Fork 0

Split blockstore implementation and interface header

Vitaliy Filippov 2019-12-15 14:49:10 +03:00
parent 749ab6e2c6
commit a7e74670a5
21 changed files with 796 additions and 689 deletions

View File

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
BLOCKSTORE_OBJS := allocator.o blockstore.o blockstore_init.o blockstore_open.o blockstore_journal.o blockstore_read.o \
BLOCKSTORE_OBJS := allocator.o blockstore.o blockstore_impl.o blockstore_init.o blockstore_open.o blockstore_journal.o blockstore_read.o \
blockstore_write.o blockstore_sync.o blockstore_stable.o blockstore_flush.o crc32c.o ringloop.o timerfd_interval.o
CXXFLAGS := -g -O3 -Wall -Wno-sign-compare -Wno-comment -Wno-parentheses -Wno-pointer-arith -fPIC -fdiagnostics-color=always
all: $(BLOCKSTORE_OBJS) test test_blockstore libfio_blockstore.so osd
@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ clean:
rm -f *.o
crc32c.o: crc32c.c
g++ $(CXXFLAGS) -c -o $@ $<
%.o: %.cpp allocator.h blockstore_flush.h blockstore.h blockstore_init.h blockstore_journal.h crc32c.h ringloop.h xor.h timerfd_interval.h
%.o: %.cpp allocator.h blockstore_flush.h blockstore.h blockstore_impl.h blockstore_init.h blockstore_journal.h crc32c.h ringloop.h xor.h timerfd_interval.h
g++ $(CXXFLAGS) -c -o $@ $<
osd: $(BLOCKSTORE_OBJS) osd_main.cpp osd.h osd_ops.h osd.o
g++ $(CXXFLAGS) -ltcmalloc_minimal -luring -o osd osd_main.cpp osd.o $(BLOCKSTORE_OBJS)

View File

@ -1,300 +1,51 @@
#include "blockstore.h"
#include "blockstore_impl.h"
blockstore::blockstore(blockstore_config_t & config, ring_loop_t *ringloop)
blockstore_t::blockstore_t(blockstore_config_t & config, ring_loop_t *ringloop)
this->ringloop = ringloop;
ring_consumer.loop = [this]() { loop(); };
initialized = 0;
block_order = strtoull(config["block_size_order"].c_str(), NULL, 10);
if (block_order == 0)
block_order = DEFAULT_ORDER;
block_size = 1 << block_order;
if (block_size < MIN_BLOCK_SIZE || block_size >= MAX_BLOCK_SIZE)
throw std::runtime_error("Bad block size");
zero_object = (uint8_t*)memalign(DISK_ALIGNMENT, block_size);
data_fd = meta_fd = journal.fd = -1;
data_alloc = new allocator(block_count);
catch (std::exception & e)
if (data_fd >= 0)
if (meta_fd >= 0 && meta_fd != data_fd)
if (journal.fd >= 0 && journal.fd != meta_fd)
int flusher_count = strtoull(config["flusher_count"].c_str(), NULL, 10);
if (!flusher_count)
flusher_count = 32;
flusher = new journal_flusher_t(flusher_count, this);
impl = new blockstore_impl_t(config, ringloop);
delete data_alloc;
delete flusher;
if (data_fd >= 0)
if (meta_fd >= 0 && meta_fd != data_fd)
if (journal.fd >= 0 && journal.fd != meta_fd)
if (metadata_buffer)
delete impl;
bool blockstore::is_started()
void blockstore_t::loop()
return initialized == 10;
// main event loop - produce requests
void blockstore::loop()
bool blockstore_t::is_started()
if (initialized != 10)
// read metadata, then journal
if (initialized == 0)
metadata_init_reader = new blockstore_init_meta(this);
initialized = 1;
if (initialized == 1)
int res = metadata_init_reader->loop();
if (!res)
delete metadata_init_reader;
metadata_init_reader = NULL;
journal_init_reader = new blockstore_init_journal(this);
initialized = 2;
if (initialized == 2)
int res = journal_init_reader->loop();
if (!res)
delete journal_init_reader;
journal_init_reader = NULL;
initialized = 10;
// try to submit ops
auto cur_sync = in_progress_syncs.begin();
while (cur_sync != in_progress_syncs.end())
auto cur = submit_queue.begin();
int has_writes = 0;
while (cur != submit_queue.end())
auto op_ptr = cur;
auto op = *(cur++);
// FIXME: This needs some simplification
// Writes should not block reads if the ring is not full and if reads don't depend on them
// In all other cases we should stop submission
if (op->wait_for)
if (op->wait_for == WAIT_SQE)
else if (op->wait_for)
if ((op->flags & OP_TYPE_MASK) == OP_WRITE ||
(op->flags & OP_TYPE_MASK) == OP_DELETE)
has_writes = 2;
unsigned ring_space = io_uring_sq_space_left(&ringloop->ring);
unsigned prev_sqe_pos = ringloop->ring.sq.sqe_tail;
int dequeue_op = 0;
if ((op->flags & OP_TYPE_MASK) == OP_READ)
dequeue_op = dequeue_read(op);
else if ((op->flags & OP_TYPE_MASK) == OP_WRITE ||
(op->flags & OP_TYPE_MASK) == OP_DELETE)
if (has_writes == 2)
// Some writes could not be submitted
dequeue_op = dequeue_write(op);
has_writes = dequeue_op ? 1 : 2;
else if ((op->flags & OP_TYPE_MASK) == OP_SYNC)
// wait for all small writes to be submitted
// wait for all big writes to complete, submit data device fsync
// wait for the data device fsync to complete, then submit journal writes for big writes
// then submit an fsync operation
if (has_writes)
// Can't submit SYNC before previous writes
dequeue_op = dequeue_sync(op);
else if ((op->flags & OP_TYPE_MASK) == OP_STABLE)
dequeue_op = dequeue_stable(op);
if (dequeue_op)
ringloop->ring.sq.sqe_tail = prev_sqe_pos;
if (op->wait_for == WAIT_SQE)
op->wait_detail = 1 + ring_space;
// ring is full, stop submission
if (!readonly)
int ret = ringloop->submit();
if (ret < 0)
throw std::runtime_error(std::string("io_uring_submit: ") + strerror(-ret));
return impl->is_started();
bool blockstore::is_safe_to_stop()
bool blockstore_t::is_safe_to_stop()
// It's safe to stop blockstore when there are no in-flight operations,
// no in-progress syncs and flusher isn't doing anything
if (submit_queue.size() > 0 || in_progress_syncs.size() > 0 || !readonly && flusher->is_active())
return false;
if (unsynced_big_writes.size() > 0 || unsynced_small_writes.size() > 0)
if (!readonly && !stop_sync_submitted)
// We should sync the blockstore before unmounting
blockstore_op_t *op = new blockstore_op_t;
op->flags = OP_SYNC;
op->buf = NULL;
op->callback = [](blockstore_op_t *op)
delete op;
stop_sync_submitted = true;
return false;
return true;
return impl->is_safe_to_stop();
void blockstore::check_wait(blockstore_op_t *op)
void blockstore_t::enqueue_op(blockstore_op_t *op)
if (op->wait_for == WAIT_SQE)
if (io_uring_sq_space_left(&ringloop->ring) < op->wait_detail)
// stop submission if there's still no free space
op->wait_for = 0;
else if (op->wait_for == WAIT_IN_FLIGHT)
auto dirty_it = dirty_db.find((obj_ver_id){
.oid = op->oid,
.version = op->wait_detail,
if (dirty_it != dirty_db.end() && IS_IN_FLIGHT(dirty_it->second.state))
// do not submit
op->wait_for = 0;
else if (op->wait_for == WAIT_JOURNAL)
if (journal.used_start == op->wait_detail)
// do not submit
op->wait_for = 0;
else if (op->wait_for == WAIT_JOURNAL_BUFFER)
if (journal.sector_info[((journal.cur_sector + 1) % journal.sector_count)].usage_count > 0)
// do not submit
op->wait_for = 0;
else if (op->wait_for == WAIT_FREE)
if (!data_alloc->get_free_count() && !flusher->is_active())
op->wait_for = 0;
throw std::runtime_error("BUG: op->wait_for value is unexpected");
void blockstore::enqueue_op(blockstore_op_t *op)
std::map<object_id, uint64_t> & blockstore_t::get_unstable_writes()
int type = op->flags & OP_TYPE_MASK;
if (type < OP_READ || type > OP_DELETE || (type == OP_READ || type == OP_WRITE) &&
(op->offset >= block_size || op->len > block_size-op->offset || (op->len % DISK_ALIGNMENT)) ||
readonly && type != OP_READ)
// Basic verification not passed
op->retval = -EINVAL;
op->wait_for = 0;
op->sync_state = 0;
op->pending_ops = 0;
if ((op->flags & OP_TYPE_MASK) == OP_WRITE)
return impl->unstable_writes;
uint32_t blockstore_t::get_block_size()
return impl->get_block_size();
uint32_t blockstore_t::get_block_order()
return impl->get_block_order();
uint64_t blockstore_t::get_block_count()
return impl->get_block_count();

