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#ifndef _AIORI_UTIL_H
#define _AIORI_UTIL_H
/* This file contains only debug relevant helpers */
#include <stdio.h>
#include <mpi.h>
extern FILE * out_logfile;
extern int verbose; /* verbose output */
#define FAIL(...) FailMessage(rank, ERROR_LOCATION, __VA_ARGS__)
void FailMessage(int rank, const char *location, char *format, ...);
/******************************** M A C R O S *********************************/
* WARN_RESET will display a custom error message and set value to default
if (rank == 0) { \
fprintf(out_logfile, "WARNING: %s. Using value of %d.\n", \
} \
fflush(out_logfile); \
} while (0)
extern int aiori_warning_as_errors;
#define WARN(MSG) do { \
if(aiori_warning_as_errors){ ERR(MSG); } \
if (verbose > VERBOSE_2) { \
fprintf(out_logfile, "WARNING: %s, (%s:%d).\n", \
MSG, __FILE__, __LINE__); \
} else { \
fprintf(out_logfile, "WARNING: %s.\n", MSG); \
} \
fflush(out_logfile); \
} while (0)
/* warning with format string and errno printed */
#define EWARNF(FORMAT, ...) do { \
if(aiori_warning_as_errors){ ERRF(FORMAT, __VA_ARGS__); } \
if (verbose > VERBOSE_2) { \
fprintf(out_logfile, "WARNING: " FORMAT ", (%s:%d).\n", \
__VA_ARGS__, __FILE__, __LINE__); \
} else { \
fprintf(out_logfile, "WARNING: " FORMAT "\n", \
__VA_ARGS__); \
} \
fflush(out_logfile); \
} while (0)
/* warning with errno printed */
#define EWARN(MSG) do { \
EWARNF("%s", MSG); \
} while (0)
/* warning with format string and errno printed */
#define EINFO(FORMAT, ...) do { \
if (verbose > VERBOSE_2) { \
fprintf(out_logfile, "INFO: " FORMAT ", (%s:%d).\n", \
__VA_ARGS__, __FILE__, __LINE__); \
} else { \
fprintf(out_logfile, "INFO: " FORMAT "\n", \
__VA_ARGS__); \
} \
fflush(out_logfile); \
} while (0)
/* display error message with format string and terminate execution */
#define ERRF(FORMAT, ...) do { \
fprintf(out_logfile, "ERROR: " FORMAT ", (%s:%d)\n", \
__VA_ARGS__, __FILE__, __LINE__); \
fflush(out_logfile); \
MPI_Abort(MPI_COMM_WORLD, -1); \
} while (0)
/* display error message and terminate execution */
#define ERR_ERRNO(MSG) do { \
ERRF("%s", MSG); \
} while (0)
/* display a simple error message (i.e. errno is not set) and terminate execution */
#define ERR(MSG) do { \
fprintf(out_logfile, "ERROR: %s, (%s:%d)\n", \
MSG, __FILE__, __LINE__); \
fflush(out_logfile); \
MPI_Abort(MPI_COMM_WORLD, -1); \
} while (0)
* MPI_CHECKF will display a custom format string as well as an error string
* from the MPI_STATUS and then exit the program
#define MPI_CHECKF(MPI_STATUS, FORMAT, ...) do { \
char resultString[MPI_MAX_ERROR_STRING]; \
int resultLength; \
int checkf_mpi_status = MPI_STATUS; \
if (checkf_mpi_status != MPI_SUCCESS) { \
MPI_Error_string(checkf_mpi_status, resultString, &resultLength);\
fprintf(out_logfile, "ERROR: " FORMAT ", MPI %s, (%s:%d)\n", \
__VA_ARGS__, resultString, __FILE__, __LINE__); \
fflush(out_logfile); \
MPI_Abort(MPI_COMM_WORLD, -1); \
} \
} while(0)
* MPI_CHECK will display a custom error message as well as an error string
* from the MPI_STATUS and then exit the program
#define MPI_CHECK(MPI_STATUS, MSG) do { \
} while(0)