
Search requests can be also performed by making HTTP requests authenticated
with one of the AWS Signature schemes: version 2 or version 4. \
For more about authentication scheme, see:
You can also view examples for making requests with Auth V4 in various
languages `here <../../../examples>`__.
Specifying Metadata Fields
To search system metadata headers:
.. code::
{system-metadata-key}{supported SQL op}{search value}
# example
key = blueObject
size > 0
key LIKE "blue.*"
To search custom user metadata:
.. code::
# metadata must be prefixed with "x-amz-meta-"
x-amz-meta-{user-metadata-key}{supported SQL op}{search value}
# example
x-amz-meta-color = blue
x-amz-meta-color != red
x-amz-meta-color LIKE "b.*"
To search tags:
.. code::
# tag searches must be prefixed with "tags."
tags.{tag-key}{supported SQL op}{search value}
# example
tags.type = color
Examples queries:
.. code::
# searching for objects with custom metadata "color"=blue" and are tagged
# "type"="color"
tags.type="color" AND x-amz-meta-color="blue"
# searching for objects with the object key containing the substring "blue"
# or (custom metadata "color"=blue" and are tagged "type"="color")
key LIKE '.*blue.*' OR (x-amz-meta-color="blue" AND tags.type="color")
Differences from SQL
Zenko metadata search queries are similar to SQL-query :code:`WHERE` clauses, but
differ in that:
* They follow the :code:`PCRE` format
* They do not require values with hyphens to be enclosed in
backticks, :code:``(`)``
.. code::
# SQL query
`x-amz-meta-search-item` = `ice-cream-cone`
# MD Search query
x-amz-meta-search-item = ice-cream-cone
* Search queries do not support all SQL operators.
.. code::
# Supported SQL operators:
=, <, >, <=, >=, !=, AND, OR, LIKE, <>
# Unsupported SQL operators:
NOT, BETWEEN, IN, IS, +, -, %, ^, /, *, !
Using Regular Expressions in Metadata Search
Regular expressions in Zenko metadata search differ from SQL in the following
+ Wildcards are represented with :code:`.*` instead of :code:`%`.
+ Regex patterns must be wrapped in quotes. Failure to do this can lead to
misinterpretation of patterns.
+ As with :code:`PCRE`, regular expressions can be entered in either the
:code:`/pattern/` syntax or as the pattern itself if regex options are
not required.
Example regular expressions:
.. code::
# search for strings containing word substring "helloworld"

View File

@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
# Minimal makefile for Sphinx documentation
# You can set these variables from the command line.
SPHINXBUILD = sphinx-build
BUILDDIR = _build
# Put it first so that "make" without argument is like "make help".
.PHONY: help Makefile
# Catch-all target: route all unknown targets to Sphinx using the new
# "make mode" option. $(O) is meant as a shortcut for $(SPHINXOPTS).
%: Makefile

View File

@ -1,161 +0,0 @@
# Object Lock Feature Test Plan
## Feature Component Description
Implementing Object Lock will introduce six new APIs:
- putObjectLockConfiguration
- getObjectLockConfiguration
- putObjectRetention
- getObjectRetention
- putObjectLegalHold
- getObjectLegalHold
Along with these APIs, putBucket, putObject, deleteObject, and multiObjectDelete
be affected. In Arsenal, both the BucketInfo and ObjectMD models will be
updated. Bucket policy and IAM policy permissions will be updated to include
the new API actions.
## Functional Tests
### putBucket tests
- passing option to enable object lock updates bucket metadata and enables
bucket versioning
### putBucketVersioning tests
- suspending versioning on bucket with object lock enabled returns error
### putObject tests
- putting retention configuration on object should be allowed
- putting invalid retention configuration returns error
### getObject tests
- getting object with retention information should include retention information
### copyObject tests
- copying object with retention information should include retention information
### initiateMultipartUpload tests
- mpu object initiated with retention information should include retention
### putObjectLockConfiguration tests
- putting configuration as non-bucket-owner user returns AccessDenied error
- disabling object lock on bucket created with object lock returns error
- enabling object lock on bucket created without object lock returns
InvalidBucketState error
- enabling object lock with token on bucket created without object lock succeeds
- putting valid object lock configuration when bucket does not have object
lock enabled returns error (InvalidRequest?)
- putting valid object lock configuration updates bucket metadata
- putting invalid object lock configuration returns error
- ObjectLockEnabled !== "Enabled"
- Rule object doesn't contain DefaultRetention key
- Days are not an integer
- Years are not an integer
### getObjectLockConfiguration tests
- getting configuration as non-bucket-owner user returns AccessDenied error
- getting configuration when none is set returns
ObjectLockConfigurationNotFoundError error
- getting configuration returns correct object lock configuration for bucket
### putObjectRetention
- putting retention as non-bucket-owner user returns AccessDenied error
- putting retention on object in bucket without object lock enabled returns
InvalidRequest error
- putting valid retention period updates object metadata
### getObjectRetention
- getting retention as non-bucket-owner user returns AccessDenied error
- getting retention when none is set returns NoSuchObjectLockConfiguration
- getting retention returns correct object retention period
### putObjectLegalHold
- putting legal hold as non-bucket-owner user returns AccessDenied error
- putting legal hold on object in bucket without object lock enabled returns
InvalidRequest error
- putting valid legal hold updates object metadata
### getObjectLegalHold
- getting legal hold as non-bucket-owner user returns AccessDenied error
- getting legal hold when none is set returns NoSuchObjectLockConfiguration
- getting legal hold returns correct object legal hold
## End to End Tests
### Scenarios
- Create bucket with object lock enabled. Put object. Put object lock
configuration. Put another object.
- Ensure object put before configuration does not have retention period set
- Ensure object put after configuration does have retention period set
- Create bucket without object lock. Put object. Enable object lock with token
and put object lock configuration. Put another object.
- Ensure object put before configuration does not have retention period set
- Ensure object put after configuration does have retention period set
- Create bucket with object lock enabled and put configuration with COMPLIANCE
mode. Put object.
- Ensure object cannot be deleted (returns AccessDenied error).
- Ensure object cannot be overwritten.
- Create bucket with object lock enabled and put configuration with GOVERNANCE
mode. Put object.
- Ensure user without permission cannot delete object
- Ensure user without permission cannot overwrite object
- Ensure user with permission can delete object
- Ensure user with permission can overwrite object
- Ensure user with permission can lengthen retention period
- Ensure user with permission cannot shorten retention period
- Create bucket with object lock enabled and put configuration. Edit bucket
metadata so retention period is expired. Put object.
- Ensure object can be deleted.
- Ensure object can be overwritten.
- Create bucket with object lock enabled and put configuration. Edit bucket
metadata so retention period is expired. Put object. Put new retention
period on object.
- Ensure object cannot be deleted.
- Ensure object cannot be overwritten.
- Create bucket with object locked enabled and put configuration. Put object.
Edit object metadata so retention period is past expiration.
- Ensure object can be deleted.
- Ensure object can be overwritten.
- Create bucket with object lock enabled and put configuration. Edit bucket
metadata so retention period is expired. Put object. Put legal hold
on object.
- Ensure object cannot be deleted.
- Ensure object cannot be overwritten.
- Create bucket with object lock enabled and put configuration. Put object.
Check object retention. Change bucket object lock configuration.
- Ensure object retention period has not changed with bucket configuration.
- Create bucket with object lock enabled. Put object with legal hold.
- Ensure object cannot be deleted.
- Ensure object cannot be overwritten.
- Create bucket with object lock enabled. Put object with legal hold. Remove
legal hold.
- Ensure object can be deleted.
- Ensure object can be overwritten.

View File

@ -1,73 +0,0 @@
# Cloudserver Release Plan
## Docker Image Generation
Docker images are hosted on [](
CloudServer has a few images there:
* Cloudserver container image:
* Dashboard oras image:
* Policies oras image:
With every CI build, the CI will push images, tagging the
content with the developer branch's short SHA-1 commit hash.
This allows those images to be used by developers, CI builds,
build chain and so on.
Tagged versions of cloudserver will be stored in the production namespace.
## How to Pull Docker Images
docker pull<commit hash>
docker pull<tag>
## Release Process
To release a production image:
* Create a PR to bump the package version
Update Cloudserver's `package.json` by bumping it to the relevant next
version in a new PR. Per example if the last released version was
`8.4.7`, the next version would be `8.4.8`.
"name": "cloudserver",
"version": "8.4.8", <--- Here
* Review & merge the PR
* Create the release on GitHub
* Go the Release tab (;
* Click on the `Draft new release button`;
* In the `tag` field, type the name of the release (`8.4.8`), and confirm
to create the tag on publish;
* Click on `Generate release notes` button to fill the fields;
* Rename the release to `Release x.y.z` (e.g. `Release 8.4.8` in this case);
* Click to `Publish the release` to create the GitHub release and git tag
* the Git tag will be created automatically.
* this should be done as soon as the PR is merged, so that the tag
is put on the "version bump" commit.
* With the following parameters, [force a build here](
* Branch Name: The one used for the tag earlier. In this example `development/8.4`
* Override Stage: 'release'
* Extra properties:
* name: `'tag'`, value: `[release version]`, in this example`'8.4.8'`
* Release the release version on Jira
* Go to the [CloudServer release page](
* Create a next version
* Name: `[next version]`, in this example `8.4.9`
* Click `...` and select `Release` on the recently released version (`8.4.8`)
* Fill in the field to move incomplete version to the next one

