
501 lines
15 KiB
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# test_pretty_print by don bright 2012. Copyright assigned to Marius Kintel and
# Clifford Wolf 2012. Released under the GPL 2, or later, as described in
# the file named 'COPYING' in OpenSCAD's project root.
# This program 'pretty prints' the ctest output, including
# - log files from builddir/Testing/Temporary/
# - .png and .txt files from testname-output/*
# The result is a single html report file with images data-uri encoded
# into the file. It can be uploaded as a single static file to a web server
# or the '' script can be used.
# Design philosophy
# 1. parse the data (images, logs) into easy-to-use data structures
2013-12-09 00:15:04 +04:00
# 2. wikifiy the data
# 3. save the wikified data to disk
# 4. generate html, including base64 encoding of images
# 5. save html file
# 6. upload html to public site and share with others
# todo
# 1. why is hash differing
2011-11-30 06:57:44 +04:00
import string
import sys
import re
import os
import hashlib
import subprocess
import time
import platform
2013-12-08 05:59:07 +04:00
2014-02-23 05:00:29 +04:00
from urllib.error import URLError
from urllib.request import urlopen
from urllib.parse import urlencode
2013-12-09 00:15:04 +04:00
2014-02-23 05:00:29 +04:00
from urllib2 import URLError
from urllib2 import urlopen
from urllib import urlencode
def tryread(filename):
data = None
f = open(filename,'rb')
data =
except Exception as e:
debug( "couldn't open file: [" + filename + "]" )
debug( str(type(e))+str(e) )
if filename==None:
return data
def trysave(filename, data):
dir = os.path.dirname(filename)
if not os.path.isdir(dir):
if not dir == '':
debug( 'creating' + dir)
except Exception as e:
print 'problem writing to',filename
print type(e), e
return None
return True
def ezsearch(pattern, str):
x =,str,re.DOTALL|re.MULTILINE)
if x and len(x.groups())>0: return
return ''
def read_gitinfo():
# won't work if run from outside of branch.
data = subprocess.Popen(['git', 'remote', '-v'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
origin = ezsearch('^origin *?(.*?)\(fetch.*?$', data)
upstream = ezsearch('^upstream *?(.*?)\(fetch.*?$', data)
data = subprocess.Popen(['git', 'branch'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
branch = ezsearch('^\*(.*?)$', data)
out = 'Git branch: ' + branch + ' from origin ' + origin + '\n'
out += 'Git upstream: ' + upstream + '\n'
out = 'Git branch: Unknown (could not run git)\n'
return out
def read_sysinfo(filename):
data = tryread(filename)
if not data:
sinfo = platform.sys.platform
sinfo += '\nsystem cannot create offscreen GL framebuffer object'
sinfo += '\nsystem cannot create GL based images'
sysid = platform.sys.platform+'_no_GL_renderer'
return sinfo, sysid
machine = ezsearch('Machine:(.*?)\n',data)
machine = machine.replace(' ','-').replace('/','-')
osinfo = ezsearch('OS info:(.*?)\n',data)
osplain = osinfo.split(' ')[0].strip().replace('/','-')
if 'windows' in osinfo.lower():
osplain = 'win'
renderer = ezsearch('GL Renderer:(.*?)\n',data)
tmp = renderer.split(' ')
tmp = string.join(tmp[0:3],'-')
tmp = tmp.split('/')[0]
renderer = tmp
data += read_gitinfo()
2011-11-24 08:22:33 +04:00
data += 'Image comparison: ImageMagick'
2011-11-24 08:22:33 +04:00
data = data.strip()
2011-11-24 08:22:33 +04:00
# create 4 letter hash and stick on end of sysid
nondate_data = re.sub("\n.*?ompile date.*?\n", "\n", data).strip()
hexhash = hashlib.md5(nondate_data).hexdigest()[-4:].upper()
hash_ = ''.join(chr(ord(c) + 97 - 48) for c in hexhash)
2011-11-30 06:57:44 +04:00
sysid = '_'.join([osplain, machine, renderer, hash_])
sysid = sysid.replace('(', '_').replace(')', '_')
sysid = sysid.lower()
return data, sysid
class Test:
def __init__(self, fullname, subpr, passed, output, type, actualfile,
expectedfile, scadfile, log):
self.fullname, self.time = fullname, time
self.passed, self.output = passed, output
self.type, self.actualfile = type, actualfile
self.expectedfile, self.scadfile = expectedfile, scadfile
self.fulltestlog = log
def __str__(self):
x = 'fullname: ' + self.fullname
x+= '\nactualfile: ' + self.actualfile
x+= '\nexpectedfile: ' + self.expectedfile
