
701 lines
23 KiB
Raw Normal View History

#include "cgalutils.h"
#include "polyset.h"
#include "printutils.h"
#include "Polygon2d.h"
#include "polyset-utils.h"
#include "grid.h"
2012-10-28 21:37:27 +04:00
#include "cgal.h"
#include <CGAL/convex_hull_3.h>
2011-11-09 07:48:56 +04:00
2012-10-28 21:37:27 +04:00
#include <map>
#include <boost/foreach.hpp>
2012-10-28 21:37:27 +04:00
namespace CGALUtils {
bool applyHull(const Geometry::ChildList &children, CGAL_Polyhedron &result)
// Collect point cloud
std::list<CGAL_Polyhedron::Vertex::Point_3> points;
CGAL_Polyhedron P;
BOOST_FOREACH(const Geometry::ChildItem &item, children) {
const shared_ptr<const Geometry> &chgeom = item.second;
const CGAL_Nef_polyhedron *N = dynamic_cast<const CGAL_Nef_polyhedron *>(chgeom.get());
if (N) {
if (!N->p3->is_simple()) {
PRINT("Hull() currently requires a valid 2-manifold. Please modify your design. See");
else {
2013-12-14 20:15:19 +04:00
bool err = true;
std::string errmsg("");
try {
err = nefworkaround::convert_to_Polyhedron<CGAL_Kernel3>( *(N->p3), P );
// N->p3->convert_to_Polyhedron(P);
catch (const CGAL::Failure_exception &e) {
err = true;
errmsg = std::string(e.what());
if (err) {
PRINT("ERROR: CGAL NefPolyhedron->Polyhedron conversion failed.");
if (errmsg!="") PRINTB("ERROR: %s",errmsg);
} else {
std::transform(P.vertices_begin(), P.vertices_end(), std::back_inserter(points),
boost::bind(static_cast<const CGAL_Polyhedron::Vertex::Point_3&(CGAL_Polyhedron::Vertex::*)() const>(&CGAL_Polyhedron::Vertex::point), _1));
else {
const PolySet *ps = dynamic_cast<const PolySet *>(chgeom.get());
BOOST_FOREACH(const PolySet::Polygon &p, ps->polygons) {
BOOST_FOREACH(const Vector3d &v, p) {
points.push_back(CGAL_Polyhedron::Vertex::Point_3(v[0], v[1], v[2]));
if (points.size() > 0) {
// Apply hull
if (points.size() > 3) {
CGAL::convex_hull_3(points.begin(), points.end(), result);
return true;
return false;
Modifies target by applying op to target and src:
target = target [op] src
void applyBinaryOperator(CGAL_Nef_polyhedron &target, const CGAL_Nef_polyhedron &src, OpenSCADOperator op)
if (target.getDimension() != 2 && target.getDimension() != 3) {
assert(false && "Dimension of Nef polyhedron must be 2 or 3");
if (src.isEmpty()) return; // Empty polyhedron. This can happen for e.g. square([0,0])
if (target.isEmpty() && op != OPENSCAD_UNION) return; // empty op <something> => empty
if (target.getDimension() != src.getDimension()) return; // If someone tries to e.g. union 2d and 3d objects
CGAL::Failure_behaviour old_behaviour = CGAL::set_error_behaviour(CGAL::THROW_EXCEPTION);
try {
switch (op) {
if (target.isEmpty()) target = src.copy();
else target += src;
target *= src;
target -= src;
PRINTB("ERROR: Unsupported CGAL operator: %d", op);
catch (const CGAL::Failure_exception &e) {
// union && difference assert triggered by testdata/scad/bugs/rotate-diff-nonmanifold-crash.scad and testdata/scad/bugs/issue204.scad
std::string opstr = op == OPENSCAD_UNION ? "union" : op == OPENSCAD_INTERSECTION ? "intersection" : op == OPENSCAD_DIFFERENCE ? "difference" : op == OPENSCAD_MINKOWSKI ? "minkowski" : "UNKNOWN";
PRINTB("CGAL error in CGALUtils::applyBinaryOperator %s: %s", opstr % e.what());
// Errors can result in corrupt polyhedrons, so put back the old one
target = src;
CGAL_Nef_polyhedron project(const CGAL_Nef_polyhedron &N, bool cut)
logstream log(5);
CGAL_Nef_polyhedron nef_poly(2);
if (N.getDimension() != 3) return nef_poly;
CGAL_Nef_polyhedron newN;
if (cut) {
CGAL::Failure_behaviour old_behaviour = CGAL::set_error_behaviour(CGAL::THROW_EXCEPTION);
try {
CGAL_Nef_polyhedron3::Plane_3 xy_plane = CGAL_Nef_polyhedron3::Plane_3(0,0,1,0);
newN.p3.reset(new CGAL_Nef_polyhedron3(N.p3->intersection(xy_plane, CGAL_Nef_polyhedron3::PLANE_ONLY)));
catch (const CGAL::Failure_exception &e) {
PRINTB("CGALUtils::project during plane intersection: %s", e.what());
try {
PRINT("Trying alternative intersection using very large thin box: ");
std::vector<CGAL_Point_3> pts;
// dont use z of 0. there are bugs in CGAL.
