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[Documentation](../../README.md#documentation) → Usage → NFS
[Читать на русском](nfs.ru.md)
Vitastor has a simplified NFS 3.0 proxy for file-based image access emulation. It's not
suitable as a full-featured file system, at least because all file/image metadata is stored
in etcd and kept in memory all the time - thus you can't put a lot of files in it.
However, NFS proxy is totally fine as a method to provide VM image access and allows to
plug Vitastor into, for example, VMWare. It's important to note that for VMWare it's a much
better access method than iSCSI, because with iSCSI we'd have to put all VM images into one
Vitastor image exported as a LUN to VMWare and formatted with VMFS. VMWare doesn't use VMFS
over NFS.
NFS proxy is stateless if you use immediate_commit=all mode (for SSD with capacitors or
HDDs with disabled cache), so you can run multiple NFS proxies and use a network load
balancer or any failover method you want to in that case.
vitastor-nfs usage:
--subdir <DIR> export images prefixed <DIR>/ (default empty - export all images)
--portmap 0 do not listen on port 111 (portmap/rpcbind, requires root)
--bind <IP> bind service to <IP> address (default
--nfspath <PATH> set NFS export path to <PATH> (default is /)
--port <PORT> use port <PORT> for NFS services (default is 2049)
--pool <POOL> use <POOL> as default pool for new files (images)
--foreground 1 stay in foreground, do not daemonize
Example start and mount commands (etcd_address is optional):
vitastor-nfs --etcd_address --portmap 0 --port 2050 --pool testpool
mount localhost:/ /mnt/ -o port=2050,mountport=2050,nfsvers=3,soft,nolock,tcp