Release 1.4.2 Stable
released this
2024-02-04 02:23:49 +03:00 | 319 commits to master since this release- Log to systemd by default
- Fix excessive autosyncs after every operation with disabled immediate_commit (introduced in 1.1.0)
- Fix a possible write stall with EC due to the lack of OSD wakeup after stabilizing previous writes
- Change sync operation semantics as a final fix to possible write stalls with EC and disabled immediate_commit
- Sync after deleting data in CLI rm / rm-data if immediate_commit is disabled
- Fix OSDs ignoring syncs & autosyncs for delete operations
- Fix OSD space reporting sometimes adding garbage zeros for deleted inodes (causing extra pool/stats etcd keys for deleted pools)
- Speed up monitor failover - change default etcd_mon_ttl from 30 to 5 seconds
- Speed up operation retries - change default up_wait_retry_interval to 50 ms
- Add patch for libvirt 9.10