
892 lines
29 KiB

author: Suchipi (@suchipi)
title: "Prettier 1.12: Fixes, Features, and Formatting, Oh My!"
Hello everyone, and welcome to Prettier 1.12.0! This release contains a lot of bugfixes, formatting adjustments, new features for our plugin API, and new Markdown features.
## Highlights
### JavaScript
#### Break nested ternaries ([#4120]( by [@duailibe](
When ternaries are nested, depending on the print width and indentation level, sometimes the outer ternary could get broken across multiple lines, while the inner ternary was left on one line:
<!-- prettier-ignore -->
// Input:
const platformString = Platform.OS == "ios" ? "iOS"
: Platform.OS == "android" ? "Android" : "unknown";
// Formatted (Prettier 1.11.1):
const platformString =
Platform.OS == "ios"
? "iOS"
: Platform.OS == "android" ? "Android" : "unknown";
This looked a bit odd, so to increase readability, we will now make all nested ternaries multi-line if any of them become multiline:
<!-- prettier-ignore -->
// Formatted (Prettier 1.12.0):
const platformString =
Platform.OS == "ios"
? "iOS"
: Platform.OS == "android"
? "Android"
: "unknown";
#### Handle comments before `else` ([#4264]( by [@duailibe](
A bug that has been open for a long time deals with the behavior around printing comments before `else`. Comments before the `else` keyword were moved inside the `else` block, which could be confusing when the comment was explaining the condition instead of the block. Additionally, it got in the way when commenting out a portion of an if/else chain.
##### Input:
<!-- prettier-ignore -->
if ( {
return foo;
// Use bar as a fallback
else if ( {
return bar;
if (a == 2) {
// else if (a == 3) {
// console.log('3');
// }
else if (a == 4) {
##### Formatted (Prettier 1.11.1):
<!-- prettier-ignore -->
if ( {
return foo;
} else if ( {
// Use bar as a fallback
return bar;
if (a == 2) {
} else if (a == 4) {
// else if (a == 3) {
// console.log('3');
// }
It was annoying that these comments got moved, but we weren't sure what to do here because we wanted to consistently format else blocks in this style: `} else {`.
We decided with this release to make an exception to the normal formatting and format `else` differently, but only if a comment appears in-between the `else` and the opening brace. This seems like the best solution:
##### Formatted (Prettier 1.12.0):
<!-- prettier-ignore -->
if ( {
return foo;
// Use bar as a fallback
else if ( {
return bar;
if (a == 2) {
// else if (a == 3) {
// console.log('3');
// }
else if (a == 4) {
#### Inline Angular async tests and beforeEach, etc. ([#4241]( by [@ad1992](
In Prettier 1.11.1, Angular tests using the `async` testing helper were formatted with an unnecessary number of line breaks. We've made a change to keep functions wrapped with this helper in-line, which prevents these unnecessary line breaks.
<!-- prettier-ignore -->
// Input:
import { TestBed, async } from '@angular/core/testing';
import { AppComponent } from './app.component';
describe('AppComponent', () => {
beforeEach(async(() => {
declarations: [AppComponent]
it('should create the app', async(() => {
const fixture = TestBed.createComponent(AppComponent);
const app = fixture.debugElement.componentInstance;
// Formatted (Prettier 1.11.1):
import { TestBed, async } from "@angular/core/testing";
import { AppComponent } from "./app.component";
describe("AppComponent", () => {
async(() => {
declarations: [AppComponent]
"should create the app",
async(() => {
const fixture = TestBed.createComponent(AppComponent);
const app = fixture.debugElement.componentInstance;
// Formatted (Prettier 1.12.0):
import { TestBed, async } from "@angular/core/testing";
import { AppComponent } from "./app.component";
describe("AppComponent", () => {
beforeEach(async(() => {
declarations: [AppComponent]
it("should create the app", async(() => {
const fixture = TestBed.createComponent(AppComponent);
const app = fixture.debugElement.componentInstance;
#### Break `ObjectPattern`s with nested `ObjectPattern`s ([#4267]( by [@duailibe](
We received a lot of community feedback that object and array destructuring syntax sometimes did not format very well. As a first step towards improving this, we have made a change so that any nested non-leaf object or array patterns in a destructuring pattern will get multi-lined if any of their parents do:
<!-- prettier-ignore -->
// Input:
const {
name: {
organisation: {
address: {
street: orgStreetAddress,
postcode: orgPostcode,
} = user;
// Formatted (Prettier 1.11.1):
const {
name: { first, last },
organisation: { address: { street: orgStreetAddress, postcode: orgPostcode } }
} = user;
// Formatted (Prettier 1.12.0):
const {
name: { first, last },
organisation: {
address: { street: orgStreetAddress, postcode: orgPostcode }
} = user;
### Markdown
#### Support hasPragma/insertPragma ([#4275]( by [@ikatyang](
Prettier 1.7.0 and 1.8.0 introduced two new options, [`--require-pragma`]( and [`--insert-pragma`]( However, these options were only supported in JavaScript. Now these options are available in Markdown, too!