View File

@ -3,93 +3,21 @@
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/ioctl.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <malloc.h>
#include <linux/fs.h>
#include <liburing.h>
#include <vector>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <map>
#include <list>
#include <deque>
#include <set>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <functional>
#include "sparsepp/sparsepp/spp.h"
#include "allocator.h"
#include "ringloop.h"
// States are not stored on disk. Instead, they're deduced from the journal
#define ST_J_IN_FLIGHT 1
#define ST_J_SUBMITTED 2
#define ST_J_WRITTEN 3
#define ST_J_SYNCED 4
#define ST_J_STABLE 5
#define ST_D_IN_FLIGHT 15
#define ST_D_SUBMITTED 16
#define ST_D_WRITTEN 17
#define ST_D_META_WRITTEN 19
#define ST_D_META_SYNCED 20
#define ST_D_STABLE 21
#define ST_DEL_IN_FLIGHT 31
#define ST_DEL_WRITTEN 33
#define ST_DEL_SYNCED 34
#define ST_DEL_STABLE 35
#define ST_CURRENT 48
#define IS_IN_FLIGHT(st) (st == ST_J_IN_FLIGHT || st == ST_D_IN_FLIGHT || st == ST_DEL_IN_FLIGHT || st == ST_J_SUBMITTED || st == ST_D_SUBMITTED || st == ST_DEL_SUBMITTED)
#define IS_STABLE(st) (st == ST_J_STABLE || st == ST_D_STABLE || st == ST_DEL_STABLE || st == ST_CURRENT)
#define IS_SYNCED(st) (IS_STABLE(st) || st == ST_J_SYNCED || st == ST_D_META_SYNCED || st == ST_DEL_SYNCED)
#define IS_JOURNAL(st) (st >= ST_J_SUBMITTED && st <= ST_J_STABLE)
#define IS_BIG_WRITE(st) (st >= ST_D_SUBMITTED && st <= ST_D_STABLE)
#define IS_DELETE(st) (st >= ST_DEL_SUBMITTED && st <= ST_DEL_STABLE)
#define IS_UNSYNCED(st) (st >= ST_J_SUBMITTED && st <= ST_J_WRITTEN || st >= ST_D_SUBMITTED && st <= ST_D_META_WRITTEN || st >= ST_DEL_SUBMITTED && st <= ST_DEL_WRITTEN)
// Default block size is 128 KB, current allowed range is 4K - 128M
#define DEFAULT_ORDER 17
#define MIN_BLOCK_SIZE 4*1024
#define MAX_BLOCK_SIZE 128*1024*1024
#define DISK_ALIGNMENT 512
#define BS_SUBMIT_GET_SQE(sqe, data) \
struct ring_data_t *data = ((ring_data_t*)sqe->user_data)
#define BS_SUBMIT_GET_ONLY_SQE(sqe) \
struct io_uring_sqe *sqe = get_sqe();\
if (!sqe)\
/* Pause until there are more requests available */\
op->wait_for = WAIT_SQE;\
return 0;\
#define BS_SUBMIT_GET_SQE_DECL(sqe) \
sqe = get_sqe();\
if (!sqe)\
/* Pause until there are more requests available */\
op->wait_for = WAIT_SQE;\
return 0;\
class blockstore;
class blockstore_op_t;
// 16 bytes per object/stripe id
// stripe includes replica number in 4 least significant bits
struct __attribute__((__packed__)) object_id
@ -98,8 +26,6 @@ struct __attribute__((__packed__)) object_id
uint64_t stripe;
#include "blockstore_journal.h"
inline bool operator == (const object_id & a, const object_id & b)
return a.inode == b.inode && a.stripe == b.stripe;
@ -115,21 +41,6 @@ inline bool operator < (const object_id & a, const object_id & b)
return a.inode < b.inode || a.inode == b.inode && a.stripe < b.stripe;
// 24 bytes per "clean" entry on disk with fixed metadata tables
// FIXME: maybe add crc32's to metadata
struct __attribute__((__packed__)) clean_disk_entry
object_id oid;
uint64_t version;
// 32 = 16 + 16 bytes per "clean" entry in memory (object_id => clean_entry)
struct __attribute__((__packed__)) clean_entry
uint64_t version;
uint64_t location;
// 56 = 24 + 32 bytes per dirty entry in memory (obj_ver_id => dirty_entry)
struct __attribute__((__packed__)) obj_ver_id
@ -142,45 +53,19 @@ inline bool operator < (const obj_ver_id & a, const obj_ver_id & b)
return a.oid < b.oid || a.oid == b.oid && a.version < b.version;
struct __attribute__((__packed__)) dirty_entry
uint32_t state;
uint32_t flags; // unneeded, but present for alignment
uint64_t location; // location in either journal or data -> in BYTES
uint32_t offset; // data offset within object (stripe)
uint32_t len; // data length
uint64_t journal_sector; // journal sector used for this entry
class oid_hash
size_t operator()(const object_id &s) const
size_t seed = 0;
spp::hash_combine(seed, s.inode);
spp::hash_combine(seed, s.stripe);
// Copy-pasted from spp::hash_combine()
seed ^= (s.inode + 0xc6a4a7935bd1e995 + (seed << 6) + (seed >> 2));
seed ^= (s.stripe + 0xc6a4a7935bd1e995 + (seed << 6) + (seed >> 2));
return seed;
// - Sync must be submitted after previous writes/deletes (not before!)
// - Reads to the same object must be submitted after previous writes/deletes
// are written (not necessarily synced) in their location. This is because we
// rely on read-modify-write for erasure coding and we must return new data
// to calculate parity for subsequent writes
// - Writes may be submitted in any order, because they don't overlap. Each write
// goes into a new location - either on the journal device or on the data device
// - Stable (stabilize) must be submitted after sync of that object is completed
// It's even OK to return an error to the caller if that object is not synced yet
// - Journal trim may be processed only after all versions are moved to
// the main storage AND after all read operations for older versions complete
// - If an operation can not be submitted because the ring is full
// we should stop submission of other operations. Otherwise some "scatter" reads
// may end up blocked for a long time.
// Otherwise, the submit order is free, that is all operations may be submitted immediately
// In fact, adding a write operation must immediately result in dirty_db being populated
#define OP_READ 1
#define OP_WRITE 2
#define OP_SYNC 3
@ -188,21 +73,7 @@ public:
#define OP_DELETE 5
#define OP_TYPE_MASK 0x7
// Suspend operation until there are more free SQEs
#define WAIT_SQE 1
// Suspend operation until version <wait_detail> of object <oid> is written
#define WAIT_IN_FLIGHT 2
// Suspend operation until there are <wait_detail> bytes of free space in the journal on disk
#define WAIT_JOURNAL 3
// Suspend operation until the next journal sector buffer is free
// Suspend operation until there is some free space on the data device
#define WAIT_FREE 5
struct fulfill_read_t
uint64_t offset, len;
struct blockstore_op_t
@ -222,126 +93,19 @@ struct blockstore_op_t
void *buf;
int retval;
// FIXME: Move internal fields somewhere
friend class blockstore;
friend class blockstore_journal_check_t;
friend void prepare_journal_sector_write(journal_t & journal, io_uring_sqe *sqe, std::function<void(ring_data_t*)> cb);
// Wait status
int wait_for;
uint64_t wait_detail;
int pending_ops;
// Read
std::vector<fulfill_read_t> read_vec;
// Sync, write
uint64_t min_used_journal_sector, max_used_journal_sector;
// Write
struct iovec iov_zerofill[3];
// Sync
std::vector<obj_ver_id> sync_big_writes, sync_small_writes;
std::list<blockstore_op_t*>::iterator in_progress_ptr;
int sync_state, prev_sync_count;
uint8_t private_data[BS_OP_PRIVATE_DATA_SIZE];
#include "blockstore_init.h"
typedef std::unordered_map<std::string, std::string> blockstore_config_t;
#include "blockstore_flush.h"
class blockstore_impl_t;
typedef spp::sparse_hash_map<std::string, std::string> blockstore_config_t;
class blockstore
class blockstore_t
struct ring_consumer_t ring_consumer;
// Another option is https://github.com/algorithm-ninja/cpp-btree
spp::sparse_hash_map<object_id, clean_entry, oid_hash> clean_db;
std::map<obj_ver_id, dirty_entry> dirty_db;
std::list<blockstore_op_t*> submit_queue; // FIXME: funny thing is that vector is better here
std::vector<obj_ver_id> unsynced_big_writes, unsynced_small_writes;
std::list<blockstore_op_t*> in_progress_syncs; // ...and probably here, too
allocator *data_alloc = NULL;
uint8_t *zero_object;
uint64_t block_count;
uint32_t block_order, block_size;
int meta_fd;
int data_fd;
uint64_t meta_offset, meta_size, meta_area, meta_len;
uint64_t data_offset, data_size, data_len;
bool readonly = false;
// FIXME: separate flags for data, metadata and journal
bool disable_fsync = false;
bool inmemory_meta = false;
void *metadata_buffer = NULL;
struct journal_t journal;
journal_flusher_t *flusher;
ring_loop_t *ringloop;
bool stop_sync_submitted;
inline struct io_uring_sqe* get_sqe()
return ringloop->get_sqe();
friend class blockstore_init_meta;
friend class blockstore_init_journal;
friend class blockstore_journal_check_t;
friend class journal_flusher_t;
friend class journal_flusher_co;
void calc_lengths(blockstore_config_t & config);
void open_data(blockstore_config_t & config);
void open_meta(blockstore_config_t & config);
void open_journal(blockstore_config_t & config);
// Asynchronous init
int initialized;
int metadata_buf_size;
blockstore_init_meta* metadata_init_reader;
blockstore_init_journal* journal_init_reader;
void check_wait(blockstore_op_t *op);
// Read
int dequeue_read(blockstore_op_t *read_op);
int fulfill_read(blockstore_op_t *read_op, uint64_t &fulfilled, uint32_t item_start, uint32_t item_end,
uint32_t item_state, uint64_t item_version, uint64_t item_location);
int fulfill_read_push(blockstore_op_t *op, void *buf, uint64_t offset, uint64_t len,
uint32_t item_state, uint64_t item_version);
void handle_read_event(ring_data_t *data, blockstore_op_t *op);
// Write
void enqueue_write(blockstore_op_t *op);
int dequeue_write(blockstore_op_t *op);
int dequeue_del(blockstore_op_t *op);
void handle_write_event(ring_data_t *data, blockstore_op_t *op);
// Sync
int dequeue_sync(blockstore_op_t *op);
void handle_sync_event(ring_data_t *data, blockstore_op_t *op);
int continue_sync(blockstore_op_t *op);
void ack_one_sync(blockstore_op_t *op);
int ack_sync(blockstore_op_t *op);
// Stabilize
int dequeue_stable(blockstore_op_t *op);
void handle_stable_event(ring_data_t *data, blockstore_op_t *op);
void stabilize_object(object_id oid, uint64_t max_ver);
blockstore_impl_t *impl;
blockstore(blockstore_config_t & config, ring_loop_t *ringloop);
blockstore_t(blockstore_config_t & config, ring_loop_t *ringloop);
// Event loop
void loop();
@ -359,9 +123,9 @@ public:
void enqueue_op(blockstore_op_t *op);
// Unstable writes are added here (map of object_id -> version)
std::map<object_id, uint64_t> unstable_writes;
std::map<object_id, uint64_t> & get_unstable_writes();
inline uint32_t get_block_size() { return block_size; }
inline uint32_t get_block_order() { return block_order; }
inline uint64_t get_block_count() { return block_count; }
uint32_t get_block_size();
uint32_t get_block_order();
uint64_t get_block_count();

