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v3.4.0 (TBD)

v3.4.0 is not yet released.


Package raft

v3.3.0 (2018-01-??)

v3.3.0 is not yet released; expected to be released in January 2018.

v3.3.0-rc.2 (2018-01-11)

See code changes and v3.3 upgrade guide for any breaking changes.

v3.3.0-rc.1 (2018-01-02)

See code changes and v3.3 upgrade guide for any breaking changes.

v3.3.0-rc.0 (2017-12-20)

See code changes and v3.3 upgrade guide for any breaking changes.


Changed(Breaking Changes)




Added(v2 etcdctl)

Added(v3 etcdctl)



Added(gRPC gateway)

Package raft





v3.2.14 (2018-01-11)

See code changes and v3.2 upgrade guide for any breaking changes.



v3.2.13 (2018-01-02)

See code changes and v3.2 upgrade guide for any breaking changes.


v3.2.12 (2017-12-20)

See code changes and v3.2 upgrade guide for any breaking changes.




v3.2.11 (2017-12-05)

See code changes and v3.2 upgrade guide for any breaking changes.



v3.1.11 (2017-11-28)

See code changes and v3.2 upgrade guide for any breaking changes.


  • #8411,#8806 mvcc: fix watch restore from snapshot
  • #8009,#8902 backport coreos/bbolt v1.3.1-coreos.5

v3.2.10 (2017-11-16)

See code changes and v3.2 upgrade guide for any breaking changes.


v3.2.9 (2017-10-06)

See code changes and v3.2 upgrade guide for any breaking changes.


  • Compile with Go 1.8.4.
  • Update (see golang/crypto@6c586e1).
  • Fix discovery SRV bootstrapping to authenticate ServerName with *.{ROOT_DOMAIN}, in order to support sub-domain wildcard matching (see issue #8445 for more contexts).
    • For instance, etcd --discovery-srv=etcd.local will only authenticate peers/clients when the provided certs have root domain *.etcd.local as an entry in Subject Alternative Name (SAN) field.

v3.2.8 (2017-09-29)

See code changes and v3.2 upgrade guide for any breaking changes.


  • Fix v2 client failover to next endpoint on mutable operation.
  • Fix grpc-proxy to respect KeysOnly flag.

v3.2.7 (2017-09-01)

See code changes and v3.2 upgrade guide for any breaking changes.


  • Fix server-side auth so concurrent auth operations do not return old revision error.
  • Fix concurrency/stm Put with serializable snapshot
    • Use store revision from first fetch to resolve write conflicts instead of modified revision.

v3.2.6 (2017-08-21)

See code changes.


  • Fix watch restore from snapshot.
  • Fix etcd_debugging_mvcc_keys_total inconsistency.
  • Fix multiple URLs for --listen-peer-urls flag.
  • Add --enable-pprof flag to etcd configuration file format.

v3.2.5 (2017-08-04)

See code changes and v3.2 upgrade guide for any breaking changes.


  • Use reverse lookup to match wildcard DNS SAN.
  • Return non-zero exit code on unhealthy endpoint health.


  • Fix unreachable /metrics endpoint when --enable-v2=false.
  • Fix grpc-proxy to respect PrevKv flag.


  • Add container registry

v3.2.4 (2017-07-19)

See code changes and v3.2 upgrade guide for any breaking changes.


  • Do not block on active client stream when stopping server
  • Fix gRPC proxy Snapshot RPC error handling

v3.2.3 (2017-07-14)

See code changes and v3.2 upgrade guide for any breaking changes.


  • Let clients establish unlimited streams


  • Tag docker images with minor versions
    • e.g. docker pull to fetch latest v3.2 versions

v3.1.10 (2017-07-14)

See code changes and v3.1 upgrade guide for any breaking changes.


  • Compile with Go 1.8.3 to fix panic on net/http.CloseNotify


  • Tag docker images with minor versions.
    • e.g. docker pull to fetch latest v3.1 versions.

v3.2.2 (2017-07-07)

See code changes and v3.2 upgrade guide for any breaking changes.


  • Rate-limit lease revoke on expiration.
  • Extend leases on promote to avoid queueing effect on lease expiration.