<!-- @prettier -->
# My Markdown Document
A long time ago, in my hometown of Ericsburgh...
#### Support top-level `prettier-ignore-start`/`prettier-ignore-end` ([#4202]( by [@ikatyang](
When using tools such as [all-contributors]( or [markdown-toc](, users were running into situations where autogenerated Markdown content was formatted oddly by Prettier, or Prettier's `--list-different` mode was flagging autogenerated content that the user didn't care about formatting.
To solve these problems, we have added a new type of ignore comment to Markdown, called [Range Ignore](
<!-- prettier-ignore -->
<!-- prettier-ignore-start -->
<!-- ALL-CONTRIBUTORS-LIST:START - Do not remove or modify this section -->
| [<img src="" width="100px;"/><br /><sub><b>Alice</b></sub>](<br /> [💻]( "Code") [📖]( "Documentation") [⚠️]( "Tests") | [<img src="" width="100px;"/><br /><sub><b>Bob</b></sub>](<br /> [🐛]( "Bug reports") | [<img src="" width="100px;"/><br /><sub><b>Jeffrey</b></sub>](<br /> [🐛]( "Bug reports") | [<img src="" width="100px;"/><br /><sub><b>Sarah</b></sub>](<br /> [🐛]( "Bug reports") |
| :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: |
<!-- prettier-ignore-end -->
You can put `prettier-ignore-start` and `prettier-ignore-end` comments around autogenerated content, and prettier will ignore everything in-between. Please note that this feature is currently only available in Markdown, and can only be used at the top-level.
### GraphQL
#### Allow new interface style for GraphQL. ([#4012]( by [@ruiaraujo](
The GraphQL Schema Definition Language recently changed the syntax for multiple inherited interfaces to use `&` instead of `,`:
<!-- prettier-ignore -->
// Old style
type Foo implements Bar, Baz { field: Type }
// New style
type Foo implements Bar & Baz { field: Type }
Prettier 1.11.1 failed to parse the new style; we now support both styles.
### Plugin API (Beta)
#### Move pragma detection/insertion to plugins ([#3685]( by [@duailibe](
Prettier plugins can now include a `hasPragma` function in their [parser]( and an `insertPragma` function in their [printer]( to opt-in to `--insert-pragma` and `--require-pragma` support. These are their signatures:
function hasPragma(text: string): boolean;
function insertPragma(text: string): string;
#### Enable plugin-specific comment functionality ([#4182]( by [@mgrip](
Plugins can now override prettier's built-in comment printing algorithm on a case-by-case basis in order to better support comment formatting for their language. This API is not yet documented, but you can view how this feature is used in the recently-released [Prettier PHP Plugin]( [here]( and [here](
## Other Changes
### JavaScript
#### Upgrade flow to 0.69 and enable ?. support ([#4296]( by [@vjeux](
Optional chaining (`?.`) is now supported when using the `flow` parser:
<!-- prettier-ignore -->
const name = this.model?.user?.firstName || "No Name Set"
#### Stop marking all comments in named exports as leading comments ([#4292]( by [@duailibe](
This change fixes a bug where ignored comments in named exports were duplicated on every format:
<!-- prettier-ignore -->
// Input:
// prettier-ignore
export {
foo, // comment
bar, // comment
// Formatted (Prettier 1.11.1):
// prettier-ignore
// comment
// comment
export {
foo, // comment
bar, // comment
// Formatted (Prettier 1.12.0):
// prettier-ignore
export {
foo, // comment
bar, // comment
#### Handle ContinueStatement and BreakStatement comments ([#4279]( by [@duailibe](
Prettier was mistakenly not printing some comments near the `continue` and `break` keywords. This has been fixed:
<!-- prettier-ignore -->
// Input:
for (let i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
continue /* Comment */;
for (let i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
break /* Comment */;
// Output (Prettier 1.11.1):
Error: Comment "Comment" was not printed. Please report this error!