View File

@ -1,398 +0,0 @@
.. _use-public-cloud:
Using Public Clouds as data backends
As stated in our `GETTING STARTED guide <GETTING_STARTED.html#location-configuration>`__,
new data backends can be added by creating a region (also called location
constraint) with the right endpoint and credentials.
This section of the documentation shows you how to set up our currently
supported public cloud backends:
- `Amazon S3 <#aws-s3-as-a-data-backend>`__ ;
- `Microsoft Azure <#microsoft-azure-as-a-data-backend>`__ .
For each public cloud backend, you will have to edit your CloudServer
:code:`locationConfig.json` and do a few setup steps on the applicable public
cloud backend.
AWS S3 as a data backend
From the AWS S3 Console (or any AWS S3 CLI tool)
Create a bucket where you will host your data for this new location constraint.
This bucket must have versioning enabled:
- This is an option you may choose to activate at step 2 of Bucket Creation in
the Console;
- With AWS CLI, use :code:`put-bucket-versioning` from the :code:`s3api`
commands on your bucket of choice;
- Using other tools, please refer to your tool's documentation.
In this example, our bucket will be named ``zenkobucket`` and has versioning
From the CloudServer repository
Edit this file to add a new location constraint. This location constraint will
contain the information for the AWS S3 bucket to which you will be writing your
data whenever you create a CloudServer bucket in this location.
There are a few configurable options here:
- :code:`type` : set to :code:`aws_s3` to indicate this location constraint is
writing data to AWS S3;
- :code:`legacyAwsBehavior` : set to :code:`true` to indicate this region should
behave like AWS S3 :code:`us-east-1` region, set to :code:`false` to indicate
this region should behave like any other AWS S3 region;
- :code:`bucketName` : set to an *existing bucket* in your AWS S3 Account; this
is the bucket in which your data will be stored for this location constraint;
- :code:`awsEndpoint` : set to your bucket's endpoint, usually :code:``;
- :code:`bucketMatch` : set to :code:`true` if you want your object name to be the
same in your local bucket and your AWS S3 bucket; set to :code:`false` if you
want your object name to be of the form :code:`{{localBucketName}}/{{objectname}}`
in your AWS S3 hosted bucket;
- :code:`credentialsProfile` and :code:`credentials` are two ways to provide
your AWS S3 credentials for that bucket, *use only one of them* :
- :code:`credentialsProfile` : set to the profile name allowing you to access
your AWS S3 bucket from your :code:`~/.aws/credentials` file;
- :code:`credentials` : set the two fields inside the object (:code:`accessKey`
and :code:`secretKey`) to their respective values from your AWS credentials.
.. code:: json
"aws-test": {
"type": "aws_s3",
"legacyAwsBehavior": true,
"details": {
"awsEndpoint": "",
"bucketName": "zenkobucket",
"bucketMatch": true,
"credentialsProfile": "zenko"
.. code:: json
"aws-test": {
"type": "aws_s3",
"legacyAwsBehavior": true,
"details": {
"awsEndpoint": "",
"bucketName": "zenkobucket",
"bucketMatch": true,
"credentials": {
"secretKey": "87hdfGCvDS+YYzefKLnjjZEYstOIuIjs/2X72eET"
If you set :code:`bucketMatch` to :code:`true`, we strongly advise that you
only have one local bucket per AWS S3 location.
Without :code:`bucketMatch` set to :code:`false`, your object names in your
AWS S3 bucket will not be prefixed with your Cloud Server bucket name. This
means that if you put an object :code:`foo` to your CloudServer bucket
:code:`zenko1` and you then put a different :code:`foo` to your CloudServer
bucket :code:`zenko2` and both :code:`zenko1` and :code:`zenko2` point to the
same AWS bucket, the second :code:`foo` will overwrite the first :code:`foo`.
.. TIP::
If you explicitly set your :code:`accessKey` and :code:`secretKey` in the
:code:`credentials` object of your :code:`aws_s3` location in your
:code:`locationConfig.json` file, you may skip this section
Make sure your :code:`~/.aws/credentials` file has a profile matching the one
defined in your :code:`locationConfig.json`. Following our previous example, it
would look like:
.. code:: shell
Start the server with the ability to write to AWS S3
Inside the repository, once all the files have been edited, you should be able
to start the server and start writing data to AWS S3 through CloudServer.
.. code:: shell
# Start the server locally
$> S3DATA=multiple yarn start
Run the server as a docker container with the ability to write to AWS S3
.. TIP::
If you set the :code:`credentials` object in your
:code:`locationConfig.json` file, you don't need to mount your
:code:`.aws/credentials` file
Mount all the files that have been edited to override defaults, and do a
standard Docker run; then you can start writing data to AWS S3 through
.. code:: shell
# Start the server in a Docker container
$> sudo docker run -d --name CloudServer \
-v $(pwd)/data:/usr/src/app/localData \
-v $(pwd)/metadata:/usr/src/app/localMetadata \
-v $(pwd)/locationConfig.json:/usr/src/app/locationConfig.json \
-v $(pwd)/conf/authdata.json:/usr/src/app/conf/authdata.json \
-v ~/.aws/credentials:/root/.aws/credentials \
-e S3DATA=multiple -e ENDPOINT=http://localhost -p 8000:8000 \
-d scality/cloudserver
Testing: put an object to AWS S3 using CloudServer
In order to start testing pushing to AWS S3, you will need to create a local
bucket in the AWS S3 location constraint - this local bucket will only store the
metadata locally, while both the data and any user metadata (:code:`x-amz-meta`
headers sent with a PUT object, and tags) will be stored on AWS S3.
This example is based on all our previous steps.
.. code:: shell
# Create a local bucket storing data in AWS S3
$> s3cmd --host= mb s3://zenkobucket --region=aws-test
# Put an object to AWS S3, and store the metadata locally
$> s3cmd --host= put /etc/hosts s3://zenkobucket/testput
upload: '/etc/hosts' -> 's3://zenkobucket/testput' [1 of 1]
330 of 330 100% in 0s 380.87 B/s done
# List locally to check you have the metadata
$> s3cmd --host= ls s3://zenkobucket
2017-10-23 10:26 330 s3://zenkobucket/testput
Then, from the AWS Console, if you go into your bucket, you should see your
newly uploaded object:
.. figure:: ../res/aws-console-successful-put.png
:alt: AWS S3 Console upload example
Make sure your :code:`~/.s3cfg` file has credentials matching your local
CloudServer credentials defined in :code:`conf/authdata.json`. By default, the
access key is :code:`accessKey1` and the secret key is :code:`verySecretKey1`.
For more informations, refer to our template `~/.s3cfg <./CLIENTS/#s3cmd>`__ .
Pre-existing objects in your AWS S3 hosted bucket can unfortunately not be
accessed by CloudServer at this time.
Make sure versioning is enabled in your remote AWS S3 hosted bucket. To check,
using the AWS Console, click on your bucket name, then on "Properties" at the
top, and then you should see something like this:
.. figure:: ../res/aws-console-versioning-enabled.png
:alt: AWS Console showing versioning enabled
Microsoft Azure as a data backend
From the MS Azure Console
From your Storage Account dashboard, create a container where you will host your
data for this new location constraint.
You will also need to get one of your Storage Account Access Keys, and to
provide it to CloudServer.
This can be found from your Storage Account dashboard, under "Settings, then
"Access keys".
In this example, our container will be named ``zenkontainer``, and will belong
to the ``zenkomeetups`` Storage Account.
From the CloudServer repository
Edit this file to add a new location constraint. This location constraint will
contain the information for the MS Azure container to which you will be writing
your data whenever you create a CloudServer bucket in this location.
There are a few configurable options here:
- :code:`type` : set to :code:`azure` to indicate this location constraint is
writing data to MS Azure;
- :code:`legacyAwsBehavior` : set to :code:`true` to indicate this region should
behave like AWS S3 :code:`us-east-1` region, set to :code:`false` to indicate
this region should behave like any other AWS S3 region (in the case of MS Azure
hosted data, this is mostly relevant for the format of errors);
- :code:`azureStorageEndpoint` : set to your storage account's endpoint, usually
- :code:`azureContainerName` : set to an *existing container* in your MS Azure
storage account; this is the container in which your data will be stored for
this location constraint;
- :code:`bucketMatch` : set to :code:`true` if you want your object name to be
the same in your local bucket and your MS Azure container; set to
:code:`false` if you want your object name to be of the form
:code:`{{localBucketName}}/{{objectname}}` in your MS Azure container ;
- :code:`azureStorageAccountName` : the MS Azure Storage Account to which your
container belongs;
- :code:`azureStorageAccessKey` : one of the Access Keys associated to the above
defined MS Azure Storage Account.
.. code:: json
"azure-test": {
"type": "azure",
"legacyAwsBehavior": false,
"details": {
"azureStorageEndpoint": "",
"bucketMatch": true,
"azureContainerName": "zenkontainer",
"azureStorageAccountName": "zenkomeetups",
"azureStorageAccessKey": "auhyDo8izbuU4aZGdhxnWh0ODKFP3IWjsN1UfFaoqFbnYzPj9bxeCVAzTIcgzdgqomDKx6QS+8ov8PYCON0Nxw=="
If you set :code:`bucketMatch` to :code:`true`, we strongly advise that you
only have one local bucket per MS Azure location.
Without :code:`bucketMatch` set to :code:`false`, your object names in your
MS Azure container will not be prefixed with your Cloud Server bucket name.
This means that if you put an object :code:`foo` to your CloudServer bucket
:code:`zenko1` and you then put a different :code:`foo` to your CloudServer
bucket :code:`zenko2` and both :code:`zenko1` and :code:`zenko2` point to the
same MS Azure container, the second :code:`foo` will overwrite the first
.. TIP::
You may export environment variables to **override** some of your
:code:`locationConfig.json` variable ; the syntax for them is
:code:`{{region-name}}_{{ENV_VAR_NAME}}`; currently, the available variables
are those shown below, with the values used in the current example:
.. code:: shell
$> export azure-test_AZURE_STORAGE_ACCOUNT_NAME="zenkomeetups"
$> export azure-test_AZURE_STORAGE_ACCESS_KEY="auhyDo8izbuU4aZGdhxnWh0ODKFP3IWjsN1UfFaoqFbnYzPj9bxeCVAzTIcgzdgqomDKx6QS+8ov8PYCON0Nxw=="
$> export azure-test_AZURE_STORAGE_ENDPOINT=""
Start the server with the ability to write to MS Azure
Inside the repository, once all the files have been edited, you should be able
to start the server and start writing data to MS Azure through CloudServer.
.. code:: shell
# Start the server locally
$> S3DATA=multiple yarn start
Run the server as a docker container with the ability to write to MS Azure
Mount all the files that have been edited to override defaults, and do a
standard Docker run; then you can start writing data to MS Azure through
.. code:: shell
# Start the server in a Docker container
$> sudo docker run -d --name CloudServer \
-v $(pwd)/data:/usr/src/app/localData \
-v $(pwd)/metadata:/usr/src/app/localMetadata \
-v $(pwd)/locationConfig.json:/usr/src/app/locationConfig.json \
-v $(pwd)/conf/authdata.json:/usr/src/app/conf/authdata.json \
-e S3DATA=multiple -e ENDPOINT=http://localhost -p 8000:8000
-d scality/cloudserver
Testing: put an object to MS Azure using CloudServer
In order to start testing pushing to MS Azure, you will need to create a local
bucket in the MS Azure region - this local bucket will only store the metadata
locally, while both the data and any user metadata (:code:`x-amz-meta` headers
sent with a PUT object, and tags) will be stored on MS Azure.
This example is based on all our previous steps.
.. code:: shell
# Create a local bucket storing data in MS Azure
$> s3cmd --host= mb s3://zenkontainer --region=azure-test
# Put an object to MS Azure, and store the metadata locally
$> s3cmd --host= put /etc/hosts s3://zenkontainer/testput
upload: '/etc/hosts' -> 's3://zenkontainer/testput' [1 of 1]
330 of 330 100% in 0s 380.87 B/s done
# List locally to check you have the metadata
$> s3cmd --host= ls s3://zenkobucket
2017-10-24 14:38 330 s3://zenkontainer/testput
Then, from the MS Azure Console, if you go into your container, you should see
your newly uploaded object:
.. figure:: ../res/azure-console-successful-put.png
:alt: MS Azure Console upload example
Make sure your :code:`~/.s3cfg` file has credentials matching your local
CloudServer credentials defined in :code:`conf/authdata.json`. By default, the
access key is :code:`accessKey1` and the secret key is :code:`verySecretKey1`.
For more informations, refer to our template `~/.s3cfg <./CLIENTS/#s3cmd>`__ .
Pre-existing objects in your MS Azure container can unfortunately not be
accessed by CloudServer at this time.
For any data backend
From the CloudServer repository
You only need to follow this section if you want to define a given location
as the default for a specific endpoint
Edit the :code:`restEndpoint` section of your :code:`config.json` file to add
an endpoint definition matching the location you want to use as a default for an
endpoint to this specific endpoint.
In this example, we'll make :code:`custom-location` our default location for the
endpoint :code:``:
.. code:: json
"restEndpoints": {
"localhost": "us-east-1",
"": "us-east-1",
"cloudserver-front": "us-east-1",
"s3.docker.test": "us-east-1",
"": "us-east-1",
"": "custom-location"

View File

@ -1,161 +0,0 @@
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htmlhelp_basename = 'ZenkoCloudServerdoc'

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@ -1,79 +0,0 @@
Add New Backend Storage To Zenko CloudServer
This set of documents aims at bootstrapping developers with Zenko's CloudServer
module, so they can then go on and contribute features.
.. toctree::
:maxdepth: 2
We always encourage our community to offer new extensions to Zenko,
and new backend support is paramount to meeting more community needs.
If that is something you want to contribute (or just do on your own
version of the cloudserver image), this is the guid to read. Please
make sure you follow our `Contributing Guidelines`_/.
If you need help with anything, please search our `forum`_ for more
Add support for a new backend
Currently the main public cloud protocols are supported and more can
be added. There are two main types of backend: those compatible with
Amazon's S3 protocol and those not compatible.
================= ========== ============ ===========
Backend type Supported Active WIP Not started
================= ========== ============ ===========
Private disk/fs x
AWS S3 x
Microsoft Azure x
Backblaze B2 x
Google Cloud x
Openstack Swift x
================= ========== ============ ===========
.. important:: Should you want to request for a new backend to be
supported, please do so by opening a `Github issue`_,
and filling out the "Feature Request" section of our
To add support for a new backend support to CloudServer official
repository, please follow these steps:
- familiarize yourself with our `Contributing Guidelines`_
- open a `Github issue`_ and fill out Feature Request form, and
specify you would like to contribute it yourself;
- wait for our core team to get back to you with an answer on whether
we are interested in taking that contribution in (and hence
committing to maintaining it over time);
- once approved, fork the repository and start your development;
- use the `forum`_ with any question you may have during the
development process;
- when you think it's ready, let us know so that we create a feature
branch against which we'll compare and review your code;
- open a pull request with your changes against that dedicated feature
- once that pull request gets merged, you're done.
.. tip::
While we do take care of the final rebase (when we merge your feature
branch on the latest default branch), we do ask that you keep up to date with our latest default branch
until then.
.. important::
If we do not approve your feature request, you may of course still
work on supporting a new backend: all our "no" means is that we do not
have the resources, as part of our core development team, to maintain
this feature for the moment.
.. _GitHub issue:
.. _Contributing Guidelines:
.. _forum:

View File

@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
Add A New Backend
Supporting all possible public cloud storage APIs is CloudServer's
ultimate goal. As an open source project, contributions are welcome.
The first step is to get familiar with building a custom Docker image
for CloudServer.
Build a Custom Docker Image
Clone Zenko's CloudServer, install all dependencies and start the
.. code-block:: shell
$ git clone
$ cd cloudserver
$ yarn install
$ yarn start
.. tip::
Some optional dependencies may fail, resulting in you seeing `yarn
WARN` messages; these can safely be ignored. Refer to the User
documentation for all available options.
Build the Docker image:
.. code-block:: shell
# docker build . -t
Push the newly created Docker image to your own hub:
.. code-block:: shell
# docker push
.. note::
To perform this last operation, you need to be authenticated with DockerHub
There are two main types of backend you could want Zenko to support:
== link:S3_COMPATIBLE_BACKENDS.adoc[S3 compatible data backends]
== link:NON_S3_COMPATIBLE_BACKENDS.adoc[Data backends using another protocol than the S3 protocol]