View File

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
#include "blockstore.h"
#include "blockstore_impl.h"
journal_flusher_t::journal_flusher_t(int flusher_count, blockstore *bs)
journal_flusher_t::journal_flusher_t(int flusher_count, blockstore_impl_t *bs)
this->bs = bs;
this->flusher_count = flusher_count;

View File

@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ class journal_flusher_t;
// Journal flusher coroutine
class journal_flusher_co
blockstore *bs;
blockstore_impl_t *bs;
journal_flusher_t *flusher;
int wait_state, wait_count;
struct io_uring_sqe *sqe;
@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ class journal_flusher_t
int flusher_count;
int sync_threshold;
journal_flusher_co *co;
blockstore *bs;
blockstore_impl_t *bs;
friend class journal_flusher_co;
int journal_trim_counter, journal_trim_interval;
@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ class journal_flusher_t
std::deque<object_id> flush_queue;
std::map<object_id, uint64_t> flush_versions;
journal_flusher_t(int flusher_count, blockstore *bs);
journal_flusher_t(int flusher_count, blockstore_impl_t *bs);
void loop();
bool is_active();

blockstore_impl.cpp Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,303 @@
#include "blockstore_impl.h"
blockstore_impl_t::blockstore_impl_t(blockstore_config_t & config, ring_loop_t *ringloop)
assert(sizeof(blockstore_op_private_t) <= BS_OP_PRIVATE_DATA_SIZE);
this->ringloop = ringloop;
ring_consumer.loop = [this]() { loop(); };
initialized = 0;
block_order = strtoull(config["block_size_order"].c_str(), NULL, 10);
if (block_order == 0)
block_order = DEFAULT_ORDER;
block_size = 1 << block_order;
if (block_size < MIN_BLOCK_SIZE || block_size >= MAX_BLOCK_SIZE)
throw std::runtime_error("Bad block size");
zero_object = (uint8_t*)memalign(DISK_ALIGNMENT, block_size);
data_fd = meta_fd = journal.fd = -1;
data_alloc = new allocator(block_count);
catch (std::exception & e)
if (data_fd >= 0)
if (meta_fd >= 0 && meta_fd != data_fd)
if (journal.fd >= 0 && journal.fd != meta_fd)
int flusher_count = strtoull(config["flusher_count"].c_str(), NULL, 10);
if (!flusher_count)
flusher_count = 32;
flusher = new journal_flusher_t(flusher_count, this);
delete data_alloc;
delete flusher;
if (data_fd >= 0)
if (meta_fd >= 0 && meta_fd != data_fd)
if (journal.fd >= 0 && journal.fd != meta_fd)
if (metadata_buffer)
bool blockstore_impl_t::is_started()
return initialized == 10;
// main event loop - produce requests
void blockstore_impl_t::loop()
if (initialized != 10)
// read metadata, then journal
if (initialized == 0)
metadata_init_reader = new blockstore_init_meta(this);
initialized = 1;
if (initialized == 1)
int res = metadata_init_reader->loop();
if (!res)
delete metadata_init_reader;
metadata_init_reader = NULL;
journal_init_reader = new blockstore_init_journal(this);
initialized = 2;
if (initialized == 2)
int res = journal_init_reader->loop();
if (!res)
delete journal_init_reader;
journal_init_reader = NULL;
initialized = 10;
// try to submit ops
auto cur_sync = in_progress_syncs.begin();
while (cur_sync != in_progress_syncs.end())
auto cur = submit_queue.begin();
int has_writes = 0;
while (cur != submit_queue.end())
auto op_ptr = cur;
auto op = *(cur++);
// FIXME: This needs some simplification
// Writes should not block reads if the ring is not full and if reads don't depend on them
// In all other cases we should stop submission
if (PRIV(op)->wait_for)
if (PRIV(op)->wait_for == WAIT_SQE)
else if (PRIV(op)->wait_for)
if ((op->flags & OP_TYPE_MASK) == OP_WRITE ||
(op->flags & OP_TYPE_MASK) == OP_DELETE)
has_writes = 2;
unsigned ring_space = io_uring_sq_space_left(&ringloop->ring);
unsigned prev_sqe_pos = ringloop->ring.sq.sqe_tail;
int dequeue_op = 0;
if ((op->flags & OP_TYPE_MASK) == OP_READ)
dequeue_op = dequeue_read(op);
else if ((op->flags & OP_TYPE_MASK) == OP_WRITE ||
(op->flags & OP_TYPE_MASK) == OP_DELETE)
if (has_writes == 2)
// Some writes could not be submitted
dequeue_op = dequeue_write(op);
has_writes = dequeue_op ? 1 : 2;
else if ((op->flags & OP_TYPE_MASK) == OP_SYNC)
// wait for all small writes to be submitted
// wait for all big writes to complete, submit data device fsync
// wait for the data device fsync to complete, then submit journal writes for big writes
// then submit an fsync operation
if (has_writes)
// Can't submit SYNC before previous writes
dequeue_op = dequeue_sync(op);
else if ((op->flags & OP_TYPE_MASK) == OP_STABLE)
dequeue_op = dequeue_stable(op);
if (dequeue_op)
ringloop->ring.sq.sqe_tail = prev_sqe_pos;
if (PRIV(op)->wait_for == WAIT_SQE)
PRIV(op)->wait_detail = 1 + ring_space;
// ring is full, stop submission
if (!readonly)
int ret = ringloop->submit();
if (ret < 0)
throw std::runtime_error(std::string("io_uring_submit: ") + strerror(-ret));
bool blockstore_impl_t::is_safe_to_stop()
// It's safe to stop blockstore when there are no in-flight operations,
// no in-progress syncs and flusher isn't doing anything
if (submit_queue.size() > 0 || in_progress_syncs.size() > 0 || !readonly && flusher->is_active())
return false;
if (unsynced_big_writes.size() > 0 || unsynced_small_writes.size() > 0)
if (!readonly && !stop_sync_submitted)
// We should sync the blockstore before unmounting
blockstore_op_t *op = new blockstore_op_t;
op->flags = OP_SYNC;
op->buf = NULL;
op->callback = [](blockstore_op_t *op)
delete op;
stop_sync_submitted = true;
return false;
return true;
void blockstore_impl_t::check_wait(blockstore_op_t *op)
if (PRIV(op)->wait_for == WAIT_SQE)
if (io_uring_sq_space_left(&ringloop->ring) < PRIV(op)->wait_detail)
// stop submission if there's still no free space
PRIV(op)->wait_for = 0;
else if (PRIV(op)->wait_for == WAIT_IN_FLIGHT)
auto dirty_it = dirty_db.find((obj_ver_id){
.oid = op->oid,
.version = PRIV(op)->wait_detail,
if (dirty_it != dirty_db.end() && IS_IN_FLIGHT(dirty_it->second.state))
// do not submit
PRIV(op)->wait_for = 0;
else if (PRIV(op)->wait_for == WAIT_JOURNAL)
if (journal.used_start == PRIV(op)->wait_detail)
// do not submit
PRIV(op)->wait_for = 0;
else if (PRIV(op)->wait_for == WAIT_JOURNAL_BUFFER)
if (journal.sector_info[((journal.cur_sector + 1) % journal.sector_count)].usage_count > 0)
// do not submit
PRIV(op)->wait_for = 0;
else if (PRIV(op)->wait_for == WAIT_FREE)
if (!data_alloc->get_free_count() && !flusher->is_active())
PRIV(op)->wait_for = 0;
throw std::runtime_error("BUG: op->wait_for value is unexpected");
void blockstore_impl_t::enqueue_op(blockstore_op_t *op)
int type = op->flags & OP_TYPE_MASK;
if (type < OP_READ || type > OP_DELETE || (type == OP_READ || type == OP_WRITE) &&
(op->offset >= block_size || op->len > block_size-op->offset || (op->len % DISK_ALIGNMENT)) ||
readonly && type != OP_READ)
// Basic verification not passed
op->retval = -EINVAL;
// Call constructor without allocating memory. We'll call destructor before returning op back
new ((void*)op->private_data) blockstore_op_private_t;
PRIV(op)->wait_for = 0;
PRIV(op)->sync_state = 0;
PRIV(op)->pending_ops = 0;
if ((op->flags & OP_TYPE_MASK) == OP_WRITE)