at Array.forEach (<anonymous>)
at ensureAllCommentsPrinted (
at _formatWithCursor (
at _format (
at formatRange (
at _formatWithCursor (
at _format (
at Object.format (
at formatCode (
at self.onmessage (
// Formatted (Prettier 1.12.0):
for (let i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
continue; /* Comment */
for (let i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
break; /* Comment */
#### Fix embedded GraphQL in JS with backticks ([#4265]( by [@duailibe](, [#4278]( by [@duailibe](
In Prettier 1.11.1, a bug caused GraphQL containing escaped backtick strings to not be formatted. This has been fixed in Prettier 1.12.0:
<!-- prettier-ignore -->
// Input:
"\`foo\` mutation payload."
type FooPayload { bar: String
// Formatted (Prettier 1.11.1):
"\`foo\` mutation payload."
type FooPayload { bar: String
// Formatted (Prettier 1.12.0):
"\`foo\` mutation payload."
type FooPayload {
bar: String
#### Don't mix up expressions when using `prettier-ignore` inside template literal ([#4220]( by [@evilebottnawi](
A bug in Prettier 1.11.1 caused expressions nested in template literals to get moved around when using `prettier-ignore` comments within the literal, under certain conditions:
<!-- prettier-ignore -->
// Input:
color: ${props => props.theme.colors.paragraph};
/* prettier-ignore */
${props => props.small ? 'font-size: 0.8em;' : ''};
// Formatted (Prettier 1.11.1):
color: ${props => (props.small ? "font-size: 0.8em;" : "")};
/* prettier-ignore */
${props => props.theme.colors.paragraph};
Note that the two functions receiving `props` have switched places.
This bug has been fixed in prettier 1.12.0:
<!-- prettier-ignore -->
// Formatted (Prettier 1.12.0):
color: ${props => props.theme.colors.paragraph};
/* prettier-ignore */
${props => (props.small ? "font-size: 0.8em;" : "")};
#### Prevent "over-indenting" class properties values ([#4085]( by [@duailibe](
In Prettier 1.11.1, there was an issue where the indentation level for binary expressions (things like `2 + 2`, `4 * 4`, etc) would increase with each line break under certain conditions. This has been fixed in Prettier 1.12.0:
<!-- prettier-ignore -->
// Input:
class EnterpriseQualityClass {
foobar =
// we get foo and multiply by 3 * 3 +
// then add bar and multiply by 90 time foo plus 2
( * 90) * ( + 2)
// Formatted (Prettier 1.11.1):
class EnterpriseQualityClass {
foobar =
// we get foo and multiply by 3 * 3 +
// then add bar and multiply by 90 time foo plus 2 * 90 * ( + 2);
// Formatted (Prettier 1.12.0):
class EnterpriseQualityClass {
foobar =
// we get foo and multiply by 3 * 3 +
// then add bar and multiply by 90 time foo plus 2 * 90 * ( + 2);
#### Improve switch formatting ([#4165]( by [@evilebottnawi](
When the discriminant of a switch statement was very long, we were not printing it very pretty. The formatting has been improved in Prettier 1.12.0:
<!-- prettier-ignore -->
// Input:
switch (longLongLongLongLongLongLongVariable &&
longLongLongLongLongLongLongVariable) {
case (1): {
// Formatted (Prettier 1.11.1):
switch (longLongLongLongLongLongLongVariable &&
longLongLongLongLongLongLongVariable) {
case 1: {
// Formatted (Prettier 1.12.0):
switch (
longLongLongLongLongLongLongVariable && longLongLongLongLongLongLongVariable
) {
case 1: {
### TypeScript
#### Never print a semicolon after `export default interface Foo {}` ([#4128]( by [@j-f1](
In Prettier 1.11.1, semicolons were mistakenly printed after default-exported interfaces. This has been resolved in Prettier 1.12.0:
<!-- prettier-ignore -->
// Input:
export default interface Foo {
readonly bar?: string;
// Formatted (Prettier 1.11.1):
export default interface Foo {
readonly bar?: string;
