• Joined on 2017-02-23

Bugzilla4intranet Docker image

Updated 2020-05-08 17:02:52 +03:00

cpp-btree with a small fix

Updated 2024-01-15 18:08:51 +03:00

Prometheus exporter for sensor data like temperature and fan speed (built with go-modules)

Updated 2020-03-10 19:17:41 +03:00

Bash "playbooks" for Ceph + OpenNebula

Updated 2023-08-29 13:56:39 +03:00

Diskless Debian prepare script for server install automation

Updated 2020-06-16 17:07:09 +03:00

Dynamic DNS for OpenNebula (fork with setuid)

Updated 2020-01-23 18:44:46 +03:00

Copy of dropbox/json11 repository with uint64_t/int64_t support

Updated 2024-01-04 02:09:12 +03:00

Simplified distributed block and file storage with strong consistency, like in Ceph

Updated 2024-07-23 01:39:37 +03:00

MediaWiki-like select builder for PostgreSQL, Oracle and possibly MySQL

Updated 2022-01-19 18:47:18 +03:00


Updated 2019-03-14 15:43:22 +03:00

Move and discard chunks of Ceph RBD image

Updated 2019-02-19 19:07:48 +03:00

Block copy tool for dm-era

Updated 2023-05-13 11:08:40 +03:00

Grafana dashboard for Ceph with ceph-mgr built-in prometheus exporter (since Mimic) and multi-cluster support

Updated 2020-08-30 14:13:34 +03:00

Docker с imposm3 и скриптом загрузки

Updated 2018-12-12 16:11:13 +03:00