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id: version-stable-editors
title: Editor Integration
original_id: editors
## Atom
Atom users can simply install the [prettier-atom] package and use `Ctrl+Alt+F` to format a file (or format on save if enabled).
Alternatively, you can use one the packages below, which behave similarly to [prettier-atom] but have a focus on minimalism.
- [mprettier](
- [miniprettier](
## Emacs
Emacs users should see [this repository]( for on-demand formatting.
## Vim
Vim users can install either [vim-prettier](, which is Prettier specific, or [Neoformat]( or [ALE]( which are generalized lint/format engines with support for Prettier.
For more details see [the Vim setup guide](
## Visual Studio Code
`prettier-vscode` can be installed using the extension sidebar. Search for `Prettier - Code formatter`. It can also be installed using `ext install prettier-vscode` in the command palette. [Check its repository for configuration and shortcuts](
If you'd like to toggle the formatter on and off, install [`vscode-status-bar-format-toggle`](
## Visual Studio
Install the [JavaScript Prettier extension](
## Sublime Text
Sublime Text support is available through Package Control and the [JsPrettier]( plug-in.
## JetBrains WebStorm, PHPStorm, PyCharm...
See the [WebStorm setup guide](