
1.3 KiB


var Form  = require('react-toolbox/components/form');
var fields : [
  {ref: "name", label: "Your Name", required: true, storage: true},
  {ref: "description", multiline: true, label: "Description", value: "Doer"},
  {ref: "birthdate", type: "date", label: "Birthdate"}

<Form attributes={fields} storage="my_toolbox_form" />


Name Type Default Description
attributes array Array of fields you want hold, fields can be instances of , , , or
className String Set the class-styles of the Component.
onChange Function Dispatch callback when values of the component changes.
onError Function Dispatch callback when a required field is null or has incorrect type.
onSubmit Function Dispatch callback when user clicks on submit
onValid Function Dispatch callback when all required fields are full-filled.
Storage String Sets a localStorage key for save all current field values.