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@ -1,530 +0,0 @@
Adding support for data backends not supporting the S3 API
These backends abstract the complexity of multiple APIs to let users
work on a single common namespace across multiple clouds.
This documents aims at introducing you to the right files in
CloudServer (the Zenko stack's subcomponent in charge of API
translation, among other things) to add support to your own backend of
General configuration
There are a number of constants and environment variables to define to support a
new data backend; here is a list and where to find them:
* give your backend type a name, as part of the `externalBackends` object;
* specify whether versioning is implemented, as part of the
`versioningNotImplemented` object;
* this is where you should put common utility functions, like the ones to parse
the location object from `locationConfig.json`;
* make sure you define environment variables (like `GCP_SERVICE_EMAIL` as we'll
use those internally for the CI to test against the real remote backend;
* this file is where you'll instantiate your backend client; this should be a
class with a constructor taking the config object built in `/lib/Config.js` as
* over time, you may need some utility functions which we've defined in the
folder `/api/apiUtils`, and in the file `/lib/data/external/utils`;
* make sure to add options for `sourceLocationConstraintType` to be equal to
the name you gave your backend in :file:`/constants.js`;
* this folder is where you'll put the functions needed for supporting your
backend; keep your files as atomic as possible;
* this file is where you'll create location profiles to be used by your
functional tests;
* this is where you'll instantiate your client if the operation the end user
sent effectively writes to your backend; everything happens inside the
function `parseLC()`; you should add a condition that executes if
`locationObj.type` is the name of your backend (that you defined in
`constants.js`), and instantiates a client of yours. See pseudocode below,
assuming location type name is `ztore`:
.. code-block:: js
:emphasize-lines: 12
(...) //<1>
const ZtoreClient = require('./external/ZtoreClient');
const { config } = require('../Config'); //<1>
function parseLC(){ //<1>
(...) //<1>
Object.keys(config.locationConstraints).forEach(location => { //<1>
const locationObj = config.locationConstraints[location]; //<1>
(...) //<1>
if (locationObj.type === 'ztore' {
const ztoreEndpoint = config.getZtoreEndpoint(location);
const ztoreCredentials = config.getZtoreCredentials(location); //<2>
clients[location] = new ZtoreClient({
ztoreBucketname: locationObj.details.ztoreBucketName,
bucketMatch: locationObj.details.BucketMatch,
dataStoreName: location,
}); //<3>
clients[location].clientType = 'ztore';
(...) //<1>
1. Code that is already there
2. You may need more utility functions depending on your backend specs
3. You may have more fields required in your constructor object depending on
your backend specs
Operation of type PUT
PUT routes are usually where people get started, as it's the easiest to check!
Simply go on your remote backend console and you'll be able to see whether your
object actually went up in the cloud...
These are the files you'll need to edit:
- the function that is going to call your `put()` function is also called
`put()`, and it's defined in `/lib/data/multipleBackendGateway.js`;
- define a function with signature like
`put(stream, size, keyContext, reqUids, callback)`; this is worth exploring a
bit more as these parameters are the same for all backends:
//TODO: generate this from jsdoc
- `stream`: the stream of data you want to put in the cloud; if you're
unfamiliar with node.js streams, we suggest you start training, as we use
them a lot !
- `size`: the size of the object you're trying to put;
- `keyContext`: an object with metadata about the operation; common entries are
`namespace`, `buckerName`, `owner`, `cipherBundle`, and `tagging`; if these
are not sufficient for your integration, contact us to get architecture
validation before adding new entries;
- `reqUids`: the request unique ID used for logging;
- `callback`: your function's callback (should handle errors);
- this is where you should put all utility functions for your PUT operation, and
then import then in :file:`/lib/data/external/{{BackendName}}Client.js`, to keep
your code clean;
- every contribution should come with thorough functional tests, showing
nominal context gives expected behaviour, and error cases are handled in a way
that is standard with the backend (including error messages and code);
- the ideal setup is if you simulate your backend locally, so as not to be
subjected to network flakiness in the CI; however, we know there might not be
mockups available for every client; if that is the case of your backend, you
may test against the "real" endpoint of your data backend;
- where you'll define a constant for your backend location matching your
- depending on your backend, the sample `keys[]` and associated made up objects
may not work for you (if your backend's key format is different, for example);
if that is the case, you should add a custom `utils.get{{BackendName}}keys()`
function returning ajusted `keys[]` to your tests.
Operation of type GET
GET routes are easy to test after PUT routes are implemented, hence why we're
covering them second.
These are the files you'll need to edit:
- the function that is going to call your `get()` function is also called
`get()`, and it's defined in `/lib/data/multipleBackendGateway.js`;
- define a function with signature like
`get(objectGetInfo, range, reqUids, callback)`; this is worth exploring a
bit more as these parameters are the same for all backends:
//TODO: generate this from jsdoc
- `objectGetInfo`: a dictionary with two entries: `key`, the object key in the
data store, and `client`, the data store name;
- `range`: the range of bytes you will get, for "get-by-range" operations (we
recommend you do simple GETs first, and then look at this);
- `reqUids`: the request unique ID used for logging;
- `callback`: your function's callback (should handle errors);
- this is where you should put all utility functions for your GET operation, and
then import then in `/lib/data/external/{{BackendName}}Client.js`, to keep
your code clean;
- every contribution should come with thorough functional tests, showing
nominal context gives expected behaviour, and error cases are handled in a way
that is standard with the backend (including error messages and code);
- the ideal setup is if you simulate your backend locally, so as not to be
subjected to network flakiness in the CI; however, we know there might not be
mockups available for every client; if that is the case of your backend, you
may test against the "real" endpoint of your data backend;
.. note:: You should need this section if you have followed the tutorial in order
(that is, if you have covered the PUT operation already)
- where you'll define a constant for your backend location matching your
- depending on your backend, the sample `keys[]` and associated made up objects
may not work for you (if your backend's key format is different, for example);
if that is the case, you should add a custom `utils.get{{BackendName}}keys()`
Operation of type DELETE
DELETE routes are easy to test after PUT routes are implemented, and they are
similar to GET routes in our implementation, hence why we're covering them
These are the files you'll need to edit:
- the function that is going to call your `delete()` function is also called
`delete()`, and it's defined in :file:`/lib/data/multipleBackendGateway.js`;
- define a function with signature like
`delete(objectGetInfo, reqUids, callback)`; this is worth exploring a
bit more as these parameters are the same for all backends:
//TODO: generate this from jsdoc
* `objectGetInfo`: a dictionary with two entries: `key`, the object key in the
data store, and `client`, the data store name;
* `reqUids`: the request unique ID used for logging;
* `callback`: your function's callback (should handle errors);
- this is where you should put all utility functions for your DELETE operation,
and then import then in `/lib/data/external/{{BackendName}}Client.js`, to keep
your code clean;
- every contribution should come with thorough functional tests, showing
nominal context gives expected behaviour, and error cases are handled in a way
that is standard with the backend (including error messages and code);
- the ideal setup is if you simulate your backend locally, so as not to be
subjected to network flakiness in the CI; however, we know there might not be
mockups available for every client; if that is the case of your backend, you
may test against the "real" endpoint of your data backend;
.. note:: You should need this section if you have followed the
tutorial in order (that is, if you have covered the PUT operation
- where you'll define a constant for your backend location matching your
- depending on your backend, the sample `keys[]` and associated made up objects
may not work for you (if your backend's key format is different, for example);
if that is the case, you should add a custom `utils.get{{BackendName}}keys()`
Operation of type HEAD
HEAD routes are very similar to DELETE routes in our implementation, hence why
we're covering them fourth.
These are the files you'll need to edit:
- the function that is going to call your `head()` function is also called
`head()`, and it's defined in :file:`/lib/data/multipleBackendGateway.js`;
- define a function with signature like
`head(objectGetInfo, reqUids, callback)`; this is worth exploring a
bit more as these parameters are the same for all backends:
// TODO:: generate this from jsdoc
* `objectGetInfo`: a dictionary with two entries: `key`, the object key in the
data store, and `client`, the data store name;
* `reqUids`: the request unique ID used for logging;
* `callback`: your function's callback (should handle errors);
- this is where you should put all utility functions for your HEAD operation,
and then import then in :file:`/lib/data/external/{{BackendName}}Client.js`, to keep
your code clean;
- every contribution should come with thorough functional tests, showing
nominal context gives expected behaviour, and error cases are handled in a way
that is standard with the backend (including error messages and code);
- the ideal setup is if you simulate your backend locally, so as not to be
subjected to network flakiness in the CI; however, we know there might not be
mockups available for every client; if that is the case of your backend, you
may test against the "real" endpoint of your data backend;
.. note:: You should need this section if you have followed the tutorial in order
(that is, if you have covered the PUT operation already)
- where you'll define a constant for your backend location matching your
- depending on your backend, the sample `keys[]` and associated made up objects
may not work for you (if your backend's key format is different, for example);
if that is the case, you should add a custom `utils.get{{BackendName}}keys()`
Healtchecks are used to make sure failure to write to a remote cloud is due to
a problem on that remote cloud, an not on Zenko's side.
This is usually done by trying to create a bucket that already exists, and
making sure you get the expected answer.
These are the files you'll need to edit:
- the function that is going to call your `healthcheck()` function is called
`checkExternalBackend()` and it's defined in
:file:`/lib/data/multipleBackendGateway.js`; you will need to add your own;
- your healtcheck function should get `location` as a parameter, which is an
object comprising:`
* `reqUids`: the request unique ID used for logging;
* `callback`: your function's callback (should handle errors);
- this is where you should write the function performing the actual bucket
- add an object named per your backend's name to the `backendHealth` dictionary,
with proper `response` and `time` entries;
- edit the `healthcheck` function to add your location's array, and call your
healthcheck; see pseudocode below for a sample implementation, provided your
backend name is `ztore`
.. code-block:: js
(...) //<1>
healthcheck: (flightCheckOnStartUp, log, callback) => { //<1>
(...) //<1>
const ztoreArray = []; //<2>
async.each(Object.keys(clients), (location, cb) => { //<1>
(...) //<1>
} else if (client.clientType === 'ztore' {
ztoreArray.push(location); //<3>
return cb();
(...) //<1>
multBackendResp[location] = { code: 200, message: 'OK' }; //<1>
return cb();
}, () => { //<1>
(...) //<1>
next => checkExternalBackend( //<4>
clients, ztoreArray, 'ztore', flightCheckOnStartUp,
externalBackendHealthCheckInterval, next),
] (...) //<1>
(...) //<1>
1. Code that is already there
2. The array that will store all locations of type 'ztore'
3. Where you add locations of type 'ztore' to the array
4. Where you actually call the healthcheck function on all 'ztore' locations
Multipart upload (MPU)
This is the final part to supporting a new backend! MPU is far from
the easiest subject, but you've come so far it shouldn't be a problem.
These are the files you'll need to edit:
You'll be creating four functions with template signatures:
- `createMPU(Key, metaHeaders, bucketName, websiteRedirectHeader, contentType,
cacheControl, contentDisposition, contentEncoding, log, callback)` will
initiate the multi part upload process; now, here, all parameters are
metadata headers except for:
* `Key`, the key id for the final object (collection of all parts);
* `bucketName`, the name of the bucket to which we will do an MPU;
* `log`, the logger;
- `uploadPart(request, streamingV4Params, stream, size, key, uploadId, partNumber, bucketName, log, callback)`
will be called for each part; the parameters can be explicited as follow:
* `request`, the request object for putting the part;
* `streamingV4Params`, parameters for auth V4 parameters against S3;
* `stream`, the node.js readable stream used to put the part;
* `size`, the size of the part;
* `key`, the key of the object;
* `uploadId`, multipart upload id string;
* `partNumber`, the number of the part in this MPU (ordered);
* `bucketName`, the name of the bucket to which we will do an MPU;
* `log`, the logger;
- `completeMPU(jsonList, mdInfo, key, uploadId, bucketName, log, callback)` will
end the MPU process once all parts are uploaded; parameters can be explicited
as follows:
* `jsonList`, user-sent list of parts to include in final mpu object;
* `mdInfo`, object containing 3 keys: storedParts, mpuOverviewKey, and
* `key`, the key of the object;
* `uploadId`, multipart upload id string;
* `bucketName`, name of bucket;
* `log`, logger instance:
- `abortMPU(key, uploadId, bucketName, log, callback)` will handle errors, and
make sure that all parts that may have been uploaded will be deleted if the
MPU ultimately fails; the parameters are:
* `key`, the key of the object;
* `uploadId`, multipart upload id string;
* `bucketName`, name of bucket;
* `log`, logger instance.
- you'll need to add your backend type in appropriate sections (simply look for
other backends already implemented).
- this is where you should put all utility functions for your MPU operations,
and then import then in :file:`/lib/data/external/{{BackendName}}Client.js`, to keep
your code clean;
- edit the `createMPU` function to add your location type, and call your
`createMPU()`; see pseudocode below for a sample implementation, provided your
backend name is `ztore`
.. code-block:: javascript
(...) //<1>
createMPU:(key, metaHeaders, bucketName, websiteRedirectHeader, //<1>
location, contentType, cacheControl, contentDisposition,
contentEncoding, log, cb) => {
const client = clients[location]; //<1>
if (client.clientType === 'aws_s3') { //<1>
return client.createMPU(key, metaHeaders, bucketName,
websiteRedirectHeader, contentType, cacheControl,
contentDisposition, contentEncoding, log, cb);
} else if (client.clientType === 'ztore') { //<2>
return client.createMPU(key, metaHeaders, bucketName,
websiteRedirectHeader, contentType, cacheControl,
contentDisposition, contentEncoding, log, cb);
return cb();
(...) //<1>
1. Code that is already there
2. Where the `createMPU()` of your client is actually called
Add functional tests
* :file:`tests/functional/aws-node-sdk/test/multipleBackend/initMPU/{{BackendName}}InitMPU.js`
* :file:`tests/functional/aws-node-sdk/test/multipleBackend/listParts/{{BackendName}}ListPart.js`
* :file:`tests/functional/aws-node-sdk/test/multipleBackend/mpuAbort/{{BackendName}}AbortMPU.js`
* :file:`tests/functional/aws-node-sdk/test/multipleBackend/mpuComplete/{{BackendName}}CompleteMPU.js`
* :file:`tests/functional/aws-node-sdk/test/multipleBackend/mpuParts/{{BackendName}}UploadPart.js`
Adding support in Orbit, Zenko's UI for simplified Multi Cloud Management
This can only be done by our core developers' team. Once your backend
integration is merged, you may open a feature request on the
`Zenko repository`_, and we will
get back to you after we evaluate feasability and maintainability.
.. _Zenko repository:

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S3-Compatible Backends
Adding Support in CloudServer
This is the easiest case for backend support integration: there is nothing to do
but configuration! Follow the steps described in our
:ref:`use-public-cloud` and make sure you:
- set ``details.awsEndpoint`` to your storage provider endpoint;
- use ``details.credentials`` and *not* ``details.credentialsProfile`` to set your
credentials for that S3-compatible backend.
For example, if youre using a Wasabi bucket as a backend, then your region
definition for that backend will look something like:
"wasabi-bucket-zenkobucket": {
"type": "aws_s3",
"legacyAwsBehavior": true,
"details": {
"awsEndpoint": "",
"bucketName": "zenkobucket",
"bucketMatch": true,
"credentials": {
"accessKey": "\\{YOUR_WASABI_ACCESS_KEY}",
"secretKey": "\\{YOUR_WASABI_SECRET_KEY}"
Adding Support in Zenko Orbit
This can only be done by our core developpers' team. If thats what youre
after, open a feature request on the `Zenko repository`_, and we will
get back to you after we evaluate feasability and maintainability.
.. _Zenko repository:

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Scality Zenko CloudServer
.. _user-docs:
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site_name: Scality Zenko CloudServer documentation

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# via babel
recommonmark==0.4.0 \
--hash=sha256:6e29c723abcf5533842376d87c4589e62923ecb6002a8e059eb608345ddaff9d \
requests==2.20.1 \
--hash=sha256:65b3a120e4329e33c9889db89c80976c5272f56ea92d3e74da8a463992e3ff54 \
--hash=sha256:ea881206e59f41dbd0bd445437d792e43906703fff75ca8ff43ccdb11f33f263 \
# via sphinx
six==1.11.0 \
--hash=sha256:70e8a77beed4562e7f14fe23a786b54f6296e34344c23bc42f07b15018ff98e9 \
--hash=sha256:832dc0e10feb1aa2c68dcc57dbb658f1c7e65b9b61af69048abc87a2db00a0eb \
# via packaging, sphinx
snowballstemmer==1.2.1 \
--hash=sha256:919f26a68b2c17a7634da993d91339e288964f93c274f1343e3bbbe2096e1128 \
--hash=sha256:9f3bcd3c401c3e862ec0ebe6d2c069ebc012ce142cce209c098ccb5b09136e89 \
# via sphinx
sphinx==1.8.2 \
--hash=sha256:120732cbddb1b2364471c3d9f8bfd4b0c5b550862f99a65736c77f970b142aea \
sphinxcontrib-websupport==1.1.0 \
--hash=sha256:68ca7ff70785cbe1e7bccc71a48b5b6d965d79ca50629606c7861a21b206d9dd \
--hash=sha256:9de47f375baf1ea07cdb3436ff39d7a9c76042c10a769c52353ec46e4e8fc3b9 \
# via sphinx
typing==3.6.6 \
--hash=sha256:4027c5f6127a6267a435201981ba156de91ad0d1d98e9ddc2aa173453453492d \
--hash=sha256:57dcf675a99b74d64dacf6fba08fb17cf7e3d5fdff53d4a30ea2a5e7e52543d4 \
--hash=sha256:a4c8473ce11a65999c8f59cb093e70686b6c84c98df58c1dae9b3b196089858a \
# via sphinx
urllib3==1.24.1 \
--hash=sha256:61bf29cada3fc2fbefad4fdf059ea4bd1b4a86d2b6d15e1c7c0b582b9752fe39 \
--hash=sha256:de9529817c93f27c8ccbfead6985011db27bd0ddfcdb2d86f3f663385c6a9c22 \
# via requests

View File

@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
package main
import (
func main() {
// Input AWS access key, secret key
aws_access_key_id := "accessKey1"
aws_secret_access_key := "verySecretKey1"
endpoint := "http://localhost:8000"
bucket_name := "bucketname"
searchQuery := url.QueryEscape("x-amz-meta-color=blue")
buf := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{})
requestUrl := fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s?search=%s",
endpoint, bucket_name, searchQuery)
request, err := http.NewRequest("GET", requestUrl, buf)
if err != nil {
reader := bytes.NewReader(buf.Bytes())
credentials := credentials.NewStaticCredentials(aws_access_key_id,
aws_secret_access_key, "")
signer := v4.NewSigner(credentials)
signer.Sign(request, reader, "s3", "us-east-1", time.Now())
client := &http.Client{}
resp, err := client.Do(request)
if err != nil {
defer resp.Body.Close()
body, err := ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body)
if err != nil {

View File

@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
const { S3 } = require('aws-sdk');
const config = {
sslEnabled: false,
endpoint: '',
signatureCache: false,
signatureVersion: 'v4',
region: 'us-east-1',
s3ForcePathStyle: true,
accessKeyId: 'accessKey1',
secretAccessKey: 'verySecretKey1',
const s3Client = new S3(config);
const encodedSearch =
const req = s3Client.listObjects({ Bucket: 'bucketname' });
// the build event
req.on('build', () => {
req.httpRequest.path = `${req.httpRequest.path}?search=${encodedSearch}`;
req.on('success', res => {
process.stdout.write(`Result ${}`);
req.on('error', err => {
process.stdout.write(`Error ${err}`);

