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Previous change logs can be found at [CHANGELOG-3.5](
## v3.6.0 (TBD)
See [code changes](
### Breaking Changes
- `etcd` will no longer start on data dir created by newer versions (for example etcd v3.6 will not run on v3.7+ data dir). To downgrade data dir please check out `etcdutl migrate` command.
- `etcd` doesn't support serving client requests on the peer listen endpoints (--listen-peer-urls). See [pull/13565](
- `etcdctl` will sleep(2s) in case of range delete without `--range` flag. See [pull/13747](
- Applications which depend on etcd v3.6 packages must be built with go version >= v1.18.
### Deprecations
- Deprecated [V2 discovery](
- Deprecated [SetKeepAlive and SetKeepAlivePeriod in limitListenerConn](
- Removed [etcdctl defrag --data-dir](
- Removed [etcdctl snapshot status](
- Removed [etcdctl snapshot restore](
- Removed [etcdutl snapshot save](
### etcdctl v3
- Add command to generate [shell completion](
- When print endpoint status, [show db size in use](
- [Always print the raft_term in decimal]( when displaying member list in json.
- [Add one more field `storageVersion`]( into the response of command `etcdctl endpoint status`.
- Add [`--max-txn-ops`]( flag to make-mirror command.
- Add [`--consistency`]( flag to member list command.
- Display [field `hash_revision`]( for `etcdctl endpoint hash` command.
### etcdutl v3
- Add command to generate [shell completion](
- Add `migrate` command for downgrading/upgrading etcd data dir files.
### Package `clientv3`
- [Support serializable `MemberList` operation](
### Package `server`
- Package `mvcc` was moved to `storage/mvcc`
- Package `mvcc/backend` was moved to `storage/backend`
- Package `mvcc/buckets` was moved to `storage/schema`
- Package `wal` was moved to `storage/wal`
- Package `datadir` was moved to `storage/datadir`
### Package `raft`
- Send empty `MsgApp` when entry in-flight limits are exceeded. See [pull/14633](
- Add [MaxInflightBytes]( setting in `raft.Config` for better flow control of entries.
- [Decouple raft from etcd]( Migrated raft to a separate [repository](, and renamed raft module to ``.
### etcd server
- Add [`etcd --log-format`]( flag to support log format.
- Add [`etcd --experimental-max-learners`]( flag to allow configuration of learner max membership.
- Add [`etcd --experimental-enable-lease-checkpoint-persist`]( flag to handle upgrade from v3.5.2 clusters with this feature enabled.
- Add [`etcdctl make-mirror --rev`]( flag to support incremental mirror.
- Add [`etcd --experimental-wait-cluster-ready-timeout`]( flag to wait for cluster to be ready before serving client requests.
- Add [v3 discovery]( to bootstrap a new etcd cluster.
- Add [field `storage`]( into the response body of endpoint `/version`.
- Add [`etcd --max-concurrent-streams`]( flag to configure the max concurrent streams each client can open at a time, and defaults to math.MaxUint32.
- Add [`etcd grpc-proxy --experimental-enable-grpc-logging`]( flag to logging all grpc requests and responses.
- Add [`etcd --experimental-compact-hash-check-enabled --experimental-compact-hash-check-time`]( flags to support enabling reliable corruption detection on compacted revisions.
- Add [Protection on maintenance request when auth is enabled](
- Graduated [`--experimental-warning-unary-request-duration` to `--warning-unary-request-duration`]( Note the experimental flag is deprecated and will be decommissioned in v3.7.
- Add [field `hash_revision` into `HashKVResponse`](
- Add [`etcd --experimental-snapshot-catch-up-entries`]( flag to configure number of entries for a slow follower to catch up after compacting the the raft storage entries and defaults to 5k.
- Decreased [`--snapshot-count` default value from 100,000 to 10,000](
- Add [`etcd --tls-min-version --tls-max-version`]( to enable support for TLS 1.3.
### etcd grpc-proxy
- Add [`etcd grpc-proxy start --endpoints-auto-sync-interval`]( flag to enable and configure interval of auto sync of endpoints with server.
- Add [`etcd grpc-proxy start --listen-cipher-suites`]( flag to support adding configurable cipher list.
### tools/benchmark
- [Add etcd client autoSync flag](
### Metrics, Monitoring
See [List of metrics]( for all metrics per release.
- Add [`etcd_disk_defrag_inflight`](
- Add [`etcd_debugging_server_alarms`](
### Go
- Require [Go 1.19+](
- Compile with [Go 1.19+]( Please refer to [gc-guide]( to configure `GOGC` and `GOMEMLIMIT` properly.
### Other
- Use Distroless as base image to make the image less vulnerable and reduce image size.