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// Tâmia © 2013 Artem Sapegin
// Links
// Configuration
// Link style (default: underline).
// Values:
// - underline - text-decoration:underline.
// - border - border-bottom:1px solid.
// - gradient - Uses CSS gradients to position line under text (cannot change line color on hover).
link_style ?= "underline"
// Link color (default: #1978c8).
link_color ?= #1978c8
// Visited link color.
visited_color ?= link_color
// Hovered link color.
hover_color ?= link_color
// Link underline color.
link_underline_color ?= rgba(link_color,.4)
// Visited link underline color.
visited_underline_color ?= rgba(visited_color,.4)
// Hovered link underline color.
hover_underline_color ?= rgba(hover_color,.4)
// Link underline position (only when link_style == gradient, default: 80%)
link_underline_position ?= 80%
link_underline_position = 76.5% if link_style == "underline"
// Pressable links (shifts down by 1px, default: false).
link_pressable ?= false
// Mixins
// Adds link underline (adds nothing for "underline" and "border" types)
if link_style == "gradient"
background-image: linear-gradient(to right, color, color)
// Adds fake link underline (adds nothing for "underline" type)
if link_style != "border"
background-image: linear-gradient(to right, color, color 50%, transparent 50%)
// :hover, :active and :focus states of the link.
// Example:
// +link-hovers()
// color: #bada55
link-hovers() {
&:focus {
// All states of the link.
// Example:
// +link-all-states()
// color: @color
link-all-states() {
&:focus {
// Classes
// Pressable element: pointer cursor + disable text selection.
cursor: pointer
// Pressable element: shifts down by 1px on click.
@extend .pressable-inset
position: relative if link_pressable
top: 1px if link_pressable
// Non-pressable element: cancels .pressable.
cursor: default
position: static if link_pressable
// Remove underline.
text-decoration: none
border-bottom: 0
background-image: none
// Link.
// .link_fake - Pseudo link with dashed underline.
// .link_quoted - Link in quotes (quotes should be colored but not underlined). Example:>u.
& u
@extend .pressable
transition: border .1s ease-in-out, color .2s ease-in-out, background .2s ease-in-out
cursor: pointer
if link_style == "underline"
text-decoration: underline
text-decoration: none
if link_style == "border"
border-bottom-width: 1px
border-bottom-style: solid
if link_style == "gradient"
background-position: 0 link_underline_position
background-size: 5px 1px
background-repeat: repeat-x
& u,
&:link u
color: link_color
&:visited u
color: visited_color
&:hover u,
&:active u,
&:focus u
color: hover_color
if link_style == "border"
border-bottom-style: dotted
if link_style != "gradient"
text-decoration: none
background-position: 0 link_underline_position
background-size: 5px 1px
background-repeat: repeat-x
color: link_color
color: hover_color
@extend .no-underline
text-decoration: underline
text-decoration: none
border-bottom: 1px dotted