View File

@ -1,79 +0,0 @@
import datetime
import hashlib
import hmac
import urllib
# pip install requests
import requests
access_key = 'accessKey1'
secret_key = 'verySecretKey1'
method = 'GET'
service = 's3'
host = 'localhost:8000'
region = 'us-east-1'
canonical_uri = '/bucketname'
query = 'x-amz-meta-color=blue'
canonical_querystring = 'search=%s' % (urllib.quote(query))
algorithm = 'AWS4-HMAC-SHA256'
t = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
amz_date = t.strftime('%Y%m%dT%H%M%SZ')
date_stamp = t.strftime('%Y%m%d')
# Key derivation functions. See:
def sign(key, msg):
return, msg.encode("utf-8"), hashlib.sha256).digest()
def getSignatureKey(key, date_stamp, regionName, serviceName):
kDate = sign(('AWS4' + key).encode('utf-8'), date_stamp)
kRegion = sign(kDate, regionName)
kService = sign(kRegion, serviceName)
kSigning = sign(kService, 'aws4_request')
return kSigning
payload_hash = hashlib.sha256('').hexdigest()
canonical_headers = \
'host:{0}\nx-amz-content-sha256:{1}\nx-amz-date:{2}\n' \
.format(host, payload_hash, amz_date)
signed_headers = 'host;x-amz-content-sha256;x-amz-date'
canonical_request = '{0}\n{1}\n{2}\n{3}\n{4}\n{5}' \
.format(method, canonical_uri, canonical_querystring, canonical_headers,
signed_headers, payload_hash)
credential_scope = '{0}/{1}/{2}/aws4_request' \
.format(date_stamp, region, service)
string_to_sign = '{0}\n{1}\n{2}\n{3}' \
.format(algorithm, amz_date, credential_scope,
signing_key = getSignatureKey(secret_key, date_stamp, region, service)
signature =, (string_to_sign).encode('utf-8'),
authorization_header = \
'{0} Credential={1}/{2}, SignedHeaders={3}, Signature={4}' \
.format(algorithm, access_key, credential_scope, signed_headers, signature)
# The 'host' header is added automatically by the Python 'requests' library.
headers = {
'X-Amz-Content-Sha256': payload_hash,
'X-Amz-Date': amz_date,
'Authorization': authorization_header
endpoint = 'http://' + host + canonical_uri + '?' + canonical_querystring
r = requests.get(endpoint, headers=headers)

View File

@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
ENV S3_CONFIG_FILE=${CONF_DIR}/config.json
ENV S3_LOCATION_FILE=${CONF_DIR}/locationConfig.json
RUN chown -R ${USER} ${HOME_DIR}
RUN pip3 install redis===3.5.3 requests==2.27.1 && \
apt-get install -y git-lfs
RUN rm -f ~/.gitconfig && \
git config --global --add . && \
git lfs install && \
yarn global add typescript && \
yarn install --frozen-lockfile --production --network-concurrency 1 && \
yarn cache clean --all && \
yarn global remove typescript
# run symlinking separately to avoid yarn installation errors
# we might have to check if the symlinking is really needed!
RUN ln -sf /scality-kms node_modules
CMD bash -c "source ${CONF_DIR}/env && export && supervisord -c ${CONF_DIR}/supervisord.conf"

View File

@ -1,10 +1,4 @@
'use strict'; // eslint-disable-line strict
// Do not exit as workers have their own listener that will exit
// But primary don't have another listener
require('cluster').isPrimary ? 1 : null,

init.js Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
'use strict'; // eslint-disable-line strict
const assert = require('assert');
const fs = require('fs');
const os = require('os');
const async = require('async');
const constants = require('./constants').default;
const config = require('./lib/Config.js').default;
const logger = require('./lib/utilities/logger.js').logger;
let ioctl;
try {
ioctl = require('ioctl');
} catch (err) {
logger.warn('ioctl dependency is unavailable. skipping...');
function _setDirSyncFlag(path) {
const GETFLAGS = 2148034049;
const SETFLAGS = 1074292226;
const FS_DIRSYNC_FL = 65536;
const buffer = new Buffer(8).fill(0);
const pathFD = fs.openSync(path, 'r');
const status = ioctl(pathFD, GETFLAGS, buffer);
assert.strictEqual(status, 0);
const currentFlags = buffer.readUIntLE(0, 8);
const flags = currentFlags | FS_DIRSYNC_FL;
buffer.writeUIntLE(flags, 0, 8);
const status2 = ioctl(pathFD, SETFLAGS, buffer);
assert.strictEqual(status2, 0);
const pathFD2 = fs.openSync(path, 'r');
const confirmBuffer = new Buffer(8).fill(0);
ioctl(pathFD2, GETFLAGS, confirmBuffer);
assert.strictEqual(confirmBuffer.readUIntLE(0, 8),
currentFlags | FS_DIRSYNC_FL, 'FS_DIRSYNC_FL not set');'FS_DIRSYNC_FL set');
if ( !== 'file' && config.backends.metadata !== 'file') {'No init required. Go forth and store data.');
const dataPath = config.filePaths.dataPath;
const metadataPath = config.filePaths.metadataPath;
fs.accessSync(dataPath, fs.F_OK | fs.R_OK | fs.W_OK);
fs.accessSync(metadataPath, fs.F_OK | fs.R_OK | fs.W_OK);
const warning = 'WARNING: Synchronization directory updates are not ' +
'supported on this platform. Newly written data could be lost ' +
'if your system crashes before the operating system is able to ' +
'write directory updates.';
if (os.type() === 'Linux' && os.endianness() === 'LE' && ioctl) {
try {
} catch (err) {
logger.warn(warning, { error: err });
} else {
// Create 3511 subdirectories for the data file backend
const subDirs = Array.from({ length: constants.folderHash },
(v, k) => (k).toString());
async.eachSeries(subDirs, (subDirName, next) => {
fs.mkdir(`${dataPath}/${subDirName}`, err => {
// If already exists, move on
if (err && err.code !== 'EEXIST') {
return next(err);
return next();
err => {
assert.strictEqual(err, null, `Error creating data files ${err}`);'Init complete. Go forth and store data.');

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -1,377 +1,103 @@
const { auth, errors, policies } = require('arsenal');
const async = require('async');
import querystring from 'querystring';
const bucketDelete = require('./bucketDelete');
const bucketDeleteCors = require('./bucketDeleteCors');
const bucketDeleteEncryption = require('./bucketDeleteEncryption');
const bucketDeleteWebsite = require('./bucketDeleteWebsite');
const bucketDeleteLifecycle = require('./bucketDeleteLifecycle');
const bucketDeletePolicy = require('./bucketDeletePolicy');
const bucketDeleteQuota = require('./bucketDeleteQuota');
const { bucketGet } = require('./bucketGet');
const bucketGetACL = require('./bucketGetACL');
const bucketGetCors = require('./bucketGetCors');
const bucketGetVersioning = require('./bucketGetVersioning');
const bucketGetWebsite = require('./bucketGetWebsite');
const bucketGetLocation = require('./bucketGetLocation');
const bucketGetLifecycle = require('./bucketGetLifecycle');
const bucketGetNotification = require('./bucketGetNotification');
const bucketGetObjectLock = require('./bucketGetObjectLock');
const bucketGetPolicy = require('./bucketGetPolicy');
const bucketGetQuota = require('./bucketGetQuota');
const bucketGetEncryption = require('./bucketGetEncryption');
const bucketHead = require('./bucketHead');
const { bucketPut } = require('./bucketPut');
const bucketPutACL = require('./bucketPutACL');
const bucketPutCors = require('./bucketPutCors');
const bucketPutVersioning = require('./bucketPutVersioning');
const bucketPutTagging = require('./bucketPutTagging');
const bucketDeleteTagging = require('./bucketDeleteTagging');
const bucketGetTagging = require('./bucketGetTagging');
const bucketPutWebsite = require('./bucketPutWebsite');
const bucketPutReplication = require('./bucketPutReplication');
const bucketPutLifecycle = require('./bucketPutLifecycle');
const bucketPutNotification = require('./bucketPutNotification');
const bucketPutEncryption = require('./bucketPutEncryption');
const bucketPutPolicy = require('./bucketPutPolicy');
const bucketPutObjectLock = require('./bucketPutObjectLock');
const bucketUpdateQuota = require('./bucketUpdateQuota');
const bucketGetReplication = require('./bucketGetReplication');
const bucketDeleteReplication = require('./bucketDeleteReplication');
const corsPreflight = require('./corsPreflight');
const completeMultipartUpload = require('./completeMultipartUpload');
const initiateMultipartUpload = require('./initiateMultipartUpload');
const listMultipartUploads = require('./listMultipartUploads');
const listParts = require('./listParts');
const metadataSearch = require('./metadataSearch');
const { multiObjectDelete } = require('./multiObjectDelete');
const multipartDelete = require('./multipartDelete');
const objectCopy = require('./objectCopy');
const { objectDelete } = require('./objectDelete');
const objectDeleteTagging = require('./objectDeleteTagging');
const objectGet = require('./objectGet');
const objectGetACL = require('./objectGetACL');
const objectGetLegalHold = require('./objectGetLegalHold');
const objectGetRetention = require('./objectGetRetention');
const objectGetTagging = require('./objectGetTagging');
const objectHead = require('./objectHead');
const objectPut = require('./objectPut');
const objectPutACL = require('./objectPutACL');
const objectPutLegalHold = require('./objectPutLegalHold');
const objectPutTagging = require('./objectPutTagging');
const objectPutPart = require('./objectPutPart');
const objectPutCopyPart = require('./objectPutCopyPart');
const objectPutRetention = require('./objectPutRetention');
const objectRestore = require('./objectRestore');
const prepareRequestContexts
= require('./apiUtils/authorization/prepareRequestContexts');
const serviceGet = require('./serviceGet');
const vault = require('../auth/vault');
const website = require('./website');
const writeContinue = require('../utilities/writeContinue');
const validateQueryAndHeaders = require('../utilities/validateQueryAndHeaders');
const parseCopySource = require('./apiUtils/object/parseCopySource');
const { tagConditionKeyAuth } = require('./apiUtils/authorization/tagConditionKeys');
const { isRequesterASessionUser } = require('./apiUtils/authorization/permissionChecks');
const checkHttpHeadersSize = require('./apiUtils/object/checkHttpHeadersSize');
import { auth, errors } from 'arsenal';
const monitoringMap = policies.actionMaps.actionMonitoringMapS3;
import bucketDelete from './bucketDelete';
import bucketGet from './bucketGet';
import bucketGetACL from './bucketGetACL';
import bucketHead from './bucketHead';
import bucketPut from './bucketPut';
import bucketPutACL from './bucketPutACL';
import completeMultipartUpload from './completeMultipartUpload';
import initiateMultipartUpload from './initiateMultipartUpload';
import listMultipartUploads from './listMultipartUploads';
import listParts from './listParts';
import multipartDelete from './multipartDelete';
import objectCopy from './objectCopy';
import objectDelete from './objectDelete';
import objectGet from './objectGet';
import objectGetACL from './objectGetACL';
import objectHead from './objectHead';
import objectPut from './objectPut';
import objectPutACL from './objectPutACL';
import objectPutPart from './objectPutPart';
import prepareRequestContexts from
import serviceGet from './serviceGet';
import vault from '../auth/vault';
/* eslint-disable no-param-reassign */
const api = {
callApiMethod(apiMethod, request, response, log, callback) {
// Attach the apiMethod method to the request, so it can used by monitoring in the server
// eslint-disable-next-line no-param-reassign
request.apiMethod = apiMethod;
// Array of end of API callbacks, used to perform some logic
// at the end of an API.
// eslint-disable-next-line no-param-reassign
request.finalizerHooks = [];
const actionLog = monitoringMap[apiMethod];
if (!actionLog &&
apiMethod !== 'websiteGet' &&
apiMethod !== 'websiteHead' &&
apiMethod !== 'corsPreflight') {
log.error('callApiMethod(): No actionLog for this api method', {
service: 's3',
action: actionLog,
bucketName: request.bucketName,
if (request.objectKey) {
objectKey: request.objectKey,
let returnTagCount = true;
const validationRes = validateQueryAndHeaders(request, log);
if (validationRes.error) {
log.debug('request query / header validation failed', {
error: validationRes.error,
method: 'api.callApiMethod',
return process.nextTick(callback, validationRes.error);
// no need to check auth on website or cors preflight requests
if (apiMethod === 'websiteGet' || apiMethod === 'websiteHead' ||
apiMethod === 'corsPreflight') {
request.actionImplicitDenies = false;
return this[apiMethod](request, log, callback);
const { sourceBucket, sourceObject, sourceVersionId, parsingError } =
parseCopySource(apiMethod, request.headers['x-amz-copy-source']);
if (parsingError) {
log.debug('error parsing copy source', {
error: parsingError,
return process.nextTick(callback, parsingError);
const { httpHeadersSizeError } = checkHttpHeadersSize(request.headers);
if (httpHeadersSizeError) {
log.debug('http header size limit exceeded', {
error: httpHeadersSizeError,
return process.nextTick(callback, httpHeadersSizeError);
const requestContexts = prepareRequestContexts(apiMethod, request,
sourceBucket, sourceObject, sourceVersionId);
// Extract all the _apiMethods and store them in an array
const apiMethods = requestContexts ? => context._apiMethod) : [];
// Attach the names to the current request
// eslint-disable-next-line no-param-reassign
request.apiMethods = apiMethods;
function checkAuthResults(authResults) {
let returnTagCount = true;
const isImplicitDeny = {};
let isOnlyImplicitDeny = true;
if (apiMethod === 'objectGet') {
// first item checks s3:GetObject(Version) action
if (!authResults[0].isAllowed && !authResults[0].isImplicit) {
log.trace('get object authorization denial from Vault');
return errors.AccessDenied;
// TODO add support for returnTagCount in the bucket policy
// checks
isImplicitDeny[authResults[0].action] = authResults[0].isImplicit;
// second item checks s3:GetObject(Version)Tagging action
if (!authResults[1].isAllowed) {
log.trace('get tagging authorization denial ' +
'from Vault');
returnTagCount = false;
} else {
for (let i = 0; i < authResults.length; i++) {
isImplicitDeny[authResults[i].action] = true;
if (!authResults[i].isAllowed && !authResults[i].isImplicit) {
// Any explicit deny rejects the current API call
log.trace('authorization denial from Vault');
return errors.AccessDenied;
if (authResults[i].isAllowed) {
// If the action is allowed, the result is not implicit
// Deny.
isImplicitDeny[authResults[i].action] = false;
isOnlyImplicitDeny = false;
callApiMethod(apiMethod, request, log, callback, locationConstraint) {
let sourceBucket;
let sourceObject;
if (apiMethod === 'objectCopy') {
let source =
// If client sends the source bucket/object with a leading /,
// remove it
if (source[0] === '/') {
source = source.slice(1);
// These two APIs cannot use ACLs or Bucket Policies, hence, any
// implicit deny from vault must be treated as an explicit deny.
if ((apiMethod === 'bucketPut' || apiMethod === 'serviceGet') && isOnlyImplicitDeny) {
return errors.AccessDenied;
const slashSeparator = source.indexOf('/');
if (slashSeparator === -1) {
return callback(errors.InvalidArgument);
return { returnTagCount, isImplicitDeny };
// Pull the source bucket and source object separated by /
sourceBucket = source.slice(0, slashSeparator);
sourceObject = source.slice(slashSeparator + 1);
return async.waterfall([
next => auth.server.doAuth(
request, log, (err, userInfo, authorizationResults, streamingV4Params, infos) => {
if (err) {
// VaultClient returns standard errors, but the route requires
// Arsenal errors
const arsenalError = err.metadata ? err : errors[err.code] || errors.InternalError;
log.trace('authentication error', { error: err });
return next(arsenalError);
return next(null, userInfo, authorizationResults, streamingV4Params, infos);
}, 's3', requestContexts),
(userInfo, authorizationResults, streamingV4Params, infos, next) => {
const authNames = { accountName: userInfo.getAccountDisplayName() };
if (userInfo.isRequesterAnIAMUser()) {
authNames.userName = userInfo.getIAMdisplayName();
if (isRequesterASessionUser(userInfo)) {
authNames.sessionName = userInfo.getShortid().split(':')[1];
if (apiMethod === 'objectPut' || apiMethod === 'objectPutPart') {
return next(null, userInfo, authorizationResults, streamingV4Params, infos);
// issue 100 Continue to the client
writeContinue(request, response);
const MAX_POST_LENGTH = request.method === 'POST' ?
1024 * 1024 : 1024 * 1024 / 2; // 1 MB or 512 KB
const post = [];
let postLength = 0;
request.on('data', chunk => {
postLength += chunk.length;
// Sanity check on post length
if (postLength <= MAX_POST_LENGTH) {
request.on('error', err => {
log.trace('error receiving request', {
error: err,
return next(errors.InternalError);
request.on('end', () => {
if (postLength > MAX_POST_LENGTH) {
log.error('body length is too long for request type',
{ postLength });
return next(errors.InvalidRequest);
// Convert array of post buffers into one string = Buffer.concat(post, postLength).toString();
return next(null, userInfo, authorizationResults, streamingV4Params, infos);
return undefined;
// Tag condition keys require information from CloudServer for evaluation
(userInfo, authorizationResults, streamingV4Params, infos, next) => tagConditionKeyAuth(
(err, authResultsWithTags) => {
if (err) {
log.trace('tag authentication error', { error: err });
return next(err);
return next(null, userInfo, authResultsWithTags, streamingV4Params, infos);
], (err, userInfo, authorizationResults, streamingV4Params, infos) => {
const requestContexts = prepareRequestContexts(apiMethod,
request, locationConstraint, sourceBucket, sourceObject);
return auth.doAuth(request, log, (err, userInfo,
authorizationResults) => {
if (err) {
log.trace('authentication error', { error: err });
return callback(err);
request.accountQuotas = infos?.accountQuota;
// TODO: When implement batch delete, check apiMethod
// and handle 'Deny' on key by key basis and log
// resource where denied
if (authorizationResults) {
const checkedResults = checkAuthResults(authorizationResults);
if (checkedResults instanceof Error) {
return callback(checkedResults);
for (let i = 0; i < authorizationResults.length; i++) {
if (!authorizationResults[i].isAllowed) {
log.trace('authorization denial from Vault');
return callback(errors.AccessDenied);
returnTagCount = checkedResults.returnTagCount;
request.actionImplicitDenies = checkedResults.isImplicitDeny;
} else {
// create an object of keys apiMethods with all values to false:
// for backward compatibility, all apiMethods are allowed by default
// thus it is explicitly allowed, so implicit deny is false
request.actionImplicitDenies = apiMethods.reduce((acc, curr) => {
acc[curr] = false;
return acc;
}, {});
const methodCallback = (err, ...results) => async.forEachLimit(request.finalizerHooks, 5,
(hook, done) => hook(err, done),
() => callback(err, ...results));
if (apiMethod === 'objectPut' || apiMethod === 'objectPutPart') {
request._response = response;
return this[apiMethod](userInfo, request, streamingV4Params,
log, methodCallback, authorizationResults);
if (apiMethod === 'bucketPut') {
return bucketPut(userInfo, request, locationConstraint,
log, callback);
if (apiMethod === 'objectCopy' || apiMethod === 'objectPutCopyPart') {
return this[apiMethod](userInfo, request, sourceBucket,
sourceObject, sourceVersionId, log, methodCallback);
if (apiMethod === 'objectCopy') {
return objectCopy(userInfo, request, sourceBucket,
sourceObject, log, callback);
if (apiMethod === 'objectGet') {
return this[apiMethod](userInfo, request, returnTagCount, log, callback);
return this[apiMethod](userInfo, request, log, methodCallback);
return this[apiMethod](userInfo, request, log, callback);
}, 's3', requestContexts);
websiteGet: website,
websiteHead: website,
module.exports = api;
export default api;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
import constants from '../../../../constants';
export function isBucketAuthorized(bucket, requestType, canonicalID) {
// Check to see if user is authorized to perform a
// particular action on bucket based on ACLs.
// TODO: Add IAM checks and bucket policy checks.
if (bucket.getOwner() === canonicalID) {
return true;
const bucketAcl = bucket.getAcl();
if (requestType === 'bucketGet' || requestType === 'bucketHead') {
if (bucketAcl.Canned === 'public-read'
|| bucketAcl.Canned === 'public-read-write'
|| (bucketAcl.Canned === 'authenticated-read'
&& canonicalID !== constants.publicId)) {
return true;
} else if (bucketAcl.FULL_CONTROL.indexOf(canonicalID) > -1
|| bucketAcl.READ.indexOf(canonicalID) > -1) {
return true;
if (requestType === 'bucketGetACL') {
if ((bucketAcl.Canned === 'log-delivery-write'
&& canonicalID === constants.logId)
|| bucketAcl.FULL_CONTROL.indexOf(canonicalID) > -1
|| bucketAcl.READ_ACP.indexOf(canonicalID) > -1) {
return true;
if (requestType === 'bucketPutACL') {
if (bucketAcl.FULL_CONTROL.indexOf(canonicalID) > -1
|| bucketAcl.WRITE_ACP.indexOf(canonicalID) > -1) {
return true;
if (requestType === 'bucketDelete' && bucket.getOwner() === canonicalID) {
return true;
if (requestType === 'objectDelete' || requestType === 'objectPut') {
if (bucketAcl.Canned === 'public-read-write'
|| bucketAcl.FULL_CONTROL.indexOf(canonicalID) > -1
|| bucketAcl.WRITE.indexOf(canonicalID) > -1) {
return true;
// Note that an account can have the ability to do objectPutACL,
// objectGetACL, objectHead or objectGet even if the account has no rights
// to the bucket holding the object. So, if the request type is
// objectPutACL, objectGetACL, objectHead or objectGet, the bucket
// authorization check should just return true so can move on to check
// rights at the object level.
return (requestType === 'objectPutACL' || requestType === 'objectGetACL' ||
requestType === 'objectGet' || requestType === 'objectHead');
export function isObjAuthorized(bucket, objectMD, requestType, canonicalID) {
const bucketOwner = bucket.getOwner();
if (!objectMD) {
return false;
if (objectMD['owner-id'] === canonicalID) {
return true;
if (requestType === 'objectGet' || requestType === 'objectHead') {
if (objectMD.acl.Canned === 'public-read'
|| objectMD.acl.Canned === 'public-read-write'
|| (objectMD.acl.Canned === 'authenticated-read'
&& canonicalID !== constants.publicId)) {
return true;
} else if (objectMD.acl.Canned === 'bucket-owner-read'
&& bucketOwner === canonicalID) {
return true;
} else if ((objectMD.acl.Canned === 'bucket-owner-full-control'
&& bucketOwner === canonicalID)
|| objectMD.acl.FULL_CONTROL.indexOf(canonicalID) > -1
|| objectMD.acl.READ.indexOf(canonicalID) > -1) {
return true;
// User is already authorized on the bucket for FULL_CONTROL or WRITE or
// bucket has canned ACL public-read-write
if (requestType === 'objectPut' || requestType === 'objectDelete') {
return true;
if (requestType === 'objectPutACL') {
if ((objectMD.acl.Canned === 'bucket-owner-full-control'
&& bucketOwner === canonicalID)
|| objectMD.acl.FULL_CONTROL.indexOf(canonicalID) > -1
|| objectMD.acl.WRITE_ACP.indexOf(canonicalID) > -1) {
return true;
if (requestType === 'objectGetACL') {
if ((objectMD.acl.Canned === 'bucket-owner-full-control'
&& bucketOwner === canonicalID)
|| objectMD.acl.FULL_CONTROL.indexOf(canonicalID) > -1
|| objectMD.acl.READ_ACP.indexOf(canonicalID) > -1) {
return true;
return false;