blockstore_impl.h Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,279 @@
#pragma once
#include "blockstore.h"
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/ioctl.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <malloc.h>
#include <linux/fs.h>
#include <vector>
#include <list>
#include <deque>
#include <set>
#include <new>
#include "sparsepp/sparsepp/spp.h"
#include "allocator.h"
// States are not stored on disk. Instead, they're deduced from the journal
#define ST_J_IN_FLIGHT 1
#define ST_J_SUBMITTED 2
#define ST_J_WRITTEN 3
#define ST_J_SYNCED 4
#define ST_J_STABLE 5
#define ST_D_IN_FLIGHT 15
#define ST_D_SUBMITTED 16
#define ST_D_WRITTEN 17
#define ST_D_META_WRITTEN 19
#define ST_D_META_SYNCED 20
#define ST_D_STABLE 21
#define ST_DEL_IN_FLIGHT 31
#define ST_DEL_WRITTEN 33
#define ST_DEL_SYNCED 34
#define ST_DEL_STABLE 35
#define ST_CURRENT 48
#define IS_IN_FLIGHT(st) (st == ST_J_IN_FLIGHT || st == ST_D_IN_FLIGHT || st == ST_DEL_IN_FLIGHT || st == ST_J_SUBMITTED || st == ST_D_SUBMITTED || st == ST_DEL_SUBMITTED)
#define IS_STABLE(st) (st == ST_J_STABLE || st == ST_D_STABLE || st == ST_DEL_STABLE || st == ST_CURRENT)
#define IS_SYNCED(st) (IS_STABLE(st) || st == ST_J_SYNCED || st == ST_D_META_SYNCED || st == ST_DEL_SYNCED)
#define IS_JOURNAL(st) (st >= ST_J_SUBMITTED && st <= ST_J_STABLE)
#define IS_BIG_WRITE(st) (st >= ST_D_SUBMITTED && st <= ST_D_STABLE)
#define IS_DELETE(st) (st >= ST_DEL_SUBMITTED && st <= ST_DEL_STABLE)
#define IS_UNSYNCED(st) (st >= ST_J_SUBMITTED && st <= ST_J_WRITTEN || st >= ST_D_SUBMITTED && st <= ST_D_META_WRITTEN || st >= ST_DEL_SUBMITTED && st <= ST_DEL_WRITTEN)
#define BS_SUBMIT_GET_SQE(sqe, data) \
struct ring_data_t *data = ((ring_data_t*)sqe->user_data)
#define BS_SUBMIT_GET_ONLY_SQE(sqe) \
struct io_uring_sqe *sqe = get_sqe();\
if (!sqe)\
/* Pause until there are more requests available */\
PRIV(op)->wait_for = WAIT_SQE;\
return 0;\
#define BS_SUBMIT_GET_SQE_DECL(sqe) \
sqe = get_sqe();\
if (!sqe)\
/* Pause until there are more requests available */\
PRIV(op)->wait_for = WAIT_SQE;\
return 0;\
#include "blockstore_journal.h"
// 24 bytes per "clean" entry on disk with fixed metadata tables
// FIXME: maybe add crc32's to metadata
struct __attribute__((__packed__)) clean_disk_entry
object_id oid;
uint64_t version;
// 32 = 16 + 16 bytes per "clean" entry in memory (object_id => clean_entry)
struct __attribute__((__packed__)) clean_entry
uint64_t version;
uint64_t location;
// 56 = 24 + 32 bytes per dirty entry in memory (obj_ver_id => dirty_entry)
struct __attribute__((__packed__)) dirty_entry
uint32_t state;
uint32_t flags; // unneeded, but present for alignment
uint64_t location; // location in either journal or data -> in BYTES
uint32_t offset; // data offset within object (stripe)
uint32_t len; // data length
uint64_t journal_sector; // journal sector used for this entry
// - Sync must be submitted after previous writes/deletes (not before!)
// - Reads to the same object must be submitted after previous writes/deletes
// are written (not necessarily synced) in their location. This is because we
// rely on read-modify-write for erasure coding and we must return new data
// to calculate parity for subsequent writes
// - Writes may be submitted in any order, because they don't overlap. Each write
// goes into a new location - either on the journal device or on the data device
// - Stable (stabilize) must be submitted after sync of that object is completed
// It's even OK to return an error to the caller if that object is not synced yet
// - Journal trim may be processed only after all versions are moved to
// the main storage AND after all read operations for older versions complete
// - If an operation can not be submitted because the ring is full
// we should stop submission of other operations. Otherwise some "scatter" reads
// may end up blocked for a long time.
// Otherwise, the submit order is free, that is all operations may be submitted immediately
// In fact, adding a write operation must immediately result in dirty_db being populated
// Suspend operation until there are more free SQEs
#define WAIT_SQE 1
// Suspend operation until version <wait_detail> of object <oid> is written
#define WAIT_IN_FLIGHT 2
// Suspend operation until there are <wait_detail> bytes of free space in the journal on disk
#define WAIT_JOURNAL 3
// Suspend operation until the next journal sector buffer is free
// Suspend operation until there is some free space on the data device
#define WAIT_FREE 5
struct fulfill_read_t
uint64_t offset, len;
#define PRIV(op) ((blockstore_op_private_t*)(op)->private_data)
#define FINISH_OP(op) PRIV(op)->~blockstore_op_private_t(); op->callback(op)
struct blockstore_op_private_t
// Wait status
int wait_for;
uint64_t wait_detail;
int pending_ops;
// Read
std::vector<fulfill_read_t> read_vec;
// Sync, write
uint64_t min_used_journal_sector, max_used_journal_sector;
// Write
struct iovec iov_zerofill[3];
// Sync
std::vector<obj_ver_id> sync_big_writes, sync_small_writes;
std::list<blockstore_op_t*>::iterator in_progress_ptr;
int sync_state, prev_sync_count;
#include "blockstore_init.h"
#include "blockstore_flush.h"
class blockstore_impl_t
struct ring_consumer_t ring_consumer;
// Another option is https://github.com/algorithm-ninja/cpp-btree
spp::sparse_hash_map<object_id, clean_entry, oid_hash> clean_db;
std::map<obj_ver_id, dirty_entry> dirty_db;
std::list<blockstore_op_t*> submit_queue; // FIXME: funny thing is that vector is better here
std::vector<obj_ver_id> unsynced_big_writes, unsynced_small_writes;
std::list<blockstore_op_t*> in_progress_syncs; // ...and probably here, too
allocator *data_alloc = NULL;
uint8_t *zero_object;
uint64_t block_count;
uint32_t block_order, block_size;
int meta_fd;
int data_fd;
uint64_t meta_offset, meta_size, meta_area, meta_len;
uint64_t data_offset, data_size, data_len;
bool readonly = false;
// FIXME: separate flags for data, metadata and journal
bool disable_fsync = false;
bool inmemory_meta = false;
void *metadata_buffer = NULL;
struct journal_t journal;
journal_flusher_t *flusher;
ring_loop_t *ringloop;
bool stop_sync_submitted;
inline struct io_uring_sqe* get_sqe()
return ringloop->get_sqe();
friend class blockstore_init_meta;
friend class blockstore_init_journal;
friend class blockstore_journal_check_t;
friend class journal_flusher_t;
friend class journal_flusher_co;
void calc_lengths(blockstore_config_t & config);
void open_data(blockstore_config_t & config);
void open_meta(blockstore_config_t & config);
void open_journal(blockstore_config_t & config);
// Asynchronous init
int initialized;
int metadata_buf_size;
blockstore_init_meta* metadata_init_reader;
blockstore_init_journal* journal_init_reader;
void check_wait(blockstore_op_t *op);
// Read
int dequeue_read(blockstore_op_t *read_op);
int fulfill_read(blockstore_op_t *read_op, uint64_t &fulfilled, uint32_t item_start, uint32_t item_end,
uint32_t item_state, uint64_t item_version, uint64_t item_location);
int fulfill_read_push(blockstore_op_t *op, void *buf, uint64_t offset, uint64_t len,
uint32_t item_state, uint64_t item_version);
void handle_read_event(ring_data_t *data, blockstore_op_t *op);
// Write
void enqueue_write(blockstore_op_t *op);
int dequeue_write(blockstore_op_t *op);
int dequeue_del(blockstore_op_t *op);
void handle_write_event(ring_data_t *data, blockstore_op_t *op);
// Sync
int dequeue_sync(blockstore_op_t *op);
void handle_sync_event(ring_data_t *data, blockstore_op_t *op);
int continue_sync(blockstore_op_t *op);
void ack_one_sync(blockstore_op_t *op);
int ack_sync(blockstore_op_t *op);
// Stabilize
int dequeue_stable(blockstore_op_t *op);
void handle_stable_event(ring_data_t *data, blockstore_op_t *op);
void stabilize_object(object_id oid, uint64_t max_ver);
blockstore_impl_t(blockstore_config_t & config, ring_loop_t *ringloop);
// Event loop
void loop();
// Returns true when blockstore is ready to process operations
// (Although you're free to enqueue them before that)
bool is_started();
// Returns true when it's safe to destroy the instance. If destroying the instance
// requires to purge some queues, starts that process. Should be called in the event
// loop until it returns true.
bool is_safe_to_stop();
// Submission
void enqueue_op(blockstore_op_t *op);
// Unstable writes are added here (map of object_id -> version)
std::map<object_id, uint64_t> unstable_writes;
inline uint32_t get_block_size() { return block_size; }
inline uint32_t get_block_order() { return block_order; }
inline uint64_t get_block_count() { return block_count; }

