• Joined on 2017-02-23
10,436 contributions in the last 12 months

vitalif pushed to opennebula at vitalif/vitastor

2024-08-26 01:55:01 +03:00

vitalif pushed to cli-dd at vitalif/vitastor

2024-08-24 23:06:05 +03:00

vitalif pushed to cli-dd at vitalif/vitastor

2024-08-19 20:38:25 +03:00

vitalif pushed to cli-dd at vitalif/vitastor

2024-08-19 20:30:46 +03:00

vitalif pushed to cli-dd at vitalif/vitastor

2024-08-19 18:04:14 +03:00

vitalif pushed to cli-dd at vitalif/vitastor

2024-08-19 16:52:58 +03:00

vitalif pushed to cli-dd at vitalif/vitastor

2024-08-19 11:51:27 +03:00

vitalif pushed to cli-dd at vitalif/vitastor

2024-08-19 11:32:10 +03:00

vitalif pushed to cli-dd at vitalif/vitastor

2024-08-19 01:40:39 +03:00

vitalif pushed to cli-dd at vitalif/vitastor

2024-08-19 00:53:47 +03:00

vitalif created branch cli-dd in vitalif/vitastor

2024-08-18 17:18:32 +03:00

vitalif pushed to cli-dd at vitalif/vitastor

2024-08-18 17:18:32 +03:00

vitalif pushed to master at vitalif/vitastor

  • 97f49d7d94 Fix #70 from github - skip_cache_check type issue

2024-08-14 01:35:49 +03:00

vitalif pushed to master at vitalif/vitastor

2024-08-13 11:21:03 +03:00

vitalif pushed to development/8.8 at vitalif/zenko-cloudserver-vitastor

  • b5711e9cbf Use fs.readFileSync to read config file instead of require

2024-08-13 11:19:44 +03:00

vitalif pushed to development/8.8 at vitalif/zenko-cloudserver-vitastor

2024-08-13 02:20:31 +03:00

vitalif pushed to development/8.1 at vitalif/zenko-utapi

  • facc276e8b move away require libv2/config from libv2/redis

2024-08-13 02:17:12 +03:00

vitalif pushed to development/8.1 at vitalif/zenko-utapi

  • 1b6292f125 move away require libv2/config from libv2/redis

2024-08-13 02:15:43 +03:00

vitalif pushed to development/8.1 at vitalif/zenko-utapi

  • c8e3999fb3 Require defaults.json instead of fs.readFileSync

2024-08-13 01:14:29 +03:00

vitalif pushed to development/8.1 at vitalif/zenko-utapi

  • 9fa777cdba Split require utils to help webpack remove libV2

2024-08-13 01:10:34 +03:00