View File

@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
const { errors } = require('arsenal');
const vault = require('../../../auth/vault');
function checkExpectedBucketOwner(headers, bucket, log, cb) {
const expectedOwner = headers['x-amz-expected-bucket-owner'];
if (expectedOwner === undefined) {
return cb();
const bucketOwner = bucket.getOwner();
return vault.getAccountIds([bucketOwner], log, (error, res) => {
if (error) {
log.error('error fetch accountId from vault', {
method: 'checkExpectedBucketOwner',
if (error || res[bucketOwner] !== expectedOwner) {
return cb(errors.AccessDenied);
return cb();
module.exports = {

View File

@ -1,641 +0,0 @@
const { evaluators, actionMaps, RequestContext, requestUtils } = require('arsenal').policies;
const { errors } = require('arsenal');
const { parseCIDR, isValid } = require('ipaddr.js');
const constants = require('../../../../constants');
const { config } = require('../../../Config');
const {
} = constants;
// whitelist buckets to allow public read on objects
const publicReadBuckets = process.env.ALLOW_PUBLIC_READ_BUCKETS
? process.env.ALLOW_PUBLIC_READ_BUCKETS.split(',') : [];
function getServiceAccountProperties(canonicalID) {
const canonicalIDArray = canonicalID.split('/');
const serviceName = canonicalIDArray[canonicalIDArray.length - 1];
return constants.serviceAccountProperties[serviceName];
function isServiceAccount(canonicalID) {
return getServiceAccountProperties(canonicalID) !== undefined;
function isRequesterASessionUser(authInfo) {
const regexpAssumedRoleArn = /^arn:aws:sts::[0-9]{12}:assumed-role\/.*$/;
return regexpAssumedRoleArn.test(authInfo.getArn());
function isRequesterNonAccountUser(authInfo) {
return authInfo.isRequesterAnIAMUser() || isRequesterASessionUser(authInfo);
* Checks the access control for a given bucket based on the request type and user's canonical ID.
* @param {Bucket} bucket - The bucket to check access control for.
* @param {string} requestType - The list of s3 actions to check within the API call.
* @param {string} canonicalID - The canonical ID of the user making the request.
* @param {string} mainApiCall - The main API call (first item of the requestType).
* @returns {boolean} - Returns true if the user has the necessary access rights, otherwise false.
function checkBucketAcls(bucket, requestType, canonicalID, mainApiCall) {
// Same logic applies on the Versioned APIs, so let's simplify it.
let requestTypeParsed = requestType.endsWith('Version') ?
requestType.slice(0, 'Version'.length * -1) : requestType;
requestTypeParsed = actionsToConsiderAsObjectPut.includes(requestTypeParsed) ?
'objectPut' : requestTypeParsed;
const parsedMainApiCall = actionsToConsiderAsObjectPut.includes(mainApiCall) ?
'objectPut' : mainApiCall;
if (bucket.getOwner() === canonicalID) {
return true;
if (parsedMainApiCall === 'objectGet') {
if (requestTypeParsed === 'objectGetTagging') {
return true;
if (parsedMainApiCall === 'objectPut') {
if (arrayOfAllowed.includes(requestTypeParsed)) {
return true;
const bucketAcl = bucket.getAcl();
if (requestTypeParsed === 'bucketGet' || requestTypeParsed === 'bucketHead') {
if (bucketAcl.Canned === 'public-read'
|| bucketAcl.Canned === 'public-read-write'
|| (bucketAcl.Canned === 'authenticated-read'
&& canonicalID !== publicId)) {
return true;
} else if (bucketAcl.FULL_CONTROL.indexOf(canonicalID) > -1
|| bucketAcl.READ.indexOf(canonicalID) > -1) {
return true;
} else if (bucketAcl.READ.indexOf(publicId) > -1
|| (bucketAcl.READ.indexOf(allAuthedUsersId) > -1
&& canonicalID !== publicId)
|| (bucketAcl.FULL_CONTROL.indexOf(allAuthedUsersId) > -1
&& canonicalID !== publicId)
|| bucketAcl.FULL_CONTROL.indexOf(publicId) > -1) {
return true;
if (requestTypeParsed === 'bucketGetACL') {
if ((bucketAcl.Canned === 'log-delivery-write'
&& canonicalID === logId)
|| bucketAcl.FULL_CONTROL.indexOf(canonicalID) > -1
|| bucketAcl.READ_ACP.indexOf(canonicalID) > -1) {
return true;
} else if (bucketAcl.READ_ACP.indexOf(publicId) > -1
|| (bucketAcl.READ_ACP.indexOf(allAuthedUsersId) > -1
&& canonicalID !== publicId)
|| (bucketAcl.FULL_CONTROL.indexOf(allAuthedUsersId) > -1
&& canonicalID !== publicId)
|| bucketAcl.FULL_CONTROL.indexOf(publicId) > -1) {
return true;
if (requestTypeParsed === 'bucketPutACL') {
if (bucketAcl.FULL_CONTROL.indexOf(canonicalID) > -1
|| bucketAcl.WRITE_ACP.indexOf(canonicalID) > -1) {
return true;
} else if (bucketAcl.WRITE_ACP.indexOf(publicId) > -1
|| (bucketAcl.WRITE_ACP.indexOf(allAuthedUsersId) > -1
&& canonicalID !== publicId)
|| (bucketAcl.FULL_CONTROL.indexOf(allAuthedUsersId) > -1
&& canonicalID !== publicId)
|| bucketAcl.FULL_CONTROL.indexOf(publicId) > -1) {
return true;
if (requestTypeParsed === 'objectDelete' || requestTypeParsed === 'objectPut') {
if (bucketAcl.Canned === 'public-read-write'
|| bucketAcl.FULL_CONTROL.indexOf(canonicalID) > -1
|| bucketAcl.WRITE.indexOf(canonicalID) > -1) {
return true;
} else if (bucketAcl.WRITE.indexOf(publicId) > -1
|| (bucketAcl.WRITE.indexOf(allAuthedUsersId) > -1
&& canonicalID !== publicId)
|| (bucketAcl.FULL_CONTROL.indexOf(allAuthedUsersId) > -1
&& canonicalID !== publicId)
|| bucketAcl.FULL_CONTROL.indexOf(publicId) > -1) {
return true;
// Note that an account can have the ability to do objectPutACL,
// objectGetACL, objectHead or objectGet even if the account has no rights
// to the bucket holding the object. So, if the request type is
// objectPutACL, objectGetACL, objectHead or objectGet, the bucket
// authorization check should just return true so can move on to check
// rights at the object level.
return (requestTypeParsed === 'objectPutACL' || requestTypeParsed === 'objectGetACL'
|| requestTypeParsed === 'objectGet' || requestTypeParsed === 'objectHead');
function checkObjectAcls(bucket, objectMD, requestType, canonicalID, requesterIsNotUser,
isUserUnauthenticated, mainApiCall) {
const bucketOwner = bucket.getOwner();
const requestTypeParsed = actionsToConsiderAsObjectPut.includes(requestType) ?
'objectPut' : requestType;
const parsedMainApiCall = actionsToConsiderAsObjectPut.includes(mainApiCall) ?
'objectPut' : mainApiCall;
// acls don't distinguish between users and accounts, so both should be allowed
if (bucketOwnerActions.includes(requestTypeParsed)
&& (bucketOwner === canonicalID)) {
return true;
if (objectMD['owner-id'] === canonicalID) {
return true;
// Backward compatibility
if (parsedMainApiCall === 'objectGet') {
if ((isUserUnauthenticated || (requesterIsNotUser && bucketOwner === objectMD['owner-id']))
&& requestTypeParsed === 'objectGetTagging') {
return true;
if (!objectMD.acl) {
return false;
if (requestTypeParsed === 'objectGet' || requestTypeParsed === 'objectHead') {
if (objectMD.acl.Canned === 'public-read'
|| objectMD.acl.Canned === 'public-read-write'
|| (objectMD.acl.Canned === 'authenticated-read'
&& canonicalID !== publicId)) {
return true;
} else if (objectMD.acl.Canned === 'bucket-owner-read'
&& bucketOwner === canonicalID) {
return true;
} else if ((objectMD.acl.Canned === 'bucket-owner-full-control'
&& bucketOwner === canonicalID)
|| objectMD.acl.FULL_CONTROL.indexOf(canonicalID) > -1
|| objectMD.acl.READ.indexOf(canonicalID) > -1) {
return true;
} else if (objectMD.acl.READ.indexOf(publicId) > -1
|| (objectMD.acl.READ.indexOf(allAuthedUsersId) > -1
&& canonicalID !== publicId)
|| (objectMD.acl.FULL_CONTROL.indexOf(allAuthedUsersId) > -1
&& canonicalID !== publicId)
|| objectMD.acl.FULL_CONTROL.indexOf(publicId) > -1) {
return true;
// User is already authorized on the bucket for FULL_CONTROL or WRITE or
// bucket has canned ACL public-read-write
if (requestTypeParsed === 'objectPut' || requestTypeParsed === 'objectDelete') {
return true;
if (requestTypeParsed === 'objectPutACL') {
if ((objectMD.acl.Canned === 'bucket-owner-full-control'
&& bucketOwner === canonicalID)
|| objectMD.acl.FULL_CONTROL.indexOf(canonicalID) > -1
|| objectMD.acl.WRITE_ACP.indexOf(canonicalID) > -1) {
return true;
} else if (objectMD.acl.WRITE_ACP.indexOf(publicId) > -1
|| (objectMD.acl.WRITE_ACP.indexOf(allAuthedUsersId) > -1
&& canonicalID !== publicId)
|| (objectMD.acl.FULL_CONTROL.indexOf(allAuthedUsersId) > -1
&& canonicalID !== publicId)
|| objectMD.acl.FULL_CONTROL.indexOf(publicId) > -1) {
return true;
if (requestTypeParsed === 'objectGetACL') {
if ((objectMD.acl.Canned === 'bucket-owner-full-control'
&& bucketOwner === canonicalID)
|| objectMD.acl.FULL_CONTROL.indexOf(canonicalID) > -1
|| objectMD.acl.READ_ACP.indexOf(canonicalID) > -1) {
return true;
} else if (objectMD.acl.READ_ACP.indexOf(publicId) > -1
|| (objectMD.acl.READ_ACP.indexOf(allAuthedUsersId) > -1
&& canonicalID !== publicId)
|| (objectMD.acl.FULL_CONTROL.indexOf(allAuthedUsersId) > -1
&& canonicalID !== publicId)
|| objectMD.acl.FULL_CONTROL.indexOf(publicId) > -1) {
return true;
// allow public reads on buckets that are whitelisted for anonymous reads
// TODO: remove this after bucket policies are implemented
const bucketAcl = bucket.getAcl();
const allowPublicReads = publicReadBuckets.includes(bucket.getName())
&& bucketAcl.Canned === 'public-read'
&& (requestTypeParsed === 'objectGet' || requestTypeParsed === 'objectHead');
if (allowPublicReads) {
return true;
return false;
function _checkBucketPolicyActions(requestType, actions, log) {
const mappedAction = actionMaps.actionMapBP[requestType];
// Deny any action that isn't in list of controlled actions
if (!mappedAction) {
return false;
return evaluators.isActionApplicable(mappedAction, actions, log);
function _checkBucketPolicyResources(request, resource, log) {
if (!request || (Array.isArray(resource) && resource.length === 0)) {
return true;
// build request context from the request!
const requestContext = new RequestContext(request.headers, request.query,
request.bucketName, request.objectKey, null,
request.connection.encrypted, request.resourceType, 's3');
return evaluators.isResourceApplicable(requestContext, resource, log);
function _checkBucketPolicyConditions(request, conditions, log) {
const ip = request ? requestUtils.getClientIp(request, config) : undefined;
if (!conditions) {
return true;
// build request context from the request!
const requestContext = new RequestContext(request.headers, request.query,
request.bucketName, request.objectKey, ip,
request.connection.encrypted, request.resourceType, 's3', null, null,
null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null,
return evaluators.meetConditions(requestContext, conditions, log);
function _getAccountId(arn) {
// account or user arn is of format 'arn:aws:iam::<12-digit-acct-id>:etc...
return arn.substr(13, 12);
function _isAccountId(principal) {
return (principal.length === 12 && /^\d+$/.test(principal));
function _checkPrincipal(requester, principal) {
if (principal === '*') {
return true;
if (principal === requester) {
return true;
if (_isAccountId(principal)) {
return _getAccountId(requester) === principal;
if (principal.endsWith('root')) {
return _getAccountId(requester) === _getAccountId(principal);
return false;
function _checkPrincipals(canonicalID, arn, principal) {
if (principal === '*') {
return true;
if (principal.CanonicalUser) {
if (Array.isArray(principal.CanonicalUser)) {
return principal.CanonicalUser.some(p => _checkPrincipal(canonicalID, p));
return _checkPrincipal(canonicalID, principal.CanonicalUser);
if (principal.AWS) {