View File

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
#include "blockstore.h"
#include "blockstore_impl.h"
blockstore_init_meta::blockstore_init_meta(blockstore *bs)
blockstore_init_meta::blockstore_init_meta(blockstore_impl_t *bs)
this->bs = bs;
@ -128,7 +128,7 @@ void blockstore_init_meta::handle_entries(struct clean_disk_entry* entries, unsi
blockstore_init_journal::blockstore_init_journal(blockstore *bs)
blockstore_init_journal::blockstore_init_journal(blockstore_impl_t *bs)
this->bs = bs;
simple_callback = [this](ring_data_t *data1)

View File

@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
class blockstore_init_meta
blockstore *bs;
blockstore_impl_t *bs;
int wait_state = 0, wait_count = 0;
void *metadata_buffer = NULL;
uint64_t metadata_read = 0;
@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ class blockstore_init_meta
void handle_entries(struct clean_disk_entry* entries, unsigned count, int block_order);
void handle_event(ring_data_t *data);
blockstore_init_meta(blockstore *bs);
blockstore_init_meta(blockstore_impl_t *bs);
int loop();
@ -26,11 +26,12 @@ struct bs_init_journal_done
class blockstore_init_journal
blockstore *bs;
blockstore_impl_t *bs;
int wait_state = 0, wait_count = 0, handle_res = 0;
uint64_t entries_loaded = 0;
uint32_t crc32_last = 0;
bool started = false;
// FIXME: use DISK_ALIGNMENT everywhere
uint64_t next_free = 512;
std::vector<bs_init_journal_done> done;
uint64_t journal_pos = 0;
@ -46,6 +47,6 @@ class blockstore_init_journal
int handle_journal_part(void *buf, uint64_t done_pos, uint64_t len);
void handle_event(ring_data_t *data);
blockstore_init_journal(blockstore* bs);
blockstore_init_journal(blockstore_impl_t* bs);
int loop();

View File

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
#include "blockstore.h"
#include "blockstore_impl.h"
blockstore_journal_check_t::blockstore_journal_check_t(blockstore *bs)
blockstore_journal_check_t::blockstore_journal_check_t(blockstore_impl_t *bs)
this->bs = bs;
sectors_required = 0;
@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ int blockstore_journal_check_t::check_available(blockstore_op_t *op, int require
if (bs->journal.sector_info[next_sector].usage_count > 0)
// No memory buffer available. Wait for it.
op->wait_for = WAIT_JOURNAL_BUFFER;
return 0;
@ -56,9 +56,9 @@ int blockstore_journal_check_t::check_available(blockstore_op_t *op, int require
if (!right_dir && next_pos >= bs->journal.used_start-512)
// No space in the journal. Wait until used_start changes.
op->wait_for = WAIT_JOURNAL;
PRIV(op)->wait_for = WAIT_JOURNAL;
op->wait_detail = bs->journal.used_start;
PRIV(op)->wait_detail = bs->journal.used_start;
return 0;
return 1;

View File

@ -138,12 +138,12 @@ struct journal_t
struct blockstore_journal_check_t
blockstore *bs;
blockstore_impl_t *bs;
uint64_t next_pos, next_sector, next_in_pos;
int sectors_required;
bool right_dir; // writing to the end or the beginning of the ring buffer
blockstore_journal_check_t(blockstore *bs);
blockstore_journal_check_t(blockstore_impl_t *bs);
int check_available(blockstore_op_t *op, int required, int size, int data_after);

View File

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
#include "blockstore.h"
#include "blockstore_impl.h"
void blockstore::calc_lengths(blockstore_config_t & config)
void blockstore_impl_t::calc_lengths(blockstore_config_t & config)
if (config["readonly"] == "true" || config["readonly"] == "1" || config["readonly"] == "yes")
@ -111,7 +111,7 @@ void check_size(int fd, uint64_t *size, std::string name)
void blockstore::open_data(blockstore_config_t & config)
void blockstore_impl_t::open_data(blockstore_config_t & config)
data_offset = strtoull(config["data_offset"].c_str(), NULL, 10);
if (data_offset % DISK_ALIGNMENT)
@ -130,7 +130,7 @@ void blockstore::open_data(blockstore_config_t & config)
void blockstore::open_meta(blockstore_config_t & config)
void blockstore_impl_t::open_meta(blockstore_config_t & config)
meta_offset = strtoull(config["meta_offset"].c_str(), NULL, 10);
if (meta_offset % DISK_ALIGNMENT)
@ -162,7 +162,7 @@ void blockstore::open_meta(blockstore_config_t & config)
void blockstore::open_journal(blockstore_config_t & config)
void blockstore_impl_t::open_journal(blockstore_config_t & config)
journal.offset = strtoull(config["journal_offset"].c_str(), NULL, 10);
if (journal.offset % DISK_ALIGNMENT)

