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Tabs make it easy to explore and switch between different views or functional aspects of an app or to browse categorized data sets. Tabs are composed with their content, but only the active tab's content is rendered. In the future, we may add the ability to render headers only, with event listeners.

import {Tab, Tabs} from 'react-toolbox';

class TabsTest extends React.Component {
  state = {
    index: 1

  handleTabChange = (index) => {

  handleActive = () => {
    console.log('Special one activated');

  render () {
    return (
      <Tabs index={this.state.index} onChange={this.handleTabChange}>
        <Tab label='Primary'><small>Primary content</small></Tab>
        <Tab label='Secondary' onActive={this.handleActive}><small>Secondary content</small></Tab>
        <Tab label='Third' disabled><small>Disabled content</small></Tab>
        <Tab label='Fourth' hidden><small>Fourth content hidden</small></Tab>
        <Tab label='Fifth'><small>Fifth content</small></Tab>

If you want to provide a theme via context, the component key is RTTabs.


This component acts as the wrapper and the main controller of the content that is being displayed. It gets some properties that can be spread to the children.


Name Type Default Description
className String '' Additional class name to provide custom styling.
disableAnimatedBottomBorder Boolean false Disable the animation below the active tab.
index Number 0 Current
onChange Function Callback function that is fired when the tab changes.


Name Description
active Added to the active tab content and header.
navigation Used for the navigation element.
pointer Used for the moving underline element.
tabs Used as a root classname for the component.
tab Used for the tab content element.


Represent a single tab element and it should include some properties to describe the tab itself and get children elements as content.


Name Type Default Description
active Boolean false If true, the current component is visible.
activeClassName String '' Additional class name to provide custom styling for the active tab.
className String '' Additional class name to provide custom styling for each tab.
disabled Boolean false If true, the current component is not clickable.
hidden Boolean false If true, the current component is not visible.
label String Label text for navigation header. Required.
onActive Function Callback function that is fired when the tab is activated.
onClick Function Callback function that is fired when the tab is clicked.


Name Description
active Added to the navigation tab element in case it's active.
disabled Added to the navigation tab element in case it's disabled.
hidden Added to the navigation tab element in case it's hidden.
label Added to the navigation tab element in case it's active.