
241 lines
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2016-09-11 22:04:37 +03:00
const gen = require('gen-thread');
const Imap = require('imap');
module.exports = ImapManager;
function ImapManager()
this.accounts = {};
this.connections = {};
this.busy = {};
this.selected = {};
this.queue = {};
this.onIdle = {};
this.onStopIdle = {};
2016-09-11 22:04:37 +03:00
ImapManager.prototype.setServer = function(accountId, settings)
this.accounts[accountId] = settings;
ImapManager.prototype.getConnection = function*(accountId, boxName, connKey, onIdle, onStopIdle)
2016-09-11 22:04:37 +03:00
var self = this;
connKey = accountId+(connKey||'');
if (self.connections[connKey])
let stoppingIdle = self.queue[connKey].length == 0;
2016-09-11 22:04:37 +03:00
if (self.busy[connKey])
// wait for the queue to finish
2016-09-11 22:04:37 +03:00
yield self.queue[connKey].push(gen.cb());
if (stoppingIdle && self.onStopIdle[connKey])
// run "stop idle" callback
self.onStopIdle[connKey](accountId, self.connections[connKey]);
2016-09-11 22:04:37 +03:00
if (boxName && self.selected[connKey] != boxName)
// select different box
yield self.connections[connKey].openBox(boxName, true, gen.ef());
2016-09-11 22:04:37 +03:00
self.selected[connKey] = boxName;
self.busy[connKey] = true;
return self.connections[connKey];
var srv = new Imap(self.accounts[accountId]);
srv.once('ready', gen.cb());
// FIXME handle connection errors
yield srv.connect();
yield srv._enqueue('ENABLE QRESYNC', gen.cb());
// Monkey-patch node-imap to support VANISHED responses
var oldUT = srv._parser._resUntagged;
srv._parser._resUntagged = function()
var m;
if (m = /^\* VANISHED( \(EARLIER\))? ([\d:,]+)/.exec(this._buffer))
srv.emit('vanish', m[2].split(/,/).map(s => s.split(':')));
srv.on('close', function()
delete self.connections[connKey];
if (self.srv == srv)
delete self.srv;
if (boxName)
yield srv.openBox(boxName, true, gen.ef());
self.selected[connKey] = boxName;
self.connections[connKey] = srv;
self.busy[connKey] = true;
self.queue[connKey] = [];
self.onIdle[connKey] = onIdle;
self.onStopIdle[connKey] = onStopIdle;
2016-09-11 22:04:37 +03:00
return srv;
ImapManager.prototype.releaseConnection = function(accountId, connKey, allowClose)
var self = this;
connKey = accountId+(connKey||'');
self.busy[connKey] = false;
if (self.queue[connKey].length)
2016-09-11 22:04:37 +03:00
2016-09-11 22:04:37 +03:00
else if (allowClose)
delete self.connections[connKey];
delete self.busy[connKey];
delete self.queue[connKey];
delete self.selected[connKey];
if (self.onIdle[connKey])
self.onIdle[connKey](accountId, self.connections[connKey]);
2016-09-11 22:04:37 +03:00
ImapManager.prototype.runFetch = function*(srv, what, params, processor, args)
var self = this;
var f = srv.fetch(what, params);
var fetchState = {
parsed: 0,
paused: false,
synced: 0,
pending: [],
results: [],
srv: srv
var cb, wait;
f.on('message', function(msg, seqnum)
{, msg, seqnum, processor), checkFinish, function(e) { checkFinish(); throw e; });
cb = gen.cb();
yield f.once('end', function()
wait = true;
if (fetchState.parsed <= 0)
else if (fetchState.pending.length > 0), fetchState), saveLast, function(e) { saveLast(); throw e; });
if (fetchState.results.length > 0)
return fetchState.results;
function saveLast(r)
if (r)
fetchState.results = fetchState.results.concat(r);
fetchState.parsed -= fetchState.pending.length;
fetchState.pending = [];
function checkFinish()
if (fetchState.parsed <= 0 && wait)
ImapManager.prototype.onMessage = function*(fetchState, msg, seqnum, processor)
var self = this;
var [ msgrow, attrs ] = yield* self.parseMessage(msg, seqnum);
// Workaround memory leak in node-imap
// TODO: send pull request
if (fetchState.srv._curReq && fetchState.srv._curReq.fetchCache)
delete fetchState.srv._curReq.fetchCache[seqnum];
fetchState.pending.push([ msgrow, attrs ]);
2016-10-09 18:56:04 +03:00
if (!fetchState.paused && fetchState.parsed >= 100 && !fetchState.nopause)
2016-09-11 22:04:37 +03:00
// ГОРШОЧЕК, НЕ ВАРИ!!! И так уже кучу сообщений прочитал из сокета, хорош!
fetchState.srv._parser._ignoreReadable = true;
fetchState.paused = true;
if (fetchState.pending.length >= 100)
var m = fetchState.pending;
fetchState.pending = [];
var err;
var result;
result = yield, fetchState), gen.cb());
if (result)
fetchState.results = fetchState.results.concat(result);
catch (e)
err = e;
fetchState.parsed -= m.length;
if (fetchState.paused && fetchState.parsed < 100)
fetchState.paused = false;
fetchState.srv._parser._ignoreReadable = false;
if (err)
throw err;
ImapManager.prototype.parseMessage = function*(msg, seqnum)
var msgrow = {};
var attrs;
msg.on('body', function(stream, info)
var buffer;
stream.on('data', function(chunk)
if (!buffer)
buffer = chunk;
buffer = Buffer.concat([ buffer, chunk ]);
stream.once('end', function()
2016-10-05 13:50:33 +03:00
msgrow.headers = buffer;
2016-09-11 22:04:37 +03:00
msg.once('attributes', function(a) {
attrs = a;
yield msg.once('end', gen.cb());
msgrow.uid = attrs.uid;
msgrow.flags = => f[0] == '\\' ? f.toLowerCase().replace(/^\\/, '') : f.replace(/^\$*/, '$'));
var nf = msgrow.flags.filter(f => f != 'seen');
nf = nf.length == msgrow.flags.length ? nf.concat(['unread']) : nf;
msgrow.flags = nf.sort();
return [ msgrow, attrs ];