View File

@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
#include "blockstore.h"
#include "blockstore_impl.h"
int blockstore::fulfill_read_push(blockstore_op_t *op, void *buf, uint64_t offset, uint64_t len,
int blockstore_impl_t::fulfill_read_push(blockstore_op_t *op, void *buf, uint64_t offset, uint64_t len,
uint32_t item_state, uint64_t item_version)
if (IS_IN_FLIGHT(item_state))
// Pause until it's written somewhere
op->wait_for = WAIT_IN_FLIGHT;
op->wait_detail = item_version;
PRIV(op)->wait_for = WAIT_IN_FLIGHT;
PRIV(op)->wait_detail = item_version;
return 0;
else if (IS_DELETE(item_state))
@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ int blockstore::fulfill_read_push(blockstore_op_t *op, void *buf, uint64_t offse
BS_SUBMIT_GET_SQE(sqe, data);
data->iov = (struct iovec){ buf, len };
IS_JOURNAL(item_state) ? journal.fd : data_fd,
@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ int blockstore::fulfill_read_push(blockstore_op_t *op, void *buf, uint64_t offse
return 1;
int blockstore::fulfill_read(blockstore_op_t *read_op, uint64_t &fulfilled, uint32_t item_start, uint32_t item_end,
int blockstore_impl_t::fulfill_read(blockstore_op_t *read_op, uint64_t &fulfilled, uint32_t item_start, uint32_t item_end,
uint32_t item_state, uint64_t item_version, uint64_t item_location)
uint32_t cur_start = item_start;
@ -42,19 +42,19 @@ int blockstore::fulfill_read(blockstore_op_t *read_op, uint64_t &fulfilled, uint
cur_start = cur_start < read_op->offset ? read_op->offset : cur_start;
item_end = item_end > read_op->offset + read_op->len ? read_op->offset + read_op->len : item_end;
auto it = read_op->read_vec.begin();
auto it = PRIV(read_op)->read_vec.begin();
while (1)
for (; it != read_op->read_vec.end(); it++)
for (; it != PRIV(read_op)->read_vec.end(); it++)
if (it->offset >= cur_start)
if (it == read_op->read_vec.end() || it->offset > cur_start)
if (it == PRIV(read_op)->read_vec.end() || it->offset > cur_start)
fulfill_read_t el = {
.offset = cur_start,
.len = it == read_op->read_vec.end() || it->offset >= item_end ? item_end-cur_start : it->offset-cur_start,
.len = it == PRIV(read_op)->read_vec.end() || it->offset >= item_end ? item_end-cur_start : it->offset-cur_start,
it = read_op->read_vec.insert(it, el);
it = PRIV(read_op)->read_vec.insert(it, el);
fulfilled += el.len;
if (!fulfill_read_push(read_op, read_op->buf + el.offset - read_op->offset, item_location + el.offset - item_start, el.len, item_state, item_version))
@ -62,14 +62,14 @@ int blockstore::fulfill_read(blockstore_op_t *read_op, uint64_t &fulfilled, uint
cur_start = it->offset + it->len;
if (it == read_op->read_vec.end() || cur_start >= item_end)
if (it == PRIV(read_op)->read_vec.end() || cur_start >= item_end)
return 1;
int blockstore::dequeue_read(blockstore_op_t *read_op)
int blockstore_impl_t::dequeue_read(blockstore_op_t *read_op)
auto clean_it = clean_db.find(read_op->oid);
auto dirty_it = dirty_db.upper_bound((obj_ver_id){
@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ int blockstore::dequeue_read(blockstore_op_t *read_op)
return 1;
uint64_t fulfilled = 0;
read_op->pending_ops = 0;
PRIV(read_op)->pending_ops = 0;
if (dirty_found)
while (dirty_it->first.oid == read_op->oid)
@ -108,7 +108,7 @@ int blockstore::dequeue_read(blockstore_op_t *read_op)
dirty.state, dirty_it->first.version, dirty.location))
// need to wait. undo added requests, don't dequeue op
return 0;
@ -124,14 +124,14 @@ int blockstore::dequeue_read(blockstore_op_t *read_op)
if (!fulfill_read(read_op, fulfilled, 0, block_size, ST_CURRENT, 0, clean_it->second.location))
// need to wait. undo added requests, don't dequeue op
return 0;
if (!read_op->pending_ops)
if (!PRIV(read_op)->pending_ops)
// everything is fulfilled from memory
if (!read_op->read_vec.size())
if (!PRIV(read_op)->read_vec.size())
// region is not allocated - return zeroes
memset(read_op->buf, 0, read_op->len);
@ -148,18 +148,18 @@ int blockstore::dequeue_read(blockstore_op_t *read_op)
return 1;
void blockstore::handle_read_event(ring_data_t *data, blockstore_op_t *op)
void blockstore_impl_t::handle_read_event(ring_data_t *data, blockstore_op_t *op)
if (data->res != data->iov.iov_len)
// read error
op->retval = data->res;
if (op->pending_ops == 0)
if (PRIV(op)->pending_ops == 0)
if (op->retval == 0)
op->retval = op->len;

View File

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
#include "blockstore.h"
#include "blockstore_impl.h"
// Stabilize small write:
// 1) Copy data from the journal to the data device
@ -38,7 +38,7 @@
// 4) after a while it takes his synced object list and sends stabilize requests
// to peers and to its own blockstore, thus freeing the old version
int blockstore::dequeue_stable(blockstore_op_t *op)
int blockstore_impl_t::dequeue_stable(blockstore_op_t *op)
obj_ver_id* v;
int i, todo = 0;
@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ int blockstore::dequeue_stable(blockstore_op_t *op)
// No such object version
op->retval = -EINVAL;
return 1;
@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ int blockstore::dequeue_stable(blockstore_op_t *op)
// Object not synced yet. Caller must sync it first
op->retval = EAGAIN;
return 1;
else if (!IS_STABLE(dirty_it->second.state))
@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ int blockstore::dequeue_stable(blockstore_op_t *op)
// Already stable
op->retval = 0;
return 1;
// Check journal space
@ -111,17 +111,17 @@ int blockstore::dequeue_stable(blockstore_op_t *op)
if (cur_sector != journal.cur_sector)
if (cur_sector == -1)
op->min_used_journal_sector = 1 + journal.cur_sector;
PRIV(op)->min_used_journal_sector = 1 + journal.cur_sector;
cur_sector = journal.cur_sector;
prepare_journal_sector_write(journal, sqe[s++], cb);
op->max_used_journal_sector = 1 + journal.cur_sector;
op->pending_ops = s;
PRIV(op)->max_used_journal_sector = 1 + journal.cur_sector;
PRIV(op)->pending_ops = s;
return 1;
void blockstore::handle_stable_event(ring_data_t *data, blockstore_op_t *op)
void blockstore_impl_t::handle_stable_event(ring_data_t *data, blockstore_op_t *op)
if (data->res != data->iov.iov_len)
@ -130,21 +130,21 @@ void blockstore::handle_stable_event(ring_data_t *data, blockstore_op_t *op)
"). in-memory state is corrupted. AAAAAAAaaaaaaaaa!!!111"
if (op->pending_ops == 0)
if (PRIV(op)->pending_ops == 0)
// Release used journal sectors
if (op->min_used_journal_sector > 0)
if (PRIV(op)->min_used_journal_sector > 0)
uint64_t s = op->min_used_journal_sector;
uint64_t s = PRIV(op)->min_used_journal_sector;
while (1)
if (s == op->max_used_journal_sector)
if (s == PRIV(op)->max_used_journal_sector)
s = 1 + s % journal.sector_count;
op->min_used_journal_sector = op->max_used_journal_sector = 0;
PRIV(op)->min_used_journal_sector = PRIV(op)->max_used_journal_sector = 0;
// First step: mark dirty_db entries as stable, acknowledge op completion
obj_ver_id* v;
@ -191,6 +191,6 @@ void blockstore::handle_stable_event(ring_data_t *data, blockstore_op_t *op)
// Acknowledge op
op->retval = 0;

