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// Tâmia © 2013 Artem Sapegin
// Checkbox and radio button
// Requires Modernizr.svg
// Dependencies: form
// Bones
white-space: nowrap
// For prehistoric browsers
display: none
display: inline-block
white-space: normal
vertical-align: middle
// Input should be hidden but focusable
// display:none and width=height=0 dont work here
position: absolute
opacity: 0
overflow: hidden
height: 1px
width: 1px
padding: 0
border: 0
&__input:checked + &__label &__button,
&__input:not(:checked) + &__label &__button
display: inline-block
&__input:checked + &__label &__button
position: relative
content: ""
position: absolute
line-height: 1
&.is-disabled &__input + &__label
opacity: .4
// Default skin
modules_default_skin ?= true
checkbox_default_skin ?= false
if modules_default_skin or checkbox_default_skin
line-height: 1.8
font-size: 1em
&__input:checked + &__label &__button,
&__input:not(:checked) + &__label &__button
width: size = 1em
height: size
margin-top: -.15em
margin-right: .15em
border: 1px solid #bbb
border-radius: form_border_radius
box-shadow: inset 0 .1em .2em black(.1)
&__input:checked + &__label &__button
background-size: 100% 100%
background-repeat: no-repeat
&__input:enabled:active + &__label &__button,
&__input:focus + &__label &__button
background: #f4f4f4
&__input:checked + &__label &__button
center(.8em, .65em)
background-image: embedurl("check.svg")
.no-svg &:before
font-size: 0.8em
color: #444
content: ""
&__input:checked + &__label &__button,
&__input:not(:checked) + &__label &__button
border-radius: 50%
&__input:checked + &__label &__button
background-image: embedurl("radio.svg")
.no-svg &:before
background: #444
border-radius: 50%