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license.md | ||
package.json |
Social Likes
Try the all new Social Likes Next: no jQuery, no counters, Retina, IE11+, improved skins.
Beautiful share buttons with counters for popular social networks: Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Pinterest, Vkontakte, etc. Uses jQuery.
- Easy to install.
- Beautiful and all in one style (with three different skins).
- Won’t explode your page’s layout.
Installation and configuration
Use interactive builder to generate the code.
Or install via npm: npm install --save social-likes
Advanced configuration
All buttons in a row.
<div class="social-likes">
<div class="facebook" title="Share link on Facebook">Facebook</div>
All buttons in a column.
<div class="social-likes social-likes_vertical">
<div class="facebook" title="Share link on Facebook">Facebook</div>
Single button
One button with a counter (sum of all the networks). Opens popup with like buttons in vertical layout. Use data-single-title
attribute to change button title.
<div class="social-likes social-likes_single" data-single-title="Share me!">
<div class="facebook" title="Share link on Facebook">Facebook</div>
Icons only
If you want to remove button titles add social-likes_notext
class to make it looks better.
<div class="social-likes social-likes_notext">
<div class="facebook" title="Share link on Facebook"></div>
Options define via HTML data attributes or JavaScript parameters object.
URL of shareable page. Current page by default.
Title for Twitter, Vkontakte and LiveJournal. Current page’s title by default.
HTML code for LiveJournal button. By default tag with link to current page.
Disables “likes” counters when “no”. Default: “yes”.
Show counters even when number is 0
. Default: “no”.
Share button title for “single button” mode. Default: “Share”.
<div class="social-likes" data-url="http://landscapists.info/" data-title="Landscapists of Russia">
<div class="social-likes social-likes_single" data-single-title="This is Sharing!">
url: 'https://github.com/sapegin/social-likes/',
title: 'Beautiful “like” buttons with counters for popular social networks',
counters: true,
singleTitle: 'Share it!'
Services specific options
You can specify via
(site’s or your own Twitter) and related
(any other Twitter you want to advertise) values for <div class="twitter">
<div class="twitter" data-via="sapegin" data-related="Landscapists">Twitter</div>
You should specify an image URL via data-media attribute on <div class="pinterest">
<div class="pinterest" data-media="http://example.com/image/url.jpg">Pinterest</div>
Manual initialization
Could be useful on dynamic (AJAX) websites.
<div id="share">
<div class="facebook">Facebook</div>
Dynamic URL changing
You can dynamically replace URL, title and Pinterest image without reinitialization.
<div id="share2" class="social-likes" data-url="http://example.com/" data-title="My example">
<div class="facebook">Facebook</div>
url: 'https://github.com/',
title: 'GitHub',
data: {
media: 'http://birdwatcher.ru/i/userpic.jpg' // Image for Pinterest button
Refreshing counters
By default counters for any unique URL requested only once. You can force new request with forceUpdate
forceUpdate: true
Triggers for every counter.
$('.social-likes').on('counter.social-likes', function(event, service, number) {
// service: facebook, twitter, etc.
Triggers after all counters loaded.
$('.social-likes').on('ready.social-likes', function(event, number) {
// number is total number of shares
Triggers after popup window opened.
$('.social-likes').on('popup_opened.social-likes', function(event, service, win) {
// win is popup window handler (window.open())
Triggers after popup window closed.
$('.social-likes').on('popup_closed.social-likes', function(event, service) {
// Request new counters
$(event.currentTarget).socialLikes({forceUpdate: true});
// Or just increase the number
var counter = $(event.currentTarget).find('.social-likes__counter_' + service);
Adding your own button
You can find some custom buttons in contrib
Define socialLikesButtons
var socialLikesButtons = {
surfingbird: {
popupUrl: 'http://surfingbird.ru/share?url={url}',
popupWidth: 650,
popupHeight: 500
Or with a custom click handler:
var socialLikesButtons = {
livejournal: {
click: function(e) {
// this.widget.data('something')
Add some CSS:
.social-likes__button_surfingbird {
background: #f2f3f5;
color: #596e7e;
border-color: #ced5e2;
.social-likes__icon_surfingbird {
background: url(http://surfingbird.ru/img/share-icon.png) no-repeat 2px 3px;
And use it like any other button:
<div class="surfingbird">Surf</div>
See sources (src
folder) for available options and class names and contrib
folder for custom buttons examples.
Likes or shares?
This plugin allows your users to “share” the content of your website. (Un)fortunately¹ real “likes” are possible only when you use original Facebook, Google+, etc. buttons.
¹ I believe that “shares” are much better and valuable than “likes” because they’re more visible in feed and users could add they’re own comments to links they share. “Like” costs nothing.
How to change title, description and image
You can use Open Graph. It works for Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Pinterest and Vkontakte).
You can add additional Twitter data using Twitter Card. You have to approve every type of Twitter Card.
<meta property="og:type" content="article">
<meta property="og:url" content="{page_url}">
<meta property="og:title" content="{title}">
<meta property="og:description" content="{description}">
<meta property="og:image" content="{image_url}">
<meta name="twitter:card" content="summary">
<meta name="twitter:site" content="@SiteTwitter">
<meta name="twitter:creator" content="@sapegin">
If you’re experiencing any problems with meta data try Open Graph Debugger and Twitter Card Validator.
How to fix Twitter counter
Twitter counter API was disabled by Twitter but you can replace it with OpenShareCount. It’s free but you have to register your site there.
Create account at OpenShareCount.
Add this script before you include
var socialLikesButtons = {
twitter: {
counterUrl: 'https://opensharecount.com/count.json?url={url}&callback=?',
convertNumber: function(data) {
return data.count;
How to use Social Likes with Wordpress, etc.
See wiki.
How to track activity with Google Analytics
You can track how many people click on each social button on your site with Google Analytics (or other analytics service). Note that you can track clicks only, not real shares.
$(document).on('popup_opened.social-likes', function(event, service) {
ga('send', 'social', service, 'share', location.href);
The buttons don’t work, displayed without design or don’t displayed at all
First look at your browser’s console. If you see an error “Uncaught ReferenceError: jQuery is not defined”:
Then you need to include jQuery into your page. Make sure you use version at least 1.7 (and lower than 2.0 if you need to support IE8) and you include jQuery before social-likes.js
. The easiest way to do it is to use Google CDN:
<script src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.11.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
If you don’t see any error check the following:
is included after jQuery and the path is correct. -
is included in <head> of your page and the path is correct.
So you need your page to look like this:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<title>Welcome to my site!</title>
<link href="social-likes_birman.css" rel="stylesheet">
<script src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.11.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<script src="social-likes.js"></script>
Counters don’t work
Twitter counter was disabled in 3.0.15.
In most cases if you don’t see counters it’s because social networks APIs return zeros. You could check API requests results in Network tab in your browser’s developer tools:
Double check that you use canonical URLs (without extra parameters such as utm_source
). You can change URL via data-url
If you have more than one Social Likes blocks on a page with different URLs, Google+ counter will work only for the first block. Google+ counter also won’t work when you refresh counters with forceUpdate
option or change URL dynamically.
If your site have internationalized domain name (e.g. президент.рф
) make sure you convert it to Punycode (e.g. xn--d1abbgf6aiiy.xn--p1ai
If you’re sure that it’s a bug please file an issue and provide a link to a page with non-working counter.
Release History
The changelog can be found on the Releases page.
Everyone is welcome to contribute. Please take a moment to review the contributing guidelines.
The MIT License, see the included license.md file.