if (Array.isArray(principal.AWS)) {
return principal.AWS.some(p => _checkPrincipal(arn, p));
return _checkPrincipal(arn, principal.AWS);
return false;
function checkBucketPolicy(policy, requestType, canonicalID, arn, bucketOwner, log, request, actionImplicitDenies) {
let permission = 'defaultDeny';
// if requester is user within bucket owner account, actions should be
// allowed unless explicitly denied (assumes allowed by IAM policy)
if (bucketOwner === canonicalID && actionImplicitDenies[requestType] === false) {
permission = 'allow';
let copiedStatement = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(policy.Statement));
while (copiedStatement.length > 0) {
const s = copiedStatement[0];
const principalMatch = _checkPrincipals(canonicalID, arn, s.Principal);
const actionMatch = _checkBucketPolicyActions(requestType, s.Action, log);
const resourceMatch = _checkBucketPolicyResources(request, s.Resource, log);
const conditionsMatch = _checkBucketPolicyConditions(request, s.Condition, log);
if (principalMatch && actionMatch && resourceMatch && conditionsMatch && s.Effect === 'Deny') {
// explicit deny trumps any allows, so return immediately
return 'explicitDeny';
if (principalMatch && actionMatch && resourceMatch && conditionsMatch && s.Effect === 'Allow') {
permission = 'allow';
copiedStatement = copiedStatement.splice(1);
return permission;
function processBucketPolicy(requestType, bucket, canonicalID, arn, bucketOwner, log,
request, aclPermission, results, actionImplicitDenies) {
const bucketPolicy = bucket.getBucketPolicy();
let processedResult = results[requestType];
if (!bucketPolicy) {
processedResult = actionImplicitDenies[requestType] === false && aclPermission;
} else {
const bucketPolicyPermission = checkBucketPolicy(bucketPolicy, requestType, canonicalID, arn,
bucketOwner, log, request, actionImplicitDenies);
if (bucketPolicyPermission === 'explicitDeny') {
processedResult = false;
} else if (bucketPolicyPermission === 'allow') {
processedResult = true;
} else {
processedResult = actionImplicitDenies[requestType] === false && aclPermission;
return processedResult;
function isBucketAuthorized(bucket, requestTypesInput, canonicalID, authInfo, log, request,
actionImplicitDeniesInput = {}, isWebsite = false) {
const requestTypes = Array.isArray(requestTypesInput) ? requestTypesInput : [requestTypesInput];
const actionImplicitDenies = !actionImplicitDeniesInput ? {} : actionImplicitDeniesInput;
const mainApiCall = requestTypes[0];
const results = {};
return requestTypes.every(_requestType => {
// By default, all missing actions are defined as allowed from IAM, to be
// backward compatible
actionImplicitDenies[_requestType] = actionImplicitDenies[_requestType] || false;
// Check to see if user is authorized to perform a
// particular action on bucket based on ACLs.
// TODO: Add IAM checks
let requesterIsNotUser = true;
let arn = null;
if (authInfo) {
requesterIsNotUser = !isRequesterNonAccountUser(authInfo);
arn = authInfo.getArn();
// if the bucket owner is an account, users should not have default access
if ((bucket.getOwner() === canonicalID) && requesterIsNotUser || isServiceAccount(canonicalID)) {
results[_requestType] = actionImplicitDenies[_requestType] === false;
return results[_requestType];
const aclPermission = checkBucketAcls(bucket, _requestType, canonicalID, mainApiCall);
// In case of error bucket access is checked with bucketGet
// For website, bucket policy only uses objectGet and ignores bucketGet
// bucketGet should be used to check acl but switched to objectGet for bucket policy
if (isWebsite && _requestType === 'bucketGet') {
// eslint-disable-next-line no-param-reassign
_requestType = 'objectGet';
actionImplicitDenies.objectGet = actionImplicitDenies.objectGet || false;
return processBucketPolicy(_requestType, bucket, canonicalID, arn, bucket.getOwner(), log,
request, aclPermission, results, actionImplicitDenies);
function evaluateBucketPolicyWithIAM(bucket, requestTypesInput, canonicalID, authInfo, actionImplicitDeniesInput = {},
log, request) {
const requestTypes = Array.isArray(requestTypesInput) ? requestTypesInput : [requestTypesInput];
const actionImplicitDenies = !actionImplicitDeniesInput ? {} : actionImplicitDeniesInput;
const results = {};
return requestTypes.every(_requestType => {
// By default, all missing actions are defined as allowed from IAM, to be
// backward compatible
actionImplicitDenies[_requestType] = actionImplicitDenies[_requestType] || false;
let arn = null;
if (authInfo) {
arn = authInfo.getArn();
return processBucketPolicy(_requestType, bucket, canonicalID, arn, bucket.getOwner(), log,
request, true, results, actionImplicitDenies);
function isObjAuthorized(bucket, objectMD, requestTypesInput, canonicalID, authInfo, log, request,
actionImplicitDeniesInput = {}, isWebsite = false) {
const requestTypes = Array.isArray(requestTypesInput) ? requestTypesInput : [requestTypesInput];
const actionImplicitDenies = !actionImplicitDeniesInput ? {} : actionImplicitDeniesInput;
const results = {};
const mainApiCall = requestTypes[0];
return requestTypes.every(_requestType => {
// By default, all missing actions are defined as allowed from IAM, to be
// backward compatible
actionImplicitDenies[_requestType] = actionImplicitDenies[_requestType] || false;
const parsedMethodName = _requestType.endsWith('Version')
? _requestType.slice(0, -7) : _requestType;
const bucketOwner = bucket.getOwner();
if (!objectMD) {
// check bucket has read access
// 'bucketGet' covers listObjects and listMultipartUploads, bucket read actions
let permission = 'bucketGet';
if (actionsToConsiderAsObjectPut.includes(_requestType)) {
permission = 'objectPut';
results[_requestType] = isBucketAuthorized(bucket, permission, canonicalID, authInfo, log, request,
actionImplicitDenies, isWebsite);
// User is already authorized on the bucket for FULL_CONTROL or WRITE or
// bucket has canned ACL public-read-write
if ((parsedMethodName === 'objectPut' || parsedMethodName === 'objectDelete')
&& results[_requestType] === false) {
results[_requestType] = actionImplicitDenies[_requestType] === false;
return results[_requestType];
let requesterIsNotUser = true;
let arn = null;
let isUserUnauthenticated = false;
if (authInfo) {
requesterIsNotUser = !isRequesterNonAccountUser(authInfo);
arn = authInfo.getArn();
isUserUnauthenticated = arn === undefined;
if (objectMD['owner-id'] === canonicalID && requesterIsNotUser || isServiceAccount(canonicalID)) {
results[_requestType] = actionImplicitDenies[_requestType] === false;
return results[_requestType];
// account is authorized if:
// - requesttype is included in bucketOwnerActions and
// - account is the bucket owner
// - requester is account, not user
if (bucketOwnerActions.includes(parsedMethodName)
&& (bucketOwner === canonicalID)
&& requesterIsNotUser) {
results[_requestType] = actionImplicitDenies[_requestType] === false;
return results[_requestType];
const aclPermission = checkObjectAcls(bucket, objectMD, parsedMethodName,
canonicalID, requesterIsNotUser, isUserUnauthenticated, mainApiCall);
return processBucketPolicy(_requestType, bucket, canonicalID, arn, bucketOwner,
log, request, aclPermission, results, actionImplicitDenies);
function _checkResource(resource, bucketArn) {
if (resource === bucketArn) {
return true;
if (resource.includes('/')) {
const rSubs = resource.split('/');
return rSubs[0] === bucketArn;
return false;
// the resources specified in the bucket policy should contain the bucket name
function validatePolicyResource(bucketName, policy) {
const bucketArn = `arn:aws:s3:::${bucketName}`;
return policy.Statement.every(s => {
if (Array.isArray(s.Resource)) {
return s.Resource.every(r => _checkResource(r, bucketArn));
if (typeof s.Resource === 'string') {
return _checkResource(s.Resource, bucketArn);
return false;
function checkIp(value) {
const errString = 'Invalid IP address in Conditions';
const values = Array.isArray(value) ? value : [value];
for (let i = 0; i < values.length; i++) {
// these preliminary checks are validating the provided
// ip address against ipaddr.js, the library we use when
// evaluating IP condition keys. It ensures compatibility,
// but additional checks are required to enforce the right
// notation (e.g., for IPv4). Otherwise,
// we would accept different ip formats, which is not
// standard in an AWS use case.
try {
try {
} catch (err) {
} catch (err) {
return errString;
// Apply the existing IP validation logic to each element
const validateIpRegex = ip => {
if (constants.ipv4Regex.test(ip)) {
return ip.split('.').every(part => parseInt(part, 10) <= 255);
if (constants.ipv6Regex.test(ip)) {
return ip.split(':').every(part => part.length <= 4);
return false;
if (validateIpRegex(values[i]) !== true) {
return errString;
// If the function hasn't returned by now, all elements are valid
return null;
// This function checks all bucket policy conditions if the values provided
// are valid for the condition type. If not it returns a relevant Malformed policy error string
function validatePolicyConditions(policy) {
const validConditions = [
{ conditionKey: 'aws:SourceIp', conditionValueTypeChecker: checkIp },
{ conditionKey: 's3:object-lock-remaining-retention-days' },
// keys where value type does not seem to be checked by AWS:
// - s3:object-lock-remaining-retention-days
if (!policy.Statement || !Array.isArray(policy.Statement) || policy.Statement.length === 0) {
return null;
// there can be multiple statements in the policy, each with a Condition enclosure
for (let i = 0; i < policy.Statement.length; i++) {
const s = policy.Statement[i];
if (s.Condition) {
const conditionOperators = Object.keys(s.Condition);
// there can be multiple condition operations in the Condition enclosure
// eslint-disable-next-line no-restricted-syntax
for (const conditionOperator of conditionOperators) {
const conditionKey = Object.keys(s.Condition[conditionOperator])[0];
const conditionValue = s.Condition[conditionOperator][conditionKey];
const validCondition = validConditions.find(validCondition =>
validCondition.conditionKey === conditionKey
// AWS returns does not return an error if the condition starts with 'aws:'
// so we reproduce this behaviour
if (!validCondition && !conditionKey.startsWith('aws:')) {
return errors.MalformedPolicy.customizeDescription('Policy has an invalid condition key');
if (validCondition && validCondition.conditionValueTypeChecker) {
const conditionValueTypeError = validCondition.conditionValueTypeChecker(conditionValue);
if (conditionValueTypeError) {
return errors.MalformedPolicy.customizeDescription(conditionValueTypeError);
return null;
/** isLifecycleSession - check if it is the Lifecycle assumed role session arn.
* @param {string} arn - Amazon resource name - example:
* arn:aws:sts::257038443293:assumed-role/rolename/backbeat-lifecycle
* @return {boolean} true if Lifecycle assumed role session arn, false if not.
function isLifecycleSession(arn) {
if (!arn) {
return false;
const arnSplits = arn.split(':');
const service = arnSplits[2];
const resourceNames = arnSplits[arnSplits.length - 1].split('/');
const resourceType = resourceNames[0];
const sessionName = resourceNames[resourceNames.length - 1];
return (service === 'sts'
&& resourceType === assumedRoleArnResourceType
&& sessionName === backbeatLifecycleSessionName);
module.exports = {