double inf = 1e8;
double eps = 0.001;
CGAL_Point_3 minpt( -inf, -inf, -eps );
CGAL_Point_3 maxpt( inf, inf, eps );
CGAL_Iso_cuboid_3 bigcuboid( minpt, maxpt );
for ( int i=0;i<8;i++ ) pts.push_back( bigcuboid.vertex(i) );
CGAL_Polyhedron bigbox;
CGAL::convex_hull_3(pts.begin(), pts.end(), bigbox);
CGAL_Nef_polyhedron3 nef_bigbox( bigbox );
newN.p3.reset(new CGAL_Nef_polyhedron3(nef_bigbox.intersection(*N.p3)));
catch (const CGAL::Failure_exception &e) {
PRINTB("CGAL error in CGALUtils::project during bigbox intersection: %s", e.what());
if (!newN.p3 || newN.p3->is_empty()) {
PRINT("WARNING: projection() failed.");
return nef_poly;
log << OpenSCAD::svg_header( 480, 100000 ) << "\n";
try {
ZRemover zremover;
CGAL_Nef_polyhedron3::Volume_const_iterator i;
CGAL_Nef_polyhedron3::Shell_entry_const_iterator j;
CGAL_Nef_polyhedron3::SFace_const_handle sface_handle;
for ( i = newN.p3->volumes_begin(); i != newN.p3->volumes_end(); ++i ) {
log << "<!-- volume. mark: " << i->mark() << " -->\n";
for ( j = i->shells_begin(); j != i->shells_end(); ++j ) {
log << "<!-- shell. mark: " << i->mark() << " -->\n";
sface_handle = CGAL_Nef_polyhedron3::SFace_const_handle( j );
newN.p3->visit_shell_objects( sface_handle , zremover );
log << "<!-- shell. end. -->\n";
log << "<!-- volume end. -->\n";
nef_poly.p2 = zremover.output_nefpoly2d;
} catch (const CGAL::Failure_exception &e) {
PRINTB("CGAL error in CGALUtils::project while flattening: %s", e.what());
log << "</svg>\n";
// In projection mode all the triangles are projected manually into the XY plane
else {
PolySet *ps3 = N.convertToPolyset();
if (!ps3) return nef_poly;
const Polygon2d *poly = PolysetUtils::project(*ps3);
// FIXME: Convert back to Nef2 and delete poly?
