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# Input
var Input = require('react-toolbox/components/input');
<Input value='Hello' required />
<Input multiline value='Lorem ipsum...' disabled />
<Input type='number' value='1980' label='Year of birthdate' />
## Properties
| Name | Type | Default | Description|
|:- |:-: | :- |:-|
| **className** | String | | Sets the class-styles of the Component.|
| **disabled** | Boolean | false | If true, component will be disabled.|
| **error** | String | | Sets the error string.|
| **label** | String | | The text string to use for the floating label element.|
| **multiline** | Boolean | false | If true, a textarea element will be rendered. The textarea also grows and shrinks according to the number of lines.|
| **icon** | String | | Icon String key.|
| **onBlur** | Function | | Callback function that is fired when components is blured.|
| **onChange** | Function | | Callback function that is fired when the components's value changes.|
| **onFocus** | Function | | Callback function that is fired when components is focused.|
| **onKeyPress** | Function | | Callback function that is fired when a key is pressed.|
| **required** | Boolean | false | If true, component needs has a value.|
| **type** | String | "normal" | Type of the component, overwrite this property if you need set a different stylesheet.|
| **value** | String | | Default value using JSON data.|
## Methods
#### focus
The focus event is sent to an element when it gains focus.
#### blur
The blur event is sent to an element when it loses focus
#### getValue
Returns the value of the input.
#### setValue
Sets the value of the input element.
#### setError
input_instance.setError("Something is wrong...");