
164 lines
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// Case for a "Ceph OSD" from ROCK64 + 3.5" HDD + USB3.0-SATA UASP :)
// Version 1, simplest
// From WD datasheet: https://support.wdc.com/images/kb/2579-771970-A03.pdf + https://www.techpowerup.com/forums/attachments/3_5_emount-jpg.44813/
hdd35_w = 102;
hdd35_l = 147;
hdd35_h = 26.1;
hdd35_screw1_offset = 28.5; // from connector side
hdd35_screw2_offset = 28.5+41.61; // from connector side
hdd35_screw3_offset = 28.5+101.6; // from connector side
hdd35_screw_zpos = 6.35; // from bottom
hdd35_screw_dia = 3.51; // 6-32 screws
// From ROCK64 drawings: https://github.com/TeaPackCZ/Rock64_drawings/blob/master/Rock64 Base.pdf
rock64_w = 56.2;
rock64_l = 88;
rock64_h = 17; // +2mm under for microsd slot
rock64_board_thick = 1.5;
rock64_screw_offset = 3.6; // from back and edges
rock64_screw_distance = 58; // from back screws to front screws
rock64_screw_dia = 2.8; // weird screws
rock64_microsd_offset = 19.2;
rock64_microsd_length = 16;
rock64_zpos = 16;
rock64_screw_post_dia = 6;
wall_thickness = 5;
extra_length = 25+wall_thickness;
cooler_pos = 17;
show_assembly = true;
if (show_assembly)
// 3.5 HDD and screws
color([0.8, 0.6, 1]) cube(size=[hdd35_w, hdd35_l, hdd35_h]);
color([0.5, 0.5, 1]) translate([0, -rock64_w, 0]) cube(size=[50, rock64_w, 13]);
color([1, 1, 1]) translate([ 0, hdd35_screw1_offset, hdd35_screw_zpos ]) rotate([0, -90, 0]) cylinder(r=hdd35_screw_dia/2, h=3, $fn=32);
color([1, 1, 1]) translate([ 0, hdd35_screw2_offset, hdd35_screw_zpos ]) rotate([0, -90, 0]) cylinder(r=hdd35_screw_dia/2, h=3, $fn=32);
color([1, 1, 1]) translate([ 0, hdd35_screw3_offset, hdd35_screw_zpos ]) rotate([0, -90, 0]) cylinder(r=hdd35_screw_dia/2, h=3, $fn=32);
color([1, 1, 1]) translate([ hdd35_w, hdd35_screw1_offset, hdd35_screw_zpos ]) rotate([0, 90, 0]) cylinder(r=hdd35_screw_dia/2, h=3, $fn=32);
color([1, 1, 1]) translate([ hdd35_w, hdd35_screw2_offset, hdd35_screw_zpos ]) rotate([0, 90, 0]) cylinder(r=hdd35_screw_dia/2, h=3, $fn=32);
color([1, 1, 1]) translate([ hdd35_w, hdd35_screw3_offset, hdd35_screw_zpos ]) rotate([0, 90, 0]) cylinder(r=hdd35_screw_dia/2, h=3, $fn=32);
// ROCK64
color([0.6, 0.8, 1]) translate([rock64_l/2+1, -rock64_w/2-3, rock64_zpos]) rotate([-90, 180, 90]) import("./ROCK64.stl");
// 30x30x15 cooler
translate([cooler_pos, -rock64_w-extra_length+wall_thickness, total_h/2-1-30/2]) cube(size=[30,15,30]);
// 12V - 5V converter from aliexpress 25x15x6.3
translate([50, -rock64_w, 0]) union() {
cube(size=[25, 15, 1.5]);
translate([1, 1, 0]) cube(size=[23, 13, 6.3]);
total_h = rock64_zpos+rock64_board_thick+rock64_h+2;
color([0, 0.8, 0.5]) {
// Screw posts for ROCK64
translate([rock64_screw_offset+2.4, -rock64_screw_offset-3, rock64_zpos+rock64_board_thick]) difference() {
cylinder(r=rock64_screw_post_dia/2, h=rock64_h, $fn=32);
