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"Product*","Plans+","Summary*","Author*","Default Tester","Status*","Priority*","Category*","Components","Requirements","Estimated Time","Automated","Scripts","Arguments","Alias","Tags","Bugs","Depends On","Blocks","Runs","Setup","Breakdown","Action","Expected Results"
"TestProduct","22, 33","Test the button for causing world destruction","admin@testopia.com","tester@testopia.com","CONFIRMED","P3","Destruction","buttons, widgets","REQ#00001","00:00:2","NO",,,,"Explosions, Fried Fish","55,66",2,"8 ,9, 10","770, 857","Fill out last will and Testement","No Breakdown","1.Locate the big red button
2. Press the big red button
3. Wait for large explosion","1. Boom
2. Are you sure?"
"TestProduct",23,"Automated test for world destruction","admin@testopia.com","tester@testopia.com","PROPOSED","P3","Destruction","buttons, widgets","REQ#00001","0","YES","destroy.pl","-w","tc_destruction_01","Explosions, Fried Fish",,2,"8 ,9, 10","770, 857","Fly to Mars","Mine ore","1.Locate the big red button
2. Press the big red button
3. Wait for large explosion","1. Boom
2. Eat fried fish"
"* Required field",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
"+ Required if going to tr_importer.cgi directly (not from within the plan file menu)",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
"Valid Author or Tester must be an email address matching a login name",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
"Valid Status includes CONFIRMED DISABLED PROPOSED",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
"Category must be a valid test case category name",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
"Component can be a comma separated list of valid Component names",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
"The following fields allow comma separated lists of values: plans, runs, tags, bugs, depends on, blocks",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
"Priority must be a valid bugzilla priority",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,