// Formatted (Prettier 1.12.0):
export default interface Foo {
readonly bar?: string;
#### Require parenthesis around "TSAsExpression" inside an "UpdateExpression" ([#4183]( by [@UselessPickles](
Prettier 1.11.1 was mistakenly removing parens around typecast update expressions, which caused a syntax error. This issue has been fixed in Prettier 1.12.0:
<!-- prettier-ignore -->
// Input:
(obj.value as any)++
// Formatted (Prettier 1.11.1):
obj.value as any++;
// Formatted (Prettier 1.12.0):
(obj.value as any)++;
### Markdown
#### Remove unnecessary empty line in front matter ([#4280]( by [@ikatyang](
Prettier 1.11.1 was printing an unnecessary empty line when formatting a markdown document containing empty yaml/toml front-matter; this line is no longer printed:
##### Input:
<!-- prettier-ignore -->
##### Formatted (Prettier 1.11.1):
<!-- prettier-ignore -->
##### Formatted (Prettier 1.12.0):
<!-- prettier-ignore -->
#### Support fenced codeblock lang followed by attributes ([#4153]( by [@ikatyang](
Some markdown documents use attributes listed after the language for special purposes; for example, they are used by [markdown-preview-enhanced]( to modify display options and specify code execution parameters.
Code block language attributes look like this:
<!-- prettier-ignore -->
```js {cmd=node .line-numbers}
console.log("hello world");
Prettier was not formatting the contents of these markdown blocks before, because it could no longer detect the language of a code block when attributes were present. Now, prettier correctly detects the language.
#### Correct nested html indentation ([#4115]( by [@ikatyang](
In Prettier 1.11.1, HTML nested underneath a list item was not formatted correctly; the indentation level changed each time you re-formatted the code. This is now fixed.
<!-- prettier-ignore -->
<!-- Input: -->
1. A list item
<table class="table table-striped">
<!-- Output (Prettier 1.11.1): -->
1. A list item
<table class="table table-striped">
<!-- Output (Prettier 1.12.0): -->
1. A list item
<table class="table table-striped">
#### Print literalline for newline instead of hardline ([#4083]( by [@ikatyang](
In Prettier 1.11.1, when embedding CSS or JSX in markdown, there was an issue that caused the indentation level of block comments to be set incorrectly in some sitautions. This issue has been fixed in Prettier 1.12.0:
<!-- prettier-ignore -->
<!-- Input: -->
.Avatar {
@container (width > 100px) {
Change some styles on the image element when the container is
wider than 100px
<!-- Formatted (Prettier 1.11.1): -->
.Avatar {
@container (width > 100px) {
Change some styles on the image element when the container is
wider than 100px
<!-- Formatted (Prettier 1.12.0): -->
.Avatar {
@container (width > 100px) {
Change some styles on the image element when the container is
wider than 100px
### CSS/SCSS/Less
#### Don't lowercase the variable name of custom selectors #4254 ([#4255]( by [@Coobaha](
Prettier 1.11.1 was mistakenly changing the variable name of custom selectors to be lower-case. This issue has been fixed in Prettier 1.12.0:
<!-- prettier-ignore -->
/* Input: */
@custom-selector :--camelCase .my-css-selector;
:--camelCase {
color: red;
/* Formatted (Prettier 1.11.1): */
@custom-selector :--camelCase .my-css-selector;
:--camelcase {
color: red;
/* Formatted (Prettier 1.12.0): */
@custom-selector :--camelCase .my-css-selector;
:--camelCase {
color: red;
#### Don't break value property with inlined URL ([#4236]( by [@evilebottnawi](
In Prettier 1.11.1, there was an issue where Prettier would print `url()`s incorrectly when they appeared in shorthand properties. This has been fixed in Prettier 1.12.0.