View File

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
#include "blockstore.h"
#include "blockstore_impl.h"
#define SYNC_HAS_SMALL 1
#define SYNC_HAS_BIG 2
@ -7,36 +7,36 @@
#define SYNC_DONE 6
int blockstore::dequeue_sync(blockstore_op_t *op)
int blockstore_impl_t::dequeue_sync(blockstore_op_t *op)
if (op->sync_state == 0)
if (PRIV(op)->sync_state == 0)
stop_sync_submitted = false;
if (op->sync_big_writes.size() > 0)
op->sync_state = SYNC_HAS_BIG;
else if (op->sync_small_writes.size() > 0)
op->sync_state = SYNC_HAS_SMALL;
if (PRIV(op)->sync_big_writes.size() > 0)
PRIV(op)->sync_state = SYNC_HAS_BIG;
else if (PRIV(op)->sync_small_writes.size() > 0)
PRIV(op)->sync_state = SYNC_HAS_SMALL;
op->sync_state = SYNC_DONE;
PRIV(op)->sync_state = SYNC_DONE;
int r = continue_sync(op);
if (r)
op->prev_sync_count = in_progress_syncs.size();
op->in_progress_ptr = in_progress_syncs.insert(in_progress_syncs.end(), op);
PRIV(op)->prev_sync_count = in_progress_syncs.size();
PRIV(op)->in_progress_ptr = in_progress_syncs.insert(in_progress_syncs.end(), op);
return r;
int blockstore::continue_sync(blockstore_op_t *op)
int blockstore_impl_t::continue_sync(blockstore_op_t *op)
auto cb = [this, op](ring_data_t *data) { handle_sync_event(data, op); };
if (op->sync_state == SYNC_HAS_SMALL)
if (PRIV(op)->sync_state == SYNC_HAS_SMALL)
// No big writes, just fsync the journal
if (!disable_fsync)
@ -45,16 +45,16 @@ int blockstore::continue_sync(blockstore_op_t *op)
my_uring_prep_fsync(sqe, journal.fd, IORING_FSYNC_DATASYNC);
data->iov = { 0 };
data->callback = cb;
op->min_used_journal_sector = op->max_used_journal_sector = 0;
op->pending_ops = 1;
op->sync_state = SYNC_JOURNAL_SYNC_SENT;
PRIV(op)->min_used_journal_sector = PRIV(op)->max_used_journal_sector = 0;
PRIV(op)->pending_ops = 1;
PRIV(op)->sync_state = SYNC_JOURNAL_SYNC_SENT;
op->sync_state = SYNC_DONE;
PRIV(op)->sync_state = SYNC_DONE;
else if (op->sync_state == SYNC_HAS_BIG)
else if (PRIV(op)->sync_state == SYNC_HAS_BIG)
// 1st step: fsync data
if (!disable_fsync)
@ -63,21 +63,21 @@ int blockstore::continue_sync(blockstore_op_t *op)
my_uring_prep_fsync(sqe, data_fd, IORING_FSYNC_DATASYNC);
data->iov = { 0 };
data->callback = cb;
op->min_used_journal_sector = op->max_used_journal_sector = 0;
op->pending_ops = 1;
op->sync_state = SYNC_DATA_SYNC_SENT;
PRIV(op)->min_used_journal_sector = PRIV(op)->max_used_journal_sector = 0;
PRIV(op)->pending_ops = 1;
PRIV(op)->sync_state = SYNC_DATA_SYNC_SENT;
op->sync_state = SYNC_DATA_SYNC_DONE;
PRIV(op)->sync_state = SYNC_DATA_SYNC_DONE;
if (op->sync_state == SYNC_DATA_SYNC_DONE)
if (PRIV(op)->sync_state == SYNC_DATA_SYNC_DONE)
// 2nd step: Data device is synced, prepare & write journal entries
// Check space in the journal and journal memory buffers
blockstore_journal_check_t space_check(this);
if (!space_check.check_available(op, op->sync_big_writes.size(), sizeof(journal_entry_big_write), 0))
if (!space_check.check_available(op, PRIV(op)->sync_big_writes.size(), sizeof(journal_entry_big_write), 0))
return 0;
@ -88,9 +88,9 @@ int blockstore::continue_sync(blockstore_op_t *op)
// Prepare and submit journal entries
auto it = op->sync_big_writes.begin();
auto it = PRIV(op)->sync_big_writes.begin();
int s = 0, cur_sector = -1;
while (it != op->sync_big_writes.end())
while (it != PRIV(op)->sync_big_writes.end())
journal_entry_big_write *je = (journal_entry_big_write*)
prefill_single_journal_entry(journal, JE_BIG_WRITE, sizeof(journal_entry_big_write));
@ -108,12 +108,12 @@ int blockstore::continue_sync(blockstore_op_t *op)
if (cur_sector != journal.cur_sector)
if (cur_sector == -1)
op->min_used_journal_sector = 1 + journal.cur_sector;
PRIV(op)->min_used_journal_sector = 1 + journal.cur_sector;
cur_sector = journal.cur_sector;
prepare_journal_sector_write(journal, sqe[s++], cb);
op->max_used_journal_sector = 1 + journal.cur_sector;
PRIV(op)->max_used_journal_sector = 1 + journal.cur_sector;
// ... And a journal fsync
if (!disable_fsync)
@ -121,17 +121,17 @@ int blockstore::continue_sync(blockstore_op_t *op)
struct ring_data_t *data = ((ring_data_t*)sqe[s]->user_data);
data->iov = { 0 };
data->callback = cb;
op->pending_ops = 1 + s;
PRIV(op)->pending_ops = 1 + s;
op->pending_ops = s;
op->sync_state = SYNC_JOURNAL_SYNC_SENT;
PRIV(op)->pending_ops = s;
PRIV(op)->sync_state = SYNC_JOURNAL_SYNC_SENT;
return 1;
void blockstore::handle_sync_event(ring_data_t *data, blockstore_op_t *op)
void blockstore_impl_t::handle_sync_event(ring_data_t *data, blockstore_op_t *op)
if (data->res != data->iov.iov_len)
@ -140,30 +140,30 @@ void blockstore::handle_sync_event(ring_data_t *data, blockstore_op_t *op)
"). in-memory state is corrupted. AAAAAAAaaaaaaaaa!!!111"
if (op->pending_ops == 0)
if (PRIV(op)->pending_ops == 0)
// Release used journal sectors
if (op->min_used_journal_sector > 0)
if (PRIV(op)->min_used_journal_sector > 0)
uint64_t s = op->min_used_journal_sector;
uint64_t s = PRIV(op)->min_used_journal_sector;
while (1)
if (s == op->max_used_journal_sector)
if (s == PRIV(op)->max_used_journal_sector)
s = 1 + s % journal.sector_count;
op->min_used_journal_sector = op->max_used_journal_sector = 0;
PRIV(op)->min_used_journal_sector = PRIV(op)->max_used_journal_sector = 0;
// Handle states
if (op->sync_state == SYNC_DATA_SYNC_SENT)
if (PRIV(op)->sync_state == SYNC_DATA_SYNC_SENT)
op->sync_state = SYNC_DATA_SYNC_DONE;
PRIV(op)->sync_state = SYNC_DATA_SYNC_DONE;
else if (op->sync_state == SYNC_JOURNAL_SYNC_SENT)
else if (PRIV(op)->sync_state == SYNC_JOURNAL_SYNC_SENT)
op->sync_state = SYNC_DONE;
PRIV(op)->sync_state = SYNC_DONE;
@ -173,12 +173,12 @@ void blockstore::handle_sync_event(ring_data_t *data, blockstore_op_t *op)
int blockstore::ack_sync(blockstore_op_t *op)
int blockstore_impl_t::ack_sync(blockstore_op_t *op)
if (op->sync_state == SYNC_DONE && op->prev_sync_count == 0)
if (PRIV(op)->sync_state == SYNC_DONE && PRIV(op)->prev_sync_count == 0)
// Remove dependency of subsequent syncs
auto it = op->in_progress_ptr;
auto it = PRIV(op)->in_progress_ptr;
int done_syncs = 1;
// Acknowledge sync
@ -186,8 +186,8 @@ int blockstore::ack_sync(blockstore_op_t *op)
while (it != in_progress_syncs.end())
auto & next_sync = *it++;
next_sync->prev_sync_count -= done_syncs;
if (next_sync->prev_sync_count == 0 && next_sync->sync_state == SYNC_DONE)
PRIV(next_sync)->prev_sync_count -= done_syncs;
if (PRIV(next_sync)->prev_sync_count == 0 && PRIV(next_sync)->sync_state == SYNC_DONE)
// Acknowledge next_sync
@ -199,10 +199,10 @@ int blockstore::ack_sync(blockstore_op_t *op)
return 0;
void blockstore::ack_one_sync(blockstore_op_t *op)
void blockstore_impl_t::ack_one_sync(blockstore_op_t *op)
// Handle states
for (auto it = op->sync_big_writes.begin(); it != op->sync_big_writes.end(); it++)
for (auto it = PRIV(op)->sync_big_writes.begin(); it != PRIV(op)->sync_big_writes.end(); it++)
printf("Ack sync big %lu:%lu v%lu\n", it->oid.inode, it->oid.stripe, it->version);
@ -211,7 +211,7 @@ void blockstore::ack_one_sync(blockstore_op_t *op)
unstab = unstab < it->version ? it->version : unstab;
dirty_db[*it].state = ST_D_META_SYNCED;
for (auto it = op->sync_small_writes.begin(); it != op->sync_small_writes.end(); it++)
for (auto it = PRIV(op)->sync_small_writes.begin(); it != PRIV(op)->sync_small_writes.end(); it++)
printf("Ack sync small %lu:%lu v%lu\n", it->oid.inode, it->oid.stripe, it->version);
@ -220,7 +220,7 @@ void blockstore::ack_one_sync(blockstore_op_t *op)
unstab = unstab < it->version ? it->version : unstab;
dirty_db[*it].state = dirty_db[*it].state == ST_DEL_WRITTEN ? ST_DEL_SYNCED : ST_J_SYNCED;
op->retval = 0;