x+= '\ntesttime: ' + self.time
x+= '\ntesttype: ' + self.type
x+= '\npassed: ' + str(self.passed)
x+= '\nscadfile: ' + self.scadfile
x+= '\noutput bytes: ' + str(len(self.output))
x+= '\ntestlog bytes: ' + str(len(self.fulltestlog))
x+= '\n'
return x
def parsetest(teststring):
patterns = ["Test:(.*?)\n", # fullname
"Test time =(.*?) sec\n",
"Test time.*?Test (Passed)", # pass/fail
"Output:(.*?)<end of output>",
'Command:.*?-s" "(.*?)"', # type
"^ actual .*?:(.*?)\n",
"^ expected .*?:(.*?)\n",
'Command:.*?(testdata.*?)"' # scadfile
hits = map( lambda pattern: ezsearch(pattern, teststring), patterns)
test = Test(hits[0], hits[1], hits[2]=='Passed', hits[3], hits[4], hits[5],
hits[6], hits[7], teststring)
if len(test.actualfile) > 0:
test.actualfile_data = tryread(test.actualfile)
if len(test.expectedfile) > 0:
test.expectedfile_data = tryread(test.expectedfile)
return test
def parselog(data):
startdate = ezsearch('Start testing: (.*?)\n', data)
enddate = ezsearch('End testing: (.*?)\n', data)
pattern = '([0-9]*/[0-9]* Testing:.*?time elapsed.*?\n)'
test_chunks = re.findall(pattern,data, re.S)
tests = map( parsetest, test_chunks )
tests = sorted(tests, key = lambda t: t.passed)
return startdate, tests, enddate
def load_makefiles(builddir):
filelist = []
for root, dirs, files in os.walk(builddir):
for fname in files: filelist += [ os.path.join(root, fname) ]
files = [file for file in filelist if 'build.make' in os.path.basename(file)
or 'flags.make' in os.path.basename(file)]
files = [file for file in files if 'esting' not in file and 'emporary' not in file]
result = {}
for fname in files:
result[fname.replace(builddir, '')] = tryread(fname)
return result
def png_encode64(fname, width=250, data=None):
data = data or tryread(fname) or ''
data_uri = data.encode('base64').replace('\n', '')
tag = '''<img src="data:image/png;base64,%s" width="%s" %s/>'''
if data == '':
alt = 'alt="error: no image generated" '
alt = 'alt="openscad_test_image" '
tag %= (data_uri, width, alt)
return tag
def findlogfile(builddir):
logpath = os.path.join(builddir, 'Testing', 'Temporary')
logfilename = os.path.join(logpath, 'LastTest.log.tmp')
if not os.path.isfile(logfilename):
logfilename = os.path.join(logpath, 'LastTest.log')
if not os.path.isfile(logfilename):
print 'can\'t find and/or open logfile', logfilename
return logfilename
# --- Templating ---
class Templates(object):
html_template = '''<html>
<head><title>Test run for {sysid}</title>
<h1>{project_name} test run report</h1>
<b>Sysid</b>: {sysid}
<b>Result summary</b>: {numpassed} / {numtests} tests passed ({percent}%)
<h2>System info</h2>
<p>start time: {startdate}</p>
<p>end time: {enddate}</p>
<h2>Image tests</h2>
<h2>Text tests</h2>
<h2>build.make and flags.make</h2>
style = '''
body {
color: black;
table {
border-collapse: collapse;
table td, th {
border: 2px solid gray;
.text-name {
border: 2px solid black;
padding: 0.14em;
image_template = '''<table>
<tr><td colspan="2">{test_name}</td></tr>
<tr><td> Expected image </td><td> Actual image </td></tr>
<tr><td> {expected} </td><td> {actual} </td></tr>
text_template = '''
<span class="text-name">{test_name}</span>
makefile_template = '''
def __init__(self, **defaults):
self.filled = {}
self.defaults = defaults
def fill(self, template, *args, **kwargs):
kwds = self.defaults.copy()
return getattr(self, template).format(*args, **kwds)
def add(self, template, var, *args, **kwargs):
self.filled[var] = self.filled.get(var, '') + self.fill(template, *args, **kwargs)
2013-12-09 00:15:04 +04:00
return self.filled[var]
def get(self, var):
2013-12-08 22:51:25 +04:00
return self.filled.get(var, '')
def to_html(project_name, startdate, tests, enddate, sysinfo, sysid, makefiles):
passed_tests = [test for test in tests if test.passed]
failed_tests = [test for test in tests if not test.passed]
report_tests = failed_tests
if include_passed:
report_tests = tests
percent = '%.0f' % (100.0 * len(passed_tests) / len(tests)) if tests else 'n/a'
image_test_count = 0
text_test_count = 0
templates = Templates()
for test in report_tests:
if test.type in ('txt', 'ast', 'csg', 'term', 'echo'):
text_test_count += 1
templates.add('text_template', 'text_tests',
elif test.type == 'png':