View File

@ -1,238 +1,36 @@
const { policies } = require('arsenal');
const { config } = require('../../../Config');
import { policies } from 'arsenal';
const RequestContext = policies.RequestContext;
const { RequestContext, requestUtils } = policies;
let apiMethodAfterVersionCheck;
const apiMethodWithVersion = {
objectGetACL: true,
objectPutACL: true,
objectGet: true,
objectDelete: true,
objectPutTagging: true,
objectGetTagging: true,
objectDeleteTagging: true,
objectGetLegalHold: true,
objectPutLegalHold: true,
objectPutRetention: true,
function isHeaderAcl(headers) {
return headers['x-amz-grant-read'] || headers['x-amz-grant-read-acp'] ||
headers['x-amz-grant-write-acp'] || headers['x-amz-grant-full-control'] ||
* Prepares the requestContexts array to send to Vault for authorization
* @param {string} apiMethod - api being called
* @param {object} request - request object
* @param {string} locationConstraint - locationConstraint if bucket put
* operation
* @param {string} sourceBucket - name of sourceBucket if copy request
* @param {string} sourceObject - name of sourceObject if copy request
* @param {string} sourceVersionId - value of sourceVersionId if copy request
* @return {RequestContext []} array of requestContexts
function prepareRequestContexts(apiMethod, request, sourceBucket,
sourceObject, sourceVersionId) {
// if multiObjectDelete request, we want to authenticate
// before parsing the post body and creating multiple requestContexts
// so send null as requestContexts to Vault to avoid authorization
// checks at this point
// If bucketPut request, we want to do the authorization check in the API
// itself (once we parse the locationConstraint from the xml body) so send
// null as the requestContext to Vault so it will only do an authentication
// check.
const ip = requestUtils.getClientIp(request, config);
function generateRequestContext(apiMethod) {
return new RequestContext(request.headers,
request.query, request.bucketName, request.objectKey,
ip, request.connection.encrypted,
apiMethod, 's3');
if (apiMethod === 'bucketPut') {
return null;
if (apiMethodWithVersion[apiMethod] && request.query &&
request.query.versionId) {
apiMethodAfterVersionCheck = `${apiMethod}Version`;
} else {
apiMethodAfterVersionCheck = apiMethod;
export default function prepareRequestContexts(apiMethod, request,
locationConstraint, sourceBucket, sourceObject) {
const requestContexts = [];
if (apiMethod === 'multiObjectDelete') {
// MultiObjectDelete does not require any authorization when evaluating
// the API. Instead, we authorize each object passed.
// But in order to get any relevant information from the authorization service
// for example, the account quota, we must send a request context object
// with no `specificResource`. We expect the result to be an implicit deny.
// In the API, we then ignore these authorization results, and we can use
// any information returned, e.g., the quota.
const requestContextMultiObjectDelete = generateRequestContext('objectDelete');
} else if (apiMethodAfterVersionCheck === 'objectCopy'
|| apiMethodAfterVersionCheck === 'objectPutCopyPart') {
const objectGetAction = sourceVersionId ? 'objectGetVersion' :
const reqQuery = Object.assign({}, request.query,
{ versionId: sourceVersionId });
if (apiMethod === 'objectCopy') {
const getRequestContext = new RequestContext(request.headers,
reqQuery, sourceBucket, sourceObject,
ip, request.connection.encrypted,
objectGetAction, 's3');
const putRequestContext = generateRequestContext('objectPut');
request.query, sourceBucket, sourceObject,
request.socket.remoteAddress, request.connection.encrypted,
'objectGet', 's3', locationConstraint);
const putRequestContext = new RequestContext(request.headers,
request.query, request.bucketName, request.objectKey,
request.socket.remoteAddress, request.connection.encrypted,
'objectPut', 's3', locationConstraint);
requestContexts.push(getRequestContext, putRequestContext);
if (apiMethodAfterVersionCheck === 'objectCopy') {
// if tagging directive is COPY, "s3:PutObjectTagging" don't need
// to be included in the list of permitted actions in IAM policy
if (request.headers['x-amz-tagging'] &&
request.headers['x-amz-tagging-directive'] === 'REPLACE') {
const putTaggingRequestContext =
if (isHeaderAcl(request.headers)) {
const putAclRequestContext =
} else if (apiMethodAfterVersionCheck === 'objectGet'
|| apiMethodAfterVersionCheck === 'objectGetVersion') {
const objectGetTaggingAction = (request.query &&
request.query.versionId) ? 'objectGetTaggingVersion' :
if (request.headers['x-amz-version-id']) {
const objectGetVersionAction = 'objectGetVersion';
const getVersionResourceVersion =
const getRequestContext =
const getTaggingRequestContext =
requestContexts.push(getRequestContext, getTaggingRequestContext);
} else if (apiMethodAfterVersionCheck === 'objectGetTagging') {
const objectGetTaggingAction = 'objectGetTagging';
const getTaggingResourceVersion =
if (request.headers['x-amz-version-id']) {
const objectGetTaggingVersionAction = 'objectGetTaggingVersion';
const getTaggingVersionResourceVersion =
} else if (apiMethodAfterVersionCheck === 'objectHead') {
const objectHeadAction = 'objectHead';
const headObjectAction =
if (request.headers['x-amz-version-id']) {
const objectHeadVersionAction = 'objectGetVersion';
const headObjectVersion =
} else if (apiMethodAfterVersionCheck === 'objectPutTagging') {
const putObjectTaggingRequestContext =
if (request.headers['x-amz-version-id']) {
const putObjectVersionRequestContext =
} else if (apiMethodAfterVersionCheck === 'objectPutCopyPart') {
const putObjectRequestContext =
const getObjectRequestContext =
} else if (apiMethodAfterVersionCheck === 'objectPut') {
// if put object with version
if (request.headers['x-scal-s3-version-id'] ||
request.headers['x-scal-s3-version-id'] === '') {
const putVersionRequestContext =
} else {
const putRequestContext =
// if put object (versioning) with tag set
if (request.headers['x-amz-tagging']) {
const putTaggingRequestContext =
if (['ON', 'OFF'].includes(request.headers['x-amz-object-lock-legal-hold-status'])) {
const putLegalHoldStatusAction =
// if put object (versioning) with ACL
if (isHeaderAcl(request.headers)) {
const putAclRequestContext =
if (request.headers['x-amz-object-lock-mode']) {
const putObjectLockRequestContext =
if (request.headers['x-amz-version-id']) {
const putObjectVersionRequestContext =
} else if (apiMethodAfterVersionCheck === 'initiateMultipartUpload' ||
apiMethodAfterVersionCheck === 'objectPutPart' ||
apiMethodAfterVersionCheck === 'completeMultipartUpload'
) {
if (request.headers['x-scal-s3-version-id'] ||
request.headers['x-scal-s3-version-id'] === '') {
const putVersionRequestContext =
} else {
const putRequestContext =
// if put object (versioning) with ACL
if (isHeaderAcl(request.headers)) {
const putAclRequestContext =
if (request.headers['x-amz-object-lock-mode']) {
const putObjectLockRequestContext =
if (request.headers['x-amz-version-id']) {
const putObjectVersionRequestContext =
} else {
const requestContext =
const requestContext = new RequestContext(request.headers,
request.query, request.bucketName, request.objectKey,
request.socket.remoteAddress, request.connection.encrypted,
apiMethod, 's3', locationConstraint);
return requestContexts;
module.exports = prepareRequestContexts;

View File

@ -1,99 +0,0 @@
const async = require('async');
const { auth, s3middleware } = require('arsenal');
const metadata = require('../../../metadata/wrapper');
const { decodeVersionId } = require('../object/versioning');
const { parseTagXml } = s3middleware.tagging;
function makeTagQuery(tags) {
return Object.entries(tags)
.map(i => i.join('='))
function updateRequestContextsWithTags(request, requestContexts, apiMethod, log, cb) {
next => {
if (request.headers['x-amz-tagging']) {
return next(null, request.headers['x-amz-tagging']);
if ( && apiMethod === 'objectPutTagging') {
return parseTagXml(, log, (err, tags) => {
if (err) {
log.trace('error parsing request tags');
return next(err);
return next(null, makeTagQuery(tags));
return next(null, null);
(requestTagsQuery, next) => {
const objectKey = request.objectKey;
const bucketName = request.bucketName;
const decodedVidResult = decodeVersionId(request.query);
if (decodedVidResult instanceof Error) {
log.trace('invalid versionId query', {
versionId: request.query.versionId,
error: decodedVidResult,
return next(decodedVidResult);
const reqVersionId = decodedVidResult;
return metadata.getObjectMD(
bucketName, objectKey, { versionId: reqVersionId }, log, (err, objMD) => {
if (err) {
// TODO: move to `.is` once BKTCLT-9 is done and bumped in Cloudserver
if (err.NoSuchKey) {
return next(null, requestTagsQuery, null);
log.trace('error getting request object tags');
return next(err);
const existingTagsQuery = objMD.tags && makeTagQuery(objMD.tags);
return next(null, requestTagsQuery, existingTagsQuery);
], (err, requestTagsQuery, existingTagsQuery) => {
if (err) {
log.trace('error processing tag condition key evaluation');
return cb(err);
// FIXME introduced by CLDSRV-256, this syntax should be allowed by the linter
// eslint-disable-next-line no-restricted-syntax
for (const rc of requestContexts) {
if (requestTagsQuery) {
if (existingTagsQuery) {
return cb();
function tagConditionKeyAuth(authorizationResults, request, requestContexts, apiMethod, log, cb) {
if (!authorizationResults) {
return cb();
if (!authorizationResults.some(authRes => authRes.checkTagConditions)) {
return cb(null, authorizationResults);
return updateRequestContextsWithTags(request, requestContexts, apiMethod, log, err => {
if (err) {
return cb(err);
return auth.server.doAuth(request, log,
(err, userInfo, authResults) => cb(err, authResults), 's3', requestContexts);
module.exports = {