/* if (nef_poly.isEmpty()) {
nef_poly.p2.reset(new CGAL_Nef_polyhedron2(plist.begin(), plist.end(), CGAL_Nef_polyhedron2::INCLUDED));
else {
(*nef_poly.p2) += CGAL_Nef_polyhedron2(plist.begin(), plist.end(), CGAL_Nef_polyhedron2::INCLUDED);
delete ps3;
return nef_poly;
bool createPolySetFromPolyhedron(const CGAL_Polyhedron &p, PolySet &ps)
bool err = false;
typedef CGAL_Polyhedron::Vertex Vertex;
typedef CGAL_Polyhedron::Vertex_const_iterator VCI;
typedef CGAL_Polyhedron::Facet_const_iterator FCI;
typedef CGAL_Polyhedron::Halfedge_around_facet_const_circulator HFCC;
for (FCI fi = p.facets_begin(); fi != p.facets_end(); ++fi) {
HFCC hc = fi->facet_begin();
HFCC hc_end = hc;
Vertex v1, v2, v3;
v1 = *VCI((hc++)->vertex());
v3 = *VCI((hc++)->vertex());
do {
v2 = v3;
v3 = *VCI((hc++)->vertex());
double x1 = CGAL::to_double(v1.point().x());
double y1 = CGAL::to_double(v1.point().y());
double z1 = CGAL::to_double(v1.point().z());
double x2 = CGAL::to_double(v2.point().x());
double y2 = CGAL::to_double(v2.point().y());
double z2 = CGAL::to_double(v2.point().z());
double x3 = CGAL::to_double(v3.point().x());
double y3 = CGAL::to_double(v3.point().y());
double z3 = CGAL::to_double(v3.point().z());
ps.append_vertex(x1, y1, z1);
ps.append_vertex(x2, y2, z2);
ps.append_vertex(x3, y3, z3);
} while (hc != hc_end);
return err;
class CGAL_Build_PolySet : public CGAL::Modifier_base<CGAL_HDS>
typedef CGAL_HDS::Vertex::Point CGALPoint;
const PolySet &ps;
CGAL_Build_PolySet(const PolySet &ps) : ps(ps) { }
void operator()(CGAL_HDS& hds)
CGAL_Polybuilder B(hds, true);
typedef boost::tuple<double, double, double> BuilderVertex;
typedef std::map<BuilderVertex, size_t> BuilderMap;
BuilderMap vertices;
std::vector<size_t> indices(3);
// Estimating same # of vertices as polygons (very rough)
B.begin_surface(ps.polygons.size(), ps.polygons.size());
int pidx = 0;
BOOST_FOREACH(const PolySet::Polygon &p, ps.polygons) {
if (pidx++ > 0) printf(",");
BOOST_FOREACH(const Vector3d &v, p) {
size_t idx;
BuilderVertex bv = boost::make_tuple(v[0], v[1], v[2]);
if (vertices.count(bv) > 0) indices.push_back(vertices[bv]);
else {
vertices[bv] = vertices.size();
B.add_vertex(CGALPoint(v[0], v[1], v[2]));
int fidx = 0;
BOOST_FOREACH(size_t i, indices) {
if (fidx++ > 0) printf(",");
printf("%ld", i);
int vidx = 0;
for (int vidx=0;vidx<vertices.size();vidx++) {
if (vidx > 0) printf(",");
const BuilderMap::const_iterator it =
std::find_if(vertices.begin(), vertices.end(),
boost::bind(&BuilderMap::value_type::second, _1) == vidx);
printf("[%g,%g,%g]", it->first.get<0>(), it->first.get<1>(), it->first.get<2>());
bool createPolyhedronFromPolySet(const PolySet &ps, CGAL_Polyhedron &p)
bool err = false;
CGAL::Failure_behaviour old_behaviour = CGAL::set_error_behaviour(CGAL::THROW_EXCEPTION);
try {
CGAL_Build_PolySet builder(ps);
catch (const CGAL::Assertion_exception &e) {
PRINTB("CGAL error in CGALUtils::createPolyhedronFromPolySet: %s", e.what());
err = true;
return err;
CGAL_Iso_cuboid_3 bounding_box( const CGAL_Nef_polyhedron3 &N )
CGAL_Iso_cuboid_3 result(0,0,0,0,0,0);
CGAL_Nef_polyhedron3::Vertex_const_iterator vi;
std::vector<CGAL_Nef_polyhedron3::Point_3> points;
// can be optimized by rewriting bounding_box to accept vertices
CGAL_forall_vertices( vi, N )
points.push_back( vi->point() );
if (points.size())
result = CGAL::bounding_box( points.begin(), points.end() );
return result;
CGAL_Iso_rectangle_2e bounding_box( const CGAL_Nef_polyhedron2 &N )
CGAL_Iso_rectangle_2e result(0,0,0,0);
CGAL_Nef_polyhedron2::Explorer explorer = N.explorer();
CGAL_Nef_polyhedron2::Explorer::Vertex_const_iterator vi;
std::vector<CGAL_Point_2e> points;
// can be optimized by rewriting bounding_box to accept vertices
for ( vi = explorer.vertices_begin(); vi != explorer.vertices_end(); ++vi )