<!-- prettier-ignore -->
/* Input: */
.search-icon {
background: url() center center no-repeat;
/* Formatted (Prettier 1.11.1): */
.search-icon {
background: url(
center center no-repeat;
/* Formatted (Prettier 1.12.0): */
.search-icon {
center center no-repeat;
#### Fix inline comments in lists and maps ([#4205]( by [@evilebottnawi](
Prettier 1.11.0 was breaking code when inline comments appeared within SCSS lists or maps. This has been fixed in Prettier 1.12.0. Note: This formatting style is still not ideal, but this fixes the code breaking.
<!-- prettier-ignore -->
// Input:
'foo', // Foo
'bar'; // Bar
$my-map: (
'foo': 1, // Foo
'bar': 2, // Bar
// Formatted (Prettier 1.11.1):
$my-list: "foo", / / Foo "bar"; // Bar
$my-map: (
"foo": 1,
/ / Foo "bar": 2,
/ / Bar
// Formatted (Prettier 1.12.0):
$my-list: "foo",
// Foo
"bar"; // Bar
$my-map: (
"foo": 1,
// Foo
"bar": 2,
// Bar
#### Don't lowercase exported variable in css modules ([#4152]( by [@evilebottnawi](
Prettier 1.11.1 was incorrectly lower-casing names of CSS variables exported from CSS modules. This would cause issues when attempting to import the variable from the module on the JavaScript side.
<!-- prettier-ignore -->
/* Input: */
:export {
myColor: red;
/* Formatted (Prettier 1.11.1): */
:export {
mycolor: red;
This has been fixed in Prettier 1.12.0:
<!-- prettier-ignore -->
/* Formatted (Prettier 1.12.0): */
:export {
myColor: red;
#### Handle `unicode-range` ([#4117]( by [@evilebottnawi](
Prettier 1.11.1 was printing `unicode-range` rules incorrectly. This has been fixed in Prettier 1.12.0.
<!-- prettier-ignore -->
/* Input: */
@font-face {
unicode-range: U+00-FF;
/* Formatted (Prettier 1.11.1): */
@font-face {
unicode-range: U + 00-FF;
/* Formatted (Prettier 1.12.0): */
@font-face {
unicode-range: U+00-FF;
### HTML/Handlebars/Vue
#### Support comment at the top of an HTML document ([#4141]( by [@evilebottnawi](
Prettier's team is continuing to work on our not-yet-production-ready HTML formatter. This release includes a fix where a comment at the top of a document (like an `htmlhint` comment) caused the document to not be formatted properly. This issue has been fixed.
#### Fix Handlebars `else if` ([#4256]( by [@n8n8baby](
Our handlebars formatter is also not yet ready for public consumption, but a fix was added during this release cycle so that `else if` blocks are printed correctly. Prettier 1.11.1 mistakenly converted them into `if`s.
#### Fix self-closing style tags in vue ([#4108]( by [@duailibe](
Prettier 1.11.1 did not handle self-closing style or script tags correctly in vue files; it would print things in an unexpected way. This has been fixed in Prettier 1.12.0.
<!-- prettier-ignore -->
<!-- Input: -->
<span :class="$style.root"><slot /></span>
<style src="./style.css" module />
<!-- Formatted (Prettier 1.11.1): -->
<span :class="$style.root"><slot /></span>
<style src="./style.css" module />
<template><span : class= "$style.root" ><slot / ></span> </template> <style src=
"./style.css" module / >;
<span :class="$style.root"><slot /></span>
<style src="./style.css" module />
<!-- Formatted (Prettier 1.12.0): -->
<span :class="$style.root"><slot /></span>
<style src="./style.css" module />
### Misc
#### Playground: Add support for rangeStart and rangeEnd ([#4216]( by [@JamesHenry](
`--range-start` and `--range-end` can now be specified in the playground thanks to work by [@JamesHenry]( This will help the prettier community, because it streamlines the bug reporting process for bugs related to formatting a selection in the editor.
#### Fix printing ignored files with --debug-check ([#4066]( by [@duailibe](
Prettier 1.11.1 was mistakenly outputting the contents of ignored files when the [`--debug-check`]( flag was used. In Prettier 1.12.0, the contents of ignored files are no longer written to stdout.
To Prettier's amazing community of users, contributors, and maintainers, thank you! This is something that we can only build together ❤️