image_test_count += 1
2013-12-16 03:24:17 +04:00
# FIXME: Handle missing test.actualfile or test.expectedfile
actual_img = png_encode64(test.actualfile,
expected_img = png_encode64(test.expectedfile,
templates.add('image_template', 'image_tests',
raise TypeError('Unknown test type %r' % test.type)
2013-12-16 03:24:17 +04:00
for mf in sorted(makefiles.keys()):
mfname = mf.strip().lstrip(os.path.sep)
text = open(os.path.join(builddir, mfname)).read()
templates.add('makefile_template', 'makefiles', name=mfname, text=text)
text_tests = templates.get('text_tests')
image_tests = templates.get('image_tests')
makefiles_str = templates.get('makefiles')
if not include_passed:
if image_test_count==0:
image_tests = 'all given tests passed'
if text_test_count==0:
text_tests = 'all given tests passed'
return templates.fill('html_template',,
sysid=sysid, sysinfo=sysinfo,
startdate=startdate, enddate=enddate,
percent=percent, image_tests=image_tests,
text_tests=text_tests, makefiles=makefiles_str)
# --- End Templating ---
# --- Web Upload ---
def postify(data):
return urlencode(data).encode()
def create_page():
data = {
'action': 'create',
'type': 'html'
response = urlopen('', data=postify(data))
return None
return response.geturl()
def upload_html(page_url, title, html):
data = {
'mode': 'editor',
'title': title,
'html': html,
'ajax': '1'
response = urlopen(page_url, data=postify(data))
2014-02-23 05:00:29 +04:00
except URLError, e:
print 'Upload error: ' + str(e)
return False
return 'success' in
# --- End Web Upload ---
def debug(x):
if debug_test_pp:
print 'test_pretty_print: ' + x
debug_test_pp = False
2013-12-08 23:28:19 +04:00
include_passed = False
builddir = os.getcwd()
def main():
global builddir, debug_test_pp
global maxretry, dry, include_passed
project_name = 'OpenSCAD'
if bool(os.getenv("TEST_GENERATE")):
# --- Command Line Parsing ---
if '--debug' in ' '.join(sys.argv):
debug_test_pp = True
maxretry = 10
if '--include-passed' in sys.argv:
include_passed = True
dry = False
debug('running test_pretty_print')
if '--dryrun' in sys.argv:
dry = True
suffix = ezsearch('--suffix=(.*?) ', ' '.join(sys.argv) + ' ')
builddir = ezsearch('--builddir=(.*?) ', ' '.join(sys.argv) + ' ')
if not builddir or not os.path.exists(builddir):
builddir = os.getcwd()
print 'warning: couldnt find --builddir, trying to use current dir:',
print builddir
debug('build dir set to ' + builddir)
2013-12-09 04:32:36 +04:00
upload = False
if '--upload' in sys.argv:
upload = True
debug('will upload test report')
# Workaround for old cmake's not being able to pass parameters
if bool(os.getenv("OPENSCAD_UPLOAD_TESTS")):
upload = True
# --- End Command Line Parsing ---
sysinfo, sysid = read_sysinfo(os.path.join(builddir, 'sysinfo.txt'))
makefiles = load_makefiles(builddir)
logfilename = findlogfile(builddir)
testlog = tryread(logfilename)
startdate, tests, enddate = parselog(testlog)
if debug_test_pp:
print 'found sysinfo.txt,',
print 'found', len(makefiles),'makefiles,',
print 'found', len(tests),'test results'
2013-12-09 00:15:04 +04:00
html = to_html(project_name, startdate, tests, enddate, sysinfo, sysid, makefiles)
html_basename = sysid + '_report.html'
html_filename = os.path.join(builddir, 'Testing', 'Temporary', html_basename)
2013-12-08 23:18:58 +04:00
debug('saving ' + html_filename + ' ' + str(len(html)) + ' bytes')
trysave(html_filename, html)
2013-12-15 02:57:28 +04:00
print "report saved:\n", html_filename.replace(os.getcwd()+os.path.sep,'')
2014-03-06 08:14:52 +04:00
failed_tests = [test for test in tests if not test.passed]
if upload and failed_tests:
build = os.getenv("TRAVIS_BUILD_NUMBER")
if build: filename = 'travis-' + build + '_report.html'
else: filename = html_basename
os.system('scp "%s" "%s:%s"' %
(html_filename, '', 'www/tests/' + filename) )
share_url = '' + filename;
print 'html report uploaded:'
print share_url
# page_url = create_page()
# if upload_html(page_url, title='OpenSCAD test results', html=html):
# share_url = page_url.partition('?')[0]
# print 'html report uploaded at', share_url
# else:
# print 'could not upload html report'
debug('test_pretty_print complete')
2011-11-30 15:15:57 +04:00
if __name__=='__main__':