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v3.3.4 (2018-04-TBD)

See code changes and v3.3 upgrade guide for any breaking changes.

Metrics, Monitoring

Security, Authentication

  • Fix TLS reload when certificate SAN field only includes IP addresses but no domain names.
    • In Go, server calls (*tls.Config).GetCertificate for TLS reload if and only if server's (*tls.Config).Certificates field is not empty, or (*tls.ClientHelloInfo).ServerName is not empty with a valid SNI from the client. Previously, etcd always populates (*tls.Config).Certificates on the initial client TLS handshake, as non-empty. Thus, client was always expected to supply a matching SNI in order to pass the TLS verification and to trigger (*tls.Config).GetCertificate to reload TLS assets.
    • However, a certificate whose SAN field does not include any domain names but only IP addresses would request *tls.ClientHelloInfo with an empty ServerName field, thus failing to trigger the TLS reload on initial TLS handshake; this becomes a problem when expired certificates need to be replaced online.
    • Now, (*tls.Config).Certificates is created empty on initial TLS client handshake, first to trigger (*tls.Config).GetCertificate, and then to populate rest of the certificates on every new TLS connection, even when client SNI is empty (e.g. cert only includes IPs).

v3.3.3 (2018-03-29)

See code changes and v3.3 upgrade guide for any breaking changes.


  • Adjust election timeout on server restart to reduce disruptive rejoining servers.
    • Previously, etcd fast-forwards election ticks on server start, with only one tick left for leader election. This is to speed up start phase, without having to wait until all election ticks elapse. Advancing election ticks is useful for cross datacenter deployments with larger election timeouts. However, it was affecting cluster availability if the last tick elapses before leader contacts the restarted node.
    • Now, when etcd restarts, it adjusts election ticks with more than one tick left, thus more time for leader to prevent disruptive restart.
  • Adjust periodic compaction retention window.
    • e.g. --auto-compaction-mode=revision --auto-compaction-retention=1000 automatically Compact on "latest revision" - 1000 every 5-minute (when latest revision is 30000, compact on revision 29000).
    • e.g. Previously, --auto-compaction-mode=periodic --auto-compaction-retention=72h automatically Compact with 72-hour retention windown for every 7.2-hour. Now, Compact happens, for every 1-hour but still with 72-hour retention window.
    • e.g. Previously, --auto-compaction-mode=periodic --auto-compaction-retention=30m automatically Compact with 30-minute retention windown for every 3-minute. Now, Compact happens, for every 30-minute but still with 30-minute retention window.
    • Periodic compactor keeps recording latest revisions for every compaction period when given period is less than 1-hour, or for every 1-hour when given compaction period is greater than 1-hour (e.g. 1-hour when --auto-compaction-mode=periodic --auto-compaction-retention=24h).
    • For every compaction period or 1-hour, compactor uses the last revision that was fetched before compaction period, to discard historical data.
    • The retention window of compaction period moves for every given compaction period or hour.
    • For instance, when hourly writes are 100 and --auto-compaction-mode=periodic --auto-compaction-retention=24h, v3.2.x, v3.3.0, v3.3.1, and v3.3.2 compact revision 2400, 2640, and 2880 for every 2.4-hour, while v3.3.3 or later compacts revision 2400, 2500, 2600 for every 1-hour.
    • Futhermore, when --auto-compaction-mode=periodic --auto-compaction-retention=30m and writes per minute are about 1000, v3.3.0, v3.3.1, and v3.3.2 compact revision 30000, 33000, and 36000, for every 3-minute, while v3.3.3 or later compacts revision 30000, 60000, and 90000, for every 30-minute.

Metrics, Monitoring


v3.3.2 (2018-03-08)

See code changes and v3.3 upgrade guide for any breaking changes.

Fixed: v3

Fixed: v2


v3.3.1 (2018-02-12)

See code changes and v3.3 upgrade guide for any breaking changes.


Fixed: v3


v3.3.0 (2018-02-01)

See code changes and v3.3 upgrade guide for any breaking changes.


Breaking Changes

  • Require v1.7.4 or v1.7.5.
  • Translate gRPC status error in v3 client Snapshot API.
  • v3 etcdctl lease timetolive LEASE_ID on expired lease now prints "lease LEASE_ID already expired".
    • <=3.2 prints "lease LEASE_ID granted with TTL(0s), remaining(-1s)".
  • Replace gRPC gateway endpoint /v3alpha with /v3beta.
    • To deprecate /v3alpha in v3.4.
    • In v3.3, curl -L http://localhost:2379/v3alpha/kv/put -X POST -d '{"key": "Zm9v", "value": "YmFy"}' still works as a fallback to curl -L http://localhost:2379/v3beta/kv/put -X POST -d '{"key": "Zm9v", "value": "YmFy"}', but curl -L http://localhost:2379/v3alpha/kv/put -X POST -d '{"key": "Zm9v", "value": "YmFy"}' won't work in v3.4. Use curl -L http://localhost:2379/v3beta/kv/put -X POST -d '{"key": "Zm9v", "value": "YmFy"}' instead.
  • Change --auto-compaction-retention flag to accept string values with finer granularity.
    • Now that --auto-compaction-retention accepts string values, etcd configuration YAML file log-output field must be changed to string type.
    • Previously, --config-file etcd.config.yaml can have auto-compaction-retention: 24 field, now must be auto-compaction-retention: "24" or auto-compaction-retention: "24h".
    • If configured as --auto-compaction-mode periodic --auto-compaction-retention "24h", the time duration value for --auto-compaction-retention flag must be valid for time.ParseDuration function in Go.


Metrics, Monitoring

Security, Authentication

See security doc for more details.

Added: etcd

Added: API

Added: clientv3

Fixed: clientv3

Added: v3 etcdctl

Fixed: v3 etcdctl

Added: v2 etcdctl

Added: grpc-proxy

Fixed: grpc-proxy

Added: gRPC gateway

  • Replace gRPC gateway endpoint /v3alpha with /v3beta.
    • To deprecate /v3alpha in v3.4.
    • In v3.3, curl -L http://localhost:2379/v3alpha/kv/put -X POST -d '{"key": "Zm9v", "value": "YmFy"}' still works as a fallback to curl -L http://localhost:2379/v3beta/kv/put -X POST -d '{"key": "Zm9v", "value": "YmFy"}', but curl -L http://localhost:2379/v3alpha/kv/put -X POST -d '{"key": "Zm9v", "value": "YmFy"}' won't work in v3.4. Use curl -L http://localhost:2379/v3beta/kv/put -X POST -d '{"key": "Zm9v", "value": "YmFy"}' instead.
  • Support "authorization" token.
  • Support websocket for bi-directional streams.
  • Upgrade gRPC gateway to v1.3.0.

Fixed: v3

Fixed: v2

Package raft