  • Use user-provided listen address to connect to gRPC gateway.
    • net.Listener rewrites IPv4 to IPv6 [::], breaking IPv6 disabled hosts.
    • Only v3.2.0, v3.2.1 are affected.
  • Accept connection with matched IP SAN but no DNS match.
    • Don't check DNS entries in certs if there's a matching IP.
  • Fix 'tools/benchmark' watch command.

v3.2.1 (2017-06-23)

See code changes and v3.2 upgrade guide for any breaking changes.


  • Fix backend database in-memory index corruption issue on restore (only 3.2.0 is affected).
  • Fix gRPC gateway Txn marshaling issue.
  • Fix backend database size debugging metrics.

v3.2.0 (2017-06-09)

See code changes and v3.2 upgrade guide for any breaking changes.


  • Improve backend read concurrency.


  • Embedded etcd
    • Etcd.Peers field is now []*peerListener.
  • RPCs
    • Add Election, Lock service.
  • Native client etcdserver/api/v3client
    • client "embedded" in the server.
  • gRPC proxy
    • Proxy endpoint discovery.
    • Namespaces.
    • Coalesce lease requests.
  • v3 client
    • STM prefetching.
    • Add namespace feature.
    • Add ErrOldCluster with server version checking.
    • Translate WithPrefix() into WithFromKey() for empty key.
  • v3 etcdctl
    • Add check perf command.
    • Add --from-key flag to role grant-permission command.
    • lock command takes an optional command to execute.
  • etcd flags
    • Add --enable-v2 flag to configure v2 backend (enabled by default).
    • Add --auth-token flag.
  • etcd gateway
    • Support DNS SRV priority.
  • Auth
    • Support Watch API.
    • JWT tokens.
  • Logging, monitoring
    • Server warns large snapshot operations.
    • Add etcd_debugging_server_lease_expired_total metrics.
  • Security
    • Deny incoming peer certs with wrong IP SAN.
    • Resolve TLS DNSNames when SAN checking.
    • Reload TLS certificates on every client connection.
  • Release
    • Annotate acbuild with supports-systemd-notify.
    • Add nsswitch.conf to Docker container image.
    • Add ppc64le, arm64(experimental) builds.
    • Compile with Go 1.8.3.


  • v3 client
    • LeaseTimeToLive returns TTL=-1 resp on lease not found.
    • clientv3.NewFromConfigFile is moved to clientv3/yaml.NewConfig.
    • concurrency package's elections updated to match RPC interfaces.
    • let client dial endpoints not in the balancer.
  • Dependencies


  • Allow v2 snapshot over 512MB.

v3.1.9 (2017-06-09)

See code changes and v3.1 upgrade guide for any breaking changes.


  • Allow v2 snapshot over 512MB.

v3.1.8 (2017-05-19)

See code changes and v3.1 upgrade guide for any breaking changes.

v3.1.7 (2017-04-28)

See code changes and v3.1 upgrade guide for any breaking changes.

v3.1.6 (2017-04-19)

See code changes and v3.1 upgrade guide for any breaking changes.


  • Remove auth check in Status API.


  • Fill in Auth API response header.

v3.1.5 (2017-03-27)

See code changes and v3.1 upgrade guide for any breaking changes.


  • Add /etc/nsswitch.conf file to alpine-based Docker image.


  • Fix raft memory leak issue.
  • Fix Windows file path issues.

v3.1.4 (2017-03-22)

See code changes and v3.1 upgrade guide for any breaking changes.

v3.1.3 (2017-03-10)

See code changes and v3.1 upgrade guide for any breaking changes.


  • Use machine default host when advertise URLs are default values(localhost:2379,2380) AND if listen URL is


  • Fix etcd gateway schema handling in DNS discovery.
  • Fix sd_notify behaviors in gateway, grpc-proxy.

v3.1.2 (2017-02-24)

See code changes and v3.1 upgrade guide for any breaking changes.


  • Use IPv4 default host, by default (when IPv4 and IPv6 are available).


  • Fix etcd gateway with multiple endpoints.

v3.1.1 (2017-02-17)

See code changes and v3.1 upgrade guide for any breaking changes.


  • Compile with Go 1.7.5.

v2.3.8 (2017-02-17)

See code changes.


  • Compile with Go 1.7.5.

v3.1.0 (2017-01-20)

See code changes and v3.1 upgrade guide for any breaking changes.


  • Faster linearizable reads (implements Raft read-index).
  • v3 authentication API is now stable.