if ( explorer.is_standard( vi ) )
points.push_back( explorer.point( vi ) );
if (points.size())
result = CGAL::bounding_box( points.begin(), points.end() );
return result;
void ZRemover::visit( CGAL_Nef_polyhedron3::Halffacet_const_handle hfacet )
log << " <!-- ZRemover Halffacet visit. Mark: " << hfacet->mark() << " -->\n";
if ( hfacet->plane().orthogonal_direction() != this->up ) {
log << " <!-- ZRemover down-facing half-facet. skipping -->\n";
log << " <!-- ZRemover Halffacet visit end-->\n";
// possible optimization - throw out facets that are vertically oriented
CGAL_Nef_polyhedron3::Halffacet_cycle_const_iterator fci;
int contour_counter = 0;
CGAL_forall_facet_cycles_of( fci, hfacet ) {
if ( fci.is_shalfedge() ) {
log << " <!-- ZRemover Halffacet cycle begin -->\n";
CGAL_Nef_polyhedron3::SHalfedge_around_facet_const_circulator c1(fci), cend(c1);
std::vector<CGAL_Nef_polyhedron2::Explorer::Point> contour;
CGAL_For_all( c1, cend ) {
CGAL_Nef_polyhedron3::Point_3 point3d = c1->source()->target()->point();
CGAL_Nef_polyhedron2::Explorer::Point point2d(CGAL::to_double(point3d.x()),
contour.push_back( point2d );
if (contour.size()==0) continue;
log << " <!-- is_simple_2:" << CGAL::is_simple_2( contour.begin(), contour.end() ) << " --> \n";
tmpnef2d.reset( new CGAL_Nef_polyhedron2( contour.begin(), contour.end(), boundary ) );
if ( contour_counter == 0 ) {
log << " <!-- contour is a body. make union(). " << contour.size() << " points. -->\n" ;
*(output_nefpoly2d) += *(tmpnef2d);
} else {
log << " <!-- contour is a hole. make intersection(). " << contour.size() << " points. -->\n";
*(output_nefpoly2d) *= *(tmpnef2d);
/*log << "\n<!-- ======== output tmp nef: ==== -->\n"
<< OpenSCAD::dump_svg( *tmpnef2d ) << "\n"
<< "\n<!-- ======== output accumulator: ==== -->\n"
<< OpenSCAD::dump_svg( *output_nefpoly2d ) << "\n";*/
} else {
log << " <!-- ZRemover trivial facet cycle skipped -->\n";
log << " <!-- ZRemover Halffacet cycle end -->\n";
log << " <!-- ZRemover Halffacet visit end -->\n";
static CGAL_Nef_polyhedron *createNefPolyhedronFromPolySet(const PolySet &ps)
if (ps.empty()) return new CGAL_Nef_polyhedron(ps.is2d ? 2 : 3);
if (ps.is2d)
#if 0
// This version of the code causes problems in some cases.
// Example testcase: import_dxf("testdata/polygon8.dxf");
typedef std::list<CGAL_Nef_polyhedron2::Point> point_list_t;
typedef point_list_t::iterator point_list_it;
std::list< point_list_t > pdata_point_lists;
std::list < std::pair < point_list_it, point_list_it > > pdata;
Grid2d<CGAL_Nef_polyhedron2::Point> grid(GRID_COARSE);
for (int i = 0; i < ps.polygons.size(); i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < ps.polygons[i].size(); j++) {
double x = ps.polygons[i][j].x;
double y = ps.polygons[i][j].y;
CGAL_Nef_polyhedron2::Point p;
if (grid.has(x, y)) {
p =, y);
} else {
p = CGAL_Nef_polyhedron2::Point(x, y);, y) = p;
CGAL_Nef_polyhedron2 N(pdata.begin(), pdata.end(), CGAL_Nef_polyhedron2::POLYGONS);
return new CGAL_Nef_polyhedron(N);
#if 0
// This version of the code works fine but is pretty slow.
CGAL_Nef_polyhedron2 N;
Grid2d<CGAL_Nef_polyhedron2::Point> grid(GRID_COARSE);
for (int i = 0; i < ps.polygons.size(); i++) {
std::list<CGAL_Nef_polyhedron2::Point> plist;
for (int j = 0; j < ps.polygons[i].size(); j++) {
double x = ps.polygons[i][j].x;
double y = ps.polygons[i][j].y;
CGAL_Nef_polyhedron2::Point p;
if (grid.has(x, y)) {
p =, y);
} else {
p = CGAL_Nef_polyhedron2::Point(x, y);, y) = p;
N += CGAL_Nef_polyhedron2(plist.begin(), plist.end(), CGAL_Nef_polyhedron2::INCLUDED);
return new CGAL_Nef_polyhedron(N);
#if 1
// This version of the code does essentially the same thing as the 2nd
// version but merges some triangles before sending them to CGAL. This adds
// complexity but speeds up things..