View File

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
#include "blockstore.h"
#include "blockstore_impl.h"
void blockstore::enqueue_write(blockstore_op_t *op)
void blockstore_impl_t::enqueue_write(blockstore_op_t *op)
// Assign version number
bool found = false, deleted = false, is_del = (op->flags & OP_TYPE_MASK) == OP_DELETE;
@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ void blockstore::enqueue_write(blockstore_op_t *op)
// Already deleted
op->retval = 0;
// Immediately add the operation into dirty_db, so subsequent reads could see it
@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ void blockstore::enqueue_write(blockstore_op_t *op)
// First step of the write algorithm: dequeue operation and submit initial write(s)
int blockstore::dequeue_write(blockstore_op_t *op)
int blockstore_impl_t::dequeue_write(blockstore_op_t *op)
auto dirty_it = dirty_db.find((obj_ver_id){
.oid = op->oid,
@ -76,11 +76,11 @@ int blockstore::dequeue_write(blockstore_op_t *op)
if (flusher->is_active())
// hope that some space will be available after flush
op->wait_for = WAIT_FREE;
PRIV(op)->wait_for = WAIT_FREE;
return 0;
op->retval = -ENOSPC;
return 1;
BS_SUBMIT_GET_SQE(sqe, data);
@ -96,24 +96,24 @@ int blockstore::dequeue_write(blockstore_op_t *op)
// Zero fill newly allocated object. First write is always a big write
// FIXME: Add "no-zero-fill" mode which will just leave random garbage (insecure, but may be useful)
if (op->offset > 0)
op->iov_zerofill[vcnt++] = (struct iovec){ zero_object, op->offset };
op->iov_zerofill[vcnt++] = (struct iovec){ op->buf, op->len };
PRIV(op)->iov_zerofill[vcnt++] = (struct iovec){ zero_object, op->offset };
PRIV(op)->iov_zerofill[vcnt++] = (struct iovec){ op->buf, op->len };
if (op->offset+op->len < block_size)
op->iov_zerofill[vcnt++] = (struct iovec){ zero_object, block_size - (op->offset + op->len) };
PRIV(op)->iov_zerofill[vcnt++] = (struct iovec){ zero_object, block_size - (op->offset + op->len) };
data->iov.iov_len = block_size;
vcnt = 1;
op->iov_zerofill[0] = (struct iovec){ op->buf, op->len };
PRIV(op)->iov_zerofill[0] = (struct iovec){ op->buf, op->len };
data->iov.iov_len = op->len; // to check it in the callback
data->callback = [this, op](ring_data_t *data) { handle_write_event(data, op); };
sqe, data_fd, op->iov_zerofill, vcnt, data_offset + (loc << block_order)
sqe, data_fd, PRIV(op)->iov_zerofill, vcnt, data_offset + (loc << block_order)
op->pending_ops = 1;
op->min_used_journal_sector = op->max_used_journal_sector = 0;
PRIV(op)->pending_ops = 1;
PRIV(op)->min_used_journal_sector = PRIV(op)->max_used_journal_sector = 0;
// Remember big write as unsynced
.oid = op->oid,
@ -157,7 +157,7 @@ int blockstore::dequeue_write(blockstore_op_t *op)
journal.crc32_last = je->crc32;
auto cb = [this, op](ring_data_t *data) { handle_write_event(data, op); };
prepare_journal_sector_write(journal, sqe1, cb);
op->min_used_journal_sector = op->max_used_journal_sector = 1 + journal.cur_sector;
PRIV(op)->min_used_journal_sector = PRIV(op)->max_used_journal_sector = 1 + journal.cur_sector;
// Prepare journal data write
if (journal.inmemory)
@ -174,7 +174,7 @@ int blockstore::dequeue_write(blockstore_op_t *op)
journal.next_free += op->len;
if (journal.next_free >= journal.len)
journal.next_free = 512;
op->pending_ops = 2;
PRIV(op)->pending_ops = 2;
// Remember small write as unsynced
.oid = op->oid,
@ -184,7 +184,7 @@ int blockstore::dequeue_write(blockstore_op_t *op)
return 1;
void blockstore::handle_write_event(ring_data_t *data, blockstore_op_t *op)
void blockstore_impl_t::handle_write_event(ring_data_t *data, blockstore_op_t *op)
if (data->res != data->iov.iov_len)
@ -194,21 +194,21 @@ void blockstore::handle_write_event(ring_data_t *data, blockstore_op_t *op)
"). in-memory state is corrupted. AAAAAAAaaaaaaaaa!!!111"
if (op->pending_ops == 0)
if (PRIV(op)->pending_ops == 0)
// Release used journal sectors
if (op->min_used_journal_sector > 0)
if (PRIV(op)->min_used_journal_sector > 0)
uint64_t s = op->min_used_journal_sector;
uint64_t s = PRIV(op)->min_used_journal_sector;
while (1)
if (s == op->max_used_journal_sector)
if (s == PRIV(op)->max_used_journal_sector)
s = 1 + s % journal.sector_count;
op->min_used_journal_sector = op->max_used_journal_sector = 0;
PRIV(op)->min_used_journal_sector = PRIV(op)->max_used_journal_sector = 0;
// Switch object state
auto & dirty_entry = dirty_db[(obj_ver_id){
@ -232,11 +232,11 @@ void blockstore::handle_write_event(ring_data_t *data, blockstore_op_t *op)
// Acknowledge write without sync
op->retval = op->len;
int blockstore::dequeue_del(blockstore_op_t *op)
int blockstore_impl_t::dequeue_del(blockstore_op_t *op)
auto dirty_it = dirty_db.find((obj_ver_id){
.oid = op->oid,
@ -262,8 +262,8 @@ int blockstore::dequeue_del(blockstore_op_t *op)
journal.crc32_last = je->crc32;
auto cb = [this, op](ring_data_t *data) { handle_write_event(data, op); };
prepare_journal_sector_write(journal, sqe, cb);
op->min_used_journal_sector = op->max_used_journal_sector = 1 + journal.cur_sector;
op->pending_ops = 1;
PRIV(op)->min_used_journal_sector = PRIV(op)->max_used_journal_sector = 1 + journal.cur_sector;
PRIV(op)->pending_ops = 1;
dirty_it->second.state = ST_DEL_SUBMITTED;
// Remember small write as unsynced

View File

@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ extern "C" {
struct bs_data
blockstore *bs;
blockstore_t *bs;
ring_loop_t *ringloop;
/* The list of completed io_u structs. */
std::vector<io_u*> completed;
@ -154,7 +154,7 @@ static int bs_init(struct thread_data *td)
if (read_only)
config["readonly"] = "true";
bsd->ringloop = new ring_loop_t(512);
bsd->bs = new blockstore(config, bsd->ringloop);
bsd->bs = new blockstore_t(config, bsd->ringloop);
while (1)
@ -232,21 +232,22 @@ static enum fio_q_status bs_queue(struct thread_data *td, struct io_u *io)
op->callback = [io, n](blockstore_op_t *op)
bs_data *bsd = (bs_data*)io->engine_data;
if (op->retval >= 0 && bsd->bs->unstable_writes.size() > 0)
auto & unstable_writes = bsd->bs->get_unstable_writes();
if (op->retval >= 0 && unstable_writes.size() > 0)
op->flags = OP_STABLE;
op->len = bsd->bs->unstable_writes.size();
op->len = unstable_writes.size();
obj_ver_id *vers = new obj_ver_id[op->len];
op->buf = vers;
int i = 0;
for (auto it = bsd->bs->unstable_writes.begin(); it != bsd->bs->unstable_writes.end(); it++, i++)
for (auto it = unstable_writes.begin(); it != unstable_writes.end(); it++, i++)
vers[i] = {
.oid = it->first,
.version = it->second,
op->callback = [io, n](blockstore_op_t *op)
io->error = op->retval < 0 ? -op->retval : 0;

View File

@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
#define CL_WRITE_REPLY 2
#define CL_WRITE_DATA 3
osd_t::osd_t(blockstore_config_t & config, blockstore *bs, ring_loop_t *ringloop)
osd_t::osd_t(blockstore_config_t & config, blockstore_t *bs, ring_loop_t *ringloop)
bind_address = config["bind_address"];
if (bind_address == "")

View File

@ -1,8 +1,16 @@
#pragma once
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/ioctl.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <malloc.h>
#include <arpa/inet.h>
#include <malloc.h>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <deque>
#include "ringloop.h"
#include "osd_ops.h"
@ -72,7 +80,7 @@ class osd_t
// fields
blockstore *bs;
blockstore_t *bs;
ring_loop_t *ringloop;
int wait_state = 0;
@ -94,7 +102,7 @@ class osd_t
void make_reply(osd_op_t *op);
void handle_send(ring_data_t *data, int peer_fd);
osd_t(blockstore_config_t & config, blockstore *bs, ring_loop_t *ringloop);
osd_t(blockstore_config_t & config, blockstore_t *bs, ring_loop_t *ringloop);
bool shutdown();

View File

@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ int main(int narg, char *args[])
config["journal_device"] = "./test_journal.bin";
config["data_device"] = "./test_data.bin";
ring_loop_t *ringloop = new ring_loop_t(512);
blockstore *bs = new blockstore(config, ringloop);
blockstore_t *bs = new blockstore_t(config, ringloop);
osd_t *osd = new osd_t(config, bs, ringloop);
while (1)

View File

@ -1,15 +1,15 @@
#include <iostream>
#include <malloc.h>
#include "timerfd_interval.h"
#include "blockstore.h"
int main(int narg, char *args[])
spp::sparse_hash_map<std::string, std::string> config;
blockstore_config_t config;
config["meta_device"] = "./test_meta.bin";
config["journal_device"] = "./test_journal.bin";
config["data_device"] = "./test_data.bin";
ring_loop_t *ringloop = new ring_loop_t(512);
blockstore *bs = new blockstore(config, ringloop);
blockstore_t *bs = new blockstore_t(config, ringloop);
timerfd_interval tick_tfd(ringloop, 1, []()
printf("tick 1s\n");