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[Documentation](../../README.md#documentation) → Introduction → Quick Start
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# Quick Start
- [Preparation](#preparation)
- [Recommended drives](#recommended-drives)
- [Configure monitors](#configure-monitors)
- [Configure OSDs](#configure-osds)
- [Create a pool](#create-a-pool)
- [Check cluster status](#check-cluster-status)
- [Create an image](#create-an-image)
- [Install plugins](#install-plugins)
## Preparation
- Get some SATA or NVMe SSDs with capacitors (server-grade drives). You can use desktop SSDs
with lazy fsync, but prepare for inferior single-thread latency. Read more about capacitors
- If you want to use HDDs, get modern HDDs with Media Cache or SSD Cache: HGST Ultrastar,
Toshiba MG08, Seagate EXOS or something similar. If your drives don't have such cache then
you also need small SSDs for journal and metadata (even 2 GB per 1 TB of HDD space is enough).
- Get a fast network (at least 10 Gbit/s). Something like Mellanox ConnectX-4 with RoCEv2 is ideal.
- Disable CPU powersaving: `cpupower idle-set -D 0 && cpupower frequency-set -g performance`.
- [Install Vitastor packages](../installation/packages.en.md).
## Recommended drives
- SATA SSD: Micron 5100/5200/5300/5400, Samsung PM863/PM883/PM893, Intel D3-S4510/4520/4610/4620, Kingston DC500M
- NVMe: Micron 9100/9200/9300/9400, Micron 7300/7450, Samsung PM983/PM9A3, Samsung PM1723/1735/1743,
Intel DC-P3700/P4500/P4600, Intel D7-P5500/P5600, Intel Optane, Kingston DC1000B/DC1500M
- HDD: HGST Ultrastar, Toshiba MG06/MG07/MG08, Seagate EXOS
## Configure monitors
On the monitor hosts:
- Put identical etcd_address into `/etc/vitastor/vitastor.conf`. Example:
"etcd_address": ["","",""]
- Create systemd units for etcd by running: `/usr/lib/vitastor/mon/make-etcd`
- Start etcd and monitors: `systemctl enable --now etcd vitastor-mon`
## Configure OSDs
- Put etcd_address and osd_network into `/etc/vitastor/vitastor.conf`. Example:
"etcd_address": ["","",""],
"osd_network": ""
- Initialize OSDs:
- SSD-only or HDD-only: `vitastor-disk prepare /dev/sdXXX [/dev/sdYYY ...]`.
Add `--disable_data_fsync off` to leave disk write cache enabled if you use
desktop SSDs without capacitors. Do NOT add `--disable_data_fsync off` if you
use HDDs or SSD+HDD.
- Hybrid, SSD+HDD: `vitastor-disk prepare --hybrid /dev/sdXXX [/dev/sdYYY ...]`.
Pass all your devices (HDD and SSD) to this script — it will partition disks and initialize journals on its own.
This script skips HDDs which are already partitioned so if you want to use non-empty disks for
Vitastor you should first wipe them with `wipefs -a`. SSDs with GPT partition table are not skipped,
but some free unpartitioned space must be available because the script creates new partitions for journals.
- You can change OSD configuration in units or in `vitastor.conf`.
Check [Configuration Reference](../config.en.md) for parameter descriptions.
- If all your drives have capacitors, and even if not, but if you ran `vitastor-disk`
without `--disable_data_fsync off` at the first step, then put the following
setting into etcd: \
`etcdctl --endpoints=... put /vitastor/config/global '{"immediate_commit":"all"}'`
- Start all OSDs: `systemctl start vitastor.target`
## Create a pool
Create pool configuration in etcd:
etcdctl --endpoints=... put /vitastor/config/pools '{"1":{"name":"testpool",
For EC pools the configuration should look like the following:
etcdctl --endpoints=... put /vitastor/config/pools '{"2":{"name":"ecpool",
After you do this, one of the monitors will configure PGs and OSDs will start them.
If you use HDDs you should also add `"block_size": 1048576` to pool configuration.
The other option is to add it into /vitastor/config/global, in this case it will
apply to all pools by default.
## Check cluster status
`vitastor-cli status`
Or you can check PG states with `etcdctl --endpoints=... get --prefix /vitastor/pg/state`. All PGs should become 'active'.
## Create an image
Use vitastor-cli ([read CLI documentation here](../usage/cli.en.md)):
vitastor-cli create -s 10G testimg
After that, you can [run benchmarks](../usage/fio.en.md) or [start QEMU manually](../usage/qemu.en.md) with this image.
## Install plugins
- [Proxmox](../installation/proxmox.en.md)
- [OpenStack](../installation/openstack.en.md)
- [Kubernetes CSI](../installation/kubernetes.en.md)