struct PolyReducer
Grid2d<int> grid;
std::map<std::pair<int,int>, std::pair<int,int> > edge_to_poly;
std::map<int, CGAL_Nef_polyhedron2::Point> points;
typedef std::map<int, std::vector<int> > PolygonMap;
PolygonMap polygons;
int poly_n;
void add_edges(int pn)
for (unsigned int j = 1; j <= this->polygons[pn].size(); j++) {
int a = this->polygons[pn][j-1];
int b = this->polygons[pn][j % this->polygons[pn].size()];
if (a > b) { a = a^b; b = a^b; a = a^b; }
if (this->edge_to_poly[std::pair<int,int>(a, b)].first == 0)
this->edge_to_poly[std::pair<int,int>(a, b)].first = pn;
else if (this->edge_to_poly[std::pair<int,int>(a, b)].second == 0)
this->edge_to_poly[std::pair<int,int>(a, b)].second = pn;
void del_poly(int pn)
for (unsigned int j = 1; j <= this->polygons[pn].size(); j++) {
int a = this->polygons[pn][j-1];
int b = this->polygons[pn][j % this->polygons[pn].size()];
if (a > b) { a = a^b; b = a^b; a = a^b; }
if (this->edge_to_poly[std::pair<int,int>(a, b)].first == pn)
this->edge_to_poly[std::pair<int,int>(a, b)].first = 0;
if (this->edge_to_poly[std::pair<int,int>(a, b)].second == pn)
this->edge_to_poly[std::pair<int,int>(a, b)].second = 0;
PolyReducer(const PolySet &ps) : grid(GRID_COARSE), poly_n(1)
int point_n = 1;
for (size_t i = 0; i < ps.polygons.size(); i++) {
for (size_t j = 0; j < ps.polygons[i].size(); j++) {
double x = ps.polygons[i][j][0];
double y = ps.polygons[i][j][1];
if (this->grid.has(x, y)) {
int idx = this->, y);
// Filter away two vertices with the same index (due to grid)
// This could be done in a more general way, but we'd rather redo the entire
// grid concept instead.
std::vector<int> &poly = this->polygons[this->poly_n];
if (std::find(poly.begin(), poly.end(), idx) == poly.end()) {
poly.push_back(this->, y));
} else {
this->grid.align(x, y) = point_n;
this->points[point_n] = CGAL_Nef_polyhedron2::Point(x, y);
if (this->polygons[this->poly_n].size() >= 3) {
else {
int merge(int p1, int p1e, int p2, int p2e)
for (unsigned int i = 1; i < this->polygons[p1].size(); i++) {
int j = (p1e + i) % this->polygons[p1].size();
for (unsigned int i = 1; i < this->polygons[p2].size(); i++) {
int j = (p2e + i) % this->polygons[p2].size();
return this->poly_n++;
void reduce()
std::deque<int> work_queue;
BOOST_FOREACH(const PolygonMap::value_type &i, polygons) {
while (!work_queue.empty()) {
int poly1_n = work_queue.front();
if (this->polygons.find(poly1_n) == this->polygons.end()) continue;
for (unsigned int j = 1; j <= this->polygons[poly1_n].size(); j++) {
int a = this->polygons[poly1_n][j-1];
int b = this->polygons[poly1_n][j % this->polygons[poly1_n].size()];
if (a > b) { a = a^b; b = a^b; a = a^b; }
if (this->edge_to_poly[std::pair<int,int>(a, b)].first != 0 &&
this->edge_to_poly[std::pair<int,int>(a, b)].second != 0) {
int poly2_n = this->edge_to_poly[std::pair<int,int>(a, b)].first +
this->edge_to_poly[std::pair<int,int>(a, b)].second - poly1_n;
int poly2_edge = -1;
for (unsigned int k = 1; k <= this->polygons[poly2_n].size(); k++) {
int c = this->polygons[poly2_n][k-1];
int d = this->polygons[poly2_n][k % this->polygons[poly2_n].size()];
if (c > d) { c = c^d; d = c^d; c = c^d; }
if (a == c && b == d) {
poly2_edge = k-1;
int poly3_n = this->edge_to_poly[std::pair<int,int>(c, d)].first +
this->edge_to_poly[std::pair<int,int>(c, d)].second - poly2_n;
if (poly3_n < 0)
if (poly3_n == poly1_n)
goto next_poly1_edge;
work_queue.push_back(merge(poly1_n, j-1, poly2_n, poly2_edge));
goto next_poly1;
CGAL_Nef_polyhedron2 *toNef()
CGAL_Nef_polyhedron2 *N = new CGAL_Nef_polyhedron2;
BOOST_FOREACH(const PolygonMap::value_type &i, polygons) {
std::list<CGAL_Nef_polyhedron2::Point> plist;
for (unsigned int j = 0; j < i.second.size(); j++) {
int p = i.second[j];
*N += CGAL_Nef_polyhedron2(plist.begin(), plist.end(), CGAL_Nef_polyhedron2::INCLUDED);
return N;
PolyReducer pr(ps);
return new CGAL_Nef_polyhedron(pr.toNef());
#if 0
// This is another experimental version. I should run faster than the above,
// is a lot simpler and has only one known weakness: Degenerate polygons, which
// get repaired by GLUTess, might trigger a CGAL crash here. The only
// known case for this is triangle-with-duplicate-vertex.dxf
// FIXME: If we just did a projection, we need to recreate the border!