  • Automatic leadership transfer when leader steps down.
  • etcd flags
    • --strict-reconfig-check flag is set by default.
    • Add --log-output flag.
    • Add --metrics flag.
  • v3 client
    • Add SetEndpoints method; update endpoints at runtime.
    • Add Sync method; auto-update endpoints at runtime.
    • Add Lease TimeToLive API; fetch lease information.
    • replace Config.Logger field with global logger.
    • Get API responses are sorted in ascending order by default.
  • v3 etcdctl
    • Add lease timetolive command.
    • Add --print-value-only flag to get command.
    • Add --dest-prefix flag to make-mirror command.
    • get command responses are sorted in ascending order by default.
  • recipes now conform to sessions defined in clientv3/concurrency.
  • ACI has symlinks to /usr/local/bin/etcd*.
  • Experimental gRPC proxy feature.


  • Deprecated following gRPC metrics in favor of go-grpc-prometheus.
    • etcd_grpc_requests_total
    • etcd_grpc_requests_failed_total
    • etcd_grpc_active_streams
    • etcd_grpc_unary_requests_duration_seconds
  • etcd uses default route IP if advertise URL is not given.
  • Cluster rejects removing members if quorum will be lost.
  • SRV records (e.g., must match the discovery domain (i.e., if no custom certificate authority is given.
    • TLSConfig.ServerName is ignored with user-provided certificates for backwards compatibility; to be deprecated.
    • For example, etcd will only authenticate peers/clients when the provided certs have root domain as an entry in Subject Alternative Name (SAN) field.
  • Discovery now has upper limit for waiting on retries.
  • Warn on binding listeners through domain names; to be deprecated.

v3.0.16 (2016-11-13)

See code changes and v3.0 upgrade guide for any breaking changes.

v3.0.15 (2016-11-11)

See code changes and v3.0 upgrade guide for any breaking changes.


  • Fix cancel watch request with wrong range end.

v3.0.14 (2016-11-04)

See code changes and v3.0 upgrade guide for any breaking changes.


  • v3 etcdctl migrate command now supports --no-ttl flag to discard keys on transform.

v3.0.13 (2016-10-24)

See code changes and v3.0 upgrade guide for any breaking changes.

v3.0.12 (2016-10-07)

See code changes and v3.0 upgrade guide for any breaking changes.

v3.0.11 (2016-10-07)

See code changes and v3.0 upgrade guide for any breaking changes.


  • Server returns previous key-value (optional)
    • clientv3.WithPrevKV option
    • v3 etcdctl put,watch,del --prev-kv flag

v3.0.10 (2016-09-23)

See code changes and v3.0 upgrade guide for any breaking changes.

v3.0.9 (2016-09-15)

See code changes and v3.0 upgrade guide for any breaking changes.


  • Warn on domain names on listen URLs (v3.2 will reject domain names).

v3.0.8 (2016-09-09)

See code changes and v3.0 upgrade guide for any breaking changes.


  • Allow only IP addresses in listen URLs (domain names are rejected).

v3.0.7 (2016-08-31)

See code changes and v3.0 upgrade guide for any breaking changes.


  • SRV records only allow A records (RFC 2052).

v3.0.6 (2016-08-19)

See code changes and v3.0 upgrade guide for any breaking changes.

v3.0.5 (2016-08-19)

See code changes and v3.0 upgrade guide for any breaking changes.


  • SRV records (e.g., must match the discovery domain (i.e., if no custom certificate authority is given.

v3.0.4 (2016-07-27)

See code changes and v3.0 upgrade guide for any breaking changes.


  • v2 auth can now use common name from TLS certificate when --client-cert-auth is enabled.


  • v2 etcdctl ls command now supports --output=json.
  • Add /var/lib/etcd directory to etcd official Docker image.

v3.0.3 (2016-07-15)

See code changes and v3.0 upgrade guide for any breaking changes.


  • Revert Dockerfile to use CMD, instead of ENTRYPOINT, to support etcdctl run.
    • Docker commands for v3.0.2 won't work without specifying executable binary paths.
  • v3 etcdctl default endpoints are now

v3.0.2 (2016-07-08)

See code changes and v3.0 upgrade guide for any breaking changes.


  • Dockerfile uses ENTRYPOINT, instead of CMD, to run etcd without binary path specified.

v3.0.1 (2016-07-01)

See code changes and v3.0 upgrade guide for any breaking changes.

v3.0.0 (2016-06-30)

See code changes and v3.0 upgrade guide for any breaking changes.