translate([0, 0, -1]) cylinder(r=1.45, h=10, $fn=32);
translate([rock64_screw_offset+2.4, -rock64_w+rock64_screw_offset-3, rock64_zpos+rock64_board_thick]) difference() {
cylinder(r=rock64_screw_post_dia/2, h=rock64_h, $fn=32);
translate([0, 0, -1]) cylinder(r=1.45, h=10, $fn=32);
translate([rock64_screw_distance+rock64_screw_offset+2.4, -rock64_screw_offset-3, rock64_zpos+rock64_board_thick]) difference() {
cylinder(r=rock64_screw_post_dia/2, h=rock64_h, $fn=32);
translate([0, 0, -1]) cylinder(r=1.45, h=10, $fn=32);
translate([rock64_screw_distance+rock64_screw_offset+2.4, -rock64_w+rock64_screw_offset-3, rock64_zpos+rock64_board_thick]) difference() {
cylinder(r=rock64_screw_post_dia/2, h=rock64_h, $fn=32);
translate([0, 0, -1]) cylinder(r=1.45, h=10, $fn=32);
// Walls and lid
union() {
translate([-wall_thickness, -rock64_w-extra_length, -2]) cube(size=[wall_thickness, rock64_w+extra_length+hdd35_l+wall_thickness, rock64_zpos+rock64_board_thick+rock64_h+2]);
translate([-wall_thickness, -rock64_w-extra_length, rock64_zpos+rock64_board_thick+rock64_h]) cube(size=[wall_thickness*2+hdd35_w, rock64_w+extra_length+hdd35_l+wall_thickness, 2]);
translate([hdd35_w, -rock64_w-extra_length, -2]) cube(size=[wall_thickness, rock64_w+extra_length+hdd35_l+wall_thickness, rock64_zpos+rock64_board_thick+rock64_h+2]);
translate([0, hdd35_l+1, -2]) cube(size=[hdd35_w, wall_thickness-1, rock64_zpos+rock64_board_thick+rock64_h+2]);
translate([0, -rock64_w-extra_length, -2]) cube(size=[hdd35_w, wall_thickness, rock64_zpos+rock64_board_thick+rock64_h+2]);
// Holes for cooler and cooler screws
translate([cooler_pos+30/2, -rock64_w-extra_length+wall_thickness/2, total_h/2-1-30/2+30/2]) rotate([90, 0, 0]) difference() {
union() {
cylinder(r=30/2, $fn=64, h=wall_thickness+2, center=true);
translate([-12, -12, 0]) cylinder(r=1, $fn=16, h=wall_thickness+2, center=true);
translate([12, -12, 0]) cylinder(r=1, $fn=16, h=wall_thickness+2, center=true);
translate([-12, 12, 0]) cylinder(r=1, $fn=16, h=wall_thickness+2, center=true);
translate([12, 12, 0]) cylinder(r=1, $fn=16, h=wall_thickness+2, center=true);
difference() {
cube(size=[30, 30, wall_thickness+2], center=true);
cube(size=[30-2, 30-2, wall_thickness+2], center=true);
// Hole for Ethernet and USB slots
translate([ hdd35_w-1, -3-rock64_w, rock64_zpos ]) cube(size=[wall_thickness+2, rock64_w, rock64_h]);
// Hole for MicroSD
translate([ -wall_thickness-1, -3-rock64_microsd_offset-rock64_microsd_length, rock64_zpos-3 ]) cube(size=[wall_thickness+2, rock64_microsd_length, 5]);
// Hole for the power cord
translate([ 9, -rock64_w-extra_length+wall_thickness-6/2, 7 ]) rotate([90, 0, 0]) cylinder(h=wall_thickness+2, r=6, $fn=32, center=true);
// Holes for HDD screws
translate([ 0, hdd35_screw1_offset, hdd35_screw_zpos ]) rotate([0, -90, 0]) cylinder(r=hdd35_screw_dia/2, h=10, $fn=32);