if (ps.polygons.size() > 0) assert(ps.borders.size() > 0);
CGAL_Nef_polyhedron2 N;
Grid2d<CGAL_Nef_polyhedron2::Point> grid(GRID_COARSE);
for (int i = 0; i < ps.borders.size(); i++) {
std::list<CGAL_Nef_polyhedron2::Point> plist;
for (int j = 0; j < ps.borders[i].size(); j++) {
double x = ps.borders[i][j].x;
double y = ps.borders[i][j].y;
CGAL_Nef_polyhedron2::Point p;
if (grid.has(x, y)) {
p =, y);
} else {
p = CGAL_Nef_polyhedron2::Point(x, y);, y) = p;
// FIXME: If a border (path) has a duplicate vertex in dxf,
// the CGAL_Nef_polyhedron2 constructor will crash.
N ^= CGAL_Nef_polyhedron2(plist.begin(), plist.end(), CGAL_Nef_polyhedron2::INCLUDED);
return new CGAL_Nef_polyhedron(N);
else // not (this->is2d)
CGAL_Nef_polyhedron3 *N = NULL;
bool plane_error = false;
CGAL::Failure_behaviour old_behaviour = CGAL::set_error_behaviour(CGAL::THROW_EXCEPTION);
try {
CGAL_Polyhedron P;
bool err = createPolyhedronFromPolySet(ps, P);
if (!err) N = new CGAL_Nef_polyhedron3(P);
catch (const CGAL::Assertion_exception &e) {
if (std::string(e.what()).find("Plane_constructor")!=std::string::npos) {
if (std::string(e.what()).find("has_on")!=std::string::npos) {
PRINT("PolySet has nonplanar faces. Attempting alternate construction");
} else {
PRINTB("CGAL error in CGAL_Nef_polyhedron3(): %s", e.what());
if (plane_error) try {
PolySet ps2;
CGAL_Polyhedron P;
PolysetUtils::tessellate_faces(ps, ps2);
bool err = createPolyhedronFromPolySet(ps2,P);
if (!err) N = new CGAL_Nef_polyhedron3(P);
catch (const CGAL::Assertion_exception &e) {
PRINTB("Alternate construction failed. CGAL error in CGAL_Nef_polyhedron3(): %s", e.what());
return new CGAL_Nef_polyhedron(N);
return NULL;
static CGAL_Nef_polyhedron *createNefPolyhedronFromPolygon2d(const Polygon2d &polygon)
shared_ptr<PolySet> ps(polygon.tessellate());
return createNefPolyhedronFromPolySet(*ps);
CGAL_Nef_polyhedron *createNefPolyhedronFromGeometry(const Geometry &geom)
const PolySet *ps = dynamic_cast<const PolySet*>(&geom);
if (ps) {
return createNefPolyhedronFromPolySet(*ps);
else {
const Polygon2d *poly2d = dynamic_cast<const Polygon2d*>(&geom);
if (poly2d) return createNefPolyhedronFromPolygon2d(*poly2d);
assert(false && "createNefPolyhedronFromGeometry(): Unsupported geometry type");
return NULL;
#endif /* ENABLE_CGAL */