View File

@ -1,356 +0,0 @@
const { parseString } = require('xml2js');
const { errors, s3middleware } = require('arsenal');
const escapeForXml = s3middleware.escapeForXml;
Format of xml request:
const customizedErrs = {
numberRules: 'The number of CORS rules should not exceed allowed limit ' +
'of 100 rules.',
originAndMethodExist: 'Each CORSRule must identify at least one origin ' +
'and one method.',
// Helper validation methods
const _validator = {
/** _validator.validateNumberWildcards - check if string has multiple
* wildcards
@param {string} string - string to check for multiple wildcards
@return {boolean} - whether more than one wildcard in string
validateNumberWildcards(string) {
const firstIndex = string.indexOf('*');
if (firstIndex !== -1) {
return (string.indexOf('*', firstIndex + 1) === -1);
return true;
/** _validator.validateID - check value of optional ID
* @param {string[]} id - array containing id string
* @return {(Error|true|undefined)} - Arsenal error on failure, true on
* success, undefined if ID does not exist
validateID(id) {
if (!id) {
return undefined; // to indicate ID does not exist
if (!Array.isArray(id) || id.length !== 1
|| typeof id[0] !== 'string') {
return errors.MalformedXML;
if (id[0] === '') {
return undefined;
return true;
/** _validator.validateMaxAgeSeconds - check value of optional MaxAgeSeconds
* @param {string[]} seconds - array containing number string
* @return {(Error|parsedValue|undefined)} - Arsenal error on failure, parsed
* value if valid, undefined if MaxAgeSeconds does not exist
validateMaxAgeSeconds(seconds) {
if (!seconds) {
return undefined;
if (!Array.isArray(seconds) || seconds.length !== 1) {
return errors.MalformedXML;
if (seconds[0] === '') {
return undefined;
const parsedValue = parseInt(seconds[0], 10);
const errMsg = `MaxAgeSeconds "${seconds[0]}" is not a valid value.`;
if (Number.isNaN(parsedValue) || parsedValue < 0) {
return errors.MalformedXML.customizeDescription(errMsg);
return parsedValue;
/** _validator.validateNumberRules - return if number of rules exceeds 100
* @param {number} length - array containing number string
* @return {(Error|true)} - Arsenal error on failure, true on success
validateNumberRules(length) {
if (length > 100) {
return errors.InvalidRequest
return true;
/** _validator.validateOriginAndMethodExist
* @param {string[]} allowedMethods - array of AllowedMethod's
* @param {string[]} allowedOrigins - array of AllowedOrigin's
* @return {(Error|true)} - Arsenal error on failure, true on success
validateOriginAndMethodExist(allowedMethods, allowedOrigins) {
if (allowedOrigins && allowedMethods &&
Array.isArray(allowedOrigins) &&
Array.isArray(allowedMethods) &&
allowedOrigins.length > 0 &&
allowedMethods.length > 0) {
return true;
return errors.MalformedXML
/** _validator.validateMethods - check values of AllowedMethod's
* @param {string[]} methods - array of AllowedMethod's
* @return {(Error|true)} - Arsenal error on failure, true on success
validateMethods(methods) {
let invalidMethod;
function isValidMethod(method) {
const acceptedValues = ['GET', 'PUT', 'HEAD', 'POST', 'DELETE'];
if (acceptedValues.indexOf(method) !== -1) {
return true;
invalidMethod = method;
return false;
if (!methods.every(isValidMethod)) {
const errMsg = 'Found unsupported HTTP method in CORS config. ' +
`Unsupported method is "${invalidMethod}"`;
return errors.InvalidRequest.customizeDescription(errMsg);
return true;
/** _validator.validateAllowedOriginsOrHeaders - check values
* @param {string[]} elementArr - array of elements to check
* @param {string} typeElement - type of element being checked
* @return {(Error|true)} - Arsenal error on failure, true on success
validateAllowedOriginsOrHeaders(elementArr, typeElement) {
for (let i = 0; i < elementArr.length; i++) {
const element = elementArr[i];
if (typeof element !== 'string' || element === '') {
return errors.MalformedXML;
if (!this.validateNumberWildcards(element)) {
const errMsg = `${typeElement} "${element}" can not have ` +
'more than one wildcard.';
return errors.InvalidRequest.customizeDescription(errMsg);
return true;
/** _validator.validateAllowedHeaders - check values of AllowedHeader's
* @param {string[]} headers - array of AllowedHeader's
* @return {(Error|true|undefined)} - Arsenal error on failure, true if
* valid, undefined if optional AllowedHeader's do not exist
validateAllowedHeaders(headers) {
if (!headers) {
return undefined; // to indicate AllowedHeaders do not exist
if (!Array.isArray(headers) || headers.length === 0) {
return errors.MalformedXML;
const result =
this.validateAllowedOriginsOrHeaders(headers, 'AllowedHeader');
if (result instanceof Error) {
return result;
return true;
/** _validator.validateExposeHeaders - check values of ExposeHeader's
* @param {string[]} headers - array of ExposeHeader's
* @return {(Error|true|undefined)} - Arsenal error on failure, true if
* valid, undefined if optional ExposeHeader's do not exist
validateExposeHeaders(headers) {
if (!headers) {
return undefined; // indicate ExposeHeaders do not exist
if (!Array.isArray(headers) || headers.length === 0) {
return errors.MalformedXML;
for (let i = 0; i < headers.length; i++) {
const header = headers[i];
if (typeof header !== 'string') {
return errors.MalformedXML;
if (header.indexOf('*') !== -1) {
const errMsg = `ExposeHeader ${header} contains a wildcard. ` +
'Wildcards are currently not supported for ExposeHeader.';
return errors.InvalidRequest.customizeDescription(errMsg);
if (!/^[A-Za-z0-9-]*$/.test(header)) {
const errMsg = `ExposeHeader ${header} contains invalid ` +
return errors.InvalidRequest.customizeDescription(errMsg);
return true;
/** _validateCorsXml - Validate XML, returning an error if any part is not valid
* @param {object[]} rules - CORSRule collection parsed from xml to be validated
* @param {string[]} [rules[].ID] - optional id to identify rule
* @param {string[]} rules[].AllowedMethod - methods allowed for CORS
* @param {string[]} rules[].AllowedOrigin - origins allowed for CORS
* @param {string[]} [rules[].AllowedHeader] - headers allowed in an OPTIONS
* request via the Access-Control-Request-Headers header
* @param {string[]} [rules[].MaxAgeSeconds] - seconds browsers should cache
* OPTIONS response
* @param {string[]} [rules[].ExposeHeader] - headers exposed to applications
* @return {(Error|object)} - return cors object on success; error on failure
function _validateCorsXml(rules) {
const cors = [];
let result;
if (rules.length > 100) {
return errors.InvalidRequest
for (let i = 0; i < rules.length; i++) {
const rule = rules[i];
const corsRule = {};
result = _validator.validateOriginAndMethodExist(rule.AllowedMethod,
if (result instanceof Error) {
return result;
result = _validator.validateMethods(rule.AllowedMethod);
if (result instanceof Error) {
return result;
corsRule.allowedMethods = rule.AllowedMethod;
result = _validator.validateAllowedOriginsOrHeaders(rule.AllowedOrigin,
if (result instanceof Error) {
return result;
corsRule.allowedOrigins = rule.AllowedOrigin;
result = _validator.validateID(rule.ID);
if (result instanceof Error) {
return result;
} else if (result) { = rule.ID[0];
result = _validator.validateAllowedHeaders(rule.AllowedHeader);
if (result instanceof Error) {
return result;
} else if (result) {
corsRule.allowedHeaders = rule.AllowedHeader;
result = _validator.validateMaxAgeSeconds(rule.MaxAgeSeconds);
if (result instanceof Error) {
return result;
} else if (result) {
corsRule.maxAgeSeconds = result;
result = _validator.validateExposeHeaders(rule.ExposeHeader);
if (result instanceof Error) {
return result;
} else if (result) {
corsRule.exposeHeaders = rule.ExposeHeader;
return cors;
/** parseCorsXml - Parse and validate xml body, returning cors object on success
* @param {string} xml - xml body to parse and validate
* @param {object} log - Werelogs logger
* @param {function} cb - callback to server
* @return {undefined} - calls callback with cors object on success, error on
* failure
function parseCorsXml(xml, log, cb) {
parseString(xml, (err, result) => {
if (err) {
log.trace('xml parsing failed', {
error: err,
method: 'parseCorsXml',
log.debug('invalid xml', { xml });
return cb(errors.MalformedXML);
if (!result || !result.CORSConfiguration ||
!result.CORSConfiguration.CORSRule ||
!Array.isArray(result.CORSConfiguration.CORSRule)) {
const errMsg = 'Invalid cors configuration xml';
return cb(errors.MalformedXML.customizeDescription(errMsg));
const validationRes =
if (validationRes instanceof Error) {
log.debug('xml validation failed', {
error: validationRes,
method: '_validateCorsXml',
return cb(validationRes);
// if no error, validation returns cors object
return cb(null, validationRes);
function convertToXml(arrayRules) {
const xml = [];
xml.push('<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>',
arrayRules.forEach(rule => {
['allowedMethods', 'allowedOrigins', 'allowedHeaders', 'exposeHeaders']
.forEach(key => {
if (rule[key]) {
const element = key.charAt(0).toUpperCase() +
key.slice(1, -1);
rule[key].forEach(value => {
xml.push(`<${element}>${escapeForXml(value)}` +
if ( {
if (rule.maxAgeSeconds) {
return xml.join('');
module.exports = {

View File

@ -1,47 +1,40 @@
const assert = require('assert');
const async = require('async');
const { errors } = require('arsenal');
import async from 'async';
import assert from 'assert';
import { errors } from 'arsenal';
const acl = require('../../../metadata/acl');
const BucketInfo = require('arsenal').models.BucketInfo;
const constants = require('../../../../constants');
const createKeyForUserBucket = require('./createKeyForUserBucket');
const { parseBucketEncryptionHeaders } = require('./bucketEncryption');
const metadata = require('../../../metadata/wrapper');
const kms = require('../../../kms/wrapper');
const isLegacyAWSBehavior = require('../../../utilities/legacyAWSBehavior');
const { isServiceAccount } = require('../authorization/permissionChecks');
import acl from '../../../metadata/acl';
import BucketInfo from '../../../metadata/BucketInfo';
import constants from '../../../../constants';
import createKeyForUserBucket from './createKeyForUserBucket';
import metadata from '../../../metadata/wrapper';
import kms from '../../../kms/wrapper';
const usersBucket = constants.usersBucket;
const oldUsersBucket = constants.oldUsersBucket;
const zenkoSeparator = constants.zenkoSeparator;
const userBucketOwner = 'admin';
function addToUsersBucket(canonicalID, bucketName, bucketMD, log, cb) {
function addToUsersBucket(canonicalID, bucketName, log, cb) {
// BACKWARD: Simplify once do not have to deal with old
// usersbucket name and old splitter
// Get new format usersBucket to see if it exists
return metadata.getBucket(usersBucket, log, (err, usersBucketAttrs) => {
if (err && ! && ! {
if (err && !err.NoSuchBucket && !err.BucketAlreadyExists) {
return cb(err);
const splitter = usersBucketAttrs ?
constants.splitter : constants.oldSplitter;
let key = createKeyForUserBucket(canonicalID, splitter, bucketName);
const omVal = {
creationDate: new Date().toJSON(),
ingestion: bucketMD.getIngestion(),
const omVal = { creationDate: new Date().toJSON() };
// If the new format usersbucket does not exist, try to put the
// key in the old usersBucket using the old splitter.
// Otherwise put the key in the new format usersBucket
const usersBucketBeingCalled = usersBucketAttrs ?
usersBucket : oldUsersBucket;
return metadata.putObjectMD(usersBucketBeingCalled, key,
omVal, {}, log, err => {
if (err?.is?.NoSuchBucket) {
omVal, log, err => {
if (err && err.NoSuchBucket) {
// There must be no usersBucket so createBucket
// one using the new format
log.trace('users bucket does not exist, ' +
@ -61,8 +54,9 @@ function addToUsersBucket(canonicalID, bucketName, bucketMD, log, cb) {
// from getting a BucketAlreadyExists
// error with respect
// to the usersBucket.
// TODO: move to `.is` once BKTCLT-9 is done and bumped in Cloudserver
if (err && !err.BucketAlreadyExists) {
if (err &&
err !==
errors.BucketAlreadyExists) {
log.error('error from metadata', {
error: err,
@ -72,7 +66,7 @@ function addToUsersBucket(canonicalID, bucketName, bucketMD, log, cb) {
// Finally put the key in the new format
// usersBucket
return metadata.putObjectMD(usersBucket,
key, omVal, {}, log, cb);
key, omVal, log, cb);
return cb(err);
@ -96,7 +90,7 @@ function freshStartCreateBucket(bucket, canonicalID, log, callback) {
return callback(err);
log.trace('created bucket in metadata');
return addToUsersBucket(canonicalID, bucketName, bucket, log, err => {
return addToUsersBucket(canonicalID, bucketName, log, err => {
if (err) {
return callback(err);
@ -117,9 +111,9 @@ function freshStartCreateBucket(bucket, canonicalID, log, callback) {
* @param {function} callback - callback with error or null as arguments
* @return {undefined}
function cleanUpBucket(bucketMD, canonicalID, log, callback) {
export function cleanUpBucket(bucketMD, canonicalID, log, callback) {
const bucketName = bucketMD.getName();
return addToUsersBucket(canonicalID, bucketName, bucketMD, log, err => {
return addToUsersBucket(canonicalID, bucketName, log, err => {
if (err) {
return callback(err);
@ -127,29 +121,6 @@ function cleanUpBucket(bucketMD, canonicalID, log, callback) {
* Manage the server side encryption on bucket creation, as a side effect
* a bucket key is created in the kms
* @param {string} bucketName - name of bucket
* @param {object} headers - request headers
* @param {function} log - Werelogs logger
* @param {function} cb - called on completion
* @returns {undefined}
* @callback called with (err, sseInfo: object)
function bucketLevelServerSideEncryption(bucketName, headers, log, cb) {
bucketName, headers, log, (err, sseInfo) => {
if (err) {
log.debug('error getting bucket encryption info', {
error: err,
return cb(err);
return cb(null, sseInfo);
* Creates bucket
* @param {AuthInfo} authInfo - Instance of AuthInfo class with
@ -162,7 +133,7 @@ function bucketLevelServerSideEncryption(bucketName, headers, log, cb) {
* @param {function} cb - callback to bucketPut
* @return {undefined}
function createBucket(authInfo, bucketName, headers,
export function createBucket(authInfo, bucketName, headers,
locationConstraint, log, cb) {
log.trace('Creating bucket');
assert.strictEqual(typeof bucketName, 'string');
@ -170,37 +141,12 @@ function createBucket(authInfo, bucketName, headers,
const ownerDisplayName =
const creationDate = new Date().toJSON();
const isNFSEnabled = headers['x-scal-nfs-enabled'] === 'true';
const headerObjectLock = headers['x-amz-bucket-object-lock-enabled'];
const objectLockEnabled
= headerObjectLock && headerObjectLock.toLowerCase() === 'true';
const bucket = new BucketInfo(bucketName, canonicalID, ownerDisplayName,
creationDate, BucketInfo.currentModelVersion(), null, null, null, null,
null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, isNFSEnabled,
null, null, objectLockEnabled);
let locationConstraintVal = null;
const bucket = new BucketInfo(bucketName,
canonicalID, ownerDisplayName, creationDate,
if (locationConstraint) {
const [locationConstraintStr, ingestion] =
if (locationConstraintStr) {
locationConstraintVal = locationConstraintStr;
if (ingestion === 'ingest') {
//automatically enable versioning for ingestion buckets
bucket.setVersioningConfiguration({ Status: 'Enabled' });
if (objectLockEnabled) {
// default versioning configuration AWS sets
// when a bucket is created with object lock
const versioningConfiguration = {
Status: 'Enabled',
MfaDelete: 'Disabled',
if (locationConstraint !== undefined) {
const parseAclParams = {
@ -209,6 +155,18 @@ function createBucket(authInfo, bucketName, headers,
serverSideEncryption: function serverSideEncryption(callback) {
bucketName, headers, log, (err, sseInfo) => {
if (err) {
log.debug('error getting bucket encryption info', {
error: err,
return callback(err);
return callback(null, sseInfo);
prepareNewBucketMD: function prepareNewBucketMD(callback) {
acl.parseAclFromHeaders(parseAclParams, (err, parsedACL) => {
if (err) {
@ -223,7 +181,6 @@ function createBucket(authInfo, bucketName, headers,
getAnyExistingBucketInfo: function getAnyExistingBucketInfo(callback) {
metadata.getBucket(bucketName, log, (err, data) => {
// TODO: move to `.is` once BKTCLT-9 is done and bumped in Cloudserver
if (err && err.NoSuchBucket) {
return callback(null, 'NoBucketYet');
@ -241,48 +198,27 @@ function createBucket(authInfo, bucketName, headers,
const existingBucketMD = results.getAnyExistingBucketInfo;
if (existingBucketMD instanceof BucketInfo &&
existingBucketMD.getOwner() !== canonicalID &&
!isServiceAccount(canonicalID)) {
// return existingBucketMD to collect cors headers
return cb(errors.BucketAlreadyExists, existingBucketMD);
existingBucketMD.getOwner() !== canonicalID) {
return cb(errors.BucketAlreadyExists);
const newBucketMD = results.prepareNewBucketMD;
const serverSideEncryption = results.serverSideEncryption;
if (serverSideEncryption) {
if (existingBucketMD === 'NoBucketYet') {
const sseConfig = parseBucketEncryptionHeaders(headers);
return bucketLevelServerSideEncryption(
bucketName, sseConfig, log,
(err, sseInfo) => {
if (err) {
return cb(err);
'new bucket without flags; adding transient label');
return freshStartCreateBucket(newBucketMD, canonicalID,
log, cb);
log.trace('new bucket without flags; adding transient label');
return freshStartCreateBucket(newBucketMD, canonicalID, log, cb);
if (existingBucketMD.hasTransientFlag() ||
existingBucketMD.hasDeletedFlag()) {
log.trace('bucket has transient flag or deleted flag. cleaning up');
return cleanUpBucket(newBucketMD, canonicalID, log, cb);
// If bucket already exists in non-transient and non-deleted
// state and owned by requester, then return BucketAlreadyOwnedByYou
// error unless old AWS behavior (us-east-1)
// Existing locationConstraint must have legacyAwsBehavior === true
// New locationConstraint should have legacyAwsBehavior === true
if (isLegacyAWSBehavior(locationConstraintVal) &&
isLegacyAWSBehavior(existingBucketMD.getLocationConstraint())) {
log.trace('returning 200 instead of 409 to mirror us-east-1');
return cb(null, existingBucketMD);
return cb(errors.BucketAlreadyOwnedByYou, existingBucketMD);
// If bucket exists in non-transient and non-deleted
// state and owned by requester:
return cb(errors.BucketAlreadyOwnedByYou);
module.exports = {

Some files were not shown because too many files have changed in this diff Show More