//translate([ 0, hdd35_screw2_offset, hdd35_screw_zpos ]) rotate([0, -90, 0]) cylinder(r=hdd35_screw_dia/2, h=10, $fn=32);
translate([ 0, hdd35_screw3_offset, hdd35_screw_zpos ]) rotate([0, -90, 0]) cylinder(r=hdd35_screw_dia/2, h=10, $fn=32);
translate([ -1, hdd35_screw1_offset, hdd35_screw_zpos ]) rotate([0, -90, 0]) cylinder(r=hdd35_screw_dia/2+2.5, h=10, $fn=32);
//translate([ -1, hdd35_screw2_offset, hdd35_screw_zpos ]) rotate([0, -90, 0]) cylinder(r=hdd35_screw_dia/2+2, h=10, $fn=32);
translate([ -1, hdd35_screw3_offset, hdd35_screw_zpos ]) rotate([0, -90, 0]) cylinder(r=hdd35_screw_dia/2+2.5, h=10, $fn=32);
translate([ hdd35_w, hdd35_screw1_offset, hdd35_screw_zpos ]) rotate([0, 90, 0]) cylinder(r=hdd35_screw_dia/2, h=10, $fn=32);
//translate([ hdd35_w, hdd35_screw2_offset, hdd35_screw_zpos ]) rotate([0, 90, 0]) cylinder(r=hdd35_screw_dia/2, h=10, $fn=32);
translate([ hdd35_w, hdd35_screw3_offset, hdd35_screw_zpos ]) rotate([0, 90, 0]) cylinder(r=hdd35_screw_dia/2, h=10, $fn=32);
translate([ hdd35_w+1, hdd35_screw1_offset, hdd35_screw_zpos ]) rotate([0, 90, 0]) cylinder(r=hdd35_screw_dia/2+2.5, h=10, $fn=32);
//translate([ hdd35_w+1, hdd35_screw2_offset, hdd35_screw_zpos ]) rotate([0, 90, 0]) cylinder(r=hdd35_screw_dia/2+2, h=10, $fn=32);
translate([ hdd35_w+1, hdd35_screw3_offset, hdd35_screw_zpos ]) rotate([0, 90, 0]) cylinder(r=hdd35_screw_dia/2+2.5, h=10, $fn=32);
// Side slots
for (i = [-7:11]) {
if (i >= -1 || i <= -5) {
translate([ -wall_thickness-1, 8+i*12, total_h-wall_thickness ]) translate([ -1, -1, -1 ]) minkowski() {
translate([0, -3, -(total_h-wall_thickness*2 - (i == 2 || i == 10 || i == 11 ? 14 : 0))]) cube(size=[ wall_thickness+2, 2, total_h-wall_thickness*2 - (i == 2 || i == 10 || i == 11 ? 14 : 0) ]);
translate([ hdd35_w+wall_thickness, 0, 0 ]) for (i = [-7:11]) {
if (i >= 0 || i <= -6) {
//translate([ -wall_thickness-1, 7+i*14, total_h-wall_thickness ]) rotate([30, 0, 0]) translate([ -1, -1, -1 ]) minkowski() {
translate([ -wall_thickness-1, 8+i*12, total_h-wall_thickness ]) translate([ -1, -1, -1 ]) minkowski() {
translate([0, -3, -(total_h-wall_thickness*2 - (i == 2 || i == 10 || i == 11 ? 14 : 0))]) cube(size=[ wall_thickness+2, 2, total_h-wall_thickness*2 - (i == 2 || i == 10 || i == 11 ? 14 : 0) ]);
translate([ hdd35_w+2, hdd35_l+wall_thickness, 0 ]) rotate([ 0, 0, 90 ]) for (i = [1:6]) {
translate([ -wall_thickness-1, -5+i*15, total_h-wall_thickness ]) rotate([30, 0, 0]) translate([ -1, -1, -1 ]) minkowski() {
translate([0, -3, -(total_h-wall_thickness*2)]) cube(size=[ wall_thickness+2, 3, total_h-wall_thickness*2 ]);
translate([ hdd35_w+2, -rock64_w-extra_length+wall_thickness, 0 ]) rotate([ 0, 0, 90 ]) for (i = [1:4]) {
translate([ -wall_thickness-1, i*12, total_h-wall_thickness ]) translate([ -1, -1, -1 ]) minkowski() {
translate([0, -3, -(total_h-wall_thickness*2)]) cube(size=[ wall_thickness+2, 2, total_h-wall_thickness*2 ]);